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From: enea!mcvax!seismo!CMU-CS-C.ARPA!Steven.Handerson
Subject: Flavors, cntd
To: enea!kuling!victor

(defun cleanup-all-flavors ()
  "Optimizes the cleaning of dirty flavors, allowing effective sharing
  of combined methods."
  (with-stacks (ordered)
    (order-flavors *dirty-flavors* ordered)
    (dotimes (i (length ordered))
      (cleanup-flavor (Aref ordered i)))))

(defun cleanup-flavor (flavor)
  "Cleans the flavor."
  (when (symbolp flavor) (Setq flavor (get-flavor flavor)))  
  (let ((*uninstantiable* #'dissociate-instances)
	(*inheritablep* #'message-clean-p)
	(*definer* #'(lambda (name form)
		       (declare (ignore name))
		       (if *flavor-compile-methods*
			   (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,form)))
			   (eval form))))	       
	(*set-handlers* #'flavor-set-handlers))
    (internal-cleanup-flavor flavor t)))

;;; Propogates methods-need-work and then cleans up.
;;; Does nil message and do-dependents t mean all of everybody's methods,
;;; or just those inherited from the original?

(Defun recompile-flavor (flavor-name &optional message (do-dependents t))
  "Use this when something compiled into a combined method has changed,
  for instance a macro used by a wrapper and hence compiled into the 
  combined method."
  (let ((flavor (get-flavor flavor-name))
	(*uninstantiable* #'dissociate-instances)
	(*inheritablep* #'message-clean-p)
	(*definer* #'(lambda (name form)
		       (declare (ignore name))
		       (if *flavor-compile-methods*
			   (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,form)))
			   (eval form))))	       
	(*set-handlers* #'flavor-set-handlers))
    (cond (do-dependents
	   (with-stacks (flavors ordered)
	     (do-inheriting-flavors (flavor flavor flavors)
	       (rework-flavor flavor)
	       (if (null message)
		   (setf (changed-all-methods (flavor-changed flavor)) t)
		   (rework-methods flavor message)))
	     (order-flavors flavors ordered)
	     (dovec (o ordered) (internal-cleanup-flavor o))))
	  ((null message)
	   (rework-flavor flavor)
	   (setf (changed-all-methods (flavor-changed flavor)) t)
	   (internal-cleanup-flavor flavor))
	  (t (rework-flavor flavor)
	     (rework-methods flavor message)
	     (internal-cleanup-flavor flavor)))))

(defun compile-flavor (flavor &optional (*flavor-compile-methods*
  "Makes a non-abstract flavor ready for instantiation, and an abstract
  flavor sharable with respect to combined methods.  If you're doing this
  for a file, use compiler-compile-flavors instead."
  (let ((*flavors-compile* t))
    (cleanup-flavor flavor)))

(defmacro compiler-compile-flavors (&rest flavor-names)
  "Just like compile-flavors, only it includes the definitions of all
  combined methods - compile-flavors doesn't redefine methods it can
  find in the runtime environment.  This way, you're guaranteed to have
  all the functions you expect when you load the file.
  Uses the cleanup machinery, so it cleans up affected flavors first."

  (with-stacks (stack ordered defined-methods)
    (dolist (f flavor-names) (vector-push-extend (get-flavor f) stack))
    (order-flavors stack ordered)
    (dotimes (i (length ordered))
      (cleanup-flavor (aref ordered i)))
    (Setf (fill-pointer ordered) 0) 
    (dolist (name flavor-names)
      (let ((flavor (get-flavor name)))
	(setf (changed-all-methods (flavor-changed flavor)) t)))
    (let* ((forms nil)
	   (*uninstantiable* #'dissociate-instances)
	    #'(lambda (flavor message)
		(cond ((member (flavor-name flavor) flavor-names) t)
		      ((message-clean-p flavor message) :redefine)
		      (t nil))))
	   (*definer* #'(lambda (name form)
			  (unless (find name defined-methods)
			    (push form forms)
			    (vector-push-extend name defined-methods))))
	    #'(lambda (flavor name-stack fn-stack all-p)
		(declare (ignore all-p))
		(push `(flavor-set-handlers (get-flavor ',(flavor-name flavor))
			 ',(copy-seq name-stack) ',(copy-seq fn-stack) t)
	   (*flavors-compile* t))
      (order-flavors stack ordered)
      (dotimes (i (length ordered))
	(internal-cleanup-flavor (aref ordered i) t))
      `(progn (eval-when (load)
		(let ((*dont-do-methods* t))
		  (mapc #'compile-flavor ',flavor-names)))
	      (eval-when (compile load)
		,@(nreverse forms))))))
;;; Combination stuff.

;;; These macros refer to the specials of the previous section.

