PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named mountr.c10 in the archive.
REP 34/1 ;10C1
VEDIT==167 ;EDIT #
VEDIT==171 ;EDIT #
INS 2/2 ;10C2
;171 Do not reset the density when dismounting a tape.
; GCO 4.2.1606
;170 If a tape is initialized with leading zero(s) in its volume i.d.,
; do not suppress them.
; GCO 4.2.1600
INS 50/24 ;10C3
;**;[171]Add 1 line at DAEPC:+1L JCR 1/29/85
UNLD: BLOCK 1 ;[171]Tape being unloaded flag
INS 33/58 ;10C4
;**;[171]Insert 1 line at SALMS1:+10L JCR 1/29/85
SETOM UNLD ;[171]Tape being unloaded
INS 55/77 ;10C5
;**;[170]At KGTVOL:+4L add 1 line JCR 1/8/85
SETOM RSBIVN(RSB) ;[170]Consider as non-numeric
REP 72/77 ;10C6
SETZM T4 ;[164]T4 will contain the integer value
;**;[170]At CHKNXT:-1L replace 1 line with 5 lines JCR 1/8/85
ILDB T3,T1 ;[170]Get the 1st volume i.d. character
CAIN T3,"0" ;[170]Is it a zero?
JRST NONUM ;[170]Yes, so consider it as non-numeric
SETZM T4 ;[170]T4 will contain the integer value
SKIPA ;[170]Continue to check the first character
REP 76/77 ;10C7
JRST [ SETOM RSBIVN(RSB) ;[164]No, not a numeric i.d.
MOVE T1,TMPSIX ;[164]Get the sixbit i.d. value
RETSKP ] ;[164]And return
;**;[170]At CHKNXT:+3L replace 3 lines with 1 line JCR 1/8/85
JRST NONUM ;[170]Not numeric
INS 85/77 ;10C8
;**;[170]At CHKNXT:+11L add 2 lines JCR 1/8/85
SKIPA ;[170]Numeric, so skip the next
NONUM: SETOM RSBIVN(RSB) ;[170]Indicate that not numeric
INS 29/197 ;10C9
;**;[171]Add 3 lines at MATOPO:+19L JCR 1/29/85
SKIPE UNLD ;[171]Skip if the tape is not being unloaded
JRST [ SETZM UNLD ;[171]Reset tape unloading flag
RETSKP ] ;[171]Return +2, T1/ JFN
SUM 54328