PDP-10 Archives
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h '*' :Q+ x ) 7Mx -*;x . h /gB,0 g&i/b|/^H 1spclog.tmpenglish Give two numbers with space between them: They are the ASCII codes (decimal) for two delimiters used in the internal data base representationThose characters may never occur in texts stored in the data base. Recommended: 23 24 However, as default two printable characters \ and ] Makes it easier to examine the internal representation during test. These characters are stored in the first record of the data base, and may not be changed without reloading Command format: COMMAND,op1,op2,op3, ... The following commands are available: (short forms in parenthesis) NAME,recordname (N) Name of record type KEY,keyfieldname (K) Name of key field SIZE,nrec (S) Size of area reserved for records of this type RECORD (REC) To store complete record definition in data base EXIT (EX) To exit from SPEC program SET,setname,owner,member To define a set TYPE,field1,field2,field3, ... where type is either: INTEGER,REAL,TEXT,INTEGER ARRAY, REAL ARRAY or TEXT ARRAY. (Short forms: I,R,T,IA,RA,TA. The fields occur in the record in the same order as the corresponding TYPE declarations are given to SPEC Record type not defined: Give 7 numbers n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7 where: n1 = size of area for RSPEC n2 = size of area for STRUKTURn3 = size of area for SETSPEC n4 = size of area for INDEXFILE n5 = size of area for TABLE n6 = size of area for command proceduresn7 = size of area for help messagesn1 should always be > 15 n2 and n3 should be > 0 only when sets are to be used n4 and n5 should be > 0 if the corresponding facilitiesin the program FETCH are to be used. n6 > 0 only when command procedures are used in the programs FETCH or GEMIC. n7 > 0 when the procedure HELPMESS is used toissue help information for SAFEIO calls.Data base file: tmp.tmp Image size: 68 Must be > 30 I,R,T,IA,RA,TA,N,K,S,REC,EX,SET,Z,Z,Z,INTEGER,REAL,TEXT,INTEGER ARRAY,REAL ARRAY,TEXT ARRAY,NAME,KEY,SIZE,RECORD,EXIT Is an old file to be edited ? yes ? If not , please exit and delete this file first Delimiters 92,93System area sizes 20,10,10,10,10,10,10Give SIX positive numbers separated by commasINDEXFILE NAMN,ANTAL,TYP,COND,REMARK,INDEX 3,1,3,3,3,4 SETSPEC NAMN,OWNER,MEMBERS,REMARK3,3,3,3 TABLENAMN,FIELDS,COLUMNS,SUMS,REMARK 3,3,3,3,3 STRUKTUR NAMN,OSETS,MSETS 3,3,3CPROCNAMN,BODY,DESCR3,3,3HELPMESS MNAME,MESS3,3 * Illegal keyword, try again. SETSPEC May not be used on initial creation ! OLd name. Try again with another name! : Specify name of key Size should be >= 0, Specify size! Record OK. Specify next record or type EX to finish. X=G",:t]P X ? h XB (@h? B 6W
D XEG",:yK` X G h XI (HhF B 6V
D xLG>t0 xMX N}hP NhN x M 4qD D D D D D D D D
D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D PbM&tJ7M&dP X d@H M&d\xK