PDP-10 Archives
There are 13 other files named compar.hlp in the archive. Click here to see a list.
COMPAR is a part of SOUPR (see SOUPR.DOC).
The input to COMPAR consists of two ASCII files known as the base
file and the user file. COMPAR will compare the two files and create a
correction file. The correction file details how the user file differs
from the base file.
The command format is:
/EXIT Exit to monitor (same as ^Z)
/HELP Type this text
/LOG Log file names (default)
/MATCH:n A dissimilarity does not end until n lines match. The
default is 3.
/NAME:foo Each patch is labeled with the sixbit name foo. When
correction files are merged, this label can be used to
identify the origin of the patch. Labels can also be
used as conditionals.
/NAME:"string" Each patch is labeled with the ASCII string. Only the
first word is significant for conditionals.
/NUMBER In addition to labeling the edits, number them as well.
For example, /NAME:FOO/NUMBER will label the edits as
FOO1, FOO2, FOO3, etc.
/NOLOG Don't log file names
1. The default device is DSK:
2. The default PPN is the user's path
3. The default input extension is MAC
4. The default output extension is COR
5. User-spec defaults to base-spec (i.e. file specs are sticky)
6. The filename of the cor-spec defaults to the filename of the
7. Full wildcards are allowed in all file specs