
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-h137f-bm - new-system/tgha.exe
There are 40 other files named tgha.exe in the archive. Click here to see a list.
?p@ # ?hf?x++#a"aHf
o~6l00l+Zo6.80n+!"l5 BDp
A"G") BD o 6 4l6n7@@7"@+"0b+(Bl" B^ "^,>,&,^ ^Gl" BpA]l6 V^ "^,>,&,^ ^Gl" BHp3B@G @H.0.4*r@4X "l5 &@hp."md$73D9,4J-9
)H H` J`@@_@ 8 8{4 9 8 9{45h8-"+ 07@+:0P(+;.0'+?  $(D{Q$ :84?+A00-$99 " `".$ &dQ`!Hd84M@@V :*"]!X(d 
;O  (FFA$*hIaD+N-"+-$
OS"@pbDnS"`pbDn FAX> ;,4U+V-$
 " BE7@F+u c. ` ; .Vd> 
<**p	D!,5Xa 8 X>_+X>GL8Vl>p	DD<|.<X><ve(L5L]9\d~+u E c. J F ; ` 
<*,X>q8=0XX>5Xn 8 +.<=vlX> E@@F+uX>l> `/b= $D>"E+WpDp	D >,e~+4>l> 
="`!X`4BZNb " $ &b84*n|+Ag!>-*-$+pDp	D AS"@@bFpS"`@bFp >,-*6O+Q>+C-*67CQ>~_pDp	D B,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,~ 66Fp*d+O $(D{Q$ >84+(+(-$6pp
+x.<=x+bp pp Pp.<=x+o ,>,>,>  ,-4B+ hFBh,^,^,^,~ hj" ($|F (&~Ff(&F("Fb("F.",~>@F>,@@`Z`VHNX_TT0.HVxb@~@ a+x g "3 g,$,$,$,$,$ @,t>}<+k\"p+n7h\"N7@<,~<+o

This is the procedure  to follow if the  TGHA history database file  has
been damaged or lost.  The ONLY time that the TGHA history database file
(TGHA.DAT) should be  explicitly deleted  is if it  has become  damaged.
Although this destroys all of the known error history, the known  errors
will be resolved  by TGHA in  the same manner  as before.  This  drastic
action is explained only to cover this situation.

1.  Copy any existing TGHA-DATA:TGHA.DAT to TGHA-DATA:TGHA.BAD.
2.  Delete TGHA-DATA:TGHA.DAT if it exists.
4.  Delete any TGHA-DATA:TGHA.TRA.
5.  Bring the system down (^ECEASE, Parser's SHUTDOWN command).
6.  Run KLI.
7.  Enter KLI's DIALOG mode.
8.  Answer FORCE in response to the "reconfigure memory" question.
9.  Continue through KLI dialog and reboot the system.
10. TGHA will run and create new TGHA.DAT and TGHA.TRA files.

The TGHA history database file has been damaged or lost.  The  following
is the ONLY time that the  TGHA history database file (TGHA.DAT)  should
be explicitly deleted.  Although  this destroys all  of the known  error
history, the known errors will be resolved by TGHA in the same manner as
before.  This drastic action is explained only to cover this  situation.

1. Copy any existing TGHA-DATA:TGHA.DAT to TGHA-DATA:TGHA.BAD.
2. Delete TGHA-DATA:TGHA.DAT if it exists.
3. Bring the system down (^ECEASE, Parser's SHUTDOWN command).
4. Run KLI.
5. Enter KLI's DIALOG mode.
6. Answer FORCE in response to the "reconfigure memory" question.
7. Continue through KLI dialog and reboot the system.
8. TGHA will run and create a new TGHA.DAT file.

The TGHA trace database file has been damaged or lost.  The following is
the ONLY time  that the TGHA  trace database file  (TGHA.TRA) should  be
explicitly deleted.  Although this  destroys the trace information,  the
known errors will  be resolved  by TGHA in  the same  manner as  before.
This drastic action is explained only to cover this situation.

2. Delete TGHA-DATA:TGHA.TRA (if it exists).
3. Bring the system down (^ECEASE, Parser's SHUTDOWN command).
4. Run KLI.
5. Enter KLI's DIALOG mode.
6. Answer FORCE in response to the "reconfigure memory" question.
7. Continue through KLI dialog and reboot the system.
8. TGHA will run and create a new TGHA.TRA file.

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`nError entry serial number not in use.
