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NRT - TOPS-10 Network Virtual Terminal Program
Page 2
Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only
in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the
above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof may not
be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to
and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
The information in this software is subject to change without notice and
should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation.
Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its
software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital.
NRT is a user program which allows a TOPS-10 system to access the
remote terminal handler on another system connected via DECnet. NRT
is expressly supported only for homogeneous connections (i.e.,
connections where the remote operating system is either TOPS-10 or
TOPS-20), however, it knows a limited amount about talking to VMS,
RSX, or RSTS operating systems as well.
NRT runs as user mode program and is normally run automatically
by the monitor command:
SET HOST remote
where "remote" is the node to which the virtual terminal connection is
to be initiated. Under these conditions, NRT will be run
automatically by the monitor if the specified node name ("remote") is
undefined in the ANF network (if any) on which the user job currently
resides and is "known" to DECnet.
Note that the beginning sections of this document describes NRT
as assembled with the default feature tests enabled/disabled. The
behaviour of and messages output by NRT can appear different if other
feature tests are implemented. The function of each feature test and
the change it makes upon messages output is described in Chapter 3.
Throughout this document, the node on which NRT is originally run
(i.e. the node where the user types "SET HOST") will be referred to
as the "local host" and the target node (specified as "remote" in the
above "SET HOST" command) will be designated as the "remote host."
In the examples in this document, user input is usually
underscored; output from the monitor or NRT is not.
NRT may also be run via the "R" or "RUN" monitor commands, or the
RUN UUO from within a program. NRT has no CCL entry.
In the case in which NRT is run by the SET HOST monitor command,
then it will certain command defaults (see user interface below). If
NRT is started via "R", "RUN", or a RUN UUO it will enter a dialogue
which will ask the user the values which he wishes for the above
mentioned defaults.
Unlike ANF, DECnet supports network virtual terminals as a user
program. Because of this, setting host to a DECnet node does not
detach the current job from the user's terminal, but does destroy the
user's core image.
Also, in order to return to the original host node, one does not
issue another "SET HOST" command on the remote node, but merely types
a pre-defined "escape character." Typing this "escape character" at
any time in the dialogue with the remote system enters the user into a
dialogue whereby his characters are interpreted by the NRT program as
commands rather than being sent to the remote host. This fact is
flagged by the output of the message (1):
[Connection broken, back to node xxxxxx::]
where "xxxxxx" is the name of the local host. This message, however,
can be altered. Please see the section on SWITCH.INI support for
further details on this.
Upon entering the dialogue via typing the "escape character", the
user has the following options:
command Mnemonic Meaning
E E[xit] Abort the terminal session on the
remote node. The effect on the job
(if any) at the remote node is
determined by the remote operating
M M[onitor] Return to monitor, but leave the
connection to the remote system
open. If the user does not destroy
(1) The type of dialogue described here is known as the NOVICE exit
dialogue. Please see the section on SWITCH.INI for a description of other
exit dialogue formats.
his core image before typeing
"CONTINue" or "REENTEr", then the
connection to the remote system
will be re-established. If his
core image is destroyed, the link
to the remote system will be
aborted as if the user had used the
"E[xit]" command. Using "CONTINue"
is equivalent to the "R[econnect]"
command to NRT; using "REENTEr" is
equivalent to using the "C[hange]"
command to NRT.
R R[econnect] Reconnect to the remote system (as
if the "escape character" had not
been typed).
P P[ass] Reconnect to the remote system, but
pass the "escape character" through
to the remote system.
C C[hange] Change the break character and then
reconnect to the remote system.
The same effect can be obtained by
using the "M[onitor]" to NRT
command followed by a "REENTEr"
monitor command. If the NRT is
assembled with the performance
analysis feature enabled, then this
is also the method to enter
performance analysis mode.
H H[elp] Print a short text describing each
of the command options. This is
the command which is executed if an
unrecognizable command is typed.
O O[bscure] Flush all network messages until
one second (real time) elapses with
no messages, or until a character
is typed. This command works for
TOPS-10/TOPS-20 remote hosts only
and is used in conjunction with ^O
or ^C which cancels the source of
messages at the remote hosts. the
O[bscure] command is used to flush
those messages in the pipe or any
more which may come if ^O or ^C was
not typed. ^O or ^C should be
typed BEFORE the O[bscure] command.
