
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/spd.mac
There are no other files named spd.mac in the archive.
;<UTILITIES>SPD.MAC.16,  1-Mar-83 17:35:13, Edit by MRC
; Set TOPNUM to be CTY

	Title SPD
Comment \

 	Program to set and list port speeds

	Version 2.3
	TOPS-20 monitor, version 4.0
	MACRO-10, version 53A
	Edits 1-5

	Edits 6 and above



  1	JVS	19-Dec-80

	Added help file lookup ability


  2	JVS	19-Dec-80
	Added DEC type version numbering


  3	JVS	30-Mar-81
	Revised stack use so bad command did not garbage stack.


  4	CAF	3-Feb-82
	Added FIX command to repair "hung-up" local lines by setting
	speed to 0 baud and then back to original speed.


  5	WTD	13-Apr-82
	Bumped up the number of terminals to 120 octal lines


 6	WTD	7-Sep-82
	WTD	9-Sep-82
	Added LF and CR to Break mask


 7	WTD	7-Sep-82
	if a terminal is not available continue to print rest of
	range and not die.


; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Symbol definitions  				********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************

; Accumulator definitions

	A==1			; JSYS accumulators's

	SpdFlg==10		; Storage for REMOTE and AUTO flag word
	Speed==11		; Storage for output terminal speed
	ScnFlg==15		; 0 if we're not rescanning
	P==17			; PC Stack pointer

; Misc. symbols

	Versn==2B29		; Version number
	Revisn==3		; Revision number
	TopNum==400105		; [5] Designator for highest terminal on system
	StkSiz==64		; Size of stack
	BufSiz==100		; Word size of COMND text buffer
	AtmSiz==40		; Word size of COMND atom buffer
	CR==15			; ASCII code for carriage return
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Macro Definitions				********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************

; ********** Entry ***********
; Macro to build an entry for a TBLUK command table

	Define Entry(Address, String, Flags)	<

	IFN Flags, < Ent==[ CM%FW!Flags
			    ASCIZ String ] >
	IFE Flags, < Ent==[ ASCIZ String ] >
	XWD Ent, Address	

; ********** CmdErr **********
; Macro to dispatch to error writing routine if COMND
; has generated an error

	Define CmdErr	<
	  ErJmp CWarn1
	  JRST	Cwarn2
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Impure data storage				********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************

PDLst:	Block StkSiz		; Stack storage
IOLst:	Block StkSiz		; Input JFN stack storage
TmpFil:	Block 1			; Temporary JFN storage for CmdFil routine
Prompt:	ASCIZ /SPD>/		; COMND C-R prompt 
CmdBuf:	Block BufSiz		; COMND text buffer
Atom:	Block AtmSiz		; COMND atom buffer
JFNBlk:	Block 16		; GTJFN arguement block
StrtNm:	Block 1			; Storage for starting terminal number
StopNm:	Block 1			; Storage for ending terminal number
IOStk:	Block 1			; Storage for IO Stack Pointer
StkIni:	IOWD StkSiz, PDLst	; Initial value for stack pointer
Null:	Block 1			; Flag for null entry on FIX for lines
Delay:	Block 1			; [4] amount of delay when fixing lines (exec5)

; ********** Entry vector **********

EntVec:	JRST	Start
	JRST	CmdIni

; ******* COMND state block *******

State:	Parse			; Reparse dispatch address
	.PRIIN,,.PRIOU		; Input and output JFN's for COMND
	Point 7, Prompt		; Byte pointer to prompt text
	Point 7, CmdBuf		; Byte pointer to text buffer
	Point 7, CmdBuf		; Byte pointer to next field to parse
	BufSiz*5		; Count of space left in text buffer
	0			; Count of unparsed characters
	Point 7, Atom		; Byte pointer to Atom buffer
	AtmSiz*5		; Byte size of the Atom buffer
	JFNBlk			; Address of GTJFN arguement block

; ******* First parse level keyword table *******


KeyTab:	KeyNum,,KeyNum
	Entry Finish, </EXIT/>
	Entry Fixup,  </FIX/>
	Entry Help,   </HELP/>
	Entry GetSpd, </LIST/>
	Entry Finish, </QUIT/>
	Entry SetSpd, </SET/>
	Entry CmdFil, </TAKE/>

KeyNum=. - Pos0 - 1

; ******* Keyword table to parse TOPS-20 entry command **********


ScnTab:	ScnNum,,ScnNum
	Entry 0,	</RUN/>
	Entry 1,	</START/>

ScnNum= . - Pos0 - 1

; ********** Set function keyword table **********


SetTab:	SetNum,,SetNum
	Entry <(MO%RMTZ)>, </REMOTE/>
	Entry 0,	   </SPEED/>

SetNum= . - Pos0 - 1

; ********** Terminal speed keyword table **********

	Radix 10

SpdTab:	SpdNum,,SpdNum		; Number of elements in table
	Entry 0,	</0/>	; List of allowable baud rates
	Entry 110,	</110/>
	Entry 1200,	</1200/>
	Entry 134,	</134/>
	Entry 150,	</150/>
	Entry 1800,	</1800/>
	Entry 200,	</200/>
	Entry 2400,	</2400/>
	Entry 300,	</300/>
	Entry 4800,	</4800/>
	Entry 50,	</50/>
	Entry 600,	</600/>
	Entry 75,	</75/>
	Entry 9600,	</9600/>

SpdNum= . - Pos0 - 1
	Radix 8

; ******* COMND function descriptor blocks *******

IniFun:	.CMINI_^D27		; Initialize

KeyFun:	.CMKEY_^D27		; Parse a first level keyword 
	KeyTab			; Keyword table address

CFMFun:	.CMCFM_^D27		; Get user confirmation

FilFun:	.CMFIL_^D27		; Parse a general file specification

ScnFun:				; Funtion to parse RUN from the rescan buffer
	<.CMKEY>_^D27!FilFun	; Parse a keyword, then parse a file spec
	ScnTab			; Keyword table

RanFun:				; Parse port number range string
				; Text parse, use help message and break mask
	Point 7, [ASCIZ /
Single octal port number or port number range in the format:  1-5/]
	RanBrk			; Break mask

SetFun:				; Parse a Set funtion keyword
	<.CMKEY>_^D27		; Parse a keyword
	SetTab			; Address of keyword table

InSpdFun:			; Parse input speed spec
				; Parse a terminal speed keyword
				;     Use defined help message plus default
				;     If no speed entered check for auto.
	SpdTab			; Address of speed keyword table
	Point 7, [ASCIZ/ Input speed, /]  ; Help message

OutSpdFun:			; Parse output speed spec
				; Parse a terminal speed keyword or a confirm.
				;     Use defined help message plus default
	SpdTab			; Address of speed keyword table
	Point 7, [ASCIZ/ Output speed, /]  ; Help message

AutFun:				; Parse the AUTO keyword
	<.CMTOK>_^D27		; Parse a token
	Point 7, [ASCIZ /AUTO/]	; Token to parse

; ********** Port number range break mask **********

RanBrk:	1B9!1B10!1B13		; Break on tab,[6] LF,CR 
	1B0			; Break on space
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Subroutine ScnParse				********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
;  Routine to parse the rescan buffer
;  Removes garbage like program name and 'RUN' or 'START'
;  No arguments neccessary
;  Destroys A, B, C
;  Returns:
;	+1	If there is info in the rescan buffer
;	+2	If there is no info to parse in the buffer


; ********** Initialize the rescan buffer **********

	MoveI	A, .RSINI	; Set up rescan buffer
	  ErJmp Fatal		; If error, die
	SkipN A			; If there is nothing in the rescan buffer
	  JRST	Ret.2		;    Return at +2

; ********** Set up COMND state defaults to parse rescan **********

	MoveI	A, .NULIO
	HRRM A, State + .CMIOJ	; COMND outputs to nowhere

; ********** Parse the garbage out of the buffer **********

	MoveI	A, State	; Move address of COMND state block into A
	MoveI	B, IniFun	; Move address of function block into B
	COMND			; Initialize command line
	  ErJmp Fatal		; If error, die

Scn1:	MoveI	B, ScnFun	; Move address of function block into B
	COMND			; Parse 'run' or 'sys:spd.exe' 
	  ErJmp Fatal		; If error, die
	HRRZM C, C		; Zero the left half of C
	CAIN	C, ScnFun	; If we parsed RUN or START
	  JRST	Ret.2		;    Then forget rescan and return at +2

	Move	A, B		; Move the JFN that COMND got into A
	RLJFN			; Release the JFN
	  ErJmp Fatal		; If error, die

	Move	E, State+6	; Get number of characters left to parse
	CAIG E, 1		; If we're out of rescan
	  JRST	Ret.2		;     Then return at +2
	MoveI	ScnFlg, 1	; Say we're rescanning
	SkipA			; Skip the Ret.2 instruction

; ********** Restore and return **********

Ret.2:	AOS (P)			; Add one to the PC stored on the PC stack
				;    so we return at +2

	SetZM JFNBlk + .GJDIR	; Reset GTJFN defaults
	MoveI	A, .PRIOU
	HRRM A, State + .CMIOJ	; Reset COMND output to the controling terminal
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Subroutine Confrm				********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
;  Subroutine to confirm a COMND command
;  Arguments:
;	A	Command state block address
;  Destroys B
;  Returns +1 always

Confrm:	MoveI	B, CFMFun	; Move address of confirmation function block
				;   into B
	COMND			; Get confirmation
	  CmdErr		; Check for COMND errors
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Subroutine SpdOut				********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
;  Routine to output a single line speed 
;  Outputs the number in B right justified in 10 columns, radix 10
;  Arguements:
;	A	Output JFN
;	B	Number to be output
;  Destroys C
;  Returns +1 always

SpdOut:	Move	C, [9B17!<NO%LFL>!^D10]
				; Number output format
				;    14 character field width, right justified,
				;    radix 10
	NOUT			; Output the terminal speed
	  ErJmp CWarn2		; If error, warn user and get another command
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Subroutine GetRange				********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
;  Subroutine to parse a terminal range in the format:
;	<starting number>-<ending number> (i.e. 1-5)
;  Arguements:
;	A	COMND state block address
;  Destroys B, C, and E
;  Returns +1 always

	MoveI	B, RanFun	; Move funtion address block into B
	COMND			; Parse port number range string
	  CmdErr		; Check for errors

	Setzm	Null		; Assume not a null 
	Move	E, [Point 7, Atom]	; Point to start of atom buffer
	ILDB	B, E			; Get first byte of the atom into E
	SkipN 	B			; If its a null
	  JRST	[MoveI	E, 400001	;   Then
		MoveM	E, StrtNm	;     the starting number is 1 + 400000
		MoveI	E, TopNum
		MoveM	E, StopNm	;     and the ending number is TopNum
		SetOM	Null		;     set the Null flag true for FIX
		Ret]			;     return

	Move	A, [Point 7, Atom]	; Point to start of atom buffer
	MoveI	C, 8			; Move radix into C
	NIN				; Get the input number
	  ErJmp CWarn1			; If error, warn user
	AddI 	B, 400000		; Add 400000 to B to get standard 
					;    terminal device designator
	MoveM	B, StrtNm		; Store the starting number

	LDB 	B, A			; Load next byte in input string into B
	CAIE	B, "-"			; If its not a "-"
	  JRST	[Move	B, StrtNm	;    Then make starting terminal the 
		MoveM	B, StopNm	;    ending terminal
		Ret]			;    Return

	NIN			; Get ending port number
	  ErJmp CWarn1		; If error, warn user and get another command
	AddI B, 400000		; Add 400000 to B to get standard terminal
				;    device designator
	MoveM	B, StopNm	; Store ending terminal designator
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Start Mainline program				********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************

; ********** Initialize **********

Start:	Reset
	Move	P, StkIni		; Set up stack pointer
	Move	A, [IOWD StkSiz, IOLst]	; Set up stack pointer for
	MoveM	A, IOStk		;   IO stack
	Movei	A, ^D10		; [4] Default to 1 sec delay when "fixing"
	MoveM	A, Delay	; [4]
	SetZ	ScnFlg,		; We aren't rescanning yet
	Call ScnParse		; If there is anything in the rescan buffer to
	  JRST	Parse		;   parse, parse it

; ********** Start command parsing **********

CmdIni:	SkipE 	ScnFlg		; If we're rescanning
	  JRST	Die		;    Then we're done

	MoveI	A, State	; Move address of COMND state block into A
	MoveI	B, IniFun	; Move address of init function block into B
	COMND			; Initialize command parsing
	  ErJmp Fatal		; If error, die

