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h 'hA + x ) zx -`#x . h /MF)2g&i/bwHP 1Welcome to FQCRED Version 3 Program: %Unknown switch: %Illegal switch value: Type ? for help. This program will measure how many times each statementis executed in your SIMULA program.Enter file to be analysed in the following format:Dev:name.ext[/T] ( default extension is .SIM ). If switch T is present then sequence trace will be produced.N.B. This program will not check whether the inputfile is a correct SIMULA source file or not. So please test your program through the compiler first..SIM ?Cannot find: .FQ2 END OF FILE END ELSE OTHERWISE WHEN Number spilled ILLEGAL BASIC SYMBOL =/ CHARACTER CONSTANT LONG ELSE REF CHARACTER IF OTHERWISE THEN BEGINCOMMENT EXTERNAL INTEGER NOT PROTECTED SWITCH WHEN ARRAYBOOLEAN CLASSDO END HIDDEN INSPECT LABELNAME OPTIONS PROCEDURE REAL SHORTTEXT VALUEVIRTUAL ;/* BEGIN END **** ******** **** COMMENT TERMINATION BLOCK STRUCTUREz__(*****,"abcdef");z_q[*****]:=z_q[*****]+1;OPTIONS(/-i/-d/-w); BEGIN INTEGER ARRAY z_q[0: ]; ARRAY z_y,z_z[-1:100]; EXTERNAL REAL PROCEDURE fqccptime; EXTERNAL TEXT PROCEDURE fqcinline; EXTERNAL PROCEDURE run,exit; EXTERNAL INTEGER PROCEDURE fqcinput,fqcoutput; EXTERNAL REF(Infile) PROCEDURE fqcfindinfile;PROCEDURE traceoff; IF trace THEN BEGIN trace:= FALSE; IF conseq THEN BEGIN fqt.Outint(-last_trace, IF last_trace < 10 THEN 2 ELSEIF last_trace < 100 THEN 3 ELSE IF last_trace < 1000 THEN 4 ELSE IF last_trace < 10000 THEN 5 ELSE 6); fqt.Outimage; conseq:= FALSE END; fqt.Outtext("*** Trace off ***"); fqt.Outimage; END of traceoff; PROCEDURE traceon; BEGIN trace:= TRUE; last_trace:= -1 END traceon; INTEGER last_trace; BOOLEAN conseq,trace; PROCEDURE z__(i,t); NAME t; INTEGER i; TEXT t; BEGIN OPTIONS(/-A); z_q[i]:= z_q[i]+1; IF trace THEN BEGIN IF i NE last_trace+1 THENBEGIN IF conseq THEN BEGIN fqt.Outint(-last_trace,IF last_trace < 10 THEN 2 ELSEIF last_trace < 100 THEN 3 ELSE IF last_trace < 1000 THEN 4 ELSE IF last_trace < 10000 THEN 5 ELSE 6); conseq:= FALSE END; IF z_q[i] <= THEN BEGIN fqt.Setpos((fqt.Pos+14)//16*16+1); fqt.Outtext(t); fqt.Outint(i,6); END; END ELSE conseq:= TRUE; last_trace:= i;END trace;OPTIONS(/A); END z__; REF (Outfile) fqt; PROCEDURE traceon;; PROCEDURE traceoff;;PROCEDURE z_t(i); INTEGER i;IF i>0 THEN z_z[i]:=fqccptime ELSE IF i<0 THEN z_y[-i]:=z_y[-i]+fqccptime-z_z[-i]; REF(Infile) fqs; TEXT tt1,tt2,tt3; INTEGER i; tt1:- Copy("FREQ "); start: fqs:- fqcfindinfile(tt1);IF fqs=/=NONE THEN BEGIN fqs.Open(NOTEXT);fqcinput(fqs,i); fqs.Close; IF i NE THEN GOTO supersede; test: tt2:- NOTEXT; WHILE tt2==NOTEXT DOBEGIN Outimage; Outtext("Shall we add the new results to the"); Outimage; tt2:- fqcinline("old frequencyfile?",Sysin); Outimage; END; tt3:- tt2.Sub(1,1); IF tt3="?" THENBEGIN Outtext("You have a file named: "); Outimage; Outtext("which contains frequencies from a previous"); Outimage; Outtext("execution of this program."); Outimage; Outtext("Answer yes or no (ja and nej is also valid) if"); Outimage; Outtext("you want to accumulate the frequencies or not."); Outimage; Outimage; GOTO test;END ELSE IF tt3="N" or tt3="n" THEN BEGIN supersede: Outtext("%Superseding existing file"); Outimage; fqcinline("To continue press return " "else type ^C :",Sysin); GOTO prh; END; IF (tt3 ne "j" and tt3 ne "y") and (tt3 NE "J" AND tt3 NE "Y") THEN BEGINOuttext("Answer yes or no (ja och nej is also valid)");Outimage; Outtext("For help type ?"); Outimage; Outimage; GOTO test;END; fqs.Open(NOTEXT); fqcinput(fqs,i,z_q,z_y); fqs.Close;END; prh: fqt:- NEW Outfile("TRACE T/A:APPEND"); fqt.Open(Blanks(80)); fqt.Outtext("-----------------------"); fqt.Outimage; traceon; z_y[-1]:=z_y[-1]+fqccptime; z_y[0]:=z_y[0]+fqccptime;BEGINREF (Outfile) s; traceoff; fqt.Close;s:- NEW Outfile(tt1); s.Open(NOTEXT);z_q[0]:= z_q[0]+1; fqcoutput(s, ,z_q,z_y);Outimage; Outtext("If you want to have the result at once type .CONTINUE");Outimage; Outtext("To accumulate the frequencies just type: START"); Outimage; s.Close; exit(0); run("PUB:FQCLST",1); run("FQCLST",1); Outtext("?Could not find PUB: or SYS: FQCLST"); Outimage;END END; %FQCETD Execution terminated R= , LINK!SIM DSK: R/E/GLNK EX/REL SVC [FQCRED: CPU time: Running modified program: SYS:SIMULAxmG>t0 xnX o}hp ohn x M D D D D D D D D D
D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D PM&tJ7M&dP X @H M&d\xK