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                               CHAPTER II.1

           SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER

SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.1-1

741021    780302      6                           Stefan Arnborg



         The compiler consists of three passes,  each  consisting  of  a
         reentrant  high  segment  and a layout of the low segment.  The
         passes are referred to as pass 1, pass 2  and  pass  3.   Their
         high  segment  names  are  SIMULA.EXE, SIMP2.EXE and SIMP3.EXE.
         When a program is compiled, it is processed first  by  pass  1,
         then  by  pass 2 and finally by pass 3.  If several programs or
         external modules are compiled, the process is repeated for each
         source  module.  The passes communicate by means of data in the
         low segment (II.3) and intermediate files (II.4).

         The first pass reads the source, assembles characters to  basic
         symbols (special symbols, constants, keywords and identifiers),
         removes comments, transforms the program to reverse Polish  and
         processes   declarations.    Declaration   processing  includes
         retrieval of declarations from .ATR files for external  modules
         and  allocation  and  sorting of declarations.  The second pass
         binds  identifiers  to  declarations,  checks  operand/operator
         correspondence and generates code.

         The third pass edits the code generated to a format  acceptable
         to LINK-10, edits listings and types error messages.

                               CHAPTER II.2

           SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER

SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.2-1

741111    780302      6                           Olof Bjorner


         The decomposition of each pass is described in II.A.2 (pass 1),
         II.B.2 (pass 2) and II.C.2 (pass 3).

                               CHAPTER II.3

           SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER

SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.3-1

741106    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg


         The layout of the compiler low segment is:

              ^        ^        ^
              :        :        :
         :--------:    :   :--------:
         !        !    :   !        !
         !        +--------+        !
         ! PASS 1 ! PASS 2 ! PASS 3 !
         !  DATA  !  DATA  !        !
         !--------+--------+--------!  ca 7100 octal
         !                          !
         !       GLOBAL  DATA       !
         !--------------------------!      140 octal
         !       JOBDATA AREA       !
         +--------------------------+       20 octal

         Pass 1 data is documented in II.A.3
         Pass 2 data is documented in II.B.3
         Pass 3 data is documented in II.C.3

         The global part contains 3 large areas and some  smaller  areas
         (mostly   single  words).   The  sizes  are  (octal  radix  and
         production version):

                 I/O buffers                     ca 5100
                 Stack (YSTK)                       1200
                 Diagnostic messages buffer (ZDM)    230
                 Miscellaneous, in all           ca  120

         The I/O buffers, YSTK and ZDM are documented  here,  the  other
         areas in the file LOWSEG.MAC.

 II.3.1  I/O buffer organisation

         There is an I/O  buffering  scheme  designed  to  minimise  the
         number of intermediate files written on disk.  The scheme works
         as follows.
         The command file and the REL file (and debug  output  in  debug
         version) have fixed buffer space allocated and they will not be
         further considered here.
         The other files have a common pool of 16 buffers which  may  be
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.3-2

741106    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg

         used  as buffer rings for I/O or as storage for the entire file
         contents.  To simplify  the  description,  the  I/O  activities
         during a compilation have been divided into 8 phases:

                         I/O phase       Input           ! Output
                         +--                             !
                         ! 1             Source          ! LS1, XRF, IC1
                 Pass 1 <  2             Attributes      ! DF1
                         ! 3                             ! ZSE
                         +--                             !
                 Pass 2 <  4             IC1, DF1        ! IC2
                         !                               ! ATR
                         +--                             !
                         ! 6             ZSE, ATR        !
                 Pass 3 <  7             IC2, Attributes ! ATR
                         ! 8             Source, LS1, XRF! LST
                         +--                             !

         The initial setup (for phase 1) is:  The LS1 file  is  given  3
         buffers,  the XRF file 2 buffers, the IC1 file 5 and the source
         2 buffers leaving 2 free buffers.

         1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16
         ! LS1  ! XRF  !      IC1     !   Source  ! Free!

         The files LS1, XRF and IC1 are initially kept in core in  their
         allocated  space.   Whenever  one  of  these  files exceeds its
         qouta, it gets the free buffer space as a buffer  ring  and  is
         output  on  disk from then on.  Its initial space is thus freed
         and will be used as free space for the next file  to  overflow,
         if any.  This is governed by the YBRBUF pointer:
         YBRBUF: ! number of free buffers ! first free buffer  !
         At the end of phase 1, all files still kept in core are  packed
         together  to  avoid  memory fragmentation.  The pointers YBRSRC
         and YBRZSE are set.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.3-3

741106    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg

            1  2    3  4  5
         ! LS1 ! XRF ! IC1 !
                     ^     ^
         YBRSRC -----+     !
         YBRZSE -----------+

         During phase 2  the  file  DF1  is  written.   The  space  from
         (YBRZSE) up to the last 4 buffers (the last 2 buffers if IC1 is
         still in core) is  used  for  file  storage.   If  this  proves
         sufficient,  YBRZSE  is changed, otherwise the last two buffers
         (15 and 16) are set up as a buffer ring and  the  DF1  file  is
         output  to  disk.  As there may not exist any free buffers when
         DF1 is being written, and  external  ATR  files  may  be  input
         simultaneously,  the  ATR  files get buffer space in the pass 1
         YDPD structure which is no longer in use.

         During phase 3  the  file  ZSE  is  written.   The  space  from
         (YBRZSE)  up to the last 6 buffers (last 4 if one of IC1 or DF1
         still in core and last 2 if both in core) is computed.  As  the
         size of the ZSE file is known before the file is written, it is
         also known if it fits into the free space.  If so, the file  is
         put  there, otherwise the last two buffers are used as a buffer
         ring.  Finally YBRZSE and YBRBUF are set (note that from now on
         YBRBUF has another meaning).  The situation at the end of phase
         3 is:

            1  2    3  4  5   6   7    8
         ! LS1 ! XRF ! IC1 ! DF1 ! ZSE !
                     ^                 ^
         YBRSRC -----+                 !
         YBRBUF, YBRZSE ---------------+

         During phase 4, the files IC1 and DF1 are read and the file IC2
         is  written.   There  is  no  attempt to keep IC2 in core.  The
         files which reside on disk get a buffer  ring  of  two  buffers
         each.  This is always possible due to the maximum sizes imposed
         on the files in the earlier phases.  During the  allocation  of
         the  buffer  rings,  YBRBUF  acts as a free area pointer.  When
         phase 4 is terminated, the situation is like this:
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.3-4

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         ! LS1 ! XRF ! Garbage !  ZSE !
                     ^                 ^
         YBRSRC -----+  YBRZSE --------+

         During phase 5  the  ATR  file  is  written.   The  space  from
         (YBRZSE)  up to the last 2 buffers is used as file storage.  If
         this is insufficient the last 2 buffers are used  as  a  buffer
         ring and the ATR file is output on disk.

         During pase 6 the files ZSE and ATR are read into local pass  3
         areas.   If they are on disk, they are input in unbuffered dump
         mode.  Thus no buffers are allocated in this phase.  At the end
         of phase 6, the situation is:

         ! LS1 ! XRF !
         YBRSRC -----+

         During the last two phases each file which is used and not kept
         in  core  will  have  a  buffer  ring of two buffers allocated,
         except for the ATR file which is written  in  unbuffered  mode.
         YBRBUF  is used to keep track of file buffer usage and is reset
         from YBRSRC at the start of each phase.

 II.3.2  The push-down stack (YSTK)

         The push-down  stack  is  initialised  to  detect  overflow  by
         hardware  (push-down pointer counter negative) and underflow is
         trapped by making a few words at the stack bottom point  to  an
         error routine (different routine in different passes).

