
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-bt99q-bb - mongen.exe
There are 26 other files named mongen.exe in the archive. Click here to see a list.
	1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978
	      1979, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988.
+ \$.	d@ D6v\$/	d@ D6v D6x!&}\$2	d+L4DL D6x*fI@@6x $6w6@6x D6v	`O@8 ;*@@6} 2;@-$_Write MONGEN.MIC (YES,NO) [
YES causes MONGEN to write a .MIC/.CTL file which may be used to automate 
futurerunsof,MONGEN.]:!,-}O@6}7@@@6}4B{$INXo8@@6}D$@;+dZJ6}66}+{,>($6}D(0!"}7D6x+y 2,21,2**bv 2.,21 $;-,2' ;*@`8 2; ;0*$;* iSH09A7+-$Cannot INIT TTY,1D6`6},;6@@8;`2:,0sd -$Which GEN (SYS,F) [
Type SYS to define hardware and software configuration, or type F to define 
software features.  To EXIT, type CTRL/Z.]: ,.
``7+7@6}	`-$@DSK:MONGEN.MICwritten@,1+	`BB8"!$LuRD*R8"26RB8"$B9?!$X1DD9?@@9@@@9@P9?-$%Output(DSK:*.MAC):C,/AH(4R),0.0R+)H*,0."INXH7+1*-$0?Device;* not available@,1d+,>( $9G D(
b@7+U 9?-$Q? File * error,1_
Bd"-$T*@,1^+U"-$WFile ,1_7B*+Z-$Y*:,1_ 9?-$[*,1_R9?-$].*,1_7B9A+d,> .[`-$a[*,,1^Z9A-$c*],1^,^ 8"-$r Closed [
The *GEN portion of the dialogue is finished.
Type CTRL/Z to exit from MONGEN, or select another dialogue option.]@@,1_+{K7@W1
[@q6}`G&%i:Ii:K:.@[&[2|p] G&&:`G'$IV
[ [CF99g]N	2aN@eOQCY>0a-<xa>\PeS&,[a&@i2
;C;E;H;J;K;O;R;V;Z;\;^;a;e;h;i;m;q;s;u;x;};<<<	<<
KL10 includes all supported TOPS-10 features for KL10 systems.  KS10 
includes all supported TOPS-10 features for KS10 systems.]: ,.
X<$l -$Standard settings (YES,NO) [
Type YES to use the standard DEC-supported feature test settings.  Type NO 
to change or define the feature test settings to non-standard values.]: ,.
4Bql -$I
@Feature [Respond with one of the following:
   1. RETURN               to terminate dialogue
   2. feature name         to list its current setting
   3. ALL                  to list ALL current settings
   4. name,value,comment   to change or define a feature
Where   "name"     is a feature test name without the "FT" prefix
        "value"    is either "OFF" or "ON"
        "comment"  is a one-line description]: ,/A4Rq,0.7@95RTO@2N 3D<%+R,	+<&,> 0P,,^,+!0U,*pR+0R+<+3H<%+<. H2O,0."$3H<4 $3H<4 $4$<5 D2O <9@@2P*$2w0R+` <: &(R6@=f^ 2O,	7<:+k 6@@2x*pb40k-$j% No storage available for additional feature tests,1_+ 2O D@2x 2O D@3"7@2P+p @H!&2PX&*&' 2O+L@@2N $},/,6 $<;,/ $,/ $0,/ $,/ $<;,/$<<,( $<=,/ $<;,/!0U,*p{ $+/UNIVERSAL F - TOPS-10 SOFTWARE FEATURE TESTS



!0U @2x2F<?+
,~7@@2x,~ @2x2D<?+ $<?,/6@2N+ $<?,/ $ ,/ $<@,/ @H,/ $ 6@2N $<?+/ $<@,/ @2x,+ $<A A&bF@3" $<B,/ @H,/ $<?+/
&$,>6@,(,^.2+57F,~)DA$2,55F,,~Q$A`4R1t6@2N+40200r=7/2,5+06@2N+2+2$<<,($<C4D<>&$NE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,1M "k-$QM.GEN==:*@,1M,+ :L-$TM.KL10==:*@,1M :M-$WM.KS10==:*@,1M6@:M+l "-$lCPUs (1,1-*) [
Respond with the total number of CPUs in the system you are configuring.
The maximum number of CPUs supported in an SMP configuration is defined in
the SPD.]: ,.q B:L B8$>8$-$pM.CPU==:*@,1M-$System name [
Type a system name of 24 characters or less.  The system name is displayed 
in the banner line that is printed when the INITIA monitor command is 
issued.]: ,/A0b
7+	-$% More than 24 characters@,1_+	 "b<D!" -$DEFINE	SYSNAM
<	ASCIZ	&*&>@,1x	d&$:,>.$  D:Q&$2*x &$,> "-$DEFINE	SYSDAT,1M,1~-$ASCIZ &*,1K B:Q,^ " B:P ) D8-$-*-,1x,^-$*&,1K,1 :P-$"M.MON==:*@,1M :Q-$%M.DAY==:*@,1M :Q-$(M.YEAR==:*@,1M+/JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec@p8# -$HCPU* serial number (1-10000) [
Respond with the serial number of the CPU, in the range 1 to 10000.  If your 
installation has more than one processor, this question is asked for each 
CPU.  Each serial number must be unique.]: ,.q B@:M<0Q3B@:M7+P -$O? Cannot be same as CPU*@,1_+/=0J 8#@:8#30:L+0 :M-$VM.C0SN==:*@,1M :N-$YM.C1SN==:*@,1M :N-$\M.C2SN==:*@,1M :O-$_M.C3SN==:*@,1M :O-$bM.C4SN==:*@,1M :P-$eM.C5SN==:*@,1M@@;&-$KExclude monitor overhead from user run time (YES,NO) [
Overhead is CPU time spent clock queue processing, command decoding, 
swapping, and scheduling.  User run time always includes UUO execution and, 
unless EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected (KL10 systems only), 
includes IO interrupt service time.
    If you exclude monitor overhead from user runtime, users recieve a more 
accurate accounting of their processor usage because user runtime is 
calculated independently of any monitor overhead.  However, installations
that charge their customers for processor usage should be aware that the 
exclusion of monitor overhead decreases the user runtime totals by 10 to 
20 percent.
    If you include monitor overhead with user runtime, apportioned monitor
overhead is included in each user's runtime.  Regardless of how you 
respond to this question, monitor overhead is calculated as a separate 
statistic that can be used in determining the amount of CPU time spent for 
overhead.]: ,-}-$NM.RTCO==:*@,1M7@:L+$-$EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting (YES,NO) [
If EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected, user runtime is computed using 
the KL10 internal accounting clocks.
    With EBOX/MBOX accounting, meters are turned off at the beginning of 
the overhead period and turned on again at the end.  For the most accurate 
user runtime calculation, answer YES to this question and exclude priority 
interrupt (PI) time  from the runtime calculation  by answering YES to the
next question.]: ,-} B:K :K-$M.EMRT==:*@,1M7@:K+&-$Exclude PI time from user runtime (YES,NO) [
If you exclude PI time from user runtime, the EBOX and MBOX accounting 
clocks are stopped whenever a priority interrupt is in progress, and users 
will not be charged for CPU time used during interrupts.]: ,-} B:K :K-$#M.XPI==:*@,1M+)-$&M.EMRT==:0@,1M-$(M.XPI==:0@,1M-$KAccount verification (YES,NO) [
LOGIN and the batch system will verify that the user has specified a valid 
    If you answer YES, when accounts are associated with their PPNs and 
when ACTDAE is running, users can log in only if they specify a valid 
account string.  If you answer NO, no verification test is made.]: ,-}-$MM.ACV==:*@,1M "7@:L+s-$sMOS memory (YES,NO) [
Include support for the user-mode MOS memory diagnostic TGHA.  TGHA 
collects statistics on single bit memory errors and substitutes the spare 
bit when a single bit error is determined to be hard.
    If you answer YES, the module MOSSER will be loaded with the monitor.  
If you answer NO, MOSSER will not be loaded.]: ,-}-$uM.MOS==:*@,1MO@8# <D@@:R*$:cd6@:Ll6@:Ml-$~@Autoconfigured device options:@,1[,++:_gg99<E
SCA (Systems Communications Architecture) provides the ability to
communicate with devices on a CI bus.  SCASER and KLPSER are the driver 
Load monitor modules needed to communicate using Ethernet.  These modules 
include ETHSER and ETHUUO, plus the hardware driver specific to the type of 
DECsystem-10 being built.
SA10 support provides the ability to communicate with IBM channel devices 
using a Systems Concept SA10 channel interface.  SAXSER is the driver 
RP01, RP02, and RP03 disks are available through the use of an RP10 
interface.  DPXKON is the driver module for these disks.
This generates a dummy symbol reserved for a future drum.
Burroughs disks and Bryant drums are available through the use of an RC10 
interface.  FHXKON is the driver module for these disks.
 :WGD:Ul ,++|:XMO@MOE;w<L
RS04 and RS05 disks are available through the use of an RH10/DF10C 
interface.  FSXKON is the driver module for these disks.
 :XGD:Ul,++	$:X[@[E;w<N
This generates a dummy symbol reserved for the Bryant Mass disk.  
Historical note: Code was written, and tested along with the proposed 
hardware but the product was never released.  The device was called the MD 
disk, sometimes incorrectly refered to as the MF disk.  MD stood for Moby 
Disk.  It was a rather large piece of hardware.
 :XGD:Ul l,++	6:ZeC@eCE;w<O
RP0x and RM0x disks are available through the use of Massbus hardware. 
RPXKON is the driver module for these disks.
 :ZGD:Ul ,++	K:Ye;@e;E;w<R
RP20 IBM channel disks are available through the use of a DX20 channel 
interface with an RP20CT controller.  RNXKON is the driver module for these 
 :YGD:U7@:_l,++	a:Ye@eE;w<T
RA series disks are available through the use of CI20 interconnect port 
adapter and an HSC series controller.  RAXKON is the driver module for 
these disks.
 :YGD:U7@:_l,++	w:WIO@IOE;w<U
3330/3331 IBM channel disks are available through the use of an SA10 
channel interface with a DC830 controller.  DSXKON is the driver module for
these disks.
 :WGD:Ul ,++
:bi5 i5;w<W
TU45 and TU77 magtape units are available through the use of TM02 or TM03 
controllers.  TM2KON is the driver module for these magtapes.
TU70, TU71, TU72, and TU73 IBM channel magtapes are available through the 
use of a DX10 channel interface and a TX01 or a TX02 controller.  TX1KON is 
the driver module for these magtapes.
 :aGD:`l ,++
TU70, TU71, TU72, and TU73 IBM channel magtapes are available through the 
use of a DX20 channel interface and a TX02 controller.  TD2KON is the 
driver module for these magtapes.
 :cGD:`l ,++
TU78 and TU79 magtapes are available through the use of a TM78 controller.  
T78KON is the driver module for these magtapes.
 :cGD:`l ,++
TU40 and TU41 magtapes are available through the use of a TM10B controller.  
TMXKON is the driver module for these magtapes.
 :aGD:`l ,++
TU43 magtapes are available through the use of a TC10C controller.  TCXKON 
is the driver module for these magtapes.
STC IBM channel magtapes are available through the use of an SA10 channel 
interface and an 8300 controller.  TS1KON is the driver module for these 
This option provides support for I/O bus line printers.
This option provides support for line printers on the RSX-20F front-end.
This option provides support for LP20 UNIBUS line printers.
This option provides support for I/O bus plotters.
This option provides support for I/O bus card readers.
This option provides support for card readers on the RSX-20F front-end.
This option provides support for CD20 UNIBUS card readers.
This option provides support for card punches.
This option provides support for paper tape punches.
This option provides support for paper tape readers.
%@Types of DTE service to load:@,1[-$
1  Load ANF-10 DTE service (YES,NO) [
Do you want to load the driver to support DTE based ANF-10 front ends?]: ,-} B;)-$
B  Load IBMCOMM DTE service (YES,NO) [
Do you want to load the driver to support DTE based IBM communications 
front ends?]: ,-} B;'-$
S  Load DECnet DTE service (YES,NO) [
Do you want to load the driver to support DTE based DECnet-36 front 
ends?]: ,-} B;)-$
W :L$"-$
d@Local terminal configuration:@,17@:L+
t  Configure old terminal scanners (NO,YES) [
If you answer YES, you will be prompted to provide information about DC10s, 
DC68s, and DC76s.]: ,.
`B8%:8#2$:L+F TTYs on CPU* (0,0-128) [
Respond with the number of terminals on the RSX-20F console front-end for 
thisTCPU.:*Includeonlytimesharing%(DH11) lines, not CTY or KLINIK.]: ,.q.".B:{-$
TheDC10is aCdataolineUscanner.]:[,.q7@8# B:r "7@8#7@8%+
TheDC68is aCPDP-8n680Uor(680I8communications system.]: ,.q7@8# B:s "7@8#7@8%+
The DC76 is a PDP-11 communications system.]: ,.q6@8#+
u-$C10==:0@,1M-$) [
Respond=withthe,totalnumber7of=TTY@lines.]:M,.q$B:{@@8#-$*@,1M :t-$M.TTG1==:*@,1M :u-$M.DSG0==:*@,1M :u-$M.DSG1==:*@,1M :v-$M.68L0==:*@,1M :v-$M.68L1==:*@,1M :{-$M.DZNL==:*@,1M :{-$M.TTDN==:*@,1M :t.:t(B.:w.:w.:x.:x.:y.:y.:z.:z.:{.:{.:v.:v B8'-$'M.TLTL==:*	;TOTAL LOCAL TTY LINES@@,1M<-$)@,1[-$R  OPR octal line number (CTY,0-*) [
Respond with the octal number of the terminal you want to designate as 
device OPR, the operator-privileged terminal.  This is normally the 
terminal that will be running OPR, the operator service program, to control 
the system utility programs such as the device spoolers and the mount 
request processor.  The default is the console terminal (CTY).]: ,.r-$TDEFINE	OPRLIN,1M,1~-$W@	OPRL	*@,1M,1-$Y@,1M-$[DEFINE	MACDSD,1M-$  Data set lines [
Class of terminal for LOGIN, LOGIN resets line to computer echoing and no 
hardware tabs.
    This question accepts a list of octal terminal line numbers.  The 
terminal line can be indicated by its number (n), a range of terminal lines 
can be indicated by the lowest and highest numbers in the range separated 
by a hyphen (m-n), and the CTY is always indicated by CTY.  Type each 
designator on a separate line and end the list with an extra carriage 
return.]@,/E+ -$@  For DC10 *:@,1^ "-$     Number of DC10B [or 632] 8 line data groups (1-*) [
1 is TTY0 through 7, 2 is TTY0 through 17,...8 is TTY0 through 77.]: ,.q  B:t-$(    Number of DC10E data set control groups (0-*): ,.q  B:u -$,DEFINE	MACCR*,1M 7@:u+H-$G  Correspondence of DC10E lines to the DC10B lines (M-N,P) [
Type M,P for one pair and M-N,P for a range of pairs, where M is an octal 
DC10E line number, M-N is an octal range of DC10E line numbers, and P is an 
octal DC10B line number.]@,/Q,~,1~+1 -$L@  FOR DC68 *:@,1^ "2-$S    Number of DC68 lines, including its console TTY (1-*): ,.s  B:v,~ -$X@  For DC76 *:@,1^-$s    To which DL10 port is the DC76 connected (0,1-7) [
Each PDP-11 is connected to a DL10 port.  If there is only one PDP-11, it 
is always connected to port 0.  If there are two PDP-11s, one is connected 
to port 0 and the other is connected to port 1.]: ,.q,>-$    Decimal lines on DC76 (1-129) [
Each DC76F has 16 lines, plus one line for the console teletype.  A DC76 
with two DC76Fs has 33 lines.]: ,.q x B:w,^x,~-$@,1[ "-$ Number of Jobs (1-*) [
Respond with the maximum number of jobs, attached and detached, not 
counting the null job.  Specify only the maximum number of jobs needed.
