
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-bt99m-bb - mongen.exe
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?p  ?x[>ty7>_#B!INXQF:zCV:S# {F	VDE@){J+1*>	`z@,_0!1@f
COPYRIGHT (C) 1970,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1982,1984,1986 BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP., MAYNARD, MASS.
/$Kc$:/'W\@/+[$\@//[&y7/4a3 /9aS/<aS/?eBf@/BeC&/FeC& /KeS
/^+ \$.	d@ D*2\$/	d@ D*2 D*4!&}\$2	d+h4Dh D*5*fe@@*5 $*36@*5 D*2	`O@+= /c@@*96 U+} */@-${Write MONGEN.MIC(Y,N)[Y causes MONGEN to output a .MIC/.CTL
file,which$may,be*used*to$automate futurerunsof	MONGEN]:,%mO@*97@@@*9&INX'@@*9,$@/c6@*9fZJ*96D*9+,>(,$*:,D(*b 2.,*$ $/e,* /c@`+= */ /i*$.^ iSH> +p7+-$Cannot INIT TTY,)76 *9,/o@@+=:`*.+5!"p@G@8*b"5$5-$4@@			CAUTION@
	This MONGEN includes dialog for UNSUPPORTED monitor options.
    Digital may not support a monitor generated with such code enabled.@@,)R,(zd 7D*2!$Lu@b D(U
+< *0R*0 *2 H*3B+<+F!$>9 D(U@b
+B *0R*0@h*3B+B+F@@(U-$E%Can't find FGEN.HLP@,)R-$ZWhich GEN(HDW,NET,F,MUNGEN)[
HDW to define hardware configuration
NET to define network configuration
F to define software features
MUNGENto4include+UNSUPPORTED,questions4intheotherdialogs]:,%y``7+b7@*9	`-$a@DSK:MONGEN.MICEwritten@,)R	`9B+^1B+5!$Lu5Dp5+^ *(RB+pB+n!$X1+D+n@@+o@@+o?+n-$kOutput(DSK:*.MAC):,'.l(4Ro,(0R+o-Hp,("INX>87+w,p-$v?Device*dnotavailable@,)R+c,>( $+v D(
b@7+  +n-$? File * error,)R
Bd"-$*@,)Q+ "-$"File ,)R7Bp+%-$%*:,)R +n-$'*,)RR+n-$).*,)R7B+p+0,> .[`-$-[*,,)QZ+p-$/*],)Q,^ +^R*(-$4 Closed [*GEN finished]@@,)R+-$K@@			CAUTION
    The MONGEN dialog alters MONGEN so that it includes dialog for devices
    not currently supported by Digital.  

    Digital may not support a monitor generated with such code enabled.@@,)R-$lMode(EXIT,ALL,INCLUDE,EXCLUDE,LIST)[
EXIT	Exits the MUNGEN configuration dialog
ALL	Asks about all known unsupported options
INCLUDE	Allows you to include a list of unsupported options by name
EXCLUDE	Allows you to exclude a list of unsupported options by name
LIST	Allows you to list unsupported option status]: ,%y,/{+K,^x */O@*.@@*/ 	d-$zSave(Y,N)[
Do you want to save this configured MONGEN on DSK:MUNGEN.EXE for later use]: ,%m5B|7@*9+j+ */O@*.7@*9+-$@DSK:MONGEN.MIC written@,)R $	dD+
&/~+jINX[Vty7Kb(!0pZ@@,%m7@70 0!$+@8*p */,~!" -$Options(Name,Name...or "*")[
Enter one or more option names to be included, delimited by commas.@]: ,'.@4R",(5H0R+"4RC+",@+"!$GD@@1R+5R"+G -$&@? Unknown option name "*"@,)R+!" -$2Options(Name,Name...or "*")[
Enter a list of option names to be excluded, delimited by commas@]: ,'.@4RG,(5H70R+;4RD+;,@+;!$BD@@1R+45R;+G -$?@? Unknown option name "*"@,)R+'!0p3H@?+)f8*pA,~70 0!0p!$+@8*pE */-$H@,)R,~!0p-$O
Option	 State		Option	 State		Option	 State@,)R @?-$Q*	,)R7 @@+U-$T Excluded,)R+X!" -$W*Included,)RZ(B&"0D+0-$[@,)R.0*pP-$^@,)R-$_@,)R */,~-$hUNIVERSAL	F - SOFTWARE FEATURE TEST FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN DIALOG@@@,)@ "-$lINTERN	[email protected]==*@XLIST@,)@6 D+-$Feature set(KIFULL,KLFULL,KSFULL)[
KIFULL Includes all Tops-10 features supported for KI10 based systems
KLFULL	Same as KIFULL but for KL10 based systems
KSFULL  Same as KIFULL but for KS10 based systems]: ,%y+-$Feature set(KLFULL,KSFULL)[
KLFULL Includes all Tops-10 features supported for KL10 based systems
KSFULL  Same as KLFULL but for KS10 based systems]: ,%y,>(,>+N (Q$ D-|Z(.$
3d+	d7+-$Insufficient user core@,)7 0,(B+2 0@,(R4R+1R++02 0r-7+)020r7+)0R1R+)0R+0/2`dpR+! I(,(3Hx+/0R+,+1!(GI(+1 I(:(+ (Q$ D-}@@Z(Q*(
 D(Z-|/ H-},^x-$DStandard setting(YES,NO,LIST,EXPLAIN)[
Standard values for all feature test switches for your configuration]: ,%y4B9-$P@Only standard settings have been tested by DEC
all other settings may produce incorrect operation. @@,)R<BR,$r+8-$lType "switch,value"(or LIST or EXPLAIN)[
For any feature test switch to define,
type "switch,value", value=0 for off or -1 for on, or
type LIST or EXPLAIN to list or explain switches.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through.]@@,)N,(d+R4R,>,(,^[d1Bm+u 
$0,&,&6+R,$r+R0R+d(`4H,%1,>,>,(4R{0R+,(5R,^,^5$!&BG-|6@GG-|+l!$"+\(Dn6@m$d$`nl"m,>-$%Newswitch}*(Y,N)[if5Y,keepswitch, else ignoreit]:,%m,^4BR!"s6A-}*bEND): ,%y+0-$0FT*,0(ON,OFF,LIST,EXPLAIN,END): ,%y x1B+6=b8!&BG-|0BGG-|,^,^*d"+7,^,^+9,$r+%-$:@LIST@,)@d @ 0,(C+>,(A+C-$B% Can't find file header in help file@,)RS-}7C-|+R,>d"`l"m,> x-$HXP *,,)@ 6!-|+L-$K-1,)@+N-$M0,)@,^,(C+P,(@-$Q@,)@,^*dC-$V	IF2 <PURGE XP,XPL,XPP>@@	END,)@,^(,~-$SUBTTL HDWCNF - HARDWARE CONFIGURATION DEFINITION FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN@@@,)@-$cDEFINE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,)@ "f-$fXP M.GEN,*@,)@,%4 .-$jXP M.KI10,*@,)@ .-$mXP M.KL10,*@,)@ .-$pXP M.KS10,*@,)@ -~-$sXP M.1070,*@,)@ -~-$vXP M.1080,*@,)@ --$yXP M.1090,*@,)@ --$|XP M.1091,*@,)@ .-$XP M.2020,*@,)@7B.6B-+	 "7 C "-$Cpu's(1,1-*)[Total number of cpu's in the system]: ,&] B. .-$
XP M.CPU,*@,)@-$System name[24 characters or less]: ,'.0b
7+-$% More than 24 characters@,)R+ "b0!" -$DEFINE	SYSNAM
<	ASCIZ	&*&>@,)k	d&$:.$ ,> &$,> "-$#DEFINE	SYSDAT,)@,)q-$%ASCIZ &*,)> B.
,^ "-$(-*,)> B.
,^-$+-*&,)> B.
-$/XP M.MON,*@,)@ .
-$2XP M.DAY,*@,)@@. -$9CPU* serial #(1-10000): ,&] B@.	<0B3B@.	7+A -$@? Cannot be same as CPU*@,)R+5=0;@@.W +@7@.6@.+K +-$J# DK10's on CPU*(1,0-2)[Real time clock]: ,&] B@.7@O@+`.B.:+30.+6 .	-$QXP M.C0SN,*@,)@ .	-$TXP M.C1SN,*@,)@ .
-$WXP M.C2SN,*@,)@ .
-$ZXP M.C3SN,*@,)@ .-$]XP M.C4SN,*@,)@ .-$`XP M.C5SN,*@,)@ .-$cXP M.RT0,*@,)@ .-$fXP M.RT1,*@,)@ .-$iXP M.RT2,*@,)@ .-$lXP M.RT3,*@,)@ .-$oXP M.RT4,*@,)@ .-$rXP M.RT5,*@,)@ .-$uXP M.RTX,*@,)@6 D+-$Exclude monitor overhead from user run time(Y,N)[
Overhead is CPU time spent clock queue processing, command
decoding, swapping, and scheduling.
User run time always includes UUO execution and
unless EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected
(KL10 systems only) includes IO interrupt service time.
On KI systems, each CPU must have a DK10]: ,%m+:-$:Exclude monitor overhead from user run time(Y,N)[
Overhead is CPU time spent clock queue processing, command
decoding, swapping, and scheduling.
User run time always includes UUO execution and
unless EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected
(KL10 systems only) includes IO interrupt service time.]: ,%m-$<XP M.RTCO,*@,)@7@.+q-$PEBOX/MBOX runtime accounting(Y,N)[
If EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected in a KL10
based system, user runtime is computed using the KL10
internal accounting clocks]: ,%m B. .-$TXP M.EMRT,*@,)@7@.+t-$mExclude PI time from user runtime(Y,N)[
An answer of "yes" to this question will cause the monitor
to set up the KL10 accounting meters in such a manner that
users will not be charged for cpu time used during interrupts]: ,%m B. .-$pXP M.XPI,*@,)@+v-$sXP M.EMRT,0@,)@-$vXP M.XPI,0@,)@6@.6@.+
6@+`+-$High precision time accounting(Y,N)[Use DK10 clock for 
10 micro-second time accounting]: ,%m B.5B
-$DK10 software(Y,N)[Include real time clock service routine]: ,%m B. .-$XP M.RTCA,*@,)@ .-$XP M.RTC,*@,)@-$Account verification(Y,N)[LOGIN and the batch system will
verify that the user has specified a valid account]: ,%m-$!XP M.ACV,*@,)@ "6@.6@-~+:-$9MOS memory(Y,N)[Include support for the user mode MOS memory diagnostic THGA
which collects statistics on single bit memory errors and substitutes the spare
bit when a single bit error is determined to be hard]: ,%m-$<XP M.MOS,*@,)@7B.+I-$HSCA support(Y,N)[Load monitor modules needed to provide Systems
Communications Architecture support]: ,%m B.^-$KXP M.SCA,*@,)@O@+b6@.+6 R+^-$]Auto-Configure(Y,N)[Automatically determine disk/tape configuration when
systemstarts.Can-only	beused for+RH10,$RH20,aDX10 devices]:F,%m4B	A6@-~+e-$dInclude	RNXKON(Y,N)[Support1forHRP20 disks]:.,%m7@l@6@.^6@-~+n-$mInclude)RAXKON(Y,N)[Support)fordisks	onPthe*CI,bus]:,%m7@l-$vIncludeTM2KON(Y,N)[Support	for TU16/TU45/TU77tapedrives]:B,%m7@l 6 Q+	-$Include TX1KON(Y,N)[Support for DX10/TU7x tape drives]: ,%m7@l6@-~+0-$	Include TD2KON(Y,N)[Support for DX20/TU7x tape drives]: ,%m7@l-$	Include T78KON(Y,N)[Support for TU78 tape drives]: ,%m7@l:+b2".+	--$	XP M.DPC,0@,)E-$	XP M.FHD,0@,)E-$	XP M.FSD,0@,)E-$	XP M.MDF,0@,)E6Pg 0 -$	 XP M.RPX,*@,)E -$	#XP M.TAPN,*@,)E a@@6@-~@-$	(XP M.RNX,*@,)E a@6@-~@-$	,XP M.RAX,*@,)E+	-$	/XP M.P0T,1@,)@-$	2XP M.N0T,1@,)@-$	4RP0==650@,)@-$	6RN0==650@,)@-$	8RA0==650@,)@O@+d 0 P+a P.a@  P.a@ P.6@-~+$a@@ P.a@ P.a@ P.+$;B+bO@+d7 +dO@+d2".+$6 R+	O-$	N# Data Channels on CPU*(2,0-?)[DF10s, DF10Cs, DX10s or RH20s for disk and tape]: ,&]+	W-$	V# Data Channels on CPU*(2,0-?)[DX10s or RH20s for disk and tape]: ,&]-$	YXP M.CHN,*@,)E4Bs B.
