PDP-10 Archives
There are 42 other files named in the archive. Click here to see a list.
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 1
Produced by LINK version 6(2422) on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:53
Low segment starts at 0 ends at 2510 length 2511 = 3P
High segment starts at 520000 ends at 644137 length 124140 = 85P
183 words free in Low segment, 416 words free in high segment
2010 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 2234
Start address is 520030, located in program LINK
Zero length module
LNKHST from DSK:LNKHST.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:33:56
High segment starts at 520010 ends at 520027 length 20 (octal), 16. (decimal)
LINK from DSK:LNKINI.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:34:05
High segment starts at 520030 ends at 521523 length 1474 (octal), 828. (decimal)
ARSIZE 1630 Global Relocatable BATCH 410 Global Relocatable
CPUHST 406 Global Relocatable DATIME 142 Global Relocatable
DCBUF 1232 Global Relocatable DY.AB 1040 Global Relocatable
DY.FR 1076 Global Relocatable DY.LB 1026 Global Relocatable
DY.PT 1064 Global Relocatable DY.UB 1052 Global Relocatable
E$$IMI 520517 Global Relocatable E$$IUU 521320 Global Relocatable
E$$LFB 520420 Global Relocatable E$$LIN 520423 Global Relocatable
E01OEL 521372 Global Relocatable EPDP 356 Global Relocatable
ERRLVL 1445 Global Relocatable EZCOR 1701 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FLAGS 1405 Global Relocatable FRECOR 1426 Global Relocatable
FSTR 1173 Global Relocatable Suppressed G.DEV 1335 Global Relocatable
G.EXT 1340 Global Relocatable GS.AB 1051 Global Relocatable
GS.FR 1107 Global Relocatable GS.LB 1037 Global Relocatable
GS.PT 1075 Global Relocatable GS.UB 1063 Global Relocatable
GSYM 1664 Global Relocatable HC.S0 557 Global Relocatable
HIORGN 443 Global Relocatable HL.S0 562 Global Relocatable
HSFACT 712 Global Relocatable HSPACE 711 Global Relocatable
HT.PRM 707 Global Relocatable HT.PTR 706 Global Relocatable
IO.CHN 1331 Global Relocatable IO.EMG 1271 Global Relocatable
IO.PTR 1246 Global Relocatable JOBNUM 750 Global Relocatable
LC.AB 1041 Global Relocatable LC.JF 1277 Global Relocatable
LC.LB 1027 Global Relocatable LC.UB 1053 Global Relocatable
LINBUF 1460 Global Relocatable LINK 520030 Entry Relocatable
LNKMAX 1614 Global Relocatable LOGLVL 1444 Global Relocatable
LOGSUB 1452 Global Relocatable LOGTTY 1451 Global Relocatable
LOWSUB 1454 Global Relocatable LS.AB 1045 Global Relocatable
LS.FR 1103 Global Relocatable LS.LB 1033 Global Relocatable
LS.PT 1071 Global Relocatable LS.UB 1057 Global Relocatable
LSYM 1667 Global Relocatable LW.LC 644 Global Relocatable
LW.S1 644 Global Relocatable Suppressed MAPCON 1420 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 2
MAXCOR 1406 Global Relocatable MYPPN 411 Global Relocatable
OFFSET 140 Global Relocatable OKCPUS 764 Global Relocatable
OPENBL 1172 Global Relocatable PDP 404 Global Relocatable
PH 1635 Global Relocatable PRMPTR 713 Global Relocatable
PTHDIR 414 Global Relocatable RC.FRE 436 Global Relocatable
RC.MAP 426 Global Relocatable RC.NO 435 Global Relocatable
RC.NTB 425 Global Relocatable RC.TB 424 Global Relocatable
RCBUF 1240 Global Relocatable SAVEAC 1522 Global Relocatable
SEVLVL 1446 Global Relocatable SG.TB 427 Global Relocatable
SPACE 1701 Global Relocatable START 521412 Global Relocatable
TIMEON 141 Global Relocatable TTYBUF 1455 Global Relocatable
TTYSUB 1453 Global Relocatable USEPTR 756 Global Relocatable
UUOTRA 143 Global Relocatable UW.LC 656 Global Relocatable
UW.S1 656 Global Relocatable Suppressed VERLVL 1447 Global Relocatable
ZCOR 143 Global Relocatable Suppressed %LOW 140 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.ERLFB 521436 Global Relocatable .ERLIN 521444 Global Relocatable
.TEMP 146 Global Relocatable
LNKSCN from DSK:LNKSCN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:34:37
High segment starts at 521524 ends at 523570 length 2045 (octal), 1061. (decimal)
E$$IST 522122 Global Relocatable
E$$ITB 523213 Global Relocatable E$$SNL 521535 Global Relocatable
F.ASCC 1322 Global Relocatable F.ASCI 1321 Global Relocatable
F.ASCK 1323 Global Relocatable F.EDIT 1320 Global Relocatable
F.INZR 1315 Global Relocatable F.NXZR 1316 Global Relocatable
F.WLZR 1317 Global Relocatable GOTO 1425 Global Relocatable
LNKSCN 521524 Entry Relocatable OSCANF 1333 Global Relocatable
OVERLW 1600 Global Relocatable SCNSYM 1443 Global Relocatable
SWFLAG 1330 Global Relocatable .DPKSC 523354 Global Relocatable
.DPKSW 523353 Entry Relocatable .ERIST 523540 Global Relocatable
.ERITB 523550 Global Relocatable .ERSNL 523513 Global Relocatable
.SWDPK 523401 Entry Relocatable .SWPDV 523413 Global Relocatable
.SWSXD 523351 Entry Relocatable .SWSYM 523325 Entry Relocatable
.SWSYO 523337 Entry Relocatable .SWVER 523411 Entry Relocatable
.SXDSC 523342 Global Relocatable .SXDSW 523341 Entry Relocatable
.SYMSC 523230 Global Relocatable .SYMSW 523227 Entry Relocatable
.SYOSC 523330 Global Relocatable .SYOSW 523327 Entry Relocatable
LNKOV1 from DSK:LNKOV1.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:38:50
High segment starts at 523571 ends at 527614 length 4024 (octal), 2068. (decimal)
ADDOVU 1617 Global Relocatable ARGFXP 1634 Global Relocatable
ARGOVL 1633 Global Relocatable BG.AB 1050 Global Relocatable
BG.FR 1106 Global Relocatable BG.LB 1036 Global Relocatable
BG.PT 1074 Global Relocatable BG.SCH 1611 Global Relocatable
BG.UB 1062 Global Relocatable BRNADD 1624 Global Relocatable
BRNDSK 1610 Global Relocatable BRNLEN 1606 Global Relocatable
BRNMAX 1616 Global Relocatable BRNTBL 1607 Global Relocatable
BSYM 1700 Global Relocatable COEOVL 527047 Global Relocatable
CS 1556 Global Relocatable CS.RHS 527076 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 3
E$$ELN 525534 Global Relocatable E$$EOV 525717 Global Relocatable
E$$FSN 527273 Global Relocatable E$$LNA 524023 Global Relocatable
E$$LNL 526336 Global Relocatable E$$LNN 526331 Global Relocatable
E$$LSM 527530 Global Relocatable E$$MRN 524100 Global Relocatable
E$$NBR 526345 Global Relocatable E$$OFS 523725 Global Relocatable
E$$OHN 527271 Global Relocatable E$$RER 524114 Global Relocatable
E$$TML 524031 Global Relocatable E01OSL 523616 Global Relocatable
E01RER 524140 Global Relocatable ET 1574 Global Relocatable
EXCPTR 770 Global Relocatable EXTCNT 1612 Global Relocatable
FSTPTR 1620 Global Relocatable FX.LB 1034 Global Relocatable
FX.S1 573 Global Relocatable FX.S2 574 Global Relocatable
FXC.SS 601 Global Relocatable FXSBIT 642 Global Relocatable
GS.FSP 1145 Global Relocatable GS.LNK 1133 Global Relocatable
HB.LS 674 Global Relocatable HC.LB 1030 Global Relocatable
HL.S1 563 Global Relocatable HL.S2 564 Global Relocatable
INCPTR 771 Global Relocatable INTCNT 1613 Global Relocatable
IO.CHR 1332 Global Relocatable L.MAX 1603 Global Relocatable
LINKGO 524162 Global Relocatable LINKSE 1627 Global Relocatable
LINKTB 1506 Global Relocatable LINKTO 524170 Global Relocatable
LL.S2 570 Global Relocatable LNKNAM 1561 Global Relocatable
LNKOV1 523571 Entry Relocatable LNKTBL 1604 Global Relocatable
LNMPTR 1622 Global Relocatable LSTGBL 752 Global Relocatable
LSTLCL 753 Global Relocatable LSTPTR 1621 Global Relocatable
LW.LS 650 Global Relocatable MNSEEN 763 Global Relocatable
MNTYPE 762 Global Relocatable NAMLOC 1037 Global Relocatable
NAMPTR 766 Global Relocatable NOLIBS 1431 Global Relocatable
NOSYMS 1430 Global Relocatable NXTGLB 773 Global Relocatable
