PDP-10 Archives
There are 62 other files named d60unv.mac in the archive. Click here to see a list.
; [120] 15-Jul-85 TPW Replace the unused H$ONL with H$NSR
; [117] 5-SEP-85 LEO Do Copyrights.
; [116] 14-JAN-82 RLS Flush H$HPR,H$HLN
;GCO 4.2.1015 enter current version in alu library.
; [115] 28-OCT-81 RLS Add variables to handle list for poll time est.
; [114] 06-OCT-81 RLS Transform D60JSY data base to statically allocated
; [113] 15-JUN-81 RLS Add TOPS-20 version 5 protocol definitions
; [112] 26-MAY-81 RLS Add parameter CDBFN=number of card images to
; buffer, and CDBSZ=handle list entry containing
; size of CDBUF in bytes.
; [111] 12-May-81 WEM Add D6IAB, D6OAB error returns
;<DN65-DEVELOPMENT>D60UNV.MAC.8, 4-Dec-79 10:45:02, Edit by JENNESS
;<DN65-DEVELOPMENT>D60UNV.MAC.5, 21-Oct-79 11:42:18, Edit by JENNESS
; Add SLHWA, SLCSD, SLSWL definitions for IBMCON.
;<DN65-DEVELOPMENT>D60UNV.MAC.2, 18-Oct-79 15:12:53, Edit by JENNESS
; Decoupled from D60JSY.MAC to remove deadly embrace with QSRMAC.
; D60UNV - Universal definitions for DN60 communications
;COPYRIGHT (c) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1979,1980,1981,1982,1986,1988.
UNIVERSAL D60UNV universal symbol file
SUBTTL Values of interest for linkage
SALL ; Make nice clean listing
SEARCH GLXMAC ; GALAXY macro/symbol definitions
; Version
D6UVER==4 ; Version number
D6UMIN==2 ; Minor version number
D6UEDT==120 ; Edit number
D6UWHO==0 ; Who edited last (DEC=0)
; parameters
xp MAXHND,^D100 ; maximum number of handles which can
; be allocated
XP .EOLPT,^D60*3 ; emulation lpt offline if silent this long
XP .EOCDR,^D60*3 ; emulation cdr offline if silent this long
XP .EOCDP,^D60*3 ; emulation cdp offline if silent this long
XP .TOLPT,^D60*3 ; termination lpt offline if silent this long
XP .TOCDR,^D60*3 ; termination cdr offline if silent this long
XP .TOCDP,^D60*3 ; termination cdp offline if silent this long
; console devices are never offline
XP .POSGN,^D1*3 ; fixed poll interval for signon device
XP .POCON,^D5*3 ; fixed poll interval for console device
XP .POTM0,^D1*3 ; initial poll interval for data devices
XP .POMIN,^D1*3 ; minimum poll interval for data device
XP .POLMX,^D3*3 ; maximum poll interval for data devices
; Error codes
XP $ER1ST, 660000 ; First error number to allocate
; Function codes for D60OPR
XP .MORQI, 76 ; Request I/O on device
XP .MOABT, 75 ; Set I/O transfer abort for device
; Function codes for D60CND
XP .CNENB, 1 ; Enable the line
XP .CNDIS, 2 ; Disable the line (hang-up)
; Function codes for D60STS
XP .STDEV, 0 ; Device status
XP .STPRT, 1 ; Port activity status
XP .STLIN, 2 ; Line status flags
; Device codes for D60OPN
XP .OPLPT, 1 ; Line printer
XP .OPCDP, 2 ; Card punch
XP .OPCDR, 3 ; Card reader
XP .OPCIN, 4 ; Console input
XP .OPCOU, 5 ; Console output
XP .OPSGN, 6 ; Signon device
SUBTTL Universal error symbol definitions
; Macro - D60ERR
; Function - To define a set of macro calls (to D6ERRS) that will then define
; the error return value set for the D60JSY calls.
; Use -
; A macro called D6ERRS must be defined that has two parameters
; NAM Error value name
; TXT Error text, describes the error.
; A default macro is defined that will assign the proper values to
; the error names and does not user the error text in any way.