 81B 8.X..X+k +a-$	XP M.*TX,0@,)@ +a-$
XP M.*TX,0@,)E6B=
 "6 ]+
  # RC10s(0-2)[Controllers for RD10 Burroughs disks and
RM10B Bryant drums on channel *]: ,&]  +a-$
XP M.*FH,,)@ -$
*@,)@ .d@ B+j4P
- .-$
XP M.FH*P,,)@ +j-$
*@,)@ .-$
XP FH*CPU,,)@ +b-$
&  # Units on FH*(1-4): ,&],> .."("}-$
*XP M.FH*,,)@,^-$
7 +a-$
7  # RH10S for RS04'S(0-3)[Controllers for RS04 swapping
disks on channel *]: ,&]  +a-$
:XP M.*FS,,)@ -$
U .-$
@XP M.FS*F,,)@ "d@@-$
C*@,)@ .-$
FXP FS*CPU,,)@ +b-$
N  # Units on FS*(1-8): ,&],> .."("}-$
RXP M.FS*,,)@,^-$
a +a-$
`  # RH10S for RP04'S,RP06'S(0-3)[Controllers for RP04,RP06
disk pack units on channel *]: ,&]+
m +a-$
l  # RH20S for RP04'S,RP06'S,RP07'S(0-1)[Controllers for RP04,RP06,RP07
disk pack units on channel *]: ,&]  +a-$
oXP M.*RP,,)@ -$
q*@,)@ .`@ B+i4P .-$
vXP M.P*F,,)@ "d@@-$
y*@,)@ .-$
|XP RP*CPU,,)@ +b-$
~*@,)@:`.:.."("},>-$  # Units on RP*(1-8): ,&]*x-$XP M.RP*,,)@,^-$*@,)@ ./4 -$
XP M.P*T,,)@6B +k-$*@,)@ ./"-$XP M.RS*P,,)@ +h-$*@,)@=p
t7B+ +a-$  # RH20S for RP20'S(0-1)[Controllers for RP20
disk units on channel *.]: ,&]  .d@ B+i +a-$#XP M.*RN,,)@ -$%*@,)@4T<"S` .-$*XP RN*CPU,,)@ +b-$,*@,)@:.."("},>-$1  # Units on RN*(1-16): ,&]*x-$4XP M.RN*,,)@,^-$6*@,)@ ./4 -$9XP M.N*T,,)@ +k-$;*@,)@*p'@ +a-$?XP M.*RA,,)@-$@*@,)@6B=M +a-$L  # RP10s(0-3)[Controllers for Memorex and ISS RP02 and RP03 
disk pack units on channel *]: ,&]  +a-$OXP M.*DP,,)@ -$Q*@,)@ .d@ B+j4Pi .-$VXP M.DP*P,,)@ +j-$X*@,)@ .-$[XP DP*CPU,,)@ +b-$]*@,)@:.."("}-$b  # Units on DP*(1-8): ,&],> .."("}-$fXP M.DP*,,)@,^-$h*@,)@=pT6B=s +a-$s  # TM10Bs(0-2)[Tape Controller for NRZI only drives
on channel  *]: ,&]  +a-$vXP M.*TB,,)@ -$x*@,)@ .d@ B+h4P
:.:+d-$}XP M.MT*T,1@,)@-$
XP M.T1*P,,)@ +h-$
  # RH20's for DX20's (0-1)[Mass-bus tape controller for
DX20's on channel *]: ,&]  +a-$
XP M.*D2,,)@ -$
J "+
% +k/"-$
$  # DX20's on RH20 * (1-8)[Programmed Device Adapters
driving up to 8 TU7x tape drives through a TX02 Tape Control Unit]: ,&] :+d -$
(XP M.D2*T,,)@?T+k 4:+k -$
,*@,)@ +d-$
/XP M.MT*T,6@,)@ +d-$
2XP M.MT*C,,)@ +a-$
4*@,)@ +d-$
7XP M.MT*P,,)@ +b-$
9*@,)@ +d-$
<XP M.MT*U,,)@ +b-$
>*@,)@:+b:. +g-$
C  # Units on DX20 * (1-8): ,&] :+g +d-$
GXP M.MT*,,)@ -$
V +a-$
U  # RH10's for TM02'S (0-2)[Mass-Bus tape controller for
TU16's and TU45's on channel *]: ,&]+
a +a-$
`  # RH20's for TM02'S (0-1)[Mass-Bus tape controller for
TU16's and TU45's on channel *]: ,&]  +a-$
cXP M.*T2,,)@ -$
e*@,)@d@ @@+f4P
r  How many TM02's on RH10 # * (1-8)[EACH UNIT CAN CONTROL
}  How many TM02's on RH20 # * (1-8)[EACH UNIT CAN CONTROL
:+f7B+r TM78'S (0-1)[Mass-Bus tape controller for
TU78's*on,channel*]:-,&]1E+a-$t can control
upPto.87sub-units=)tape+drives]:,&]@.n+d.4*-$,&],>e+d-$XPoM.MT*,,)@ x-$*@,)@,^,~$+a-$T*#,Controllers(0-1)[TX01'sPorTX02's)forTU70TapeDrives@onchannelk*]:M,&]@,+a-$XPM.*FH,0@,)@*+a-$XPM.*DP,0@,)@ +a-$XPM.*RP,0@,)@@+a-$XPM.*RN,0@,)@,+a-$"XP M.*FS,0@,)@-+a-$%XPXM.*TB,0@,)@X+a-$(XPM.*TC,0@,)@D+a-$+XPM.*T2,0@,)@@+a-$.XPM.*D2,0@,)@,+a-$0XPM.*TX,,)@--$2*@,)@-.d@nB+g4P>:.:+d-$8XP3M.MT*T,3@,)@-$:XP M.TX*P,,)@ +g-$<*@,)@,
on your system]: ,&],> +a-$XP M.CH*T,4@,)@ +a-$XP M.*RH,1@,)@ +b-$XP RH0CPU,*@,)@ +a-$XP M.RHX,1@,)E +a-$ XP M.*TR,0@,)@,^-$#XP M.RHA,*@,)@,p:+a-$+Tape drives(1,1-4)[Total number of TU45's on your system]: ,&],>:. +a-$/XP M.CH*T,4@,)@ +a-$2XP M.*RH,0@,)@ +a-$5XP M.*TR,1@,)@ +a-$8XP M.TAPN,1@,)E-$;XP M.MT0T,5@,)@ +a-$>XP M.MT0C,*@,)@ +b-$AXP M.MT0P,*@,)@-$DXP M.MT0U,400000@,)@,^-$GXP M.MT0,*@,)@,p:+a-$KDEFINE MACKN0 (X),)@,)q,)r-$ODEFINE MACK60 (X),)@,)q,)r6 ^+l "-$X# RX211s(0,0-*)[Double density "floppy disk" controls]: ,&]-$[XP M.RX20,*@,)E 4Pl:+c."("}-$a  # Units on RX*(1-2): ,&],> +c."("}-$eXP M.RX*,,)@*x-$g*@,)@*x-$iXP M.RX*,,)E,^-$k*@,)E=p\7 ^+$-$oXP M.RX20,0@,)E+$ +a-$sXP M.*FH,0@,)@ +a-$vXP M.*DP,0@,)@ +a-$yXP M.*RP,0@,)@ +a-$|XP M.*RN,0@,)@ +a-$XP M.*RA,0@,)@ +a-$XP M.*FS,0@,)@ +a-$XP M.*TB,0@,)@ +a-$XP M.*TC,0@,)@ +a-$XP M.*T2,0@,)@ +a-$XP M.*TX,0@,)@ +a-$XP M.FHD,0@,)E +a-$XP M.FSD,0@,)E +a-$XP M.RPX,0@,)E +a-$XP M.RNX,0@,)E +a-$XP M.RAX,0@,)E +a-$ XP M.DPC,0@,)E +a-$#XP M.MDF,0@,)E,~ +a-$&XP M.CHN,*@,)@ .-$)XP M.RC10,*@,)@ .-$,XP M.RH1S,*@,)@ .-$/XP M.RH1P,*@,)@ .-$2XP M.RH2P,*@,)@ .-$5XP M.RH20,*@,)@ .-$8XP M.RHP4,*@,)@ .-$;XP M.RP20,*@,)@ .-$>XP M.RP10,*@,)@ .-$AXP M.TX01,*@,)@ .-$DXP M.TM02,*@,)@ .-$GXP M.DX20,*@,)@ .-$JXP M.TM78,*@,)@ .-$MXP M.TM10,*@,)@7@.+T-$QXP M.R11D,1@,)@-$SXP M.TRH1,1@,)@+Y-$VXP M.R11D,0@,)@-$YXP M.TRH1,0@,)@ +d40-$kSpecify which drives (M-N) are 7 track drives.
