
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - utilities/tingle.fai
There are no other files named tingle.fai in the archive.
Title	Tingle	Gonzoid Intelligence in the Pornography Domain.
	;First file of Tingle--see LEXICON for grammar & vocabulary.
	;Copyright (C) 1976,1977,1978,1979,1980 by BruzeMcLaren of the
	;    Computer Science Department at Carnegie-Mellon University.

	?V.Tingle__12	;Major version
	?V.Edit__67	;Edit number

Comment `	Edit History:

Edit	Who	When		What
-----	---	---------	---------------------------------------
12.67	BZM	23 Mar 79	Punt BACKUP at Stanford since it hangs
				 at LOGIN.  Also punt LOGOUT check.
12.66	BZM	17 Mar 79	Add COMPRESS macro for tighter lexicon.
				 Change {} to <> in LEXICON.
12.65	BZM	 7 Mar 79	Reformat slightly.  Change names of
				 some LEXICON macros.  More preparation
				 for Mesa version--decoupling LEXICON.
12.64	BZM	 3 Mar 79	Rename files to TINGLE and LEXICON;
				 move LEXICON macros into TINGLE;
				 reformat LEXICON for MESA version.
12.63	BZM	 2 Mar 79	Make CMU code alias us to FINGER when
				 not logged in--for TINGLE server.
11.62	BZM	 8 Mar 78	Correct DOC and Tenex terminal params.
11.61	BZM	24 Feb 78	Add Version switch and global V.Tingle.
11.60	BZM	22 Feb 78	Fix BACKUP, GETCHR for Stanford, again!
11.57	BZM	 5 Feb 78	Change INITRAND to use only the
				 DATETIME macro, flushing UPTIME.
11.56	BZM	 5 Feb 78	Change INITRAND to use old, last value
				 of RAND if available for speed.
11.55	BZM	 4 Feb 78	Make PROCEDURE routine handle <=0 args.
11.54	BZM	25 Jan 78	Give error messages if the assembly
				 parameters (machine type) are bogus.
11.53	BZM	24 Jan 78	Fix matching <> conditional bug.
11.52	BZM	 5 Dec 77	Change CHKCMU to LOGOUT on RUN error.
11.51	BZM	 4 Dec 77	Change GETSTINGS to know VT,FF,^Z,BEL.
11.50	BZM	21 Nov 77	Add EXTERNAL PROCEDURE capability.
10.4n	BZM	20 Nov 77	Add ITS switch and clean up switches.
10.44	BZM	29 Sep 77	Change BACKUP for Stanford's RESCAN.
10.43	BZM&CFE	14 Sep 77	Fix LOGOUT code to check more than
				 just logged in as [2,5].
10.42	BZM&PLL	14 Sep 77	Fix BACKUP to handle SYSTAT WHO right.
10.41	BZM	 2 Jul 77	Print <crlf><dot> on LOGOUT.
10.40	BZM&BKR	10 May 77	Do a LOGOUT for WHO if not logged in.
 7.3n	BZM	29 Mar 77	Changes for Tenex (not quite Twenex).
 7.2n	BZM	23 Mar 77	Internal additions for Twenex (TOPS20):
 				 do JSYSs and macroize dependent code.
 6.20	BZM	19 Mar 77	Move DEBUGing routines' data to
 				 writeable segment so DDT works.
 6.17	BZM	19 Mar 77	Documentation & other cosmetic changes.
 5.16	BZM	 1 Mar 77	Insert PORTALs so we can run in
 				 CONCEALED mode on KL's--execute only.
 5.15	BZM	21 Feb 77	Change ST to use a specific template.
 5.1n	BZM&PLK	18 Feb 77	FAILize for better macro control.
 4.10	BZM	 1 Feb 77	Change PRINT to handle line hypenation.
 4.7	BZM	24 Jan 77	Changes to random number initializer.
 3.6	BZM	 3 Dec 76	Fix RANDOM to assure RAND>0.
 3.5	BZM	10 Nov 76	Recoding of the printing routines
 				 to reduce UUO overhead (see PRINT).
 2.4	BZM	25 Oct 76	Addition of the CCL RUN code:  CHKCMU.
 1.0	BZM	13 Oct 76	Creation of Tingle from PORN.
----	---	---------	-------------------------------------`

		define subtitle (text) <subtl(\v.tingle,\v.edit,{text})>
		define subtl | (a,b,c) <subttl V|a|.|b|:  c>
		xall		;do not list macro expansions.
		nolit		;or in-line literals.

	Subtitle Definitions--making things easy, modulo FAIL.
							Comment `


To use this program on DEC-flavored systems simply type ".RUN TINGLE"
and you  will get a "tingling" sentence.   Similary, use "@TINGLE" on
Tenex  and Twenex,  and ":TINGLE"  on ITS.   To get  N screenfulls of
sentences type ".RUN TINGLE;;;...;",  where there are N semicolons on
the command  line.  Use "@TINGLE!!!...!" on  Twenex; the ";!" feature
does  not work under  Tenex.  Further information on  Tingle's use at
CMU can be found in TINGLE.HLP[C410BN30]@CMUA.  Also note that Tingle
is readily  available as a procedure easily  called from a high-level
language (see below).  Some Arpanet hosts also have Tingle Servers.


The sole  function  of this  code is  to  produce the  most  humorous
pornographic  sentences possible.  It's purpose  includes a bit more,
however, as I want  to demonstrate an instantiation of the often-made

		"With the right data structures,
		the algorithm is truly trivial."

Thus it  is that the SENTENCE algorithm  in this program--the routine
which  actually   manipulates  the   grammar  and   vocabulary   data
structures--has  a  twelve  instruction  loop  with  four  additional
initialization and clean-up instructions.  Trivial.