The default mode in which NRT runs requires that the above
commands be typed in followed by a carriage return in order for the
command to take effect. Commands may be abbreviated to uniqueness;
this is currently deliberately set to one character. This may not
always be the case in future versions, however. The carriage-return
requirement may also be changed by an appropriate option in
If run via a "RUN" or "R" command or a RUN UUO, NRT enters the
long initialization dialogue. If STARTed or REENTEred after any form
of exit (other than following the "M[onitor]" command to the exit
dialogue) or CONTINued from a non-continuable state (any exit other
than the "M[onitor]" command to the exit dialogue), NRT enters the
short initialization dialogue.
The first question of the long dialogue is:
DECnet Intersystem Remote Terminal Service
Escape character (c):
where "c" is the default "escape character." This is normally ^P
(control-P) but may be changed with an option in SWITCH.INI (it may
also be changed when NRT is assembled). At this point the user should
enter the desired character he wishes to use as the "escape
character", that is, the character which will initiate the NRT exit
dialogue. The character should NOT be followed by a carriage return.
If the default character is satisfactory, only a carriage return need
be entered.
It is not recommended that any printing character be used for
the escape character, nor the character <ESC>. NRT will parse
some types of ANSI or DEC terminal escape sequences should the
need arise (this is primarily of interest to VMS users), but
if the escape character appears in the escape sequence, the
function of the escape character causing the user to enter the
exit dialogue will take precedence over the parsing of the
ANSI or DEC terminal escape sequence, with resultant confusion
to both NRT and the user.
The second question of the long dialogue, and the only question
in the short dialogue is:
Node Name:
At this point the user should enter the name of the desired remote
Note that if this is the short dialogue, the "escape character"
may not be the default character if it was changed through a previous
long dialogue question.
Upon successfully connecting to the remote system, NRT will
inform the user of the type of operating system to which he is
connected (TOPS-10, TOPS-20, VMS, RSTS, or RSX), its name, and the
escape character.
DECnet Intersystem Remote Terminal service
Escape character (^P): ^\
Node Name: MARKET
[Connected to TOPS20 system MARKET::]
[Type Control-\ to return]
Market - LCG's Timesharing System , TOPS-20 Monitor 5.3(1600)
[Connection broken, Back at node KL1026::]
NRT supports a limited number of switches which modify its
behaviour. Switches may be abbreviated to uniqueness. Switches are
not read from the command line.
Whenever NRT is run it will look up SWITCH.INI on the UFD
specified by the user's current PPN. If it is not found, NRT will
assume defaults for all switches (see table below). SWITCH.INI is
searched for a line beginning with "NRT". Switches on that line are
used to set the switch values if present. If the line is not found,
default values are used for all switches; if a switch is not found in
a line then the default value is used for the switch.
The form of the NRT line in SWITCH.INI is:
Switch Arguments Default Meaning
/ESCAPE c ^P The default "escape character".
This is the character "c". The
character is expected to be in
SWITCH.INI exactly as it is to be
used. This can be overriden in the
long dialogue.
/MODE EXPERT NOVICE The type of exit dialogue which
NOVICE will be initiated (see below).
The /MODE switch modifies the exit dialogue format. In the case
of /MODE:NOVICE, the exit dialogue proceeds as described in the
preceding section. If the setting is /MODE:NOTIFY, then the commands
are read in character mode (no carriage-return is required; one
merely types the escape character followed by the command) and,
instead of the large prompt, the bell is rung on the terminal. The
setting of /MODE:EXPERT is the same as /MODE:NOTIFY except that the
bell is not rung. In both of these cases, commands MUST use the
single character bbreviations for the command. The latter two
settings are for the benefit of those who use screen editors which may
have the escape character as a command so that the screen will not be
destroyed immediately if the escape character is typed.
An additional feature of "NOTIFY" and "EXPERT" modes is that
instead of typing "P" to pass the break character, the user may simply
type the escape character twice sequentially for the same effect.