[Type one number (M) or one range(M-N) or ALL on separate lines.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,)N +d/,>-$oDEFINE	MACKN* (X),)@,^."("}-$tFor controller MT*@,'L=0k-$Specify which tape drives (M-N) are capable of 6250 BPI densities.
[Type one number (M) or one range (M-N) or ALL on separate lines.
TypeNanMextra carriagereturnwhenthrough.]@,)Nl+dM+d/,>-$+@@.Y@@.Z@@.[,>,>O@+b:+b2".+9-$# of DTEs on CPU*(1,1-4)[Interfaces for front-end PDP-11s]: ,&] @ -$#XP M.DTEN,*@,)E2<+4 +b$".-$,  Type of front end on DTE* (RSX20F,ANF10,IBM,DECNET): ,%y,> -$0XP M.*DTE,,)E x:-$2*@,)@,^,0	9#0<+ -$8XP M.*DTE,0@,)E94 .-$;XP M.TTDN,*@,)@ .-$>XP M.DLP,*@,)@ .-$AXP M.DCR,*@,)@ .Y-$DXP M.DN6S,*@,)@ .Z-$GXP M.DN8S,*@,)@ .[-$JXP M.DDCN,*@,)@,^,^+ +b$".,>-$Y  # terminals on front end #*(0,0-128)[include
only timesharing (DH11) lines, not CTY or KLINIK]: ,&]7@7.".B.-$]XP M.TTDN,*@,)E x-$c  # line printers on front end #*(0,0-2): ,&].B.-$fXP M.LP0N,*@,)E-$iXP M.LP1N,0@,)E-$kXP M.LP2N,0@,)E-$nXP M.LP3N,0@,)E4B"SZ-$z     Front end printer * lower case(Y,N)[Does printer * have lower case capability]: ,%m,>Z-$}XP M.FL*L,,)E,^-$*@,)E*pp "6 @+ x-$  # card readers on front end #*(0,0-1): ,&].B.-$
XP M.CR0N,*@,)E-$XP M.CR2N,0@,)E-$XP M.CR3N,0@,)E,^,~:.Z,~:.[,~:.Y:.W,~6@.+[O@+b:+b2$.+26 I7 J+6 M5D2 "6 I+& +b-$&How many DC10s on CPU*(1,0-2)[
The DC10 is a data line scanner]: ,&]7@+b B.$ "6 J+3 +b-$3How many DC68s on CPU*(1,0-2)[
The DC68 is a PDP-8 680 or 680I communications system]: ,&]7@+b B.$ "6 M+? +b-$?How many DC76s on CPU*(1,0-8)[
The DC76 is a PDP-11 communications system]: ,&]6@+b+ B.% .$-$CXP M.DC10,*@,)@ .$-$FXP M.DC68,*@,)@ .%-$IXP M.DC76,*@,)@ "-$LXP MD.DCS,*@,)@7@.$+R7@.$+R,>/,[:x .$2Bx,[,^x7@.$+V,>/,
,^x7@.%+k,>/,:x>@.%+X,^x+k-$]XP M.DC10,0@,)@-$_XP M.DC68,0@,)@-$bXP M.DC76,0@,)@-$dXP MD.DCS,0@,)@-$jTTY lines(0-32)[Total number of TTY lines]: ,&] B., .(-$mXP M.D70N,*@,)@ .)-$pXP M.D71N,*@,)@ .)-$sXP M.D72N,*@,)@ .*-$vXP M.D73N,*@,)@ .*-$yXP M.D74N,*@,)@ .+-$|XP M.D75N,*@,)@ .+-$XP M.D76N,*@,)@ .,-$XP M.D77N,*@,)@-$XP M.D78N,0@,)@-$XP M.D79N,0@,)@-$
XP M.D7AN,0@,)@-$
XP M.D7BN,0@,)@ .%-$XP M.TTG0,*@,)@ .&-$XP M.TTG1,*@,)@ .&-$XP M.DSG0,*@,)@ .'-$XP M.DSG1,*@,)@ .'-$XP M.68L0,*@,)@ .(-$XP M.68L1,*@,)@ .,-$!XP M.DZNL,*@,)@ .,-$$XP M.DZNL,*@,)E .%..&(B..(..)..)..*..*..+..+..,..,..'..(-$0XP M.TLTL,* ;TOTAL LOCAL TTY LINES@@,)@7@.+6@...<-$:OPR octal line #(CTY,0-*)[OPR is privileged operator terminal]: ,&^-$=DEFINE	OPRLIN,)@,)q-$?@	OPRL	*@,)@,)r-$A@,)@-$DDEFINE	MACDSD,)@-$ZData set lines
[Class of terminal for LOGIN, LOGIN resets line
to computer echoing and no hardware tabs.