The organization  needed to accomplish this  requires that the tables
SENTENCE  manipulates be  constructed to achieve  tight packing while
retaining very fast access  properties with -10 instructions.  I feel
an  excellent trade-off has  been obtained, although  this program is
certainly  UUO-bound,  ie,  spends   most  of  its  time  typing  out


Since I  have substituted this "language  generation" problem for one
of the  standard problems  in  the CMU  CS Immigration  Course,  I've
undertaken to  make  my solution  as  robust and  well-documented  as
possible.  Thus while some may  contend that this program is much too
verbose  for what  it does, I  repudiate such  assertions and instead
claim that all reasonable programs should be documented at least this
well.   Although twice as  much "programming" effort  may be (indeed,
has been)  required to transform a working  program into a reasonable
one, it is clear  that documentation, when treated as an intellectual
exercise  rather than  as a pedantic  chore, results  in both cleaner
code by  the  author and  more  readily understood,  maintained,  and
modified code by other readers.  Challengers please step forward.

Tingle's origin  is at  best apocryphal.   Several long-time  Playboy
readers  (heaven help  them)  have  reported reading  a  1972-vintage
feature in which soft-core pornographic sentences were constructed by
filling  in the blanks of  a supplied "sentence" with  words from the
article's vocabulary.  These reports  are reinforced by the fact that
some  of PORN's  (see below) most  baroque phrases  are remembered to
have appeared in the Playboy article.

Whatever  the  origin  of  the concept,  one  of  its  first  machine
instantiations  was  as  PORN, a  crufty,  time-  and  space-wasteful
program authored  by  someone at  an  unknown Tenex  site.   Although
limited to  one sexist  sentence type  (template), a  very  soft-core
vocabulary, and  having a  markedly non-random  pseudo-random  number
generator, it was still capable of printing an occassional worthwhile
sentence.  Thus REG@SAIL lifted it  from its Tenex home and put it up
at the Lab as PRN during April, 1973.

Impressed  with  its  potential  but  unsatisfied  with  its  output,
BZM@CMUA  essentially rewrote the entire  program, retaining only the
vocabulary  and single  template  from  PORN.  Data  structures  were
linearized and  compressed by a factor of  six over the unnecessarily
wordy, linked PORN versions, and  macros were written to do the table
construction easily  so that target language  enhancement would be as
simple  as   possible.   Debugging   routines  were   inserted,   and
conditional code was installed so  that Tingle could be run as a part
of a  login routine (as at SAIL), modulo  DEC's bogus way of handling
this situation.  In spite of  all this, however, credit for the basic
scheme still belongs with the anonyomous soft-core Tenex hacker.

In  the several  years  since  this transformation  Tingle--with  the
continual  assistance  of its  expanding  user  community--has  grown
fairly  steadily,  the  vocabulary  by a  factor  of  three  and  the
templates by a factor of two.


The way to understand this program is by:

	[1] Scanning enough output to discover what's going on;
	[2] Looking at [2a] the macro calls and [2b] the macro
		definitions in the LEXICON file of this program;
	[3] Reading [3a] the SENTENCE routine and its subroutines,
		and then [3b] the driver code.
	[4] Scanning the DEBUG routines to see what they help you do.


Potential  manglers of this code--those  unacquainted with lower case
devices--are hereinafter  informed that the text  of this program has
been CAREFULLY composed (mod  upper case OPCODE AC,E devotees) with a
FULL (albeit ASCII, not Stanford) character set.

Tingle  is  written  in  FAIL because  it  is  superior  in  features
(particularly macro scanning), but also because it runs AT LEAST FIVE

To  create a  reentrant  production  version of  TINGLE  type  (using
DEC-flavored command language):
	.LOAD/FAIL TINGLE ;include /list, /cref as you will.
	sw1__1		;type in any assembly switches you want when
	sw2__1		;prompted and "TTY:" is typed out.

For a Debugging load type
	DEBUG__1	;type this in when prompted.

By far the  easiest way to install Tingle at  a strange PDP10 site is
with  a .REL file generated  by FAIL on a  friendly machine (with the
correct switch settings), and then LOADed and SAVED on the alien one.

For  Stanford, Tenex, and  Twenex sites, it  is best to  tell LINK to
load  code into contiguous pages  starting at 0.  To  do this use the
/SET:.HIGH.:1000,TINGLE/SSAVE  switches, which  starts  loading  code
into the second page (the  amount of writeable data is only 100 words
or so).  The SSAVE prevents LINK from getting a REMAP error.


If  the CMU switch  is on  during assembly, then  the Tingle produced
will try to  do a RUN on the program  specified in TMPCOR:TIN when it
exits  after being called  at CCL entry.  (Note that NO  disk file is
EVER looked  for,  even if  TMPCOR is  full.)  This allows  a  user's
program to  "call"  Tingle  and then  run  another program,  eg,  get
returned to in a subroutine-like fashion (with no context saved).  If
the TMPCOR file is not found or errors occur, Tingle just EXITs.

The format of the four word TMPCOR file TIN is:
	<starting offset of program to run>,,1;offset usually 0 or 1.
	SIXBIT .DEVICE.		;generally SYS or DSK.
	SIXBIT .PROGRM.		;name of the program to run.
	<octal PPN>		;0 unless PROGRM  is in an alien UFD.

If the CMU, DEC, or STANFORD switches are on, Tingle does a LOGOUT if
the job is not logged in.  This can happen via certain programs.


If the  PROCEDURE  switch  is on  during  assembly, then  the  Tingle
produced  will not be a  program, but rather a  routine callable from
another program (eg, directly from  ones written in SAIL or FAIL, and
through a trivial interface  from ones written in BLISS, LISP, ALGOL,
...).  See the PROCEDURE.DRIVER section for full details.
;Ac assignments

	Define AC (reg) {?reg_regCount
			 IFG regCount-20 <.FATAL> }

	AC CCLFLG	;use non-indexing ac for remembering ccl entry
	AC AC2		;..
	AC AC3		;..
	AC AC4		;..
	AC LINEBP	;output LINE byte pointer
	AC CNT		;output line character count
	AC RAND		;random number register
	AC STINGS	;number of sentences to type out
	AC SD		;sentence descriptor
	AC LD		;lexicon descriptor
	AC A		;Working ACs--not guaranteed preserved.
	AC B ;A+1	;..
	AC C ;B+1	;..
	?S_17		;STACK pointer IS FIXED!


	define MUMBLE {Comment `} ;for long comments.

	opdef PJRST [jrst]	;replace pushj, popj sequences with pjrst

	define DECLARE {reloc}	;switch to private data area for variables.
	define ERALCED {reloc}	;back to sharable code area.

	define SETSTACK {move s,[iowd stklen,stack]}	;stack initialization

	?CR__15		;character definitions.