Monitor size increases proportionally to the maximum number of jobs.]: ,.q-$#M.JOB==:*@,1M "-$&MD.SEG==:*@,1M "@-$LMaximum pages of core for each job (0,0-*) [
Answer this question with the maximum amount of physical memory that any 
one job may use.  This value is specified in number of 512-word pages.  A 
response of 0 indicates all of core, or the maximum number of pages 
possible.  The value you specify here can be overridden by the SET CORMAX 
monitor command.]: ,.q-$NM.CORE==:*@,1M "-$pTotal amount of system core in K (512-*) [
ONCE-only reports if there is less core at startup.  Answer this question 
with the total amount of physical memory that the system has.  At monitor 
startup time, ONCE prints a message if the actual amount of memory on line 
is less than your response to this question.]: ,.q-$sM.NKC==:*@,1M7@:M+-$	Clock ticks per second (60,50) [
Clock ticks per second corresponds to power line frequency.  In North 
America, the correct response is 60; in most other countries, the correct 
response is 50.]: ,.
7@m"-$M7@:M+-$M.RTD==:0@,1M+& "&-$#Number of real-time devices (0,0-*) [
Answer this question with the maximum number of real-time devices that can 
be put on PI channels simultaneously.]: ,.q-$%M.RTD==:*@,1M5BS-$RAllow jobs to be locked in core (YES,NO) [
If you answer NO, no users will be allowed to lock their jobs in core 
    The ANF-10 network programs DTELDR and NETLDR require the ability to 
lock a job in memory.  Therefore, if you intend to use these programs, you 
must answer this question YES.  This question is always asked for KS 
systems, and is asked for KL systems only if no real-time devices are 
employed.]: ,-}-$UM.LOK==:*@,1M B:R4B	 "@-$	Guaranteed number of pages for unlocked jobs (0,0-*) [
Answer this question with the number of pages of memory guaranteed to all 
jobs that are not locked in core.  The default, 0, indicates that all of 
memory is available to unlocked jobs.
    If your answer is 0, no jobs are allowed to be locked, as a safeguard 
against locked jobs usurping all of the system's memory.  The value 
specified in your answer to this question can be overridden by the SET 
CORMIN monitor command.]: ,.q-$M.MGC==:*@,1M7B:R+5-$5Number of pages reserved for locking jobs in Exec Virtual Memory (10,0-?) [
The default, 10, is needed for DTELDR.  Extra pages are required for 
running performance analysis tools such as SNOOPY and DNSNUP or for any 
real-time applications using indirect CONSO masks or fast mode.  Reserving
pages for EVM reduces the amount of available system free core by an 
equivalent amount.]: ,.q-$7M.EVM==:*@,1M "-$>Number of high priority interrupt queues (0,0-*): ,.q-$AM.HPQ==:*@,1M-$RMeter (NO,YES) [
Do you want to include performance analysis metering with the METER UUO? 
This option has officially been superseded by the PERF. UUO.]: ,.
-$TM.METR==:*@,1M-$aKASER (NO,YES) [
Do you want to include support for simulation of KA10 long floating point 
instructions?]: ,.
-$cM.FPS==:*@,1M-$MPXSER (YES,NO) [
Do you want to include support for device MPX?  MPX allows more than one 
device to be associated with a given I/O channel.  This feature is required 
for DTELDR.  If you answer YES, the multiplexed-channel software MPX will 
be loaded.]: ,-}-$M.MPX==:*@,1M-$PSISER (YES,NO) [
Do you want to load the Programmed Software Interrupt SERvice software? 
PSISER supports the PISYS. UUO, which allows users to specify the 
conditions for which an interrupt is to occur.  PSISER is required for the 
operation of GALAXY-10.]: ,-}-$M.PSI==:*@,1M-$7IPCF (YES,NO) [
Do you want to load the Inter-Process Communication Facility software?  
IPCF allows jobs and/or system processes to communicate with each other. 
IPCF is required for the operation of MCS-10 and GALAXY-10.]: ,-}-$:M.IPCF==:*@,1M-$NENQ/DEQ (YES,NO) [
Do you want to load the ENQ/DEQ software?  ENQ/DEQ provides sychronization 
functions which allow simultaneous file updates by multiple co-operating 
processes.]: ,-}-$PM.EQDQ==:*@,1M-$kDisk sets (ALL) [
Answer this question with the list of disk sets to be mounted by this 
system.  If the list is empty, ALL disk sets will be mountable.  Disk set 
numbers range from 1 through 36.  List entries in the form:
]:,/A@@:d4R	0R1R0a+qu$<{,.",.H+5R+	,0"4b~0b+~ 0R+y,>,0",^0b0b+~2$+/J!`X" 2<GD:d*b{4R	1R+q+-$? Disk set numbers range only from 1 through 36.@,19Q-$? Invalid list format@,19Q[:d-$M.SETS==:*,,,1MZ:d-$
Do you want to include unsupported hardware in your configuration?]: ,.
 B8$:8#2":L+(6@8$7@8$+"-$!@On CPU*:@,1[ "6@:L7@8$+56@8#+5-$4DIS (NO,YES) [
Do you want to include display devices VP10, 340, 30, or VB10C (as 
distinguished from display terminals) in your configuration?]: ,.
4BF-$EType (VP10,340,VB10C) [
Respond with the specific type of display device you want to include in 
your configuration.  Answer VP10 for Type 30.]: ,.