Type one octal line #(M) or one range(M-N) on separate
lines.  Type extra carriage return when through.]@,'1+C -$^@For DC10 *:@@,)Q "-$i# DC10B[ or 632] 8 line data groups(1-*)[
1 is TTY0-7, 2 is TTY0 - 17, ... 8 is TTY0 - 77]: ,&]  B.%-$o# DC10E Data set control groups(0-*): ,&]  B.& -$sDEFINE	MACCR*,)@ 7@.&+-$
Correspondence of DC10E lines to the DC10B lines(M-N,P)[
Type M,P for one pair and M-N,P for a range of pairs
where M is octal DC10E line, M-N is octal range of DC10E
lines, and P is octal DC10B line]@,'>,~,)q+)r -$@FOR DC68 *:@@,)Q "2-$# Octal lines on DC68, including its console TTY(1-*): ,&`  B.',~ -$@For DC76 *:@@,)Q-$2Which DL10 port is the DC76 connected to(0,1-7)[Each PDP-11
is connected to a DL10 port. If there is only one -11 it
is always connected to port 0. If there are 2 -11's one is
connected to port 0 and the other to port 1]: ,&],>-$ADecimal lines on DC76(1-129)[
Each DC76F is 16 lines and the console teletype is
one line. A DC76 with 2 DC76Fs has 33 lines]: ,&] x B.(,^x,~ "-$L# Jobs(1-*)[Maximum number attached and detached, not
counting null job]: ,&]-$OXP M.JOB,*@,)@ "-$RXP MD.2RR,*@,)@ "-$UXP MD.SEG,*@,)@ "-$XXP MD.DDT,*@,)@ "@-$`Maximum P of core for each job(0,0-*)[0 means all of core]: ,&]-$bXP M.CORE,*@,)@ "-$k# K total system core(512-*)[ONCE-only reports if
less core at startup]: ,&]-$nXP M.NKC,*@,)@-$tClock ticks per second(60,50)[Power line frequency]: ,%y7@m "-$xXP M.TPS,*@,)@7@.+}-$|XP M.RTD,0@,)@+
 "&-$# Real-time devices(0,0-*)[Max. # which can be put
on PI channels simultaneously]: ,&]-$	XP M.RTD,*@,)@5B-$Allow jobs to be locked in core(Y,N): ,%m-$XP M.LOK,*@,)@4B  "@-$ # Pages min guaranteed among jobs not locked in core(0,0-*)[
minimum free core pool for unlocked jobs, 0 assumes all of core]: ,&]-$"XP M.MGC,*@,)@ "-$'# High priority queues(0,0-*): ,&]-$*XP M.HPQ,*@,)@@6 T+2-$2Meter(Y,N)[Performance analysis metering(METER UUO)]: ,%m-$4XP M.METR,*@,)@7B.6B.1+B@6 S+B-$BKASER(Y,N)[Include support for simulation of KA10
long floating point instructions]: ,%m-$DXP M.FPS,*@,)@-$QMSGSER(Y,N)[Support for device MPX. (more than one device
on an I/O channel). This feature is required for MCS-10]: ,%m-$TXP M.MSG,*@,)@-$jPSISER(Y,N)[Advanced programmed software interrupt service -
Support for the PISYS. UUO. This provides an easy
and powerful interrupt method for program to trap asynchronous
events. Required by GALAXY-10]: ,%m-$lXP M.PSI,*@,)@-$rIPCF(Y,N)[Inter process communication facility]: ,%m-$uXP M.IPCF,*@,)@-$ENQ/DEQ(Y,N)[Sychronization primitives to allow
simultaneousfileupdateAbymultiple$co-operating0processes]:a,%m-$XPuM.EQDQ,*@,)@-$XPMM.SYSC,0@,)@6@.+:O@+b:+b2".+.1p+.C10,*@,)E "6 B+#-$"CDP(Y,N)[Card punch]: ,%m.B.\-$%XP M.CDP,*@,)E4B/-$,CP10D(Y,N)[Special Systems unbuffered card punch]: ,%m-$/XP M.CP1D,*@,)E "6 N+;-$:DIS(Y,N)[Display device(VP10,340,30,VB10C) as distinguished from
display terminals]: ,%m4BB-$AType(VP10,340,VB10C)[Answer VP10 for Type 30]: ,%y:. .-$DXP M.VP10,*@,)@ .-$GXP M.VP10,*@,)E .-$JXP M.340,*@,)@ .-$MXP M.340,*@,)E .-$PXP M.VBXC,*@,)@ .-$SXP M.VBXC,*@,)E@7@.6@. "-$XXP M.DIS,*@,)@-$ZXP M.DIS,*@,)E "6 P+a "-$a# TD10s(1,0-*)[DECtape controls]: ,&]-$cXP M.TD10,*@,)E 4Pu:+c."("}-$i  # Units on DT*(1-8): ,&],> +c."("}-$mXP M.DT*,,)@*x-$o*@,)@*x-$rXP M.DT*,,)E,^-$t*@,)E=pe "-$zLPTs(1,0-*)[Line printers on the I/O Buss]: ,&]-$}XP M.LPT,*@,)E,>6@ "-$XP MD.MOV,*@,)@,^4B  +e-$
LPT* Lower case(Y,N)[Does LPT* have lower case capability]: ,%m,> +e."("}-$XP M.LP*L,,)@*x-$*@,)@*x-$XP M.LP*L,,)E,^-$*@,)E:+e=p "6 V+ "-$PLTS(0,0-*)[Plotters]: ,&].B.]-$XP M.PLT,*@,)E "6 W+&-$%PTP(Y,N)[Paper tape punch]: ,%m.B.]-$(XP M.PTP,*@,)E "6 X+.-$-PTR(Y,N)[Paper tape reader]: ,%m.B.^-$0XP M.PTR,*@,)E-$3XP M.RX20,0@,)E-$5XP M.RX20,0@,)E "6 E+? "-$># of DA28s(0,0-*)[Interprocessor channels for PDP8/11/15]: ,&]-$AXP M.XTC,*@,)@-$CXP M.XTC,*@,)E4BP-$M# of lines for TTY pool(8,0-512)[Lines reserved for use on DA28 channels]: ,&]-$OXP M.XTL,*@,)@-$RXP M.XTL,*@,)E "6 F+[ "-$Z# DAS78s(0,0-*)[IBM 360, 370, and/or 2780 support]: ,&].B. B.W4B_,>/,:x>@.W+],^x .-$bXP M.0D78,*@,)E .-$eXP M.1D78,*@,)E .-$hXP M.2D78,*@,)E .-$kXP M.3D78,*@,)E .-$nXP M.4D78,*@,)E .-$qXP M.5D78,*@,)E .-$tXP M.6D78,*@,)E .-$wXP M.7D78,*@,)E .-$zXP M.D78L,*@,)E .-$}XP M.XXI,*@,)E .-$XP M.XXO,*@,)E+ -$@For DAS78 *:@@,)Q-$Which DL10 port is the DAS78 connected to (0,0-7)]
Each DAS78 PDP11 is connected to a DL10 port]: ,&],>-$Decimal lines on the DAS78 (1-16)[
