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MACDLX is a two-pass assembler which operates on the  DECsystem-10  or
DECsystem-20  and  assembles MACRO-11 source code for use on a PDP-11.
With the exception of the variations listed in this manual, MACDLX  is
compatible  with  the  MACRO-11  assembly language as described in the
PDP-11 MACRO-11 Assembly Language Reference Manual (DEC-11-OIMRA).


MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                               PAGE 2


While MACDLX is designed to be language compatible with  the  MACRO-11
language, its operating environment necessitates a different style op-
erating procedure.

The assembler makes two passes over the source, outputting the  binary
and  listing  files  during  pass  two and appending a symbol or cross
reference/symbol table to the listing file.  Memory is dynamically al-
located for large symbol table and macro storage.

1.1  Loading MACDLX

MACDLX is available as a CUSP and is called by typing a command to the
monitor as follows:

          .R MACDLX

1.2  Initial Dialogue

When the assembler is ready to accept the user's  command  string,  it
will  prompt  with  "*".  The user must now type his command string on
the same line.  MACDLX will ignore any spaces or tabs that are typed.

The general form of the command string is:

     Binary outut, listing output = source input(s)

Each input/output specification consists of the group:


     1.  DEV is any device that is capable of handling  the  input  or
         output  data  file(s)  correctly.  The device defaults are as

         Binary File:            System disk
         Listing File:           Device used for binary file

         Source File 1:          System disk
         Source File 2 to n:     Device used for source file 1 or
                                 last source file
         User Macro Libraries:   System disk if macro library file
                                 is specified first, else device used
                                 by last source file
         System Macro Library:   System disk
         .REQ/.INSERT File:      System disk
         .LIBRARY File:          System disk
         Indirect File:          System disk

     2.  FILNAM is the file name of the appropriate file.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                               PAGE 3

     3.  EXT is the file name extension for that file.

         If not specified, the defaults are:
        Binary File:       .BIN
        Listing File:      .LST
        Source Files:      Last source extension, .P11, .PAL, <null>,
  		           .MAC, .M11
        Library Files:     .MLB, .SML, same as source files

      .REQ/.INSERT File: .REQ, .INS
        .LIBRARY File:     .MLB
        Indirect File:     .CMD, .CCL

     4.  [PROJ, PROG] is the project-programmer  number  assigned  for
         the disk area to be used.  If not specified, the user's local
         area is assumed.  Once specified, the number pair becomes the
         new  default  assumption  for  the  following input or output

     5.  Switches are specified by preceding each with a  slash  char-
         acter.  Switch arguments are preceded by colons.  See Section

1.3  Command String Examples


Assemble from the user disk area.  Binary to disk as  file  OBJECT.BIN
and listing to disk as file LIST.LST.


Assemble file BETA.PAL from the disk.  Binary to disk  file  BETA.OBJ.
Listing,  with  cross reference table appended, to disk file BETA.LST.

Suppress error messages to the console.

          BETA, BETA/CRF/N = BETA

Same results as above.

          FOO, FOO/DOC/CPU:45 = FOOBAR/ML, FOO

Assemble file FOO (or FOO.PAL, FOO.MAC, etc)  using  file  FOOBAR  (or
FOOBAR.MLB)  as  a  macro  library file.  Binary to disk file FOO.BIN.
Listing with document sequence numbers to disk file FOO.LST.  Use only
permanent  symbols  that are available on the PDP-11/45 during the as-
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                               PAGE 4


2.1  /NL and /LI

The command string syntax contains the equivalent of all the  MACRO-11
.LIST and .NLIST functions.  Many of the source level arguments are of
primary interest at command string level but can be used in the source
to modify default settings.

The command string equivalents of .LIST and .NLIST are  /LI  and  /NL,
respectively.   Arguments are specified by preceding them with colons.
Thus, /NL:BEX:CND is the equivalent of .NLIST CND,BEX.

In all cases, command string  switches  override  their  source  level

equivalents  (as well as previous occurrences in the command string or
SWITCH.INI file).  Effectively, specification of a function in a  com-
mand  string  will  cause  all its source level equivalents (and their
complements) to be ignored;  i.e., /LI:ME would enable the listing  of
macro  expansions and cause all ".LIST/.NLIST ME" directives to be ig-

/LI  (no  arguments)  causes  everything  to  be  listed,  while   /NL
suppresses  the  listing of all but error lines, the symbol table, and
the cross reference tables.

MACDLX has the following arguments in addition to those already avail-
able in MACRO-11:

     LVL       When NLISTed will cause macro and  conditional  nesting
	       level indicators to be suppressed in the listing.

     HDR       When NLISTed this will cause all  header  lines  to  be
               suppressed  in  the listing file.  The page and subpage
               numbers will not be incremented and no form  feed  will
               take place.