,>,>,>>,|aB+@@c "E BE E6@ 6@c+J@ .  DX 
X4JD ?.<@ . .V X_ _8!6"2X+AZ  BD " Bc D` FY+B.$1d+8 "bBc+G "bBc+G.&1f+4 "bBc+J ".BE+1 "bBc+N,>',>',>(,!.>~+,>( XZ D ",> "  B~ "~,>,@ X. .V D_,>( _Z D~ "~,> ."! B} "},>,>~.<1|+T " BX . DC ?$"(D&#."#(B. DA C A&". A&"$$ $d$"`B+u " B= Db% Y(B.Ab%p="&A"0B+u"&b&!"FB=p= `."!(B Ba a . Ha 
.* a (./"3&7@+ ".Ba+z a7@+ Ha a (./"2&+@@ ".Ba+ Ha@ a . ?.  V ."1b+ a (./"3&7@+ ".Ba+
 (./"2ba+ " BX,|,F,>),"7@<+>~+>~+.7@<+,>(,",>+,$ V!$GD>,^,^,^,~TTp$<>==* >* =(%%&Controller # in octal: Reset bitswaps? (Y or <CR>)One or more swaps didn't complete
Unexpected AR/ARX parity error
Parameter passed to BSRTN out of range
Internal BSRTN error
Fatal error: Unexpected error code returned from BSRTN
Clear ICE bits? (Y or <CR>)Reset the BITSUB TGHA flag? (Y or <CR>)Type out bitswaps? (Y or <CR)  
,>,>,>,>,>>O@B@@C,E,>/, | " B~ "~,>,f  Be,>/, |,S".0B,+|@ (R@ " Bf " Bf " Bg " Bg " Bh " Bh " Bi " Bi,>0 . B| "|,>,>0, O0X+l@,>1, |>5Xm@vA2X1+p@,>2, |>2X2+s@,>3, |>2X3+v@,>4, |>56x,>4, |>>~.41t+\.<1|+[,>5, |,S".0B,+O@e+@@e,>5, |,S".0B,+ e(B B= 6.B=p=,>6, |,S".0B,+
O@d+@@d@@@ " B= e(B.= (D. (D. (D. B=p=7@e+!"cB>+ >h".B=p=7@d+#"& B} "},>@@| "|,> " B{ "{,>@@z "z,>,=,>7, |>}.61v+
7@d+',>7, |>.81x+
.<1|+@@BO@C>{,^,^,^,^,^,~:),ef/36~;=CFV yJMN********
The following blocks of MOS memory are marked as bad and are not on line:
    Controller	Group	Block
This consists of K of memory that is off line.
Call Field Service to report this condition.
,>,>,>> "E BE@@j@@j E7@+	@@k $ D= d% "GB=p="b "?b%p="b7@k+6@j+iO@BO@BO@j,>,>(,>),!.,>,>',>,!.,>,>(,>,!.>{@ (V@ . b$4D,>,>(,>,!. EZ D~ "~,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>,>(,>,!. \z "z,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>,>(,>,!. Xv "v,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,> ,>(,>,!. " .Bj>r.81x+k.<1|+j ".BE+V7@j+,> ,>(,>,!.,>!,>(,>!,>(,>,!,>",>(,>,!.,>",>(,>,!.,>#,>(,>#,!.@@B@@B>w>,^,^,^,~.>k
kk<89&AD'EEFFj(HLQ',>> "E BE E7@+I@ E.  DX X4BF3B1+F,>(Z D ",> "  B ",>, " BX . DC@ C &". &"$$ 
JdK"`B+C " B= E d% (B.b%p=!"cB>+C"&b&!"FB=p=.&1f+4,>),">~.<1|+( ".BE+&>,^,~$ <********
Bit Substitution: Controller
, Group , Block , Word (bits 33-35)  
The Bit Sub RAM data is going to be changed to  (octal), bit  (decimal).
Bit Substitution: Incomplete
Bit Substitution: Completed normally
Bit Substitution: Unexpected AR/ARX Parity Error
Bit Substitution: Parameter passed to BSRTN out of range
Bit Substitution: Internal BSRTN Error - IEDWDS: , IEDWDS+1:  
Bit Substitution: Unexpected error code returned
,>,>,>> X,e Bp,>,>(,>),!.,>,>',>,!.,>,>(,>@@{ "{,>,>,!,>,>(,>,!.,>,>(,>@@w "w,>,>,!,>,>(,>,!. q" Bt "t,>,>(,>@@s "s,>,>,!,>,>(,>,!.< \p "p,>,>(,>@@o "o,>,>,!,>,>(,>,!.@O@Y."1b+" j ` BpY,>,>(,>,!. `(B Bk "k,>,>(,>@@j "j,>,>,!,>,>(,>,!.>~ ` Bh "h,>,>(,>!@@g "g,>,>,!>},>,>(,>#,!.>~@@V,> Y(B$. Bh "h,>,>	, >~O0\+C@,>	,>',>(,!.>~5\Y@,>
,>',>(,!.>~ D(B Y(D. X(D.." B=p= C e  &".  &"$$ $d(&h $d$"aB+X $d$"h $d$bO@V2\1+d@,>
,>',>(,!.>~ C e &". &"$$ Jd"l Jdb2\2+h@,>,>',>(,!.>~2\3+z@,>,>',>),!.>~,>
,>(,>@@g "g,>,>,!>},>
X<KMDPYQRUUZ\Y]aejpCuCww},>,>,>,>,> " Bo@@m `664V3@ .$!(D Da a  . Dn .4 n P.3x+2*74J- W$$ $& AA` $& AAH2\+0:m2*o+0 Jo Xm Bn\$.Dn+#."1b+,^,^,^,^,^,~0H0`In controller , group , block , word (bits 33-35) , the spare bit is being changed from  to .