Note that in the case of the "R[econnect]" command, after typing
the new escape character to the "C[hange]" command (or REENTEring
after the "M[onitor]" command), CONTINuing after the "M[onitor]"
command, or after the "O[bscure]" command the message
[Reconnected to xxxxx system yyyyyy::]
is output, where "xxxxx" is the operating system type (TOPS-10,
TOPS-20, VMS, RSX, or RSTS) and "yyyyyy" is the node name of the
remote host. In the case of the "O[bscure]" command, the string
will be output to signify the cancelling of output. The
"Reconnected..." message is not output if the /MODE switch is set for
The dialogue for the "C[hange]" command (or REENTEring after the
"M[onitor]" command) is (2):
Enter new escape character: c<CR>
("c" is typed by the user and is the desired new escape character)
(2) This can change slightly if NRT is assembled with the performance
analysis feature enabled. See the section on the performance analysis
feature for details.
Note that this dialogue is output regardless of the setting of
the the /MODE switch, so it is not possible to change the escape
character without destroying the screen contents.
If any undefined command is input, then NRT will (if in NOVICE
mode) display the message:
%Illegal command, type "H"<CR> for Help
NRT will then return to accept a new command. The terminal's bell
will be rung if NRT is in NOTIFY mode.
There are a number of feature tests which may be assembled into
NRT. The purpose of this section is to describe the defaults and
effects of each feature test.
This feature enables the use of Poor Man's Routing. If this
feature test switch is enabled, the user may explicity specify the
nodes to be used in routing toward the target. Also, this enables
the usage of searching the file DCN:DNHOST.TXT for an explicit
routing path to the target node. See the documentation on the PMR
subroutine (located in the PMR.MAC source file) for an example of
the entry format of the DNHOST file. If this feature is turned
on, the subroutine and universal files PMR.REL and PMR.UNV are
required. The (single) source module for these files is PMR.MAC
which can be foundon the Tools Tape. If this feature is turned
off (the default) all nodes must be visible on the DECnet network
in order to be connected to; the user may not specify a routing
Enabling this feature also allows one to use NRT to connect
to an ANF node which is running a NRTSRV process (distributed on
previous Customer Supported Tapes) if the local host is also
running a PSTHRU task (also distributed on the DECnet Tools Tape).
The PSTHRU acts as a DECnet to/from ANF protocol translator in
this case. This is accomplished by specifying the local host as
the first node in the connect string, followed by the desired
remote ANF host. Example:
(local host: KL1026; remote host: TWINKY)
If this feature is not enabled, NRT will output the following
message (3) to the above command line:
(3) The example assumes verbosity bits are set for prefix and first line.
NRT observes these bits, except there is no long (continuation) message.
?NRTNPM Version not compiled with Poor Man's Routing
The default setting is OFF.
Note that if NRT uses a Poor Man's routing entry from the
DNHOST.TXT file, the entry used will be displayed. The format of
messages output (which will occur after the user gives the desired
node name and before the connect confirmation message) are
documented in the documentation on the PMR subroutine package in
the PSTHRU area of the DECnet Tools Tape.
This feature test enables the assembling of the performance
analysis section of NRT. This feature only works to TOPS-10 or
TOPS-20 nodes. It is intended to give statistics on network line
traffic and utilization. If enabled, the prompt line output upon
entering the "C[hange]" command to the exit dialogue becomes:
Enter new escape character or [P] to enter performance test
At this point, entering "P" will NOT change the escape
character to "P" but will enter the performance analysis dialogue.
The following questions will be asked:
Comment string for this record (<CR> when done):
This string is an identifying string which is inserted into the
data file for identification purposes. Any [typable] ASCII string
of length less than 250 (decimal) characters is acceptable.
After inputting the comment string, NRT will ask:
Number of times to send string:
NRT has a 30-character test string which is sent character by
character to the host. This number specifies the number of times
to send the entire string. Each time a character is sent, the
daytime it was sent is recorded. When a response comes back from
the remote host, the time differential from the time the character
was sent to the time the response was received is recorded in the
data file.
Performance analysis always appends to the file
After inputting the number of times to send the string, NRT
will type:
[Performance testing for yyyyyy node xxxxxx::]
at which point the user will see the string being sent character
by character. In the above, "xxxxxx" is the name of the remote
host and "yyyyyy" is the operating system type.
After sending the performance string the specified number of
times, NRT will type:
End of NRT network performance test
NRT will then close the file and return to the exit dialogue
at which point the user has all the normal exit dialogue options
open to him.
The data file may be analyzed with the NETDAT program (3).