Parse:	MoveI	A, State	; Move address of COMND state block into A
	MoveI	B, KeyFun	; Move address of keyword function block into B
	COMND			; Parse a first level keyword
	  CmdErr		; Check for COMND errors
	HRRZ 	D, @B		; Move dispatch address into D
	JRST	(D)		; Jump to dispatch address

; ********** Command file opening routine **********

CmdFil:	HRLZI 	C, (GJ%OLD)			; GTJFN flags:
	MoveM	C, JFNBlk + .GJGEN 		;     File must exist
	Move	C, [Point 7, [ASCIZ/SPD/]]	; Set default extention to 
	MoveM	C, JFNBlk + .GJEXT		;     be the program name

	MoveI	B, FilFun	; Move address of file name function into B
	COMND			; Get the filename
	  CmdErr		; Check for COMND errors
	HRRZM 	B, TmpFil	; Store JFN in TmpFil
	Call Confrm		;   Then confirm the command

	Move	A, TmpFil	; Move the JFN into A
	Move	B, [OF%RD!7B5]	; OpenF Functions:
				;    Read access
				;    7 bit bytes
	OpenF			; Attempt to open the file
	  ErJmp Warn		; If error warn user

	Move	B, IOStk	; Get the IO stack pointer
	Push 	B, State+.CMIOJ	; Push input stream onto the stack
	MoveM	B, IOStk	; Put back the IO stack pointer
	HRL	A, A		; Move input JFN into left half of A
	HRRI 	A, .NULIO	; Since we're in a file, output to nowhere
	MoveM	A, State+.CMIOJ	; Move the new I/O JFN's to COMND state block
	SetZM	JFNBlk + .GJGEN	; Reset GTJFN block
	SetZM	ScnFlg		; Zero the rescan flag
	JRST	CmdIni		; Go get another command

; ********** Help routine **********
;  Types out the HLP:SPD.HLP file

Help:	Call Confrm		; Confirm the command

	Move	A, [GJ%SHT!GJ%OLD]	; GTJFN flags:
				;    Short call, file must exist
	HRROI	B, [ASCIZ /HLP:SPD.HLP/]	; Point to file name
	GTJFN			; Get the help file JFN
	  ErJmp Warn		; If error, warn user
	Move	C, A		; Store the JFN in C

	Move	B, [7B5!OF%RD]	; OPENF modes:
				;    7 bit bytes and read access
	OPENF			; Open the file
	  ErJmp Warn		; If error, warn user

Help1:	Move	A, C		; Move input JFN into A
	BIN			; Get a byte
	  ErJmp Help2		; If error, then we're done
	Move	A, B		; Move the byte into A
	PBOUT			; Dump the byte to the screen
	JRST	Help1		; Get another byte

Help2:	Move	A, C		; Move the input JFN into A
	CLOSF			; Close the file
	  ErJmp Warn		; If error, warn user
	JRST	CmdIni		; Go get another command

; ********** Speed setting routine *********

SetSpd:	SetZ	E,		; Set no next function for RanFun function
	HRRM	E, RanFun	;     block
	Call GetRange		; Get terminal number range

	MoveI	A, State	; Move address of COMND state block into A
	MoveI	B, SetFun	; Move address of function block into B
	COMND			; Parse Set keyword
	  CmdErr		; Check for errors
	HRLZ	SpdFlg, (B)	; Move flags into SpdFlg

	MoveI	B, InSpdFun	; Move address of function block into B
	COMND			; Parse input speed
	  CmdErr		; Check for errors
	HRRZ 	Speed, (B)	; Store input speed
	HRRZM	C, C		; Zero the left half of C
	CAIN	C, AutFun		; If we parsed AUTO instead of a speed
	  JRST	[TLO	SpdFlg, (MO%AUT); Set the AUTO flag
		JRST	Set1]		; And go to the set routine

	MoveI	B, OutSpdFun		; Move address of function block into B
	COMND				; Parse output speed or confirmation
	  CmdErr			; Check for errors
	HRRZM	C, C			; Zero the left half of C
	CAIN	C, CFMFun		; If we parsed a confirmation 
	  JRST	[HRL	Speed, Speed	;    Then input speed is same as output
		JRST	Set2]		;    and jump to the speed set routine
	HRL	Speed, (B)		; Store the output speed