,>> `"!(B n.$" Do C&"(F"#."#(B. &". &"$$ Jd& A$~ o(BA"~3D+ `F+1DV+,>$,>), -,>,>(,>,>(,>, T,>%,>, -,>,>(,>,>(,>, T,>%,>, -"# Bx "x,>,>(,>,>(,>, T,>&,>, -""(B$#. Bt "t,>,>(,>,>(,>, T,>&,>, - C&"(F"#."#(B. &". &"$$ Jd"$$ Dq "q,>,>(,>,>(,>, T,>',>, -,>',>(,>,>(,>, T,>(,>#, ->j$"(D"#."#(B. Dx "x,>,>',~>+@@V6@V+  C*"(J&#.<#(\. &". &"$$ Jd"`B+ Jd"h Jdb " B= Db% Y(B$#...b%p=!"bB>+ "&b&!"FB=p=>,^,~(
lll 79:;=AoB,>,>@ ."!(B Ba . Dp 
p a .3j+W `3J+V"Z4B: W$$"[$" A
A("[$" A
A 2\+V"[$\2B+>"\$]3B+V!"GB( 
C<"(\(#.8#(X. &".
 &"$$ ]d$"`B+L ]d$"h ]d$b " B= Db% Y(B$#...b%p=!"bB>+V"&b&!"FB=p=\".Bp+-.&1f+*,^,^,~0(0 ( (($`$p$(,>,>, o BW m B` X . DC ` W$"&rA
 Fl W$" 
@+o,B `!$GD7@m+mO3BV,( W$" 
.Dl.<3|+i,^,^,~  	Page  
>,>~  B~ "~,>, s V$ D~ "~,>,>(,>!@@} "},>  B} "},>, ,>  B{ "{,>, s,>'  Bz "z,>,*,>  By "y,>, s,>,>(,>!@@w "w,>  Bw "w,>, :p,>  Bu "u,>, s,>  Bt "t,>, s>s,~0ssptuStorage module serial number , RAM size 64K , RAM size 16K  
The last time this storage module was used was  
No known errors determined yet for this module
Known errors:
Block Subblock BIFN(10)	Row	Column	E #	Type	 Time
						Mux	 Mux Data Chip	 Column	 Row	 Cell	  
Chronological errors:
Block Subblock BIFN	Row	Column	E #	Time
The chronological error list for this module is empty
,>> _!$GD,>(Z D~ "~,> "! B~ "~,>,,>	|  B} "},>, s a$	v D| "|,>,>(,>!,>(  B{ "{,>,  a$	w Dz "z,>,>,>!,>'  Bx "x,>,  a$	w Dw "w,> " Bw "w,>,>!,>'  Bv "v,>,  a$	x5Dp,>	}+p,>	}  Bt "t,>, s,>	~  Bs "s,>, s,>	~  Br "r,>, s _  Dr "r,>  Bq "q,>,*,>	  Bp "p,>, s,>	  Bo "o,>, s a 2D+	,>
  Dn $n,>, s+	 . D`,>
  Bn "n,>, s,>
  Bm "m,>, s ` a .3f+	"	x Bm "m,>,>(,>,>(  Bk "k,>, ,>
  Bj "j,>, s `$# Dj "j,>,>(,>,>(  Bg "g,>, ,>
  Bf "f,>, s> `$! Dg "g,>,>(,>,>(  Be "e,>, >},>
  Bf "f,>, s> `$	y Dg "g,>,>(,>,>(  Be "e,>, >},>
  Bf "f,>, s> `$	y Dg "g,>,>(,>,>(  Be "e,>, >},>
  Bf "f,>, s> `<	z4<T0|+T a&	x5FL"	z[
+M"	z[
 DA A Bg "g,>,>(,>!,>(  Be "e,>, >}0<0|+d ` a$	x5DZ"	{$	{$$Z
+\"	{$	{$$Z
/"	x."DA A Bg "g,>,>(,>!,>(  Be "e,>, >},>
  Bf "f,>, s> `<	|5\m,>
  Bf "f,>, s>0\+q,>
  Bf "f,>, s>0\+v,>
  Bf "f,>, s>0\+z,>
  Bf "f,>, s>0\+,>
  Bf "f,>, s>0\+	,>
  Bf "f,>, s> a  Dg "g,>  Bf "f,>,*>,>
  Bf "f,>, s>\".B`>z+>,>
  Bm "m,>, s a . Da@@A a a .2&+	p7@+	o6@A+	 O@A,>
  Bl "l,>, s,>
	  Bk "k,>, s>~ a$" Dm "m,>,>(,>,>(  Bk "k,>, ,>
	  Bj "j,>, s a$# Dj "j,>,>(,>,>(  Bg "g,>, ,>

  Bf "f,>, s> a$! Dg "g,>,>(,>,>(  Be "e,>, >},>

  Bf "f,>, s> a$	y Dg "g,>,>(,>,>(  Be "e,>, >},>
  Bf "f,>, s> a$	y Dg "g,>,>(,>,>(  Be "e,>, >},>
  Bf "f,>, s> a a$	x5D	X"	{$	{$$Z
+	Z"	{$	{$$Z
/"	x."DA A Bg "g,>,>(,>!,>(  Be "e,>, >},>
  Bf "f,>, s> a  Dg "g,>  Bf "f,>,*>,>
  Bf "f,>, s>y ".Ba+	6@A+	u,>
  Bl "l,>, s>>l,^,~8,,  0((0 !&&',.3445566789:;<==@DEEFFGGHThe last time this group was used was  
The last time a change was made to this group was never
Bit Substitution Map:
,>>,>( XZ D~ "~,> "  B~ "~,>,,>
n  B} "},>, s X  D| "|,>  B| "|,>,*,>