::e6@8#+` :e-$IM.VP10==:*@,1M :e-$LM.VP10==:*@,1R :e-$OM.340==:*@,1M :e-$RM.340==:*@,1R :f-$UM.VBXC==:*@,1M :f-$XM.VBXC==:*@,1R@7@:e6@:e "-$]M.DIS==:*@,1M-$_M.DIS==:*@,1R+j-$bM.VP10==:0@,1R-$eM.340==:0@,1R-$gM.VBXC==:0@,1R-$jM.DIS==:0@,1R "6@:L7@8$+t "-$tNumber of TD10s (0,0-*) [
The TD10 is a DECtape controller.]: ,.q-$vM.TD10==:*@,1R 4P	:8%."("}-$}  Number of units on DT* (1-8): ,.q,> 8%."("}-$M.DT*==:,1M*x-$*@,1M*x-$M.DT*==:,1R,^-$*@,1R=px@7@:L7@8$+* "-$Number of RX211s (0,0-*) [
The RX211 is a double density "floppy disk" controller.]: ,.q-$M.RX20==:*@,1R 4P*:8&."("}-$  Number of units on RX* (1-2): ,.q,> 8&."("}-$"M.RX*==:,1M*x-$$*@,1M*x-$'M.RX*==:,1R,^-$)*@,1R=p7@:L6@8$+.-$-M.RX20==:0@,1R "6@:L7@8$+;6@8#+; "-$;Number of DA28s (0,0-*) [
The DA28 provides interprocessor channels for PDP8/11/15.]: ,.q-$=M.XTC==:*@,1R6@8#+A-$AM.XTC==:*@,1M4BV-$RNumber of lines for TTY pool (8,0-512) [
The answer you provide specifies the number of lines (up to a maximum of 
512) reserved for use on DA28 channels.]: ,.q-$UM.XTL==:*@,1M B8(-$XM.XTL==:*@,1R "6@:L7@8$+f6@8#+f "-$eNumber of DAS78s (0,0-*) [
The DAS78 provides IBM 360, 370, and/or 2780 support.]: ,.q.B:f B;%4Bj,>;,,:x>@;%+g,^x :g-$lM.0D78==:*@,1R :h-$oM.1D78==:*@,1R :h-$rM.2D78==:*@,1R :i-$uM.3D78==:*@,1R :i-$xM.4D78==:*@,1R :j-${M.5D78==:*@,1R :j-$~M.6D78==:*@,1R :k-$M.7D78==:*@,1R :g-$M.D78L==:*@,1R :g-$M.XXI==:*@,1R :g-$
M.XXO==:*@,1R+) -$@For DAS78 *:@@,1^-$To which DL10 port is the DAS78 connected (0,0-7) [
Each DAS78 PDP11 is connected to a DL10 port.]: ,.q,>-$&Decimal lines on the DAS78 (1-16) [
Each DAS78 can support up to 16 IBM 360s, 370s, and/or 2780s.]: ,.q.B:g x B:g,^x,~ <|@@:k*$:r@7@:L+56@8$6@8#+5 "-$5Number of DN60s (0,0-*) [
The DN60 is an IBM BSC interface.]: ,.q B:k.B;&6@8#+> :k-$:M.DN6D==:*@,1M7@:k+>,>;,,v:x>@:k+<,^x :l-$AM.0D60==:*@,1R :m-$DM.1D60==:*@,1R :m-$GM.2D60==:*@,1R :n-$JM.3D60==:*@,1R :n-$MM.4D60==:*@,1R :o-$PM.5D60==:*@,1R :o-$SM.6D60==:*@,1R :p-$VM.7D60==:*@,1R :l-$YM.D60L==:*@,1R6@8#+ :l-$]M.0D60==:*@,1M :m-$`M.1D60==:*@,1M :m-$cM.2D60==:*@,1M :n-$fM.3D60==:*@,1M :n-$iM.4D60==:*@,1M :o-$lM.5D60==:*@,1M :o-$oM.6D60==:*@,1M :p-$rM.7D60==:*@,1M :l-$uM.D60L==:*@,1M+ -$x@For DN60 *:@@,1^-$
To which port is the DN60 connected (0,0-7) [
Each DN60 is connected to a DL10 port.  DL10 number 1 connects to ports 0 
through 3, DL10 number 2 connects to ports 4 through 7.]: ,.s,>-$Decimal lines on the DN60 (1-12) [
Each DN60 can support up to 12 IBM BSC interfaces.]: ,.q.B:l x B:l,^x,~-$M.DN6K==:0@,1M-$M.DN6R==:0@,1M ;&-$!M.DN60==:*@,1M@7@:M+S "-$1Number of KMC/DUP Lines (0,0-*) [
Respond with the number of DUP11 synchronous line units attached to a KMC11 
controller.]: ,.q-$3M.KDUP==:*@,1M@p;&4BT 20+S -$LType of line for KDP* (ANF10,DECNET,USER,IBM) [
This question is asked for each KDP (KMC/DUP line) indicated in the 
previous question.  Type the name of the network product that the line 
will support.]: ,.
1B:;&: -$PM.*KDP==:,1M -$R*@,1M95 Z;(@@;'@7@:M+.7@8$+b "-$bNumber of DMR11 Lines (0,0-*) [
Respond with the number of DMR11 synchronous line controllers.]: ,.q-$dM.DMRN==:*@,1M.4ZR  Z;(@20+. -$u DMR* line type (ANF10,DECNET,USER,IBM) [
Type the name of the network product that the line will support.]: ,.
1B:;': -$yM.*DMR==:,1M -${*@,1M -$ DMR* switched line (YES,NO) [
Does DMR* control a switched (dial-up) line?]: ,-}*-$DMR*SW==:,1M*-$	*@,1M4B, -$ DMR* half duplex (YES,NO) [
Does DMR* control a half duplex line?]: ,-}*-$DMR*HD==:,1M*-$*@,1M4B, -$' Is DMR* secondary (YES,NO) [
Exactly one end of this link should be a secondary station.  Secondary 
status controls link startup only.]: ,-}*-$*DMR*LS==:,1M*-$,*@,1M-$-@,1_9g7@:M+\ ;&.;'.D;&7@;&+H-$DLoad IBM communications software (YES,NO) [
Do you want to load the IBM communications software?  IBMCOM allows a KDP 
or DMR to talk to a DN22 IBM communications front-end.]: ,-}6@;(.B;&6@;(.B;' ;&.;' D;& ;&-$KM.DN60==:*@,1M ;&-$NM.DN6K==:*@,1M ;'-$QM.DN6R==:*@,1M+\-$TM.DECN==:0@,1M-$VM.DN60==:0@,1M-$YM.DN6K==:0@,1M-$[M.DN6R==:0@,1M@@;! <|*$;%7@:L+6@8$6@8#+-$lNumber of DC75NPs or DN87s on CPU* (0,0-8) [
ThewDC75NPLandpDN87Ssareenetwork front-endsnconnected,to7DL10s.]: ,.q B;! ;!-$oM.DC75==:*@,1M7@;!+ :,t.:>@;!+q+ -$wFor front end number *:@,1^-$
Each DC75NP or DN87S is connected to a DL10 port.  DL10 number 1 connects 
ports 0 through 3, DL10 number 2 connects ports 4 through 7.]: ,.q  " B;!,~ ;!-$M.0D85==:*@,1R ;"-$M.1D85==:*@,1R ;"-$M.2D85==:*@,1R ;#-$M.3D85==:*@,1R ;#-$M.4D85==:*@,1R ;$-$!M.5D85==:*@,1R ;$-$$M.6D85==:*@,1R ;%-$'M.7D85==:*@,1R+ 8%-$*M.TD10==:*@,1M :f-$-M.DAS78==:*@,1M :g-$0M.XXI==:*@,1M :g-$3M.XXO==:*@,1M 8&-$6M.RX20==:*@,1M "/8'/:L<6@:M/:L/8( B8'-$[Number of PTYs (20,1-*) [
A PTY is a pseudo-terminal.  OPSER subjobs and batch jobs use PTYs for I/O.  
Each operator service program and batch stream needs at least one PTY.  You 
must include at least one PTY for your monitor.  Respond with the number of 
pseudo-terminals that your monitor must support.]: ,.q-$]M.PTY==:*@,1M"`.B8'@@8&-$l@Network software (YES,NO) [
Do you want to include support for communications with other Digital 
operating systems?]: ,-}-$oM.NET==:*@,1M4BA, B8&-$tM.SNAM==:<SIXBIT &*&>@,1M 8'-$Number of remote TTYs (*,0-*) [
Respond with the maximum number of terminals from remote nodes to be 
handled at any one time.]: ,.q B8(-$M.RTTY==:*@,1M+A-$Node name [
The name may one to six characters in length.]: ,/A,995B1t-$? Must not be null.@,1_9 8&-$7  Node name (*) [
Provide a node name, independent of that used as the system-wide node name.  