D6ERRS (D6AUT,<Port/line/dev/unit already used by this process>)
D6ERRS (D6AUA,<Port/line/dev/unit already in use by another process>)
D6ERRS (D6NSP,<No such port>)
D6ERRS (D6NSL,<No such line on the port>)
D6ERRS (D6NSD,<No such device on the station>)
D6ERRS (D6NSU,<No such unit number of the specified device type>)
D6ERRS (D6PLD,<Process lacks DTE I/O priviledges>)
D6ERRS (D6DNR,<DN60 not running>)
D6ERRS (D6PIU,<Port is useless to us, but it's running>)
D6ERRS (D6COF,<Can't open a front end for use>)
D6ERRS (D6UNS,<Unit number specified on non-HASP station>)
D6ERRS (D6UND,<Unknown device type or unit>)
D6ERRS (D6NBR,<Non-Blocking I/O Return>)
D6ERRS (D6EOF,<End of file encountered while reading in data>)
D6ERRS (D6NSH,<No such handle exists, call D60OPN first>)
D6ERRS (D6CNN,<Byte count not negative>)
D6ERRS (D6DOL,<Device offline>)
D6ERRS (D6DCI,<Device can't do input>)
D6ERRS (D6DCO,<Device can't do output>)
D6ERRS (D6CGO,<Can't get output permission>)
D6ERRS (D6FNI,<Function not implemented>)
D6ERRS (D6IOE,<Unknown I/O error occurred>)
D6ERRS (D6CTF,<Can't talk to front end>)
D6ERRS (D6LGA,<Line gone away, either hung up or hardware failure>)
D6ERRS (D6DNU,<DSR not up, line is not connected>)
D6ERRS (D6REJ,<IO rejected>)
D6ERRS (D6SON,<signon failure>)
D6ERRS (D6IAB,<input abort occurred>)
D6ERRS (D6OAB,<output abort occurred>)
D6ERRS (D6FRE,<D60JSY free space exhausted - can't allocate handle>)
TOPS10< D6ERRS (D6BAD,<crufty .C11QU function code or bad args>)>
TOPS20< D6ERRS (D6BAD,<crufty args in DN60 BOOT jsys>)>
TOPS20< D6ERRS (D6DTE,<DTE select error>)>
> ;End D60ERR definition
SUBTTL Internal definitions for D60JSY
; Fields in PDD (packed device descriptor)
XP PD$PRT, 777b8 ; Port number
XP PD$LIN, 777b17 ; Line number
XP PD$DEV, 777b26 ; Device number
XP PD$UNT, 777b35 ; Unit number
SUBTTL Definitions -- Handle list
; Definition - Handle list
; Function - This list stores all the data needed for using the handle that is
; given to the user.
; Entries -
; H$LNK link to next handle
; H$PDD Unique descriptor of a device for list searching
; H$DEV Device type on 2780/3780/HASP station.
; H$UNT Unit number of multiple device on HASP station.
; H$PRT Port number that comm. to device is done on.
; H$LIN Line number that station is off port (11).
; H$HDV Unique device code (RCB for HASP stations)
; H$CDV Device number used when talking to 11
; H$STS Status of this entry.
; H$TEM Termination (0,default)/Emulation (1) bit
; H$MSG Number of bytes maximum for message
; H$STY Station type (1=3780,2=2780,3=HASP)
; H$IOM Input/output I/O mode
; H$SON Station signon has been validated (or ignored).
; H$SPN Signon pending .. suppress some request timeouts
SYSPRM H$SIZ,HNDLSZ,HNDLSZ ; Size of handle table entry in words
MSKSTR (H$LNK,0,FWMASK) ; link to next handle - o offset used implicitly
MSKSTR (H$PDD,1,FWMASK) ; Packed device descriptor
MSKSTR (H$PRT,1,PD$PRT) ; Port number
MSKSTR (H$LIN,1,PD$LIN) ; Line number
MSKSTR (H$DEV,1,PD$DEV) ; Device type code
MSKSTR (H$UNT,1,PD$UNT) ; Unit number
MSKSTR (H$HDV,2,377b35) ; 8 bits of device num. (RCB for HASP)
MSKSTR (H$CDV,2,LHMASK) ; Communication device number
MSKSTR (H$STS,3,FWMASK) ; Status and other needed values
MSKSTR (H$TEM,3,1b1) ; Termination/Emulation mode flag
DEFSTR (H$STY,3,^d9,^d8) ; Station type code
MSKSTR (H$IOM,3,1b10) ; Input/output device mode
MSKSTR (H$RUN,3,1b11) ; Permission given/gotten, I/O going
DEFSTR (H$BPM,3,^d27,^d16) ; Number of bytes max per message
;In word 3 of Handle List, H$STS.
MSKSTR (H$NSR,3,1B31) ;[120] Signon not required
MSKSTR (H$ENB,3,1B32) ; ENABLE in progress
MSKSTR (H$SPN,3,1b33) ; Signon pending
MSKSTR (H$SON,3,1b34) ; Station signed on
MSKSTR (H$HSN,4,RHMASK) ; signon device handle
MSKSTR (H$NOD,5,FWMASK) ; sixbit node name from signon file
LSTPNT==6 ; Pointer to next byte in output
NBXFRD==7 ; Number of bytes transfered so far
