PDP-10 Archives
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INS 32/1 ;19C1
SEARCH MACSYM ;[0110] For structured programming
REP 37/1 ;19C2
INS 163/3 ;19C3
0107 Remove a check in REMFIL for SRCNOD. We should always expand a
file spec even if it is remote. We just don't include the node
name. This is because it is assumed that we are a smart client
and our server is simply acting upon what we give him. The file
name is not given in the DIRECTORY command if the user specifies
NODE::STR: with nothing following.
0110 Fix previous edit slightly. It breaks for non TOPS-20 systems.
Instead, call routine SRCCHK to make sure that the file spec is
cool. If not, then do the JFNS%.
0111 JFNS% again. Don't slam a device name out (DSK:) becauses only
TOPS-20 systems understand those devices. DIR NODE:: where NODE::
is a VAX/VMS system breaks.
INS 47/16 ;19C4
;Call SRCCHK to see if the user has supplied us with a file name and
;extension. If not, fill in by default.
$CALL SRCCHK ;(/) See if we have name and extension
REP 50/16 ;19C5
MOVX T1,FFSPEC ;Do full name expansion if local
MOVX T1,<FLD(.JSAOF,JS%NAM)+FLD(.JSAOF,JS%TYP)+FLD(.JSAOF,JS%GEN)+JS%PAF> ;[0111] Only care about these fields
; SKIPN SRCNOD ;[0107] Removed so we always expand
SKIPN SRCFLG ;[0110] Skip if SRCCHK said so
INS 17/56 ;19C6
SUBTTL SRCCHK Routine to check file spec
;Takes no arguments but expects SRCFIL to be setup
SRCCHK: SETZM SRCFLG ;Assume not to do JFNS%
MOVE S1,[POINT 7,SRCFIL] ;Byte pointer to source file
DO. ;Loop until file name
ILDB S2,S1 ;Get character
SKIPN S2 ;Null character?
$RETT ;Yes, do JFNS
CAIN S2,"<" ;Found directory start?
EXIT. ;Yes, out of this loop
CAIN S2,"[" ;How about this?
EXIT. ;Yes, get out
JRST TOP. ;Keep looking
DO. ;Now look for rest of file spec
ILDB S2,S1 ;Get character
SKIPN S2 ;Is it a null?
$RETT ;Yes, out of here
CAIN S2,">" ;End of dir?
EXIT. ;Yes, leave
CAIN S2,"]" ;How about this way?
EXIT. ;Yes, now look at file name
JRST TOP. ;Keep going
ILDB S2,S1 ;See if no more characters
SKIPE S2 ;None?
$RETT ;Looks like a full file spec, so done
MOVEI S2,"*" ;Put in file name
DPB S2,S1 ;Stick in file name
MOVEI S2,"." ;Now for seperator
IDPB S2,S1 ;Slam it in
MOVEI S2,"*" ;Now for extension
IDPB S2,S1 ;Dunk it
$RETT ;And finished
INS 46/60 ;19C7
$DATA SRCFLG,1 ;[0110] Flag whether to JFNS% or not
SUM 174780