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Operational and Internal Differences
GALAXY v2 to v4.1
Copyright (C) 1982
Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and
with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software
or any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise
made available to any other person. No title to and ownership
of the software is hereby transferred.
The information in this software is subject to change without
notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
Equipment Corporation.
Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of
its software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 2
Version 4.1 is the new release of the GALAXY Multistream Batch and
Spooling System for TOPS-10. It contains mountable device
facilities, the ability for a spooler to drive multiple devices, a
new operator interface providing a common command syntax for all
spoolers, and a new accounting system. The programs or components
that make up the TOPS-10 GALAXY system are:
ACTDAE Accounting daemon
BATCON Batch controller
CDRIVE Card reader spooler
GLXLIB Sharable GALAXY Object-Time-System
LPTSPL Line printer spooler
MOUNT User mount-class command entry program
OPR Operator interface
ORION Operator interface controller
PLEASE Operator/User communications program
PULSAR Tape label and disk processor
QUASAR Queue manager and resource allocator
QUEUE User queue-class command entry program
SPROUT Card punch, paper tape punch and plotter spooler
SPRINT Card reader interpreter
GALAXY 4.1 Page 3
1.1 GALAXY Startup Proceedures
Under GALAXY version 2, all components were started up under
OPSER. With the exception of QUASAR all had to be attached to a
terminal because each spooler had its own command scanner.
Furthermore, each spooler was capable of driving only one device.
Under GALAXY version 4.1, all components except for the operator
interface program (OPR) can run detached. No spoolers have
command scanners and all may drive multiple devices. A GALAXY
system may still be started up under OPSER, but it is
counterproductive to tie up a terminal and several PTYs to control
programs that will never type out messages or accept commands from
the operator. The recommended method of starting up a GALAXY
system is by using INITIA. When INITIA runs from the CTY at
system startup, it takes its commands from SYS:SYSJOB.INI.
Starting programs with SYSJOB has several advantages over using
OPSER. First, SYSJOB offers extremley fast startup time. Second,
the SYSJOB mechanism allows programs that are critical to system
operation to get started well before all others. When SYSJOB.INI
is processed, LOGIN commands do not run the LOGIN CUSP. Instead,
the monitor will log the job in to [1,2] in the same way that the
CTY has the option of logging in following a disk refresh during
the ONCE dialogue. The monitor will set the PPN to [1,2] and
assign all DEC privileges. The job's search list remains empty.
When a program name is encountered in SYSJOB.INI, that program is
run from SYS:. Once the program starts up, it must detach itself
immediately and another line from SYSJOB.INI is processed. A
sample SYSJOB.INI file would look like:
Each pair of commands will LOGIN a job and run the program
specified by the second word in the pair of commands. First the
accounting daemon (ACTDAE) starts up and detaches followed by
DAEMON and the FILDAE. The order of these programs starting up is
not critical unless accounting is of major importance. The GALAXY
GALAXY 4.1 Page 4
GALAXY Startup Procedures
jobs follow, each logging in and detaching. Spoolers should be
started after QUASAR starts.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 5
1.2 Accounting
The Usage Accounting System consists of the accounting daemon
(ACTDAE) and the programs that interface to it. Those programs
include all GALAXY components that create Usage Accounting
entries, LOGIN, BACKUP plus the LOGOUT and QUEUE. UUOs. All data
concerning Usage Accounting resides on ersatz device ACT:. With
this new style of accounting, a site has the option of requiring
account string validation. This feature insures that the account
string selected for use by the user is valid and is stored in all
accounting entries created for that user. The GALAXY system will
perform account validation prior to processing any output queue
requests. Validation is not done for batch jobs until the job
starts to run because the LOGIN process will take care of it.
Specific information relating to the content of Usage Accounting
files is available in the TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Usage Accounting
1.2.1 Account String Validation - Account validation refers to
the function performed by LOGIN and various GALAXY components
whereby the ACTDAE is asked to verify that a particular account
string is legal for a user. For example, a user might try to
print a file with an account string different from the one he or
she logged in with. Obviously, the logged in account string is
legal, because LOGIN set it, but the one specified on the PRINT
command may not be legal. Prior to creating the queue request,
the ACTDAE is queried regarding the validity of the account string
for the user. If the string is legal, then the queue request gets
created normally. If however, the string is illegal, an error
message will be printed on the user's terminal and the request
will not be created. Whether or not the account validation is
required is determined by the setting of a bit in the monitor. A
site may chose not to have account validation by answering 'NO' to
the MONGEN dialogue question 'Account verification(Y,N)'. In
addition, at system startup, the /NOVALIDATION switch may be
appended to any answer to the question 'Startup option:'.