;Make a two segment program which gets loaded apropriately.

	twoseg		;Both low and high.
	reloc 0		;Data in low segment.
	reloc 400000	;Code in high segment.
;Switch and parameter macros

	define PARAM (par,value) {?par__<=value>} ;init parameters, make available.
	define DEFAULT (place,par,value) {
		if.on place { ;process defaults only for given site.
	 	   IFLE par, {par__<=value>}  ;dont use default if value already given.
		end.if pplace }  }

	define SWITCH (sw) {?sw__0}  ;init switches to off and make available.
	define IF.ON {ifn }	;make conditional assembly clear
	define IF.OFF {ife }	;by using these unconfusing names.
	define END.IF {;}	;..

;Assembly parameters

	PARAM CharsPerLine,0	;Chars in tty line minus length of longest vocab. word.
	PARAM LinesPerPage,0	;Number of sentences which will fit on tty screen.
	PARAM StatBlks,1	;Number of disk blocks to use in statistics-keeping.
	PARAM HistLen,100	;Length of the HISTogram buffer in routine RT.
	PARAM StkLen,20		;Maximum depth of the stack.
	PARAM DataPages,1	;Number of 1000 word pages of writeable data.

;Assembly switches

	SWITCH Debug	;set nonzero to get the debug code--routines CT,RT,PT,ST.
	SWITCH Procedure ;set nonzero to get Tingle routine .REL file.
	SWITCH Statistics ;set nonzero to get who-ran-Tingle statistics code.
	SWITCH XListLexicon ;set nonzero to kill listing of LEXICON file.
	SWITCH Version	;set nonzero to output version in .JBVER.
	SWITCH NoLexCompression ;set nonzero to suppress lexicon packing.

	SWITCH DEC	;set nonzero to vanilla DECsystem10 version.
	SWITCH CMU	;set nonzero to get CMU stuff--mainly for logging in.
	SWITCH ITS	;set nonzero to get ITS (MIT) version.
	SWITCH TENEX	;set nonzero to get Tenex version.
	SWITCH TWENEX	;set nonzero to get Twenex (TOPS-20) version.
	SWITCH STANFORD,;set nonzero to get Stanford version (like PRN).

;Now get the user switch settings directly from TTY:

	prints `
	Please indicate  a  desired  machine environment  (CMU,  ITS,
STANFORD, DEC, TWENEX, TENEX) and/or include any assembly options you
want  (Debug, Procedure,  Statistics, XListLexicon, NoLexCompression)
by typing name_1<cr> for each  one.  You can also change any assembly
parameters you need  to (CharsPerLine, LinesPerPage, StkLen, HistLen,
StatBlks) by typing paramname_=decimal#<cr>.  When finished, type ^Z.


MUMBLE	Here is the TTY-parameter stuff.  This could almost be done
on a per-terminal rather than per-site basis by using the appropriate
UUOs to get the width and length, but it doesn't seem worth it right
now.  Both of the variables defined here are used later to define
three new ones, LINELEN, PERPAGE, and BUFLEN which are actually used
in the code.  They represent the effective line length, number of
sentences per page, and words for the line buffer, respectively.

NumMachines__DEC + CMU + ITS + Tenex + Twenex + Stanford

IFN NumMachines-1 < prints `
	You have either specified NO machine environment or MORE THAN
ONE  machine environment.  Type  ^C^C and try  again, setting exactly
ONE of the parameters to 1.
	.FATAL		;Stop--incorrect environment requested. >

; Turn off lexicon compression since Fail requires more than 512P of memory to do this...

; Allow random CMU display.
	default CMU,CharsPerLine,80
	default CMU,LinesPerPage,24
	default CMU,Version,1

; Know about typical ITS display.
	default ITS,CharsPerLine,80
	default ITS,LinesPerPage,25
	default ITS,Version,0

; Assume DD as regular SAIL display.
	default STANFORD,CharsPerLine,84
	default STANFORD,LinesPerPage,30
	default STANFORD,Version,1

; Allow for most losing terminal in most general case.
	default DEC,CharsPerLine,80
	default DEC,LinesPerPage,24
	default DEC,Version,1

; Let regular Twenex be the CMU TWENEX's with VT05.
	default TWENEX,CharsPerLine,80
	default TWENEX,LinesPerPage,25
	default TWENEX,Version,1

; Let regular Tenex be PARC Alto screen.
	default TENEX,CharsPerLine,90
	default TENEX,LinesPerPage,40
	default TENEX,Version,1

	Subtitle Machine Environment Definitions--put all dependencies in these macros.
if.on DEC!CMU!STANFORD < ;For TOPS-like systems (hence Stanford), use these UUOs:

	opdef RESET [reset]		;start job.
	opdef STOP [exit 1,]		;stop job. STANFORD <		;for standard TOPS do this:
	   define BACKUP {		;Backup TTY buffer pointer to reread a cmd.
		rescan			;try to rescan, but don not barf if cant.
		ttcall 14, ;skpinl	;if anything was there or was RESCANed, skip.
		  popj s,		; otherwise, punt now.
	   define GETCHR (adr) {	;read the next tty char into ADR.
		inchwl adr		;do it--wait if necessary.
	   define DATETIME {		;get full word of date/time in AC1.
		move ac1,[53,,11]	;get universal date/time
		gettab ac1,		;.. (should work in DEC monitors).
		  timer ac1,		; use this if it fails for some reason.
		} ;end DATETIME
	end.if STANFORD >

	if.on STANFORD <
	   define BACKUP {		;Backup TTY buffer pointer to reread a cmd
		popj s,			;Do nothing for now--act like none.
		;;;rescan ac1		;backup and get # of chars in ac1
		;;;jumple ac1,cpopj	;return if there were none
	   define GETCHR (adr) {	;Stanford RESCAN funny,
		inchrs adr		; so never wait.
		  skipa c,[lf]		; pretend we read a LF.
		caia			;got something, use it!
		  movem c,adr		; ..
	   define DATETIME {		;get full word of date/time in AC1.
		calli ac1,400101	;ACCTIM UUO.
		} ;end DATETIME.
	end.if STANFORD >

	define PUTSTRING (adr) {	;send asciz string at ADR to tty.
		outstr adr
	define UPTIME {			;return system uptime in AC1.
		move ac1,[5,,56]
		gettab ac1,		;go for it.
		  timer ac1,		; no dice--substitute this.

    end.if DEC!CMU!STANFORD >
if.on TWENEX!TENEX <	;For Tenex or TWENEX systems, use these JSYSs:

	opdef JSYS [104B8]		;"unimplemented" instruction.
	opdef ERJMP [jump 16,]		;for jsys error returns.

	opdef RESET [jsys 147]		;Tenex reset.
	opdef STOP [jsys 170]		;continuably stop a job with HALTF.

	define GETCHR (adr) {		;read a char into ADR.
		jsys 73			;read a byte with PBIN.
		movem ac1,adr		;put it where requested.

	define PUTSTRING (adr) 	{	;send asciz string at ADR to tty.
		hrroi ac1,adr		;use ac1 for string adr, as
		jsys 76			;required by PSOUT.
		  erjmp .+1		; should have no problems.

	define DATETIME {jsys 227}	;get full word day,,time from GTAD in AC1.

	define UPTIME {jsys 14}		;get system uptime from TIME in AC1.

    end.if TWENEX!TENEX >

if.on TWENEX <	;Use this code for TWENEX only:

	define BACKUP {			;reset tty buffer pointer, POPJ if can't.
		setzi ac1,		;set RESCAN arg to do last cmd.
		jsys 500		;rescan the last command with RSCAN.
		  erjmp .+2		; just try to read on buffer ovf.
		jumpe ac1,cpopj		;if no chrs to read, don't.

    end.if TWENEX >

if.on TENEX <	;Use this code on Tenex only:

	define BACKUP {
		popj s,			;Punt--not possible with Tenex!!!

    end.if TENEX >
if.on ITS <	;Use this code for the MIT systems:

	opdef RESET []		;start job.
	opdef STOP []		;stop job.

	define BACKUP {			;Backup TTY buffer pointer to reread a cmd.

	define GETCHR (adr) {		;read the next tty char into ADR.

	define PUTSTRING (adr) {	;send asciz string at ADR to tty.
	define DATETIME {		;get full word of date/time in AC1.

	define UPTIME {			;return system uptime in AC1.

    end.if ITS }

	Subtitle Drivers--program and procedure flavors. PROCEDURE  <   begin PROGRAM.DRIVER

MUMBLE	This is the program-driving routine.  It figures out how many
tingles to send by scanning the input line, sends them, and then quits
back to the exec or perhaps to another program, if requested by CCL.

^TINGLE:portal cmd		;PORTAL for KI/KL concealed entry--execute only.
	portal ccl		;PORTAL on CCL too.
  cmd:	reset			;reset everything on normal entry.
restart:tdza cclflg,cclflg	;mark us as non-ccl.
  ccl:	setoi cclflg,		;do no RESET and remember CCL entry.
	setstack		;init the PDL

     if.on CMU <
	pushj s,loggedin	;Are we running logged in?
	 skipa a,['FINGER']	; No, hide our real name.
	jrst .+2		;Yes, don't do anything--TINGLE is OK.
	setnam a,		; Change us to impersonate FINGER.
     end.if CMU >

     if.on STANFORD <
	move a,['LOGIN ']	;Hide our real name from Stanford users who
	setnam a,		;get this program as a regular login option.
     end.if STANFORD >

	pushj s,getstings	;go get number of !;s on command line in STINGS.
	pushj s,initrand	;set up RAND
	pushj s,initline	;set up tty and output buffer

	pushj s,sentence	;send tingler
	sojg stings,.-1		;always send at least 1 sentence

     if.on CMU!DEC <		;at these sites do RUN or LOGOUT if necessary.
	pushj s,chkrun		;handle CCL RUN if requested.
	pushj s,loggedin	;check if logged in.
	 jrst [	putstring([asciz '.'])
		logout 			]
     end.if CMU!DEC  >

	stop			;do a fast exit
	  portal restart	;and restart if user .continues

	declare			;put stack with driver.
^stack: block stklen		;the only local data to this routine.
MUMBLE	This routine tries to rescan the command line which may have
invoked us.  If it can, it counts the number of !s and ;s seen on it
and returns this number times PERPAGE.  Thus the number of comment
delimeters on the command line is the number of screenfuls of
Tinglers that will be typed out.  Reading stops when either a
Linefeed, Altmode, or other standard terminator has been seen.  On
some machines, BACKUP may not be possible and the macro may just punt
instead of do tty reading.

The call is
		;do NOTHING to the TTY input buffer.
	pushj s,getstings
		;return with STINGS=PERPAGE*(# of ;! found),
		;and TTY ready to read the next line.

	movni stings,perpage	;initialize counter lessthan 0.
	jumpn cclflg,cpopj	;if we are CCL, do no tty reading, otherwise
	backup			;try to backup the tty to read a command
				;line, but POPJ in BACKUP if we cannot.
	addi stings,perpage	;add in another pagefull of sentences.
read:	getchr c		;read a chr from cmd line we found.
	caie c,";"		;is it a semicolon?
	 cain c,"!"		;  or bang?
	  jrst read-1		;   yes--bump counter.
	caie c,lf		;did we read a linefeed?
	 cain c,alt		; or an altmode?
	  popj s,		;  yes--end of line--return.
	caie c,ff		;formfeed?
	 cain c,vt		; or vertical tab?
	  popj s,		;  yep. stop reading.
	caie c,eof		;control Z?
	 cain c,bell		; or control G?
	  popj s,		;  yep. stop again.
	jrst read		; nope, get another chr.
if.on CMU!DEC!Stanford <	;Use this code at DEC-flavors only.