NBTXFR==10 ; Number of bytes yet to transfer
CDPTR==11 ; current cdbuf i/o ptr
CDCNT==12 ; current cdbuf i/o cnt
; neg cnt = doing input to cdbuf
; zero cnt = empty cdbuf
; pos cnt = doing output to user
CDBFN==^D10 ; number of card images to buffer
CDBUF==13 ; card image buffer
CDBSZ==14 ; size of CDBUF in bytes
CDERM==15 ; last error returned to SINCD
IOTIM==16 ; last time io successfully done to device
POTIM==17 ; last time polled and did io
IOPOL==20 ; last poll interval estimate
IOAMT==21 ; last io amount done at IOTIM
IOPRV==22 ; previous IOAMT
OFLTIM==23 ; device silence tolerance
HNDLSZ==OFLTIM+1 ; size of handle list entry
;******** remember to change hndlsz above when adding words to handle list entry ********
XP LH10SZ, ^d9 ; Length of total header for TOPS10
XP LH20SZ, ^d6 ; Length of total header for TOPS20
SYSPRM FIXLEN,LH10SZ,LH20SZ ; Length of header for this system
XP LOGENA, 1b0 ; Enable logging
XP PHSBEF, 1b1 ; "BEFORE" phase flag
XP PHSAFT, 1b2 ; "AFTER" phase flag
XP PHSMRK, 1b3 ; "MARK" entry flag
XP PHSSKD, 1b4 ; "SCHEDULER" entry flag
SUBTTL Argument block for front end I/O
; Definition - Argument block format for front end I/O routines
; Function - To pass the parameters to the front end I/O routines
MSKSTR (ARG$FC,0,FWMASK) ; Function code (.C11QU code)
MSKSTR (ARG$BC,1,FWMASK) ; Byte count to transfer
MSKSTR (ARG$PT,2,FWMASK) ; Byte pointer to input/output string
MSKSTR (ARG$XF,3,FWMASK) ; Number of bytes actually transfered
MSKSTR (ARG$RC,4,FWMASK) ; Result code
; Definition - Command string format for the line and device command routines
XP CMD$WD, 5 ; Full word here for command string
DEFSTR (CMD$FC,5,^d7,^d8) ; Function code
DEFSTR (CMD$1B,5,^d15,^d8) ; Single byte data value for command
DEFSTR (CMD$2B,5,^d23,^d16) ; 2 byte data value for command
XP ARGSIZ, 6 ; Number of words in arg block
SUBTTL Argument block for D60CND (condition line)
; Definition - Argument block structure for D60CND condition line global
; routine
MSKSTR (CN$PRT,0,LHMASK) ; Port number to operate on
MSKSTR (CN$LIN,0,RHMASK) ; Line to start station on
MSKSTR (CN$TRA,1,1b15) ; Transparent flag
MSKSTR (CN$MAP,1,3b17) ; Mode and protocol fields
MSKSTR (CN$PSP,1,1b16) ; Primary/secondary protocol
MSKSTR (CN$ETF,1,1b17) ; Emulation/termination flag
MSKSTR (CN$TYP,1,RHMASK) ; Station type
MSKSTR (CN$CTS,2,FWMASK) ; Clear to send delay
MSKSTR (CN$WRN,3,FWMASK) ; Silo warning area
MSKSTR (CN$BPM,4,FWMASK) ; Number of bytes/message
MSKSTR (CN$RPM,5,FWMASK) ; Number of records/message
MSKSTR (CN$SIG,6,FWMASK) ; Line signature - obsolete
XP CN$SIZ, 7 ; Length of condition argument block
SUBTTL argument block for line enable command
MSKSTR (EN$FLG,0,377B35) ; line flags to set at enable time
MSKSTR (EN$MAP,0,3B35) ; mode and protocol fields
MSKSTR (EN$PSP,0,1B34) ; primary/secondary protocol
MSKSTR (EN$ETF,0,1B35) ; emulation/termination flag
MSKSTR (EN$SON,0,1B33) ; signon flag(set => station signed on)
MSKSTR (EN$TRA,0,1B32) ; transparency flag
MSKSTR (EN$TYP,0,377B27) ; station type field
SUBTTL Argument block format for D60OPN
; Definition - This is the argument block format for the D60OPN device open
; routine
MSKSTR (OP$DEV,0,FWMASK) ; Unique device specification
MSKSTR (OP$TYP,0,LHMASK) ; Device type
MSKSTR (OP$UNT,0,RHMASK) ; Unit number
MSKSTR (OP$STA,1,FWMASK) ; Unique station specification
MSKSTR (OP$PRT,1,LHMASK) ; Port number
MSKSTR (OP$LIN,1,RHMASK) ; Line number
MSKSTR (OP$SIG,2,FWMASK) ; Line signature - obsolete
XP OP$SIZ, 3 ; Open block size
SUBTTL TOPS-20 version 5 DN60 protocol
;port enqueues are not necessary - BOOT will mediate use of port.
;one call will perform an entire io transaction similar to CAL11. uuo.
;if the error return is taken, BT6ERR will contain both a history of the
;transaction up to time of a fatal error(left half flags) as well a specific
;error flags(right half).