OV.S1 1660 Global Relocatable OV1.Z0 1664 Global Relocatable Suppressed
OV1.ZE 1701 Global Relocatable Suppressed OVINEX 1626 Global Relocatable
OVLBLK 1605 Global Relocatable PAG.LS 662 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PAG.RT 661 Global Relocatable Suppressed PAG.S1 656 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PATLOC 445 Global Relocatable PATSPC 1677 Global Relocatable
PLOTSW 1542 Global Relocatable PLTTAB 1543 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PRGNAM 716 Global Relocatable PRGNO 1676 Global Relocatable
PV.S1 1662 Global Relocatable RBGPTR 1623 Global Relocatable
ROOTAB 454 Global Relocatable RT.AB 1044 Global Relocatable
RT.FR 1102 Global Relocatable RT.FX 527105 Global Relocatable
RT.FXC 527145 Global Relocatable RT.LB 1032 Global Relocatable
RT.PT 1070 Global Relocatable RT.T2E 527253 Global Relocatable
RT.T2F 527235 Global Relocatable RT.T2L 527216 Global Relocatable
RT.T2R 527160 Global Relocatable S.DEBG 1327 Global Relocatable
S.INZR 1325 Global Relocatable S.LHFL 1326 Global Relocatable
STADDR 1670 Global Relocatable SYMSEG 1433 Global Relocatable
TAB.LB 1026 Global Relocatable TRY.BG 526622 Global Relocatable
TYP.BG 527002 Global Relocatable USYM 1665 Global Relocatable
UW.LS 662 Global Relocatable VERNUM 751 Global Relocatable
WRTDAT 1632 Global Relocatable %ARSIZ 524034 Global Relocatable
%LINK 523746 Global Relocatable %NODE 525722 Global Relocatable
%NOENT 524036 Global Relocatable %NOREQ 524052 Global Relocatable
%OVERL 523576 Global Relocatable %OWN 1505 Global Relocatable
%PLOT 524066 Global Relocatable %REGIO 524077 Global Relocatable
%REQUE 524105 Global Relocatable %RESET 525722 Global Relocatable
%SPACE 524103 Global Relocatable .ERELN 527472 Global Relocatable
.EREOV 527500 Global Relocatable .ERFSN 527606 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 4
.ERLNA 527316 Global Relocatable .ERLNL 527554 Global Relocatable
.ERLNN 527545 Global Relocatable .ERLSM 527507 Global Relocatable
.ERMRN 527340 Global Relocatable .ERNBR 527563 Global Relocatable
.EROFS 527300 Global Relocatable .EROHN 527577 Global Relocatable
.ERRER 527352 Global Relocatable .ERTML 527331 Global Relocatable
.NOENT 524037 Global Relocatable .NOREQ 524053 Global Relocatable
.OVERL 523573 Global Relocatable .REQUE 524106 Global Relocatable
LNKWLD from DSK:LNKWLD.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:35:05
High segment starts at 527615 ends at 534344 length 4530 (octal), 2392. (decimal)
AS.LB 1031 Global Relocatable COPYP1 532707 Global Relocatable
CPSECT 1024 Global Relocatable CPUTGT 407 Global Relocatable
DDEBUG 1424 Global Relocatable DEBUGS 1423 Global Relocatable
DTAFLG 1513 Global Relocatable E$$CLF 533057 Global Relocatable
E$$DNS 533240 Global Relocatable E$$DRC 532016 Global Relocatable
E$$IMA 532677 Global Relocatable E$$LFC 533001 Global Relocatable
E$$LFI 532776 Global Relocatable E$$LSS 531015 Global Relocatable
E$$MSN 533552 Global Relocatable E$$MTB 531277 Global Relocatable
E$$MTS 531304 Global Relocatable E$$NHN 533571 Global Relocatable
E$$OPL 531630 Global Relocatable E$$OSL 532313 Global Relocatable
E$$RLC 530531 Global Relocatable E$$SRB 532127 Global Relocatable
E$$SSN 533555 Global Relocatable E$$TDS 531444 Global Relocatable
E$$UGS 532360 Global Relocatable E$$USI 533563 Global Relocatable
E$$USS 531724 Global Relocatable E$$VAL 532554 Global Relocatable
E$$ZSV 533560 Global Relocatable E01LFC 533047 Global Relocatable
E01LFI 533044 Global Relocatable E01LSS 531040 Global Relocatable
ENTLEN 452 Global Relocatable EXCL.0 531161 Global Relocatable
EXECSW 1422 Global Relocatable F.ASZR 1324 Global Relocatable
FEST 1212 Global Relocatable Suppressed FILNUM 715 Global Relocatable
FX.AB 1046 Global Relocatable G.BFR 1357 Global Relocatable
G.DIR 1343 Global Relocatable G.NAM 1336 Global Relocatable
G.NAMM 1337 Global Relocatable G.SNC 1360 Global Relocatable
GETDDT 527 Global Relocatable HASHSZ 710 Global Relocatable
LIBPRC 761 Global Relocatable LNKWLD 527615 Entry Relocatable
LSTBLK 1515 Global Relocatable MAPSRT 1441 Global Relocatable
MAPSW 1421 Global Relocatable MARKWP 405 Global Relocatable
MISNG1 531315 Global Relocatable MODTYP 460 Global Relocatable
NOJBDA 1442 Global Relocatable NOPDMP 1674 Global Relocatable
NULSPC 1334 Global Relocatable O.DEV 1361 Global Relocatable
O.DIR 1367 Global Relocatable O.EXT 1364 Global Relocatable
O.NAM 1362 Global Relocatable O.NAMM 1363 Global Relocatable
OTSEG 1437 Global Relocatable PPTYPE 1546 Global Relocatable
PRGPDV 461 Global Relocatable PVFIX 531713 Global Relocatable
PVPNAM 462 Global Relocatable RC.CUR 423 Global Relocatable
RC.SET 437 Global Relocatable REDHI 434 Global Relocatable
REDLO 433 Global Relocatable RESTP1 532722 Global Relocatable
RUNAME 1412 Global Relocatable RUNCOR 1410 Global Relocatable
SSEXT 1414 Global Relocatable SSGNAM 1434 Global Relocatable
SSNAME 1413 Global Relocatable STANAM 1675 Global Relocatable
STRLSW 530254 Global Relocatable SYMFRM 1427 Global Relocatable
SYMLIM 1436 Global Relocatable SYMLMS 1435 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 5
SYSLB1 532430 Global Relocatable UNDNXT 532400 Global Relocatable
%DDEBU 530774 Global Relocatable %MAXNO 532667 Global Relocatable
%PLTTY 531507 Global Relocatable .ERCLF 534207 Global Relocatable
.ERDNS 534233 Global Relocatable .ERDRC 534026 Global Relocatable
.ERIMA 534163 Global Relocatable .ERLFC 534201 Global Relocatable
.ERLFI 534173 Global Relocatable .ERLSS 533672 Global Relocatable
.ERMSN 534272 Global Relocatable .ERMTB 533717 Global Relocatable
.ERMTS 533726 Global Relocatable .ERNHN 534335 Global Relocatable
.EROPL 534000 Global Relocatable .EROSL 534074 Global Relocatable
.ERRLC 533612 Global Relocatable .ERSRB 534053 Global Relocatable
.ERSSN 534302 Global Relocatable .ERTDS 533766 Global Relocatable
.ERUGS 534110 Global Relocatable .ERUSI 534323 Global Relocatable
.ERUSS 534014 Global Relocatable .ERVAL 534135 Global Relocatable
.ERZSV 534314 Global Relocatable .ETUGS 532362 Global Relocatable
.LIM0 532211 Global Relocatable .MAXNO 532667 Global Relocatable
.SET0 531763 Global Relocatable .SETEX 532136 Global Relocatable
LNKFIO from DSK:LNKFIO.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:37:08
High segment starts at 534345 ends at 535703 length 1337 (octal), 735. (decimal)
CHAN.J 1272 Global Relocatable DVBUF. 534505 Global Relocatable
DVCEM. 535316 Global Relocatable DVCHK. 534352 Global Relocatable
DVCHN. 534345 Global Relocatable DVCLS. 535117 Global Relocatable
DVDEL. 535247 Global Relocatable DVDLF. 535261 Global Relocatable
DVDPB. 535522 Global Relocatable DVENT. 534774 Global Relocatable
DVERR. 535566 Global Relocatable DVGFO. 535530 Global Relocatable
DVINP. 534540 Global Relocatable DVLKP. 534570 Global Relocatable
DVNAM. 535136 Global Relocatable DVOPN. 534370 Global Relocatable
DVOUT. 534652 Global Relocatable DVRET. 534430 Global Relocatable
DVRLS. 535062 Global Relocatable DVRNF. 535324 Global Relocatable
DVSUP. 535371 Global Relocatable DVTXT. 535461 Global Relocatable
DVTXT1 535463 Global Relocatable DVUPD. 535147 Global Relocatable
DVVRG. 534446 Global Relocatable DVZAP. 534422 Global Relocatable
E$$COF 535561 Global Relocatable E$$IDM 534365 Global Relocatable
E$$INS 534350 Global Relocatable E01FEE 535554 Global Relocatable
E01FLE 535560 Global Relocatable E01NED 535543 Global Relocatable
E01OFD 535540 Global Relocatable ERRJSY 474 Global Relocatable