 II.3.3  The diagnostic messages buffer (ZDM)

         This buffer has space for 50 messages.   Each  message  uses  3
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.3-5

741106    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg

          0                17 18                35
         !    error number   ! first line to print!
         ! semicol. of line  ! last  line to print!
         !    I1      !      I2     !     I3      !
          0          11 12         23 24         35

         Word 2: Bits 0-17       Number  of  semicolons  before   faulty
             statement on first line to be printed.
         Word 3:  The contents depend on the message, either:
         1) ASCII text, 5 characters or less left justified.
         2) I1, I2 and I3 are 12-bit numbers which are interpreted as:
         2a) A positive integer to be output in decimal ASCII.
         2b) Value < 1024:  edited as a symbol defined  via  the  SYMBOL
             macro in SIMMAC.MAC.
         2c) Value >= 1024:  Edit as identifier from dictionary.

                               CHAPTER II.4

           SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER

SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-1

740814    780302      6                           Reidar Karlsson

II.4     File descriptions

II.4.1   SIM command file
II.4.2   Source code file
II.4.3   Attribute file
II.4.4   LS1 List control file
II.4.5   IC1 Intermediate code from pass 1
II.4.6   DF1 Declaration file
II.4.7   ZSE Symbol table
II.4.8   Relocatable binary object code
II.4.9   ATR Intermediate attribute file
II.4.10  XRF Cross reference data file
II.4.11  IC2 Intermediate code from pass 2
II.4.12  Source listing file
II.4.13  SIMERR Error message tables
II.4.14  DEB Debug files

! FILE NAME  ! FILE CONTENTS       ! W ! R ! CHANNEL! REMARKS            !
! nnnSIM.TMP ! Command file        ! - ! 1 ! QCHCOM ! only via CCL entry !
! infile.SIM ! Source  file        ! - !1,3! QCHSRC !                    !
! extern.ATR ! Attribute file      ! 3 !1,3! QCHEXT !                    !
! nnnLS1.TMP ! List control file   ! 1 ! 3 ! QCHLS1 !                    !
! nnnIC1.TMP ! Intermediate code 1 ! 1 ! 2 ! QCHIC1 !                    !
! nnnDF1.TMP ! Declaration file    ! 1 ! 2 ! QCHDF1 !                    !
! nnnZSE.TMP ! Symbol table        ! 1 ! 3 ! QCHZSE !                    !
! relfil.ext ! Binary object code  !ALL! - ! QCHREL ! name from command  !
! nnnATR.TMP ! Intermediate attr.  ! 2 ! 3 ! QCHATR !                    !
! nnnXRF.TMP ! Cross ref. data     ! 1 ! 3 ! QCHXRF !                    !
! nnnIC2.TMP ! Intermediate code 2 ! 2 ! 3 ! QCHIC2 !                    !
! lstfil.ext ! Source listing      ! 3 ! - ! QCHLS3 ! name from command  !
! SIMERR.ERR ! Error messages      ! - ! 3 ! QCHERR ! created by SUTERR  !
! nnnDEB.LST ! Debug output pass 1 ! 1 ! - ! QCHDEB ! only debug version !
! nnnDEB.TMP ! Debug output pass 2 !1,2! - ! QCHDEB ! only debug version !

Table II.4.1 Compiler files.
                nnn = job number. W written in pass. R = read in pass.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-2

740814    780302      6                           Reidar Karlsson


         All  temporary  compiler  files  follow  the   TOPS-10   naming
         conventions.  Their names have the following form:
         where nnn is the decimal job number with leading zeroes, XXX is
         a mnemonic for the use of the file.
         Two new file name extensions (types) are  introduced  with  the
         SIMULA  system:  SIM for SIMULA language source ASCII files and
         ATR for binary attribute files created and read by  the  SIMULA

         All files used within the compiler are listed in table  II.4.1.
         The  temporary files LS1, IC1, DF1, ZSE, ATR and XRF may either
         be kept in core or output on disk.  Space for 16  disk  buffers
         of  standard  size  is  allocated  in the low segment for these
         files.  See low segment organization (II.3).   The  files  LS1,
         IC1  and  XRF  which are created at the same time during pass 1
         processing, will stay in core unless they exceed  3,  5  and  2
         buffers  respectively.   The files DF1, ZSE and ATR are created
         consecutively in that order, and if they fit  in  in  the  free
         buffer area, they will be kept in core.  The other files listed
         in table II.4.1 will always be on disk.  If an I/O error occurs
         in pass 1, two things can happen.  A LOOKUP error on either the
         source file or the attribute file will cause an  error  message
         on  the TTY stating that the file was not found.  A new command
         to the compiler is expected.  Any other I/O error in pass 1 and
         any  I/O  error  in  pass  2  will generate a terminating error
         message  and  pass  3  will  be  called  immediately.    If   a
         terminating  error occurs in pass 3, an attempt is made to edit
         the error messages found so far.  If more than one  terminating
         error  is  detected  (e.g.  failure  to  read the error message
         tables from SIMERR.ERR), the  message  "?UNRECOVERABLE  ERRORS"
         will  be  typed on the TTY and the next command is processed or
         the compilation is terminated by an EXIT UUO  if  the  compiler
         commands came from COMPIL.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-3

740814    780302      6                           Reidar Karlsson

 II.4.1  SIM command file

         FILE:   nnnSIM.TMP

         PURPOSE:When the SIMULA compiler is called via the  CCL  entry,
                 an  attempt  is  made to read the command string from a
                 TMPCOR  file  named  SIM.   If  that  fails,  the  file
                 DSK:nnnSIM.TMP is read if found.

                 If the SIMULA compiler is invoked directly by R SIMULA,
                 commands  are  read  from  the TTY.  No command file is
                 involved in that case.   If  the  TMPCOR  file  SIM  is
                 present, it is copied and deleted by I1CM.

         OPEN:   OPEN and LOOKUP on channel  QCHCOM  in  buffered  ASCII
                 line mode (.IOASL).  Done in I1CM.

         INPUT:  The file is read in I1MOVE.

         DELETE: The file is finally deleted in  T3  when  all  commands
                 have been processed.

         RECORD LAYOUT:  The data in the file is separated  into  lines,
                 each  line  taken  as a command to the SIMULA compiler.
                 The first null character is taken as end of file.   The
                 command  format  is  similar  to that accepted by other
                 compilers used under TOPS-10:
                   RELFILE [,LISTFILE] = SOURCE-1 [,SOURCE-2]...
                 The general form of each file specification is:
                 Compiler switches may appear after LISTFILE as  /SWITCH
                 and  after  SOURCE-files  as  (SSSS...), where S is the
                 short one letter form (-S also allowed).

                 Default for DEV is DSK, defaults for EXT are  REL,  LST
                 and  SIM resp.  PATH is the users default path (usually
                 the logged in UFD) unless explicitly given.

                 The last line in a command file may be of the form
                 where filespec should be the name of a program (default
                 device  is  SYS:).   The  program  will be RUN with run
                 offset = 1 (CCL entry).
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-4

740814    780302      6                           Reidar Karlsson

                 A few examples follow:

                   .COMPILE prog.sim
                 will give the command file:


                   .LOAD prog1+prog2/CREF

                   .EXECUTE/LIST prog1,prog2/NOLIST(-W)

                 It is assumed in the examples that prog.SIM,  prog1.SIM
                 and  prog2.SIM  exist on the user's default area on the
                 disk structure.  If another file with the same name but
                 with  a  file  extension  different  from  SIM  exists,
                 another compiler may be invoked if the extension is not
                 explicitly   given   in  the  COMPILE  (LOAD,  EXECUTE)
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-5

740814    780302      6                           Reidar Karlsson

 II.4.2  Source code file

         FILE:   Input    file     specification     of     the     form
                 DEV:FILE.EXT[PATH].    Defaults:    DEV=DSK,   EXT=SIM,
                 PATH=default directory, usually the logged in directory

         PURPOSE:The SIMULA program to be compiled must exist as one  or
                 more disk files.

