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Summary of SOS commands %V21(134) + 1-APR-78 LCG/SDG
A Alter [<range>]
nC<ch> Change n characters
-nD Delete next/previous characters
E Finish with no printing
nI<text>$ Insert with temporary increment n
J Break line and stick rest at front of next
-nK<ch> Delete to n occurrences of <ch>
L Print line and recycle
P Print line and recycle to current position
Q Quit ALTER (restore original line)
-nR<text>$ Delete n char. then Insert text
-nS<ch> Search forward/backward for n occurrence of <ch>
nV (Optional) inVert case for n char's or to end of word
nW Skip forward n words
X<text>$ Delete word then Insert text
n<SP> Space forward n characters
<RET> Finish and print rest of line
n<DEL> Backspace n characters
n<BS> Backspace n characters
-<TAB> Skip to end/start of line
^U Quit and restart ALTER
C Copy [<destination>,<range>]
or [<destination>=<filnam.ext>,<range>]
or [<destination>=<filnam.ext>/S]
D Delete [<range>,Y] (,Y for massive deletions)
E End [<m>:<filnam.ext>]
m = B Suppress .Qxt/.Zxt file creation
D Delete both input/output to SOS
Q Quit (restore to original file)
S Unsequence output file
F Find [<string>$<range>,<options>] or
[<string1> thru <string6>$<range>,<options>]
G Go [<m>:<filnam.ext>]
(End and do last Load-class command)
H Help (types this text)
I Insert [<position>,<increment>]
J Join [<position>]
Jc Justify (Optional) [<c><range>]
c = C Justify center
L Justify - flush left
R Justify - flush right
U Justify and fill
W Justify word
K Kill [/<page-number>]
L List (on LPT) [<range>,S] (,S for no line no's)
M Mark [<position>]
N Number [<increment>,<range>,<start>]
NA Add <increment> to <range>
NP Preserve line numbers over page marks
P Print [<range>,S] (,S for no line no's)
R Range [<range>,<increment>]
S Substitute [<string>$<new-string>$<range>,<options>] or
[<string1> thru <string6>$
<new-string1> thru <new-string6>$
T Transfer [<destination>,<range>]
Vc inVert (Optional) [<c><range>]
c = L Invert uppercase to lowercase
U Invert lowercase to uppercase
V Invert upper to lower/lower to upper
W World (Save-the-World,
same as E, but doesn't end SOS)
X eXtend [<range>,S] (,S suppresses typeout)
. Move pointer [<position>]
@ Indirect [<:filnam.ext>]
= Give [<option>]
/ Set [<option>:<value>]
<LF> P.+1 (Print next line)
<ESC> P.-1 (Print previous line)
<DEL> (Delete one character)
<CTRL/C> (Stop SOS) (Yes? Type H for Help)
<CTRL/G> (Cancel SOS command)
<CTRL/R> (Print line without line number)
<CTRL/U> (Erase and retype current line)
**** Optional commands must be assembled for your SOS ****
SOS Options: (Y for Yes, N for No)
name set(/) print(=) default meaning
BAK Y Y On Create backup file <.Qxt>
BASIC Y N Off Edit BASIC program
BIG N Y Print largest page no.
C64 Y CASE On 64 character set
C128 Y CASE Off 128 character set
CASE N Y Give case information
DECIDE Y Y Off Auto ,D for S command
DELETE Y Y Off Delete input/output file
DISK N Y Disk quota information
DPY Y CASE Off VT05 terminal type
ERROR N Y Print last error message
EXPERT Y N Off Expert assumption
INCREMENT Y Y 100 Default line increment
ISAVE Y Y 0 Auto-Save for insertion
LENGTH Y Y 55 Printed lines/page
LMAR Y Y 1 Left margin
LOCATION N Y First line in SOS buffer
LOWER Y CASE Off Input lowercase chrs
M33 Y CASE On Terminal characteristics
M37 Y CASE Off Terminal characteristics
MAXLN Y Y 99999 Maximum line numbers
NAME Y Y input Output file specification
NOBAK Y BAK Off No backup file creation
NODECIDE Y DECIDE On No auto ,D for S cmd.
NODELETE Y DELETE On No delete of I/O files
NONSEPARATORS Y CASE On %,$,. not punctuation
NONUMBER Y N Off No line no. printing
NOVICE Y N On Normal mode assumption
NUMBER Y N On Print line numbers
OLD Y N Off Create <.Zxt> backup file
OPTION Y N Set options in SWITCH.INI
. (Period) N Y Print current <position>
PLINES Y Y 16 Number lines by P<RET>
PMAR Y Y 1 Paragraph margin
READONLY Y N Off Read file only, no edits
RMAR Y Y 69 Right margin
RUN Y Y SYS:COMPIL Set run specifications
SAVE Y Y 0 Auto-Save for editing
SEPARATORS Y CASE Off %,$,. are punctuation
SEQUENCE Y Y On Sequence output file
START Y Y 100 First line number sequence
STEP Y Y 100 Sequence & increment lines
STRING N Y Current F & S strings
UNSEQUENCE Y SEQ Off Unsequence output file
UPPER Y CASE On Input uppercase chrs.
DECIDE Mode (,D option of S command) Commands:
<SP> To accept this substitution.
<DEL> To reject this substitution.
A To do this substitution, then enter Alter mode.
E To reject substitution and return to Edit mode.
G To accept this substitution and all others.
SOS <options> of the Find and Substitute Commands:
<option> Meaning:
,A Enter Alter mode (F command only)
,D Give Decide mode commands (S command only)
,N Suppress typeout of line (F and S command)
,E Exact match of upper/lower case (F and S command)
,number Integer value for number of lines (F and S command)
SOS Special Characters (for Find & Substitute commands):
Replacement: ^B '" next match string
^O '* '*<number>'* is n'th match string
^^ '7 quote next character
Match: ^E '% not
^N ') arbitrary number of
^T '/ any character
^^ '7 quote next character
^ ': separator
SOS Position Symbols:
. present line or page
^ first line or page
* last line or page
SOS Definitions and Meanings:
<range> ::= <position>[!<number> or :<position>]
<position> ::= [<line-number>][/<page-number>]
<line> ::= [<number> or <content> or
. or * or ^][(+-)<number>]
<page> ::= [<number> or . or * or ^][(+-)<number>]
<content> ::= $<string>$<range>,<options>
<destination> ::= <position>
<number> ::= (any positive integer .LE. 2^35-1)
<string> ::= (any string of characters)
(200 maximum with F & S commands)
(497 maximum per line contents)
SOS Monitor Command Format:
.SOS /options filnam.ext or
.SOS filnam.ext/options or
.R SOS-/options filnam.ext or
.R SOS-filnam.ext/options
<filnam.ext> ::= (filename and file extension) or
where: <filnam.ext> = file to create/edit
<filna2.ext> = output file
<filna3.ext> = input file
<filna2.ext> ::= [dev:][filnam][.ext][<path>][<prot>][<key>]
<path> ::= [-] default path
[pr,pg] ppn only
[pr,pg,sfd] full path specification
[,,sfd] use own ppn
<prot> ::= <nnn> octal protection code
<key> ::= (<up to 20 characters>) encryption key
SOS: Insufficient Disk Space - WELL?
Commands: (No Guarantees!)
G - do the output (now and forever).
T - test disk space and do output
if space available.
R - give resources and do output
if space available.
W - wait until either space appears or you type
a different response.
[End of SOS.HLP]