(eval-when (compile eval load)
  (defmacro get-slot (Message slot)
    `(my-assoc ,message (my-assoc ,slot *methods*))))

(defun method-list (slot-name)
  "Takes the slot-name given in order-methods.  Returns the list of
  method-function-names resulting from the ordering.  For a :primary
  ordered slot, this will be a list of one function."
  (get-slot *message* slot-name))

(defun call-methods (slot-name-or-list)
  "Takes either a slot-name or a list of method function names.  Returns a list
  of forms that call them."
  (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(method-apply ,x %combined-args))
	  (if (listp slot-name-or-list) slot-name-or-list
	      (get-slot *message* slot-name-or-list))))

(defun wrapper-mix (slot-name-or-list form)
  "Wraps the form with the wrappers (and whoppers) of the given types. 
  (See defwrapper, defwhopper.)  The ordering of the wrapper functions
  is the reverse of the order in which the wrappings will be encountered
  at runtime."
  (let ((list (if (atom slot-name-or-list) (get-slot *message* slot-name-or-list)
    (dolist (l list)
      (setq form (funcall l form)))

(defmacro defcombination-ordering (name (arg) &body body)
  "(name (ordering-arg) &body body)
  Should use ORDER-METHODS or ORDER-WRAPPERS (almost exclusively) to
  order the method types of a method into named slots.
  Keep in mind that the code may be executed many times, depending upon the
  `(defun ,name (,arg type-assoc &optional reverse-and-describe)
     (dolist (cons (if reverse-and-describe '((foo . bar)) type-assoc))
       (let ((type (car cons))
	     (method (cdr cons)))

(defmacro order-methods (order slot types)
  "(order slot types)
  Slot and types are evaled.  Slot-name is the name used in message-list, etc.
  Order is one of :base-flavor-last, :primary, or :base-flavor-first,
  as described in the documentation.  The method-types in the list are added
  in order to the list of methods in the slot."
  (case order
    (:primary `(if reverse-and-describe
		   (let ((thing (car (get-slot *message* ,slot))))
		     (unless (find thing *called-methods*)
		       (vector-push-extend thing *called-methods*)))
		   (when (member type ,types)
		     (unless (get-slot *message* ,slot)
		       (push method (get-slot *message* ,slot))))))
    (:base-flavor-first `(if reverse-and-describe
			     (dolist (m (get-slot *message* ,slot))
			       (unless (find m *called-methods*)
				 (vector-push-extend m *called-methods*)))
			     (when (member type ,types)
			       (push method (get-slot *message* ,slot)))))
    (:base-flavor-last `(if reverse-and-describe
			    (dolist (m (nreversef (get-slot *message* ,slot)))
			      (unless (find m *called-methods*)
				(vector-push-extend m *called-methods*)))
			    (when (member type ,types)
			      (push method (get-slot *message* ,slot)))))))

(defmacro order-wrappers (order slot types)
  "Just like order-methods, except remembers the list of wrapper functions
  along with the list of methods."
  `(cond (reverse-and-describe
	  ,(if (eq order :base-flavor-last)
	       `(nreversef (get-slot *message* ,slot)))
	  (vector-push-extend (get-slot *message* ,slot) *description*))
	 (t (order-methods ,order ,slot ,types))))

(defmacro defcombination (name ordering-fn (order-arg) &body body)
  "(name ((order-arg) ordering-fn) &body mixing-body)
  The order-arg is bound to the argument of the combination name.
  the ordering-fn is used to order the methods of the method we're combining
  (see defcombination-ordering).  The body of this form should produce
  the actual combined method, using the functions METHOD-LIST, CALL-METHODS,
  CALL-METHOD, AND WRAPPER-MIX to access the slots of the ordered methods.
  The system will optimize only bare method-calls, not those surrounded
  by AND, etc."
  `(make-combination ',name ',ordering-fn
		     #'(lambda (,order-arg) ,order-arg ,@body)))
;;; Random user-level functions

(defun symeval-in-instance (instance symbol &optional no-error-p)
  "If no-error-p is non-nil, unbound ivs will not signal an error.
  Ivs not present in the environment will signal an error in either case."
  (let* ((vec (iv-env-vector (instance-descriptor-env
			      (instance-descriptor instance))))
	 (pos (position symbol vec)))
    (cond ((null pos)
	   (error "Instance variable ~S not found in instance ~S."
		  symbol instance))
	  ((iv-unbound-p instance pos)
	   (if no-error-p nil
	       (error "Instance variable ~S unbound." symbol)))
	  (t (instance-ref instance pos)))))

(defun set-in-instance (instance symbol value)
  "An error is signalled if the symbol is not an instance variable in the given
  (let* ((vec (iv-env-vector (instance-descriptor-env
			      (instance-descriptor instance))))
	 (pos (position symbol vec)))
    (cond ((null pos)
	   (error "Instance variable ~S not found in instance ~S."
		  symbol instance))
	  (t (setf (instance-ref instance pos) value)))))

(defun get-handler-for (object message)
  "Returns the function that handles the given message."
  (get-handler message object)) 

(defmacro lexpr-funcall-self (message &rest arguments)
  "Supplied for compatibility with Symbolics Flavors."
  `(apply #'send self ,message ,@arguments))

(defmacro funcall-self (message &rest arguments)
  "Supplied for compatibility with Symbolics Flavors."
  `(send self ,message ,@arguments))

(Defun flavor-allowed-init-keywords (flavor-name)
  "Returns a list of the allowable init-keywords for the flavor."
  (let ((flavor (get-flavor flavor-name))
	(res nil))
    (dolist (flav (flavor-all-components flavor))
      (setf res (append (flavor-init-keywords flav) res)))
    (sort res #'string-lessp :key #'symbol-name)))

(defun flavor-allows-init-keyword-p (flavor-name keyword)
  "Returns the flavor that provides this init option, or NIL if none."
  (let ((flavor (get-flavor flavor-name)))
    (dolist (flav (flavor-all-components flavor))
      (if (find keyword (flavor-init-keywords (flavor-method-env flav)))
	  (return-from flavor-allows-init-keyword-p flavor-name)))))