Set1:	Call Confrm		; Confirm the command
Set2:	Move	A, StrtNm	; Move the starting terminal number into A
Set:	MoveI	B, .MOSPD	; Move speed set function code into RH of B
	HLL	B, SpdFlg	; Move flags into LH of B
	Move	C, Speed	; Move speed to set into C
	MTOPR			; Set the speed
	  ErCal Warn		; If error, warn user
	CAMGE A, StopNm		; If we're not done
	  AOJA A, Set		;    Increment A and set another speed
	JRST	CmdIni		; Go get another command

; ********** Fix Lines in Case "Hung" by System **********

Fixup:	SetZ	E,		; Set no default for RanFun
	HRRM	E, RanFun	;     function block
	Call GetRange		; Get the line number range
	SkipE	Null		; Something must have been typed, no nulls
	  Jrst	Cwarn3		;   allowed here.
	MoveI	A, State	; Move address of COMND state block into A
	Call Confrm		; Confirm the command
	Hrroi	A, [Asciz /   Fixing.../]
	Move	E, StrtNm	; Move starting terminal designator into E

Fix1:	Move	A, E		; Move terminal designator into A
	MoveI	B, .MORSP	; Set funtion for MTOPR
	MTOPR			; Get the terminal speed
	  ErCal Warn		; If error, warn user and continue
	MoveM	B, SpdFlg	; Save terminal flags
	MoveM	C, Speed	; Save terminal speed
	Move	A, E		; Get terminal designator again
	MoveI	B, .MOSPD	; Move speed set function code into RH of B
	HLL	B, SpdFlg	; Move flags into LH of B
	Movei	C, 0		; C = speed (0 baud for the line speed)
	MTOPR			; Set the speed
	  ErCal Warn		; If error, warn user

	movei	A, ^D100	; Set up for delays in increments of .1 sec
	Imul	A, Delay	; Multiply times desired delay
	DISMS			; Now wait...  (seems needed for Ver 5 Monitor)
	Move	A, E		; Get terminal designator again
	MoveI	B, .MOSPD	; Move speed set function code into RH of B
	HLL	B, SpdFlg	; Move flags into LH of B
	Move	C, Speed	; C = speed (restore original speed again)
	MTOPR			; Set the speed
	  ErCal Warn		; If error, warn user

	MoveI	A, .PRIOU	; Set output to terminal
	Move	B, E		; Move terminal number into B
	Subi	B, 400000	; Turn designator into number for printing
	Move	C, [7B17!<NO%LFL>!8]
				; Number output format
				;   7 character field, right justified,
				;   radix 8
	NOUT			; Output the terminal number
	  ErJmp CWarn2		; If error, warn user and get another command

	CAMGE 	E, StopNm	; If we're not done
	  AOJA	E, Fix1		;    Increment A and set another speed
/]				; Move to next line
	JRST	CmdIni		; Go get another command

; ********** List current terminal speeds **********

GetSpd:	MoveI	E, CFMFun	; Move confirmation function code into RanFun
	HRRM	E, RanFun	;     function block
	Call GetRange		; Get the line number range
	MoveI	A, State	; Move address of COMND state block into A
	Call Confrm		; Confirm the command
 Terminal  Input    Output   Line type
	PSOUT			; Output heading
	  ErJmp CWarn1		; If error, warn user and get another command
	Move	E, StrtNm	; Move starting terminal designator into E
	Move	D, E		; Move starting terminal designator into D
	SubI D, 400000		; Turn designator into number

Get:	MoveI	A, .PRIOU	; Set output to terminal
	Move	B, D		; Move terminal number into B
	Move	C, [7B17!<NO%LFL>!8]
				; Number output format
				;   7 character field, right justified,
				;   radix 8
	NOUT			; Output the terminal number
	  ErJmp CWarn2		; If error, warn user and get another command