.BTD60==16 ;DN60 protocol operation - BOOT JSYS
.VND60==2 ;DN60 protocol type
DEFSTR (BT6DTE,0,35,36) ;DTE number
DEFSTR (BT6ERR,1,35,36) ;returned error flags
;protocol flags
D6.BSY==1B0 ;port is busy - sign bitness is used in testing
D6.QHD==1B1 ;header has been queued
D6.HDD==1B2 ;to -11 done for header seen
D6.NDT==1B3 ;this is a no-data-transfer operation
D6.RED==1B4 ;this is a read data type operation
D6.QDT==1B5 ;data has been queued(for write fcn)
D6.DTD==1B6 ;to -11 done for write data seen
D6.RBL==1B7 ;to -10 doorbell for response header seen
D6.RDN==1B8 ;to -10 done for response header seen
D6.DBL==1B9 ;to -10 doorbell for read data seen
D6.DDN==1B10 ;to -10 done for read data seen
D6.FDN==1B11 ;to -10 done for read data was faked
;error flags
D6.BDP==1B30 ;bad data byte ptr
D6.ARD==1B31 ;11 attempted to send read data when
; when none was expected
D6.TRS==1B32 ;timed out waiting for response header
D6.TDT==1B33 ;timed out waiting for read data
D6.TPO==1B34 ;timed out waiting for port to be free
D6.NT6==1B35 ;not a DN60 front end
D6.SER==D6.BDP!D6.ARD!D6.TRS!D6.TDT!D6.TPO!D6.NT6 ;all errors
DEFSTR (BT6HBC,2,17,18) ;DN60 header byte count
DEFSTR (BT6HDR,2,35,18) ;DN60 header address(begins on word)
DEFSTR (BT6DBC,3,35,36) ;data byte count
; positive => write data mode
; zero => no data transfer
; negative => read data mode
DEFSTR (BT6PTR,4,35,36) ;data byte ptr
;the following are returned for timing analysis
DEFSTR (BT6TMR,5,35,36) ;time of request
DEFSTR (BT6THQ,7,35,36) ;time header queued to 11
DEFSTR (BT6TRD,10,35,36) ;time of -10 done for response header
DEFSTR (BT6TDD,11,35,36) ;time of -10 done for data
DEFSTR (BT6TFR,12,35,36) ;time finished request
BT6SIZ==13 ;size of BOOT arg block
;DN60 header definitions
DEFSTR (D6FCN,XMTHDR+0,15,16) ;xmitted function code
DEFSTR (D6RSP,XMTHDR+0,7,8) ;returned response code
DEFSTR (D6FCD,XMTHDR+0,15,8) ;returned function code
DEFSTR (D6ADR,XMTHDR+0,31,16) ;address for examine/deposit
DEFSTR (D6DAT,XMTHDR+1,15,16) ;data from examine/for deposit
DEFSTR (D6LIN,XMTHDR+0,23,8) ;line number
DEFSTR (D6DEV,XMTHDR+0,31,8) ;device code
DEFSTR (D6CNT,XMTHDR+1,15,16) ;requested byte count to transfer
;end of original header definitons
;begin extended header
DEFSTR (D6AR3,XMTHDR+1,31,16) ;reserved
DEFSTR (D6DST,XMTHDR+2,31,32) ;returned device status
DEFSTR (D6LST,XMTHDR+3,31,32) ;returned line status
D6HWSZ==4 ;number of 36 bit words in header
D6HBSZ==4*D6HWSZ ;number of 8 bit bytes in header
SUBTTL .C11QU function of CAL11. UUO
; Calling sequence of CAL11. UUO
; MOVE AC,[XWD length,addr]
; CAL11. AC,
; error return
; normal return
; addr: XWD port #, .C11QU (=2)
; XWD line #, device #
; XWD # of bytes, .C11QU subfunction code
; XWD length of buffer (36 bit words), buffer address
; BYTE (12) # bytes/word (24) byte position of 1st byte in buffer
; XWD # of bytes transfered, result code
; Definition - CAL11. argument block definitions
MSKSTR (C$PRT,0,LHMASK) ; Port number
MSKSTR (C$FNC,0,RHMASK) ; CAL11. function code
MSKSTR (C$LIN,1,LHMASK) ; Line number
MSKSTR (C$DEV,1,RHMASK) ; Device number
MSKSTR (C$NBT,2,LHMASK) ; Number of bytes to be transfered
MSKSTR (C$FC,2,RHMASK) ; Subfunction code to .C11QU CAL11. UUO
MSKSTR (C$BFS,3,LHMASK) ; Buffer size
MSKSTR (C$BFA,3,RHMASK) ; Buffer address
MSKSTR (C$BPW,4,-1B11) ; Number of bytes per word
MSKSTR (C$PFB,4,77777777) ; Position of first byte in buffer
MSKSTR (C$BXF,5,LHMASK) ; Number of bytes transfered
MSKSTR (C$RC,5,RHMASK) ; Result code
XP C$SIZ, 6 ; Length of a CAL11. block
SUBTTL TOPS20 Receive/transmit header structures
; Definition - TOPS20 Receive/transmit headers
; Function - To define the bytes in the I/O headers for communication with
; the 11's hung off a TOPS20 system. These headers are the first things
; sent (before the data) and the first received (on input). They also
; contain the result (receive) code that comes from any I/O operation.
MSKSTR (RCVRC,RCVHDR,377b7) ; Receive (result) code
MSKSTR (RCVFC,RCVHDR,377b15) ; Function code receiving result from
MSKSTR (RCVLN,RCVHDR,377b23) ; Line number receiving from
MSKSTR (RCVDV,RCVHDR,377b31) ; Device-type number
MSKSTR (RCVBC,RCVHDR+1,-1b15) ; # bytes transfered
MSKSTR (RCVHB,RCVHDR+1,377b7) ; High order # of bytes transfered
MSKSTR (RCVLB,RCVHDR+1,377b15) ; Low order # of bytes transfered
MSKSTR (XMTFC,XMTHDR,377b15) ; Function for output
MSKSTR (XMTLN,XMTHDR,377b23) ; Line number transmitting to
MSKSTR (XMTDV,XMTHDR,377b31) ; Device-type transmitting out to.
MSKSTR (XMTBC,XMTHDR+1,-1b15) ; Number of bytes to transfer
MSKSTR (XMTHB,XMTHDR+1,377b7) ; High order # of bytes to output
MSKSTR (XMTLB,XMTHDR+1,377b15) ; Low order # of bytes to output.