(defun make-instance (flavor-name &rest init-plist)
  "Compiles the flavor and makes sure it's initable, inits any initable
  instance variables from the init-plist and inits others if inits given,
  then sends :INIT with the plist if it's handled.  Returns the new instance."
  (typecase init-plist
    (symbol (setq init-plist (symbol-plist init-plist)))
    (t (error "Init-plist not list or symbol - ~S." init-plist)))
  (let* ((flavor (get-flavor flavor-name)))
    (when (flavor-abstract-p flavor)
      (error "Attempt to instantiate an abstract flavor: ~S." flavor-name))
    (let ((*flavors-compile* t))
      (cleanup-flavor (get-flavor flavor-name)))
    (with-stacks (unused-properties used-properties)
      (let* ((desc (flavor-descriptor flavor))
	     (self (instantiate-instance-descriptor desc))
	     (new-plist nil))
	;; Scan the init-plist for variable inits.  If it's not a variable
	;; init, make sure it's in the allowed-keywords sequence.
	(do ((plist init-plist (cddr plist)))
	    ((endp plist))
	  (if (plusp (length unused-properties))
	      (if (not (find (car plist) (flavor-init-keywords* flavor)))
		  (vector-push-extend (car plist) unused-properties))
	      (let ((iv (cdr (assoc (car plist) (flavor-iv-keywords* flavor)))))
		(cond (iv (when (iv-unbound-p self iv)
			    (setf (instance-ref self iv) (cadr plist))
			    (vector-push-extend (car plist) used-properties)))
		      ((find (car plist) (flavor-init-keywords* flavor))
		       (when (eq 'frob (getf new-plist (car plist) 'frob))
			 (vector-push-extend (car plist) used-properties)
			 (push (eval (cadr plist)) new-plist)
			 (push (car plist) new-plist)))
		      (t (vector-push-extend (car plist) unused-properties))))))
	(do ((plist (flavor-default-plist* flavor) (cddr plist)))
	    ((endp plist))
	  (if (plusp (length unused-properties))
	      (if (not (find (car plist) (flavor-init-keywords* flavor)))
		  (vector-push-extend (car plist) unused-properties))	      
	      (let ((iv (position (car plist) (flavor-iv-keywords* flavor))))
		(cond (iv (when (iv-unbound-p self iv)
			    (setf (instance-ref self iv) (EVAL (cadr plist)))
			    (vector-push-extend (Car plist) used-properties)))
		      ((find (car plist) (Flavor-init-keywords* flavor))
		       (when (eq 'frob (getf new-plist (Car plist) 'frob))
			 (push (cadr plist) new-plist)
			 (push (car plist) new-plist)
			 (vector-push-extend (car plist) used-properties)))
		      (t (vector-push-extend (car plist) unused-properties))))))
	(if (plusp (length unused-properties))
	    (error "Unknown init keywords for make-instance: ~S."
		   (coerce unused-properties 'list)))
	;; Init the ivs not bound.
	(send self 'INTERNAL-INIT)
	;; @#@# Maybe could remove the keywords supplied in the default
	;; list from the list of required ones.
	(let (required)
	  (dolist (req (flavor-required-inits* flavor))
	    (unless (find req used-properties)
	      (push req required)))
	  (if required (error "Additional required keywords for flavor ~S: ~S."
			      flavor-name required)))
	(send self :send-if-handles :init new-plist)

(defun undefflavor (name)
  "Permanently dissociates the flavor's instances and undefines the flavor."
  (let ((flavor (get-flavor name)))
    (when (flavor-defined-p flavor)
      (with-stacks (affected)
	(do-inheriting-flavors (i flavor affected)
	  (rework-flavor i)
	  (setf (changed-components (flavor-changed i)) t))
	(dissociate-instances flavor "Flavor has been undefflavored.")
	(setf (flavor-methods flavor) (make-method-structure)
	      (flavor-descriptor flavor) nil
	      (flavor-compiled-p flavor) nil
	      (flavor-defined-p flavor) nil)
	(deletef name *all-flavor-names*)
	(dolist (c (flavor-components flavor))
	  (deletef name (flavor-dependents (get-flavor c))))
	(with-stacks (ordered)
	  (order-flavors affected ordered)
	  (dotimes (i (length ordered))
	    (cleanup-flavor (ARef ordered i))))))

(Defmacro undefmethod ((flavor type &optional (message nil mp)))
  "(flavor [type] message)
  Undoes the effect of the corresponding defmethod, defwrapper (use type :wrapper)
  , or whopper (type :whopper)."
  (if (not mp) (setq message type type :primary))
  `(%undefmethod ',flavor ',message ',type))
(defun %undefmethod (flavor-name message type)
  (let ((flavor (get-flavor flavor-name)))
    (deletef type (method-types message (Flavor-methods flavor))
	     :key #'car)
    (recompile-flavor (flavor-name flavor) message))

;;; Defines a function that takes the argument name and a a rest arg of the
;;; body, and that does the transformation for that wrapper, returning the 
;;; new form.