1.2.2 Setting Up Account Strings - All work performed for a user
by GALAXY gets charged to an account. The Usage Accounting system
uses an account string of 1 to 39 ASCII characters to uniquely
identify a user or group of users and the work that was charged to
them. Account strings are not stored in ACCT.SYS with the rest of
a user's accounting profile, because a user may have several
account strings. The mapping of a PPN to an account string is
done by the PROJCT program using input from PROJCT.ACT. This file
contains text that may be edited using any text editor. Each line
in PROJCT.ACT maps a single PPN or wildcarded PPN to a list of one
or more account strings. The format is:
GALAXY 4.1 Page 6
proj,prog = string1/switch, string2, ...
where 'proj' and 'prog' can be possibly wildcarded values. A
question mark (?) indicates a wild digit and an asterisk (*) a
wild value. Each string following the equal sign may contain
wildcards as well. Again, the question mark indicates a wild
character and an asterisk a wild string or remainder of a string.
An optional switch /DEFAULT may be appended to the end of a
string. This means that if a user fails to specify an account
string, this one will be the default. Typical entries in
PROJCT.ACT might look like this:
In the above examples, user [10,56] has two account strings, one
upper cased named 'GALAXY-10' and one lower cased 'galaxy-10'.
User [10,3076] has four valid account strings. 'CHUCK' is the
default account string when a string isn't specified and string
beginning with 'G' or matching the pattern 'H<single-character>H'
at the begining of a string will be legal. The third example
indicates that any project 10 PPN not already specified in
PROJCT.ACT may have any account string. User [27,5434] has a
single account string named 'WRITER'.
Note that by default, case is significant. The ACTDAE can be
reassembled so that it will convert all account strings to upper
case before performing any validation. This may be done by
setting FTCASECONVERT to be non-zero in ACTDAE.MAC.
Once the system administrator has created PROJCT.ACT, the PROJCT
program must be run. It will translate PROJCT.ACT, a text file
into PROJCT.SYS, a binary file suitable for input to the ACTDAE.
1.2.3 Setting Account Strings For Jobs Created By SYSJOB.INI - If
a site maintains detailed accounting records for operator jobs
such as the GALAXY components, DAEMON, FILDAE, etc., then it is
necessary to set an account string for jobs created by SYSJOB.INI.
Normally LOGIN would set the account string, but SYSJOB-created
jobs are special. The monitor logs in these jobs and bypasses the
standard LOGIN process. To get around the lack of an account
string, the command 'SET DEFAULT ACCOUNT xxx' may be added to the
beginning of SYSJOB.INI. This will cause all jobs logged in by
the monitor to have account 'xxx' set for them.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 7
1.2.4 Remark Strings - The Usage Accounting System allows remark
text to be specified at LOGIN time by a user. A remark is a text
string of 1 to 39 ASCII characters and may contain any information
a user decides to type in. This text is stored in the Usage
Accounting files and is never used internally by the monitor or
any program.
1.2.5 Usage Files Produced By ACTDAE - The accounting daemon
writes ASCII Usage data into ACT:USAGE.OUT. The operator has two
options available through the OPR program for dealing with the
ACTDAE output. One OPR command 'SET USAGE BILLING-CLOSURE' causes
ACTDAE to close ACT:USAGE.OUT at the specified time and rename it
to on a daily basis. 'yymmdd' represents the
numeric year, month, and day that the file was closed and 'hhu'
the number of hours plus the fraction of an hour past midnight.
Another OPR command, 'SET USAGE FILE-CLOSURE' will direct ACTDAE
to checkpoint ACT:USAGE.OUT at the specified interval.
1.2.6 FACT File Accounting - To ease the conversion from GALAXY
version 2 to 4.1 and from FACT file to Usage Accounting, GALAXY
components will produce both FACT file entries and Usage
Accounting records. As another aid to help the conversion
process, the CONV10 program will convert Usage Accounting files to
FACT file formatted files. Future GALAXY releases will not
support FACT file accounting. FACT file accounting may be turned
off should a site not wish to use two types of accounting systems.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 8
Master Queue File Changes
1.3 Master Queue File Changes
The format of the Master Queue File has changed since version 2.
If a site anticipates experimenting with version 4.1 and then
dropping back to version 2, then one of two things should be done:
1. Copies of each queue file will have to be saved and switched
back and forth to coincide with the matching version of QUASAR.
This method could prove rather cumbersome. 2. An alternative
would be to convert the queue file from version 2 to 4.1 or the
other way around. A conversion program (QSRCVT) is supplied as an
unsupported tool to help any site that might want to attempt
converting the queue files.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 9
Operator Interface
1.4 Operator Interface
The new operator interface acts as the command parser for all
spoolers. It consists of two parts. The first is the OPR program
which parses commands typed by the operator and displays text
generated by the GALAXY system. The second part is the ORION
program. It is the operator controller responsible for logging
and routing messages sent to and from each OPR. The 4.1 operator
interface is the same one released with GALAXY version 4 on
TOPS-20, but with TOPS-10 specific features added to it.