MUMBLE	This stuff does the CCL RUN described in the introduction.

CHKRUN:	jumpe cclflg,cpopj	;if not ccl then never try a RUN.
	move 7,[2,,['TIN',,0	;read a 4 word tmpcor file containing RUN args:
		    iowd 4,0]]	; offset,,1; DEV; FILE; PPN; in internal form.
	tmpcor 7,		;read into acs 0-3--sets up ac0 for the RUN.
	  pjrst cpopj		;if no TMPCOR file, treat as normal Tingle.
	move 5,3		;got it, move PPN to 5th arg position for RUN
	setzb 3,6		;clear the EXT and CORE arg positions of RUN.
	run 0,			;try to run, DEV and FILE args already setup.
	  logout		;ignore errors

MUMBLE	This routine SKIPs if the job is logged in.
	pjob	a,		;get job number
	movni	a,(a)		;negate
	jobsts	a,		;get job's status
	  movei a,0		;ignore errors--assume not logged in (safe).
	tlne	a,(1b1)		;check and see if job is logged in.
	 aos (s)		;it is, give skip return to caller.
	popj s,			;it's not, give normal return.

end.if CMU >


MUMBLE	This code implements Tingle as a routine.  When the PROCEDURE
switch is on, the .REL file produced by FAIL contains one routine,
Tingle, which takes one parameter, the number of sentences to be
typed.  If the parameter is less than zero, zero is used.  The Tingle
procedure does no RESETS, STOPS, or other funny UUOs other than
TTCALLs (or their equivalents on non DEC-like systems) and DATETIME
stuff.  In particular, it never tries to read from the terminal.  It
saves ALL registers around its call, and uses about 10 words of AC17
as its pushdown stack.

The .REL file produced tries to load into both the high (8P) and low
(50 words) segments, so watch out if you use a language with a
runtime system.  In this case, direct LINK to load all into the low
segment with the %.seg:low. switch.

Also, it is possible to get the Tingle procedure to call YOUR output
routine to handle each sentence.  In this way you could redirect the
sentences anywhere you want--down a PTY, to the disk, whatever.
Basically you must redefine PUTSTRING and save ALL registers; see me
if you want to do this.

To call Tingle from a language with a different calling sequence than
SAIL, just invent an interface which puts the integer parameter on a
stack of length 10 or greater in AC17.  See below for exact details.

The machine code calling sequence is:
	push 17,[integer # of tinglers wanted]
	pushj 17,tingle

The SAIL calling sequence is:
TINGLE^:movem 16,saveacs+16	;save all ac's except 17.
	movei 16,saveacs	;move them into the saveacs area.
	blt 16,saveacs+15	;..
	pop 17,stings		;get the return address and
	exch stings,(17)	; swap it with our one param on top of stack.
	pushj s,initrand	;get the random #s going.
	pushj s,initline	;clear off the tty.
	jrst .+2		;if stings lessthenorequal 0, do nothing.

	pushj s,sentence	;send as many tinglers as asked.
	sojge stings,.-1		;..

	movsi 16,saveacs	;restore registers and return.
	blt 16,16		;..
	popj 17,		;..

	declare			;data for the routine-version of tingle.
saveacs:block 17		;all but the last.


	Subtitle Sentence Generation--interpret the slot & filler grammar.

MUMBLE	The SENTENCE routine is the heart of the code. It picks up
the sentence descriptor (sd) of a template "at random" and then goes
off to print each lexicon descriptor in it, ie, for each ld, print any
preamble text specified and then print a "random" phrase from the
lexicon list itself.  PRINT handles the output line-formatting, we just
supply the final "." and throw some new lines.

The call is
			;clean up the tty and output buffer and initialize RAND
	pushj s,sentence  ;uses a-c,ld,sd
			;returns with tty and output buffer at "newlines"

To generate a sentence corresponding to a particular template, rather
than a random one, use the similar call

	move sd, sentence descriptor of the template you want
	pushj s,phrase

	movei b,N.Templates	;get the number of templates
	pushj s,random		;and select a sent. descr. (sd) from one of
	move sd,Templates(b)	;these using the random index returned in b.

^PHRASE:move ld,(sd)		;get the first lexicon descriptor (ld) of the sd
	hlrz a,ld		;and get the text to be printed before the phr
	pushj s,print		;go print it
	hlrz b,(ld)		;now get the # of lexicons in the lexlist
	pushj s,random		;and select one of them at random.
	rotc b,-1		;see which halfword the chosen text ptr is in
	addi b,(ld)		;make the lexlist-relative addr absolute
	  hrrz a,(b)		;assume the string pointer is in a right halfwd
	  tlne c,(1b0)		;true (ie, was b even??)?
	  hlrz a,1(b)		;no, get odd ptrs from left of next word
	pushj s,print		;print the lexicon
	aobjn sd,phrase		;and repeat for the next ld in this sd
	  pjrst period		;finish sentence and return.
if.on DEBUG <  begin SENTENCE.TEST

MUMBLE	The ST=sentence test routine outputs sentences directly via ddt.

The call is
		;set SENTENCE to the address of the sentence you want and
		;REPEAT to the number of sentences you want to make with it.
	st$g	;uses most acs
		;back to ddt when done

	opdef XX [stop]		;for DDT.

ST:	setstack		;get a stack
	move stings,repeat	;send REPEAT sentences
	pushj s,initrandom	;start the generator
	pushj s,initline	;get the PRINTer ready

	move sd,@sentence	;get the sd of the sentence wanted.
	pushj s,phrase		;type a sentence with it.
	sojg stings,.-2		;do as many times as requested.

	jrst DDT^		;back to ddt when done

sentence: Templates+N.Templates-1 ;default sentence is last one--the newest?
repeat:	perpage			;default repeat count is to fill a screen

bend SENTENCE.TEST   end.if DEBUG >
if.on DEBUG <  begin COUNT.TEST

MUMBLE	The CT=count test routine is used with ddt to find the total
number of sentences which can be generated from the given template
grammar and lexlist vocabulary. The number of sentences it counts
is returned as a floating point number. It checks for overflow.

