PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named wind.mac in the archive.
title WIND - TOPS-20 Class Scheduler Windfall Utility - KWPaetzold
comment \
This program can be used to turn the class scheduler windfall
allocation on or off for a specific class. This feature of TOPS-20
is not guaranteed to work in future versions of TOPS-20.
This program written by:
Kevin W. paetzold
Digital Equipment Corporation
search monsym,macsym
.require sys:macrel.rel
.directive flblst
; symbol macros
define sym(a,b),<a=b>
define syms(a,b),<a==b>
define dsym(a,b),<ifndef a,<a=b>>
define dsyms(a,b),<ifndef a,<a==b>>
; version information
dsyms vwho,1 ; who last hacked
dsyms vmajor,1 ; major version number
dsyms vminor,0 ; minor version number
dsyms vedit,0 ; edit number
; parameters
dsyms pdlsiz,100 ; stack size
dsyms atmsiz,^d100 ; atom buffer size
dsyms txtsiz,^d300 ; text buffer size
dsyms ddtadr,770000 ; ddt starting address
; ac names
sym t1,1 ; \
sym t2,2 ; \
sym t3,3 ; > temporaries
sym t4,4 ; /
sym t5,5 ; /
sym cx,16 ; macsym's ac
sym p,17 ; pdl stack pointer
define jsysf,<ercal .jsysf>
define noerr,<erjmp .+1>
; io macros
define type(str),<
hrroi t1,[asciz\
define typen(str),<
hrroi t1,[asciz\str\]
define numo(adr,rdx,siz),<
move t2,adr
movei t1,.priou
movx t3,<<siz>b17!<rdx>b35>
; comnd jsys macros
define cmd(name,disp,flags),<
ifb <disp>,<[ cm%fw!flags
ifnb <disp>,<[ cm%fw!flags
define docmd(fnc,data),<
movx t1,<<fnc>b8>
ifnb <data>,<movx t2,<data>>
ifb <data>,<setz t2,>
call .docmd>
define dodsp,<
hrrz t2,0(t2)
call (t2)>
define noise(str),<docmd .cmnoi,<-1,,[asciz\str\]>>
define cnfirm,<docmd .cmcfm>
pcmds: npcmds,,npcmds ; primary comnd table
cmd ALLOCATE, ; allocate windfall
cmd DDT, ; go to uddt
cmd DEALLOCATE, ; deallocate windfall
cmd EXIT, ; return to exec
cmd HELP, ; display help text
cmd MDDT, ; go to mddt
cmd SHOW, ; display allocation information
evec: ; entry vector
jrst wind ; start
jrst wind ; reenter
versio ; version information
wind: ; starting address
reset ; reset the world
move p,pdlptr ; get the stack
movei t1,.fhslf ; this fork
rpcap ; get my privs
txnn t3,<sc%opr!sc%whl> ; are we special?
jrst nopriv ; no
type <WIND - TOPS-20 Class Scheduler Windfall Allocation Utility>
type <>
type <>
movx t1,<csbv,,csb> ; get blt ac
blt t1,csb+csbsiz-1 ; build virgin comnd state block
wind2: ; command parsing begins here
docmd .cmini ; initialize a new command
wind3: ; reparse dispatch address
docmd .cmkey,pcmds ; get a keyword
dodsp ; go do the command
jrst wind2 ; on return do another command
nopriv: ; here when you have no privs
type <?Wind needs Wheel or Operator capabilities to operate>
type <>
type <>
haltf ; stop
jrst .-1 ; continue
.jsysf: ; routine to handle jsys errors
movem 17,erracs+17 ; save ac 17
hrrzi 17,erracs ; get blt ac
blt 17,erracs+16 ; save acs 0-16
move 17,erracs+17 ; get ac 17 back
typen <?>
type <?Fatal JSYS Error at user PC >
numo 0(p),10,0 ; output user pc
type <?Error string - >
movei t1,.priou ; output to tty
movx t2,<.fhslf,,-1> ; my last error
setzb t3,t4
erstr ; output error string
haltf ; stop
jrst .-1 ; no continues
.docmd: ; routine to do comnd jsys stuff
movem t1,cfb+.cmfnp ; save function code
movem t2,cfb+.cmdat ; save data code
movei t1,csb ; get csb address
movei t2,cfb ; get cfb address
comnd ; do the comnd jsys
jsysf ; trap bad errors
txnn t1,cm%nop ; errors?
ret ; no so return
movei t1,.priou ; tty
rfpos ; get tty position
hrrzs t2 ; zero left half
hrroi t1,[asciz\
skipe t2 ; at position zero?
psout ; no so put it there
type <?Command error - >
movei t1,.priou ; tty output
movx t2,<.fhslf,,-1> ; my fork
setzb t3,t4
erstr ; output the error string
jrst wind2 ; go get another command
.ddt: ; transfer to uddt
skipe ddtadr ; ddt loaded?