The default setting is OFF.
This feature test is for debugging purposes only. It forces
the error message processor to output, as part of the message, the
NSP. function which encountered the error it is output a message
for. The default and recommended setting is OFF.
This feature test is also for debugging purposes. It changes
all PJRSTs (or CALLRETs) to PUSHJ/POPJ functions. This makes it
easier to trace problems on the stack. The default and
recommended setting is OFF.
This feature test is provided to enable certain consistency
checks, particularly in the core manager. It should be turned on
only for debugging purposes. It is automatically turned on if
FTDBUG is enabled. The default and recommended setting is OFF.
This feature test is defaulted ON. Its purpose is to enable
code to work around certain deficiencies in other operating
system's remote terminal handlers which have not yet been
(4) Note: The performance analysis feature and the NETDAT program are
This feature should remain as defaulted; OFF. It causes NRT to
assemble with PSECTs instead of being TWOSEGed.
3.1.1 Assembly Parameters
The following constitutes a list of assembly time parameters
which may be changed.
This defines the "default default escape character". In
other words, this is the escape character which is used if the
user does not change it himself either through the long dialogue
or through his SWITCH.INI file. The "normal" value is Control-P.
This parameter is applicable only if FTPMR is turned on. It
specifies the maximum number of nodes which may be specified in a
PMR string as manually typed in by the user. This has no effect
on the size of a PMR string which may be obtained via the
DNHOST.TXT file; the maximum for that is defined by the assembly
parameter PMRSIZ to the PMR subroutine (see the documentation file
for the PMR subroutine on the PSTHRU area of the DECnet Tools
Tape). The default value is 7.
This parameter defines the number of output buffers which are
allowed to be queued for output without being output before NRT
blocks waiting for a buffer to become available. Note that the
buffers need not be full; they must merely be allocated for
output to the TTY:. Note that NRT waits with PSISER turned off,
so that ^O in particular or the "O[bscure]" command may not be
input to flush output. Also, due to the mechanics of SCNSER there
is a delay before any interrupt can be granted to NRT siginifying
that input is complete. Note also that if output is being
suspended due to (for example) a read request on the VAX being
"active" the suspension will be lifted if the output buffer quota
is exceeded.
This chapter consists of a number of general hints toward using NRT.
It also contains information on what should be sent with any SPRs which are
submitted for NRT.
NRT does I/O to device TT:, NOT device TTY: during the main part of
the program. This is a feature to enable using DDT on NRT without having
interference between commands typed to DDT and commands typed to the
program. This is activated by assigning device TT: to a terminal other
than the user's controlling TTY:. Note, however, that commands to the
initialization and exit dialogues are typed on the controlling TTY: only.
4.1.1 Errors
Upon encountering any kind of error, NRT will save its ACs in location
CRSACS. It will then output an error message and usually exit. The
exceptions to the "exit" rule are documented in Appendix A under the
documentation for the specific message which is output. The user should
SAVE the core image if he wishes any action taken for the problem. This
dump should be included with any SPR which is sent in for NRT.
In lieu of sending an SPR, the user may wish to look at the dump
himself. This is most easily accomplished with FILDDT on the crash dump
file. NRT by default is assembled with the symbols in the high segment.
The user may load the ACs used at the time of the crash which are saved at
location CRSACS.
In debugging many kinds of NRT problems it is many times also useful
to have a trace of the messages being passed between NRT and the remote
host. This is easily accomplished by using the DNSNUP program from the
Tools Tape, assuming the problem is reproducible. If this is the case,
then a trace covering a time period containing the error with specifics as
to which node is being talked to and a terminal log of the session should
also be submitted along with any SPR sent on NRT. This is particularly
useful for UED and Link Aborted type problems (see Appendix A).
This chapter is meant to provide a brief internal look at the basic
algorithms involved in NRT. It should be read if the user desires to add
additional operating system support or debug NRT crashes.
Upon being run, NRT initially sets basic defaults; then fills in
values from the user's SWITCH.INI, if applicable. NRT then enters the
appropriate initialization dialogue. When all questions have been answered
satisfactorily, NRT OPENs the TTY: in ASCII line mode and initiates a
connection to the desired remote host's network remote terminal server.