The call is
		;no args or setup
	ct$g	;to ddt--uses most acs
		;return to ddt with count in ac A as single precision floater.
		;it will clear A to zero if overflow occurred.

CT:	movei cnt,N.Templates-1	;get decreasing index to templates (assume GE 0).
	setz a,			;clear the count
	jfcl 17,.+1		;clear flags so we can check later

sents:	move sd,Templates(cnt)	;get a sentence descriptor
	movsi b,(1.0)		;and multiply together its lexlist lengths

phrases:move ld,(sd)		;get a lexicon descriptor in this sd
	hlrz c,(ld)		;get the size of the ld = # of lexicons in it
	fsc c,233		;float the bear--its less than 27 bits long
	fmpr b,c		;accumulate running product
	aobjn sd,phrases	;get another ld in this sd if there is one

	fadr a,b		;add count of this template to the others
	sojge cnt,sents		;and try to do another..

	jfov .+2		;if overflow occurred we have INF sentences,
	  jrst DDT^		;  no overflow--go back.
	setzi a,		;so flag it with zero.
	jrst ddt		;now go back

bend COUNT.TEST   end.if DEBUG >


	Subtitle Printing--for the terminal only.

MUMBLE	This routine initializes the PRINTER CLASS (cf SIMULA).  It
sets up the tty on a newline and leaves the local variables used by
PRINT, ENDLINE, and PERIOD in appropriate states.  See PRINT for more.

The call is
			;no setup
	pushj s,initline;uses acs c,cnt,linebp
			;return with the PRINTer ready to go.

	movsi c,(<byte (7) cr,lf>) ;preface the first output with CRLF.
	movem c,line		;put CRLF at head of output buffer
	move linebp,[point 7,line,=13]	;adjust linebp to start with 3rd chr.
	setzi cnt,		;start char counting in column 0
^CPOPJ:	popj s,			;return with line,linebp,cnt set up
MUMBLE	PRINT is a pseudo-coroutine which formats chars on the tty.
When resumed by SENTENCE it prints the text given to it, breaking it
across lines when necessary to keep within the margin. PRINT also
fixes up some bogosities in the lexicon texts themselves which were
introduced by continuing their macro argument text across lines.

Note that the first version of this routine typed each character
individually with OUTCHR.  This was very slow, however, due to the
UUO overhead involved, and since 400 milliseconds/sentence is
intolerable when one wants to generate several thousand sentences
(porn novel?), the routine was recoded to do just one UUO per line
of output.  Thus PRINT and its two friends assemble characters into
the buffer LINE, which is printed every CRLF (or so).

The call is
			;make sure cnt and linebp were initialized somewhere
	hrrzi a,asciz ptr  ;the LH of A MUST BE 0
	pushj s,print	;uses c,cnt,linebp
			;return, cnt and linebp are setup for nexttime.

^PRINT:	tloa a,440700		;make a into an ascii byte pointer

keepit:	idpb c,linebp		;put the character in the output buffer
skipit:	ildb c,a		;get a chr
	  jumpe c,cpopj		;if null then were done
	caige c," "		;is it a cr, lf, tab ..?
	  jrst skipit		;yes, flush it--continuing a macro arg across lines.
	caie c," "		;are we at a space--word break?
	 cain c,"-"		;or hyphen?
	  caige cnt,linelen	;are we also beyond the right margin?
	   aoja cnt,keepit	;no, print this chr, get more

	cain c,"-"		;yes, are we hypenating a word?
	 idpb c,linebp		;yep--put out the hypen.
	pushj s,endline		;no, start a new line
	jrst skipit		;..
MUMBLE	This routine performs newlines and sentence terminations for
the PRINT CLASS.  It fills out the LINE output buffer with (perhaps)
a period, some CRLFs, and a null, and then sends the buffer to the
tty.  It then reinitializes the buffer and its pointers for the next

The call is
			;should have called INITLINE sometime.
	pushj s,period	; or
	pushj s,endline	;uses acs cnt,linebp.
			;returns with tty on newline and everything ready to go.

^PERIOD:skipa cnt,[<byte (7) lf,cr,lf,cr,".">-1] ;end sents. with . and 2 CRLF

^ENDLINE:movei cnt,<byte (7) lf,cr>-=22  ;end lines with CRLF

	idpb cnt,linebp		;send low byte to buffer
	lsh cnt,-7		;and shift the next one down
	jumpn cnt,.-2		;deposit this one if not null

	idpb cnt,linebp		;terminate the buffer with a null (asciz)
	putstring line		;and send it out to the user.
	move linebp,[point 7,line]  ;get a new buffer-filling pointer
	popj s,			;and return--nb, cnt is already zero.

	declare			;put the line buffer here.
line:	block =35 ;linelen/5+20	;allow many extra characters.
if.on DEBUG <  begin PRINT.TEST

MUMBLE	The PT=print test routine checks out the PRINT routine using
ddt.  As a side-effect, however, it also types out an entire lexicon
list. Thus it is very good to check out new instances of LEXLIST
calls which have been added to extend the vocabulary (and probably
indirectly the grammar, too).

The call is
		;set up lexlist to have whatever lexlist you want with ddt
	pt$g	;uses most acs
		;return to ddt

	pp__1			;lexicon pointer
	np__2			;number of lexicons

PT:	setstack		;get PDL
	move pp,lexlist		;get the adr of a lexicon list
	hrli pp,(<point =18,,=17>) ;make a halfwd byte pointer to the list
	ldb np,pp		;get the number of lexicons in np
	pushj s,initline	;get the TTY ready

phrase:	ildb a,pp		;get a phrase text pointer
	pushj s,print		;send it to tty
	movei a,[asciz ` `]	;space between them so PRINT can format
	pushj s,print		;..
	sojg np,phrase		;send them all

	pushj s,endline		;finish up and
	jrst DDT^		;go back to ddt.

lexlist:q1			;the adr of some lexlist--use quotes to start

bend PRINT.TEST   end.if DEBUG >


	Subtitle Random Number Generation--use a DEK technique with a REG seed.