; Generic header definitions
MSKSTR (HDRRC,0,377b7) ; Result code
MSKSTR (HDRFC,0,377b15) ; Function code
MSKSTR (HDRLN,0,377b23) ; Line number
MSKSTR (HDRDV,0,377b31) ; Device-type number
MSKSTR (HDRBC,1,-1b15) ; # bytes in transfer
MSKSTR (HDRHB,1,377b7) ; High order # of bytes
MSKSTR (HDRLB,1,377b15) ; Low order # of bytes
SUBTTL CAL11. UUO symbol definitions
; Function codes
XP .C11DP, 0 ; Deposit function
XP .C11EX, 1 ; Examine function
XP .C11QU, 2 ; Queue request function
XP .C11NM, 3 ; Return name of 11 program running
XP .C11UP, 4 ; Return 0 if PDP11 is down
; Return 1 if PDP11 is up
; Error return codes from CAL11. UUO
XP C11NP%, 1 ; Caller does not have poke privileges
XP C11UF%, 2 ; Undefined function for this type of FE
XP C11ND%, 3 ; Invalid DL10 port number
XP C11IU%, 4 ; CAL11. in use (try again later)
XP C11NA%, 5 ; No answer from FE after 1-2 seconds
XP C11TS%, 6 ; Queue entry too short (DC76 only)
XP C11NE%, 7 ; Not enough arguments
XP C11AI%, 10 ; Examine/deposit address was invalid (more
; than 16 bits in address/data, or FE flagged
; it as bad)
XP C11OR%, 11 ; Illegal function code to .C11QU
; Address check, illegal byte size, byte
; offset is outside buffer, or buffer is too
; large (requires more than 16 DL10 pointers)
XP C11FC%, 12 ; On a DN61-S, DTESER can't get any free core
XP C11DN%, 13 ; On a DN61-S, the reload bit is set or primary
; protocol is not running. This means that
; front end is down.
XP C11FU%, 14 ; On a DN61-S, there will never be enough Exec
; Virt Mem to process req.
; Under TOPS20, error codes with bits 18 and 19 set (600000) are JSYS errors.
; DN60 .C11QU subfunction codes
; Note - notice that the reads are odd and the writes are even values.
XP FC.RD, 1 ; Read data from device
XP FC.WD, 2 ; Write data to device
XP FC.RDS, 3 ; Read device status
XP FC.WDC, 4 ; Write device command
XP FC.RLS, 5 ; Read line status
XP FC.WLC, 6 ; Write line command
XP FC.R6S, 7 ; Read DN60 status
XP FC.W6C, 10 ; Write DN60 command
XP FC.EXM, 11 ; Examine memory in -11
XP FC.DEP, 12 ; Deposit into -11 memory
; DN60 .C11QU result codes
XP RC.SUC, 1 ; Operation was successful
XP RC.DLY, 2 ; Operation was delayed
XP RC.REJ, 3 ; Operation was rejected
; DN60 .C11QU device commands
XP DC.SC, 1 ; Set device characteristics
; byte 1 = device type:
; 0 = unknown
; 1 = printer
; 2 = punch
; 3 = card reader
; 4 = console input
; 5 = console output
; 6-255 reserved.
XP DC.REC, 2 ; Set max logical records/transmission
; Bytes 1 and 2 = max records
; 0 = no limit
; 2 for 2780 w/o multi-record feature.
; 7 for 2780 w/ MRF
; 0 for 3780.
XP DC.DOB, 3 ; Dump output buffers (used for SIGNON)
XP DC.CIP, 4 ; Clear input permission was requested
; XP DC.???, 5 ; Reserved
XP DC.SCI, 6 ; Set "Interpret carriage control on input"
; (simulate a printer)
XP DC.CCI, 7 ; Clear "Interpret carriage control on input"
XP DC.SCO, ^d8 ; Set "Interpret carriage control on output"
XP DC.CCO, ^d9 ; Clear "Interpret carriage control on output"
; XP DC.???, ^d10 ; Reserved
; XP DC.???, ^d11 ; Reserved
XP DC.SCC, ^d12 ; Specify output component
; byte 1 = component code
XP DC.DCC, ^d13 ; Don't do output component selection
XP DC.SLC, ^d14 ; Set printer line counter and enable for over-
; flow. Bytes 1-2 = value of line counter
XP DC.CLC, ^d15 ; Disable printer line counter overflow
XP DC.SBS, ^d16 ; Set max transmission block size (bytes 1-2)
XP DC.SSC, ^d17 ; Do space compression on output
XP DC.CSC, ^d18 ; Don't do space compression on output
XP DC.S27, ^d19 ; Use old BSC protocol (IUS, ETB and ETX imply
; IRS, overprinting is ignored, card output
; is padded to 80 characters with spaces)
XP DC.C27, ^d20 ; Don't use old protocol
XP DC.ROP, ^d21 ; Request output permission
XP DC.GIP, ^d22 ; Grant input permission
XP DC.SOE, ^d23 ; Signal output EOF
XP DC.COE, ^d24 ; Clear output EOF complete flag
XP DC.SOA, ^d25 ; Signal output abort
XP DC.COA, ^d26 ; Clear output abort complete
XP DC.CIE, ^d27 ; Clear input EOF complete
XP DC.SIA, ^d28 ; Signal input abort
XP DC.CIA, ^d29 ; Clear input abort complete
XP DC.SPD, ^d30 ; Suspend device (HASP only)
XP DC.USD, ^d31 ; Unsuspend device (HASP only)
XP DC.BPR, ^d32 ; Set bytes per record
; DN60 .C11QU line commands
XP LC.EL, 1 ; Enable line and set characteristics
; byte 1 = terminal type: 0 = unknown,
; 1 = 3780, 2 = 2780, 3 = HASP
; byte 2 = flags:
; bit 0 set = simulate
; clear = support
; bit 1 set = primary BSC station (1 sec)
; clear = secondary BCS station (3)
; usually primary & support or sec & sim,
; this sets the bid time for line different
; on each end of the line
XP LC.DTR, 2 ; Set DTR (data terminal ready), allow answer
; of modem and receipt of data
XP LC.ABT, 3 ; Abort all data transfers and clear DTR
XP LC.DIS, 4 ; Disable the line
XP LC.CSD, 5 ; Clear to send delay in jiffies (bytes 1-2)
XP LC.WAR, 6 ; Number of bytes in warning silo (FIFO) area.