n  B{ "{,>, s,>
o  Bz "z,>, s X 5B
o  By "y,>, s+
? Bz "z,>  By "y,>,*,>
p  Bx "x,>, s> X . DC,>
p  Bx "x,>, s,>
q  Bw "w,>, s " Bq@:q "2bq+
q  Bv "v,>, s \v "v,>,>#,> " Bt "t,>  Bs "s,>, ,>
r  Br "r,>, s@@q>{ C &". &"$$ $d( Hw "w,>,>#,> " Bu "u,>  Bt "t,>, ,>
r  Bs "s,>, s>|.<1|+
s  Bv "v,>, s>u,^,~

	TGHA History file for System 		History file data base version  
Controller	Group Number	Storage module serial numbers by field
No. & Type			0	1	2	3
    MG20		    MF20						New hardware, no data available	        
	  Group Data for System 		Controller:   Group:  
 Storage Module Data for System 	Controller:   Group:   Field:  
 Storage Module Data for System 	This storage module is not in use
,>,>,>> "Bp"BV.D7@+0!$BD".B+,,q,>
5Bw,"w,>,>(,>@@v "v,>,,Bv7"v,>,r,E  DX X,.VODq X$
5"n,>p "p,>, s>+
@,>p "p,>, s X. .V D[5B
 p$p,>,>(,>!,>(,,Bn,"n,>,i i$, >y+
,> Bo "o,>, s>~.81x+o,>|,>E " BX " Ba 6 EZ4D
y@ E. 4B
w BX4b
G!"`,Bw "w,>,,BvZ"v,>,s,>,>(,>@@s "s,> ,Br,"r,>, ,>
>t@ X. .V D_[_5B
v!"`,Bw "w,>,,BvZ"v,>,s,>,>(,>@@s "s,> ,Br,"r,>, ,>
|,> |>v,^,^,^,~8,,&
 $$7@<+(Y<CR> OR <CR>) Do you want the SPEAR text output to go to the TTY? (Y<CR> OR <CR>)  " BV,>
MF20 Controller  was last initialized by TGHA, but TGHA has lost its
database.  Run TGHA and use the SCRAP command to see recovery instructions.
The memory boot in KLI has used the spare bit to
prevent a parity error.
This condition should be corrected as soon as possible.
    Controller	Group	Block	Word (bits 33-35)
,>,>,>,>> "E BE " Bq " BV $XD!$BD!$GD!$BD!$BDp= V = D $ D.$ D . DX .$] D.$ D.$ D $~ D . D_ 8 (B." B=p="J0B+7 "bB>+7 EXX@ (B." B= (BbKp="&1B+4 E. X V qXBX,e BX X!$GD:q@ X. _ /V D qXBX,e BX:q _!$GD@ (D.$ D= (D.dKbKp= _ /&$&" Lf$*&j."1b+& ".B_.41t+ ".BX.<1|+ ".BE.81x+6@E+=,>N, | V!$GD>+G V . DWO+E W &". &" Ld *j.&3&q+@ q B= "E BE 4 EZ4DA,6@D+\O@B,>O,>(,>),!.,>O,>',>,!. EZ D| "|,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>P,>(,>,!.,>P,>(,>,!.,>Q,>(,>#,!.@@B>v@ E. 4B@ BX  Bx "x,> XZ D ",> "  B~ "~,>,@ X. .V D_  B~ "~,> _Z D} "},> ."! B| "|,>,>~.<1|+g " BX $ D. DC@ EZ(B (D.." B=|Mp="& BA "cBA+ "FBA AA"~1BV+,O2BD+, ".BA6@b+O@BO@b,>Q,>(,>),!.,>R,>',>,!.,>R,>(,>,!.,>S,>(,>,!.,>S,>(,>,!.>x,>T,>(,>,!. EZ D| "|,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>T,>(,>,!. Xx "x,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>U,>(,>,!."M Bt "t,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>U,>(,>,!."N Bp "p,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>V,>(,>,!.>n C &". &"$$ $d Ah.<1|+v@ X. .V F_ .$!(D Da _  H & F & F & F."1b+4,>),">~.81x+] ".BE=4I7@b+G,>V,>(,>#,!.@@B@@b>~>~,^,^,^,^,~0>.=*=  =
 Error: History file is full. Rebuild TGHA with a larger free page map
,> " BV . DW 
W@ FA A&" . A&" Ld"4Bj.&1f6+c A0F6+t &" . &" Ld"0B+t,>,>',>(,!.,
W A&" . A&" Ld &f &6 &" . &" Ld"0B+ F=+=fz A,^,~<W********
In Controller , the BITSUB RAM state word was garbage.