In order to run OPR, a user must have Operator Privileges granted
to it by LOGIN. These privilege bits are stored in ACCT.SYS using
the REACT program. There are three classes of operators; SYSTEM,
HOST and REMOTE. Each type of operator privilege indicates what
system devices may be controlled by a particular operator. Being
a SYSTEM operator allows a user to control devices and batch jobs
on all nodes in the system, process mount requests, and perform
various SET commands that affect the operation of the entire
system. A HOST operator may control devices and batch streams
only at the host node in a system. REMOTE operators may only
affect the operation of devices and batch streams on the remote
node they are physically connected to. In keeping with the
TOPS-10 philosophy that a [1,2] PPN affords a user full file
access and the ability to read or set any system-wide parameter,
[1,2] jobs are always allowed to run OPR with full SYSTEM operator
GALAXY 4.1 Page 10
Crash Recovery Procedures
1.5 Crash Recovery Procedures
In the unlikely event that a GALAXY component crashes, the method
of recovering from the crash will vary depending upon the
component in question. When a GALAXY component crashes or
stopcodes, part of the stopcode procedure attempts to save the
state of the program for later examination by a system programmer.
After doing that, the stopcode processor sends a message to ORION
(and hence to all OPRs) telling the world that a GALAXY component
has crashed. A portion of the stopcode text follows. Except for
the program and stopcode name, most of the information is of
little interest to an operations staff, but is important to the
system programmer who will most likely want to examine the crash.
-- OPR terminated --
job 35 [1,2] OPR at terminal 51
?Stopcode - ILM - in module GLXINT on 22-Mar-82 on 4:58:50
Reason: Illegal memory reference at PC 5064
Program is OPR version 4(407) using GLXLIB version 1(1124)
Crash block starts at location 674000
Last GLXLIB error: 104 (No timer entry has expired)
When an operator notices that a GALAXY component has crashed,
normal procedure should require him or her to attach to the
terminated program and issue the monitor SAVE command. The
component should be saved with a filename like OPRxxx where 'OPR'
indicates the OPR program and 'xxx' is the stopcode name. The
component should then be restarted and a system programmer
notified of the GALAXY failure. Repeated crashes indicate that
something is drastically wrong with the GALAXY system and it
should be given immediate attention.
1.5.1 QUASAR - QUASAR is by far the most important component in
the GALAXY system. When QUASAR crashes, all other components must
be restarted. The order in which the components get restarted
should be the same as was the case at system startup. There are
no restrictions governing how the GALAXY system gets restarted.
Jobs may be logged in under OPSER and later detached, or started
one at a time on a terminal and then detaching them.
1.5.2 ORION - If ORION crashes, it should be restarted in the
same job slot if possible. This way, only the OPR jobs have to
re-initiate communications with the restarted ORION. OPR will do
that automatically when the first command is typed after the ORION
restart. If the same job slot cannot be used for some reason
(maybe the operator logged the job out), then QUASAR will need to
be restarted. This implies the entire GALAXY system needs to be
GALAXY 4.1 Page 11
Crash Recovery Procedures
1.5.3 PULSAR - As in ORION's case, PULSAR should be restarted in
the same job slot if possible. Otherwise, QUASAR and the entire
GALAXY system will have to be restarted. When PULSAR gets
restarted in the same job slot, any users of labeled magtapes
could have their jobs hang indefinitely if PULSAR was performing
tape label processing at the time. The jobs will show up as being
in event wait for the tape labeler. Users who find themselves in
this state will have to control-C out of their program, dismount
their tape and mount it again. If PULSAR was processing an
operator or QUASAR request to mount a structure, a SHOW STATUS
STRUCTURE command to OPR will show the disk status as
--Mounting--. When this happens, typing the OPR RECOGNIZE command
for the disk units that make up the structure will usually clear
up the problem. The problem gets a bit messy when PULSAR was
processing an operator or QUASAR request to dismount a structure.
Typically, the structure status is left as --Dismounting--. This
means QUASAR is waiting for the dismount to be completed by
PULSAR. Usually, the structure is still mounted and there is no
combination of OPR commands that will cause QUASAR or PULSAR to
exit this state. The only method of getting QUASAR's database
back to normal will be to run the old OMOUNT CUSP and dismount the
structure with it. QUASAR will now be satisfied because it wanted
the structure dismounted, and normal operations may proceed.
1.5.4 BATCON - BATCON crashes not only affect the batch
controller, but cause all jobs controlled by BATCON to be
detached. It is important to remember that, prior to restarting a
new BATCON, the now detached batch jobs should be killed.
1.5.5 SPRINT - SPRINT is a unique spooler in that it gets its
jobs from a queue that the operator cannot control. SPRINT has no
START, STOP, and ABORT commands. If a damaged queue request finds
its way to SPRINT and causes SPRINT to crash, restarting it will
only produce another crash. This is because SPRINT is
automatically started by QUASAR at GALAXY startup. As soon as
SPRINT notifies QUASAR that it is ready to process a job, QUASAR
sends it the first job in the queue. because the previous job was
never completed (it crashed SPRINT), it will be sent to SPRINT
again for processing. It is impossible to cancel a job from
SPRINT's queue because of the nature of the queue and the spooler.
If a site experiences this type of crash, a system programmer
should be contacted immediately.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 12
Crash Recovery Procedures
1.5.6 Other Spoolers - When a spooler like LPTSPL or SPROUT
crashes, any jobs currently being processed will have to be
restarted. No other component should be affected by the crash.
Jobs will normally be restarted at the last known checkpoint sent
to QUASAR by the spooler.
1.5.7 OPR - An OPR crash is the simplest one to recover from.
Since OPR only communicates with ORION, it directly affects no
spooler, QUASAR or PULSAR. OPR can be restarted in any job slot
without affecting the running GALAXY system.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 13
This section briefly describes some of the internal changes new to
GALAXY 4.1. One noticable difference between version 2 and 4.1
will be the increased IPCF traffic on the system. This should not
pose any problem, in most cases, but it is important to understand
why the amount of IPCF activity has increased greatly and what
could be done to alleviate problems should they arise (section
2.1). Both QUASAR and BATCON have changed greatly since the last
release of the product, so a description of each follows (sections
2.2 and 2.3). PULSAR is new with 4.1 and some insight into how it
works is discussed (section 2.4).
GALAXY 4.1 Page 14
IPCF Message Flow
With GALAXY 4.1, there is a common operator interface (OPR) and an
operator interface controller (ORION). No spoolers have a command
scanner. Under GALAXY version 2, a command to LPTSPL (like PAUSE)
involved no other GALAXY components. With 4.1, the equivalent OPR
command (STOP) causes a message to be sent to ORION. The message
is logged in the operator log file and is then passed to QUASAR.
QUASAR determines which LPTSPL job is driving he printer to be
stopped and sends the message to that job. After stopping the
printer, LPTSPL then sends an acknowledgement (ACK) to ORION who
logs it and routes the ACK back to the correct OPR. In this
example, a simple command has generated five IPCF messages.
If excessive IPCF traffic is already causing problems, then some
local modifications to IPCF message handling might be in order.
Experiments in-house and at one field test site indicate that the
average size of an IPCF message is between 25 and 35 words long.
TOPS-10 can process packet-mode transfers faster than page-mode
IPCF messages. A site may experiment by increasing the maximum
size of a packet-mode send (location %CNIPL in COMMON). This can
be done while the monitor is running.
QUASAR manages queues and allocates resources. It comprises one
half of MDA. It processes all operator commands and directs the
spoolers and PULSAR to do the bulk of the work in the GALAXY
system. All user QUEUE and MOUNT class commands and QUEUE. UUO
functions go to QUASAR for processing. In addition, it interfaces
to the accounting system when making accounting entries or
requesting account string validation. Its role as a queue manager
has changed little since the days of version 2. What is new,
however, is the addition of the mountable device facilities. MDA
(Mountable Device Architecture) is designed around the belief that
a user will require a group of mountable devices to perform a
task, but that these devices will not necessarily be needed all at
2.2.1 MDA Data Structures - The MDA database consists of a series
of data blocks linked together in such a way as to allow ownership
(or allocation) of resources to be traced from a job number (or
request-id) to each physical tape or disk drive, or given a tape
volume or disk unit, find all jobs (or requests) owning or
allocating the particular resource. A partial map of the database
follows. The portions of the MDA database described in this
section are all dynamically allocated and configured when jobs
LOGIN or LOGOUT, batch jobs get put into or taken out of the
GALAXY 4.1 Page 15
queue, and when users request or give up resources.