	Move	A, E		; Move terminal designator into A
	MoveI	B, .MORSP	; Set funtion for MTOPR
	MTOPR			; Get the terminal speed
	 Erjmp [MoveI A,.FHSLF	;[7] this process
		GETER		;[7] get error number
		HrrZ A,B	;[7] move right of B to Right of A
		CaiE A,DESX2	;[7] terminal not avail to job?
		Call Warn	;[7] nope, bad error
		HrrOI A,[Asciz/  Terminal not available/]
		PSOUT		;[7] print message
		Jrst OutCr ]	;[7] continue
	MoveM	B, SpdFlg	; Save terminal flags
	MoveM	C, Speed	; Save terminal speed

	MoveI	A,.PRIOU	;[7] output to terminal
	HLRZ	B, Speed	; Move input speed into B
	Call SpdOut		; Output the speed
	HRRZ	B, Speed	; Move output speed into B
	Call SpdOut		; Output the speed

	Move	B, SpdFlg	; Move flag word into B
	TLNE	B, (MO%RMT)	; If its a remote terminal
	  Call [		;    Then say so
		HRROI	A, [ASCIZ/    Remote /]
		  ErJmp CWarn2
		TLNE	B, (MO%AUT)	 		 ; If its autobaud
		  JRST	[HRROI	A, [ASCIZ /Auto/]	 ;   say so
			  ErJmp CWarn2
			Ret ]
		Ret ]

	PSOUT			; Output CR 
	  ErJmp CWarn1		; If error, warn user and get another command
	CAML	E, StopNm	; If we're not done
	  JRST	CmdIni		;    Go get another command
	AOJ	D,		; Increment D
	AOJA	E, Get		; Increment E and get another speed

; ********** Cleanup and stop **********

Finish:	Call Confrm		; Confirm the command
	HRREI	A, -1		; Close all open files
	  ErJmp Fatal		; If error, die

[SPD done]
	PSOUT			; Send finishing message
	HaltF			; Stop
	JRST	CmdIni		; Restart at CmdIni
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************
; ********							********
; ********	Error routines					********
; ********							********
; **********************************************************************
; **********************************************************************

; ********** COMND JSYS error **********

CWarn1:	MoveI	A, .FHSLF		; Current process
	GetEr				; Get most recent error
	HRRZM	B, B			; Zero left half of B
	CAIN	B, IOX4			; If EOF error,

	  JRST	[HLRZ 	A, State+.CMIOJ	; Get the input file JFN
		CLOSF			; Close the file
		  ErJmp Fatal		; If error, die
		Move	A, IOStk	; Get the IO stack pointer
		Pop	A, State+.CMIOJ	; Pop the old COMND I/O desg.
		MoveM	A, IOStk	; Store the pointer
		Move	P, StkIni	; Get original stack pointer
		JRST	CmdIni ]	; Go get a new command

	JRST	Warn		; If any other error, warn user

; ********** Write out error message for COMND internal error **********

CWarn2:	HRROI	A, [ASCIZ /% /]
	PSOUT			; Write warn prompt
	MoveI	A, .PRIOU	; Send error message to the screen
	HRLI B, .FHSlf		; Current process, use error code from COMND
	SetZ C,			; No limit for message
	ERSTR			; Write error message
	  JFCL			; Ignore errors
	PSOUT			; Move to a new line
	Move	P, StkIni	; Get original stack pointer
	JRST	CmdIni		; Go get another command

; ********** Warning for null entry for lines on FIX **********

CWarn3:	HRROI	A, [ASCIZ /% Line Number or Range must be entered
	PSOUT			; Move to a new line
	Move	P, StkIni	; Get original stack pointer
	JRST	CmdIni		; Go get another command

; ********** Write JSYS error messages to the screen **********

Warn:	HRROI	A, [ASCIZ/% /]	; Warn char
	Call Err		; Output error message
	Move	P, StkIni	; Get original stack pointer
	JRST	CmdIni		; Get another command

Fatal:	HRROI	A, [ASCIZ/? /]	; Fatal char
	Call Err		; Output error message
Die:	HaltF			; Stop
	JRST	.-1		; Don't allow continue

Err:	PSOUT			; Dump out error type char
	MoveI	A, .PRIOU	; Output to terminal
	Move	B, [.FHSlf,,-1]	; Current process, last error
	SetZ 	C,		; No limit
	ERSTR			; Dump the message
	  JFCL			; Ignore errors
	PSOUT			; Dump out CR-LF
	Ret			; Return

; ************ End of program ****************************************

	LIT			; assemble literals here

	End <3,,EntVec>