TGHA is assuming a DBE scan was done last.
> " B= E d% "<b%p=O@D"&5B@@D+)1BV+)O@B,>*,>(,>),!.,>+,>',>,!. EZ D} "},>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>+,>(,>,!.,>,,>(,>,!.,>,,>(,>#,!.@@B>v>,~	Command	Purpose
	EXIT	Exit from TGHA.
	HELP	Type this text.
	HISTORY	Dump history database.
	SCRAP	Give instructions on how to scrap TGHA databases.
	TRACE	Dump trace database.
	FLAGS	Set TTY output flags in the history file.
	RESET	Dump and/or reset the Bitsub RAM data.
,>N, |7@0+M,>N, |>>,~-?`s`s`sps`s`s,>,>,> W $&O+_@@2."3bO+_@@t a  . Bs O Bu 
a (Au Bu .< s p.2"+u!$ BD3B+t Au2Du+t!$ GD:t1X+t  Ds"P$P 2.6 V2 ".Bs+g t B1,^,^,^,~KNOWN_ACTION: No free slot to move chronological error into to make room for known error.
A new MF20 known error has been declared.
Storage module serial number: , RAM size = 64K
, RAM size = 16K
Block: , Subblock: , Bit In Field (10): , Row: , Column: ,
E Number: , Error type: Mux
Mux Data
TGHA has temporarily corrected a serious MOS memory failure.
Call Field Service to report this Full Mux failure condition.
,>>@|r \W,[ W$" 
O D0 
P D11\+< "2"1+<,- Br`B+=.<1|+3 "3bt+B,e a/2bp@@+m a . Hs 
.* s (.2&+J<o1\@@ &.Fs+E D`7@+[ Hs s (./$3&7@+Q $.Ds+L s7@+U,>p,>',>(,!.>~@ s . `.  H."1b+V ` a@ 
 .  \(."1b+\ Wbo@@  a .$2$+f\$.DO@B,>q,>(,>),!.,>q,>',>,!.,>r,>(,>,!. a$	v D{ "{,>,>(,>!,>(,>,! a$	w Dx "x,>,>,>!,>',>,! a$	w Dv "v,> " Bu "u,>,>!,>',>,! a$	x5D,>r+,>s,>(,>,!.,>s,>(,>,!. `$" Dp "p,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>t,>(,>,!. `$# Dl "l,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>t,>(,>,!. `$! Dh "h,>,>(,>!,>(,>,!>},>u,>(,>,!.>~ `$	y Dh "h,>,>(,>,>(,>,!>},>u,>(,>,!.>~ `$	y Dh "h,>,>(,>,>(,>,!>},>v,>(,>,!.>~ `<	z4<50|+5 a&	x5F/"	z[
+0"	z[
 DA A Bh "h,>,>(,>!,>(,>,!>}0<0|+D ` a$	x5D;"	{$	{$$Z
+="	{$	{$$Z
/"	x."DAABh"h,>,>(,>!,>(,>,!>},>v,>(,>,!.>~`<	|5\K,>w,>(,>,!.>~0\+N,>w,>(,>,!.>~0\+R,>x,>(,>,!.>~0\+U,>x,>(,>,!.>~0\+Y,>y,>(,>,!.>~0\+\,>y,>(,>,!.>~,>z,>(,>#,!.>~@@B `$	|5DmO@BO@B,>z,>(,>),!.>~,>{,>',>,!.>~,>{,>(,>,!.>~,>|,>(,>#,!.>~@@B@@B>i>,^,~008x
? TGHA.DAT does not (yet) exist
? TGHA.DAT does not exist? TGHA.TRA does not exist? RESET only legal in DEBUG mode
,>,>,>C,|,S8.O1X@0X"+@,%,>D,|,m>,D, |,m>,^,',>(,",>0X)+5@,l0X*+;@,aB+9,l+;,>E, |,m>0X)+@@6@0+@,>E, |>+@,N5<A,I>+,	
.* ` (.3f+P!(BH\&.F`+K."1b+G@ ."!(B Bv . Dv v v .3d+\"_5B[ D`,^\".Bv+V.<1|+R,^,~8********
The reinsertions are complete
,>,>>@@b "E BE E7@+, " B= E d%p= "bB>+O2BD+@ E.  DX X4B	3B1+	,>(Z D ",> "  B ",>,@ X. .V D_,>( _Z D} "},> ."! B} "},>,>~.<1|+y XY EZ DD " BX,6,>),">~.81x+p " B= E d% "<b%!".B=p= ".BE+g7@b+,>,>(,>#,!.@@B@@b>~ "cBb+,>,>',>(,!.>~>,^,^,~_a********
The memory boot in KLI has used the spare bit to prevent a parity error.