     LDA       When NLISTed will  cause  all  .LIST/.NLIST  directives
               with arguments to be suppressed in the listing.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                               PAGE 5

2.2  /EN and /DS

As an alternative to the proliferation of  directives,  MACRO-11  uses
one  complementary pair, .ENABL/.DSABL, with arguments.  Their command
string equivalents are /EN and /DS.  The relationship between  command
string  and  source statement specification, as well as their argument
specification, is the same as in /LI and /NL.   MACDLX  has  following
arguments in addition to those already available in MACRO-11:

     ERF       Error flags can be selectively suppressed (or  enabled)
               by  specifying  ERF,  directly followed by the selected
               error characters, "/DS:ERFAM" would cause "M"  and  "A"
               errors  to be ignored, "/DS:ERF" would cause all errors
               to be ignored, and "/EN:ERFX"  would  cause  "X"  flags
               (JMP'S which could have been BR'S) to be flagged.

     TIM       Causes  instruction   timing   information   (for   the
               PDP-11/20 only) to be output on the listing.

     WRP       When enabled long lines will be wrapped around  to  the
               next  line  on the listing.  These extension lines will
               be forced to the right hand margin.  At the end of  the
               assembly  a  "WRAP-AROUND"  percentage  will  be given.
               This percentage is  the  percentage  of  characters  by
	       which the line must be increased/decreased to fit.

     COM       Strip comments preceeded by  two  adjacent  semi-colons
               from statements within macro definitions.

     CRF       Selectively cross reference symbols in a block of code.
               ".ENABL CRF"   will   enable   cross   referencing  and
               ".DSABL CRF"  will  disable  cross  referencing.    The
               "/CRF"  switch  must have been specified in the command

     HEX       When enabled and the current radix is 16, terms of  ex-
               pressions  which begin with A-F are assumed to be hexa-
               decimal numbers rather than symbols.  E.g.:   with  HEX
               enabled, MOV #A,R0 loads 12(octal) into R0 (see section
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                               PAGE 6

2.3  Cross Reference Listing

     /CRF      Append a cross reference table  to  the  listing  file.
               MACDLX accomplishes this in the following manner:

               1.  The listing file is generated  in  the  normal  way
                   during pass two.

               2.  Simultaneously, a temporary file (XXXCRF.TMP, where
                   XXX  is  the job number) is created.  This contains
                   encoded CREF information.

               3.  At the end of pass two, the temporary file is  read
                   and  the  CREF  information  is integrated into the
                   symbol table and listing file.  When  through,  the
	           temporary file is deleted.

               The cross reference table format is as follows:

               1.  The  symbol's  name,  its   table   value,   unless
                   .NLIST SYM  was  specifed.   Therefore  the  symbol
                   table itself is always pre-empted.
	       2.  All references to the symbol, except that  no  more
                   than one  reference to a given source line will  be
                   listed.  Symbols in generated text always refer  to
                   the previous source line.

               3.  Symbol definitions are flagged with "#".
               4.  Destructive references  are  flagged  with  a  "*".
		   These  are defined to be all symbols encountered in
                   op-code fields which store into a  memory  location
                   or a register.  Thus, the first field of a JSR, the
                   second field of an ADD, but neither of  the  fields
                   in a CMP instruction.

               5.  As many references per listing  line  as  possible,
	           depending  upon the "TTM" mode, are used.  This can
                   be increased by suppressing "SYM".

               Symbols can be selectively cross referenced by  append-
               ing  one  or  more  of  the following attributes to the
               "/CRF" switch:

                   SYM - cref user generated symbols
                   REG - cref register symbols
                   MAC - cref macro names
                   PST - cref permanent symbols and directives

               Thus "/CRF:SYM:REG" will cause only  user  symbols  and
               register  symbols  to be cross referenced.  The default
               condition is equivalent to "/CRF:SYM:MAC".
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                               PAGE 7

2.4  Output Line Sequencing

     /SOL      Sequence output lines.  Listings  are  normally  source
               oriented in the following manner:
	       1.  Sequence numbers reflect the source line number.

               2.  Macro expansion lines have their nesting level,  in
                   parentheses, in the sequence number field.

               3.  Lines containing nothing but a form  feed  are  not
                   listed  but  cause the sequence number to be incre-

               4.  Page numbers reflect physical input  pages  (incre-
                   mented  only upon encountering a form feed).  Pages
                   forced by the assembler have a -N to reflect an ex-
                   tension  page.  i.e.;  if the assembler had encoun-
                   tered 3 form feeds and was  on  its  third  listing
                   page since the last one, it would be "PAGE 4-2".