FEXT 1205 Global Relocatable Suppressed FNAM 1204 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LNKFIO 534345 Entry Relocatable LODNAM 747 Global Relocatable
MCBUF 1235 Global Relocatable MDSCN 1177 Global Relocatable Suppressed
O.PROT 1365 Global Relocatable RFLEN 1514 Global Relocatable
SFDARG 1221 Global Relocatable SFDDIR 1223 Global Relocatable Suppressed
UFDPPN 1203 Global Relocatable Suppressed %RCBUF 1240 Global Relocatable
.ERCOF 535677 Global Relocatable .ERIDM 535610 Global Relocatable
.ERINS 535601 Global Relocatable
LNKLOD from DSK:LNKLOD.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:35:40
High segment starts at 535704 ends at 544500 length 6575 (octal), 3453. (decimal)
ADCHK. 536061 Global Relocatable
ALGCHK 542544 Global Relocatable ASFILE 441 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 6
COERPT 470 Global Relocatable COESP0 541573 Global Relocatable
COESP1 541624 Global Relocatable COR.FX 536415 Global Relocatable
CT.BIT 541726 Global Relocatable CT.NAM 541676 Global Relocatable
CURTYP 1521 Global Relocatable D.CNT 543456 Global Relocatable
D.ERR 543430 Global Relocatable D.IN1 543420 Global Relocatable
D.IN2 543416 Global Relocatable D.INP 543424 Global Relocatable
D.READ 543447 Global Relocatable D.RED1 543443 Global Relocatable
D.RED2 543440 Global Relocatable DC.JF 1273 Global Relocatable
E$$AMM 541656 Global Relocatable E$$AMP 543314 Global Relocatable
E$$ANM 536603 Global Relocatable E$$CCE 541631 Global Relocatable
E$$CM6 542021 Global Relocatable E$$CM7 542024 Global Relocatable
E$$CMC 542016 Global Relocatable E$$CMF 541773 Global Relocatable
E$$CMX 542043 Global Relocatable E$$DUZ 537125 Global Relocatable
E$$FCF 536425 Global Relocatable E$$FTH 540042 Global Relocatable
E$$IRB 535771 Global Relocatable E$$ISP 537213 Global Relocatable
E$$IVC 540131 Global Relocatable E$$LDS 535710 Global Relocatable
E$$LMM 541645 Global Relocatable E$$MDS 540213 Global Relocatable
E$$NEB 543563 Global Relocatable E$$NSM 535734 Global Relocatable
E$$NVR 541637 Global Relocatable E$$PMA 541653 Global Relocatable
E$$POV 542456 Global Relocatable E$$SIF 537100 Global Relocatable
E$$SMP 543332 Global Relocatable E$$SNS 542053 Global Relocatable
E$$TMM 541650 Global Relocatable E$$URV 541642 Global Relocatable
E$$USA 542253 Global Relocatable E$$UUA 542274 Global Relocatable
E$$WNA 541634 Global Relocatable E01EIF 543432 Global Relocatable
E01UGS 542356 Global Relocatable EOF 543535 Global Relocatable
EOF1 543540 Global Relocatable FS.SS 575 Global Relocatable
FX.S0 572 Global Relocatable Suppressed FXC.S0 576 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FXREAD 542161 Global Relocatable FXSPTR 602 Global Relocatable
FXT.S0 576 Global Relocatable GO 542220 Global Relocatable
GS.FX0 540463 Global Relocatable HP.S1 571 Global Relocatable
HP.S2 572 Global Relocatable INSRT 537006 Global Relocatable
LIBPTR 755 Global Relocatable LIBRAR 542650 Global Relocatable
LL.S0 566 Global Relocatable Suppressed LNKLOD 535704 Entry Relocatable
LOAD 535742 Global Relocatable LOD37 1503 Global Relocatable
LODFIX 542473 Global Relocatable LODTST 535717 Global Relocatable
LS.ADD 536632 Global Relocatable LS.ADE 536735 Global Relocatable
LW.AS 646 Global Relocatable LW.FX 651 Global Relocatable
LW.S0 643 Global Relocatable Suppressed LW.S2 645 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LW.TP 652 Global Relocatable MSYM 1666 Global Relocatable
NOCMX 455 Global Relocatable OWNLNG 1504 Global Relocatable
PAG.AS 660 Global Relocatable Suppressed PAG.FX 663 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PAG.S0 655 Global Relocatable Suppressed PAG.TP 664 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PASDFL 1432 Global Relocatable PG.HSG 536104 Global Relocatable
PG.LSG 536071 Global Relocatable PRGPTR 754 Global Relocatable
PROCSN 760 Global Relocatable RDSKP 543513 Global Relocatable
SEGCHK 540435 Global Relocatable SGCHK. 536027 Global Relocatable
SY.AD0 537224 Global Relocatable SY.AS0 540231 Global Relocatable
SY.AST 540306 Global Relocatable SY.CHE 540062 Global Relocatable
SY.CHF 540047 Global Relocatable SY.CHK 540412 Global Relocatable
SY.CHL 540011 Global Relocatable SY.CHP 540075 Global Relocatable
SY.CHR 537760 Global Relocatable SY.FX0 540511 Global Relocatable
SY.GS0 537000 Global Relocatable SY.GX0 540505 Global Relocatable
SY.MDS 540203 Global Relocatable SY.MOV 540334 Global Relocatable
SY.RET 540431 Global Relocatable SY.RF 537102 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 7
SY.RLS 540520 Global Relocatable SY.STF 537346 Global Relocatable
SY.TYP 540622 Global Relocatable SYMFLG 1520 Global Relocatable
SYTYP 540634 Global Relocatable T.LOAD 535737 Global Relocatable
T11BP 1510 Global Relocatable T11FA 1507 Global Relocatable
T3HOLD 542056 Global Relocatable T5FIN 542204 Global Relocatable
TAB.AB 1040 Global Relocatable TAB.UB 1052 Global Relocatable
TP.AB 1047 Global Relocatable TP.LB 1035 Global Relocatable
TP.UB 1061 Global Relocatable TPGCNT 472 Global Relocatable
TPPTR 473 Global Relocatable UW.AS 660 Global Relocatable
UW.S0 655 Global Relocatable Suppressed UW.S2 657 Global Relocatable Suppressed
UW.TP 664 Global Relocatable XBUF 1243 Global Relocatable
Z.INEX 536001 Global Relocatable ZXBUF 543604 Global Relocatable
.ERAMM 544177 Global Relocatable .ERAMP 544405 Global Relocatable
.ERANM 543673 Global Relocatable .ERCCE 544120 Global Relocatable
.ERCM6 544252 Global Relocatable .ERCM7 544264 Global Relocatable
.ERCMC 544237 Global Relocatable .ERCMF 544227 Global Relocatable
.ERCMX 544276 Global Relocatable .ERDUZ 543730 Global Relocatable
.ERFCF 543657 Global Relocatable .ERFTH 544001 Global Relocatable
.ERIRB 543625 Global Relocatable .ERISP 543747 Global Relocatable
.ERIVC 544020 Global Relocatable .ERLDS 543610 Global Relocatable
.ERLMM 544155 Global Relocatable .ERMDS 544033 Global Relocatable
.ERNEB 544474 Global Relocatable .ERNSM 543614 Global Relocatable
.ERNVR 544140 Global Relocatable .ERPCD 544436 Global Relocatable
.ERPMA 544170 Global Relocatable .ERPOV 544355 Global Relocatable
.ERSIF 543712 Global Relocatable .ERSMP 544420 Global Relocatable
.ERSNS 544315 Global Relocatable .ERTMM 544163 Global Relocatable
.ERURV 544147 Global Relocatable .ERUSA 544325 Global Relocatable
.ERUUA 544333 Global Relocatable .ERWNA 544131 Global Relocatable
LNKHSH from DSK:LNKHSH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:35:42
High segment starts at 544501 ends at 544752 length 252 (octal), 170. (decimal)
E$$ISN 544715 Global Relocatable E$$RGS 544642 Global Relocatable
TRYSYM 544501 Entry Relocatable .ERISN 544745 Global Relocatable
.ERRGS 544733 Global Relocatable
LNKOLD from DSK:LNKOLD.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:36:20
High segment starts at 544753 ends at 554252 length 7300 (octal), 3776. (decimal)
BADCOR 456 Global Relocatable
BLCOMM 1502 Global Relocatable CHKSEG 553323 Global Relocatable
CHKSZ0 545404 Global Relocatable COMPDT 465 Global Relocatable
CTYPE 757 Global Relocatable DESTB 551316 Global Relocatable
E$$AIC 550267 Global Relocatable E$$CCD 550030 Global Relocatable
E$$CMP 552263 Global Relocatable E$$COE 552554 Global Relocatable
E$$CPU 550034 Global Relocatable E$$DSC 545463 Global Relocatable
E$$DSL 545341 Global Relocatable E$$HCL 546540 Global Relocatable
E$$HSL 547170 Global Relocatable E$$ICB 551732 Global Relocatable
E$$IPO 551252 Global Relocatable E$$IPX 550723 Global Relocatable
E$$ISM 550726 Global Relocatable E$$JPB 550715 Global Relocatable