         OPEN:   The file is opened on channel QCHSRC in buffered binary
                 mode  (.IOBIN)  in the LC (line control) module of pass
                 1.  The file is looked up in  O1SCOP  which  is  called
                 from LC.

         INPUT:  Read in pass 1 by LC via O1SC.

         CLOSE:  Closed in O1SCCL which is called from T1.

         OPEN:   Opened again in pass 3 on  the  same  channel,  but  in
                 buffered  ASCII  mode (.IOASC), in I3S, which is called
                 from E3LICS.

         INPUT:  Normally read in pass 3 via O3RSC called from E3IN.  If
                 an  illegal  end  of  program is found, the rest of the
                 source file will be input at O3SCLS.

         CLOSE:  File closed, channel released in T3L, called from E3.

         RECORD LAYOUT:  A DECsystem-10/20 SIMULA program is a  sequence
                 of  symbols  from the DECsystem-10 character set (ASCII
                 7-bit code).  The data in the file  is  separated  into
                 lines.   A  line  is  delimited  by  a  line feed (LF),
                 vertical tab (VT) or form feed (FF) character.  A  line
                 may  contain  at  most  135  characters.   For  further
                 information, see DECsystem-10 SIMULA Language Handbook.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-6

740814    780302      6                           R Karlsson/L Enderin

 II.4.3  Attribute file

         FILE:   <E-name>.ATR
                 Normally,  <E-name>  ==  <I-name>,  the  name  of   the
                 external   class  or  procedure  (first  6  characters,
                 possibly with trailing blanks).

         PURPOSE:The attribute  file  contains  declarative  information
                 about a separately compiled class or procedure.


         Definitions: The general external declaration has the form:
           <E-header> <E-item> [,<E-item>]...
           <E-header> ::= EXTERNAL ([<type>] PROCEDURE ! CLASS)
           <E-item> ::= <I-name> !
                        <I-name> = [<dev>:] <E-name> [<ppn>]
         If <E-item> has no '=' sign, <E-name> = <I-name>.

         OPEN:   For each external item (<E-item>) found in  the  source
                 file,  the  file  <E-name>.ATR  will  be  looked  up on
                 channel QCHEXT  in  synchronous  buffered  binary  mode
                 (.IOBIN,  with  IO.SYN bit set).  The lookup is done by
                 O1EXLU, called  from  O1EXOP,  after  O1EX.O  has  been
                 called  to  initialize  channel  QCHEXT.  Each ATR file
                 which is found is processed as  shown  below.   If  the
                 file  is  not  found  directly,  a  further  search can
                 normally be done, unless the "=" convention was used to
                 specify an explicit file.

                 If all ATR files have not been found by direct  lookup,
                 they  may  still  be  found in library files.  The next
                 file  to  be  looked  up  is  defined  by  the  /SEARCH
                 switch(es) given to the compiler via OPTIONS statements
                 or via the command string.  See [LH2],  Section  7.1.1.
                 Several files can be defined, and they are looked up in
                 an  order  which  is  the  reverse  of  the  order   of
                 If no file is found in this way, an  error  message  is
                 Otherwise, it is checked whether the file  found  is  a
                 library  file  or a separate attribute file.  The first
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-7

740814    780302      6                           R Karlsson/L Enderin

                 word  of  a  library  file  must  contain   XWD 14,177,
                 signifying  an index block.  The index block contains a
                 table of entry names.   Each  name  in  that  table  is
                 checked  against  the  list  of  external items not yet
                 resolved.The SIMULA name, <I-name>,  is  used  for  the
                 comparison.   The  index  blocks form a list within the
                 file.  Each index block is searched in this  way  until
                 no  more  index  blocks  exist  or the list of external
                 items is exhausted.
                 If more items remain, the next file on the search  list
                 is  searched,  etc.  Once a match occurs,the first word
                 of the ATR module corresponding to  <I-name>  is  found
                 via the table and read in from the buffer.

                 The ATR file is now ready to be processed.  If the file
                 is  NOT  a  library  file,  it is assumed to correspond
                 exactly to the external item.  The  start  of  the  ATR
                 module  depends on the version of SIMULA which produced
                 it.  The old version could not be included in a library
                 because  no  entry  or  name  block  was included.  The
                 current ATR files are made to look like  REL  files  in
                 order to allow manipulation by FUDGE2 or MAKLIB.
                 Before returning to DPEXT, O1EXOP scans the file up  to
                 the first word of the actual ATR information.

         INPUT:  Actual input of blocks from the file is done by  O1EXT,
                 called from DPEXT.

         CLOSE:  The file is closed by O1EXCL.


         When compiling a procedure or class separately, pass 3 looks up
         any  old  ATR  file  with the same SIMULA name.  Pass 1 informs
         pass 3 of  the  whereabouts  of  this  file  via  global  data:
         YATRDEV:YATRFN[YATRPPN], YATROFS(=word offset in library file).
         (In TOPS-20 SIMULA, YATRJFN is passed on as well  as  the  size
         If the file is found, its contents  are  compared  to  the  new
         information in the intermediate ATR file generated in Pass 2.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-8

740814    780302      6                           R Karlsson/L Enderin

         OPEN:   The old ATR file is looked  up  on  channel  QCHEXT  in
                 buffered  binary  synchronous  mode (.IOBIN).  I3E does
                 the OPEN and calls I3ELO  to  look  up  the  file.   If
                 LIBSIM.ATR  is  looked  up,  I3FI  finds  the submodule
                 within the ATR library just like O1EXFI does in Pass 1.
                 Once  the (sub)module is found, it is scanned up to the
                 first word of ATR info and is ready for processing.  If
                 no  old ATR file is found in this way, a new file is to
                 be created.

         INPUT:  By O3RA via M3ATR.

         CLOSE:  If the  attribute  file  is  similar  to  the  new  ATR
                 information  given  by the intermediate ATR file, it is
                 closed and the channel is released.  If differences are
                 found,  the  old  file  is  deleted  and  a new file is
                 written in its place.

         OUTPUT: O3WATR writes the new ATR file if  any.   The  file  is
                 written in dump mode (.IODPR=16).


                 The ATR file consists of 3 parts:

                 1) Entry and name blocks as in the REL file:

                 1a) ENTRY block (type 4):

                    XWD 4,1
                    EXP 0    ;relocation bits
                    RADIX50 0,/<I-name>/

                 <I-name> is the SIMULA name of the class or  procedure.
                 This  information,  excluding the zero relocation word,
                 is placed in the index block of a library file  and  is
                 used when the submodule is looked up.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.4-9

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                 1b) NAME block (type 6):

                    XWD 6,1
                    EXP 0
                    RADIX50 0,/<E-name>/

                 <E-name>  is  determined  from  the   REL   file   name
                 (<E-name>.REL)  given  in  the  command  string  to the
                 compiler.  Assuming  default  device,  extensions,  and
                 path, the command string is
                 i.e. the file <S-name>.SIM is compiled to give the  REL
                 file  <E-name>.REL, the ATR file <E-name>.ATR, the list
                 file <L-name>.LST.

