PDP-10 Archives
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The computer program ATOPLT version 2
is available to any organization (hereafter called the recipient)
on a free exchange basis subject to the following conditions.
1. The recipient acknowledges that ownership of the program
remains with La Trobe University.
2. The recipient agrees not to make substantial alterations
to the program without first consulting with the owner.
(The aim is to avoid a proliferation of dialects).
3. The recipient undertakes not to pass copies of the
program to any other organization without permission of
the owner. (The aim of this condition is to enable the
owner to keep an up-to-date list of user organizations,
and to secure acceptance of these conditions).
4. The recipient will not reprint documentation, either in
whole or in part, nor issue modified documentation
without the approval of the owner.
5. The recipient shall at all times hereafter take
reasonable precautions to keep secret and confidential
the software and all technical information data or
materials relating to the software.
6. La Trobe University makes no representation as to the
adequacy of this software for any particular purpose or
with respect to its adequacy to produce any particular
result. No warranty or guarantee of any type is implied
or intended for this material and the recipient hereby
agrees that it will not hold La Trobe University liable
for any latent faults in this material or for any other
reason. La Trobe University will attempt to provide
corrections for any problems reported and will accept
suggestions for improvements.
7. The recipient will inform the owner and negotiate an
appropriate fee, before the program is used on a
profit-making basis.
8. Upon acceptance of these terms and conditions as
indicated by the signature of an officer of the
recipient organization having the authority to enter
into such agreements, the La Trobe University will make
the software available at no cost.
Conditions for Supply of Software Page 2
I, an authorized official, understand and accept the stated
conditions for use of the material to be provided by La Trobe
Title of Office:
Name of Organization: