PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named opser.rnh in the archive.
OPSER is a program designed to run up
to 14 jobs from 1 terminal. Each job
run by OPSER is called a subjob. Text
is sent to the subjobs using commands
of the form:
.B1;.I 9
Where _<subjob> specifies the subjob
number or name. For complete
instructions on OPSER see the
User Utilities Manual.
^A Send a ^C (control-C) to the subjob.
^B Send a ^O (control-O) to the subjob.
^E Send an escape to the subjob.
.end lit;.b2
All commands to OPSER begin with a colon (:).
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
:AUTO dev:file.ext[ppn]
This command reads a command file from the selected device.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
Close the OPSER log file without starting a new log file.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
Continue processing an auto file that was interupted by control-C.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
Type the number of the current subjob. The current subjob is the one which
was last referenced.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
List the date and time.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
:DEFINE name=subjob
Establish name as the mnemonic for a subjob.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
:DEVICE dev:name:subjob
Causes OPSER to exit to the monitor to
allow dev to be assigned to subjob
with logical name "name". REENTER
will abort the request.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
:ERROR subjob
Silence all output from the specified
subjob except error messages. An
error message is any line begining
with a question mark(?) or percent(%).
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
Leave OPSER and return to monitor mode.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
Type the number of the first unused subjob.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
Print a help text.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
:JCONT job _#
Continue a job waiting for operator action.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
:KILL subjob or :KJOB subjob
Kill the selected subjob.
.b1;.lm8;.i -8
:KSYS hhmm "message" or :KSYS +hhmm "message"
It is recommended that the OPR command be used.
Stop timesharing at the selected time.
(or time from now if +hhmm used)
(Minimum of 5 minutes if + form is used.)
(The quoted string is an optional message to users.)
.b1;.i -8
:LOGIN ppn
LOGIN a new subjob under the specified ppn.
.b1;.i -8
If n=0 include job status bits in :WHAT output. If n=1 (default) do not
include the job status bits.
.b1;.i -8
:QUEUE line
Send the QUEUE command over a free subjob.
.b1;.i -8
List the free devices in the system.
.b1;.i -8
:RESTRICT dev1:,dev2:,...,devn:
Restrict dev to be used by the operator and users he reassigns it to
(the colon after the device name is optional).
.b1;.i -8
:REVIVE subjob
Clear the effects of :SILENCE, :TSILENCE, and :ERROR for the
specified subjob.
.b1;.i -8
:SEND line
Simulate the monitor send command.
.b1;.i -8
Simulate the monitor set command.
.b1;.i -8
:SILENCE subjob
Suppress all terminal and log output for the selected subjob.
.b1;.i -8
Login a new subjob under the selected ppn but silence all terminal output
until the job is logged in.
.b1;.i -8
:STOP subjob
Place the selected subjob at command level.
.b1;.i -8
:SYSTAT line
Produce an uninterupted SYSTAT.
.b1;.i -8
:TLOG dev:file.ext[ppn]
Close the current OPSER log if any, and open a new log on the specified
.b1;.i -8
:TSILENCE subjob
Suppress terminal output for the selected subjob but continue to place
output in the log file.
.b1;.i -8
Type a test pattern on the terminal.
.b1;.i -8
:WHAT subjob
List the status of the selected subjob. "ALL" may be used to specify
all active subjobs.