Each DAS78 can support up to 16 IBM 360s, 370s, and/or 2780s]: ,&].B. x B.,^x,~ 0@@.*$.#@7 H6@+b+& "-$&# DN60s(0,0-*)[IBM BSC interfaces]: ,&] B..B.W6@+b+/ .-$+XP M.DN6D,*@,)@7@.+/,>/,g:x>@.+-,^x .-$2XP M.0D60,*@,)E .-$5XP M.1D60,*@,)E .-$8XP M.2D60,*@,)E .-$;XP M.3D60,*@,)E . -$>XP M.4D60,*@,)E . -$AXP M.5D60,*@,)E .!-$DXP M.6D60,*@,)E .!-$GXP M.7D60,*@,)E .-$JXP M.D60L,*@,)E6@+b+ .-$NXP M.0D60,*@,)@ .-$QXP M.1D60,*@,)@ .-$TXP M.2D60,*@,)@ .-$WXP M.3D60,*@,)@ . -$ZXP M.4D60,*@,)@ . -$]XP M.5D60,*@,)@ .!-$`XP M.6D60,*@,)@ .!-$cXP M.7D60,*@,)@ .-$fXP M.D60L,*@,)@+ -$i@For DN60 *:@@,)Q-$uWhich port is the DN60 connected to (0,0-7)[
DL10 number 1 has ports 0-3, DL10 number 2 has ports 4-7]: ,&`,>-$Decimal lines on the DN60 (1-12)[
Each DN60 can support up to 12 IBM BSC interfaces]: ,&].B. x B.,^x,~-$XP M.DN6K,0@,)@-$XP M.DN6R,0@,)@ .W-$
XP M.DN60,*@,)@+ .\-$XP M.CDR,*@,)@ .\-$XP M.CDP,*@,)@ +c-$XP M.TD10,*@,)@ +e-$XP M.LPT,*@,)@ .]-$XP M.PLT,*@,)@ .]-$XP M.PTP,*@,)@ .^-$ XP M.PTR,*@,)@ .-$#XP M.DAS78,*@,)@ .-$&XP M.XXI,*@,)@ .-$)XP M.XXO,*@,)@-$+XP M.RX20,0@,)@ "-$6# PTYs(20,1-*)[Pseudo-terminals - each operator
service program and Batch stream needs one]: ,&]-$9XP M.PTY,*@,)@+@@+b "-$E# PTYs(20,1-*)[Pseudo-terminals - each operator
service program and Batch stream needs one]: ,&]-$GXP M.PTY,*@,)@-$KLPT(0,0-1)[Line printer]: ,&]-$NXP M.LPT,*@,)@-$PXP M.LPT,*@,)E4Bf +a-$TXP M.CH*T,5@,)@ +a-$WXP M.LP0C,*@,)@ +a-$ZXP M.*RH,0@,)@ +a-$]XP M.*TR,0@,)@,p:+a-$cLower case(Y,N)[Does LPT have lower case]: ,%m-$fXP M.LP0L,*@,)@ "6 @+l -$lCDR(0,0-1)[Card reader]: ,&]-$nXP M.CDR,*@,)@-$qXP M.CDR,*@,)E4B +a-$tXP M.CH*T,6@,)@ +a-$wXP M.CD0C,*@,)@ +a-$zXP M.*RH,0@,)@ +a-$}XP M.*TR,0@,)@,p:+a +a-$XP M.CHN,*@,)@@6 W+-$PTP(Y,N)[Paper tape punch]: ,%m.B.]-$
XP M.PTP,*@,)E@6 X+-$PTR(Y,N)[Paper tape reader]: ,%m.B.^-$XP M.PTR,*@,)E "-$# KMC/DUP Lines(0,0-*)[Number of DUP-11 synchronous
line units attached to a KMC-11 controller.]: ,&]-$ XP M.KDUP,*@,)@@p.X4B8 20+8 7 H++-$*Type of line for KDP* (ANF10,DECNET,USER): ,%y+1-$0Type of line for KDP* (ANF10,DECNET,USER,IBM): ,%y1B:.X: -$5XP M.*KDP,,)@ -$7*@,)@9" Z.Y@@.X@6 G+C "-$C# DMR11 Lines(0,0-*)[Number of DMR11 synchronous line
controllers.]: ,&]-$EXP M.DMRN,*@,)@.4Z-  Z.Z@20+ 6 H+Q-$P DMR* line type(ANF10,DECNET,USER,IBM): ,%y+V-$U DMR* line type(ANF10,DECNET,USER): ,%y1B:.X: -$ZXP M.*DMR,,)@ -$\*@,)@ -$e DMR* switched line(Y,N)[
 Does-DMR* controlla switched,(dial-up) line]: ,%m*-$hXP DMR*SW,,)@*-$j*@,)@4B
 Does-DMR* control aehalfaduplex)line]: ,%m*-$vXP DMR*HD,,)@*-$x*@,)@4B
 Exactly one end of this link should be a secondary station.  Secondary
*statuscontrolslinkstartupHonly.]:,%m*-$XPDMR*LS,,)@*-$ications software (Y,N)[
Allows using a KDP or DMR to talk to a DN22 IBM communications front-end.]: ,%m6@.Y.B.X6@.Z.B.X .X..X D.W .W-$&XP M.DN60,*@,)@ .X-$)XP M.DN6K,*@,)@ .X-$,XP M.DN6R,*@,)@+7-$/XP M.DECN,0@,)@-$1XP M.DN60,0@,)@-$4XP M.DN6K,0@,)@-$6XP M.DN6R,0@,)@-$9XP MD.MOV,0@,)@-$;XP MD.C10,0@,)@-$>XP M.CDP,0@,)@-$@XP M.CDP,0@,)E-$CXP M.VP10,0@,)@-$EXP M.340,0@,)@-$HXP M.VBXC,0@,)@-$JXP M.DIS,0@,)@-$MXP M.TD10,0@,)@-$OXP M.TD10,0@,)E-$RXP MD.DTC,0@,)@-$TXP M.PLT,0@,)@-$WXP M.PLT,0@,)E .]-$ZXP M.PTP,*@,)@ .^-$]XP M.PTR,*@,)@-$_XP M.DC44,0@,)@-$bXP M.XTC,0@,)@-$dXP M.XTL,0@,)@-$gXP M.DAS78,0@,)@-$iXP M.0D78,0@,)E-$lXP M.1D78,0@,)E-$nXP M.2D78,0@,)E-$qXP M.3D78,0@,)E-$sXP M.4D78,0@,)E-$vXP M.5D78,0@,)E-$xXP M.6D78,0@,)E-${XP M.7D78,0@,)E-$}XP M.DN6D,0@,)@-$XP M.0D60,0@,)@-$XP M.1D60,0@,)@-$XP M.2D60,0@,)@-$XP M.3D60,0@,)@-$
XP M.4D60,0@,)@-$
XP M.5D60,0@,)@-$XP M.6D60,0@,)@-$XP M.7D60,0@,)@-$XP M.8D60,0@,)@-$XP M.9D60,0@,)@-$XP M.AD60,0@,)@-$XP M.BD60,0@,)@ +c-$XP M.RX20,*@,)@+-$!@RADIX	10@,)@-$.Decimal "symbol,value"[
For any symbols to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,)Nl ,(d+4R<,(0R+9 0R+5,Y+9+.,(5R9-$8XP *@,)k+.-$;? Not symbol,value@,)R9-$>RADIX	8@,)@ */-$K@Octal "symbol,value"[
For any symbol to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,)Nl ,(d+?4Ra,(0R+V 0R+R,Y+V+K,(5RV-$UXP *@,)k+K-$X? Not symbol,value@,)R9?@4R)g1R9Z0R+Z=pZ,(<5R)g!" -$`XP *@,)k+)f */-$n@SIXBIT "symbol,value"[
For any sixbit symbol to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,)N,(d+b4R~,>,(0R+z,(5Rz,^,( -$vXP *,)@,( -$y,<SIXBIT/*/>@,)@+o,^-$}? Not symbol,value@,)R9b */-$@DEFINE	SPCINT,)@,)q-$Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel" for special devices[
With neither channel AC save routine nor device data block,
the "device-mnemonic" must be 3 characters or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,)N,('94H#7@+ -$? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel@,)R9-$"SPASGINT *@,)k+,)r */-$&@DEFINE	SPCDDB,)@,)q-$;Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel,no.-of-devices"[
For special devices with device data blocks.