(defmacro defwrapper ((flavor type &optional (method nil mp))
		      (args . passed-body) &body body)
  "((flavor [type] method) (args . passed-body) &body body)
  Wrappers are sort of like macros, getting expanded into the combined method
  for flavors that inherit it.  The args is either ignore or a list that
  is destructure-bound at send-time to the method's argument-list.  The
  passed-body gets bound at 'expansion time' to the 'inside' of the wrapper."
  (if (not mp) (setq method type type :wrapper))
  (if (eq args 'ignore) (Setq args nil))
  (let* ((name (flavor-function-name flavor method type))
	 (new-defun `(defun ,name (&rest ,passed-body)
		       (let ((form (progn ,@body)))
			 `(mydlet ((,',args %combined-args))
      (eval-when (compile eval load)
      (eval-when (compile eval)
	(let ((new-defun ',new-defun)
	      (old-defun (get ',name 'old-defun))
	      (new-hash nil))
	  (when (or (and (null old-defun)
			 (let ((hash (get ',name 'sxhash)))
			   (or (null hash)
			       (not (= hash (setq new-hash (sxhash new-defun)))))))
		    (not (equal new-defun old-defun)))
	    (method-add ',method ',type ',name
			(flavor-methods (get-flavor ',flavor)))
	    (recompile-flavor ',flavor ',method)
	    (setf (get ',name 'old-defun) new-defun)
	    (if new-hash
		(setf (get ',name 'sxhash) new-hash)))))
      (eval-when (load)
	(let ((hash (Get ',name 'sxhash))
	      (new (sxhash ,new-defun)))
	  (when (or (null hash) (not (= hash new)))
	    (method-add ',method ',type ',name
			(flavor-methods (get-flavor ',flavor)))
	    (recompile-flavor ',flavor ',method)
	    (setf (Get ',name 'sxhash) new))))

(defmacro defmethod ((flavor-name type &optional (method nil methodp))
		     args &body forms)
  "((flavor-name [type] method) args &body body)
  Refer to the flavor documentation for details."
  (if (not methodp) (psetq method type type :primary))
  (let ((flavor (get-flavor flavor-name))
	(function-name (flavor-function-name flavor-name method type)))
    (unless (flavor-defined-p flavor)
      (error "Flavor ~S not defined." flavor-name))
    (multiple-value-bind (docs forms) (extract-doc-and-declares forms)
      `(eval-when (eval load compile)
	 (internal-define-method ,function-name ,(flavor-method-env flavor)
				 ,args (,@docs (block ,method ,@forms)))
	 (%defmethod ',flavor-name ',method ',type ',function-name)))))
(defun %defmethod (flavor-name method type function-name)
  (if (method-add method type function-name
		  (flavor-methods (get-flavor flavor-name)))
      (recompile-flavor flavor-name method))

;;; The continuation is a lambda closed in the instance environment.
;;; The type used in the defwhopper is the type of the wrapper (default :whopper).
;;; The whopper itself is a method of the flavor - it (and hence the name)
;;; depends upon the flavor it's defined for, the method and type.
;;; (so that all inheriting flavors have it).

(defmacro defwhopper ((name &rest method-and-type) args &body body)
  "((flavor [type] method) args &body body)
  Whoppers are to wrappers what functions are to macros.  Whoppers
  are functions that call continue-whopper, lexpr-continue-whopper,
  or continue-whopper-all with the desired arguments to continue with the
  wrapped code."
  (setq method-and-type (nreverse method-and-type))
  (let* ((method (pop method-and-type))
	 (type (or (pop method-and-type) :whopper))
	 (whopper-method (flavor-function-name name method type "WHOPPER")))
    `(progn (defmethod (,name ,whopper-method)
		       (%continuation %combined-args ,@args)
	    (defwrapper (,name ,type ,method) (nil . wrapper-body)
	      `(apply #'send self ',',whopper-method
		      #'(lambda (%arglist &rest %combined-args)
			  (if (listp %arglist) (setq %combined-args %arglist))

(defmacro continue-whopper-all ()
  "See defwhopper.  Continues the combined method with all the passed arguments
  `(funcall %continuation %combined-args))
(defmacro continue-whopper (&rest args)
  "See defwhopper and continue-whopper-all.  Continue-whopper lets you continue
  the combined method with different arguments."
  `(funcall %continuation t ,@args))
(defmacro lexpr-continue-whopper (&rest args)
  "See defwhopper."
  `(apply %continuation t ,@args))


;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Package: flavors -*-

(in-package 'flavors)

(defcombination-ordering daemon-ordering-primary (order)
  (order-wrappers :base-flavor-first 'wrappers '(:wrapper :whopper))
  (order-methods :primary 'primary '(:primary))
  (order-methods :primary 'default '(:default))
  (case order
     (order-methods :base-flavor-last 'befores '(:before))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-first 'afters '(:after)))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-first 'befores '(:before))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-last 'afters '(:after)))
    (t (error "Unknown ordering ~S." order))))

(defcombination-ordering daemon-ordering-list (order)
  (order-wrappers :base-flavor-first 'wrappers '(:wrapper :whopper))
  (case order
     (order-methods :base-flavor-last 'primary '(:primary))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-last 'default '(:default))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-last 'befores '(:before))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-first 'afters '(:after)))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-first 'primary '(:primary))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-first 'default '(:default))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-first 'befores '(:before))
     (order-methods :base-flavor-last 'afters '(:after)))
    (t (error "Unknown ordering ~S." order))))

(defcombination :daemon daemon-ordering-primary (arg)
  (let ((primary (or (method-list 'primary) (method-list 'default))))
    (wrapper-mix 'wrappers
      (cond ((and (null (method-list 'befores)) (null (method-list 'afters)))
	     (car (call-methods 'primary)))
	    (t `(progn ,@(call-methods 'befores)
			,.(call-methods primary)
			,@(call-methods 'afters))))))))

