PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named rsx20f.bwr in the archive.
December 1981
This version of RSX-20F is being distributed on three (3)
floppy disks as opposed to the last release of two (2) floppies. The
only reason for the third floppy is to be able to fit the file
RSX20F.MAP on floppies instead of putting it on magtape. Follow the
installation instructions as described in the software installation
manual. After the system is up and running off of rigid disk, mount
the third floppy (C) in drive 0 and do the following;
The file RSX20F.MAP should now be on your system disk.
Customers who have DECtapes instead of floppies will still
find RSX20F.MAP on DECtape B.
II. Installation Procedures
It is imperative that you follow the installation procedures
as outlined in the software installation manual, especially the step
that runs the INI task. This is due to the growth in block size of
some of the files in [0,0]. If you fail to do so, the SAV task will
not be able to write the core image boot file.
KLERR is a program that must be used to read the new format
of the KLERR snapshot of the KL, contained in the system error file
ERROR.SYS. The entry in ERROR.SYS which is different is the KL
snapshot entry made by KLERR following a crash of the mainframe.
SYSERR will report these entries as UNKNOWN 205 entries. KLET10 has
been provided for TOPS-10 sites and KLET20 has been provided for
TOPS-20 sites.
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IV. Modem Control
There are two(2) changes in the modem control which should be
noted by customers using unsupported configurations.
1. RSX20F will not accept any characters from a REMOTE line
that is not "connected". A line is connected following the <RING
raised by modem>, <DTR raised by RSX20F>, <carrier detected raised by
modem> sequence. Prior versions of RSX20F would accept characters
from a line that wasn't connected even if the line was in carrier
wait. This may cause problems to some concentrator users. The
concentrators built by some vendors bring up CARRIER too soon after
RING causing RSX20F to miss the CARRIER interrupt, leaving the line
in CARRIER WAIT and NOT connected. There is an unsupported patch
available through your local software specialist to alleviate this
2. RSX20F now checks for SECONDARY RECEIVE before any other
modem conditions. This may cause interrupts to be "thrown" away if
you have SECONDARY RECEIVE tied HIGH instead of LOW to prevent
interrupts from this signal. Please contact your field service
representative to have them check this signal if you think you may be
having trouble due to it being high or causing interrupts.
V. General Information
The %DECSYSTEM-xx NOT RUNNING message may be displayed on all
TTYs when the KL is still running. The message is actually output
whenever communication between the KL and RSX20F is lost. This
occurs when the KL hangs or crashes, but can also occur when THGA
runs in the KL.
The delimiter character for DEPOSITS in the PARSER task has
been changed from a colon (:) to an equal (=) sign. The colon is now
used for list and ranges in several commands. See the RSX-20F System
Reference manual.
VI. Known Problems
The PARSER diagnostic function EXAMINE KL returns an
incorrect value for PI HOLD. Diagnostic functions are not intended
for customer use and has no effect on system performance.
The delimiter character for the ZERO command in PARSER has
been changed from > to : . This is not documented correctly in the
RSX-20F System Reference manual.