PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named wlno.fai in the archive.
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>WLNO.FAI.4, 7-Sep-81 21:20:20, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;Never dewheel OPERATOR - assume we're bright enough to change the password
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>WLNO.FAI.3, 7-Sep-81 21:18:30, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;ACCT:<ADMIN.PROGRAMS>WLNO.FAI.2, 4-Jun-81 11:59:53, Edit by B.BOMBADIL
;change reference to wheel to special privileges
;<J.JQJOHNSON>WLNO.FAI.18, 12-Feb-80 08:42:37, Edit by J.JQJOHNSON
;some cleanup
;PS:<J.JQJOHNSON>WLNO.FAI.14, 17-Sep-79 10:17:20, Edit by J.JQJOHNSON
;convert to using MM for mailing.
title wlno Wheel purge.
comment $
Reads one file (normally <OPERATOR>WHEELS.LIST) for the list of
current wheels, and another (normally DSK:WHEEL.NOTE) for the message to
send to each of the wheels. Clears their privileges, then fires up MM
in SEND mode, initialized with the list of wheels and the message.
search monsym,macsym
.require sys:macrel
extern .jbsa
namptr==14 ;pointer into OUTBUF for user names
dirblk: block 40
namblk: block 40
pdl: block pdlen
jfn: 0 ; jfn of WHEELS.LIST
acblk: block 20 ; acs for lower fork
msgjfn: 0 ; jfn of message to be sent
usrno: 0 ; current user number
gjtab: block 20
inbuf: block 30
outbuf: block 100 ; for user names.
start: reset
move p,[iowd pdlen,pdl]
hrroi 1,[asciz/File name for wheel list input: /]
call infile
hrrzm 1,jfn
start0: hrroi 1,[asciz/File name for file containing message: /]
call jfnget
jrst start0 ;oops
hrrzm 1,msgjfn
call setmai ;set up for mailing.
;loop over all users in the file
sloop: call gtusr ;get a user name from file. Number in 1
jrst done ;eof
movem 2,usrno ; save user number for mailing
hrli 2,540000 ;convert to PS:
hrroi 1,namblk
dirst ;translate to string for crdir
erjmp [jserr
jrst sloop ;just ignore him
hrroi 1,namblk
tmsg < -- >
move 1,2 ;get number back for gtdir
camn 1,[540000,,5] ;OPERATOR?
jrst sloop ;yes, ignore for safety's sake
movei 2,dirblk
setz 3, ;no password
ercal jserr0
setzm dirblk+.cdprv ;clear all privledges
hrroi 1,namblk
move 2,[cd%prv+dirblk]
setz 3, ;no password needed
ercal jserr0 ;warn and return
tmsg <crdir OK
call domail ;send the mail
jrst sloop ;back for more
done: move 1,jfn ;close input file for neatness
jfcl ;don't care
jrst sndmai ;finish up mail
;chains to MM, so we never get back to here.
;get a user number from file.
;return: +1 on eof
; +2 normally, user number in 2
gtusr: move 1,jfn
hrroi 2,namblk
movei 3,100
movei 4,.chtab ;break on TAB
erjmp eoftst ;check for eof
setz 3,
dpb 3,2 ;end with a null byte
hrrz 1,jfn
hrroi 2,inbuf
movei 3,30*5
movei 4,12 ;break on LF
ercal eoftst
movx 1,rc%emo ;match exactly
hrroi 2,namblk
setz 3,
erjmp [movx 1,rc%emo
hrroi 2,namblk
setz 3,
jrst .+1 ]
move 2,3 ;return number in 2
; sin failed. check for EOF.
eoftst: hrrz 1,jfn
gtsts ;eof?
tlne 2,(gs%eof)
ret ;yes. return + 1
subttl infile
; open a file for input getting file name from terminal
;enter: 1/ string for prompt
;ret: + 1, with jfn in 1
infile: call jfnget
jrst infile
push p,1 ; save jfn
hrrz 1,1
move 2,[070000,,of%rd]
erjmp [hrroi 1,[asciz/Can't OPENF the file. Try again.
pop p,1
jrst infile ]
pop p,1
;get a jfn on a file from the tty
;call: 1/ string for prompt
;ret: +1 failure
; +2 success. JFN in ac1
jfnget: push p,1
psout ;print the prompt
move 1,[gjtab,,gjtab+1]
setzm gjtab
blt 1,gjtab+1+.gjbfp
pop p,gjtab+.gjbfpp
movsi 1,(gj%old!gj%xtn!gj%ifg!gj%cfm!gj%cfm)
movem 1,gjtab+.gjgen
move 1,[.priin,,.priou]
movem 1,gjtab+.gjsrc
movei 1,4
movem 1,gjtab+.gjf2
movei 1,gjtab
setz 2,
erjmp [hrroi 1,[asciz/Can't get jfn. Try again.
move 1,gjtab+.gjrty
ret ]
subttl mail stuff
setmai: move 1,[point 7,outbuf]
hrroi 2,[asciz/MAIL /]
call cpystr
movem 1,namptr
ret ;doesn't need much setup
;do mail to one user
;call: USRNO set up with user number.
;ret: +1 always
domail: move 1,namptr
move 2,usrno
hrli 2,500000
dirst ;translate to string for MM.
erjmp [jserr
movei 3,","
idpb 3,1
movem 1,namptr
;finish up. Do actual mailing by chaining to MM.
;does not return
sndmai: move 1,namptr
movei 3,15
dpb 3,1 ;clobber last comma with CRLF
movei 3,12
idpb 3,1
hrroi 2,[asciz/You no longer have special privileges....
call cpystr ;put file name after ^B to insert
move 2,msgjfn
setzb 4,3
hrroi 2,[asciz/
call cpystr ;indicate we want to confirm before mailing
movei 1,.priin
hrroi 1,outbuf
rscan ;make it a command for MM.
erjmp [jshlt
movx 1,gj%sht+gj%old ;and now chain to MM.
hrroi 2,[asciz/SYS:MM.EXE/]
erjmp [hrroi 1,[asciz/Can't find MM!/]
hrli 1,.fhslf
move 4,1 ; 400000,,jfn of program
move 2,[strtcd,,5]
blt 2,5+lcd-1 ; get ready to run in the ACs
seto 1,
move 2,[.fhslf,,1] ; process handle,,first page
move 3,[pm%cnt+777] ; page count
jrst 5 ; go do it in ACs
;does not return
phase 5
pmap ; 5
move 1,4 ; 6 .fhslf,,jfn
get ; 7 load this fork
movei 1,.fhslf ; 10 this fork
gevec ; 11
hrrz 1,.jbsa ; 12 assume 10/50 format
tlnn 2,777000 ; 13
hrrz 1,2 ; 14 Tenex format
jrst (1) ; 15 go!
;CPYSTR -- copy a string. Terminates on 0 byte
;call: t1/ destination byte-pointer, or -1,,addr, or jfn
; t2/ source byte-pointer, or -1,,addr
;ret: +1 always, with updated string pointers in t1 and t2, and break char
; (0) in t3
cpystr: tlnn 1,-1 ;is left half zero?
jrst cpyst2 ;yes, must be a jfn. Do SOUT
tlc 1,-1 ;convert to real byte ptr if necessary
tlcn 1,-1
hrli 1,(<point 7,0>)
tlc 2,-1 ;convert to real byte ptr if necessary
tlcn 2,-1
hrli 2,(<point 7,0>)
cpyst0: ildb 3,2
jumpe 3,r
idpb 3,1
jrst cpyst0
cpyst2: setz 3,
end start