(defcombination :progn daemon-ordering-list (arg)
  (wrapper-mix 'wrappers
    `(progn ,@(call-methods 'befores)
	     (progn ,@(call-methods (or (method-list 'primary)
					(method-list 'default))))
	     ,@(call-methods 'afters)))))

(Defflavor vanilla-flavor () ())

(defmethod (vanilla-flavor print) (stream depth)
  (send self :print-self stream depth))

(Defmethod (vanilla-flavor describe) ()
  (send self :describe))

(DEfmethod (vanilla-flavor typep) (type)
  (let ((flavor (get type 'flavor)))
    (and flavor
	 (not (null (member flavor
			       (instance-descriptor self))))))))))

(defmethod (vanilla-flavor :print-self) (stream depth)
  (declare (ignore depth))
  (format stream "#<~A ~A>"
	  (instance-descriptor-type (instance-descriptor  self))

(defmethod (vanilla-flavor :describe) ()
  (let* ((name (instance-descriptor-type (instance-descriptor self)))
	 (vec (iv-env-vector (flavor-instance-env (get-flavor name)))))
    (format t "~%An instance of flavor ~S." name)
    (cond ((zerop (length vec))
	   (format t "~%No instance variables."))
	  (t (format t "~%Instance variables:")))
    (dotimes (i (length vec))
      (format t "~%~S ~S" (aref vec i)
	      (if (iv-unbound-p self i) 'unbound (instance-ref self i))))))

(defmethod (vanilla-flavor :which-operations) ()
  (let ((list nil))
    (do-handlers ((name function)
		     (instance-descriptor self)))))
      (declare (ignore function))
      (push name list))

(defmethod (vanilla-flavor :operation-handled-p) (operation)
  (not (null (get-handler operation (instance-descriptor self)))))

(defmethod (vanilla-flavor :send-if-handles) (operation &rest arguments)
  (when (get-handler operation (instance-descriptor self))
    (apply #'send self operation arguments)))


@modify(programexample,free on)
@titlebox{@majorheading(Spice Lisp Flavors)}
Written by Steven Handerson and Jim Muller as part of the Spice Lisp project.

Spice Lisp Flavors was written based on a textual description of version 5.0
Zetalisp.  Various modifications have been made to convert Flavors into Common
Lisp, but hopefully code that does not depend on other features of Zetalisp
(such as the window system) will work in Slisp Flavors.

@subheading(Basic Operation)
@index(Cleanup)@index(Dirty Flavors)
Spice Lisp Flavors was deisgned to never lose state.  Any change that affects
other flavors first propogates notice of the change to all the affected
flavors, the "dirty" flavors.  The change is them made, and then a general
"cleanup" procedure is invoked that updates all the dirty flavors.

This has a few important implications.  One useful result is that it's quite
simple to make efficient changes to large Flavors structures; all you have to
do is inhibit cleanup until the changes are finished.  However, various
operations (such as using compiler-compile-flavors) use the cleanup machinery
in order to function, and so must clean up before continuing.


Slisp Flavors also follows version 5.0 in making recompilation due to wrapper
redefinition automatic.  It does this generally by storing the sxhash of the
wrapper code, and comparing this to the sxhash of the new defwrapper.
@foot(Actually, in interpreted interactions the code is compared with equal
since that's faster, but wrapper code loaded from compiled files only includes
the sxhash).
This will probably detect a change in virtually all of the cases; however, it
is conceivable that the user might enter a different wrapper that hashes to the
same value.  In this case, he will probably have to detect this himself, and
use @t(recompile-flavor) to recalculate the combined method.

@chapter(Additions to Slisp Flavors)

Wrappers and whoppers, in addition to normal methods, can have any type.
However, you must make your own method combinations in order to make use of this.

A list of referred-to but not yet defflavored flavors.

If this is T, newly calculated combined methods are automatically compiled.
Our machine and compiler just isn't as fast as for a 3600.

Holds an array of the dirty flavors.  Please don't alter.

If you interrupt a change in progress, you can use this to finish it.

@t(without-cleaning-flavors) &rest @i(forms)@>[Function]@* 
This executes the @i(forms), but recompilation and updating of flavors that
the execution of the @i(forms) may cause is done @i(after) executing them
all.  This is useful if you want to change a bunch of flavors that affect the
same combined methods.

This form, when executed in a whopper definition, causes the combined method to
be continued with all the arguments received by the whopper.  This form exists
because Common Lisp doesn't have stack &rest args, and we might save a lot of
consing here.


@chapter(Differences between Symbolics and Slisp Flavors)

There is no variant form of defmethod (that takes a function name).
This could be done easily, but it would probably do an extra function

@index(mixtures)@index(flavor-default-init-putprop, etc.)
Mixtures, and @t(flavor-default-init-putprop), etc.
are not yet implemented.

Instances cannot be funcalled.  If they are, it should probably be 
object-specific; i.e., funcalling an object sends a 'funcall message to the
object with the arguments.  

@index(describe-flavor)@index(*flavor-compilations* special)
@index(*flavor-compile-trace* special)@index(:method-order flavor option)
@index(:special-instance-variables flavor option)
The following things will probably never be implemented:
@t(instantiate-flavor, defun-method, defselect-method
declare-flavor-instance-variables, locate-in-instance, describe-flavor)
forms; @t(*flavor-compilations* and *flavor-compile-trace*) specials; and 
@t(:special-instance-variables and :default-handler) flavor options.
[To make a default handler, handle :unclaimed-message.]

