PDP-10 Archives
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title TI
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subttl Definitions
bugger==1 ;debug switch
P=17 ;stack
stack: block pdepth
opdef call [pushj P,]
opdef ret [popj P,]
opdef calret [jrst]
cr==15 ;general constants
i== 6
for n in (year,month,date,day,hour,minute,buffon) { n== i i== i+1 }
define xx (name,offset,args) <
name= .-offset
for n in (args) {
point 7,[asciz "n"]
linlen== =80/5
line: block linlen ;message buffer
line2: block linlen ;second line of message
tmpbuf: block linlen ;temporary buffer
redata:: ;Data that needs to be reinitialized
;We assume the data is initially in the desired starting state. The first
;initialization just takes a snapshot of all the data starting at REDATA
;onwards, storing it into INIBL. We want subsequent inits to copy from
;INIBL back to REDATA. So we want INITI to change into REINI, which we
;accomplish by placing REINI at the end of the data and INIBL on top of
;INITI, and then allowing INITI to copy REINI along with all the data, right
;onto the original version of INITI.
ifn .-redata,<
reini: move 0,[inibl,,redata] ;This is the real initializer.
blt 0,reini-1
inibl: block reini-redata ;storage for snapshot.
initi: move 0,[redata,,inibl] ;Initial initializer self-initializes INITI.
blt 0, .
> ;ifn
ifndef initi,<
> ;ifndef
subttl General purpose
idpb C,A ;Copy from string B to string A, using
copy: ildb C,B ; C for the characters in transit.
jumpn C,.-2 ;Copies up to but not including the
ret ; null byte. Handles null string.
messy0: setz C,0 ;Deposit a null to terminate string.
idpb C,A
messy: hrroi A,line ;Output message buffer to terminal.
crlf: movei C,cr ;Deposit CR and LF into buffer.
idpb C,A
movei C,lf
idpb C,A
subttl Ti
getim: seto B,-1
setz D,0
hlrz year,B
hrrz month,B
hlrz date,C
addi date,1
hrrz day,C
movei hour,=30(D) ;seconds rounded to nearest minute
idivi hour,=60 ;seconds to minutes
idivi hour,=60 ;minutes to hours and minutes
numstr: caig B,=19
calret [ move B,ones(B)
calret copy ]
idivi B,=10
numst1: move B,tens(B)
jumpe C,copy
move D,C
call copy
movei C,"-"
idpb C,A
move B,ones(D)
calret copy
nthstr: caig B,=12
calret [ move B,rank(B)
calret copy ]
caig B,=19
calret [ move B,ones(B)
call copy
movei C,"t"
idpb C,A
movei C,"h"
idpb C,A
ret ]
idivi B,=10
move B,tens(B)
move D,C
call copy
jumpe D,[ movei C,"i"
dpb C,A
move B,[point 7,[asciz "eth"]]
calret copy ]
movei C,"-"
idpb C,A
move B,rank(D)
calret copy
minout: move B,[point 7,[asciz "It's "]]
call copy
jumpe minute,[ move B,[point 7,[asciz "exactly "]]
calret copy ]
caile minute,=30
jrst min31
cain minute,=30
calret [ move B,[point 7,[asciz "half past "]]
calret copy ]
cain minute,1
calret [ move B,[point 7,[asciz "a minute after "]]
calret copy ]
cain minute,=15
calret [ move B,[point 7,[asciz "a quarter past "]]
calret copy ]
move B,minute
call numstr
move B,[point 7,[asciz " after "]]
calret copy
min31: move B,hour
addi B,1
idivi B,=24
move hour,C
cain minute,=45
calret [ move B,[point 7,[asciz "a quarter till "]]
calret copy ]
cain minute,=59
calret [ move B,[point 7,[asciz "a minute till "]]
calret copy ]
movei B,=60
sub B,minute
call numstr
move B,[point 7,[asciz " till "]]
calret copy
hrout: jumpe hour,[ move B,[point 7,[asciz "midnight"]]
callret copy ]
cain hour,=12
calret [ move B,[point 7,[asciz "noon"]]
calret copy ]
caig hour,=12
calret [ move B,ones(hour)
call copy
move B,[point 7,[asciz " in the morning"]]
calret copy ]
subi hour,=12
move B,ones(hour)
call copy
caige hour,6
calret [ move B,[point 7,[asciz " in the afternoon"]]
calret copy ]
move B,[point 7,[asciz " in the evening"]]
calret copy
dayout: move B,[point 7,[asciz " on "]]
call copy
move B,days(day)
calret copy
datout: move B,[point 7,[asciz ", the "]]
call copy
move B,date
calret nthstr
monout: move B,[point 7,[asciz " of "]]
call copy
move B,months(month)
calret copy
yrout: movei C,","
idpb C,A
movei C," "
idpb C,A
move B,year
idivi B,=100
move E,C
call cent
jumpe E,[ret]
move B,[point 7,[asciz " and "]]
call copy
move B,E
calret numstr
cent: move D,B
idivi B,=10
jumpe C,[ call numstr
move B,[point 7,[asciz " thousand"]]
calret copy ]
move B,D
call numstr
move B,[point 7,[asciz " hundred"]]
calret copy
format: move B,[point 7,[byte(7) ".",cr,lf]]
call copy
idpb C,A ;Include the null byte.
hrrz B,A
caige B,line2
calret messy
move B,[point 7,line2]
adjlp: seto D,-1 ;Decrement BP in B.
adjbp D,B
move B,D
ldb C,B
caie C," "
jrst adjlp
move A,[point 7,tmpbuf]
call copy
idpb C,A
move A,D
movei C,cr
dpb C,A ;Use BP from adjlp.
movei C,lf
idpb C,A
move B,[point 7,tmpbuf]
call copy
calret messy0+1
ti: call getim
move A,[point 7,line]
call minout
call hrout
call dayout
call datout
call monout
call yrout
calret format
subttl Main
start:: RESET%
move P,[iowd pdepth+1,stack]
call initi
call ti
stop:: HALTF%
jrst main
end main