the "device-mnemonic" must be 3 characters or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,)N,('9'4HH0R+B,(5RB-$ASPASGDDB *@,)k+;-$G? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel, no.-of-devices@,)R9',)r */-$K@DEFINE	SPCSAV,)@,)q-$cType "device-mnemonic,PI-channel,highest-ac-to-save"[
For special devices with channel save routines to save acs up to
the "highest-ac-to-save".  "Device" must be 3 char or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,)N,('9L4Hy0R+r,(5Rr0b7+o "-$n? Highest-ac-to-save must be * or less@,)Q9L-$qSPASGSAV *@,)k+d-$x? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel,highest-ac-to-save@,)R9L,)r-${@DEFINE	SPCEDN,)@,)q-$Type "ersatz-device,P,Pn,search-list-type"[
For customer defined ersatz devices.
The "esratz-device" must be exactly 3 characters long.
"P,Pn" is the Project/Programmer number associated.
"search-list-type" is one of ALL,SYS,JOB.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,)N,(d9|4R.,(0R+(aHpah+(,(4R(0R+(,(4R(0R+(,(5R(2H03H0
+(-$'UERSTZ	*@,)k+-$-?Not ersatz-device,P,Pn,search-list-type@,)R9|,)r-$0@DEFINE	SPCCMD,)@,)q-$@Type "command-name,dispatch,flags,unique-bits,PRVTAB-name"[
For customer defined commands.
The "command-name" is the name of the monitor command to be added, either a
single SIXBIT alphanumeric word, a single SIXBIT character enclosed in
angle-brackets, or omitted if only extending PRVTAB.
"dispatch" is one of:
	omitted to run the program with the same name as the command
	the SIXBIT name of the program to run if different
	#address to use the already existing monitor location "address"
		as the dispatch routine for this command, e.g., #RUNQUE
"flags" are the flags used in the command table macros, e.g., RUNFLG
"unique-bits" are the command table unique bits, e.g., UNIQ.1
"PRVTAB-name" is the name of the program to be added to PRVTAB, if any

",PRVTAB-name" is also acceptable.

For customer defined terminal types.

Terminal-type is the SIXBIT name of the terminal.
/Alias is optional.  Alias is the SIXBIT name sent to other systems on
set host.
WIDTH is the width of the terminal
LENGTH is the length/pagesize of the terminal
FF/NOFF is whether or not the terminal has hardware form feeds
TAB/NOTAB is wheither or not the terminal has hardware tabs
LC/NOLC is wheither or not the terminal is capabile of lower case
ALT/NOALT is wheither or not the terminal generates old altmodes
DIS/NODIS is wheither or not the terminal is a display terminal
CRLF/NOCRLF is wheither or not the terminal needs a CRLF at right margin
XON/NOXON is wheither or not ^S/^Q should pause the terminal
8BIT/NO8BIT is whether the terminal handles the 8-bit ASCII character set
FILL is the number of fill characters required for the terminal
Erase-to-EOL is address of sequences to cursor right and erase to EOL
Backspace-space-backspace is address of sequences to backspace, space, backspace

Type extra carriage return when through.]@,)N,(d9J4R e,(4H [0R+ I 2r,(4H [0R+ [,(0R+ [,(0R+ [!0|,(0R+ [4H [3H@ a+ Th(k`hhk`+ [(H2H@ a+ [*p N,(0R+ [,(0R+ [,(5R [-$ ZTERMCR	*@,)k+ D-$ `?Not a valid terminal attribute list format@,)R9MMiY
C3 I'GJd`q>p1
N@,)rs*/,~-$[oSUBTTL	NETCNF - NETWORK CONFIGURATION DEFINITION FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN DIALOG@@@,)@-$ sDEFINE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,)@ "-$ vXP M.NET,*@,)@-$ yXP M.RSS,0@,)@-$ {XP M.DS10,0@,)@-$ ~XP M.DP01,0@,)@6 K+!-$!
Software to support remote computers: DECsystem-10's,
PDP-11's, PDP-8's (requires FTNET to be -1)]: ,%m+!-$!Network software(Y,N)[
Software to support remote computers: DECsystem-10's and
PDP-11's (requires FTNET to be -1)]: ,%m-$!XP M.NET,*@,)@4B$@@.R : "7 C "6 O7 L1+!)-$!(Cpu's(1,1-*)[Total number of cpu's in the system]: ,&] B.O@+b:+b2".+!X6@+b+!?6 L7 O1+!?-$!8How many DC75NP's or DN87's on CPU*(1,0-8)[Network
front-ends connected to DL10's.]: ,&] B.R .R-$!;XP M.DC75,*@,)@7@.R+!?@,$^.:>@.R+!= .S-$!BXP M.0D85,*@,)E .S-$!EXP M.1D85,*@,)E .T-$!HXP M.2D85,*@,)E .T-$!KXP M.3D85,*@,)E .U-$!NXP M.4D85,*@,)E .U-$!QXP M.5D85,*@,)E .V-$!TXP M.6D85,*@,)E .V-$!WXP M.7D85,*@,)E+!*-$!bANF node number of central site(1,1-77)[
Unique octal number identifying system to ANF network.]: ,&`-$!eXP OURNNM,*@,)@-$!kName of central site[Six characters or less.]: ,'.0b7+!q-$!p%More than 6 characters.@,)R+!e-$!u@DEFINE	SYSNDE
	<SIXBIT	&*&>@,)k "-$"# of remote TTY's(1,1-*)[
Maximum number of teletypes on ANF network nodes to be
handled at any given time.]: ,&]-$"XP M.RMCR,*@,)@-$"ANF Network virtual terminals(Y,N)[
Code to allow local terminals to "SET HOST" to other systems.]: ,%m-$"XP M.RVTM,*@,)@-$"Remote card readers(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to card readers on ANF remote stations.]: ,%m-$" XP M.RCDR,*@,)@-$"*Remote line printers(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to line printers on ANF remote stations.]: ,%m-$"-XP M.RLPT,*@,)@6 Z+"<-$"9Remote paper tape punches(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to paper tape punches on ANF remote stations.]: ,%m-$"<XP M.RPTP,*@,)@6 [+"K-$"HRemote paper tape readers(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to paper tape readers on ANF remote stations.]: ,%m-$"KXP M.RPTR,*@,)@6 Y+"X-$"URemote plotters(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to plotters on ANF remote stations.]: ,%m-$"XXP M.RPLT,*@,)@-$"dRemote DN8x DDCMP devices(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to DN8x LBLK-to-DDCMP devices on ANF remote stations.]: ,%m-$"gXP M.RDDP,*@,)@-$"rRemote data entry terminals(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to remote data entry terminals (RDX devices).]: ,%m-$"uXP M.RDX,*@,)@-$"Remote task-to-task through ANF(Y,N)[
Code to allow access to remote jobs (TSKSER).]: ,%m-$#XP M.RJOB,*@,)@ "-$## of ANF connects(*,1-512)[
Load monitor modules needed to communicate with other DECnet nodes]: ,%m-$#XP M.DECN,*@,)@4B#j-$#'DECnet area number of central site(1,1-63)[
Decimal area number for multi-area DECnet network configurations.]: ,&]-$#*XP %RTHOM,*@,)@-$#6DECnet node number of central site(1,1-1023)[
Unique decimal number identifying system to DECnet network.]: ,&]-$#8XP %RTADR,*@,)@-$#MDECnet router type(ROUTING,NONROUTING)[
ROUTING nodes can have multiple circuits and perform DECnet routing.