E$$LII 551754 Global Relocatable E$$LMN 550037 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 8
E$$MPT 552613 Global Relocatable E$$NAP 550731 Global Relocatable
E$$NSO 550650 Global Relocatable E$$PBI 547733 Global Relocatable
E$$PEL 545423 Global Relocatable E$$POP 552675 Global Relocatable
E$$PTL 545435 Global Relocatable E$$RBS 553333 Global Relocatable
E$$RWA 552566 Global Relocatable E$$SNC 552300 Global Relocatable
E$$SRP 553313 Global Relocatable E$$T13 551737 Global Relocatable
E$$UAR 552736 Global Relocatable E$$UNS 553140 Global Relocatable
E$$URC 545605 Global Relocatable E01AIC 552273 Global Relocatable
E01CNW 545475 Global Relocatable E01DSL 545351 Global Relocatable
E01IPO 551556 Global Relocatable E01IPX 552616 Global Relocatable
E01PBI 547742 Global Relocatable E01SFU 546624 Global Relocatable
E02CNW 546527 Global Relocatable E02EIF 553062 Global Relocatable
E02FLE 553057 Global Relocatable E02LMN 553077 Global Relocatable
E02SFU 547730 Global Relocatable ENTPTR 772 Global Relocatable
EXCCHK 550173 Global Relocatable FCRE 1206 Global Relocatable Suppressed
HC.AB 1042 Global Relocatable HC.JF 1300 Global Relocatable
HC.S1 560 Global Relocatable HC.S2 561 Global Relocatable
HC.UB 1054 Global Relocatable INCCHK 550141 Global Relocatable
LC.FR 1077 Global Relocatable LNKOLD 545033 Entry Relocatable
LSTLRV 453 Global Relocatable LSTRRV 446 Global Relocatable
LW.HC 645 Global Relocatable OPTAB 551343 Global Relocatable
PAG.S2 657 Global Relocatable Suppressed POLLEN 705 Global Relocatable
POLSTK 704 Global Relocatable PRGBLK 733 Global Relocatable
R.CUR 553255 Global Relocatable R.ERR 553306 Global Relocatable
R50T6 545645 Global Relocatable RB.1 553154 Global Relocatable
RB.2 553145 Global Relocatable SEGPTR 767 Global Relocatable
SET.ST 550440 Global Relocatable SETRC 547013 Global Relocatable
SLOT2 432 Global Relocatable SO.S2 566 Global Relocatable
SVSAT 1511 Global Relocatable SY.AS 546224 Global Relocatable
SY.ASP 551567 Global Relocatable SY.BH 546042 Global Relocatable
SY.DGL 546047 Global Relocatable SY.DGR 546054 Global Relocatable
SY.GS 545755 Global Relocatable SY.LS 546034 Global Relocatable
SY.QS 546350 Global Relocatable SY.RA 546463 Global Relocatable
SY.RC0 546172 Global Relocatable SY.RQ 546166 Global Relocatable
SY.RQ2 546322 Global Relocatable SY.RU1 546430 Global Relocatable
SY.RU3 546424 Global Relocatable SY.RUH 546527 Global Relocatable
T.11EV 551163 Global Relocatable T.11PD 551214 Global Relocatable
T.11PL 551224 Global Relocatable T.11RT 551536 Global Relocatable
T.14B 552000 Global Relocatable T.1AD 545143 Global Relocatable
T.1DP 545362 Global Relocatable T.1OVE 545336 Global Relocatable
T.1S6 545445 Global Relocatable T.1SE 545457 Global Relocatable
T.24B 552533 Global Relocatable T.2STB 545614 Global Relocatable
T.2TAB 545565 Global Relocatable T.5ENT 547533 Global Relocatable
T.5F40 547323 Global Relocatable T.6RC 550363 Global Relocatable
T.6RED 550343 Global Relocatable T.774 552745 Global Relocatable Suppressed
T.775 552745 Global Relocatable Suppressed T.776 552745 Global Relocatable
T.COMM 552225 Global Relocatable T.COMR 552216 Global Relocatable
T.RQST 552152 Global Relocatable T11CHF 551651 Global Relocatable
T11CHL 551643 Global Relocatable T11CHR 551635 Global Relocatable
T11SYF 551566 Global Relocatable T11SYL 551564 Global Relocatable
T11SYR 551562 Global Relocatable TOOBIG 545413 Global Relocatable
TTLREL 550277 Global Relocatable TTLRLC 550325 Global Relocatable
UW.HC 657 Global Relocatable .ERAIC 553620 Global Relocatable
.ERCCD 553545 Global Relocatable .ERCMP 554037 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 9
.ERCOE 554101 Global Relocatable .ERCPU 553551 Global Relocatable
.ERDSC 553373 Global Relocatable .ERDSL 553340 Global Relocatable
.ERHCL 553435 Global Relocatable .ERHSL 553455 Global Relocatable
.ERICB 553776 Global Relocatable .ERIPO 553763 Global Relocatable
.ERIPX 553677 Global Relocatable .ERISM 553704 Global Relocatable
.ERJPB 553670 Global Relocatable .ERLII 554023 Global Relocatable
.ERLMN 553562 Global Relocatable .ERMPT 554134 Global Relocatable
.ERNAP 553723 Global Relocatable .ERNSO 553651 Global Relocatable
.ERPBI 553533 Global Relocatable .ERPEL 553355 Global Relocatable
.ERPOP 554151 Global Relocatable .ERPTL 553365 Global Relocatable
.ERRBS 554243 Global Relocatable .ERRWA 554117 Global Relocatable
.ERSNC 554052 Global Relocatable .ERSRP 554230 Global Relocatable
.ERT13 554011 Global Relocatable .ERUAR 554163 Global Relocatable
.ERUNS 554202 Global Relocatable .ERURC 553403 Global Relocatable
LNKNEW from DSK:LNKNEW.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:36:43
High segment starts at 554253 ends at 561177 length 4725 (octal), 2517. (decimal)
AS.FR 1101 Global Relocatable AS.PT 1067 Global Relocatable
ASCRET 557236 Global Relocatable ASYM 442 Global Relocatable
D.GET1 557363 Global Relocatable D.REL1 557340 Global Relocatable
D.REL2 557335 Global Relocatable D.TRIP 557323 Global Relocatable
E$$IRC 557360 Global Relocatable E$$IRR 555437 Global Relocatable
E$$PEF 557372 Global Relocatable E$$STL 557136 Global Relocatable
E$$UCB 555605 Global Relocatable E$$USD 560617 Global Relocatable
LNKASC 557171 Global Relocatable LNKNEW 554344 Entry Relocatable
NAMBLK 717 Global Relocatable NORBYT 471 Global Relocatable
REL.1 557376 Global Relocatable RELSIZ 440 Global Relocatable
SAVCOD 1516 Global Relocatable STDATA 560625 Global Relocatable
SYMBLK 774 Global Relocatable T.1010 555173 Global Relocatable
T.1011 555177 Global Relocatable T.1012 555203 Global Relocatable
T.1013 555207 Global Relocatable T.1014 555213 Global Relocatable
T.1020 555217 Global Relocatable T.1021 555223 Global Relocatable
T.1022 555227 Global Relocatable T.1023 555233 Global Relocatable
T.1030 555237 Global Relocatable T.1031 555243 Global Relocatable
T.1032 555247 Global Relocatable T.1033 555253 Global Relocatable
T.1034 555257 Global Relocatable T.1045 555474 Global Relocatable
T.1074 557141 Global Relocatable T.1100 557510 Global Relocatable
T.1101 557517 Global Relocatable T.1102 557526 Global Relocatable
T.1103 557535 Global Relocatable T.1104 557544 Global Relocatable
T.1120 557556 Global Relocatable T.1121 557566 Global Relocatable
T.1122 557576 Global Relocatable T.1123 557606 Global Relocatable
T.1124 557616 Global Relocatable T.1130 557677 Global Relocatable
T.11XX 557453 Global Relocatable T1004U 555160 Global Relocatable
T1072E 557002 Global Relocatable TAB.LW 643 Global Relocatable
TAB.UW 655 Global Relocatable TP.PP 1155 Global Relocatable
VALBLK 1010 Global Relocatable WRTPTR 555612 Global Relocatable
X72CHE 557124 Global Relocatable .ERIRC 561055 Global Relocatable
.ERIRR 560722 Global Relocatable .ERPEF 561064 Global Relocatable
.ERSTL 561045 Global Relocatable .ERUCB 560742 Global Relocatable
.ERUSB 560653 Global Relocatable .ERUSD 561164 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 10
LNKCST from DSK:LNKCST.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:36:44
High segment starts at 561200 ends at 561234 length 35 (octal), 29. (decimal)
LNKCST 561203 Entry Relocatable
LNKCOR from DSK:LNKCOR.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:37:02
High segment starts at 561235 ends at 564772 length 3536 (octal), 1886. (decimal)
AS.AB 1043 Global Relocatable
AS.DMP 564045 Global Relocatable AS.GBC 562463 Global Relocatable
AS.GET 562105 Global Relocatable AS.IN 563610 Global Relocatable