MUMBLE	This routine initializes RAND to be some random number which
is a fn of the time, date, and other things which REG found
appropriate.  It is somewhat modified--to give uniform
behavior--compared with the original routine.  A copy of
RAND is kept in LASTRANDOM at all times so that we do not have
to initialize again if restarted or reinvoked.

The call is
			;no args
	pushj s,initrandom  ;uses rand,AC1
			;return, rand set up

	camn rand,lastrandom	;if AC value is memory value, then
	  jumpn rand,cpopj	; there is no need to init again unless
				; both are zero.
	datetime		;get  XWD date,time  in AC1.
	movem ac1,lastrandom	;make this the initial random value,
	movms rand,lastrandom	; once it is positive.
	popj s,			;hope this randomness is random enough.
MUMBLE	This routine takes an integer arg .gt. 0 in b, and returns a
random integer uniform in [0,b-1] also in b.  This randomizer is
specifically for -10s, taken from SYS:BLILIB.DOC@CMUA.  Thms,
problems, etc., from Knuth V2, are cited in BLILIB in its support.
It uses RAND as its repeating value, but also preserves this in
memory as LASTRANDOM in case we are restarted or reinvoked.

The call is
			;move b,some number .gt. 0
	pushj s,random	;uses c,rand
			;return with b setup, rand updated

^RANDOM:imul rand,five15	;scheme is U := (5^15*U+7261067085) mod 2^35
	add rand,[=7261067085]	;where U is some random integer initially.
	hrloi c,377777		;make rand positive mod 2^35, and simultaneously
	andb c,rand		;copy rand into c for subrange computation.
	movem rand,lastrandom	;store away the new random number.
	mul b,c			;puts U[0,b) back in b--think of c as U[0,1)
	popj s,			;and multiply to NOT get the even, odd, even,
				;odd, ... which results from using this
				;generator with a mod (idiv) technique.

five15:	5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5*5

lastrandom: block 1		;cell for keeping RAND.
if.on DEBUG <  begin RANDOM.TEST

MUMBLE	This routine (RT=random test) tests the two routines random
and initrandom, above. It constructs a histogram in memory and also
keeps a sum and odd/even count. It should be used with DDT, to print
the results and easily change the boxes,loops, and trials parameters.

The call is
		;setup boxes,loops,trials as you wish with ddt
	rt$g	;type this to ddt--rt uses most acs
		;returns to ddt when done

	even__1			;obvious acs for RT

RT:	setstack		;init the stack
	setzb odd,sum		;zero the counters and sum
	setzb even,hist		;and the table
	move a,[hist,,hist+1]
	blt a,hist+histlen-1	;zero the histogram table
	move trls,trials

l.trls:	sojl trls,DDT^		;perform TRIALS trials, then back to ddt
	pushj s,initrand	;for each trial get a new seed
	move lps,loops

l.lps:	sojl lps,l.trls		;for each trial do LOOPS loops
	move b,boxes		;each of which adds to the histogram
	pushj s,random		;by filling one of its boxes at random
	aos hist(b)		;bump the right cell of histogram
	addm b,sum		;remember total so we can find mean
	trnn b,1		;see if odd
	  aoja even,l.lps	;no, bump even and loop
	  aoja odd,l.lps	;bump odd ..

	radix =10		;data area here ...
boxes:	20			;20 cells in HIST initially--must be LT HISTLEN
loops:	200			;each of which should get 10 points
trials:	1			;one pass only
sum:	0			;sum of rand #s
hist:	block histlen
	radix 8

bend RANDOM.TEST   end.if DEBUG >


	Subtitle Working Store--lay out the global data.
MUMBLE	Declare any left-over stuff here.  Since we tried to confine
the data for individual routines with the routines (hiding it), there
should be very little here.

	declare			;impure stuff
	var			;just in case, put any VARs here.
	eralced			;back to pure space.

	lit			;put read-only literals and code here so that they
				;will be on the same memory page as the program.

	if.on XListLexicon <xlist> ;kill LIST of LEXICON if not wanted.

	Subtitle Lexicon Macro Definitions--making lexicon modification trivial.
begin LEXICON		;isolate most of this from TINGLE.

MUMBLE	The next three macros build tables of halfwords in a nice way.
The calls

	halfwd x1
	halfwd x2			x1,,x2
	  .		will generate	  .
	  .				  .
	  .				  .
	halfwd xn		xn-1,,xn  or  xn,,0

where the last word is determined by n being even or odd.

define	BEGHALFWD   {		;initialize halfword macro
	.left__1 }		;set flag to "filling the left halfword"

define	ENDHALFWD {		;finish up halfword macro
	ife .left, <xwd .save,0> } ;remember to output last halfwd if n odd

define	HALFWD(arg) {

	.left1__.left		;remember our current state (left or right)

	ifn .left1, <		;fill left half.
		define .save {arg} ;save argument as .save macro text for next call.
		.left__0 >	;keep lh  until we know the rh

	ife .left1, <		;fill right half.
		xwd .save,arg	;got rh, assemble full word now.
		.left__1  >

	}	;end halfwd

define	TextHalfWd (text)  { HalfWd(< [ASCIZ `text`] >) }
of lexicon entries.  The human-oriented format of the LEXICON file
leaves extra TABs and CRLFs in the text, and does not require extra
<>s, in the arguments to SENTENCE and LEXLIST.  This pair of macros
is used to eliminate the nice, but unwanted, format characters.  This
compression is not done for correctness or speed because the PRINT
routine already handles it.  Rather it is done to reduce the run-time
storage needed by LEXICON.  With many lexemes having 3-4 or 8-9
characters, flushing CRLFs alone prevents the extra ASCIZ word from
being generated needlessly.