In the Symbolics implementation, any method having a type not used by the
method combination defined for that method signals an error.  This is currently
not done in Slisp Flavors.

@t(Continue-whopper) @b(&rest) @i(args) @>[Macro]@*

@t(Lexpr-continue-whopper) @b(&rest) @i(args) @>[Macro]@*
These are macros in Slisp Flavors, so that the continuation can be called with
extra implementation-dependent arguments.

@t(recompile-flavor) @i(message) @b(&optional) (@i(do-dependents) @b(t)) @>[Function] @*
@i(Message) can be either @b(nil) for all messages, a single message name, or a
list of message names.  Note that the arguments are different.

@t(compile-flavor) @i(flavor) @>[Function]@*
For use in the interpreter only.  To do the right thing in compiled files,
use compiler-compile-flavors, below.  These are two forms because I couldn't 
think of a way to tell whether one was in the compiler or not.

@t(compiler-compile-flavors) @b(&rest) @i(flavors) @>[Macro]@* 
This is different in a couple of ways from compile-flavor of all of the named
flavors.  @t(Compile-flavor) doesn't recompile anything it can find in the
current environment; @t(compiler-compile-flavors) does, so that it will surely
be there in the loadtime environment.  @t(Compiler-compile-flavors) therefore
also makes sure that each combined methods calculated is only calculated once.


@modify(programexample,free on)

Jim, 5/14/85 Changed to fit Handerson's Slisp flavors and compile in scribe.

This is a new chapter for the LMMAN.  DLW 10/1/80

I assume that this comes after the discussion of defstruct (chap 17) but
before the discussion of streams (sect 18.5).}

@titlebox{@majorheading(Introduction to Flavors)}
This document is adapted from text written primarily by David Moon and
Daniel Weinreb which appeared in the Lisp Machine Manual, fourth
edition, chapter 20, copyrighted by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology.  We have used it with permission of the authors and MIT.


Object oriented programming is available in Common Lisp.
Its purpose is to perform
@i(generic operations) on objects.  Part of its implementation is
simply a convention in procedure calling style; part is a powerful
language feature, called Flavors, for defining abstract objects.
This chapter attempts to explain what programming with objects and with
message passing means, the various means of implementing these in
Common Lisp, and when you should use them.  It assumes no prior
knowledge of any other languages.

@index(object-oriented programming)

When writing a program, it is often convenient to model what the program
does in terms of @i(objects): conceptual entities that can be likened to
real-world things.  Choosing what objects to provide in a program is
very important to the proper organization of the program.  In an
object-oriented design, specifying what objects exist is the first
task in designing the system.  In a text editor, the objects might be
"pieces of text", "pointers into text", and "display windows".  In an
electrical design system, the objects might be "resistors",
"capacitors", "transistors", "wires", and "display windows".  After
specifying what objects there are, the next task of the design is to
figure out what operations can be performed on each object.  In the text
editor example, operations on "pieces of text" might include inserting
text and deleting text; operations on "pointers into text" might include
moving forward and backward; and operations on "display windows" might
include redisplaying the window and changing with which "piece of text" the
window is associated.

In this model, we think of the program as being built around a set of
objects, each of which has a set of operations that can be performed on
it.  More rigorously, the program defines several @i(types) of object
(the editor above has three types), and it can create many @i(instances)
of each type (that is, there can be many pieces of text, many pointers
into text, and many windows).  The program defines a
set of types of object, and the operations that can be performed on
any of the instances of each type.

This should not be wholly unfamiliar to the reader.  Earlier in this
manual, we saw a few examples of this kind of programming.  A simple
example is disembodied property lists, and the functions @t(get),
@t(putprop), and @t(remprop).  The disembodied property list is a type of
object; you can instantiate one with @t((cons nil nil)) (that is, by
evaluating this form you can create a new disembodied property list);
there are three operations on the object, namely @t(get), @t(putprop),
and @t(remprop).  Another example in the manual was the first example of
the use of @t(defstruct), which was called a @t(ship).  @t(defstruct)
automatically defined some operations on this object: the operations to
access its elements.  We could define other functions that did useful
things with @t(ship)s, such as computing their speed, angle of travel,
momentum, or velocity, stopping them, moving them elsewhere, and so on.

In both cases, we represent our conceptual object by one Lisp object.
The Lisp object we use for the representation has @i(structure), and refers
to other Lisp objects.  In the property list case, the Lisp object is a
list with alternating indicators and values; in the @t(ship) case, the
Lisp object is an array whose details are taken care of by
@t(defstruct).  In both cases, we can say that the object keeps track of
an @i(internal state), which can be @i(examined) and @i(altered) by the
operations available for that type of object.  @t(get) examines the state
of a property list, and @t(putprop) alters it; @t(ship-x-position)
examines the state of a ship, and @t((setf (ship-mass) 5.0)) alters it.