Assuming the connection is successful, NRT and the remote host's terminal
server exchange configuration messages as to the features supported by each
and the type of operating system to which NRT is talking. This operating
system type is displayed in the connect confirmation message.
NRT then enters an operating specific initialization routine. This
routine decides on default break masks, sends any "bootstrapping" messages
required to the remote system, and sets various flags for the type of
operating system to which it is speaking.
NRT then enters its main loop (after enabling the software interrupt
system). NRT is essentially interrupt driven and HIBERs waiting for either
a NSP. interrupt (enabled for input available or state changes), a TTY:
asynchronous I/O complete (input) interrupt, or a timer interrupt (which is
granted only for certain operating systems and under certain conditions).
The exception to the interrupt driven nature of NRT occurs for the
terminal service. Because changing a terminal break mask does not grant a
PSI interrupt if the new break mask is satisfied by type-ahead, NRT has the
facility to poll the TTY: input service routine while not at PSI interrupt
level. This is enabled by setting a flag and waking the job and is done
anytime the mask changes if an input would not be done anyway on the TTY:.
The interrupt level of NRT includes five routines: the NSP service,
the TTY: service, timer service, the ATTACH/DETACH service, and the WAKE
service. Note that, as mentioned above, the WAKE service is really a form
of TTY: service. Each interrupt consists of an operating system
independent routine and a routine whose content depends upon the type of
operating system to which NRT is speaking. The vectors to the operating
system dependent portions of the interrupt service routines are filled in
when NRT determines the type of operating system from the configuration
Upon any condition which causes the interrupt, PSISER will dispatch
NRT to the appropriate operating system independent interrupt routine.
This routine will perform various universal functions and, if there is a
reason, will call the associated operating system dependent routine.
The operating system dependent interrupt routine should perform the
appropriate functions and return to the operating system independent
routine, which will dismiss the interrupt.
NRT then returns to main loop level and sleeps.
This continues ad infinitum until the user types the escape character
or the link is aborted by the remote host. In the former case, the user
will be placed in the exit dialogue and he has the option of continuing the
program (with various options) or exitting. If he exits, the link is
closed and the user is returned to monitor level. If he continues, the
program continues until he types the escape character again, or the link is
aborted by the remote host.
If a non-recoverable error occurs or the remote host aborts the link,
then the user is returned to monitor level. If continued, NRT restarts
from the beginning.
The priority level of interrupts is:
1. ATTACH/DETACH service (highest)
2. TTY: I/O complete service
3. NSP. I/O complete, WAKE service, and TIMER service. Note that
WAKE service being on this level means that TTY: I/O service
actually can occur on either of two levels.
Although TTY: I/O service can occur at a higher level than NSP.,
WAKE, and TIMER service, TTY: service will delay actual processing of the
interrupt if one of the other interrupt service routines are active. The
interlock is done via AOSE variable INTLVL. The requested interrupt bits
are IORed into variable TTYSTS and a routine (FRCTTY) is called to queue a
WAKE interrupt (which is TTY: I/O service). The original high level TTY:
service interrupt is then dismissed.
ATTACH/DETACH service occurs at the highest level and never defers but
does not interfere with any of the other data structures. Its primary
purpose is to change all the terminal UDXs when the job running NRT changes
In order to add additional operating system support to NRT, three
things must be THOROUGHLY understood:
1. You should understand NRT's internal structure. This can be
obtained by studying this document, the PLM for NRT, and the
2. You should understand the internals of the operating system whose
support you are trying to add. The relevant information is
usually contained in the I/O user's guide or equivalent to the
remote operating system.
3. You should understand the type of protocol which is used to
communicate with the appropriate system. The types of protocols
which NRT knows can be used as examples for how to handle other
Once these things are understood, it is usally easiest to implement
the "basic" read-from-terminal/write-to-terminal functions first, and then
the more esoteric functions, if those exist. This depends on the type and
complexity of the protocol. See the PLM for descriptions of general types
of protocols which exist.
Again, the DNSNUP/DNTATL programs from the Tools Tape are invaluable
in tracking problems.
NRT has a number of error messages which may be output. Most of these
are the standard DECnet architecture error messages for which the user is
referred to the TOPS-10 DECnet Users' Guide. Messages which are specific
to NRT are documented below.
NRT observes the user's verbosity bits. However, there is no long or
continuation message. Note that this is also true for the DECnet standard
error messages.
