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                              SPICE LISP FLAVORS

Copyright (C) 1985 Written by Steven Handerson and Jim Muller as part of the Sp

1. Introduction
  Spice  Lisp Flavors was written based on a textual description of version 5.0
Zetalisp.  Various modifications have been made to convert Flavors into  Common
Lisp,  but  hopefully  code  that does not depend on other features of Zetalisp
(such as the window system) will work in Slisp Flavors.

Basic Operation

  Spice Lisp Flavors was deisgned to never lose state.  Any change that affects
other flavors first propogates  notice  of  the  change  to  all  the  affected
flavors,  the  "dirty"  flavors.    The change is them made, and then a general
"cleanup" procedure is invoked that updates all the dirty flavors.

  This has a few important implications.  One useful result is that it's  quite
simple  to  make efficient changes to large Flavors structures; all you have to
do is inhibit cleanup  until  the  changes  are  finished.    However,  various
operations  (such  as using compiler-compile-flavors) use the cleanup machinery
in order to function, and so must clean up before continuing.

  Slisp Flavors also follows version 5.0 in making recompilation due to wrapper
redefinition automatic.  It does this generally by storing the  sxhash  of  the
wrapper  code,  and  comparing  this  to  the  sxhash  of  the  new defwrapper.
(Actually, in interpreted interactions the code is compared  with  equal  since
that's  faster,  but  wrapper code loaded from compiled files only includes the
sxhash).  This will probably detect a change in virtually  all  of  the  cases;
however,  it  is conceivable that the user might enter a different wrapper that
hashes to the same value.  In this case, he will probably have to  detect  this
himself, and use recompile-flavor to recalculate the combined method.
2. Additions to Slisp Flavors
  Wrappers  and  whoppers,  in  addition  to normal methods, can have any type.
However, you must make your own method combinations in order  to  make  use  of
*undefined-flavor-names*                                             [Variable]
                A list of referred-to but not yet defflavored flavors.

*flavor-compile-methods*                                             [Variable]
                If   this   is   T,   newly  calculated  combined  methods  are
                automatically compiled.  Our machine and compiler just isn't as
                fast as for a 3600.

*dirty-flavors*                                                      [Variable]
                Holds an array of the dirty flavors.  Please don't alter.

cleanup-all-flavors                                                  [Function]
                If you interrupt a change in progress,  you  can  use  this  to
                finish it.

without-cleaning-flavors &rest forms                                 [Function]
                This  executes  the  forms,  but  recompilation and updating of
                flavors that the execution of the forms may cause is done after
                executing them all.  This is useful if you  want  to  change  a
                bunch of flavors that affect the same combined methods.

continue-whopper-all                                                    [Macro]
                This  form,  when  executed in a whopper definition, causes the
                combined method to be continued with all the arguments received
                by the whopper.  This form exists because Common  Lisp  doesn't
                have stack &rest args, and we might save a lot of consing here.
3. Differences between Symbolics and Slisp Flavors
   - There  is  no variant form of defmethod (that takes a function name).
     This could be done easily, but it would probably do an extra function

   - Mixtures,  and  flavor-default-init-putprop,  etc.    are   not   yet

   - Instances  cannot  be  funcalled.  If they are, it should probably be
     object-specific; i.e., funcalling an object sends a 'funcall  message
     to the object with the arguments.

   - The   following   things   will   probably   never   be  implemented:
     instantiate-flavor,          defun-method,           defselect-method
     declare-flavor-instance-variables,                locate-in-instance,
     describe-flavor        forms;        *flavor-compilations*        and
     *flavor-compile-trace*  specials; and :special-instance-variables and
     :default-handler flavor options.  [To make a default handler,  handle

   - In the Symbolics implementation, any method having a type not used by
     the  method  combination  defined  for  that method signals an error.
     This is currently not done in Slisp Flavors.

Continue-whopper &rest args                                             [Macro]

Lexpr-continue-whopper &rest args                                       [Macro]
                These are macros in Slisp Flavors, so that the continuation can
                be called with extra implementation-dependent arguments.

recompile-flavor message &optional (do-dependents t)                [Function]
                Message can be either nil for all messages,  a  single  message
                name,  or a list of message names.  Note that the arguments are

compile-flavor flavor                                                [Function]
                For use in the interpreter only.  To  do  the  right  thing  in
                compiled files, use compiler-compile-flavors, below.  These are
                two forms because I couldn't think of a way to tell whether one
                was in the compiler or not.

compiler-compile-flavors &rest flavors                                  [Macro]
                This  is  different  in a couple of ways from compile-flavor of
                all of the named flavors.    Compile-flavor  doesn't  recompile
                anything    it   can   find   in   the   current   environment;
                compiler-compile-flavors does, so that it will surely be  there
                in   the   loadtime   environment.     Compiler-compile-flavors
                therefore also makes sure that each combined methods calculated
                is only calculated once.


          *dirty-flavors*   2
          *flavor-compilations* special   3
          *flavor-compile-methods*   2
          *flavor-compile-trace* special   3
          *undefined-flavor-names*   2

          :method-order flavor option   3
          :special-instance-variables flavor option   3

          Cleanup   1
          Cleanup-all-flavors   2
          Compile-flavor   3
          Compiler-compile-flavors   3
          Continue-whopper   3
          Continue-whopper-all   2

          Declare-flavor-instance-variables   3
          Defselect-method   3
          Defun-method   3
          Describe-flavor   3
          Dirty Flavors   1

          Flavor-default-init-putprop, etc.   3

          Instantiate-flavor   3

          Lexpr-continue-whopper   3
          Locate-in-instance   3

          Mixtures   3

          Recompile-flavor   1, 3

          Wrappers   1

                               Table of Contents

1. Introduction                                                               1

2. Additions to Slisp Flavors                                                 2

3. Differences between Symbolics and Slisp Flavors                            3

Index                                                                         4