AS.OUT 563407 Global Relocatable AS.REM 562714 Global Relocatable
AS.RET 562356 Global Relocatable AS.TST 562640 Global Relocatable
BG.GBC 562502 Global Relocatable BG.GET 562130 Global Relocatable
BG.REM 562733 Global Relocatable BG.RET 562375 Global Relocatable
BG.TST 562657 Global Relocatable COREFL 765 Global Relocatable
CRTMP1 447 Global Relocatable CRTMP2 450 Global Relocatable
CRTMP3 451 Global Relocatable DY.GBC 562452 Global Relocatable
DY.GET 562072 Global Relocatable DY.REM 562701 Global Relocatable
DY.RET 562343 Global Relocatable DY.TST 562623 Global Relocatable
E$$AZW 562137 Global Relocatable E$$CBO 563537 Global Relocatable
E$$CCS 563533 Global Relocatable E$$CRS 563731 Global Relocatable
E$$EAS 563754 Global Relocatable E$$ELS 563747 Global Relocatable
E$$ETP 563761 Global Relocatable E$$IAS 563613 Global Relocatable
E$$IHC 563567 Global Relocatable E$$ILC 563556 Global Relocatable
E$$ILS 563600 Global Relocatable E$$ITP 563626 Global Relocatable
E$$MEF 561311 Global Relocatable E$$MMF 564450 Global Relocatable
E$$MOV 561317 Global Relocatable E$$OAS 563412 Global Relocatable
E$$OHC 563370 Global Relocatable E$$OLC 563360 Global Relocatable
E$$OLS 563400 Global Relocatable E$$OTP 563424 Global Relocatable
E$$PAS 563723 Global Relocatable E$$PLS 563720 Global Relocatable
E$$PTP 563726 Global Relocatable E$$RUM 562442 Global Relocatable
E$$SFU 564444 Global Relocatable EXPNG 563302 Global Relocatable
FR.CNT 562042 Global Relocatable FX.GBC 562474 Global Relocatable
FX.GET 562116 Global Relocatable FX.REM 562725 Global Relocatable
FX.RET 562367 Global Relocatable FX.TST 562651 Global Relocatable
GBCK.L 562776 Global Relocatable GS.GBC 562505 Global Relocatable
GS.GET 562133 Global Relocatable GS.REM 562736 Global Relocatable
GS.RET 562400 Global Relocatable GS.TST 562662 Global Relocatable
HC.GBC 562460 Global Relocatable HC.GET 562102 Global Relocatable
HC.IN 563564 Global Relocatable HC.OUT 563365 Global Relocatable
HC.REM 562711 Global Relocatable HC.RET 562353 Global Relocatable
HC.TST 562635 Global Relocatable LA.DMP 564072 Global Relocatable
LC.GBC 562455 Global Relocatable LC.GET 562077 Global Relocatable
LC.IN 563553 Global Relocatable LC.OUT 563355 Global Relocatable
LC.REM 562706 Global Relocatable LC.RET 562350 Global Relocatable
LC.TST 562632 Global Relocatable LNKCOR 561235 Entry Relocatable
LS.DMP 563766 Global Relocatable LS.FXR 564140 Global Relocatable
LS.GBC 562471 Global Relocatable LS.GET 562113 Global Relocatable
LS.IN 563575 Global Relocatable LS.OUT 563375 Global Relocatable
LS.PP 1153 Global Relocatable LS.REM 562722 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 11
LS.RET 562364 Global Relocatable LS.TST 562646 Global Relocatable
NEWSCT 563503 Global Relocatable POPOFS 444 Global Relocatable
RT.GBC 562466 Global Relocatable RT.GET 562110 Global Relocatable
RT.REM 562717 Global Relocatable RT.RET 562361 Global Relocatable
RT.TST 562643 Global Relocatable TAB.FR 1076 Global Relocatable
TAB.HB 667 Global Relocatable TAB.NB 1110 Global Relocatable
TAB.PG 655 Global Relocatable Suppressed TAB.PT 1064 Global Relocatable
TAB.ZE 1160 Global Relocatable TB.FSP 1134 Global Relocatable
TB.IN 563636 Global Relocatable TB.JFD 561470 Global Relocatable
TB.LNK 1122 Global Relocatable TB.OUT 563650 Global Relocatable
TP.DMP 564016 Global Relocatable TP.GBC 562477 Global Relocatable
TP.GET 562123 Global Relocatable TP.IN 563623 Global Relocatable
TP.OUT 563421 Global Relocatable TP.REM 562730 Global Relocatable
TP.RET 562372 Global Relocatable TP.TST 562654 Global Relocatable
XX.INI 562246 Global Relocatable XX.ZAP 562742 Global Relocatable
.ERAZW 564506 Global Relocatable .ERCBO 564602 Global Relocatable
.ERCCS 564574 Global Relocatable .ERCRS 564702 Global Relocatable
.EREAS 564722 Global Relocatable .ERELS 564710 Global Relocatable
.ERETP 564734 Global Relocatable .ERIAS 564641 Global Relocatable
.ERIHC 564622 Global Relocatable .ERILC 564614 Global Relocatable
.ERILS 564630 Global Relocatable .ERITP 564647 Global Relocatable
.ERMEF 564452 Global Relocatable .ERMMF 564765 Global Relocatable
.ERMOV 564461 Global Relocatable .EROAS 564557 Global Relocatable
.EROHC 564541 Global Relocatable .EROLC 564533 Global Relocatable
.EROLS 564547 Global Relocatable .EROTP 564565 Global Relocatable
.ERPAS 564664 Global Relocatable .ERPLS 564655 Global Relocatable
.ERPTP 564673 Global Relocatable .ERRUM 564515 Global Relocatable
.ERSFU 564757 Global Relocatable .GBCSP 562510 Global Relocatable
.GETSP 562136 Global Relocatable .REMSP 562741 Entry Relocatable
.RETSP 562403 Global Relocatable .TSTSP 562665 Entry Relocatable
LNKERR from DSK:LNKERR.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:37:44
High segment starts at 564773 ends at 607247 length 22255 (octal), 9389. (decimal)
ERRCOD 1450 Global Relocatable LNKERR 564773 Entry Relocatable
TABCHR 457 Global Relocatable .RPOPJ 565105 Global Relocatable
LNKLOG from DSK:LNKLOG.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:37:19
High segment starts at 607250 ends at 611403 length 2134 (octal), 1116. (decimal)
E$$UMF 610646 Global Relocatable ER.FIN 607314 Global Relocatable
ERCHAN 1500 Global Relocatable FILBLK 530 Global Relocatable
JSERR 610627 Global Relocatable LNKLOG 607274 Entry Relocatable
LOGOUT 610252 Global Relocatable PRTMSG 1501 Global Relocatable
RTNPC 1477 Global Relocatable TTYCHK 610231 Global Relocatable
TTYOUT 610244 Global Relocatable %%UUO 607273 Global Relocatable
.ERCNW 610470 Global Relocatable .EREIF 610462 Global Relocatable
.ERFEE 610426 Global Relocatable .ERFLE 610432 Global Relocatable
.ERFRE 610436 Global Relocatable .ERGSE 610442 Global Relocatable
.ERNED 610446 Global Relocatable .EROFD 610454 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 12
.ERUIE 611356 Global Relocatable .ERUMF 611371 Global Relocatable
.ETDON 610625 Global Relocatable .ETIMF 610567 Global Relocatable
.ETLNN 610607 Global Relocatable .ETNMF 610577 Global Relocatable
.ETSAV 610616 Global Relocatable .TEBLK 610303 Global Relocatable
.TSYMB 610360 Global Relocatable .TULCS 610402 Global Relocatable
LNKMAP from DSK:LNKMAP.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:38:01
High segment starts at 611404 ends at 615413 length 4010 (octal), 2056. (decimal)
E$$EMS 614636 Global Relocatable E$$MPS 611405 Global Relocatable
E$$OEM 613725 Global Relocatable E$$TTF 613423 Global Relocatable
LL.S1 567 Global Relocatable LNKMAP 611404 Entry Relocatable
LNKNO. 1615 Global Relocatable OV.S2 1661 Global Relocatable
PV.S2 1663 Global Relocatable .EREMS 615400 Global Relocatable
.ERMPS 614715 Global Relocatable .EROEM 615222 Global Relocatable
.ERTTF 615170 Global Relocatable
LNKOV2 from DSK:LNKOV2.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:38:57
High segment starts at 615414 ends at 617717 length 2304 (octal), 1220. (decimal)
DI 1547 Global Relocatable
E$$ABT 617051 Global Relocatable E$$ARL 616271 Global Relocatable
E$$OS2 615415 Global Relocatable E$$SNP 616115 Global Relocatable
E$$TMA 616506 Global Relocatable E$$USC 616102 Global Relocatable
INPH 617365 Global Relocatable LNKOV2 615414 Entry Relocatable
OVLOFF 1625 Global Relocatable RDCST 617262 Global Relocatable
TMAMAX 1631 Global Relocatable .ERABT 617677 Global Relocatable
.ERARL 617645 Global Relocatable .EROS2 617563 Global Relocatable
.ERSNP 617617 Global Relocatable .ERTMA 617663 Global Relocatable
.ERUSC 617606 Global Relocatable
LNKOVS from DSK:LNKOVS.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:01