prevent a parity error.
This condition should be corrected as soon as possible.
    Controller	Group	Block	Word (bits 33-35)
,>,>,>> X . DC@ C &". &"$$ $d$"`B+ Y(B (D.." B= Db%p=&&A&~ C &" . &" $8 Jx$ A"~3F+1FV+|"&." BA "cBA+S "FBA Jx Ad6@b+bO@BO@b,>,>(,>),!.,>,>',>,!.,>,>(,>,!.,>,>(,>,!.,>,>(,>,!.>x,>,>(,>,!.,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>,>(,>,!.,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>,>(,>,!."M Bv "v,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>,>(,>,!."N Br "r,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>,>(,>,!.>o+ \x "x,>"( B ",>,~O@b6@V+ C. x"`B+	 x"h xb " B= Db% Y(B.b%p=!"bB>+"&b&!"FB=p=>.<1|+:>,^,^,^,~ $%(.34455TGHA.DAT may be bad.
It will be renamed to TGHA.BAD at the next system reload
TGHA.DAT may be bad. It will be renamed to TGHA.BAD.
The CPU ID has changed from  to 
% No MOS memory found on the system
Fatal error: Internal Confusion with group list in VERIFY_CONFIG
Fatal error: Internal confusion with storage module in VERIFY_CONFIG
The memory boot in KLI has used the spare bit to prevent a parity error.
prevent a parity error.
This condition should be corrected as soon as possible.
    Controller	Group	Block	Word (bits 33-35)
,>,>,>,>>,eEBw@@wc"@BV=<VV!&bF+m5DgZ1D+i,>e,|,',>,!. V  D| "|,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>g,>(,>,!. A Bx "x,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>h,>(,>),!. V A D>u V . DX X7@+!&BF!&BF $.DX+
,.,D(,.7@+!$BD0".B+8 (B."B=p="J0B+Z"bB>+Z@"B=x%(BbKp=]E.@@"&1B+W@@ (F.& F= (F.fKbKp= /&$&" cf$*&j."1b+#.$1d+" EXX.O@ V . DX X7@X+U"d5BS X.V B 2D]+S!"GBX7@<+;7@0+<,e BX E. X D@ X . V . H  X3HP]+PO@w!(GH . D P] D 7@+R 2HP]+N / H!(GH+R $.D+H!"GBX,e BX.41t+? ".BX+3 E.O3DO@w.<1|+ ".BE.81x+6@E+`,>h, | V!$GD>+`7@<+b7@0+X7@w+X "E BE E7@+)@ E.O2D+&@@ EZ(F.& F= (F.fKbKp= /&$&" cf$*&j."1b+i.$1d+i V . FX X7@+{ $.DX+x .2(X+	 FX X7@+$d5D w/2di+ ".BX+} X6@+	 FX X7@+	$d4D	 ".BX+2(X+
VJ!*GJ+$&.F+.$1d+.81x+f".BE+d"EBEE7@+t@E.DX4Dq@@@xXVXx.[4HQ$Dx.FB"7@+9Z4H9$.D+5.2($+AF$D7@+A$d5D@w/2di+A".B$+;2(@+GFD7@+G$d4DG".Bx+C2(<+K,>j,>',>(,!.,,"E,BE,E7@+S,@,E.,,DX,X$!. EZ D| "|,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>m,>(,>,!. Xx "x,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>n,>(,>,!."M Bt "t,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>n,>(,>,!."N Bp "p,>,>(,>,>(,>,!,>o,>(,>,!.>n C &". &"$$ $d Ah.<1|+ X@@ EZ DD,F,>),">~.81x+w ".BE+u7@b+X,>o,>(,>#,!.@@B@@b>~ V . D .(   .3f+`[fe $.D+[>~,^,^,^,^,~* ]$X$($*+./0p4;CDLOUZZ[[\\ - TGHA .() in operation
>@@@@@@b}B<@@@."1b+w@@@@@@=,pB< BB@@C,E7@<+7@0+)p=".5B7@<+-6@<6@@+!,>',>(,*,>0, |"/ B~ "~,>@@} "},> " B| "|,>@@{ "{,>,="/4B,>1, |"/ B| "|,>@@{ "{,> " Bz "z,>@@y "y,>,=>},>1, |Zg B| "|,>@@{ "{,> " Bz "z,>@@y "y,>,=,>2, |>y,O@C,aB+%,^+%,
0@0B@PJ@@@PC`Bp$`$@p!("(C$	&	A(D 0	 @X&x0:J
xp	 @P%x.8I	 RH[
`n>\`= "XB=@@> c B> = > >)g
 *  B= D> F>`H+b = Bx "x,>@@ ",>,S,S>>,~`? A number is required
>,S\`= "XB=   D> = > >Jg
 *  B= D> F>aH+q > B+v,>w, | ~  D ",>,f>>,~c? CLOSF Failure for TGHA.DAT in CLOSE_FILES
>@@ 4B =4D &QF=XB=O@>$$ D> = > >@ B= D> F>  B=	g
