
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/tddt.mac
There are no other files named tddt.mac in the archive.
	title	tddt - Tops monitor (Tenex-DDT).
	subttl	Geoffrey S. Goodfellow/Nov-76.
	comment * This hack is much nicer than the ^Equit shit *
	search	monsym

start:	reset				; Reset the world.
	movei	1, 400000		; This fork.
	move	3, 2
	movei	1, 100
	movei	1, 100
	movei	2, 15			; Return.
	sti				; Stuff it down tty input.
	jsys	777			; EXEC, take us to the monitor!
	haltf				; The loser ain't a wheel!

	end	start