jrst .ddt2 ; yes
typen <%DDT not loaded>
ret ; return to caller
.ddt2: ; here when ddt is loaded
typen <[R$G to return to WIND]>
type <>
jrst ddtadr ; go to it
ret ; this should never be executed
.mddt: ; transfer to mddt
mddt% ; go play with monitor
jsysf ; handle errors
ret ; return to get another command
.exit: ; exit command
noise <FROM WIND>
haltf ; stop
ret ; on continue get another command
.help: ; help command
hrroi t1,hlptxt ; get pointer to help text
psout ; output it
ret ; get another command
.show: ; show windfall status
skipe maxcls ; did we lookup data yet?
jrst .show2 ; yes
movei t1,.snpsy ; no so get lookup function
movx t2,<squoze 0,maxcls> ; symbol name
setz t3,
snoop ; lookup number of classes
movem t2,maxcls ; save number of classes
movei t1,.snpsy ; symbol lookup function
movx t2,<squoze 0,wa> ; symbol name
setz t3, ; we dont care where it is
snoop ; lookup windfall allocation table
jsysf ; trap errors
movem t2,wa ; save wa address
.show2: ; may fall in
type < Monitor supports >
numo maxcls,12,0 ; output number of classes
typen < class's.>
type <> ; extra crlf
type < Class Windfall Status>
type < ---------------------->
setz t5, ; reset index
.show3: ; loop address
type < > ; do crlf
numo t5,12,5 ; output class number
move t1,wa ; get address of wa table
add t1,t5 ; add in class number
hrli t1,1 ; we want one word
movei t2,wac ; put it into wac
peek ; get word from TOPS-20
hrroi t1,[asciz/ Allocated/] ; assume allocated
skipn wac ; is it allocated?
hrroi t1,[asciz/ Deallocated/] ; no
psout ; output the string
move t4,maxcls ; get number of classes
subi t4,1 ; decrement
camge t5,t4 ; all class's done?
aoja t5,.show3 ; no
type <> ; yes
type <>
ret ; get another command
.deall: ; deallocate command
tdza t5,t5 ; skip and set flag
.alloc: ; allocate command
seto t5, ; set the flag
docmd .cmnum,12 ; input class number
move t4,t2 ; save class number for a while
cnfirm ; confirm the command
stkvar <skclas,skflag,<skblok,.sause+1>> ; get some storage
movem t5,skflag ; save the flag
movem t4,skclas ; save the class number
movei t1,.skrcs ; read class parameters function
movei t2,skblok ; get data address
movei t3,.sause+1 ; get length of arg block
movem t3,(t2) ; and save it
move t3,skclas ; get the class number
movem t3,.sacls(t2) ; save the class number
sked% ; read class parameters
move t3,skflag ; get the flag
movem t3,.sashr+1+skblok ; set the item
movei t1,.skscs ; set class parameters
movei t2,skblok ; get data address
sked% ; set widfall stuff for class
jsysf ; trap errors
ret ; return to caller
hlptxt: ; help command text
Wind is a program to assist the system administrator in allocating
or deallocating TOPS-20 class scheduler windfall parameters for a specific
scheduler class. At this time windfall may be allocated or deallocated
only. The class scheduler must also be allocating windfall in order for
any class to get windfall.
The following commands are available:
Command Description
ALLOCATE Give windfall allocation rights to specified class.
DEALLOCATE Remove windfall allocation rights from specified class.
DDT Transfer control to UDDT.
EXIT Return to the exec.
HELP Type this text.
MDDT Transfer control to MDDT
SHOW Display current windfall allocation parameters for system.
prompt: asciz/WIND>/ ; the prompt
csbv: ; comnd state block virgin
wind3 ; reparse address
.priin,,.priou ; io jfns
-1,,prompt ; prompt
-1,,text ; text buffer pointer
-1,,text ; next field to parse
txtsiz ; text buffer size
z ; unparsed character count
-1,,atom ; atom buffer pointer
atmsiz ; atom buffer size
cgb ; gtjfn block storage
csbsiz==.-csbv ; size of csb
xlist ; lit follows
list ; end of lit
pdlptr: iowd pdlsiz,pdl ; pdl stack pointer
pdl: block pdlsiz ; pdl stack
erracs: block 20 ; error ac storage
maxcls: z ; number of classes
wa: z ; wa table address
wac: z ; wa table word contents
csb: block csbsiz ; comnd state block
cfb: block .cmbrk+1 ; comnd function block
cgb: block .gjatr+1 ; comnd gtjfn block
atom: block <atmsiz/5>+1 ; atom buffer
text: block <txtsiz/5>+1 ; text buffer
end <evecl,,evec> ; thats all folks