 *  B=1D+ = BA,>(O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>) " B} "},>,S>}+@@  B=4B' =	g
 *  B=1D+' = BA,>)O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>) " B} "},>,S>}>,~wA|   D=5D- "  B=   D>@@> = > >H@ B= D> F>,~? RFPTR Failure for TGHA.TRA in DUMP_TRACE
>  B=\`> "
XB> ~ "D>@@? = > > ?@
 B= D> F> H?  B= >g
 *  B= D>1F+P = BA,>[O@ ",>@@ ",>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>} > B   B=\`> "
XB> ~ "D> = > > ?@
 B= D> F> H?>,~3? OPENF Failure for TGHA.TRA in DUMP_TRACE
? SFPTR Failure 1 for TGHA.TRA in DUMP_TRACE
? SFPTR Failure 2 for TGHA.TRA in DUMP_TRACE
TRACE.LST written
>,Z  B= B B> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+| = BA,>BO@ ",>@@ ",>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}  B= C B> " B> = > >@ B= D> F> 
 B  B!  B   B=   B> = > >g
 *  B= D> F>1H+ = BA,>CO@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}  / 1"+ " B ",>,8>+  / 4b  B ",>,8>  B=@@> = > >g
 *  B= D> F>1H+0 = BA,>DO@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}@@  !/ 1"+6 " B ",>,8>+0 !/ 4b;  /! B ",>,8>  B=	@ B=  B=	@ B=,>D, |>~,~ [X`ej> =dg
 *  B=`D+N = B ",> " B ",>,S>>,~? Fatal error: ? Error code:   $cD+V,>d+V,>e, | "  B= "QB> ~ XD>@@> = > > */*/*  B= D> F>  $cD+c, ,,}>,~OQ =K@ B=,~? GTJFN Failure for HISTORY.LST in GETDUMP
>!" B=\`> "XB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+ = BA,>O@ ",>@@ ",>,!.,>) " B} "},>,S>}+Z= B  B=  B> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+ = BA,>O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>) " B} "},>,S>}>,~hl? Can't create TGHA.DAT in GETHF
? OPENF Failure for TGHA.DAT in GETHF
> "bB+kO@O@!!" B=\`> "xXB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+I!" B=\`> "~XB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+I@@@@!7@<+17@0+I!" B=\`> "xXB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+I!" B=\`> "~XB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+I = BA,>mO@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}Z= B B= " B>7@<+M7@0+N ".B> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+\ = BA,>mO@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}6@!+e "QB= XB=!"` B>!"	 B> = > >@ B= D> F>  Bx "x,>@@ ",> "  B~ "~,>,>~ !>~,~********
Parity error at address
, block  
Storage module serial numbers by field:
,>> ": B? " B= " B> "' B> = > >@
84 *  B= D> F>4Hr"1B+sO@B,>@@~ "~,> " B} "},>,!.,>O@| "|,> " B{ "{,>,!." B} "},>@@| "|,> " B{ "{,>@@z "z,> " By "y,>,!,>@@x "x,> " Bw "w,>,!.,>@@x "x,> " Bw "w,>@@v "v,> " Bu "u,>,!,>@@t "t,> " Bs "s,>,!.,>@@s "s,> " Br "r,>,!.,>@@q "q,> " Bp "p,>,!.@,>@@p "p,> " Bo "o,>,!. \p "p,>@@o "o,> " Bn "n,>@@m "m,> " Bl "l,>,!,>@@l "l,> " Bk "k,>,!." Bl "l,>@@k "k,> " Bj "j,>@@i "i,> " Bh "h,>,!" Bj "j,> " Bi "i,> " Bh "h,>O@g "g,> " Bf "f,>,!>}" Bj "j,> " Bi "i,> " Bh "h,>O@g "g,> " Bf "f,>,!>u.<1|+6,>@@p "p,> " Bo "o,>,!.,>@@n "n,> " Bm "m,>,!.@@B>o@+ ? .& ($2D)+x + D $+z$ 
* J$	d	 ? (b
",e Bp ">},^,~D)X)8p*,p*,p*<
2( ppp) p) ) ) pnor(stxyyzz? Can't create new TGHA.TRA in GETTRACE
New trace file created