We have now seen the essence of object-oriented programming.  A
conceptual object is modelled by a single Lisp object, which bundles up
some state information.  For every type of object, there is a set of
operations that can be performed to examine or alter the state of the


An important benefit of the object-oriented style is that it lends
itself to a particularly simple and lucid kind of modularity.
If you have modular programming constructs and techniques available,
it helps and encourages you to write
programs that are easy to read and understand, and so are more
reliable and maintainable.  Object-oriented programming lets a
programmer implement a useful facility that presents the caller with a set
of external interfaces, without requiring the caller to understand how
the internal details of the implementation work.  In other words, a program
that calls this facility can treat the facility as a black box; the
program knows what the facility's external interfaces guarantee to do,
and that is all it knows.

For example, a program that uses disembodied property lists never needs to
know that the property list is being maintained as a list of alternating
indicators and values; the program simply performs the operations, passing
them inputs and getting back outputs.  The program only depends on the
external definition of these operations: it knows that if it @t(putprop)s a
property, and doesn't @t(remprop) it (or @t(putprop) over it), then it can
do @t(get) and be sure of getting back the same thing it put in.  The
important thing about this hiding of the details of the implementation is
that someone reading a program that uses disembodied property lists need
not concern himself with how they are implemented; he need only understand
what they undertake to do.  This saves the programmer a lot of time, and
lets him concentrate his energies on understanding the program he is
working on.  Another good thing about this hiding is that the
representation of property lists could be changed, and the program would
continue to work.  For example, instead of a list of alternating elements,
the property list could be implemented as an association list or a hash
table.  Nothing in the calling program would change at all.

The same is true of the @t(ship) example.  The caller is presented with
a collection of operations, such as @t(ship-x-position),
@t(ship-y-position), @t(ship-speed), and @t(ship-direction); it simply
calls these and looks at their answers, without caring how they did what
they did.  In our example above, @t(ship-x-position) and
@t(ship-y-position) would be accessor functions, defined automatically
by @t(defstruct), while @t(ship-speed) and @t(ship-direction) would be
functions defined by the implementor of the @t(ship) type.  The code
might look like this:

(defstruct (ship)

(defun ship-speed (ship)
  (sqrt (+ (^ (ship-x-velocity ship) 2)
           (^ (ship-y-velocity ship) 2))))

(defun ship-direction (ship)
  (atan (ship-y-velocity ship)
        (ship-x-velocity ship)))

The caller need not know that the first two functions were structure accessors
and that the second two were written by hand and do arithmetic.  Those
facts would not be considered part of the black box characteristics of
the implementation of the @t(ship) type.  The @t(ship) type does not
guarantee which functions will be implemented in which ways; such aspects
are not part of the contract between @t(ship) and its callers.  In fact,
@t(ship) could have been written this way instead:

(defstruct (ship)

(defun ship-x-velocity (ship)
  (* (ship-speed ship) (cos (ship-direction ship))))

(defun ship-y-velocity (ship)
  (* (ship-speed ship) (sin (ship-direction ship))))

In this second implementation of the @t(ship) type, we have decided to
store the velocity in polar coordinates instead of rectangular
coordinates.  This is purely an implementation decision; the caller has
no idea which of the two ways the implementation works, because he just
performs the operations on the object by calling the appropriate

We have now created our own types of objects, whose implementations are
hidden from the programs that use them.  Such types are usually referred to as
@i(abstract types).  The object-oriented style of programming can be
used to create abstract types by hiding the implementation of the
operations, and simply documenting what the operations are defined to do.

Some more terminology: the quantities being held by the elements of the
@t(ship) structure are referred to as @i(instance variables).  Each
instance of a type has the same operations defined on it; what
distinguishes one instance from another (besides identity (@t(eq)ness))
is the values that reside in its instance variables.  The example above
illustrates that a caller of operations does not know what the instance
variables are; our two ways of writing the @t(ship) operations have
different instance variables, but from the outside they have exactly the
same operations.

One might ask: "But what if the caller evaluates @t((aref ship 2)) and
notices that he gets back the x-velocity rather than the speed?  Then he
can tell which of the two implementations were used."  This is true; if
the caller were to do that, he could tell.  However, when a facility is
implemented in the object-oriented style, only certain functions are
documented and advertised: the functions which are considered to be
operations on the type of object.  The contract from @t(ship) to its
callers only speaks about what happens if the caller calls these
functions.  The contract makes no guarantees at all about what would
happen if the caller were to start poking around on his own using
@t(aref).  A caller who does so @i(is in error); he is depending on
something that is not specified in the contract.  No guarantees were
ever made about the results of such action, and so anything may happen;
indeed, @t(ship) may get reimplemented overnight, and the code that does
the @t(aref) will have a different effect entirely and probably stop
working.  This example shows why the concept of a contract between a callee and
a caller is important: the contract is what specifies the interface
between the two modules.

Unlike some other languages that provide abstract types, Common Lisp
makes no attempt to have the language automatically forbid
constructs that circumvent the contract.  This is intentional.  One
reason for this is that Lisp is an interactive system, and
so it is important to be able to examine and alter internal state
interactively (usually from a debugger).  Furthermore, there is no
strong distinction between the "system" programs and the "user" programs
in Lisp; users are allowed to get into any part of the
language system and change what they want to change.

In summary: by defining a set of operations, and making only a
specific set of external entrypoints available to the caller, the
programmer can create his own abstract types.  These types can be useful
facilities for other programs and programmers.  Since the implementation
of the type is hidden from the callers, modularity is maintained, and
the implementation can be changed easily.