High segment starts at 617720 ends at 620122 length 203 (octal), 131. (decimal)
E$$IOV 620061 Global Relocatable
E$$LNM 620067 Global Relocatable E$$OOV 620064 Global Relocatable
PHIOWD 620057 Global Relocatable RT.INC 620045 Global Relocatable
RT.P2 620000 Global Relocatable RT.P3 620013 Global Relocatable
TR.WLK 617720 Entry Relocatable .ERIOV 620076 Global Relocatable
.ERLNM 620114 Global Relocatable .EROOV 620105 Global Relocatable
LNKXIT from DSK:LNKXIT.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:38:35
High segment starts at 620123 ends at 624757 length 4635 (octal), 2461. (decimal)
DVMOV. 624040 Global Relocatable E$$CFS 620130 Global Relocatable
E$$CSF 623630 Global Relocatable E$$DEB 624033 Global Relocatable
E$$ECE 623732 Global Relocatable E$$ELF 624003 Global Relocatable
E$$EOE 623737 Global Relocatable E$$EOI 624167 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 13
E$$EOO 624164 Global Relocatable E$$EXS 620124 Global Relocatable
E$$FIN 623775 Global Relocatable E$$ISS 622211 Global Relocatable
E$$NPD 622747 Global Relocatable E$$NPP 620565 Global Relocatable
E$$NPS 621304 Global Relocatable E$$OES 622351 Global Relocatable
E$$SPF 623447 Global Relocatable E$$SST 620677 Global Relocatable
E$$STC 621037 Global Relocatable E$$XCT 624026 Global Relocatable
E01FRE 623760 Global Relocatable E01OES 622473 Global Relocatable
E02DLT 623671 Global Relocatable E02FRE 624017 Global Relocatable
E02NSA 623675 Global Relocatable E03CNW 622063 Global Relocatable
E03FRE 624054 Global Relocatable ENDSAV 623763 Global Relocatable
LNKXIT 620123 Entry Relocatable LSLOOP 621655 Global Relocatable
LSOVX 621616 Global Relocatable PDVADR 466 Global Relocatable
PVPLIM 464 Global Relocatable PVPSEG 463 Global Relocatable
.ERCFS 624260 Global Relocatable .ERCLD 624721 Global Relocatable
.ERCSF 624601 Global Relocatable .ERCSP 624744 Global Relocatable
.ERDEB 624701 Global Relocatable .ERDLT 624622 Global Relocatable
.ERDNA 624731 Global Relocatable .ERECE 624634 Global Relocatable
.ERELF 624671 Global Relocatable .EREOE 624642 Global Relocatable
.EREOI 624715 Global Relocatable .EREOO 624710 Global Relocatable
.EREXS 624254 Global Relocatable .ERFIN 624665 Global Relocatable
.ERISS 624366 Global Relocatable .ERNFS 624736 Global Relocatable
.ERNPD 624435 Global Relocatable .ERNPP 624275 Global Relocatable
.ERNPS 624333 Global Relocatable .ERNSA 624627 Global Relocatable
.EROES 624412 Global Relocatable .ERSPF 624520 Global Relocatable
.ERSST 624312 Global Relocatable .ERSTC 624324 Global Relocatable
.ERXCT 624677 Global Relocatable
LNKPLT from DSK:LNKPLT.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:00
High segment starts at 624760 ends at 625240 length 261 (octal), 177. (decimal)
CORFUL 714 Global Relocatable
E$$POT 624767 Global Relocatable GETSON 625134 Entry Relocatable
INCHES 1543 Global Relocatable LEAVES 1544 Global Relocatable
LNKPLT 624766 Entry Relocatable STEPS 1545 Global Relocatable
.ERPOT 625224 Global Relocatable .TEMP2 246 Global Relocatable
LNKPRM from DSK:LNKSUB.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:05
High segment starts at 625241 ends at 625316 length 56 (octal), 46. (decimal)
E$$HTL 625254 Global Relocatable NPRIME 625241 Entry Relocatable
.ERHTL 625310 Global Relocatable
.TSUBS from DSK:LNKSUB.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:05
High segment starts at 625317 ends at 625406 length 70 (octal), 56. (decimal)
.T6OCT 625334 Entry Relocatable
.T6ZOC 625346 Entry Relocatable .TDEP 625361 Entry Relocatable
.TFOCT 625317 Entry Relocatable .TOEP 625370 Entry Relocatable
.TSIXB 625377 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 14
NAMCMP from DSK:LNKSUB.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:05
High segment starts at 625407 ends at 625446 length 40 (octal), 32. (decimal)
NAMCMP 625407 Entry Relocatable
LNK400 from DSK:LNKSUB.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:05
High segment starts at 625447 ends at 625462 length 14 (octal), 12. (decimal)
E$$OFN 625447 Global Relocatable LNKF40 625447 Entry Relocatable
T.400 625447 Global Relocatable T.401 625447 Global Relocatable
.EROFN 625452 Global Relocatable
PLTO.. from DSK:PLTDCL.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:09
High segment starts at 625463 ends at 626753 length 1271 (octal), 697. (decimal)
PLTO.C 626726 Global Relocatable
PLTO.F 626627 Global Relocatable PLTO.G 140 Global Relocatable
PLTO.L 626726 Global Relocatable PLTO.O 140 Global Relocatable
PLTO.P 626726 Global Relocatable
PLTUTL from DSK:PLTUTL.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:24
High segment starts at 626754 ends at 627572 length 617 (octal), 399. (decimal)
PLTINI 627005 Entry Relocatable
PLTLIN 627411 Entry Relocatable PLTORI 626754 Entry Relocatable
PLTPOL 627021 Entry Relocatable
PLTGLB from DSK:PLTGLB.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:22
High segment starts at 627573 ends at 627610 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
CEXIT. 627573 Global Relocatable
FORER. 627606 Global Relocatable RAX$ 627601 Global Relocatable
FORMSC from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
FLOAT from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 15
FLOAT. from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 627611 ends at 627613 length 3 (octal), 3. (decimal)
FLOAT. 627612 Entry Relocatable
IFIX from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
INT from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
IFIX. from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 627614 ends at 627620 length 5 (octal), 5. (decimal)
IFIX. 627617 Entry Relocatable
INT. 627615 Entry Relocatable
FLT.0 from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 627621 ends at 627631 length 11 (octal), 9. (decimal)
FLT.0 627622 Entry Relocatable
FLT.14 from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 627632 ends at 627642 length 11 (octal), 9. (decimal)
FLT.14 627633 Entry Relocatable
IFX.0 from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 627643 ends at 627654 length 12 (octal), 10. (decimal)
IFX.0 627644 Entry Relocatable
EXP2 from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 627655 ends at 630025 length 151 (octal), 105. (decimal)
EXP2. 627656 Entry Relocatable EXP2.. 627704 Entry Relocatable
EXP2.0 627704 Entry Relocatable EXP2.2 627676 Entry Relocatable
EXP2.4 627670 Entry Relocatable EXP2.6 627662 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 16
EXP from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
EXP. from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 630026 ends at 630114 length 67 (octal), 55. (decimal)
EXP. 630027 Entry Relocatable
ALOG from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
ALOG10 from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
ALOG. from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 630115 ends at 630227 length 113 (octal), 75. (decimal)
ALG10. 630116 Entry Relocatable
ALOG. 630132 Entry Relocatable
SIND from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
COSD from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
SIN from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
COS from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
Zero length module
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 17
SIN. from DSK:PLTMTH.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:21
