
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-x130a-sb - boot11.exe
There are 11 other files named boot11.exe in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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? Can't do both /LOAD and /START

&'+07 q6 q+;+K? Can't OPEN the input device

(? LOOKUP failed

&3+06@ d$dd4DE+5He% PATH. UUO to read input file failed.

&9,~,7 q6 q+L,%+0" PDP-11 loading from file:  
&A,~? EOF at start of file group

&E+"? File group has junk instead of constant 1

&J+"? EOF after file constant 1

&P+"? file group has junk instead of constant 0

&T+"% File zero byte count--trying again in /IMAGE mode

&Z,~? File group byte count less than 6

&`+" p? EOF during data in file group

&f+" + + + + p? NXM in -11 memory

&m+"? Junk after start group

&p+"" PDP-11 loaded

&u,~" PDP-11 started

&x,~? EOF found when looking for checksum

&{+"? Checksum failure

&+"? EOF during first byte of a word

&+"? EOF during second byte of a word

&+"? Input file read error

&"? Junk bits in input file

&+"? Junk in input file--may not be /IMAGE mode

&+"? Can't /LOAD and /DUMP at the same time

&+0? Can't /CLEAR and /DUMP at the same time

&!+0? Can't OPEN the output device

&'+0? ENTER failed

&++0Hj% PATH. UUO to read dump file-spec failed.

&=,~:  			NXM at " PDP-11 dumped

&C,~ words from  to  are all zero

? Output device error

&J+"? Port number must be 0-7

&N+0qHsHqZsZ`? Insufficient core

&U+"? TRPSET failed

&Y+"? LOCK failure 
&4+"? GETTAB 100 to find UPMP  failed

&`+"sRO@-+h" DL10 No. 1 non-existent

&g,~" No PDP-11s exist on DL10 No. 1

&k,~" DL10 No. 2 non-existent

&p,~" No PDP-11s exist on dl10 no.  2

&t,~" PDP-11s exist on ports:


&+0? PDP-11 only exists on port 
&4+"? PDP-11 won't stop

&	+" ? PDP-11 absent or power off

&+"1@? PDP-11 won't start--check HALT switch

&+"" Clearing PDP-11

&,~? PDP-11 took too long in transfer loop

&+"? NXM or parity error in -10 memory
File: ? Command error--type /H for help

&&+0,{+J? Unknown switch--type /H for help

&,+0? Ambiguous switch--type /H for help

&1+0a?KWE>~D(Hdi8<H@Not Applicable,^x+ Couldn't read system's name. "=+%DL-10 Port:  By:D98H)D+W<  From:   ",? ,99% DAEMON UUO error while trying to append to ERROR.SYS.

&J,~% Unknown error =  
&Q,~,S,+% Reason: 
&V,~Unknown DAEMON UUO error code = Illegal function code was specified.Adderss check occured during UUO process.Incorrect number of arguments for UUO.Impossible error number 4.File cannot be written.Program does not have privileges required.Invalid FACT entry format.Invalid PATH specification for UUO.-
"{ ,9$."+<;;[:{98;7[6{+{)beb
bs	~{qoh0+	(E>~D( p,>,>,>,>( QDx@,>,>,>,>71!&>9Z(
+!$@f@e$+0D	1D
` ++?$x+` `B+3"
"+-"#IOE I/O error reading help file-"#NHF No .HLP file on SYS:
&5\$	d $ad`l$``dl$@`d 
&9 /:,^ZB([	b+ ,^,^,^,~Q3

:"".Bx+%HLR; I'm sorry, I can't help you