The following list is arranged alphabetically by prefix. Note that
all messages start with "?NRT".
The normal action for NRT to take on any of the below listed
conditions is to exit, however, there are exceptions. These are noted
under the specific condition in the list below.
NRT Specific Error Messages
1. ?NRTCAT Can't add TIMER traps to PSISER
This message is output during initialization if NRT is unable
to add PITMR. traps to the software interrupt system. The error
code for the PISYS. UUO is in AC CX in the dump.
2. ?NRTCDP Can't add DECnet NSP. traps to PSISER
This message is output if NRT is unable to add NSP. traps to
the software interrupt system. The error code for PISYS. UUO is
in AC CX in the dump.
3. ?NRTCSC Couldn't find specified character
This error occurs if NRT is scanning its internal input
stream for the last break character in the input stream before a
specified point. The routine SCNLBK is called with the "final"
byte pointer to the input stream. SCNLBK scans characters until
the "final" byte pointer is encountered, remembering the last
break chraracter. This error occurs if the "final" byte pointer
is not encountered before the end of the input stream.
4. ?NRTCTP Can't add TTY: to PSI system
NRT does asynchronous input to the terminal and thus requires
getting software interrupts on input complete. This error occurs
when NRT is unable to add the TTY: to the software interrupt
system at initialization time. There error code for the PISYS.
UUO is in AC T1 in the dump.
5. ?NRTCUF CORE UUO failed
This error occurs if NRT is unable to increase its size to
buffer messages.
6. ?NRTCWT Can't add WAKE Traps
NRT could not enable PSI traps for WAKE UUOs. The error code
from the PISYS. UUO is in AC T1 in the dump.
7. ?NRTDNI DEBRK. not implemented
The DEBRK. UUO to dismiss a software interrupt failed with
the non-skip return.
8. ?NRTDSF DEVSIZ for device TTY: failed
The DEVSIZ UUO to find the buffer size for the TTY: failed.
The error code for the failure is in AC T1 in the dump. Submit an
SPR and a dump.
9. ?NRTEDC Expecting Double colon in PMR string
Also applicable only if FTPMR is on, this message is output
if the user specifies a PMR string with a single colon in it.
10. ?NRTFUF FILOP. UUO failed to open performance file
NRT could not do the FILOP. UUO to append to the performance
file. Use the monitor command "SET WATCH FILES" to find the error
code, or examine AC T1 in the dump. This error can only occur if
FTPERF is turned on.
11. ?NRTIBP Illegal byte pointer
Routine BPLENG is called to compute the number of bytes to
output to the network in a message from the beginning and final
destination pointers. This routine is coded to work only if the
beginning byte pointer specifies eight-bit bytes and is word
aligned. This error occurs if the initial byte pointer does not
one of those conditions. The specified byte pointer is in AC P1
in the dump.
12. ?NRTIBS Illegal byte size
This error is also part of the BPLENG routine described in
the NRTIBP error immediately above. It occurs if the byte size
specified in the final byte pointer does not specify eight-bit
13. ?NRTICA Illegal core allocation
This error occurs only if FTPARANOID is turned on. It occurs
if the memory manager is requested to allocate a negative or zero
sized block of core. AC T1 in the dump contains the requested
size; examine the stack to find the offending calling routine.
14. ?NRTICD Illegal core deallocation
This occurs only if FTPARANOID is turned on. It occurs if
the memory manager is requested to return a core block which is
zero length or whose starting address is out of bounds for the
free core pool. AC T1 in the dump is the starting address; AC T2
is the size to deallocate. Examine the stack to find the
offending routine. Note that it is only the absolute value of the
size which is important (i.e., T2 can be negative).
15. ?NRTILD Illegal digit in number - re-input number
This error occurs when parsing the number of times to send
the performance analysis string. The program will not be aborted
and the correct number should be input (this message means the
user typed a non-numeric character in the number).
16. ?NRTINA Interlock not available
The interrupt level data base interlock was not available to
the lowest level interrupt routine. This implies that some
routine dismissed without returning the interlock. Submit an SPR
with a dump.