; (bytes 1-2)
XP LC.STR, 7 ; Set output transparency
XP LC.CTR, ^d8 ; Clear output transparency
XP LC.BPM, ^d9 ; Set max number of bytes per message
XP LC.RPM, ^d10 ; Set number of records per message
XP LC.SLS, ^d11 ; Set line signature - obsolete
XP LC.SON, ^D12 ; set station signed on flag
; Number of bytes returned while reading .C11QU status'
XP D6.BYT, ^d79+1 ; DN60 status
XP LS.BYT, ^d69+1 ; Line status
XP DS.BYT, ^d13+1 ; Device status
MAX <D6.BYT,LS.BYT,DS.BYT>,STSMAX ; Largest status buffer size
; Macro - STSBYT
; Function - To define a pointer to an entry in the status string.
; Parameters -
; $%MNE Mnemonic name to be given to the field
; $%1ST First byte in the field (lowest order)
; $%LEN Length of field in bytes.
; Note: this assumes that the status string is in 8 bit bytes, which
; is normal.
Define STSBYT ($%MNE,$%1ST,$%LEN)
< %$LEN==$%LEN ;; Save length of field for BIT11
%$LM==MOD.(<^d<$%1ST>*^d8>,^d32) ;; Left most bit in word
%$WID==^d<$%LEN>*^d8 ;; Width of mask in bits
%$RM==%$LM+%$WID-1 ;; Right most bit in word
DEFSTR ($%MNE,STSBUF+^d<$%1ST>/4,%$RM,%$WID);; offset from port status buffers
> ;End STSBYT definition
; Macro - BIT11
; Function - To define mnemonic names that map PDP11 bit values (or masks)
; into a 10/20 36 bit word.
; Parameters -
; $%MNE Mnemonic name to be given to the field
; $%RM Bit to be assigned (or rightmost bit in the mask field)
; $%VAL Optional value that has it's LSB as $%RM.
; %$LEN Length of field in bytes (from STSBYT)
Define BIT11 ($%MNE,$%RM,$%VAL<1>) <$%MNE==<$%VAL>b<35-<%$LEN-1-$%RM/8>*8-MOD.($%RM,8)>>
SUBTTL CAL11. status strings
; The status strings are returned as 8 bit byte string packed 4 bytes left
; justified in a 36 bit word. In each byte the bit numbering is bit 0 to
; the right (LSB) and bit 7 to the left (MSB).
; Any 16 bit values that are returned have the 8bit bytes that make it up
; swapped. So before these bits defined below are valid, the bytes have to
; be swapped back again.
; 7 0 15 8 7 0 15 8 Bit no.'s in -11's word
; ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
; +------------------------------------------+
; ! byte 0 ! byte 1 ! byte 2 ! byte 3 ! ! Byte no. in -11
; +------------------------------------------+
; ! word 0 ! ! word 1 ! ! Word no. in -11
; 0 15 16 31 35 Bit no.'s in -10's word
; DN60 port status string [ 80 (8 bit) bytes, 20 (36 bit) words ]
; Byte Meaning
; ---- -------
; 0-7 DN60 version number
; 8-9 window version number (must match D60SER)
; 10-11 Current number of free "chunks" in the DN60
; 12-13 Number of lines on this DN60
; 14-15 Number of bytes of data in a chunk
; 16-17 Translation options avaiable:
; Bit 0 = IBM 3780/2780
; Bit 1 = HASP multileaving
; Bit 2 = IBM 3270
; 18-25 KMC11 microcode version number
; 26-27 Error code of last error that occurred
; 28-29 Line number that last error occurred on
; 30-31 Device that last error occurred on
; 32-33 Bit Meaning
; 0-5 Reserved
; 6 Console output data ready
; 7 Console input data ready
; 8 CDR0 has data ready (active)
; up to
; 15 CDR7 has data ready
; 34-35 Bit Meaning
; 0 LPT0 has is active
; up to
; 7 LPT7 is ready for data
; 8 CDP0 is ready for data
; up to
; 15 CDP7 is ready for data
; Repeat bytes 32-35 5 more times for a total of 6 lines.