NONROUTING nodes have only an ethernet circuit and perform no DECnet routing.]: ,%y."-$#PXP %RTRTY,*@,)@6 \+#j-$#_Transmit password(DECNET20)[
Password used when initializing a point-point --KDP, DTE, or DMR-- link.
64 characters or less]: ,'.0b 7+#e-$#d? More than 64 characters@,)R+#Q!" -$#iDEFINE	%RTXPW<RTRPW <*>>@,)k-$#sEthernet software(Y,N)[
Load monitor modules needed to communicate via Ethernet]: ,%m-$#uXP M.ENET,*@,)@5B#|-$#xXP M.LATN,0@,)@-$#{XP M.LAMC,0@,)@+$]-$$Include LATSER(Y,N)[
Load monitor module to communicate with
terminal concentrators via Ethernet]: ,%m-$$	XP M.LATN,*@,)@ "2-$$# of simultaneous LAT circuits(20,1-*)[
Maximum number of simultaneous LAT circuits.
One is required for each active LAT server.]: ,&]-$$XP M.LAMC,*@,)@+$]-$$XP M.NODE,0@,)@-$$ XP M.DC75,0@,)@-$$#XP M.0D85,0@,)E-$$%XP M.1D85,0@,)E-$$(XP M.2D85,0@,)E-$$*XP M.3D85,0@,)E-$$-XP M.4D85,0@,)E-$$/XP M.5D85,0@,)E-$$2XP M.6D85,0@,)E-$$4XP M.7D85,0@,)E-$$7XP OURNNM,0@,)@-$$:@DEFINE SYSNDE<>@,)k-$$<XP M.CONN,0@,)@-$$?XP M.RMCR,0@,)@-$$AXP M.RVTM,0@,)@-$$DXP M.RCDR,0@,)@-$$FXP M.RLPT,0@,)@-$$IXP M.RPTR,0@,)@-$$KXP M.RPTP,0@,)@-$$NXP M.RPLT,0@,)@-$$PXP M.RDDP,0@,)@-$$SXP M.RJOB,0@,)@-$$UXP M.RDX,0@,)@-$$XXP M.DECN,0@,)@-$$ZXP M.ENET,0@,)@-$$]XP M.LATN,0@,)@,~ -$$aFor front end number *:@,)Q5\$j-$$iTo which DL10 port is the DC75 or DN87 connected (0,0-7)[]: ,&]+$p-$$pTo which DTE20 is the DN87S connected (1,1-3)[]: ,&]  " B.S,~0Bm d -$%Switch(switch to list or explain)[
Type name of switch to be listed or explained or ALL or /HELP.
Typeextra+carriage return when through.]@@,)R,(d+$t4R%
 -$%	? Unknown switch *@,)R+$t3H0+%,%+$t+% */,~S-},>7I-|+%d(`l(m,%+ ,^*d%,~[d0Bm7+% -$%? Unknown switch *@,)R,~d(`6@+%-$%? Unknown switch@,)R,~,%1 l"m7 +%%-$%$? Unknown switch *@,)R,~,>6!-|+%(-$%'*,-1,)R+%*-$%)*,0,)R,^:x``+%.-$%-@,)R,~,(C+%/,(?-$%0@,)R,~S-}U"A-|2B*d%2,~6 D+%S-$%RDECsystem10(1070,1080,1090,1091,2020)[
1070 is a system with KI10 cpu's
1080 is a system with KL10 cpu's
1090 is a system with KL10 cpu's and internal channels
1091 is a system with a KL10 cpu, internal memory, and devices
 on the front end
2020 is a system with a KS10 cpu]: ,%y+%a-$%_DECsystem10(KL,KS)[
KL is a system with KL10 cpu's and internal channels
KS is a system with a KS10 cpu]: ,%y1B "1B "0b7+%h "_-$%g? Not available in * monitor@,)R+%4 B+\:-~0B+%k:.,~7@;.:.,~,&	!+N0D+%p!+N7@+O0D`7+%w-$%vASKYN called without (Y,N) in above message,)74B%xg ",~,&	!+N0D1D`+%}!+N0D1D`7+&-$&ASKLST called with (Y,N) in above question
- Edit MONGEN to call ASKYN instead of ASKLST@,)7,~ ,,'_ xZ,)RZ,&,(d+&
+'cQ$A`,>,>6@+&-$&? No (ANS0,ASN1,...) in above question - Edit MONGEN,)70R+& " 
,(0R+&5H&0 x H+N0b7+&%-$&$Too many prompts in above question - Edit MONGEN@,)71R9&@@+N,^,^1R,~-$&/Special character inside () above
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All # are decimal unless stated otherwise
Unique abbreviation allowed everywhere to all questions
/HELP reasks a question in next longer mode
/HELP:xxx sets mode permanently.  Modes are:
SHORT is short
PROMPT has choices in ()
LONG has choices in () and explanation in []]: ,%y1BO@1B " B*/ ,^,~,)'+*a`0R1R+)&,* ,~,)'+*+)&6@+=+0?`+q7+),@+),
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7X+>-$/n% File DSK:MONGEN.MIC already exists@,)R,~7@+=,~@@+=-$/u@% DSK:MONGEN.MIC will not be written@,)R7b*9,~@@*91B+/i-$/z% ENTER error * ,)Q,~m'I
[DSK:MUNGEN.EXE written]
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