
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decnet-10_v4_0_sup_bb-x116c-bb - 10,7/mcb/dcpdlc.m11
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	.TITLE	DCPDLC - DLC data base for DCP process
	.IDENT	/004160/
;                    COPYRIGHT (c) 1980, 1981, 1982
;                        Maynard, Massachusetts
;     This software is furnished under a license and may  be  used
;     and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
;     and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This
;     software  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
;     otherwise made available to any other person.  No  title  to
;     and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
;     The information  in  this  software  is  subject  to  change
;     without  notice  and should not be construed as a commitment
;     DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
;     of  its  software  on  equipment  which  is  not supplied by
;     DIGITAL.

	.WORD	0		; Timer byte and flags
	.BYTE	0		; protocol state
	.BYTE	0		; control messages to send
	.BYTE	0		; reported state
	.BYTE	0		; device control flags
	.BYTE	0		; requested protocol state
	.BYTE	0		; control flags
	.BYTE	0		; Protocol
	.BYTE	0		; Not controller loopback
	.BYTE	0		; Duplex
	.BYTE	0		; External clock
	.BYTE	0		; Network Management line state
; Threshold counters
	.BYTE	0		; Receiver threshold error counter
	.BYTE	0		; Transmit threshold error counter
	.BYTE	0		; Selection threshold error counter
; Data link counters
	.WORD	0,0		; Data bytes received
	.WORD	0,0		; Data bytes sent
	.WORD	0,0		; Data blocks received
	.WORD	0,0		; Data blocks sent
	.WORD	0		; Selection intervals elapsed
	.WORD	0		; Data errors outbound
	.WORD	0		; Data errors inbound
	.WORD	0		; Local buffer errors
	.WORD	0		; Remote buffer errors
	.WORD	0		; Selection timeouts
	.BYTE	0		; Local reply timeouts
	.BYTE	0		; Remote reply timeouts
; Station counters
	.WORD	0,0		; Time last zeroed
	.WORD	0		; Remote process errors
	.WORD	0		; Local process errors
	.BYTE	0		; Header block check errors
	.BYTE	0		; Maintenance data block check errors

	.BYTE	0		; No. of last message received
	.BYTE	0		; No. of last message queued to transmitter
	.BYTE	0		; No. of last message returned from transmitter
	.BYTE	0		; No. of highest message returned
				; from transmitter
	.BYTE	0		; No. of last acked transmitted message
	.BYTE	0		; No. of last acked message returned
	.BYTE	0		; Number of messages outstanding to the driver
	.BYTE	0		; NAK reason to be sent in NAK message
	.BYTE	0		; KMC device priority
	.WORD	0		; KMC CSR address
	.WORD	0		; KMC interrupt vector address
	.WORD	0		; DUP CSR address
	.WORD	3.		; SERVICE TIMER (default: 3 seconds)
	.WORD	3.		; RETRANSMIT TIMER (default: 3 seconds)
	LST$D			; Pretransmit queue
	LST$D			; Waiting for acknowledge queue
	.WORD	0		; Function pending list
	LIX$W			; Circuit logging entity identification
	.WORD	0		; Owner handle
	.WORD	0		; Transient error
	.WORD	0		; Persistent error
	.WORD	0		; Active buffers
	LIX$W			; Line logging entity identification
	LIX$W			; Driver process handle
        .BYTE	0		; Messages outstanding to the driver
        .BYTE	3.		; Maximum data messages pending at the driver.

	LST$D			; Line pre-transmit queue
;	.WORD	0,0,0		; Header word area
	CHR$W	UNT,<1>		; (initialization)
	.WORD	0,0
	.BYTE	0		; Babbling count
	.BYTE	4.		; maximum transmits at one shot