High segment starts at 630230 ends at 630333 length 104 (octal), 68. (decimal)
COS. 630244 Entry Relocatable
COSD. 630231 Entry Relocatable SIN. 630250 Entry Relocatable
SIND. 630237 Entry Relocatable
LINE from DSK:PLTIO.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:17
High segment starts at 630334 ends at 630422 length 67 (octal), 55. (decimal)
LINE 630335 Entry Relocatable
PLOT from DSK:PLTIO.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:39:17
High segment starts at 630423 ends at 632536 length 2114 (octal), 1100. (decimal)
LPTOUT 632320 Entry Relocatable NUMBER 632154 Entry Relocatable
PLOT 630470 Entry Relocatable PLOT. 630536 Entry Relocatable
PLOTI 632427 Entry Relocatable PLOTS 630424 Entry Relocatable
SYMBOL 630660 Entry Relocatable WHERE 632146 Entry Relocatable
XY2CHR 632454 Entry Relocatable
LNKLOW from DSK:LNKLOW.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:33:48
Low segment starts at 140 ends at 1701 length 1542 (octal), 866. (decimal)
AC.JF 1305 Global Relocatable
AS.FSP 1137 Global Relocatable AS.LNK 1125 Global Relocatable
AS.NB 1113 Global Relocatable AS.PP 1151 Global Relocatable
AS.UB 1055 Global Relocatable AS.ZE 1163 Global Relocatable
BG.FSP 1144 Global Relocatable BG.LNK 1132 Global Relocatable
BG.NB 1120 Global Relocatable BG.PP 1156 Global Relocatable
BG.ZE 1170 Global Relocatable BRNPTR 1616 Global Relocatable
DY.FSP 1134 Global Relocatable DY.LNK 1122 Global Relocatable
DY.NB 1110 Global Relocatable DY.PP 1146 Global Relocatable
DY.ZE 1160 Global Relocatable EXEBLK 1415 Global Relocatable
EXEDIR 1416 Global Relocatable FALC 1213 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FC.JF 1303 Global Relocatable FDEV 1220 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FLEN 1207 Global Relocatable Suppressed FVER 1210 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FX.FR 1104 Global Relocatable FX.FSP 1142 Global Relocatable
FX.LNK 1130 Global Relocatable FX.NB 1116 Global Relocatable
FX.PP 1154 Global Relocatable FX.PT 1072 Global Relocatable
FX.UB 1060 Global Relocatable FX.ZE 1166 Global Relocatable
FXC.S1 577 Global Relocatable FXC.S2 600 Global Relocatable
FXSPC 703 Global Relocatable G.DIRM 1344 Global Relocatable
G.PROT 1341 Global Relocatable G.ZER 1335 Global Relocatable
GC.JF 1302 Global Relocatable GLBBEG 346 Global Relocatable
GLBEND 356 Global Relocatable GS.NB 1121 Global Relocatable
GS.PP 1157 Global Relocatable GS.ZE 1171 Global Relocatable
H.EZER 1231 Global Relocatable Suppressed H.ZER 1172 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 18
HB.AS 672 Global Relocatable HB.BG 677 Global Relocatable
HB.DY 667 Global Relocatable HB.FX 675 Global Relocatable
HB.GS 700 Global Relocatable HB.HC 671 Global Relocatable
HB.LC 670 Global Relocatable HB.RT 673 Global Relocatable
HB.S0 667 Global Relocatable Suppressed HB.S1 670 Global Relocatable Suppressed
HB.S2 671 Global Relocatable Suppressed HB.TP 676 Global Relocatable
HC.FR 1100 Global Relocatable HC.FSP 1136 Global Relocatable
HC.LNK 1124 Global Relocatable HC.NB 1112 Global Relocatable
HC.PP 1150 Global Relocatable HC.PT 1066 Global Relocatable
HC.ZE 1162 Global Relocatable HP.S0 570 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LBLOCK 1202 Global Relocatable LC.FSP 1135 Global Relocatable
LC.LNK 1123 Global Relocatable LC.NB 1111 Global Relocatable
LC.PP 1147 Global Relocatable LC.PT 1065 Global Relocatable
LC.ZE 1161 Global Relocatable LS.FSP 1141 Global Relocatable
LS.LNK 1127 Global Relocatable LS.NB 1115 Global Relocatable
LS.ZE 1165 Global Relocatable LW.BG 653 Global Relocatable
LW.DY 643 Global Relocatable LW.GS 654 Global Relocatable
LW.RT 647 Global Relocatable MC.JF 1274 Global Relocatable
O.BFR 1403 Global Relocatable O.DIRM 1370 Global Relocatable
O.SNC 1404 Global Relocatable O.ZER 1361 Global Relocatable
OC.JF 1276 Global Relocatable OPNFF 1176 Global Relocatable Suppressed
OPNSZ 1175 Global Relocatable Suppressed OV.S0 1657 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PAG.BG 665 Global Relocatable Suppressed PAG.DY 655 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PAG.GS 666 Global Relocatable Suppressed PAG.HC 657 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PAG.LC 656 Global Relocatable Suppressed PC.JF 1306 Global Relocatable
PTHARG 412 Global Relocatable PTHEND 422 Global Relocatable
PTHSCN 413 Global Relocatable PV.S0 1661 Global Relocatable Suppressed
RC.JF 1275 Global Relocatable RGNNAM 1602 Global Relocatable
RGNNUM 1601 Global Relocatable RT.FSP 1140 Global Relocatable
RT.LNK 1126 Global Relocatable RT.NB 1114 Global Relocatable
RT.PP 1152 Global Relocatable RT.UB 1056 Global Relocatable
RT.ZE 1164 Global Relocatable SAVP1 1517 Global Relocatable
SC.JF 1301 Global Relocatable SFDEND 1231 Global Relocatable Suppressed
SFDSCN 1222 Global Relocatable Suppressed SO.S0 564 Global Relocatable Suppressed
SO.S1 565 Global Relocatable SUBLEN 702 Global Relocatable
SVSAT1 1512 Global Relocatable SYMLEN 701 Global Relocatable
SYMSRT 1440 Global Relocatable TAB.PP 1146 Global Relocatable
TC.JF 1304 Global Relocatable THSTRT 1672 Global Relocatable
TP.FR 1105 Global Relocatable TP.FSP 1143 Global Relocatable
TP.LNK 1131 Global Relocatable TP.NB 1117 Global Relocatable
TP.PT 1073 Global Relocatable TP.ZE 1167 Global Relocatable
TTLADR 1025 Global Relocatable UW.BG 665 Global Relocatable
UW.DY 655 Global Relocatable UW.FX 663 Global Relocatable
UW.GS 666 Global Relocatable UW.RT 661 Global Relocatable
ZC.JF 1272 Global Relocatable
.SCAN from SYS:SCAN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:15:28
Low segment starts at 1702 ends at 2501 length 600 (octal), 384. (decimal)
High segment starts at 632537 ends at 642223 length 7465 (octal), 3893. (decimal)
E.DSI 636133 Global Relocatable
E.FMI 633675 Global Relocatable E.FMO 633673 Global Relocatable
E.ILSC 633700 Global Relocatable E.INCL 633677 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 19
E.SVNG 636145 Global Relocatable E.SVR 636147 Global Relocatable
E.SVTL 636143 Global Relocatable E.UKK 636123 Global Relocatable
F.NAM 2317 Global Relocatable N.CORE 1771 Global Relocatable
N.EZER 1770 Global Relocatable Suppressed N.OFFS 1772 Global Relocatable
N.ZER 1747 Global Relocatable Suppressed .ALDON 633652 Global Relocatable
.AS8QC 637356 Global Relocatable .AS8QW 637355 Global Relocatable
.ASCQC 637402 Global Relocatable .ASCQW 637401 Global Relocatable
.BLOKC 637166 Global Relocatable .BLOKW 637165 Global Relocatable
.CCLRB 640603 Global Relocatable .CHRQC 637337 Global Relocatable
.CHRQW 637336 Global Relocatable .CKNEG 637331 Global Relocatable
.CLRBF 640605 Global Relocatable .CLRFL 634157 Global Relocatable
.CLSNS 634463 Global Relocatable .COREC 637175 Global Relocatable
.COREW 637174 Global Relocatable .DATIC 636241 Global Relocatable
.DATIF 636217 Global Relocatable .DATIG 636220 Global Relocatable
.DATIM 636240 Global Relocatable .DATIP 636230 Global Relocatable
.DATIQ 636231 Global Relocatable .DECNC 637234 Global Relocatable
.DECNW 637233 Global Relocatable .FILIN 634071 Global Relocatable
.FMSG 640476 Global Relocatable .FMSGD 640510 Global Relocatable
.FMSGE 640546 Global Relocatable .FMSGF 640530 Global Relocatable
.FMSGN 640504 Global Relocatable .FMSGO 640514 Global Relocatable
.FMSGX 640555 Global Relocatable .GTIND 633727 Global Relocatable
.GTSPC 634330 Global Relocatable .ISCAN 632537 Entry Relocatable
.KEYWD 634476 Global Relocatable .KLIND 640430 Global Relocatable
.LASWD 2447 Global Relocatable .LEFTX 637154 Global Relocatable