The name can be one to six characters in length.  DECnet-10, Version 4 
requires that the first character of the node name be an alphabetic 
character.  The same node name will be used for both ANF-10 and DECnet-10 
communications.]: ,/A,99,~0b7+?-$>? More than 6 characters.@,1_,~,0.7B 8&+1s-$P@ANF-10 software (YES,NO) [
Answer YES if you want to load the monitor modules needed to communicate 
with ANF-10 hosts and remote stations.]: ,-}-$SM.ANF==:*@,1M4B$,-$WM.ANAM==:<SIXBIT &*&>@,1M-$d  Node number of central site (1,1-77) [
Provide a unique octal number to identify the system to the ANF network.]: ,.s-$gM.ANUM==:*@,1M7B8(+w-$v  Remote terminals (YES,NO) [
Answer YES if you want to include code to allow remote terminals to "SET 
HOST" to this system.]: ,-}-$yM.RMCR==:*@,1M4B-$  Virtual terminals (YES,NO) [
Answer YES if you want to include code to allow local terminals to "SET 
HOST" to other systems.]: ,-}-$
M.RVTM==:*@,1M-$  Remote card readers (YES,NO) [
Answer YES if you want to include code to allow access to card readers on 
ANF remote stations.]: ,-}-$M.RCDR==:*@,1M-$*  Remote line printers (YES,NO) [
Answer YES  if you want to include code to allow access to line printers on 
ANF remote stations.]: ,-}-$-M.RLPT==:*@,1M-$;  Remote paper tape punches (NO,YES) [
Answer NO to exclude code to allow access to paper tape punches on ANF 
remote stations.]: ,.
-$>M.RPTP==:*@,1M-$L  Remote paper tape readers (NO,YES) [
Answer NO to exclude code to allow access to paper tape readers on ANF
remote stations.]: ,.
-$OM.RPTR==:*@,1M-$[  Remote plotters (NO,YES) [
Answer NO to exclude code to allow access to plotters on ANF remote 
stations.]: ,.
-$^M.RPLT==:*@,1M-$m  Remote DN8x DDCMP devices (YES,NO) [
Answer NO to exclude code to allow access to DN8x LBLK-to-DDCMP devices on 
ANF remote stations.]: ,-}-$pM.RDDP==:*@,1M-$  Remote data entry terminals (YES,NO) [
Answer YES to include code to allow access to remote data entry terminals 
(RDX devices).]: ,-}-$M.RDX==:*@,1M-$  Remote task-to-task (YES,NO) [
Answer YES to include code to allow access to remote jobs.  The TSKSER 
module enables ANF-10 intertask communication.]: ,-}-$M.RJOB==:*@,1M "-$!  Number of connects (*,1-512) [
Respond with the maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed.]: ,.q-$$M.CONN==:*@,1M-$2@DECnet software (YES,NO) [
Answer YES if you want to load the monitor modules needed to communicate 
with other DECnet nodes.]: ,-}-$5M.DECN==:*@,1M4B<,-$9M.DNAM==:<SIXBIT &*&>@,1M-$G  Area number of central site (1,1-63) [
Provide a decimal area number for multi-area DECnet network configurations.]: ,.q-$IM.DHOM==:*@,1M-$Y  Node number of central site (1,1-1023) [
Provide a unique decimal number to identify this system to other nodes in 
the DECnet network.]: ,.q-$[M.DNUM==:*@,1M-$  Router type (ROUTING,NONROUTING) [
Specify router type.  ROUTING nodes can have multiple circuits and perform 
DECnet routing.  NONROUTING nodes have only an ethernet circuit and perform 
no DECnet routing.
    If you have a KL and want to communicate with a Multifunctions 
Communications Base (MCB), or if you have a KS, answer this question with 
."-$M.DRTY==:*@,1M-$  Transmit password (DECNET20) [
The transmit password is used when initializing a point-to-point KDP, DTE, 
or DMR link.  You may provide a password of 64 characters or less, or press 
RETURN to accept the default password.]: ,/A4R(0b 7+$-$#? More than 64 characters@,1_+!" -$(DEFINE	%RTXPW<RTRPW <*>>@,1x7B8(+9-$9  Remote terminals (YES,NO) [
Answer YES to include code that allows incoming jobs using DECnet 
connections. The module loaded will be NRTSER.]: ,-}-$;M.DNVT==:*@,1M6B:Z7B8(+N-$N@LAT software (YES,NO) [
Answer YES if you want to communicate with Local Area Terminal 
concentrators using Ethernet.  The module loaded will be LATSER.]: ,-}-$PM.LAT==:*@,1M4BA,-$UM.LNAM==:<SIXBIT &*&>@,1M "2-$g  Number of circuits (20,1-*) [
Provide the maximum number of simultaneous LAT circuits required by your 
system.  One is required for each active LAT server.]: ,.q-$iM.LAMC==:*@,1M-$  Service groups [
Provide the list of LAT service groups to be enabled by default at system 
start-up time.  If the list is empty, no service groups will be enabled.  
List entries in the form:
LAT group numbers must be listed in ascending order, may include a range of
numbers, and each entry must be separated from the next with a comma.  The 
range of valid service group numbers is 0 through 255.]: ,/A4R+,0"4" 0b+ 0R+,>,0",^0"0b+ 2$+'4R+1R++'-$&? LAT service groups range only from 0 through 255.@,1_9j-$*? Invalid list format@,1_9j-$-DEFINE	SPCGRP,1M,1~ 
<},0T4R@-$1LATGRP	,1M 2,2 
<},0"1R+9,>-$6*,1L,^4R?,2+3 2,2-$;*,,1L,0",>-$=*,1L 2,2+7,1,1 2;-$C@RADIX	10@,1M-$ @Decimal "symbol,value" [
For any decimal symbols to be defined, type one "symbol,value" pair per 
line and terminate the list with an extra carriage return.  The symbols and 
values that you enter here are those that deviate from the defaults defined 
in the distributed common modules (COMMON, COMDEV, and COMMOD).  The radix 
is set automatically for each symbol, in accordance with the radix 
specified in the question.  (In this case, decimal.  You will be given the 
opportunity to change the values for symbols with octal and SIXBIT values 
in the questions that follow.)  For example, to increase the length of a 
memory cycle from 1,000 nanoseconds to 1,760 nanoseconds, 
followed by a carriage return.  Unless you specify otherwise, the symbols 
will be defined with the default values.  If the default values are 
acceptable, press RETURN in response to this question.]@,1[l 	,0W+A4R/,0.0R++ 0R+(,p+++!,0"5R+-$*XP *@,1x+!-$.? Not symbol,value@,1_9A-$0RADIX	8@,1M 2;-$a@Octal "symbol,value" [
For any octal symbols to be defined, type one "symbol,value" pair per line 
and terminate the list with an extra carriage return.  For example, to 
change the standard magtape density from 6250 bits per inch (BPI) to 1600, 
followed by a carriage return.  In this example, 1 = 200 BPI, 2 = 556 BPI, 
3 = 800 BPI, and 5 = 6250  BPI.  If the default values are acceptable, 
press RETURN in response to this question.]@,1[l 	,0W+14Rx,0.0R+l 0R+i,p+l+b,0#5Rl-$kXP *@,1x+b-$o? Not symbol,value@,1_91@4R1t1R9p0R+p=pp,0T5R1t!" -$wXP *@,1x+1s 2;-$ @SIXBIT "symbol,value" [
For any SIXBIT symbol to be defined, type one "symbol,value" pair per line 
and terminate the list with an extra carriage return.  For example, to 
change the name of the mail program from MS to PO, type:
followed by a carriage return.   If the default values are acceptable, 
press RETURN in response to this question.]@,1[,0W+x4R .,>,0.0R+ *,0.5R *,^,0. -$ &*==:,1M,0. -$ )<SIXBIT/*/>@,1M+ ,^-$ -? Not symbol,value@,1_9x 2;-$ 1@DEFINE	SPCINT,1M,1~-$ h@Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel" for special devices [
This question allows you to build the monitor to support a device driver 
that is not part of the standard monitor.  Type the device name and the 
priority-interrupt channel for a device driver that does not save the ACs 
on a priority interrupt, and that does not require Device Data Blocks 
(DDBs) in the monitor.  A driver of this type can support only one device.
The device mnemonic must be 3 characters or less in length.  Type an extra 
carriage return when through.]@,1[,0?9 24H s7@+ p-$ o? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel@,1_9 2-$ rSPASGINT *@,1x+ i,1 2;-$ v@DEFINE	SPCDDB,1M,1~-$!@Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel,no.-of-devices" [
This question allows you to define a device driver that requires Device 
Data Blocks (DDBs) and will support multiple devices.  Specify the device 
name,  priority-interrupt channel, and number of devices to be supported.