+-----+ +-----+
| | | |
MDR | MDR |<--------------->| MDR |
Chain | | | |
+-----+ +-----+
/|\ /|\ /|\
| | |
| | |
| +---------------+ +-------------------+
| | |
\|/ \|/ \|/
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| | | | | |
VSL | VSL |<------------>| VSL |<--------------->| VSL |
Chain | | | | | |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
/|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +----------+ | +-------------+ +--------+
| | | | |
| | +-----------+ +--------+ |
| | | | |
\|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| | | | | | | |
VOL | VOL | | VOL | | VOL | | VOL |
Chain | 1 |<------->| 2 |<------->| 3 |<------->| 4 |
| | | | | | | |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
/|\ /|\ /|\
| | |
+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+
| | |
| | |
| | |
\|/ \|/ \|/
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| | | | | | | |
UCB | MTA | | MTA | | MTB | | MTB |
Chain | 0 |<------->| 1 |<------->| 0 |<------->| 1 |
| | | | | | | |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
MDR = Mountable Device Request blocks
VSL = Volume Set List blocks
VOL = Volume blocks
UCB = Unit Control Blocks
GALAXY 4.1 Page 16
QUASAR Mountable Device Request Blocks (MDR) - The MDR is
highest level in the MDA database architecture. One MDR gets
created whenever a job logs in or a batch queue request is
created. The MDR points to a list of allocated or mounted
resources. The MDR contains information such as job number, user
name, PPN, address of associated batch queue entry, account
string, information for queue notification, and at least one
pointer to a Volume Set List. Volume Set List Blocks (VSL) - The Volume Set List is the
data block that describes the characteristics of a volume set. A
VSL gets created every time a user issues a new ALLOCATE or MOUNT
command. It contains a backwards link to the controlling MDR.
VSLs exist for both tape and disks and contain nearly all of the
data specified by a user's ALLOCATE or MOUNT command. Additional
information is kept about the volume set itself (tape protection
codes, densities, track status, etc.). Associated with a VSL is
an ASCIZ volume-set name. This is the name specified in a user's
ALLOCATE or MOUNT command. ACK text will be stored in the VSL if
PULSAR returns ASCIZ text in response to a mount or dismount
message from QUASAR. There exist pointers to all volumes that
make up a VSL. For example, there will be three pointers in the
VSL to volume blocks in a three tape volume set. Volume Blocks (VOL) - The volume block contains
information relating to specific volumes that make up a
volume-set. REELIDs, unit IDs, owner PPNs, volume status, etc.
which make up the content of several displays (SHOW STATUS DISK
and TAPE) are stored in the VOL blocks. The VOL blocks contain
back pointers to the VSLs that point to them. Several VSLs may
point to a single VOL block. If a volume is currently mounted,
the VOL will point to a physical unit block (UCB). Unit Control Blocks (UCB) - The Unit Control Block is the
lowest level data block in the MDA architecture. UCBs contain the
physical device names and alternate port names of devices, device
types and characteristics, and mount counts. Back pointers exist
to the controlling VOL and VSL blocks.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 17
PULSAR is the other half of MDA, and is the tape label and disk
processor for the GALAXY system. As the tape label processor,
PULSAR is responsible for the initialization of tapes and
verifying tape read/write access and volume switching. As the
disk processor, it reads HOM blocks, performs structure mounting
and dismounting, manipulates UFDs and job search lists, and
modifies system search lists, crash dump lists, and active
swapping lists.
2.3.1 Tape Initialization - Tape initialization is the process of
writing tape labels on a new volume set. A tape volume set can
consist of one to sixty tapes. PULSAR's initialization code is
invoked by the OPR 'SET TAPE MTAx: INITIALIZE' command. Through
the use of switches to the command, various label parameters may
be set. These include:
o Density
o Label type
o Owner PPN
o Volume-set protection code
o Volume ID
Omission of some switches is allowed, because it may not be
required for a particular parameter to be set (e.g. owner PPN or
protection code). Some switches can be omitted because the
information is not required. However, some information such as
volume identification must be supplied. PULSAR will always
attempt to read tape expiration dates prior to initializing a tape
to insure valid data will not be overwritten. This can pose minor
problems if the tape is a virgin tape. The tape will 'run away':
the tape controller will select the drive and try to read the
tape. Because no data is available, it keeps trying to read for
several seconds. During this time, the tape is kept spinning.
Eventually, the controller gives up and generates an off-line
interrupt. This behavior is normal for virgin tapes. It is an
aspect of the tape controller and cannot be programmed around by
the monitor or PULSAR. To avoid this, the /OVERRIDE-EXPIRATION
switch should be appended to the tape initialize command. When
this switch is used, PULSAR will not make any attempt to read the
expiration date.
2.3.2 Tape I/O And Positioning - When using labeled tapes, PULSAR
will be called on first input or output operations, and on
positioning requests. All types of I/O and tape positioning are
legal for labeled tapes except for read-backwards. In this mode,
buffers get filled backwards. PULSAR has no code to support
reading label data in this way.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 18
ANSI standards do not support labeled 7-track tapes. MDA does
support ANSI standards, but will not prevent a user from writing a
7-track labeled tape. The only restriction is that the tape will
be readable only on another DECsystem-10 running MDA. The code in
PULSAR appears to work properly, though we have not done extensive
testing with it and make no claims that any deficiencies in the
label code will be corrected for 7-track tapes.
2.3.3 Tape Volume Switching - Volume switching occurs when end of
tape is encountered on a tape with a label type of NOLABELS, ANSI
or EBCDIC. The user's program never sees EOT. Instead, the
monitor notifies PULSAR (via IPCF) of the EOT condition. PULSAR
writes the end of volume records, rewinds the tape, and asks
QUASAR for the next tape in the volume set. QUASAR will
determine, based on information supplied in the user's original
MOUNT request, which tape should be assigned to the user. It may
be necessary for the operator to initialize a new tape to extend a
volume set that is in the process of being written. Eventually,
QUASAR will inform PULSAR of the new tape (and possible new tape
drive) to use.
2.3.4 Forcing End Of Volume Processing - If USER-EOT labels are
used, a program (such as BACKUP) can force end of volume
processing to occur with a TAPOP. UUO (function .TFFEV). This is
a useful feature because some programs need to write their own end
of volume records at the end of the tape. Forcing end of volume
processing will cause another tape to be assigned to the user's
job using the same logic that exists for labeled tape processing.
2.3.5 User/Monitor/PULSAR Interface - PULSAR may be invoked by a
user attempting to do I/O, position a labeled tape or by forcing
end of volume processing. Every time PULSAR intervenes in behalf
of a user or monitor request, the user's job is put into an event
wait state. PULSAR does all of the label processing while the
user's job is suspended. In order for PULSAR to do I/O or
position the same tape owned by the user's job, a Label DDB must
be created. PULSAR does this with a TAPOP. UUO (function
.TFLBG). This new Label DDB is linked to the original magtape DDB
and the TUB. PULSAR will perform all I/O and positioning on the
Label DDB. When label processing is completed, the user's job is
gotten out of event wait when PULSAR does a TAPOP. .TFLRL
function which releases the user's job. One of the arguments to
the label release function is an error code to set. PULSAR will
set an error code whenever something failed during label
processing. The user's program will either see the error as a
TAPOP. UUO failure (in the case of a positioning request) or an
I/O error. Label I/O errors will return all I/O error bits when a
GETSTS is done. When this happens, a program should issue a
GALAXY 4.1 Page 19
TAPOP. UUO (function .TFLTC) to read the extended error code.
Normal I/O or tape positioning will not be allowed to continue on
that device until the errors have been cleared by the program.
2.3.6 Disk HOM Block Reading - PULSAR will be called by QUASAR to
read disk HOM blocks whenever a disk on-line interrupt occurs or
the operator issues a RECOGNIZE command. The procedure is
straight-forward. PULSAR will extract all information necessary
to mount the structure that the disk unit belongs to, and return
that information to QUASAR. The HOM block data of interest to
QUASAR includes:
o Unit ID
o Next unit in structure
o Logical unit in structure
o Structure name
o Owner PPN
o Hardware-write-protect status
QUASAR will use this data (and possibly data from other disk
units) to decide when all the required units of a structure are
available. Determining the hardware-write-protect status has
proven to be a rather awkward task. Some disk controllers are not
capable of telling the monitor the write-protect status. To get
around the hardware deficiencies, PULSAR must try to write to the
disk. A failure indicates that the unit is
2.3.7 Structure Mounting - When QUASAR determines that all the
required units of a structure are available, it directs PULSAR to
mount the structure. The IPCF message from QUASAR includes much
of the same information PULSAR had supplied to QUASAR when each
disk unit's HOM blocks were originally read. In addition, if the
operator asked to have the structure mounted with a name other
than the one written into the HOM blocks (alias name), the alias
name is included in the message. During the mounting process
(while filling the structure data block) PULSAR will compare the
owner PPN from the HOM blocks with the one supplied by QUASAR. If
there is a mismatch, the operator is informed of the discrepency.
The owner PPN is then cleared in the structure data block to avoid
the possibility if any security problems that could arise from the
wrong owner PPN being set up.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 20
2.3.8 Structure Dismounting - At the request of the operator,
through the use of an OPR DISMOUNT or LOCK command, PULSAR will be
directed to dismount a structure. Part of this processing
involves the checking of several conditions that could cause
operational difficulties, GALAXY failure or system failures should
a structure be dismounted. Checks are made for a structure that
o In the system search list
o Containing the queues
o Containing a system catalog (STRLST.SYS)
o Being in the crash dump list
o Containing a KL10 front-end file system
o Containing a KS10 front-end file system
o Mount count being non-zero
o Number of queue requests being non-zero
o Having units in active swapping list
Before the structure is dismounted, if any checks detect potential
problems, the operator will be notified of the conflict and asked
to abort or proceed with the structure removal.
2.3.9 UFD And Job Search List Handling - When users mount or
dismount structures, PULSAR gets called by QUASAR to create or
delete UFDs and manipulate job search lists. There is actually
very little code in PULSAR proper to deal with these things.
PULSAR is loaded with the UFDSET subroutine package. UFDSET is a
self contained package of routines written explicitly for use by
LOGIN and PULSAR to process all types of UFD operations. It can
easily be interfaced to any program wanting to do mounts,
dismounts and disk recomputation for any job or UFD. In addition
it will add or remove structures from the system search list.
PULSAR has about a page or so of UFDSET interface code to set up
the argument block and process text messages generated by UFDSET.
All informational, warning and fatal messages produced by UFDSET
are passed back to the user as part of the mount or dismount ACK.
Fatal messages are checked against a list of error codes that
indicate possible monitor or GALAXY system failures. Should one
of these errors occur, the operator will be notified.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 21
Internally, the batch controller (BATCON) has been changed
extensively. This caused no compatibility problems with existing
control files. First, Full SCNSER PTYs are used. This type of
PTY is unique in that it is an echoing PTY. All of BATCON's PTY
logic and a large part of the log file logic had to be rewritten
to accomodate the new type of PTYs. The result of this change
shows up mostly in the log files (line identifiers, etc.).
Second, the operator interface was completely rewritten. This was
done to provide more informative and friendly messages to the
operator as well as better response during command processing.
The third major change involved the implementation of the
MDA/batch interface. This interface, known as batch prescanning
(or preprocessing) provides a mechanism for QUASAR to determine
the resource requirements of a batch job. When a user submits a
control file, the request is put into the input queue, but not
considered for scheduling until the request's resource
requirements are known. BATCON is directed by QUASAR to prescan
the control file for a special header block at the begining of the
file. This block, known as the step header, may contain ALLOCATE
and MOUNT commands identical to those used by timesharing users.
If one or more commands are found, they are parsed and the
allocation or mount request information is passed back to QUASAR
for use during the batch job scheduling process. For the sake of
compatibility, the step header block is optional and users are not
required to put one in their control files.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 22
Making Local Modifications
In general, sites will find it easier to make local modifications
to GALAXY 4.1 than to version 2. Once familiar with the code,
changes to spoolers should pose no problems. The code in QUASAR,
PULSAR and ORION however is a bit more complex.
2.5.1 QUASAR - The overall size and complexity of QUASAR is
overwhelming, especially the MDA code. But if each module or
function is viewed as a separate entity it is not nearly so bad.
The bulk of QUASAR's duties revolve around queue management. Some
of the more popular queues are:
o INP Input
o LPT Line printer
o PTP Paper tape punch
o CDP Card punch
o PLT Plotter
QUASAR has many queues most people are not aware of. Some are:
o DBM DBMS journaling
o RDR Card reader
o SPL Spooled file deletion
o PSB Processor status block
o OBJ Object (INP, LPT, PTP, etc.)
o USE Jobs in use
o STR Structure
o NET Network
Many sites will find it necessary to add queues of their own. Due
to the amount of functionality and flexibility of QUASAR, creating
a new queue involves more than adding an entry to a macro or two.
Some queues are actually related to some spooling action (LPTSPL
gets jobs from the LPT queue). Some queues may be displayed (LPT)
while others are invisible (PSB). Some queues are of the input
variety (INP and BIN) while others are output related (PLT).
Another category is the free running queue. These queues require
no operator interaction and are automatically started by QUASAR at
GALAXY startup time. DBMS queue is one of these.
The following steps are needed to add a new queue to QUASAR:
Assume a site has a XEROX 9700 or similar unit, capable of
reproducing printed text directly from a magtape. Users would
want the queued files to be printed on the XEROX machine and to be
able to examine the queues at any time. Operators would want to
control the spooling using standard OPR commands like START, STOP,
ABORT, SHUTDOWN, etc. Every queue needs a unique three character
name. Let's call the XEROX queue XER. In the following
discussion, all references to the queue name refer to the unique
GALAXY 4.1 Page 23
Making Local Modifications
three character name selected for the queue (XER).
The first step would be to find the QUEUES macro in QSRMAC. It
looks like this:
Each entry contains six arguments. The first is the queue name.
The second is the in-core queue entry (QE) size. Unless a
non-standard QE is used, QNTSIZ should be the queue size. The
third argument is the queue type. The new XER queue is nearly
identical to the LPT queue (except for output device), so the
queue type should be .QHTOU (output). Queue flags make up the
fourth argument. Currently only one flag is defined (QH.INV)
indicating the queue is invisible. Because users will want to
display the XER queue, it can't be invisable. Therefore, the flag
word argument should be zero. The fifth argument is the scheduler
dispatch table used to select a job to run. The scheduler resides
in QSRSCH and all global entry points have symbols of the form
S$xxxx. Lets call the XEROX scheduler dispatch table S$XER and
make that the fifth argument. The sixth and last argument is the
queue listing bit for QSRDSP. The listing bits are defined in
QSRMAC where the LIST message is defined. The bits have symbols
of the form LIQxxx where 'xxx' is the queue name. LIQXER will
have to be defined and entered as the sixth argument in the QUEUES
macro. The QUEUES macro entry is now complete. It will be
expanded in QSRQUE, producing what are known as queue headers.