; 32-35 line 0
; 36-39 line 1
; 40-43 line 2
; 44-47 line 3
; 48-51 line 4
; 52-55 line 5
STSBYT (S6LIN,12,1) ; Maximum line number on DN60
STSBYT (S6TRN,16,1) ; Translation options on DN6x
BIT11 TR$X78, 0 ; Translate to 2780/3780 stations
BIT11 TR$HSP, 1 ; Translate to HASP stations
BIT11 TR$327, 2 ; Translate to 3270 stations
BIT11 TR$IBM, 0,7 ; Any IBM translation
XP S6ACT, ^d8 ; Offset to start of active flags
XP S6ALN, ^d12 ; Length of active flag area (in words)
PRTSIZ==S6ACT+6*S6ALN ;max size of a port status
; Line status [ 70 (8 bit) bytes, 18 (36 bit) words ]
; Byte Meaning
; ---- -------
; 0 Terminal type: 0 = unknown, 1 = 3780, 2 = 2780, 3 = HASP
; 1-2 Flags: bit 0 set = simulate, clear = support
; bit 1 set = primary BSC protocol, clear = secondary
; bit 2 set = signed on
; bit 3 set = transparent
; bit 4 set = disable in progress
; bit 5 set = line enable in progress
; bit 6 set = line abort complete
; bit 7 set = off line (2780/3780 only)
; bit 8 set = line disable complete
; bit 9 set = disable done by DTE failure
; bit 10 set = Line aborted by hardware failure
; bit 11 set = Communications established
; 3 Line info:
; bit 0 set = line is enabled
; bit 1 set = DTR (data terminal ready)
; bit 2 set = DSR (data set ready)
; 4-5 Count of DQ11/DUP11 error interrupts
; 6-7 DQ11/DUP11 status register 1 at last error
; 8-9 DQ11/DUP11 status register 2 at last error
; 10-11 Count of times receiver wasn't fast enough
; 12-13 Count of times transmitter wasn't fast enough
; 14-15 Count of CTS (clear to send) failures
; 16-17 Count of message sent and ACK'ed
; 18-19 Count of NAK's received (+wrong acknowledge after timeout)
; 20-21 Count of invalid responses to TTD
; 22-23 Count of invalid responses to messages
; 24-25 Count of TTD's sent
; 26-27 Count of WACK's received in response to messages
; 28-29 Count of EOT's (aborts) in response to messages
; 30-31 Count of invalid bids of responses to bids
; 32-33 Count of RVI's received while transmitting
; 34-35 Count of message received ok
; 36-37 Count of bad BCC's
; 38-39 Count of NAK's sent in response to data messages
; 40-41 Count of WACK's sent
; 42-43 Count of TTD's received
; 44-45 Count of EOT's sent or received which abort the stream
; 46-47 Count of messages ignored (out of chunks, unrecognizable or
; timeout)
; 48-49 Count of transparent msg with an invalid character after DLE
; 50-51 Count of attempts to change between transparent and normal mode
; in a blocked message
; 52-53 Count of transmitter timeouts
; 54-55 Clear to send delay in jiffies
; 56-57 Count of silo overflows
; 58-59 Number of bytes in silo warning area (usually 64, must be even)
; 60-61 Max number of bytes used in silo warning area since set last
; 62-63 Max bytes per message
; 64-65 Number of records per message
; 66-67 Line signature - obsolete
; 68-69 Line driver type: 1 = DQ11, 2 = KMC11/DUP11, 3 = DUP11 w/o KMC
STSBYT (SLTYP,0,1) ; Translation type (type of station)
XP SL378, 1 ; IBM 3780
XP SL278, 2 ; IBM 2780
STSBYT (SLFLG,1,2) ; Line flags (term/emul)
BIT11 SLETF, 0 ; Emulation(set)/termination(clear)
BIT11 SLPRO, 1 ; Primary/secondary protocol
BIT11 SLSON, 2 ; Station is signed on
BIT11 SLTRA, 3 ; Transparent mode flag
BIT11 SLDIP, 4 ; disable in progress
BIT11 SLEIP, 5 ; line enable in progress
BIT11 SLLAC, 6 ; line abort complete
BIT11 SLOFL, 7 ; off line (2780/3780 only)
BIT11 SLLDC, 8 ; line disable complete
BIT11 SLDTF, 9 ; disable done by DTE failure
BIT11 SLHWA, 10 ; Hardware abort
BIT11 SLCME, 11 ; Communications established
STSBYT (SLINF,3,1) ; Line info (DTR, DSR, enabled)
BIT11 SLLEN, 0 ; Line enable flag
BIT11 SLDTR, 1 ; DTR flag (data terminal ready)
BIT11 SLDSR, 2 ; DSR flag (data set ready)
STSBYT (SLCSD,54,2) ; Clear to send delay
STSBYT (SLSWL,58,2) ; Silo warning level
STSBYT (SLBPM,62,2) ; Maximum bytes per message
STSBYT (SLRPM,64,2) ; Records per message
; STSBYT (SLSIG,66,2) ; Line signature - obsolete
STSBYT (SLDRV,68,2) ; line driver type
LINSIZ==^D70/4 ; size of line status in words