We have hidden the implementation of an abstract type by making its
operations into functions which the user may call.  The important thing
is not that they are functions--in Lisp everything is done with functions.
The important thing is that we have defined a new conceptual operation
and given it a name, rather than requiring anyone who wants to do the
operation to write it out step-by-step.  Thus we say @t((ship-x-velocity s))
rather than @t((aref s 2)).

It is just as true of such abstract-operation functions as of ordinary
functions that sometimes they are simple enough that we want the compiler
to compile special code for them rather than really calling the function.
(Compiling special code like this is often called @i(open-coding).)
The compiler is directed to do this through use of macros, defsubsts, or
optimizers.  @t(defstruct) arranges for this kind of special compilation
for the functions that get the instance variables of a structure.

When we use this optimization, the implementation of the abstract type
is only hidden in a certain sense.  It does not appear in the Lisp code
written by the user, but does appear in the compiled code.  The reason
is that there may be some compiled functions that use the macros (or whatever);
even if you change the definition of the macro, the existing compiled
code will continue to use the old definition.  Thus, if
the implementation of a module is changed programs that use it may need to be
recompiled.  This is something we sometimes accept for the sake of

In the present implementation of flavors, which is discussed below, there is
no such compiler incorporation of nonmodular knowledge into a
program, except when the "outside-accessible instance variables"
feature is used; see the section on the outside-accessible-instance-variables
option, where this problem is explained further.  If you don't use the "outside-accessible instance
variables" feature, you don't have to worry about this.

@chapter(Generic Operations)
@index(generic operations)

Suppose we think about the rest of the program that uses the
@t(ship) abstraction.  It may want to deal with other objects that are
like @t(ship)s in that they are movable objects with mass, but unlike
@t(ship)s in other ways.  A more advanced model of a ship might include
the concept of the ship's engine power, the number of passengers on
board, and its name.  An object representing a meteor probably would
not have any of these, but might have another attribute such as how
much iron is in it.

However, all kinds of movable objects have positions, velocities, and
masses, and the system will contain some programs that deal with these
quantities in a uniform way, regardless of what kind of object the
attributes apply to.  For example, a piece of the system that calculates
every object's orbit in space need not worry about the other, more
peripheral attributes of various types of objects; it works the same way
for all objects.  Unfortunately, a program that tries to calculate the
orbit of a ship will need to know the ship's attributes, and will have
to call @t(ship-x-position) and @t(ship-y-velocity) and so on.  The problem is
that these functions won't work for meteors.  There would have to be a
second program to calculate orbits for meteors that would be exactly the
same, except that where the first one calls @t(ship-x-position), the
second one would call @t(meteor-x-position), and so on.  This would be
very bad; a great deal of code would have to exist in multiple copies,
all of it would have to be maintained in parallel, and it would take up
space for no good reason.

What is needed is an operation that can be performed on objects of
several different types.  For each type, it should do the thing
appropriate for that type.  Such operations are called @i(generic)
operations.  The classic example of generic operations is the arithmetic
functions in most programming languages, including Common Lisp.
The @t(+) function will accept fixnums, flonums, ratios, bignums, etc.,
and perform the appropriate type of addition based on the data types of
the objects being manipulated.
In our example, we need a generic @t(x-position) operation that can be
performed on either @t(ship)s, @t(meteor)s, or any other kind of mobile
object represented in the system.  This way, we can write a single
program to calculate orbits.  When it wants to know the @i(x) position
of the object it is dealing with, it simply invokes the generic
@t(x-position) operation on the object, and whatever type of object it
has, the correct operation is performed, and the @i(x) position is

A terminology for the use of such generic operations has emerged from
the Smalltalk and Actor languages: performing a generic operation is
called @i(sending a message).  The objects in the program are thought of
as little people, who get sent messages and respond with answers.  In
the example above, the objects are sent @t(x-position) messages, to
which they respond with their @i(x) position.  This @i(message passing)
is how generic operations are performed.

Sending a message is a way of invoking a function.  Along with the
@i(name) of the message, in general, some arguments are passed; when the
object is done with the message, some values are returned.  The sender
of the message is simply calling a function with some arguments, and
getting some values back.  The interesting thing is that the caller did
not specify the name of a procedure to call.  Instead, it specified a
message name and an object; that is, it said what operation to
perform, and what object to perform it on.  The function to invoke
was found from this information.

When a message is sent to an object, a function therefore must be found
to handle the message.  The two data used to figure out which function
to call are the @i(type) of the object, and the @i(name) of the message.
The same set of functions are used for all instances of a given type, so
the type is the only attribute of the object used to figure out which
function to call.  The rest of the message besides the name are data
which are passed as arguments to the function, so the name is the only
part of the message used to find the function.  Such a function is
called a @i(method).  For example, if we send an @t(x-position) message
to an object of type @t(ship), then the function we find is "the
@t(ship) type's @t(x-position) method".  A method is a function that
handles a specific kind of message to a specific kind of object; this
method handles messages named @t(x-position) to objects of type

In our new terminology: the orbit-calculating program finds the @i(x)
position of the object it is working on by sending that object a message
named @t(x-position) (with no arguments).  The returned value of the
message is the @i(x) position of the object.  If the object was of type
@t(ship), then the @t(ship) type's @t(x-position) method was invoked; if
it was of type @t(meteor), then the @t(meteor) type's @t(x-position)
method was invoked.  The orbit-calculating program just sends the
message, and the right function is invoked based on the type of the
object.  We now have true generic functions, in the form of message
passing: the same operation can mean different things depending on the
type of the object.
