PDP-10 Archives
There are 5 other files named dntool.doc in the archive. Click here to see a list.
This is a list of all known DECnet-10 tools and a brief description of each
DPYDEF MAC Display package definitions
DPY MAC Video display package
ANF MAC Sets KDP lines to ANF (KS10 only)
DECNET MAC Set KDP lines to DECnet (KS10 only)
DNET MAC Prints out info from DNET. uuo
D36TRC MAC DECnet-10 event tracing facility
DTSPRM MAC Parameters for DTR and DTS
DTS MAC DECnet Test Sender program
DTR MAC DECnet Test Receiver program
DTSCOM MAC Common subroutines for DTR and DTS
DCNSPY MAC DECnet-10 general data base interpreter
DNMAC MAC Macros and subroutines for some tools.
DNCORE MAC DECnet-10 core useage tracing facility
DNTATL MAC Interprets output of DNSNUP
PSTHRU MAC Pass through facility for ANF and DECnet
DNSNUP MAC DECnet-10 message tracing facility
NODNAM MAC Fast node name setter
NETPTH MAC DECnet routing path tracer
NSPTST MAC Perform NSP. functions
OBJECT MAC Types out currently active connect strings