The device-mnemonic must be 3 characters or less in length.  Type an extra 
carriage return when through.]@,1[,0?9 w4H!,0R+!&,0"5R!&-$!%SPASGDDB *@,1x+!-$!+? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel, no.-of-devices@,1_9 w,1 2;-$!/@DEFINE	SPCSAV,1M,1~-$!Z@Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel,highest-ac-to-save" [
This question allows you to define device drivers that include a channel 
save routine to save ACs up to the "highest AC to save".  Specify the 
device name, priority-interrupt channel, and the number of the highest AC 
to save on an interrupt.  The device-mnemonic must be 3 characters or less 
in length.  Type extra carriage return when through.]@,1[,0?9!04H!p0R+!i,0#5R!i0b7+!f "-$!e? Highest-ac-to-save must be * or less@,1^9!0-$!hSPASGSAV *@,1x+![-$!o? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel,highest-ac-to-save@,1_9!0,1 2;-$!s@DEFINE	SPCEDN,1M,1~-$"&@Type "ersatz-device,P,Pn,search-list-type" [
This question allows you to define your own ersatz device names.  
Monitor-standard ersatz device names must not be redefined.  To create 
additional site-specific ersatz device names, type a device name in exactly 
3 characters, the Project,Programmer Number (P,PN) associated with the 
device, and which search list to use (either ALL, SYS, or JOB) and press 
RETURN.  You may define another ersatz device, or press RETURN again to 
finish.]@,1[,0W9!t4R":,0.0R+"4aHpah+"4,0#0R+"4,0#0R+"4,0.5R"42H<%3H<}+"22H<~+"4-$"3UERSTZ	*@,1x+"'-$"9?Not ersatz-device,P,Pn,search-list-type@,1_9!t,1 2;-$"=@DEFINE	SPCCMD,1M,1~l -$$|@Type "command-name,dispatch,flags,unique-bits,PRVTAB-name" [
This question allows you to create new monitor commands or to redefine 
existing monitor commands.  The command name that you specify here will run 
the program that you specify, using the characteristics that you specify. 
Type each new command name followed by the information that the monitor 
needs to process the command.  This information is specified by each of the 
following components.  All components must be separated by commas, as shown 
above.  To omit a component, include only the comma in its place.  The 
components are:
   1. Command-name.  The command-name is the name of the monitor command to
      be added.  Type the command name as a single SIXBIT alphanumeric word
      or a single SIXBIT character enclosed in angle-brackets, or omit the
      name if you only want to extend PRVTAB.
   2. Dispatch address.  The dispatch address identifies the program or 
      routine to run when the command is processed.  This may be the name 
      of the program to run from SYS (file name only), or it may  be 
      omitted if the program name and command name are equivalent.  The 
      dispatch address may also be a location (label) of a routine in the 
      monitor.  For example, #RUNQUE.
   3. Flags.  Flags are defined in COMMON to specify the type of command 
      processing for the monitor to use.  Separate the flags with an 
      exclamation point (!).  Some of the possible flags are:
         Flag         Meaning
         APPFLG       saves your current context
         CMWRQ        requeues the job after command processing
         CUSTMR       reserved for customer implementation
         INCORE       requires that the job be in memory
         NBATCH       not allowed from a batch job
         NOACT        delayed if any devices are active
         NOCORE       core is not required
         NOINCK       can be processed if issued without a job
         NOJOBN       does not require a job number
         NOLOGIN      does not require that a job be logged in
         NOMESS       suppresses output of SET WATCH statistics
         NOPER        monitor must not prompt after command completion
         NORUN        requires that the job be halted
         NXONLY       is not legal if the job is execute-only
         TTYRNC       monitor should put job in monitor mode
         TTYRNU       monitor should put job in user mode       
         TTYRNW       continue I/O wait after command processing
   4. Unique bits.  Unique bits are bit numbers you can define to specify 
      the number of characters that make this command unique.  This is 
      specified in the form INIQ.n, where 'n' is the number of characters 
      from 1 to 4.
   5. PRVTAB-name.  The PRVTAB-name is the name of the program to place in 
      the monitor table PRVTAB.  This should be equivalent to the dispatch 
      program name and may be omitted if the command should not be included
      in PRVTAB.  PRVTAB is the monitor's list of priviledged CUSPs.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,1[@@9 <~*29l d ,0W+">l 4R%?,0.5H%
 0R+%94H%90R+%90h0h/+%9d0H1H1(H0R+%9 H9,0.0R+%5H%96H9,0.4H%90R+%9 H9+%7@95H%0R+%9 H9 J94R%90R+%4R%90R+% J9,0.5R%97@94H%9,>-$%UCMDNM ,1M 2,27R9+%$arp+< 9-$%#*,1M 2,2-$%&,,1M7B9+%)-$%(*,1M-$%*,,1M7B9+%--$%,*,1M-$%.,,1M6D9+%1-$%0,,,1M+%50R1R+%1,22D9+%1,^4B%7-$%7*,1M-$%8@,1M+$}-$%>?Incorrect syntax for user defined command@,1_9">,1 2;-$%BDEFINE SPCCLS,1M,1~ 2;l -$%`@Terminal class [
A terminal class is defined by the set of attributes and characteristics 
exhibited by the class as a whole.  If you want to define a terminal class, 
type a 1 to 5 character class name and press RETURN.  To end this section, 
just press RETURN.]: ,/A4R(i,)D9%D H9l -$%~Width (80,17-255) [
Type the number that corresponds to the terminal carriage width 
characteristic of the member terminals in the terminal class you are 
defining.   Terminal carriage width is the number of characters printed 
horizontally on the page.]: ,.q B9l -$&Length (0,0-255) [
Type the number that corresponds to the page length characteristic of the 
member terminals in the terminal class you are defining.  Page length is 
the number of lines printed vertically on the page.]: ,.q B9l -$&HFill (0,0-3) [
Type the number that corresponds to the filler class characteristic of the 
member terminals in the terminal class you are defining.  Fill characters 
are stored in the remaining data positions of a line if that line is not 
completly occupied.  The filler class you select determines how many null 
characters are necessary to fill a line, with 0 representing no fill 
characters and 3 representing the highest number of fill characters.]: ,.q B9 $9,*0 =l  -$&[Address of erase table (*) [
Type the address of the table of sequences to cursor-right and erase to 
EOL, or press RETURN to accept the default.]: ,/A,)<9&J H9 =l  -$&nAddress of rubout table (*) [
Type the address of the table of sequences to backspace, space, backspace, 
or press RETURN to accept the default.]: ,/A,)<9&] H9l -$'ANSI conformance level (1,0-15) [
Type the number that indicates the level of conformance to ANS X3.64 of the 
member terminals in the terminal class you are defining.]: ,.q B9l -$'DEC conformance level (0,0-15) [