                 2) ATR information block:

                 This is disguised as a REL file comment block (type 0):

                    XWD 0,M
                     <N words of ATR information>

                 The word count, M, is computed from the actual count  N
                 by regarding every 18th word as a relocation word which
                 is not included in M.  This is because LINK-10, LOADER,
                 FUDGE2  and MAKLIB handle REL files in this fashion.  A
                 dummy zero word may sometimes have to be added  to  the
                 end of the block to make the count come out correctly.
                 The ATR information is:

                 2a) Heading:

                 One word, zero for a SIMULA procedure, the  entry  name
                 in  RADIX50  for  MACRO-10 or FORTRAN procedures, and a
                 unique identifier with a '%' as third character  for  a

                 2b) Attributes:


                 The attributes  form  an  A-list.   See  II.6  for  the
                 definition of ZQU and ZHB.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER              II.4-10

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                 2c) Information for checking:

                 A list of ZHE(QQUACH) records (see  II.6)  is  created,
                 where  each  record  corresponds  to  an  external item
                 referenced by this module.  The list ends with  a  zero

                 3) END block (type 5):

                    XWD 5,2
                    EXP 0,0,0

                 This delimits the ATR module within a library file.

                 In the old record layout, only part 2 was present.  The
                 format  was  changed to allow creation of library files
                 by FUDGE2 or MAKLIB, which treat  only  REL  files.   A
                 SIMULA  ATR  file  thus  looks  like a REL file with an
                 ENTRY block, a NAME block, a COMMENT block and  an  END

         RECORD LAYOUT for library ATR files:

                 An ATR file with the layout described above may be made
                 part  of  an ATR library file.  FUDGE2 or MAKLIB can be
                 used to create a library out of separate ATR  files  or
                 other  libraries.  The format is that of an indexed REL
                 file library:

                 1) The first block is an index block  (type  14),  with
                 the structure:

                     XWD 14,177
                     <index table>
                     XWD -1,next

                 next is the number of the next index block in the  file
                 or -1 if no more index blocks exist.
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                 <index table> consists of a series  of  <moduleitem>'s,
                 where <moduleitem> is:

                     XWD 4,1
                     RADIX50 0,/<I-name>/
                     XWD W,B

                 W is the word offset within block B of the  file  where
                 the submodule corresponding to <I-name> starts.

                 The second  block  and  following  blocks  (except  for
                 inserted  index  blocks)  contain  ATR file information
                 copied into contiguous blocks of words.  If  the  first
                 block  has a pointer to another index block, that index
                 block is placed before the first submodule referred  by
                 an  entry  name  in it.  The second and following index
                 blocks are similar.   The  chain  of  index  blocks  is
                 finished  by  a block whose last non-zero word contains

         INPUT of a library ATR file:

                 Initially, 3 buffers are  allocated.   When  the  first
                 block   is   recognized   as  an  index  block,  it  is
                 disconnected from the buffer ring  and  2  buffers  are
                 left  to  form  a new ring.  Following the lookup of an
                 entry in the index block, a number of disk  blocks  are
                 skipped  to  find  the  start of the module or the next
                 index block if lookup was  not  successful.   Only  one
                 index  block is retained, placed in the first buffer of
                 the initial 3 buffers.   Since  the  file  is  read  in
                 synchronous  mode, stopping after each bufferful, USETI
                 can be used to locate the correct block before  issuing
                 the IN UUO.

                 Otherwise, an ATR library is handled  like  a  separate
                 ATR file.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER              II.4-12

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 II.4.4  LS1 List control file

         FILE:  nnnLS1.TMP

         PURPOSE:The LS1 file is written by pass 1 and read by  pass  3.
                 It  contains  information  needed by pass 3 to edit the
                 source file listing.

         OUTPUT: If the file size does not exceed  3  disk  buffers,  it
                 will  stay  in  core between passes.  When the limit is
                 exceeded, O1LS1 is called and  opens  a  disk  file  on
                 channel  QCHLS1  in  buffered  binary  mode (.IOBIN) at

         CLOSE:  Closed in O1LSCL called from T1.

         REOPEN: If the file is not core resident, it is  looked  up  in
                 I3L  (pass  3)  and  then input by calls to O3RS during
                 editing by E3.  At the end of  E3,  the  file  will  be
                 deleted by a call to T3L.

         RECORD LAYOUT:  The LS1 file contains  two  types  of  records,
                 control  records and text records.  Control records are
                 a full word or a halfword and  are  distinguished  from
                 text  records  by  a  1 in the rightmost bit (bit 17 or
                 The following control records exist:

                 Type 1 Not used
                 Type 2 BEGIN record
                 Type 3 END record
                 Type 4 Line record
                 Type 5 Not used
                 Type 6 PAGE record
                 Type 7 LIST record
                 Type 8 NOERR record
                 Type 9 Source identification record

                 Records of types 4 and 9 are created by the  LC  module
                 and  all other types by I1.  The LCLS1 subroutine edits
                 control records.  Text records are edited by the LCLS1T
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                 Control record formats:

                 The first seven bits of  a  control  record  contain  a
                 letter  in  ASCII  code  identifying  the  record type,
                 except for types 6, 7 and 8 (see below).

                 Type 2 BEGIN record:

                  0     6          17                34 35
                 !  'B'  !           !                 !1!

                 Bits 0-6 = ASCII 'B'.
                 Created by the LC module.

                 Type 3 END record:

                  0     6          17                34 35
                 !  'E'  !           !                 !1!

                 Bits 0-6 = ASCII 'E'.
                 Created by the LS module.

                 Type 4 Line record:

                  0     6 7 8 9     16 17
                 !  'I'  ! ! !        !1!

                 This record is a halfword and is defined as  ZLEREC  in
                 the SIMMAC parameter file.
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                 Bits  Symbol  Meaning
                 ----  ------  -------
                 0- 6  ZLEID   Always ASCII 'I'
                    7  ZLESRC  = 1 if this line has a standard line
                    8  ZLEOK   = 1 if ZLESRC = 1 and line number is in
                 9-16  ZLEIND  Code for break character combination for
                   17  ZLEBIT  Always = 1

                 The break character code has the following meaning:

                 Value Symbol Break characters
                 ----- ------ ----------------
                   0   QLDEL  LF  (line feed)
                   1   QVDEL  VT  (vertical tab)
                   2   QFDEL  FF  (form feed)
                   3   QLVDEL LF+VT
                   4   QLFDEL LF+FF
                   5   QEFDEL End of file

                 Code QEFDEL is used only when the last line of a source
                 file  is  not  terminated by a break character.  Type 4
                 records are packed into full words  whenever  possible.
                 If  a  type 4 record is followed by a full word control
                 record it is padded to the right if  necessary  with  a
                 halfword containing a 1 in the last bit.

                 Type 6 PAGE record

                  0     6 7     13       20                 35
                 !   n   !   n    !  'P'   !               !1!

                  0     6 7     13                          35
                 !   n   !  'P'   !                        !1!
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                  0     6                                   35
                 !  'P'  !                                 !1!

                 This record is created when  a  PAGE  switch  is  found
                 either   in   the  command  string  or  in  an  OPTIONS
                 statement.  "nn" is the number of lines per page, which
                 may  precede  'P'  in  the  switch.   If  the switch is
                 followed by :"text string", this string will follow  in
                 one  or  more  text  records immediately after the page
                 record.  The text  string  is  delimited  by  the  next
                 control record.

                 Type 7 LIST record

                  0     6 7     13                          35
                 !   -   !  'L'   !                        !1!

                  0     6                                   35
                 !  'L'  !                                 !1!

