PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named blis10.rnh in the archive.
BLISS-10 does not use the standard -10 command scanner. However, command string interpretation
is similar to that of other -10 CUSPS.
_.R BLIS10
1.##Each file descriptor [RELFIL,LSTFIL,SRC] has the form:
2.##RELFIL receives the machine code generated by the compiler. If no code is desired, leave this
position empty in the command string. If FILESPEC= appears, FILESPEC is assumed to be the RELFIL spec
and no listing output is generated.
3.##LSTFIL receives the program listing produced by the compiler. If no listing is desired, leave this
position empty in the command string.
4.##SRC1,SRC2,... are the BLISS-10 source files which when concatenated together form
one or more BLISS-10 modules.
5.##If "DEVICE" is omitted "DSK" is assumed.
6.##If "EXT" is omitted, ".REL" is used for the RELFIL, ".LST" is used for the LSTFIL, and
".BLI," ".B10", and the null extension in that order are tried for the source file until either
a file is found or all three defaults have failed.
7.##If [PROJECT,PROGRAMMER] is omitted for any file, the user project, programmer number is
supplied for that file. If [PROJECT, PROGRAMMER] appears at the beginning of a file descriptor, it becomes
the default for all the following descriptors which do not have a specific [PROJECT, PROGRAMMER].
8.##Switches:##(-) implies that#-(switch name) will result in the opposite of the
switch action. * indicates that the switch is assumed on by default.
*A(-) Use English language diagnostics
B Put a start block in the REL file for this module
C(-) Generate a cross referenced listing.
D(-) Generate debug linkage
E(-) Expand all MACROs in the listing.
F(-) Set up stack frame register (FREG) on every routine
G(-) All routines are to be made GLOBAL ROUTINES.
H This entire module is to be loaded into the
high segment.
I(-) Generate special inspection word immediately prior
to each routine or function body.
K Disable listing of the source text (same as -L).
*L(-) Enable listing of the source text.
M(-) Enable listing of the machine code generated.
N(-) Do not print error messages on the controlling TTY.
*O(-) Optimize subexpressions across all ";"s.
P Put PROLOG-EPILOG code in this module.
Q With /C makes compact XREF.
R(-) Do not save all declarable registers around an EXCHJ.
S(-) Output routine names as compiled and compilation
statistics to TTY.
T(-) Generate calls to a timing routine at the start
and end of each routine.
U Do not optimize across ";"s (same as -O).
V Entire module is to be loaded into the low segment.
X Perform a syntax only (no code generation) compilation.
Z(-) Use LCG default register assignments
[end of BLIS10.HLP]