.MKPJN 632671 Global Relocatable .MNRET 640645 Global Relocatable
.MONRT 640636 Global Relocatable .MYPPN 1702 Global Relocatable
.NAME 637061 Global Relocatable .NAMEC 636747 Global Relocatable
.NAMEW 636746 Global Relocatable .NMUE 2446 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.NMUL 2411 Global Relocatable .NOCTC 636734 Global Relocatable
.NOCTW 636733 Global Relocatable .NOQTE 1744 Global Relocatable
.OCTNC 637270 Global Relocatable .OCTNW 637267 Global Relocatable
.OPTN 2406 Global Relocatable .OSCAN 633344 Global Relocatable
.OSDFS 634430 Global Relocatable .PSCAN 633536 Global Relocatable
.QSCAN 633555 Global Relocatable .QUOTE 1745 Global Relocatable
.REEAT 637770 Global Relocatable .RUNCM 634002 Global Relocatable
.SCANZ 1702 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SENEG 637325 Global Relocatable
.SIXKC 637444 Global Relocatable .SIXKW 637443 Global Relocatable
.SIXMC 637464 Global Relocatable .SIXMW 637463 Global Relocatable
.SIXQC 637460 Global Relocatable .SIXQW 637457 Global Relocatable
.SIXSC 637430 Global Relocatable .SIXSW 637427 Global Relocatable
.STOPN 640473 Global Relocatable .SWAS8 637355 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.SWASQ 637401 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWCHR 634763 Global Relocatable
.SWCOR 634761 Global Relocatable .SWDEC 634755 Global Relocatable
.SWDON 643707 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWDPB 635453 Global Relocatable
.SWDTF 636217 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWDTM 636240 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.SWDTP 636230 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWFIL 634765 Global Relocatable
.SWHLP 635115 Global Relocatable .SWMAX 635440 Global Relocatable
.SWOCT 634757 Global Relocatable .SWSIX 637427 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.SWSXM 637463 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWSXQ 637457 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.TERRP 640655 Global Relocatable .TIALT 637544 Global Relocatable
.TIAUC 637530 Global Relocatable .TICAD 637511 Global Relocatable
.TICAN 637515 Global Relocatable .TICHE 640024 Global Relocatable
.TICHG 637546 Global Relocatable .TICHR 637614 Global Relocatable
.TICHT 640015 Global Relocatable .TICQT 637536 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 20
.TIGET 640061 Global Relocatable .TIMUC 637531 Global Relocatable
.TISQT 637541 Global Relocatable .TSCAN 633001 Global Relocatable
.TYPRE 640132 Global Relocatable .VERSC 637064 Global Relocatable
.VERSW 637063 Global Relocatable .VQUOT 1746 Global Relocatable
.VSCAN 633251 Global Relocatable
.VERBO from SYS:SCAN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:15:28
Low segment starts at 2502 ends at 2503 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 642224 ends at 642313 length 70 (octal), 56. (decimal)
.ERMSA 642225 Entry Relocatable
.ERMSG 642224 Entry Relocatable .FLCBF 2503 Global Relocatable
.FLVRB 2502 Global Relocatable .VERBO 642273 Entry Relocatable
.VRBOZ 2502 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.TNEWL from SYS:SCAN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:15:28
High segment starts at 642314 ends at 642323 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
.TNEWL 642314 Entry Relocatable
.TOUTS from SYS:SCAN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:15:28
Low segment starts at 2504 ends at 2510 length 5 (octal), 5. (decimal)
High segment starts at 642324 ends at 643261 length 736 (octal), 478. (decimal)
GUIDT. 642662 Global Relocatable .BYTPT 2507 Global Relocatable
.MKPTR 643115 Global Relocatable .T7STR 643076 Global Relocatable
.T8STR 643102 Global Relocatable .TASCW 643143 Global Relocatable
.TASTR 643174 Global Relocatable .TBLOK 642727 Global Relocatable
.TCHAR 643205 Global Relocatable .TCOLN 643176 Global Relocatable
.TCOMA 643200 Global Relocatable .TCORW 642733 Global Relocatable
.TCRLF 642750 Global Relocatable .TDASH 643166 Global Relocatable
.TDATE 642527 Global Relocatable .TDATN 642526 Global Relocatable
.TDATZ 642524 Global Relocatable .TDEC2 642575 Global Relocatable
.TDECJ 643026 Global Relocatable .TDECW 643006 Global Relocatable
.TDECZ 643062 Global Relocatable .TDEVN 643147 Global Relocatable
.TDIRB 642414 Global Relocatable .TDTTM 642505 Global Relocatable
.TDTTN 642504 Global Relocatable .TDTTZ 642502 Global Relocatable
.TFBLK 642374 Global Relocatable .TFCHR 642604 Global Relocatable
.TFRFS 642326 Global Relocatable .TLANG 643170 Global Relocatable
.TMOHW 642462 Global Relocatable .TOCTJ 643027 Global Relocatable
.TOCTW 643005 Global Relocatable .TOCTZ 643063 Global Relocatable
.TOFEB 642354 Global Relocatable .TOLEB 642356 Global Relocatable
.TOUTZ 2504 Global Relocatable Suppressed .TPPNW 642757 Global Relocatable
.TPROT 643151 Global Relocatable .TRANG 643172 Global Relocatable
.TRBRK 642766 Global Relocatable .TRDXJ 643030 Global Relocatable
.TRDXW 643007 Global Relocatable .TRDXZ 643064 Global Relocatable
.TSIXJ 643067 Global Relocatable .TSIXN 642770 Global Relocatable
.TSIXS 643066 Global Relocatable .TSPAC 643204 Global Relocatable
.TSPAN 643157 Global Relocatable .TSTRG 643130 Global Relocatable
.TTABC 643202 Global Relocatable .TTIME 642560 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 21
.TTIMN 642557 Global Relocatable .TTIMZ 642555 Global Relocatable
.TVERW 642674 Global Relocatable .TXWDW 642777 Global Relocatable
.TXWWW 642453 Global Relocatable .TYOCH 642324 Entry Relocatable
.STOPB from SYS:SCAN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:15:28
High segment starts at 643262 ends at 643415 length 134 (octal), 92. (decimal)
.STOPB 643262 Entry Relocatable
.CNTDT from SYS:SCAN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:15:28
High segment starts at 643416 ends at 643557 length 142 (octal), 98. (decimal)
.CNTDT 643416 Entry Relocatable
.CNVDT 643475 Entry Relocatable .GTNOW 643467 Entry Relocatable
.GTPUT from SYS:SCAN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:15:28
High segment starts at 643560 ends at 643651 length 72 (octal), 58. (decimal)
.GTWRD 643616 Entry Relocatable .ISLGI 643636 Entry Relocatable
.LKNAM 643560 Entry Relocatable .MKMSK 643627 Entry Relocatable
.PTWRD 643623 Entry Relocatable
.SAVE from SYS:SCAN.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:15:28
High segment starts at 643652 ends at 643726 length 55 (octal), 45. (decimal)
.POP4T 643721 Entry Relocatable
.POPJ 643710 Entry Relocatable .POPJ1 643707 Entry Relocatable
.PSH4T 643712 Entry Relocatable .SAVE1 643652 Entry Relocatable
.SAVE2 643657 Entry Relocatable .SAVE3 643665 Entry Relocatable
.SAVE4 643674 Entry Relocatable .SAVX4 643702 Global Relocatable
.HELPR from SYS:HELPER.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:17:56
High segment starts at 643727 ends at 644137 length 211 (octal), 137. (decimal)
HELPER 643727 Entry Relocatable .HELPR 643730 Entry Relocatable
LNKHST from DSK:LNKHST.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 23:33:56
Zero length module
LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 22
JOBDAT from SYS:JOBDAT.REL created by MACRO on 14-Jun-90 at 21:16:51
Zero length module
Index to LINK symbol map of LINK version 6(2425) page 23
Name Page Name Page Name Page Name Page
ALOG10 16 LINE 17 LNKOLD 7 SIN. 17
COSD 16 LNK400 14 LNKOV2 12 .CNTDT 21
IFIX. 15 LNKLOW 17 PLTO.. 14 .VERBO 20
IFX.0 15
[End of LINK map of LINK]