Type the number that indicates the level of conformance to DEC STD 070 for 
the member terminals in the terminal class you are defining.]: ,.q B9l -$(4Characteristic attributes [
From the list below, type one or more of the mnemonics that correspond to 
the attributes supported by member terminals in the terminal class you are 
   Mnemonic   Attribute 
   8BA        Capable of 8-bit operation
   8BT        Usually operates in 8-bit mode
   AVO        Advanced Video Option present or emulated
   BMT        Block-mode transfers
   BTA        Block transfers are per ANSI rather than DEC VT131
   CID        Character insertion and deletion
   CLR        Screen color can be manipulated by software
   DIS        Display terminal
   ESL        Extra status line exists
   GAT        Guarded Area Transfer
   GPO        ReGIS
   HSR        Horizontal scrolling
   ISO        ISO/Latin-1 rather than DEC/MCS
   JTK        Katakana character set
   LID        Line insertion and deletion
   NKB        No keyboard (asynchronous printer)
   NRC        National Replacement Characters
   OVR        Performs overstriking
   PPO        Printer port
   RCS        Redefinable Character Sets
   SEM        Selective Erase
   SRM        Scrolling regions
   SSU        Multiple sessions
   SXL        SIXEL graphics processing
   TCS        DEC/Technical Character Set
   TEK        4010/4014 emulation
   TSI        Terminal State Interrogation
   UDK        User-definable keys
   UWN        User windows 
   V52        VT52 emulation 
   VFL        Variable forms length
   VFW        Variable forms width
Separate the mnemonics in your list with commas.]: ,/A $9,*9'd  9-$(9TERMCR	(*,*,1M $9,*k 9-$(<,,*,1L 9-$(>,*,1L 9-$(@,*,1L 9-$(B,*,1L 9-$(D,*,1L 9-$(F,*,1M 9-$(H,*,1M $9,*j-$(K)@,1M-$(O@Now enter member terminal types@,1_l -$(g@  Terminal type [
Type the name of a terminal type belonging to the terminal class you have 
just defined.  Terminal type names must be 1 to 6 characters in length.  To 
define another class, just press RETURN.]: ,/A4R%C,)]9(P+(P,1-$(n@Additional terminals for classes:@,1[-$(qDEFINE SPCCLX,1M,1~ 2;l -$(@Class to extend [
Type the name of the terminal class you wish to extend, or press RETURN to 
end this section.]: ,/A4R),)D9(r H9l -$)@  Terminal type [
Type the name of a terminal type belonging to the terminal class you wish 
to extend.  Terminal type names must be 1 to 6 characters in length.  To 
define another class, just press RETURN.]: ,/A4R(r,)]9)+),1-$)5@System default terminal type (TTY) [
Type the name of the default termainl type for your system.  The terminal 
type name must be 1 to 6 characters in length.  The monitor will assign 
this type to all lines at system start-up, before INITIA runs.]: ,/A!(M4R)8,)P9) -$);M.DTTT==:<SIXBIT &*&>@,1M+*|7@7,0.6@6@1+1s-$)C? Invalid table address@,1_,~0b7+)J-$)I? Must be 1-5 characters@,1_,~,0.6@6@1+1s-$)O? Invalid class name@,1_,~0b7+)V-$)U? Must be 1-6 characters@,1_,~,0.6@6@1+1s-$)\? Invalid terminal type name@,1_,~,)P,~ H9l -$)z  Additional attributes to set [
From the list above, type one or more of the mnemonics that correspond to
the additional attributes supported by member terminals in the terminal 
class you are defining.  Separate the mnemonics in your list with commas.]: ,/A $9,*9)_l -$*  Attributes to clear [
From the list above, type one or more of the mnemonics that correspond to
the attributes defined for the class but are inappropriate to this terminal 
type.]: ,/A $9/,*9)|d  9-$*TERMCR	(*,,1M 9-$**,1M $9,*k $9/,*k-$*)@,1M+1s D9>!0X0@@*04R1s = 9>+*u1 I'_[1
SNx]JY& G& gJhO ghCZxaBxOBxgb`iXekXm8m`lUKN`URXiiNHE7 ERQOk^pgO(G379> D9>!0X0@@*0l -$*dCharacteristics [
From the list below, type one or more of the mnemonics that correspond to 
the characteristics exhibited by member terminals in the terminal class you
are defining.
   FF    hardware forms
   TAB   hardware tab support
   LC    transmit and receive lowercase characters
   ALT   need old-style altmode conversion
   XON   XON/XOFF flow control is desired
   CRLF  monitor performs free-CRLF logic
Separate the mnemonics in your list with commas.]: ,/A4R1s = 9>,*u9*/,~MiY
C3 q>pGJd`7= =  2,2O7@X+*r 2;@ 2,2 P-$*r*,1M8*t*m 2:@,2,~,0.4H1t0R5R1t 2H*d*x5$1t/$@.$P H5R*u+1s 2; 9?-$*~@END OF *,1MR9?-$+.*@,1M,~-$+
DECsystem10 (KL,KS) [
The KL is a system with KL10 CPUs.  The KS is a system with a KS10 CPU.]: ,.
::L:B8=,~,%x.$,-N79a@cF++1$8),/y,2+$8),1M-,	$8),1*)$8),.",0W++,.I9+ 2;`@:e @,>@A9
    Reserve devices per CPU: [
In multi-CPU configurations, it is often desirable to reserve a number of 
controller or device slots for each CPU which normally has this type of 
device connected to it.  For example, in a dual CPU system, if each CPU has 
two channels for RP06s, one would like the controllers to have the names 
    For devices such as disks, where the controller name varies with each 
driver loaded, this question should be answered for each driver.
    For devices such as magtapes, where the controller designation (MT) is 
the same regardless of the driver being used, this question need only be 
answered for the first driver.
    Typing CR will default the number of controllers or devices to an
-$,*,1M*p,-$,)@,1M,~7@8$+,$l -$,#    Do you want to specify more data (NO,YES): ,.
4B1t =@@9*$9 :L<b,1l -$,/    CPU (CR,0-*) [
Type a CPU number or press RETURN for all CPUs.]: ,.q3B= " B97@:L+,?l -$,=    Device code (CR,0-774) [
Press RETURN to accept the standard device code definitions.]: ,.s`B+,2+,Ml -$,K    Interrupt vector index (CR,0-774) [
Press RETURN to accept the standard interrupt vector index definition.]: ,.s`B+,?3B=@ B97@:M+,^l -$,[    UNIBUS address (CR,760000-777774) [
Press+RETURNtoaacceptthe$standardaUNIBUSdaddress0definitions.]: ,.s3B=@`B+,O B9 A$ ,> 9
Type the Massbus device number for the * controller.]: ,.s B9,^d GD-$-    Drive, slave, or unit: [
Type a decimal drive, slave, or unit number, "ALL" for all units, or "NONE" 
if defining a controller parameter.  An answer to this question must be 
supplied.],1_l ,0W9,o4R-020r+=+=	 H9 B9-$-#    Data: [
You may provide device-specific information.  The response to this may 
contain a symbolic expression.  If you press RETURN, this indicates that 
there is no device-specific data other than the previously specified device 
code information.],1_l ,0W9-d  =
7@:L	=	(,1M,9-$-**,,1L,9,-GS`-$--*,,1M7@:M+-1 9,-G-$-1*,,1M 9-$-3*,,1M 9,-GS`-$-6*,,1M 2,2!0"4Z@-FcD9+-= 2:@,2R@-F-$-=MD.*,1M*p-8 2,2 2,2 2,2Z-$-B*,1x 2,2-$-E)@,1x+,W>pC2`7=
 = 4s $=`@ $=,-_Z9,-_ $=`@ $=,-_ $=,-_[9,-_ $-o`@ $-e,-_,~Q$A`4R1tR=t-`7+-e-$-eMDTBUF full,1DRespond with one of the following:
	NO      Do not prompt
	YES     Prompt for parameters]: Respond with one of the following:
	NO      Exclude driver
	YES     Include driver
	PROMPT  Include driver and prompt for parameters]: ,.6@8+.!81D  $90D91D78+.!`0Dk`1D`77+.
