PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named who.bwr in the archive.
Beware file for WHO
For details on how to use WHO, please read WHO.HLP and WHO.MAN.
WHO is an unsupported product. Therefore, DEC is not obligated
to fix bugs found in WHO. Comments and suggestion may be
addressed to Bill Meier and/or Don Mastrovito, although there is
no guarantee that they will be addressed before the end of 702
field test.
WHO is a general purpose SYSTAT program that reports job, line,
node, and user information gathered from the running monitor or
a crash file. It is invoked with a WHO command and modes are
selected using the /MODE:[JOB,LINE,NODE,USER] switch.
Alternately, a WHO may be invoked by a command whose name is one
of the legal arguments to the /MODE switch.
WHO was written to run privileged (JACCT'ed). It will function
without privileges, though some job, line, and all user
information will be unobtainable.
JOB mode will allow any user to display DDB information for any
NODE mode currently will not display DECnet information. In
this mode, WHO is a suitable replacement for the NETWORK
program. hence, WHO may also be invoked by a NETWORK command.
LINE mode will attempt to display node_line locations based on
the contents of SYS:LINES.INI file. LINES.INI contains ANF-10
node names, line numbers, and ASCIZ location strings. It is
generated by assembling LINES.MAC with the following command:
WHO will always try to lookup SYS:LINES.INI, but will function
correctly without displaying node_line location mapping if the
file cannot be found.
USER mode depends on the ability to read ACCT.SYS, as this mode
will display all fields in an ACCT.SYS entry. It will not
display passwords, unless the job is [1,2].
WHO does not correctly simulate DEVCHR, DEVNAM, and DEVTYP UUOs
when reading a crash file. There is a bug in MAP where KL
paging simulation on a crash file fails to correctly do address
translations for non-zero sections.