; Device status string [ 14 (8 bit) bytes, 3 (36 bit) words ]
; Byte Meaning
; ---- -------
; 0 Device type (2780/3780) 0 = unknown, 1 = printer, 2 = punch
; 3 = reader. (HASP) 1 = console-in, 2 = console-out
; 1 Component selection code
; 2-3 Printer line counter
; 4-7 Flags:
; Bits 0-3 reserved
; 4 interpret input carriage control
; 5 interpret output carriage control
; 6 reserved
; 7 do component selection
; 8 do compress/expand
; 9 page counter has overflowed
; 10 page counter interrupts enabled
; 11 old BSC protocol
; 12 output buffers being dumped
; 13-15 reserved
; 16 output permission requested
; 17 output permission granted
; 18 output running
; 19 output EOF signaled
; 20 output EOF complete
; 21 output abort started
; 22 output abort completed
; 23 input permission requested
; 24 input permission granted
; 25 input running
; 26 input abort started
; 27 input abort completed
; 28 input EOF completed
; 29 input permission was requested
; 8-9 Device record size
; 10-11 Line flags: (duplicate of line status flags)
; bit 0 set = simulate, clear = support
; bit 1 set = primary BSC protocol, clear = secondary
; bit 2 set = signed on
; bit 3 set = transparent
; bit 4 set = disable in progress
; bit 5 set = line enable in progress
; bit 6 set = line abort complete
; bit 7 set = off line (2780/3780 only)
; bit 8 set = line disable complete
; bit 9 set = disable done by DTE failure
; bit 10 set = line aborted by hardware failure
; bit 11 set = communication established
; 12-13 Line signature - obsolete
STSBYT (SDDEV,0,1) ; Device type
XP SDLPT, 1 ; Line printer
XP SDCDP, 2 ; Card punch
XP SDCDR, 3 ; Card reader
STSBYT (SDCSD,1,1) ; Component selction code (HASP only)
XP SDREQ, 220 ; Req output permission (DN65 does it)
XP SDCOU, 221 ; Console output
XP SDCIN, 222 ; Console input
XP SDCR1, 223 ; Card reader 1
XP SDLP1, 224 ; Line printer 1
XP SDCP1, 225 ; Card punch 1
XP SDPRG, 240 ; Grant intput per. (DN65 does it)
XP SDSGN, 360 ; Signon device
STSBYT (SDFLG,4,4) ; Device flags
BIT11 SDIIC, 4 ; Interpret input carriage control
BIT11 SDIOC, 5 ; Interpret output carriage control
BIT11 SDCSL, 7 ; Do component selection
BIT11 SDDCE, 8 ; Do compression/expansion
BIT11 SDPCO, 9 ; Page count has overflowed
BIT11 SDPCI, 10 ; Page counter interrupts enabled
BIT11 SDOBP, 11 ; Old BSC protocol
BIT11 SDOBB, 12 ; Output buffers being dumped
BIT11 SDIPH, 13 ; Send input permisson to HASP
BIT11 SDIOM, 14 ; I/O mode of device (1=input, HASP)
BIT11 SDDEP, 15 ; Dump or EOF in progress (if on)
BIT11 SDOPR, 16 ; Output permission requested - pending
BIT11 SDOPG, 17 ; Output permission granted - response to SDOPG
BIT11 SDORN, 18 ; Output running
BIT11 SDEOS, 19 ; Output EOF signaled
BIT11 SDEOC, 20 ; Output EOF complete
BIT11 SDOAS, 21 ; Output abort started
BIT11 SDOAC, 22 ; Output abort complete
BIT11 SDIPR, 23 ; Input permission requested - pending(2/3 sec)
BIT11 SDIPG, 24 ; Input permission granted - response to SDIPR
BIT11 SDIRN, 25 ; Input running
BIT11 SDIAS, 26 ; Input abort started
BIT11 SDIAC, 27 ; Input abort complete
BIT11 SDIEC, 28 ; Input EOF complete
BIT11 SDIPW, 29 ; Input permission was requested - SDIPR was set
BIT11 SDOPW, 30 ; Output permission was requested - SDOPR was set
BIT11 SDSUS, 31 ; Device suspended (HASP only)
STSBYT (SDLFG,10,2) ; Line flags
BIT11 SDETF, 0 ; Emulation/termination flag
BIT11 SDPRO, 1 ; Primary/secondary protocol
BIT11 SDSON, 2 ; Station is signed on
BIT11 SDTRA, 3 ; Transparent mode flag
BIT11 SDDIP, 4 ; disable in progress
BIT11 SDEIP, 5 ; line enable in progress
BIT11 SDLAC, 6 ; line abort complete
BIT11 SDOFL, 7 ; off line (2780/3780 only)
BIT11 SDLDC, 8 ; line disable complete
BIT11 SDDTF, 9 ; disable done by DTE failure
BIT11 SDHWA, 10 ; Hardware abort
BIT11 SDCME, 11 ; Communcations established
STSBYT (SDSIG,12,2) ; Signature of line device is on - obsolete
DEVSIZ==^D13 ; size of a device status message
END ; End of D60JSY universal file
; Local Modes:
; Mode:Fundamental
; Comment Column:40
; Comment Start:;
; Auto Save Mode:2
; Word Abbrev Mode:1
; End: