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Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
The following help information reflects the SIMULA implementation of
the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis program as of version 5H(246).
Any comments or queries concerning the functioning of the software
described in this and subsequent help information should be addressed to:
Marten van Gelderen, IKO Computer Systems Group, Postbox 4395,
1009 AJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (telephone: 31-(0)20-930951).
The program resides on a device called USR:. It is started by typing:
.R MULREG, and responds to the standard output device (usually TTY:) with
an identifying header and requests to specify four files, as follows:
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Enter file specifications
Inputstream :
Printstream :
Datastream :
Outputstream :
The inputstream serves to read the user program from; the printstream
receives the printed output from the program; the datastream serves to
read the separate input data records from; the outputstream receives the
data output records from the program.
If the default carriage return is responded to the data- and output-
stream requests, the program assumes that no separate input data are
present and that no data output is required.
If the default carriage return is responded to the input- and print-
stream requests, the program connects the standard input and output devices
(usually TTY:) to the input- and printstream respectively. To notify that
the inputstream is connected to the standard input device, the program dis-
plays the prompting character '*' (asterisk).
If both the input- and printstream are connected to the standard input
and output devices, the program echoes every text it cannot interpret
properly, preceeded by the error character '?' (question mark). However,
in response to a single carriage return the text 'For help type: "Help"' is
To the "Run" keyword a file specification list may be appended, pre-
ceeded by the character '/' (slash), with the following general format:
Each of the specifications will be connected to the corresponding program
stream respectively. Also, each of the specifications may be omitted,
which means that nothing will be changed to the corresponding stream at
all. However, if the character ' ' (blank) is substituted for one (or
more) of the specifications, the defaults - as described previously - will
be connected to the corresponding streams respectively.
If the specified files do not exist (for input- or datastreams) or
cannot be created (for print- or outputstreams), the corresponding streams
are displayed again, followed by the character '?' (question mark), to
indicate the erroneous situation and to enable the specification of other
files (or defaults).
If the program encounters a premature end-of-file condition in the
inputstream, it will connect the inputstream to the standard input device
and thus respond with the prompting character. New specifications for the
"Model", "Input", "Options" or "Data" (or keywords like "Run" or "Exit")
may then be entered.
In the inputstream, the program does not discriminate between upper
and lower case letters. Identifiers may contain any number of blanks,
however, a carriage return is not permitted, restricting the maximum length
of identifiers to the maximum number of characters in one input line. In
front of and following the opening quote of keywords only non-printing
ASCII characters like tabs and/or blanks are permitted, otherwise the
keyword (and the whole line following it) is not recognized.
Two implementation dependent restrictions are imposed on user pro-
grams: the maximum number of differently spelled identifiers and numbers
is 789 and the maximum number of nested parentheses is 62. In addition two
machine dependent restrictions are imposed: the maximum number of
characters in one input line is 132 and the number of significant digits in
computations is 18.
In response to the keyword "Help", this text (which resides on HLP:)
is copied to the printstream. Each of the following switches may be
appended to the "Help" keyword, preceeded by the character '/' (slash), in
order to obtain more detailed information (which also resides on HLP:).
/Theory Regression model & least squares (section 1.1 & 1.2),
/Tests Possible tests of hypotheses (section 1.3),
/Model Specification of the model formula (section 2.1),
/Input Specification of the input formula (section 2.2),
/Options Possible options and their effects (section 2.3),
/Data Acceptable numbers and their delimiters (section 2.4),
/User Setup of a complete user program (section 2.5),
/Example Example of a complete user program (section 2.6),
/Print Standard and optional printed output (section 3.1),
/Output Standard and optional data output (section 3.2),
/Errors Meaning of the error numbers (section 3.3),
/Syntax Definition of the syntax of a user program (appendix 2).
If no help information is available an appropriate message is displayed.