               When /SOL is specified, listings are output oriented in
               the following manner:

               1.  Listed lines have consecutive numbers,  except  for
                   binary extension lines.

               2.  Page numbers reflect the number of pages listed.

2.5  Source Reproduction

     /GNS      Generate a new source.  This causes the listing file to
               take   on   the   appearance   of   the   source  file
               Specifically, it:

               1.  Suppresses the listing  of  headers,  error  flags,
                   summary blocks, and any other output over which the
                   user otherwise would have no control.

               2.  Simulates a /NL:SEQ:LOC:BIN:BEX:ME:TOC.
		   Therefore, by itself, it recreates the source file.
                   Normal usage would have supplementary switches fol-
                   lowing it, i.e., /GNS/NL:MD:MC/LI:ME would  replace
                   macros/repeats/irps   with  their  generated  code.
                   /GNS/NL:CND would purge conditionals.

               3.  If a numeric  arg  follows  the  /GNS  switch,  all
                   macro/repeat/irp  expansion levels greater than the
                   arg will not be processed or listed, i.e.  /GNS:1.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                               PAGE 8

2.6  Symbol Definition

     /EQ       Equate the following symbols to zero.  This is a method
               for  introducing conditional arguments without creating
               special parameter tapes.

               "/EQ:SYM1:SYM2" is the equivalent of the source  state-
               ments "SYM1=0" and "SYM2=0".

2.7  Binary Output Formatting

     /I        output binary in image mode (one byte per 36 bit word).
               This switch must be used to PIP directly to paper tape.

     /P        pack binary output.  This is the default case  and  the
               switch  is  not needed.  The information is packed into
               four bytes per word, right justifying the bytes on bits
               17, 9, 35, and 27 of the 36-bit word.

To queue the packed binary object file to the paper  tape  punch,  use
the following command:


or if you use the remote station punching program REMPUN, use the fol-
lowing command:

     .R REMPUN

2.8  Page Numbering

     /DOC      Sequence each listing page.  On the  extreme  right  of
               the  first  title  line  (column 120) a unique SEQ XXXX
               number (similiar to those generated by DECDOC) will  be
               printed  for  each  page  generated.  If no argument is
               specified with the switch, then the SEQ  number  +1  of
               the  last  assembly  will be used.  This number is ini-
	       tially set to 1 when MACDLX is loaded.

     /PAGNUM   This switch is similiar to the /DOC switch but it  con-
               trols  the  page number.  Subpage numbers will still be
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                               PAGE 9

2.9  Macro Libraries

     /ML       Declare that a source file is an  ascii  macro  library
               file.   The  library  lookup  algorithm is identical to
	       that of MACRO-11 with the following exception:

               1.  If the .MCALL'ed macro is not found in any  of  the
                   /ML libraries, try the SYSMAC.SML library.

               2.  If no SYSMAC library is found in  the  users  area,
                   look for the library under [5,3].

                   NOTE:  If the SYSMAC library is found in the  users
              area, no attempt will be made to search for the li-
	      brary in [5,3].

               3.  If any nested .MCALL's were seen and all  .MCALL'ed
                   macros  have not been defined repeat the search al-

               4.  If the macro is not found in any  library  flag  an

               The default /ML library file extensions are ".MLB" then
               ".SML".   A  maximum  of  5  macro library files can be
               specified in a command string.

2.10  CPU Specifications

     /CPU      This switch will permit the user to selectively  tailor
               the  permanent  symbol table being used for this assem-
               bly.  The form of this switch  is  /CPU:45:LSI:40  etc.
               The currently implemented CPU's are

	       03 - same as LSI
               05 - same as 20
               20 - use only symbols available on the 11/20
               40 - use only symbols available on the 11/40
               45 - use only symbols available on the 11/45
               70 - same as 45
               LSI - use only symbols available on the LSI
               NULL - use only assembler directives

       	       The default is to use all symbols.   This  switch  must
               appear in the listing file specification.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 10

2.11  Expanded Statistics
   /EX       This switch gives the following additional  statistical
             information at the end of the assembly:

                         USER SYMBOLS
                         MACRO NAMES
                         UNDEFINED SYMBOLS
                         *DISK BLOCKS READ
                         *DISK BLOCKS WRITTEN
                         *KILO CORE SECONDS 

   * not available on DECsystem-20 monitors.

2.12  Pass Selection

     /PA:1     Assemble the associated source file during pass 1 only.

     /PA:2     Assemble the associated source file during pass 2 only.

               These switches apply only to the source file immediate-
               ly preceding the switch.

2.13  Card Reader Input

     /CDR      Simulate card reader input.  This is actually  indepen-
               dent of the physical input device but causes the assem-
               bler to ignore all characters on a line after the 72nd.
               This functions as /EN:CDR.

2.14  Other

     /NSQ      Suppress  listing  of  DECsystem-10/20  style  sequence

     /N        Suppress error messages to the teletype (unless  it  is
               also the listing device).

     /E        Output binary data on the listing file.

     /HELP     Type a help message instructing the user  to  refer  to
               this manual.

     /H        Same as "/HELP".

     /CR       Same as "/CRF".

     /SP,/NOSP These switches are no-op's and are  here  for  MACRO-11
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 11


3.1  Assembly Statistics

When the assembler has completed a run, it will print  the  number  of
errors  detected  (hard  and soft);  the original command string;  the
runtime  in  seconds  for  pass  1,  pass  2  and  symbol   table/CREF
processing;   the  runtime  ratio;   and  the core used rounded to the
nearest 1K and memory page.

A document page count, a  wrap  around  percentage  and  the  expanded
statistics  will be printed if the /DOC, /EN:WRP and /EX switches res-
pectively were seen.

If the /N switch was specified in the command string, only the  errors
detected  and  default globals generated will be output to the console

3.2  Assembly Listing

The MACDLX assembler produces a side-by-side assembly listing of  sym-
bolic  source statements, their octal equivalents, assigned addresses,
conditional nesting levels, and error codes.   Teletype  listing  mode

compresses  the listing format to accomodate the reduced number of co-
lumns available.

Teletype listing mode is selected by specifying the listing device  as
TTY:   or a /LI:TTM switch specification.  All other combinations will
cause /NL:TTM format.  When MACDLX is ready to accept initial teletype
input for each pass, it will print READY on the users teletype.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 12


The following directives are available in MACDLX but may not be in any
current  MACRO-11 assembler.  Caution should be used with these direc-
tives due to their nature and implementation.

4.1  .DUBL Directive

This directive has the form:

          .DUBL NUM1, NUM2,...,NUMx

The .DUBL assembler directive may have one or more operands  separated
by  commas.  Each operand is stored in two successive words of the ob-
ject program.  Each operand must be a string of digits  that  will  be
interpreted  in  the  current  radix.   A leading "+" is ignored and a
leading "-" causes the two's complement of the numbers absolute  value
to be stored in the two word entry (most significant then least signi-
ficant).  Absolute values exceeding 31 bits will be truncated from the
left and flagged with a "T" error.

4.2  .EQUIV Directive

When a macro contains a macro definition the inner macro  is  not  de-
fined  until  the  outer  macro  is  called.   If this definition is a
re-definition of the outer macro, the original definition is complete-
ly expanded and the new definition is not used until the next call.

In some applications it is desirable to remember the original so  that
it can be reinstated at a later time.  The mechanism is the .EQUIV di-

A symbol may be defined as precisely equivalent to any  other  already
defined symbol (including permanent symbols) as follows:

               .EQUIV   DEFSYM, ANYSYM

where the symbol ANYSYM is made logically equivalent to DEFSYM.

To "remember" a macro, the procedure is to .EQUIV its name to a tempo-
rary symbol prior to redefinition.  The macro can now be redefined and
reinstated at a later time.  For example:
          .MACRO SWPMAC
          .ENDM SWPMAC
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 13

4.3  .ROUND and .TRUNC Directives

Floating point numbers are normally rounded.  This is accomplished  by
adding  the  high order excess bit to the low order retained bit.  The
particular bits used depend upon whether context calls for one, two or
four  word  precision.   Rounding  can  be inhibited by the use of the
.TRUNC directive (also .ENABL FPT).  Rounding can be re-enabled at any
time  through  the  use  of  the complementary directive, .ROUND (also
.DSABL FPT).  For example:

041105    070244    .FLT2     12.34     ;ROUND-DEFAULT MODE
                    .TRUNC              ;ENTER TRUNCATION MODE
041105    070243    .FLT2     12.34     ;TRUNCATE
041110    172702    .FLT2     12.56     ;CONTINUE TRUNCATION
                    .ROUND              ;RETURN TO ROUND MODE
041110    172703    .FLT2     12.56     ;ROUND

4.4  .PHASE and .DEPHASE Directives

These directives provide a means to assemble a block of code with  ad-
dress  references  that  will allow it to execute properly in a memory
area different from where it resides in the binary object module.

For example:

A:  .BLKW       200             ;RESERVE 200 (OCTAL) WORDS
B:  .PHASE      A               ;CODE THAT MUST
      .                         ;BE MOVED TO THE
      .         		;AREA AT "A"
      .                         ;PRIOR TO EXECUTION
C:  .PHASE      A               
      .                         ;MORE CODE THAT
      .                         ;MUST BE MOVED TO
      .   			;"A" PRIOR TO EXECUTION

Blocks A, B, and C will reside in unique memory locations at load time
but common memory locations at run time.  A likely use of this feature
is for overlays.  Blocks B and C could be written to disk and  at  run
time selectively brought into block A for execution.

The complementary directive .DEPHASE brings the load time and the  run
time location counters back into synchronization.

	        ;AND RUN AT "D"
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 14

4.5  .LEVEL Directive

This directive permits the program to control the listing of macro ex-
pansion lines.  For example:

         .LEVEL 3

will cause only macro expansion lines of nesting level 3 and above  to
be  listed  if  macro  expansion  lines have been enabled to be listed
(.LIST MEB or ME).  A .LEVEL value which is negative  will  cause  the
listing  of  nesting level lines one to the .LEVEL value.  .LEVEL with
no argument will cause all expansion lines of all nesting levels to be

This directive is treated as a listing control directive in  the  same
manner as the .LIST/.NLIST directives with no arguments.

4.6  .PDP10 Directive

This directive is a NOP in MACDLX.  It is included only  for  compati-
bility with previous DECsystem-10 MACRO-11 assembler's.

4.7  .OPDEF Directive

This directive permits one line macro definitions and is of the form:

          .OPDEF   name   dummy args   [expansion text]

where "name" is the .OPDEF name, "dummy args" are the dummy args to be
substituted for in the expansion text and "expansion text" is the text
to be expanded and is delimited by brackets "[]".  .OPDEF's  are  used
as follows:

          .OPDEF JUMP X [BR X]
          .OPDEF SET X,Y, [MOV R0,'X'Y]
          .OPDEF FALSE [INC R1]
          .OPDEF GO X,Y [MOV X,Y]

Each .OPDEF is similar to the following macro definition example.  All
features   of   macro's  are  available  in  the  .OPDEF  syntax  (eg.
concatenation, argument generation, etc.).

          .MACRO GO X,Y
           MOV X,Y
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 15

4.8  .FIELD, .VFD and .VFDB Directives

The variable field definition directives provide a mechanism for pack-
ing  bytes  of a user specified length.  .VFD and .FIELD pack bytes of
up to 16 bits in length into single/multiple  words  and  .VFDB  packs
bytes  of up to 8 bits in length into single/multiple bytes.  The syn-
tax for the variable field directives is as follows:

          .VFD   size   arg,arg,arg,arg,...,argn
      .VFDB  size   arg,arg,arg,arg,...,argn

where "size" is a decimal value from 1 to 16 (1 to 8 for .VFDB)  which
represents the byte length of the args to be packed.  The "arg...argn"
represents the argument values to be masked and packed.  These  values
are  masked  to  the correct byte length and packed from right to left
with unused bits on the left set to zero.  For example:

     .VFD 3 1,2,3,4,5    will generate the word 054321 and,
     .VFDB 2 1,1,1,1     will generate the byte 125.

If the agrument will not fit into the current word or byte, it will be
used as the first argument of the next word or byte.  For example:

     .VFD   3 7,4,2,7,3,5,1   generates the words 037247 and 000015.
     .FIELD 3 7,4,2,7,3,5,1   generates the same as above.

.VFD or .FIELD with a byte size of 16 will default to .WORD and  .VFDB
with a byte size of 8 will default to .BYTE.

NOTE:  All arguments must be absolute.  That is, no global value which
is  undefined in this assembly may be used as a variable field defini-
tion argument.

4.9  .REM Directive

This directive takes the form:

          .REM    !

All lines of text between the matching delimiters (!  in the above ex-
ample)  are  treated as comments.  This directive is available in some
MACRO-11 assemblers.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 16

4.10  .REQ and .INSERT Directives

The .REQ and .INSERT directives allow the programmer to insert another
source  file  within  the  current source file.  When encountered, the
current point in the current source file is "stacked",  and  the  file
specified  by  the  directive  is  read  in.   When  the  end  of  the
.REQ/.INSERTed file is reached, the old file is "popped" and  assembly
is  resumed  at  the  line  following  the directive.  A file which is
.REQ/.INSERTed can itself .REQ/.INSERT another file up  to  a  nesting
level of 6.

The syntax of the directives are:

         .REQ filespec
         .INSERT filespec

Where "filespec" is any  string  legal  to  the  outer  (TTY)  command
scanner.   This  means  that devices, ppn's and assumed extensions are
permitted.  The defaults are system disk, the current user's ppn,  and
the extensions of .REQ and .INS.

4.11  .LIBRARY Directive

The .LIBRARY directive specifies a macro library to be  searched  when
the  .MCALL  directive is issued.  The file specified is placed in the
/ML library list (see section 2.9).  The syntax of the directive is:

        .LIBRARY filespec

The "filespec" string syntax is identical to that of the  .REQ/.INSERT
directives (see section 4.10).  The default extension is .MLB.

4.12  .ASCIC Directive

The .ASCIC directive is identical to the .ASCII directive with the ex-
ception  that  the  first byte of the string is the count of the char-
acters in the string.  The count byte (first byte) is not included  in
the count.

MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 17


This section outlines additional features  available  in  MACDLX  that
have not been covered by previous sections.

5.1  MACRO Argument Generation

A mechanism is provided to substitute a symbolic name (or  characters)
if  an  argument in a macro call is preceeded by two backslashes.  The
argument expression is treated as a .RAD50 number and the  represented
3  character symbol (leading spaces will be ignored) is substituted in
the macro expansion.  For example:

          .MACRO    FOO N
          BR       .+N
          .ENDM     FOO


          FOO       N     ;GENERATES BR .+N
          FOO       \N    ;GENERATES BR .+32
          FOO       \\N   ;GENERATES BR .+Z

No trailing spaces are generated.  A zero value is represented as  one

5.2  Conditional Assembly Arguments

Six  additional  conditional  assembly  conditions  are  available  in
MACDLX.  They are:

          .IF EN   ARG    -assemble if ARG is enabled.
          .IF DS   ARG    -assemble if ARG is disabled.
          .IF LI   ARG    -assemble if ARG is listed.
          .IF NL   ARG    -assemble if ARG is not listed.
          .IF P1          -assemble if pass 1.
          .IF P2          -assemble if pass 2.

In the above cases where an argument is required, it must be  a  valid
EN/DS or LI/NL argument.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 18

5.3  RAD50 Term Capability

An additional up-arrow unary operator "^R" is provided in MACDLX.  The
form of the operator is:

          ^RABC       ;GENERATE THE .RAD50 VALUE FOR "ABC"
          ^R<ABC>     ;SAME AS ABOVE

This operator will permit RAD50 values of up to  3  characters  to  be
used  as  terms  in expressions.  If more than 3 characters are speci-
fied, an error will be flagged.

5.4  Byte Swapped Term Capabilities

Two additional up-arrow unary operators, "^S" and "^H", are  available
in  MACDLX.   "^H" will evaluate the following term as a 16-bit value,
swap the high and low bytes, and zero the high  byte  of  the  result.
For example:

          ^H400       ;WILL GENERATE 000001
          ^H601       ;WILL GENERATE 000001

"^S" will evaluate the following term and swap the high and low bytes.
For example:

          ^S2077      ;WILL GENERATE 037404
          ^S601       ;WILL GENERATE 100401

5.5  Exclusive Or Expression Capability

An additional binary expression operator is provided in  MACDLX.   The
binary  operator  "@" will preform a logical XOR of the right and left
half's of the expression.  For example:

          TAG@77     ;XOR's TAG and 77

The same rules that apply for the binary operators *-+/&!  also  apply
for XOR "@".
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 19

5.6  Logical Shift Operator

An additional binary operator "_" (underscore or left arrow) is recog-
nized  in  expression  evaluation.  "A_B" is evaluated as the value of
"A" shifted left "B" bits.  If "B" is negative, "A" is shifted  right.
Both  "A"  and  "B" may be any valid term, including a bracked expres-

A common use for this operator is in defining symbolic values for  bit
masks.   For example, "READY=1_7" defines the READY bit mask as a 1 in
bit 7.

5.7  Hexadecimal Numbers

Hexadecimal numbers, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F, may be used
via  extensions  of  the existing radix control functions.  .RADIX ac-
cepts 16 as a valid operand to set the current default radix to  hexa-
decimal.   A  temporary  radix control unary operator "^X" is also in-

When using hexadeccimal as the default radix it is necessary to prefix
numbers  beginning with A-F by a 0, otherwise they would be treated as
normal user symbols.  Use of .ENABL HEX eliminates this  need  at  the
cost of making symbols beginning with A-F, and used as terms, inacces-
sible (see section 2.2).

5.8  "Z" Errors

The "Z" error capability has been enhanced to flag as soft errors  all
directives  and arithmetic operations that are not compatible with the
Macro-11 assembler.  The "Z" error flagging is now turned off and  can
be  turned on by using the command string switch /EN:ERFZ (see section

All lines that cause "Z" errors will be assembled  correctly  and  the
error will be counted as a soft error.

5.9  Unsupported Features

MACDLX curently does not support macros with keyword arguments.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 20


When assembling systems involving large numbers of programs it is time
consuming  to type all commands individually.  It is desirable to pre-
pare the assembly commands ahead of time  and  put  them  in  a  file.
Then,  using  the indirect command interface, MACDLX can take its com-
mand string from the prepared file instead of the keyboard.

Stated simply, the commands you would  normally  type  to  MACDLX  are
placed  in a file.  You then tell MACDLX to read its commands from the
given file by specifying the "@" character followed by the  file  name
and  a  carriage return or the file name followed by the "@" character
and a carriage return.

For example, assume you wanted to assemble and make CREF  listings  of
files A through D.  A command file named PAUL.CMD would contain:

          A,A/CRF = A.MAC
          B,B/CRF = B.M11
          C,C/CRF = C.M11
          D,D/CRF = D.MAC

In response to the prompt from MACDLX you would then type:

          @PAUL <carriage return>      or
          PAUL@ <carriage return>

MACDLX will respond with its identification then at the start of  pass
2,  if  the /N switch was not given, the program title name (up to the
first six alpha/numeric characters) from the .TITLE directive and  the
last  source  file name processed (enclosed in brackets "[]") for each
command line processed.  For example:

     MACDLX:  A   [A.MAC]        -if .TITLE A was in the source file
     MACDLX:  B   [B.M11]        -if .TITLE B was in the source file

The only restrction is that indirect command files may not be  nested.
That  is, an indirect file command may not appear in an indirect file.
The default file extensions for  the  command  file  are  ".CMD"  then
".CCL".   All  text in the indirect file that follows a semi-colon ";"
will be ignored by the command line processor.

When all command lines in the command file have been processed, MACDLX
will print the document pages generated if the /DOC was present in all
command lines and exit to the monitor.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 21


The user can create a file on his disk area into which  he  can  place
switches for MACDLX.  The purpose of this file is to allow the user to
automatically override the system default switches for individual pro-
grams by allowing him to specify his own defaults.

This file which must be called DSK:SWITCH.INI and must reside  in  the
disk  area  under  the user's UFD.  The form of the file is a line for
each program.  The form is:


where /SWITCH is any valid MACDLX switch.  Only one  line  for  MACDLX
can  exist  in  the  file;  however, this line can be continued on the
next line by placing a hyphen as the last non-blank non-comment  char-
acter before the carriage return-line feed sequence.

When MACDLX is called, it searches for a file called  SWITCH.INI.   If
such  a  file is not found, no action is taken by MACDLX.  If the file
is found but a line for MACDLX is not found, no action is again taken.
When  a  line  exists  for MACDLX, the switches in that line are used.

The user can override a particular switch in the  file  by  issuing  a
command  string containing a complement of the switch in the file.  In
other words, the switches in SWITCH.INI supply defaults  for  switches
not specified by the user but are ignored if the user explicitly spec-
ified a switch.


The "ERRORS DETECTED" flag character is the question  mark  "?".   The
"SOFT  ERROR"  flag character is the percent "%".  Further information
on the use of these characters can be found in  the  DECsystem-10  MPB
Users Guide under the .ERROR explanation.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 22


The use of the following  programming  techniques  will  increase  the
speed and efficiency of the assembly:

     1.  Do not disable the default register definitions.  The default
         registers  are  located  in  a seperate symbol table which is
         scanned before any other user symbols.  Default registers may
         be  defined  but no action will be taken unless the new value
         differs from the defaulted value.

     2.  Selective use of the /CRF switch.  If you are only interested
         in  cross-referencing  user  symbols and register names, then
         use the appropriate attribute(s) for the switch.  See section
         2.3 for further information.

     3.  Use of the /CPU switch to selectively tailor  your  permanent
         symbol  table.   This  will reduce the size of the table thus
         decreasing the time spent searching thru unused symbols.  See
         section 2.10 for further information.

     4.  Organize your macro libraries in such a manner that all nest-
         ed  .MCALLed  macro  names have their definitions already de-
         fined or appear later in the macro library file.   This  will
         reduce the time spent re-opening and re-scanning of the macro
         library file.
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 23

                              APPENDIX A


The following directives are currently implemented in  MACDLX.   Those
marked  with  an  asterisk  are incompatible with Macro-11 and will be
flagged if "Z" errors are enabled.

         .ABS*                .IFNDF
         .ASCII               .IFNE
         .ASCIZ               .IFNZ
         .ASCIC*              .IFT
         .BLKB                .IFTF
         .BLKW                .IFZ
         .BYTE                .IIF
         .DEPHA*              .IRPC
         .DSABL               .LEVEL*
         .DUBL*               .LIST
         .ENABL               .LIBRARY*
         .END                 .MACR
         .ENDC                .MACRO
         .ENDM                .MCALL
         .ENDR                .MEXIT
         .EOT                 .NARG
         .ERROR               .NCHR
         .EQUIV*              .NLIST
         .EVEN                .NTYPE
         .FLT2                .ODD
         .FLT4                .PAGE
	 .FIELD*              .PDP10*
         .INSERT*             .PHASE*
	 .IF                  .PRINT
         .IFDF                .REQ*
         .IFEQ                .RADIX
         .IFF                 .RAD50
         .IFG                 .REM
         .IFGE                .REPT
         .IFGT                .ROUND*
         .IFL                 .SBTTL
         .IFLE                .TITLE
         .IFLT                .TRUNC*
         .OPDEF*              .VFD*
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 24

                                  APPENDIX B



 ABSD           45,70                  BVC            ALL
 ABSF           45,70                  BVS            ALL
 ADC            ALL                    CALL           ALL
 ADCB           ALL                    CCC            ALL
 ADD            ALL                    CFCC           45,70
 ADDD           45,70                  CLC            ALL
 ADDF           45,70                  CLN            ALL
 ASH            40,45,70               CLR            ALL
 ASHC           40,45,70               CLRB           ALL
 ASL            ALL                    CLRD           45,70
 ASLB           ALL                    CLRF           45,70
 ASR            ALL                    CLV            ALL
 ASRB           ALL                    CLZ            ALL
 BCC            ALL                    CMP            ALL
 BCS            ALL                    CMPB           ALL
 BEQ            ALL                    CMPD           45,70
 BGE            ALL                    CMPF           45,70
 BGT            ALL                    CNZ            ALL
 BHI            ALL                    COM            ALL
 BHIS           ALL                    COMB           ALL
 BIC            ALL                    DEC            ALL
 BICB           ALL                    DECB           ALL
 BIS            ALL                    DIV            40,45,70
 BISB           ALL                    DIVD           45,70
 BIT            ALL                    DIVF           45,70
 BITB           ALL                    EMT            ALL
 BLE            ALL                    FADD           40
 BLO            ALL                    FDIV           40
 BLOS           ALL                    FMUL           40
 BLT            ALL                    FSUB           40
 BMI            ALL                    HALT           ALL
 BNE            ALL                    INC            ALL
 BPL            ALL                    INCB           ALL
 BPT            ALL                    IOT            ALL
 BR             ALL                    JMP            ALL
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 25

 JSR            ALL                    ROR            ALL
 LDCDF          45,70                  RORB           ALL
 LDCFD          45,70                  RTI            ALL
 LDCID          45,70                  RTS            ALL
 LDCIF          45,70                  RTT            40,45,70
 LDCLD          45,70                  SBC            ALL
 LDCLF          45,70                  SBCB           ALL
 LDD            45,70                  SCC            ALL
 LDEXP          45,70                  SEC            ALL
 LDF            45,70                  SEN            ALL
 LDFPS          45,70                  SETD           45,70
 LDSC           45,70                  SETF           45,70
 LDUB           45,70                  SETI           45,70
 MARK           40,45,70               SETL           45,70
 MFPD           45,70                  SEV            ALL
 MFPS           LSI,03                 SOB            40,45,70
 MODD           45,70                  SPL            45,70
 MODF           45,70                  STA0           45,70
 MOV            ALL                    STB0           45,70
 MOVB           ALL                    STCDF          45,70
 MTPD           45,70                  STCDI          45,70
 MTPI           40,45,70               STCDL          45,70
 MTPS           LSI,03                 STCFD          45,70
 MUL            40,45                  STCFI          45,70
 MULD           45,70                  STCFL          45,70
 MULF           45,70                  STD            45,70
 NEG            ALL                    STEXP          45,70
 NEGB           ALL                    STFPS          45,70
 NEGD           45,70                  STQ0           45,70
 NEGF           45,70                  STST           45,70
 NOP            ALL                    SUB            ALL
 RESET          ALL                    SUBD           45,70
 RETURN         ALL                    SUBF           45,70
 ROL            ALL                    SWAB           ALL
 ROLB           ALL                    SXT            40,45,70
				       TRAP           ALL
				       TST            ALL
				       TSTB           ALL
				       TSTD           45,70
				       TSTF           45,70
				       WAIT           ALL
				       XOR            40,45,70
MACDLX ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL                              PAGE 26

                              APPENDIX C


/LI       Simulate .LIST directive
/NL       Simulate .NLIST directive
/EN       Simulate .ENABL directive
/DS       Simulate .DSABL directive
/CRF      Append cross reference table to listing file
/CR       Append cross reference table to listing file
/N        Suppress error messages and expanded summary to the teletype
/I        Output binary in image mode
/P        Output binary in packed mode (default)
/CDR      Simulate card reader input
/SOL      Sequence output lines
/GNS      Generate new source
/NSQ      Suppress DECsystem-10 style sequence numbers
/EQ       Equate symbols to zero
/CPU      Tailor symbol table to CPU type
/ML       Declare a source file to be a macro library
/PAGNUM   Set the starting listing page number
/DOC      Enable and/or set a listing document sequence number
/E        Enable binary output to the listing file
/EX       Print expanded statistics
/PA       Process source file for specified pass
/SP       No-op for MACRO-11 compatability
/NOSP     No-op for MACRO-11 compatability
/HELP     Print a help message
/H        Print a help message

[END OF MACDLX.MAN]                     [PJB]