17. ?NRTIOR Illegal operating system type returned in configuration
The byte in the configuration message returned by the remote
system upon initiating the connection was of a value larger than
the maximum value known by NRT. The problem is at the fault of
remote system unless NRT is supposed to understand a new operating
system type in which case symbol MAXOS must be re-defined to
include this type and all values between the default value of
MAXOS and the new value must have dispatches in the OS dispatch
tables. This problem can also occur if the message which NRT
expected to be the configuration message was not. Currently, this
can happen if a VMS system which is being used as a Poor Man's
Routing node has PSTHRU "logging" "enabled", in which case the
PSTHRU task on the VMS system returns a non-standard PSTHRU ACK
message which is followed by extra text messages which NRT does
not know how to interpret. If this is the case, turn off PSTHRU
"logging" on the VMS system.
18. ?NRTIRS Illegal RSTS function
This error occurs if a RSTS remote hosts requests a function
which NRT does not know how to handle. This class of problem
should be traced with DNSNUP.
19. ?NRTITF IN UUO for TTY: failed
The IN UUO for the TTY: channel failed with a GETSTS bit on
other than IO.EOF. The GETSTS bits are in AC T1 in the dump.
20. ?NRTIVQ Illegal VMS QIO function
This error occurs if a VMS remote host requests a QIO
function which we do not know how to perform. Trace this problem
with DNSNUP.
21. ?NRTIXF Illegal RSX function
This error occurs if a remote RSX host requests an
unimplemented or illegal function. This should be traced with
22. ?NRTN10 Not connected to TOPS-10 or TOPS-20, command ignored
This occurs when the usuer attempts to use the "O[bscure]"
command for the exit dialogue while connected to a remote host
which does not speak TOPS-10/20 protocol. This error does not
cause NRT to abort; the command is simply ignored.
23. ?NRTNPI NSP. UUO to set PSI mask failed
NRT was unable to set the PSI mask for the channel to the
remote host in order for it to get a PSI interrupt when status on
the channel changed. The error code for the NSP. UUO is in AC T1
in the dump.
24. ?NRTNPM Version not compiled with Poor Man's Routing
This message is output when the user attempts to specify a
multi-node path to a destination node (e.g. KL1026::TWINKY::),
but the version of NRT was not compiled to accept Poor Man's
25. ?NRTODT OPEN of device TTY failed
NRT was unable to open device TT: for asynchronous I/O.
26. ?NRTOTF OUT to TTY: failed
NRT uses non-blocking buffered I/O to the terminal. This
error occurs if the OUT UUO fails with some error bit (other than
IO.EOF) turned on. Submit an SPR, a dump, and a test case if this
is repeatable. The GETSTS bits for the TTY: channel are in AC T1
in the dump.
27. ?NRTPIF PIINI. UUO failed
This message is output if NRT fails to initialize the
software interrupt system. Submit a dump and an SPR if this is
28. ?NRTPMR Can't send PMR string
The NSP. UUO to send the Poor Man's Routing string to the
remote PSTHRU task failed. The error code is in T1.
29. ?NRTPOF Performance file output failure
An OUT UUO to the performance file failed. AC T1 in the dump
will contain the GETSTS bits for the channel.
30. ?NRTTMN Too many nodes in PMR string
This message is output if the user attempts to specify too
many nodes in PMR string (applicable only if FTPMR is on). This
can be changed by recompiling NRT with a different value for the
assembly constant MAXPMR.
31. ?NRTUED Unexpected end to network data
This message is caused by NRT expecting more data in an
incoming network message than it received. It should occur only
for system such as RSX or VMS whose protocol involves well-defined
message headers which specify expected lengths to various fields.
If sent as SPRs, UED problems should be sent with a dump AND with
a trace file generated by the DNSNUP program (supplied on the
DECnet Tools Tape) run over the interval in which the UED error
occurs. The program and the files necessary to run it on the
remote system are also very useful.
32. ?NRTUSP Unsupported Protocol found
This error occurs if the user attempts to connect to a remote
host whose protocol NRT does not understand.
33. ?NRTUTF PISYS. UUO Unable to turn off interrupts
NRT was unable to temporarily turn the software interrupt
system off. The error code for the PISYS. UUO is in AC T1 in the
34. ?NRTUTN PISYS. UUO Unable to turn on interrupts
NRT was unable to re-enable the software interrupt system
after turning it off. The error code for the PISYS. UUO is in Ac
T1 in the dump.