ASKYN called without (Y,N) in above message,1D4B.g ",~,.!80D1D`+.!80D1D`7+.-$.ASKLST called with (Y,N) in above question
- Edit MONGEN to call ASKYN instead of ASKLST@,1D,~ ,,/r xZ,1_Z,.",0W+.,.I9.+/wQ$A`,>,>6@+.,-$.+? No (ANS0,ASN1,...) in above question - Edit MONGEN,1D0R+.$ " 
,0.0R+.05H.C x H80b7+.8-$.8Too many prompts in above question - Edit MONGEN@,1D1R9..@@8,^,^1R,~-$.CSpecial character inside () above
Edit MONGEN and remove it.,1D-$.HError in above question - Edit MONGEN@,1D,0.+.Q,0.7@+.Q-$.P? Type one answer followed by carriage return@,1_,~d @b84H.j $($G$cH+.S(D} 83F+.kf2F+.a B8l`7+.a-$.`? Type enough to uniquely distinguish answer@,1_,~6F89.Va`7+.j-$.i? Answer with one of the choices inside parens@,1_,~ 87@87+.p-$.o? No default allowed@,1_,~+1s ,+.t ,l @+.t ,d @,/r xZ,1_O@8!@@8 !$p D8!Z
Q*A`4R/	0R+.y,0$0R+.5B/	 x,0T+.|1R+/1R1h0R!+/5B/	,0. "<@2H=a`@+/2H=+/	 "=7 8! B8!1R+/1R+.{-$/Above question must have(...,min-max) - Edit MONGEN,1D B8 ,0$1R+/0R+/7x!"p,0T0R+/	 B8!,0W+.u4R/.,0$4R/7a`@7+/ -$/? Type single number followed by carriage return@,19.u1R1h0R!+/$5B/$,0.3H=+/-7+/--$/,? Type octal line number or CTY followed by carriage return@,1^9.u!"=+/A!8!2B=3B=+/A!`6 +/7-$/6? No default allowed, type a number@,19.u3B8!+/A2"8 2b8!7+/A 8 -$/>? Must be in range *,1 8!-$/@-*@,19.u+/w,/r xZ,1,0W+/B+/w ,,1~,/r xZ,1,0W+/F4R/vd ,07@+/O-$/N? Type octal M-N or M@,1^9/F-$/PL *@,1x+/H ,,1~,/r xZ,1,0W+/S4R/vl ,00R+/Y,0#4R/]-$/\? Type octal M-N,P or M,P@,19/S-$/^L *@,1x+/T ,,1~,/r xZ,1,0W+/a4R/v,/l7@+/i-$/h? Type octal M-N or M@,1^9/a-$/kKN X,*@,1x+/b,0#1R +/p0R,~ 2r+0#,0.!"2H= 2 ,~*x,>,>Z,/y,2Z+1M,1d  2;,^,^+1Y7@6},~,>,2# 2,21ZxQ$A`4R01R-+01R+00R 1R+/}1R7+0,2# 2,21+/},210R+/}+0abp+0
.2,21`dp+0	,^+/},> ,0,^+/}&$0QFx6@,0[x.2+21,2#,^,~,0#5B1t1R1h0R!,~+0,0#1R1h1R!+00R,~ 2r+0#,0.!"=3H=+0  2!,~a` 2r,~ ,+0$ , ",0T``0R+0'Q,4R0+02020+0+$"0."Oh+0'7 "`d 4R1t+0U,>=,0< ( =4R0;a`+041R+080R1R+08020r+06+08020h02 0r-+0;/2`dpR+@x+00,0U,^x,~+@0R1R+0<,~,0W,~ (4R1s,0.4H0C0R,~`H7+0J-$0I? Device-mnemonic must be 3 char or less@,1_,~,0# :L$$ :L.$0b7+0T -$0S? PI-channel must be * or less@,1^,~+1s0R1R+0T,~l ,1/ " 
<},> R4R0c0R1R1 ,1/1"(90Z,^d -$0b? Line too long@,1_91Y3D+0eR=0c,^d  
<}d +1s,> $=,.",.H90r4R0q0R90r $=,.",.I90r4B0q/"d +1-d 91.e ,> "`-$1*MONGEN for * monitors
MONGEN  will  generate  any  known TOPS-10 configuration.  For information 
about which configurations are supported, please refer to the SPD.
/HELP (PROMPT,SHORT,LONG) [In the following dialogue:
All numbers are decimal unless stated otherwise
Unique abbreviations are allowed everywhere to all questions
/HELP or reasks a question in the next longer mode
/HELP:xxx sets the mode permanently.
Modes are:
SHORT is short
PROMPT has choices in ()
LONG has choices in () and an explanation in []]: ,.
1BO@1B " B2; ,^,~,14+2a`0R1R+13,2-,~,14+2+136@8+=?`9B7+19@+19
&-$1I@? Internal MONGEN error - ,1M,^,1M	`l  ,+1Nm  ,Q$A`,>=!+@x4R1Y1R,1i,2+1O ,Q$A`,>x4R1Y,>1R+1W 8#1R,1i,2,^+1S,^xd ,~7
=,>,/y,1M,^+1,,+11,Q$A`,>=!+@x4R21R-lR``4n1h1Rl2``4.1g1R,1i,21Rd21R.d^+1`,>abp+1o =4R1s.2+A`hp+1k+1s 	 1ba`+1r 2, ,1t,^:x,~&$0QFx4D1v,1t[x.2+ Q$A`4R1t1R+1{,2+1x,> $8,1M,^+1x 2,2+2 2,2 2,2 2a`a`,~1R +26@2;l`+2,> 2,2,^d` a`+2
",~7@87@6},~,>``,=#2,2-2,2-,^,~76},~,>,>@$<?,2',^,^,~Q$A`4R1t,21+2(4F1t@)D2,21+2*66}+21Q2``h2!`,21[`7@6},~?`6|@ ~8[>ty7[&.RUN 
8-$;5% File DSK:MONGEN.MIC already exists@,1_,~7@8,~@@8-$;<@% DSK:MONGEN.MIC will not be written@,1_7b6},~@@6}1B+;1-$;B% ENTER error * ,1^,~Hardware optionsEBOX/MBOX user runtime accountingKL10 supportKS10 supportSymmetric Multiprocessing supportExtended addressing supportCommunications and networks featuresDECnet on the CI bus (requires FTSCA)DECnet softwareEthernet serviceMacro command processor support)MIC log file support (requires FTMIC)ANF-10 network softwareI/O featuresDisks on CI bus (requires FTSCA)Magtapes on CI bus (requires FTSCA)Dual-ported disksFile daemon supportMultiplex devices on I/O channelsSystems Communication Architecture supportScheduler featuresCPU resource allocation codeScheduler performance gatheringMeasure TTY response and other metricsUUO featuresHigh Priority QueueAllow jobs to lock in corePEEK and SPY UUOsPOKE UUOReal-time trappingMiscellaneous featuresMountable Device AllocatorAllocate space to patch tablesTape labeling facilityCustomer defined features82x#`3"C2` -$<*% No such feature test "FT*"@,1_+-$<-% Syntax error,1_+-$<3% Cannot modify all feature tests at one,1_+_0_8-$<8% Value must be "OFF" or "ON",1_+*2PH2P}p

;			FT==:0	;==:-1	;$/B
/8*(:SSCASA10 device supportRP01/2/3 disksFuture drumSwapping drumsRS04/5 Massbus disksMass diskRP0x/RM0x Massbus disksDX20/RP20 disksCI20/HSC disksSA10/IBM disksTM02/TM03 magtapesDX10/TX01/TX02 tapesDX20/TX02 tapesTM78/TU78/TU79 magtapesTM10B magtapesTC10C magtapesSA10/IBM tapesBA10/LP100 printersCFE/LP20 printersUNIBUS/LP20 printersXY10 plottersCR10 card readersCFE/CD20 card readersUNIBUS/CD20 card readersCP10/CP10D card punchesPC04 paper tape punchesPC04 paper tape readers(ALL)-8:l4;"H8ggU>X9,2+%$lE	8mSGX~* P*g,^x++1x9(9GH]>tP,0.3H<% "3H= "7H9,o@+-@ ,0"3D9,o+-W1
 A8)H8)  Include   Prompt for  (NO,YES,PROMPT) (NO,YES)[didGSHY0HH(HELP)(,SHORT,PROMPT,LONG)
? Internal MONGEN error - b,~+N 2/,2- 2-+2-