                 This record is created when a -LIST or LIST  switch  is
                 found in a command string or i an OPTIONS statement.  A
                 LIST record is also created if a COMPILE-class  command
                 generates  LPT:   for  the  list file or if the command
                 string contains a CREF switch.

                 Type 8 NOERR record

                  0     6 7     13                          35
                 !   -   !  'N'   !                        !1!
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                  0     6                                   35
                 !  'N'  !                                 !1!

                 This record is created when a -NOERR or NOERR switch is
                 found in a command string or an OPTIONS statement.

                 Type 9 Source identification record

                  0     6                                   35
                 !       !                                 ! !

                 This record is created when a new source file is  being
                 scanned,  i.e.  when a "false" EOF word is found in the
                 buffer (see LC module).  It is followed by four or more
                 text records:
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                  0                                         35
                 !              device name                  !
                 !              file   name                  !
                 !  extension         !                      !

                 If no path was given or just a ppn, the 4th word is:
                 !  project no or 0   !  programmer no or 0  !

                 If an SFD path was specified, the 4th word is:
                 !     -n-1           !          0           !

                 followed by n+1 words:
                 !  project no        !  programmer no       !
                 !              SFD name 1                   !
                 :                                           :
                 :                                           :
                 !              SFD name n                   !

                 This information is used by  pass  3  to  look  up  the
                 source file(s).

                 The following sequence of records will always start the
                 LS1 file:
                 - L
                 - N
                 <first source identif. rec>
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                 Records belonging to a line will appear in the order:
                 !      ! ... !    !                      !            !
                 0 or more records ! type 2 and/or type 3 ! type 4
                 type 5-8          ! if BEGIN and or END  !

 II.4.5  IC1  Intermediate code from pass 1.

         FILE:   nnnIC1.TMP

         PURPOSE:The intermediate code  file  IC1  contains  information
                 about executable constructions in the source text.


         OUTPUT: The file will stay in core  until  it  exceeds  5  disk
                 buffers  in size.  When this limit is reached, O1IC1 is
                 called and a  file  is  opened  on  channel  QCHIC1  in
                 buffered binary mode (.IOBIN) at O1OPIC.

         CLOSE:  The file is closed in O1ICCL called from T1.

         REOPEN: A LOOKUP on the file is performed in O2OP if  the  file
                 does not already reside in core.

         INPUT:  O2IS is called to read a symbol  and  O2IV  to  read  a
                 constant value.

         DELETE: The file is deleted in O2EX.

         RECORD LAYOUT:  IC1 is, with a few exceptions, a reverse Polish
                 string in which the elements are symbols represented in
                 the syntax description below  by  upper  case  letters.
                 For  example PLUS is the symbol for the binary operator
                 + .  Some symbols  are  followed  by  parameters  (e.g.
                 CONR(v1)(v2)  represents a real constant whose value is
                 the actual parameters  that  follow  in  the  next  two
                 halfwords).   Each  symbol  and  parameter occupies one

                 In the description the special symbol ID is used  as  a
                 generic   symbol   representing  an  identifier.   Each
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                 differently spelt identifier is allocated a  number  by
                 the Lexical scanner which is equivalent to its index in
                 the symbol table.  This lexical  identifier  number  is
                 used   in   the   intermediate  files  to  specify  the
                 identifiers.   Strictly  there  should  be   a   symbol
                 ID(identifier)  but  in  practice there is no single ID
                 symbol.  The identifier appears alone  acting  as  both
                 symbol  and  parameter.   This  is possible because the
                 lexical identifier numbers occupy a range disjoint from
                 the range of all other symbol values (i.e.  1025-4095).


         The first characters of lines have the following meaning:
         ;       comment line
         I       syntax production for IC1
         D       syntax for corresponding construct in DF1
         F       follows a line tagged with I and shows fixup  locations
                 for a construction
                 The second character of a line may be a + sign.
          +      Then the line is a continuation of the last  line  with
                 the  same  first  character  and  this  line  should be
                 concluded with a + sign.


I<program>::=            BPROG <class declaration> EPROG |
D                                                        ZHE
I                        BPROG <procedure declaration> EPROG |
D                                                           ZHE
I                        BPROG <statements> EPROG
D                                                ZHE
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I<declare>::=            |
I                        <declaration> <declare>

I<declaration>::=        <array declaration> |
I                        <procedure declaration> |
I                        <class declaration> |
I                        <switch declaration> |
I                        <line> |
I                        ERROR |
I                        PURGE
I                        DEBUG (cp)

; ERROR may occur anywhere in a declaration or statement where
; a symbol may otherwise occur, and does not affect the syntax
; of remaining symbols.
; PURGE may occur anywhere where ERROR might  otherwise  occur
; but this symbol terminates the currently innermost statement
; (i.e.  symbols  that  could  otherwise  have  followed   are
; suppressed).
; DEBUG is used to control compiler  testing  and  is  allowed
; always where a symbol can occur. The (cp) halfword following
; is the component name (two sixbit characters) and an  action
; code in the remaining bits.

I<class declaration>::=  ID BEGCL <declare> EDCL <statements> +
F                                f+2            f+3

I+                        <classend>

; The fixup number is obtained from ZHEFIX in the ZHB record
; for the class.

I<classend>::=           INNER <statements> ENDCL |
F                             f+4                f+5
I                        IENDC
F                        f+4 f+5

I<procedure declaration>::=ID BEGPR <declare> <statements> ENDPR
F                                   f+2                       f+3
D                                ZHE
; The fixup number above is obtained from the ZQU entry of the
; procedure in pass 2
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I<array declaration>::=  <bounds> ADEC |
I                        ID <array declaration>

I<bounds>::=             <expression> <expression> BOUND |
I                        <bounds> <bounds>

I<switch declaration>::=ID SWITCH <swlist>SWEND
F                                               f+1

I<swlist>::=             |
I                        <expression> SWEL <swlist>

I<line>::=               LINE (sc) (li)
; LINE is a generic symbol  consisting  of  the  current  line
; number  and  with  the  high  order  bit  set.  The literals
; following are a semicolon count and the  last  line  number.
; Last line number <= current line number.


I<statements>::= |
I                        <statement> <statements>

I<statement>::=          <line> |
I                        ERROR |
I                        PURGE |
I                        DEBUG (cp)
I                        <conditional> |
I                        <assignment statement> |
I                        <denotes statement> |
I                        <goto statement> |
I                        <if-goto> |
I                        <activation> |
I                        <for statement> |
I                        <while statement> |
I                        <connection> |
I                        <prefixed block> |
I                        <block> |
I                        <label definition> |
I                        <procedure call>
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I<conditional>::=        <expression> IFST (f) <statements> FIX (f) |
F                                                                f
I                        <expression> IFST (f) <statements> JUMP (g) +

I+                        FIX (f) <statements> FIX (g)
F                              f                    g

I<assignment statement>::=<expression> <expression> BECOM |
I                        <expression> <assignment statement>

I<denotes statement>::=  <expression> <expression> DENOT |
I                        <expression> <denotes statement>

I<goto statement>::=     <expression> GOTO
I<if-goto>::=            <expression> <expression> IFTRU |
I                        <expression> <expression> IFTRE (g) +

I+                        <statements> FIX (g)

I<activation>::= <expression> <expression> ACTIV (code) |
I                        <expression> ACTIV (code)
; The code following  ACTIV  is  a  bit  mask  describing  the
; activation clause:
;        bit     meaning
;        17      reactivate
;        16      before
;        15      after
;        14      at
;        13      delay
;        12      prior

I<for statement>::=      <controlled variable> <for list> FORDO  +
F                                                           f    +

I+                        <statement> ENDFO
F+                                     f+1

; The fixup number is obtained from the ZHE entry of the for statement

I<controlled variable>::=ID CVBE |
D                           ZHE
I                        ID CVDE
D                           ZHE
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I<for list>::=           <for list element> |
I                        <for list> <for list element>

I<for list element>::=   <expression>  FORSI |
I                        <expression> <expression>  FORWH |
I                        <expression> <expression> <expression> FORST

I<while statement>::=    <expression> WHILE (f)<statements> JUMP (f) +
F                        f                                           +

I+                        FIX (f+1)
F+                             f+1

I<connection>::= <expression> INSPE (f) <dolist> <otherw>

I<dolist>::=             DO <statements> ENDDO |
D                        ZHB
I                        <whendo>

I<whendo>::=             |
I                        <whendo> ID WHEDO <statements> ENDDO
F                                                        f+2
D                                        ZHB

I<otherw>::=             OTHER <statement> FIX (f+3) |
F                        f                      f+3
I                        NOTHR
F                        f  f+3

I<prefixed block>::=     <reference> BEGPB <declare> EDPB        +
F                                        f+2            f+3      +
D                                     ZHB

I+                        <statements> PBEND
F+                                         f+4
; The fixups for prefixed blocks are obtained
; from the ZHB entry of the block

I<block>::=              BBLK <declare> <statements> EBLK
D                        ZHE
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I<label definition>::=   FIX (f)
F                          f

I<procedure call>::=     <expression> <line>


I<expression>::= <simple> |
I                        <expression> <unop> |
I                        <expression> <expression> <binop> |
I                        <expression> <expression> <expression> IFEX

I<simple>::=             <constant> |
I                        <reference>

I<unop>::=               PAREN |
I                        UMIN |
I                        UPLUS |
I                        NOT |
I                        THIS |
I                        NEW |
I                        DELOP
; DELOP is used for error recovery

I<binop>::=              PLUS |
I                        MINUS |
I                        DIV |
I                        MULT |
I                        IDIV |
I                        POW
I                        LESS |
I                        NLESS 
I                        GRT |
I                        NGRT |
I                        EQ |
I                        NEQ |
I                        DEQ |
I                        NDEQ |
I                        IS |
I                        IN |
I                        QUA |
I                        AND |
I                        OR |
I                        IMP |
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I                        EQV

I<reference>::=          <id1> |
I                        <id1> <alist>

I<id1>::=                ID |
I                        <expression> ID DOT

I<alist>::=              LB  <tail> |
I                        LP  <tail>

I<tail>::=               RP |
I                        <expression> <tail>

I<constant>::=           TRUE |
I                        FALSE |
I                        NONE |
I                        NOTEXT |
I                        CONC (v1) |
I                        CONI (v1) (v2) |
I                        CONR (v1) (v2) |
I                        CONLR (v1) (v2) (v3) (v4) |
I                        CONT (ra) (le) |
I                        UDEF
; The text constant is of length le and starts at ra from  the
; program break at run time. UDEF is used for error recovery.
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 II.4.6  DF1 Declaration file

         FILE:   nnnDF1.TMP

         PURPOSE:  The declaration file contains declarative information
                 from  the  source  text  in a special form arranged for
                 input to pass 2.

         OUTPUT: The file output is controlled by DP code.  DP is called
                 from T1.
                 DF1 will stay in core as long as it fits  in  the  free
                 buffer  area.   When  all  buffers available to DF1 are
                 filled, nnnDF1.TMP will be entered on  channel  QCHDF1,
                 which  is opened for device DSK in binary mode (.IOBIN)
                 by O1OPDF.  The buffers are output  by  O1DF1.   O1DFCL
                 closes the file.

         INPUT:  The file is looked up by O2OP if it was written on  DSK
                 in  pass  1.   Buffers  from the file are read by O2D1.
                 O2EX deletes the file.

         RECORD LAYOUT:  DF1 contains 4 record types:  ZHE, ZHB, ZQU and
                 ZQQ.   Declared or specified quantities are represented
                 by ZQU records.  Blocks are represented by ZHE  records
                 (FOR   statements,   procedure   bodies,   and  reduced
                 subblocks) or  by  ZHB  records  (procedures,  classes,
                 prefixed   blocks   and  connection  statements).   ZHB
                 records contain all the fields of ZHE records and  some
                 additional  information.  At the end of the DF1 file is
                 a  list  of  ZQQ  records,  one   for   each   external
                 declaration.   All  declarations  of a block will be at
                 the start of that  block  in  the  order:   parameters,
                 non-data  quantities  and  value  quantities, texts and
                 finally ref variables  and  arrays.   Then  follow  the
                 sublists   for   declared   classes   and   procedures,
                 containing class attributes and  procedure  parameters.
                 These  sublists may contain further sublists which will
                 follow next, etc.

                 A detailed description of  the  four  record  types  is
                 found in II.6 Declaration structures.
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 II.4.7  ZSE Symbol table

         FILE:   nnnZSE.TMP

         PURPOSE:  The symbol table is a copy of the dictionary  created
                 in  pass  1.   It contains the names of all differently
                 spelled identifiers appearing in the compiled  program.
                 The  names  are  in  SIXBIT  code and only the first 12
                 characters are saved for  long  identifiers.   The  ZSE
                 file  is  used in pass 3 to build the symbol table used
                 by  SIMDDT  and  to  edit  error  messages  and   cross
                 reference listing, if any.

         OUTPUT: The O1ZS procedure, called from T1, decides whether the
                 file  should stay in core or be output to disk.  If the
                 symbol table is too big to fit in the core buffer  area
                 alloted,  the disk file is entered on channel QCHZSE by
                 O1ZSOP in buffered binary mode  (.IOBIN),  written  and
                 then closed by O1ZSCL.

         INPUT:  If the file is not  core  resident,  it  is  opened  in
                 unbuffered dump mode (.IODMP) on channel QCHZSE by pass
                 3 (procedure O3RZ, called from I3), read into core  and

         RECORD LAYOUT:  Each identifier in the source code  has  a  two
                 word  entry  in  the  symbol  table,  referenced by the
                 identifier index.

                                   ! I ! D ! E ! N ! T ! I !
                 (INDEX-1024)*2 -> !-----------------------!
                                   ! F ! I ! E ! R !   !   !
                                   0                      35

                 The two words contain the first 12  characters  of  the
                 identifier  in SIXBIT code, left justified.  The unused
                 positions are zero (SIXBIT for space).
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 II.4.8  REL Relocatable binary object code

         FILE:   Name as specified in command line, normally infile.REL,
                 where infile.SIM is the input source file.

         PURPOSE:Code generated by the  SIMULA  compiler  is  output  in
                 relocatable  binary  format  on  a  disk file.  LINK-10
                 accepts this file as input and produces  an  executable
                 program  from  this  file  and  some  other relocatable
                 object code files.

         OPEN:   The file is opened on channel QCHREL in buffered binary
                 mode  (.IOBIN)  at  I1END,  and  the file is entered in
                 O1RLOP called from O1SCOP after  the  source  file  has
                 been opened.

         OUTPUT: The output routines in the 3  passes  are  named  O1RL,
                 O2REL and O3WIB respectively.

         CLOSE:  The file is closed in T3I called at the end of M3.   If
                 the  file  is  just a header for an external FORTRAN or
                 MACRO procedure, T3R,  called  at  the  end  of  M3ATR,
                 closes  it  with  an  option that causes the file to be
                 discarded (creation inhibited).