>@@!" B=\`> "zXB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+L!" B=\`> "XB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+L6@<6@0+-@+N!" B=\`> "zXB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+E!" B=\`> "XB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+E = BA,>OO@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}Z= BO@C,>O " B ",>@@~ "~,>,!.@@C>~+MZ= B ">,~? GTJFN Failure for TRACE.LST in GET_TRACE_TXT
>!" B=\`> "XB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+k = BA,>|O@ ",>@@ ",>,!.,>) " B} "},>,S>}+lZ= B  B=  B> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+{ = BA,>}O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>) " B} "},>,S>}>,~PU<@+}O@=\`> ",XB>@@> = > >#g
 *  B= D> F>7@,gO,~@ DA A7@+
.$1d+	 A   F ~ QF=  XF= "QB> XB>!" B>7@<+7@0+!"@+!".B> = > >@ B= D> F>,~? NOUT Failure in NTOFIL
> ~  D= |  D> } QD> } XD>!"@.B> ~ $cD+*!".B> = > >Jg
 *  B= D> F>`H+8 = BA,>9O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S>}>,~? NOUT Failure in NTOTTY
> "  B= }  D> } QD> ~ XD>!"@.B> ~ $cD+G!".B> = > >Jg
 *  B= D> F>`H+U = BA,>VO@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S>}>,~:? GTJFN for TGHA.BAD failed
? CLOSF failure for bad TGHA.DAT file in RENAME
? RNAMF of bad TGHA.DAT file failed
? There was still a bad TGHA.DAT around after RENAME
>@@ ",>,"!" B=\`> "|XB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+ !" B=\`> "XB> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+  = BA,> *O@~ "~,>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}Z= B  B, h" B=	g
 *  B=1D+  = BA,> *O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}+ @@ , B=  B> = >g
 *  B= D>`F+ " = BA,> +O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S,m>}@@,aB+ ),> +O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,m>~>~,~VY^b3@,~,>,>> "cB@+ 2,>}, |> ~ 1X6@+ 5  O B-,> P } "wQ"`,>,> P,"S,> "wQ"`,>,"% $wQ$`  
-b O+  J-0X+ M@B- " B=Z-/"." B> = >@
+4 G *  B= D>`F+ L,> Q@@} "},>,S>@@>},^,^,~@B=? NOUT failure in SYSNUM
>@@@."1b	+ U\`= "XB= |  D> } QD> } XD>!"@.B> ~ $cD+ a!".B> = > >Jg
 *  B= D> F>`H+ o = BA,> rO@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S>},> r,>~, ->~,~ Q   D=\`> XB>@@> = > > ?@
 B= D> F> H?,~ "  B=\`> XB>@@> = > > ?@
 B= D> F> H?,~? NOUT failure in TRANUM
>@@@."1b	+!\`= "XB= |  D> } QD> } XD>!"@.B> ~ $cD+!!".B> = > >Jg
 *  B= D> F>`H+!" = BA,>!&O@ ",>@@~ "~,>,!.,>)@@} "},>,S>},> r@@ ",>,>},!.>},~!
 ? Tried to output to trace file without opening it

"cBB+!;7@+!9,>",O|"B=O@>@@>=>>H@ B= D> F>,>", |>,>~, |> "cBB+!>,>~,>, -> "cBC,~6@+!C,>", |,
*B=D>aF, = > >@ B= D> F> 
 B  B  B=  B> = > >g
*B=D>F>0H, = > >H@ B= D> F>  B=\`> "!-XB>@@> = > > ?@
 B= D> F> H?  B=\`> ~XB>@@> = > > ?@
 B= D> F> H?  4B!y0B,~@@  B= >g
*B=D>0F, B@@+"2b B "
QB= XB=O@>  B> = > >@ B= D> F> "QB= XB=O@>  B> = > >@ B= D> F> h" B=	@ B=,~!'!'!(   
"# (4B"#O@= $QD>XB>@@> = > >@ B= D> F>@@(.*1j+",~""2/"5b",""3/"5b",,>,"3>,>,>~,"3>,^+"1,>x,>,":>,>,>,>~,":>,^/,~<<("9 $&Z$$"9/$&/<,~0<("Q/(5("@("R $&P"X$$"Q/$&+"C[$"D@""R$^$"D/<,~0777~7~7}7} '''~'~(///~/~/} '''~'~<0x7d~+"W  3H+"W=d"T@,~