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                             Author:    Peter Conklin
                               Date:    13 October, 1970
                               File:    INITIA.RNO%001

     The information in this memorandum is  subject  to
     change  without notice and should not be construed
     as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation.
INITIA SPECIFICATION 13-OCT-70  100-310-039-00        Page 2

                        1. OVERVIEW

     1.1        FUNCTION:   INITIA  is  a  CUSP  to  perform
certain standard job    initialization  functions  when  the
PDP-10 monitor is restarted.    It may also be invoked by  a
monitor command if a terminal needs     to be reinitialized.

     1.2        RELATION TO OTHER CUSPS:  There is no direct
relationship with       other  CUSPs,  however, INITIA calls
other CUSPs to start them       for normal operation.

     1.3        DESIGN GOALS
        1.3.1 To simplify the operator's job of starting  up
the system,     jobs  which  are  always to be run should be
started automatically.
        1.3.2 To initialize certain  devices  automatically.
For example,    TAB stops should be set on the TERMINET-300.

     1.4        REFERENCES      SCNSER,           Functional
Specification (100-150-012-03).

                   2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION

        INITIA is tailored to each installation.  Each  time
the     system  is  started,  INITIA is run automatically on
certain         TTYs (as determined by a bit in LINTAB).  At
any time later,         INITIA  may  be  run  on  any TTY by
simply typing the monitor command       "INITIA".

        When INITIA runs, it determines the TTY name and the
APR serial      number  where  it  is being run and performs
automatic initialization        if       needed.        This
initialization can include setting up   TTY   hardware   and
running a CUSP.  If no CUSP is run, a   startup  message  is
typed out.

                        3. GLOSSARY

APR serial number -- the DEC assigned serial number  of  the
     PDP-10 arithmetic processor.
        TTY -- a physical console.  This might be a teletype
     or teletype-like device.
        TTY name -- the monitor assigned  name  of  the  TTY
     (eg,       CTY or TTY21).

                         4. COMMAND

     4.1        ASTERISK FORMAT:  None
INITIA SPECIFICATION 13-OCT-70  100-310-039-00        Page 3

     4.2        MONITOR  COMMAND  FORMAT:   There   are   no
parameters.  The only monitor   command  is ".INITIA".  This
may be typed at any time, but   destroys  the  current  core
image.  First, TTY setup is performed.          If  the  job
is not logged in, or is logged into the correct number,  the
proper CUSP is run (logged in if appropriate).

     4.3        CCL ENTRY POINT:  None

     4.4        ALTERNATE ENTRIES:  None

     4.5        DIALOGUE MODE:  None

     4.6        HELP:  None

                5. ASSOCIATED (TTY) MESSAGES

     5.1        If the system fails, the message "?Bomb Out"
is issued.  The         location  in  INITIA is displayed in
the lights.

     5.2        If a CUSP is  run,  the  name  is  typed  to
indicate to the         operator  what  has  been  done, For
example, if the print   package is started,
                .R PRINTR
        is typed.

     5.3        If no CUSP is started,  the  system  startup
message is typed        consisting of the system header, the
time of day, and the    teletype name.  For example,
                5S0112C 12:43:26 CTY

                     6. LISTABLE OUTPUT


                      7. FILE FORMATS


                  8. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS

     8.1        The behavior is a function of which teletype
the job is started      on.   Each  installation  can tailor
INITIA for its own configuration        since INITIA  checks
the APR serial number as well as the    TTY name in order to
determine its processing.  The possible         actions are:
INITIA SPECIFICATION 13-OCT-70  100-310-039-00        Page 4

        8.1.1   TTY setup:
                        An optional sequence is provided  to
initialize the          tabs  on  a  GE  TERMINET-300.  This
sequence sets           carriage return as physical position
4 and tabs at 12,               20,  28, 36, 44, 52, 60, and
68.  This allows room for               hole punches.

        8.1.2   Job setup.
                Optionally, one  of  the  following  may  be
started at each                 TTY.   Additional  CUSPS can
easily be added.
          PRINTR under [1,2] the print spooler.
          CHKPNT under [1,2] to take accounting checkpoints.
          OMOUNT under  [1,2]  to  process  Mount  and  File
          FILEX   under   [1,4]   to   save   crashes   (not
          SYSDPY  not  logged  in  to  display   status   on
                    Datapoint 3300.

     8.1.3      Default startup table.          If  the  APR
serial number is not recognized, the following  is started:
                TTY1   PRINTER under [1,2]
          TTY2   OMOUNT under [1,2]

                       9. CORE LAYOUT

     9.1 INITIA is a one segment, non-sharable CUSP since it
        should  not occupy swapping or table space after its
use.    It is coded with a pure section of code  and  tables
followed by     a short impure area.  INITIA is 1K.

     9.2.       INITIA  is  table  driven.   First,   INITIA
checks  the  APR  serial  number  against  a table (APRTAB).
This    gives  an  index  into  a  list  of  TTY  names  and
operations      (APRTBV).   Each  APR has two tables, a list
of TTY  names (TTn  where  n  is  the  serial  number),  and
Operations (JJn).       The   operations   table  gives  the
address of an ASCIZ string to   be sent to the TTY in  image
mode (0 if none), and the address       of   a  routine  for
special job processing (0 if none).  These      tables   are
all generated by macros.

                      10. GENERAL FLOW

        [INITIA] Initialize, determine  if  job  logged  in,
find APR        serial  number and TTY name.  If special TTY
setup,  send it.  If  special  job  setup  required,  go  to
specific routine.       If  none, [KJOB] send signon message
and exit.
        [FILEX] log in as [1,4] set DSKB:   as  search  list
and run         FILEX.
INITIA SPECIFICATION 13-OCT-70  100-310-039-00        Page 5

        [OMOUNT], [CHKPNT], [PRINTR] log in as [1,2] and run
        [SYSDPY] run SYSDPY.

                  11. CRITICAL ALGORITHMS.


                    12. MAINTENANCE AIDS

     If INITIA detects a monitor error, it types "?Bomb Out"
and  displays  the  relative  location  within INITIA in the
console lights.

                   13. CODING TECHNIQUES

     INITIA is coded  in  MACRO-10  following  the  5-series
monitor  editting  conventions.   Most scratch storage is in
the ACs.


     14.1       INITIA.MAC  should  be   edited   for   your
configuration.   Two  additions are needed.  First, add your
APR's serial number to the list in the macro APR  (page  4).
Second,  add a macro (page 5) SPnn (nn=serial number).  Each
line of the macro is Y,  space,  TTY  name,  comma,  special
processor, comma, TTY setup string, carriage return.

     14.2       To load, type
          .LOAD INITIA
then to save
          .SAVE DSK:INITIA

     14.3       Place the file INITIA.SAV on SYS.

     14.4       Include the INITIA  bit  in  LINTAB  in  the
monitor for all TTYs which are to be started.