These macros ARE HAIRY.  Compress handles the NoLexCompression case
by punting space for time if requested.  Otherwise it cycles through
each CHR in the LEX.  If the CHR is good--ie, if it is not .LE.
SPACE, (not CRLF, TAB, etc.)--it appends the CHR onto the end of the
new, compressed lex, CompLex.  This append is handled by redefining
the CompLex macro in ADDCHR.  The dummy 0 arg is needed so we can
FORCE evaluation at the right times with "\".  GetCompression returns
the compressed lexeme in an ASCIZ statement, ie, ASCIZ .lexeme.  It
uses .GetComp to handle this.

define	Compress (lex) {

;;;	begin LEXCOMP	;BEND is in UseCompression

	if.on NoLexCompression  <define	CompLex {0,<lex>}> NoLexCompression <
		define	CompLex {0,<>}
		  for chr E {lex} {
			IFGE "chr"-" " < .AddChr(\CompLex,<chr>) >  }
	end.if NoLexCompression  >

	} ;end Compress

define	.AddChr | (zero, oldText, newChr) { define CompLex {0,<oldText|newChr>} }

define	UseCompression (macroName) { .UseComp(\CompLex,macroName)
;;;	 bend LEXCOMP	;BEGIN is in Compression

define	.UseComp (zero, compText, name) { name(<compText>) }
MUMBLE	LEXLIST constructs lexicon lists by using the halfwd macros.
The call

	lexlist <argument1,argument2,...,argumentn> ;can be on multiple lines

generates the equivalent of

	byte(18) n,lex1,lex2,...,lexn

where n is the number of lexicons in the arg list, and each lexi
is a pointer to an asciz string containing the TEXT of the argumenti.

Note that the CRLFs and TABs--but not ANY SPACES--included in the
argments are flushed by the PRINT routine.  This allows lexicons to be
split between lines with no trouble.  If you must use commas in a
lexicon, surround it with {} (see label Q1).  A lexicon can contain any
character, but if FAIL thinks it's special then be sure to use {} or
<> to enclose the lexicon (thus {} and <> are valid too as long as you
don't use both at once).  Be sure to put the commas terminating
bracketed arguments IMMEDIATELY adjacent to the braces, ie,
",{arg},", or problems can result with the expansion.  Do not give a
null argument list to lexlist.

	;Zero this counter which will be bumped in the macro.
	;It is used much later, too.
	?N.lexicons__0		;Number of lexicons (maybe just words).

define	LEXLIST (lexes) {


	.count__0		;number of lexicons

	beghalfwd		;init macro

	halfwd(.length)		;put in count at first

	for lexx in (lexes)
		} ;put text pointers into successive halfwords

	endhalfwd		;grab last halfword if in lh

	.length__.count		;put in the count now that we know it

	^N.lexicons__N.lexicons+.count ;increase number of lexicons counter.


	}	;end of lexlist
MUMBLE	SENTENCE makes template construction easy.  It generates two
flavors of descriptors which are pointers to the encoding of the
template used the the SENTENCE routine.  These pointers are called
sentence descriptors (sds), and lexicon descriptors (lds). The sd is
an AOBJN word to the lds, which are a list of <text>,,<ptr to
lexiconlists> .  The sd is generated in-line, and is one of the
N.Templates templates available to the program. The lds are generated
as literals.  A call like

	SENTENCE<The ,adj, ,noun1, is on the ,noun2> ;3 pairs text,phrlist of args

will generate

	-3,,adr		;the sd--an aobjn ptr to the list of ld text,,phrlst pairs

inline and

adr:	[asciz 'The '],,adj		;1st ld
	[asciz ' '],,noun1		;2nd ld
	[asciz ' is on the '],,noun2	;3rd ld

in the LIT area. Thus the sentences this template can make are like
"The red cat is on the table", if red,cat,table are in the lexicon
lists for adj,noun1,noun2, respectively.

	;Zero this counter which will be bumped in the macro.
	;This is used later, too.
	?N.templates__0		;Number of templates defined in here.

define	SENTENCE (pairlist) {

	.pairs__0		;keep count of # of pairs in template
	xwd .neglength, [	;we want the adr of the descr. list here
			beghalfwd	;set up halfword assembler
			for halfpair in (pairlist)
				{ife .pairs&1
					< Compress(<halfpair>)
					  > ;left halfwd is string pointer
				ifn .pairs&1
					< halfwd (halfpair)
					  > ;right half is adr of lexicon list
				 } ;alternate between left and right
			]		;end of lexicon descr list literal
	^N.templates__N.templates+1 ;increase number of templates counter.

	}	;end of SENTENCE

	Subtitle Sentence Templates and Vocabulary Lexicons--machine independent data base.
MUMBLE	Compute the lengths of lines and lines/sentence for output routines.

	MaxWordLen__=16		;Length of longest vocabulary word.
	AvgLinesPerSentence__=4 ;Mean # of CRLFs in one sentence.

		;The effective line length knows about the longest word
		; in the vocabulary so we can hypenate properly.
		;The number of sentences that will fit on a screen
		; depends on the averge number of lines per tingler.

;Include the separate LEXICON file: NoLexCompression <^NoLexCompression__Debug>
		;Don't waste infinite assembly time if debugging!!!
	if.on Debug <LALL>
		;Expand macros so we can see what's wrong.


MUMBLE	Make the template table address and length available to
the routines that need them (FAIL hackery).

	^Templates_Templates	;Template table address.
	^N.Templates_N.Templates;Number of templates defined.
	^Q1_Q1			;Quote table address--for debugging.

MUMBLE	Finish off by defining the version.  The Major version
corresponds to the version of the code in TINGLE.  The minor version
is the number of SENTENCEs defined, and the edit number is the total
number of lexicons defined with LEXLIST.  The latter two are computed
by the corresponding macros for use here.  V.Tingle is carried
through from TINGLE and is redefined globally as our total version #.

	^V.Tingle^__<byte (3)7(9)V.Tingle(6)N.Templates(18)N.Lexicons>
			;The N.values not known until end of assembly.

		.JBVER^__137	;Declare version so users can see changes.
		loc	.JBVER	;..
	end.if PROCEDURE >  end.if VERSION >

bend LEXICON			;end of grammar and vocabulary stuff.

LIST				;reinstate listing if XListLexiconed.