         RECORD LAYOUT:  REL file  records  are  LINK-10  items  of  the
         types:   0,  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 17 and ASCIZ (type code >
         3777, first 7-bit byte a  printable  ASCII  character).   These
         record  types  are accepted also by the LOADER, except for type
         17 and ASCIZ.  Thus LOADER cannot be used when external classes
         or  procedures  are  referred  to  in  the SIMULA program.  The
         formats of these items  are  described  in  detail  in  LINK-10
         Programmer's Reference Manual, Appendix A.
         The first item in the REL file is type 4 (ENTRY) defining .MAIN
         as  the  entry  point  name  if a main program is compiled, the
         external name for a separately  compiled  class  or  procedure.
         The processor code for the SIMULA compiler (octal 15) is output
         in the next item, which is type 6 (NAME).   LINK-10  recognizes
         this  processor  code.   The  entry and name records are output
         directly after opening the file in O1RLOP.  The third item is a
         code  item  (type  1),  which  starts with a copy of the lookup
         information for the first source file, followed by any literals
         (text literals from pass 1, other literals from pass 2).
         The rel file has the following general layout:
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         ! ENTRY (type 4) !
         ! NAME  (type 6) !
         ! 1 or more CODE !  Source code identification, text literals,
         ! (type 1)       !  and absolute constants output in pass 2.
         ! mixed type 1, 2!
         ! (SYMBOLS) and  !
         ! type 10 (INTER-!  IC2 code converted by pass 3 (M3).
         ! NAL REQUEST)   !
         ! START ADDRESS  !  Only for main programs. Output by M3.
         ! (type 7)       !
         !----------------!  Definition of global symbols and external
         ! 1 or more type !  requests for entry points in external
         ! 2 records      !  classes and procedures.
         ! END (type 5)   !  Output in M3.

 II.4.9  ATR Intermediate attribute file

         FILE:   nnnATR.TMP

         PURPOSE:  The attribute file contains  declarative  information
                 about   a   separately   compiled   external  class  or


                 When an external class or procedure  is  compiled,  the
                 EXAT  routine, called from O2EX, will create a skeleton
                 attribute file.
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         OUTPUT: The file will stay in core if it fits  in  its  alloted
                 buffer  area, otherwise it will be output in unbuffered
                 record dump mode (.IODPR) on channel QCHATR  via  calls
                 to  O2ATR,  where  the first call will open the channel
                 and enter the file.

         CLOSE:  The last buffer is output and the file is  closed  when
                 EXAT returns to O2EX.


         INPUT:  If not core resident, the file is  read  into  core  in
                 unbuffered  dump  mode  (.IODMP)  on channel QCHATR and
                 closed, all i/o performed in O3ATR called from M3ATR.

         UPDATE: The file created in pass 2 contains identifier  indices
                 instead  of  sixbit names, and unique identifier fields
                 are zero.
                 M3ATR translates identifier indices to sixbit names via
                 the symbol table (ZSE).

         OUTPUT: If  an  old  attribute  file  exists  and  shows   some
                 essential  attribute difference, or if an old attribute
                 file  does  not  exist,  new  unique  numbers  (RADIX50
                 identifiers)  are  generated.   Any  old attribute file
                 x.ATR is renamed to  x.QTR  (after  deleting  x.QTR  if
                 present  already),  and  a  new  x.ATR file is written.
                 Here x is the relfile name (normally the same  name  as
                 the  source file).  A new ATR file is also generated if
                 the old ATR module was found in  a  library  ATR  file,
                 even  if the attributes are not different, in that case
                 using the old unique numbers.  The  ATR  file  copy  is
                 created so that the ATR file is always in the same area
                 as the corresponding REL file.  The QTR file  is  saved
                 to  provide  a  backup  in case the compilation was not
                 useful (REL file error for example).  O3WATR writes the
                 ATR  file (binary unbuffered dump mode .IODMP).  O3WARE
                 handles QTR files.

         RECORD LAYOUT:  See II.4.3 Attribute file.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER              II.4-31

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 II.4.10 XRF Cross reference data file

         FILE:   nnnXRF.TMP

         PURPOSE:If the C switch is specified to the compiler,  a  cross
                 reference  data file is created in pass 1.  Pass 3 will
                 process this file and create a cross reference  listing
                 at  the  end  of the source program listing.  Note that
                 the system program CREF is n o t involved in creating a
                 SIMULA cross reference listing.

         OUTPUT: The file will stay in core until it exceeds 2  standard
                 disk  buffers.  O1XR will then be called to open a file
                 on channel QCHXRF in buffered binary mode (.IOBIN)  via

         CLOSE:  The file is closed in O1XRCL which is called from T1.

         INPUT:  If a cross reference listing is  demanded,  the  SIMXRF
                 procedure  is  called from E3.  SIMXRF will call I3X to
                 perform a lookup if necessary (not core resident file).
                 X3READ reads blocks from the file, and T3X will finally
                 delete the file.

         RECORD LAYOUT:  Each word in the file has the following format:

                 !D!E!    !     I      !        L         !
                  0 1      6         17 18              35

                 The D bit is set if the identifier  with  index  I  was
                 declared on line L.
                 The E bit is set  if  the  identifier  is  declared  as
                 The I field is the  identifier  index  (1024  <=  I  <=
                 The L field is the line number.

                 A word with this layout is output by pass 1 every  time
                 an identifier is found.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER              II.4-32

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 II.4.11 IC2 Intermediate code from pass 2

         FILE:   nnnIC2.TMP

         PURPOSE:  Code generated in pass 2 is  output  in  5  different
                 streams.   Since LINK-10 could not handle more than one
                 low segment relocation counter, four of  those  streams
                 are  output  on  an  intermediate code file.  The fifth
                 code stream, containing absolute literals  (constants),
                 is  output  to the REL file directly.  The four streams
                 on the IC2 file consist of code  stream  and  prototype
                 stream  (item type 1013), symbol table (type 1014), and
                 line number table (type 1015).
                 Note that our definition of record  types  1013,  1014,
                 1015  may  be  at  variance  with  existing  or  future
                 definitions in LINK-10 documentation.   This  does  not
                 matter,  however,  since  these  records  are only used
                 internally in the compiler and will  be  replaced  with
                 other record types before output to the rel file.
                 References to external symbols (e.g.  entry  points  in
                 the   run  time  system  and  external  procedures  and
                 classes) are output in IC2  as  global  requests  (item
                 type  2).   Internal requests (type 10) are also output
                 in order to have fixup references resolved.

         OPEN:   Opened and entered on channel  QCHIC2  in  binary  mode
                 (.IOBIN) by O2OP called from I2.

         OUTPUT: Written by O2IC2 called from O2GEN and O2DF.

         CLOSE:  Closed in O2EX just before entering pass 3.

         REOPEN: Looked up by I3I called from M3.

         INPUT:  Read by O3RI called from M3.

         DELETE: Deleted by T3I called at end of M3.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER              II.4-33

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         RECORD LAYOUT:  The header word is common to all  IC2  records.
         It contains the type code in the left half and a counter in the
         right half which shows the length of the record except for  the
         header word.

         Header word:

                 !    TYPE CODE      !    WORD COUNT    !

         The maximum length of an IC2 record is adapted to the  size  of
         the  disk  buffer  data  area  (i.e. 128 words including header

         Global requests type 2

          0    4      12    18              35
         !         2       !     COUNT        !
         !           !RCODE!    ADDRESS       !  Data is grouped
         !         0       !     INDEX        !  in pairs
         !           !RCODE!    ADDRESS       !
         ! 60 !        UNRSYMBOL              !
         !                                    !