Each header is pointed to by the symbol HDRxxx where 'xxx' is the
queue name. In addition to the information supplied in the QUEUES
macro, the queue headers will also point to the linked list of
entries for each queue.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 24
Making Local Modifications
An object type must be created. Objects are line printers,
plotters, card punches, etc. Object symbols have the form .OTxxx
where 'xxx' is the queue name. The OBJCTS macro defines all
object types and the ASCIZ name of the queue. OBJCTS is found in
If the XER queue will be associated with a spooled device type,
then an entry must be made in the DEVOBJ macro in QSRT10 to allow
the processing of spooled file requests to be made. The DEVJOB
macro looks like:
The DEVOBJ macro takes three arguments: the queue name (XER) the
monitor device type .TYXER and the object type .OTXER.
Some queues may have attributes associated with them. For
example, the LPT queue has lower and upper case considerations to
be made when scheduling jobs. The ATTRIB macro in QSRMAC defines
the known attributes for all queues. Data generated by the ATTRIB
macro is also used in the SHOW PARAMETER displays.
Now scheduler code must be written. The scheduler routines are
accessed through the scheduler dispatch table for each queue. The
offsets into the table are defined in QSRMAC. They are:
o SCHLNK = 0 Link in a new entry
o SCHSCH = 1 Schedule a job
o SCHDEF = 2 Fill in queue defaults
o SCHMOD = 3 Modify queue dependent parameters
o SCHRJI = 4 Release a job
o SCHFJB = 5 Find a job for an object
In our example, S$XER was the address of the dispatch table. It
would be set up as follows:
GALAXY 4.1 Page 25
Making Local Modifications
All routines pointed to by the scheduler dispatch table must
return TRUE or FALSE. For example, a FALSE return from the XERSCH
routine would indicate that the job QUASAR was trying to schedule
could not be run for some reason. A TRUE would mean a job was
found to run on the selected object.
The above description of adding a queue to QUASAR is by no means
complete, but should serve as a guide and details the major areas
of QUASAR needing attention when attempting such a task. Also,
keep in mind that some amount of work will also be required in
ORION to add support for the OPR commands that affect the
operation of the new spooler. For the most part, duplicating
existing command tables for other spoolers is all that is
2.5.2 BATCON - BATCON contains a dummy module, BATUSR, that gets
called from several places within BATCON. This module contains
user (customer) exit code. By putting all customer modifications
in this module, changes to supported BATCON modules will be
minimized. Each routine has a description of the calling
sequences, the ACs available and when they are called. In
addition, many routines show examples of how to use BATCON
facilities to make log file entries, send text to PTYs, etc. Only
the BATCON hooks are supported. An attempt was made to provide
calls to BATUSR from places in BATCON where the customer would be
most likely to make local modifications. Calls to BATUSR include:
o BATCON initialization
o Scheduler loop
o IPCF message processing
o Nextjob setup
o Start of job processing
o Log file header generation
o LOGIN command building
o Post LOGIN processing
o Job processor loop
o Pre-KJOB processing
o End of job processing
Please do not take this as a commitment on DEC's part to provide
subroutine calls in every major BATCON routine. This module is
completely unsupported. Any suggestions to improve it's
usefulness will be accepted, but do not expect all suggestions to
be implemented.
GALAXY 4.1 Page 26
New features exist with GALAXY 4.1 to facilitate debugging a
GALAXY system under timesharing without conflicting with the
running GALAXY system. In most cases, debugging may be done under
a non-privileged PPN. Most MDA related functions do require [1,2]
privileges however, and structure mounting, dismounting and
locking operations could conflict with system MDA operations.
A debugging GALAXY system is frequently refered to as a 'private
GALAXY world'. Setting up a private world is simple. JOBDAT
location .JBOPS (135) is reserved for Object Time Systems. The
OTS for GALAXY is GLXLIB and it makes use of this reserved word
for debugging purposes. When .JBOPS is set to a non-zero value,
all IPCF generated by the library is directed to special PIDs.
The special PIDs are found by associating an ASCIZ name with a
PID. PID names are of the form:
where [PPN] is the PPN your job is running under and 'component'
is the component name. For example, if user [10,56] started a
private BATCON, the PID name would be [10,56]BATCON. Note that in
order to assign a name to a PID, SYSINF must be running. This is
the only dependancy in GALAXY on SYSINF. Although the QUEUE
program does not use GLXLIB, it also behaves in this manner. Once
the private world has been started, all normal GALAXY tasks may be