
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-j710b-bm_tops20_v41_tools - tools/doc/tools.doc
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                         DECSYSTEM20 TOOLS TAPE

  The information in this document is subject to change without notice
  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment
  Corporation.  Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no
  responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

  Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsbility for the use
  or reliability of its software on equipment that is not supplied by

  Copyright  (C)  1980,1981,1982 by Digital Equipment Corporation

The TOOLs tape being distributed with  TOPS20  contains  software  tools
which  are  in  constent  use during the development, documentation, and
testing of DECSYSTEM20 software.  There have been many customer requests
for  access  to  these  tools.   Because  they are merely tools used for
creating software products and not software  products  themselves,  they
have  neither  funded  development nor funded support.  However, because
they are important for the development  of  products,  these  tools  are
normally kept up to date.

The tools tape has been created to  provide  customer  access  to  these
software  tools.   The  software  on this tape is customer installed and
customer supported.  There is no direct nor implied  commitment  on  the
part  of  Digital  to  support  these  software tools.  Nor is there any
commitment that  the  documentation  enclosed  accurately  reflects  the
software functionality.

The software described in this document is furnished  under  the  TOPS20
license  and  may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of
such license.

There are eight different software tools on the tape, each contained  in
a separate DUMPER save set.

     1.  ALU -- Automated Library Utility

         ALU is a program which helps keep track of modifications  to  a
         set  of  program  sources  in  one  or  more  libraries.  It is
         intended to handle multiple  developers  working  on  the  same
         sources,  keeping  track  of  which  developer is editing which
         source, and preventing inadvertant confusion from  simultaneous
                                                                  Page 2

     2.  DDT11 -- PDP-10 Resident PDP-11 [FIL]DDT

         DDT11 is a program to look at front end dumps and running front
         ends.   Its  command  set is similar to DDT and has many of the
         features of DDT.

     3.  MCBDA -- The DECnet-20 MCB Dump Analyzer

         MCBDA   is   a   program   to   analyze   MCB   (Multi-function
         Communications Base) dumps.  It is patterned after the RSX-11/M
         dump analyzer.

     4.  REDIT -- Source update utility

         REDIT is used to duplicate changes  which  have  been  made  in
         source  files.   It is typically used to maintain multiple sets
         of sources for different versions of the same program, and  can
         conveniently  allow  changes  made in one set to be distributed
         and selectively incorporated into other sets without the use of
         common "grandfather" files.

     5.  REV -- Program to modify certain file attributes

         REV allows the user to modify the various file attributes of  a
         particular  file,  or a group of files.  It enables the user to
         modify the bits in the FDB easily, without having  to  write  a
         program to perform this function.

     6.  SED -- Screen editor

         SED is a full-screen editor for TOPS-20 and TOPS-10, which  was
         developed  by  an  engineer  at DEC.  It has many sophisticated
         features  which  allow  easy  editing  of  files   on   display
         terminals,  yet  its performance is quite good for an editor of
         its power.  SED can easily be made to run on almost any display
         terminal.   Full  documentation, for both the installer and the
         user, is included.

     7.  SYSDPY -- SYSTEM Display Utility

         This program displays a variety of system oriented  information
         on  a  CRT.   The  display  is  kept  up  to  date  at periodic
         intervals.  It is a useful tool  for  the  system's  programmer
         when evaluating system load and/or per-job resource usage.

     8.  MIC -- MIC Enhancements to the Exec

         Under Release 4.1, the Macro Implementation Language  has  been
         moved  into  the  Exec,  but  is  turned off in the distributed
         version.  Using  the  files  in  this  area,  an  Exec  can  be
         generated which understands MIC.