         ADDRESS, relocated according to RCODE, points to the first word
         in  a  global  request  chain.  The second word in each pair is
         either an INDEX (left half = 0) to a  global  run  time  symbol
         (RTSYMBOLS)  or  a  RADIX50  symbol  (UNRSYMBOL) generated as a
         unique number for an external procedure or class.

         This record is converted in pass 3 to LINK-10 item type 2.
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         Internal requests type 10

          0           12    18              35
         !        10       !     COUNT        !
         !                 !  NON-ZERO COUNT  !
         !           !RCODE!    ADDRESS       !  Data is grouped
         !           !RCODE!     VALUE        !  in pairs
         !                                    !

         Dummy zero word pairs  may  appear  in  this  type  of  record.
         NON-ZERO COUNT shows number of non-zero words.
         ADDRESS, relocated according to RCODE, points to the first word
         of  a  chain  for an internal request (i.e. a fixup reference).
         The relocated VALUE  defines  this  request.   This  record  is
         converted in pass 3 to a LINK-10 item type 10.

         Generated code and prototypes type 1013

          0                  18  21           35
         !       1013       !      COUNT        !
         !  RELOC.WORD     18  2-bit  bytes     !
         !                  ! RC! START ADDRESS !
         !                                      !
         !             17  DATA WORDS           !
         !                                      !
         !              RELOC.WORD              !
         !                                      !
         !             18  DATA WORDS           !
         !                                      !
         !                                      !
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER              II.4-35

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         RELOC.WORD controls the relocation of the the following 18 DATA

         Reloc. byte     Data word relocation
            0            No relocation
            1            Relocate right half
            2            Relocate left half
            3            Relocate both halves

         A relocated halfword contains an internal  relocation  code  in
         its 3 leftmost bits:

          0     3                    17
          18    21                   35
         !RCODE! Value to be relocated !

         The internal relocation will be performed in pass 3 by adding a
         relocation  constant  according to RCODE.  The result will then
         be finally relocated by LINK-10.  RCODE is one of the values:


         The first data word of each record yields the start address  of
         the  following  block of DATA WORDS.  The relocation code RC is
         either QRELCD for generated code  or  QRELPT  for  a  prototype
         This record is converted to a LINK-10 item type 1 by pass 3.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER              II.4-36

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         Symbol table type 1014

          0                  18  21           35
         !       1014       !      COUNT        ! Relocation groups
         +------------------+---+---------------+ as for type 1013
         ! RELOC. WORD     18  2-bit  bytes     !
         !                  ! RC! START ADDRESS ! RC = QRELST
         !                                      !
         !             17  DATA WORDS           !
         !                                      !
         !         0        !ID !    INDEX      !
         !         0        !I2 !    INDEX      !
         !                                      !
         !             18  DATA WORDS           !
         !                                      !
         !                                      !

         The  only  difference  from  type  1013  is  that  two  special
         relocation  codes  for  right  halves of data words may appear,
         i.e. QRELID and QRELI2 which instruct pass  3  to  replace  the
         whole  word with the first (QRELID) and second (QRELI2) half of
         an identifier in SIXBIT code.  The actual identifier is defined
         by its INDEX in the ZSE symbol table.
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         Line number tables type 1015

          0                  18  21           35
         !       1015       !      COUNT        !
         ! RELOC. WORD     18  2-bit  bytes     ! Relocated like 1013
         !                  ! RC! START ADDRESS ! RC = QRELLT
         !                                      !
         !             17  DATA WORDS           !
         !                                      !
         !                                      !

         Type 1015 is introduced so that pass  3  may  easily  recognise
         line number information.  The description of data for type 1013
         also applies to type 1015.

         Comment block type 0

         A comment block is output to fill the last words  of  the  disk
         buffer   after  outputting  partly  filled  local  code  stream
         buffers.  The padding is done before outputting type 10 blocks.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER              II.4-38

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 II.4.12 LS3 List file

         FILE:   The name is taken from the command line:
                 *relfil.REL,lstfil.LST=infile.SIM or
                 *infile/L (lstfil = infile in this case)
                 The name is  thus  whatever  stands  in  the  place  of
                 lstfil.  Default extension is LST.  If the /LIST switch
                 was given in a COMPILE (EXECUTE, LOAD, DEBUG)  command,
                 and  LPT  is  spooled  on  disk, LPT:  will be given as
                 device.  The actual disk file will be named  xxxxxx.LPT
                 where  xxxxxx  is  a  created name and the spooled name
                 (lstfil) is taken from the command.

         PURPOSE:  LS3 is the list file produced by  the  compiler.   It
                 * Listing of source code with line numbering (added  or
                 already  part of source file), consecutive numbering of
                 BEGIN keywords in the left margin and also numbering of
                 END  keywords  with  the  number of the matching BEGIN.
                 Error messages are inserted at the place of error.
                 * If the Y switch was set, a table relating line number
                 to code offset (octal).
                 * If the C switch was given, a cross reference listing.
                 The pages  of  the  listing  are  numbered  (file  page
                 number,  if necessary followed by sub-page number (e.g.
                 PAGE 3-5).  The file pages are delimited by  form  feed
                 characters.    The  heading  of  each  page  shows  the
                 compiler version,  e.g.  DECsystem-10  SIMULA  %4(300).
                 The   date   and   time   of   compilation,   the  file
                 specification of the source file and its creation  time
                 and  date  are also shown.  Any text given via the PAGE
                 switch is placed in the heading.

         OPEN:   The pass 3 module I3 contains code to open the file and
                 enter  it  on  channel  QCHLS3 (I3LS3, called from E3).
                 The file is written in buffered ASCII mode (.IOASC).

         OUTPUT: Via O3WS, O3LS3 in the  pass  3  module  O3.   O3WS  is
                 called by E3, T3 and SIMXRF.

         CLOSE:  By T3L in the pass 3 module T3.
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         LIST FILE FORMAT:  See any  compilation  listing.   See  E3.MAC
                 assembly listing for further details.

 II.4.13 SIMERR Error message tables

         FILE:   SIMERR.ERR

         PURPOSE:  SIMERR contains error message tables used in  pass  3
                 (module E3) to create error messages on the listing and
                 on  the  terminal.   The  file  is   created   by   the
                 maintenance  utility  program  SUTERR  using as input a
                 RUNOFF  source  file  containing  appendix  C  of   the
                 DECsystem-10  SIMULA  Language  Handbook Part II, which
                 contains all compiler error messages.

         INPUT:  E3  calls  O3ERR,  which  opens   channel   QCHERR   in
                 unbuffered  dump  mode  (.IODMP)  and looks up the file
                 SIMERR.ERR (usually on the system device),  then  reads
                 it into core and closes the file.

         REFERENCES:  A detailed description of this file is found in TD
                 II.5   Diagnostic  handling  and  V.6  Utility  program

 II.4.14 DEB Debug files

         FILES:  nnnDEB.LST

         REFERENCES: [1] I.10 Test standard.
                     [2] V.4  SUTEDB.

         PURPOSE:  Special debug files are created in the debug  version
                 of  the  compiler for the purpose of obtaining symbolic
                 dumps and traces  of  the  compiler  actions.   Pass  1
                 outputs its debug information in directly readable form
                 as nnnDEB.LST.  Pass 2  debug  information  is  put  on
                 nnnDEB.TMP  in  a  special  format,  which can later be
                 edited  by  the  utility  program  SUTEDB  to  yield  a
                 readable  file DBLIST.LST which may also include a copy
                 of nnnDEB.LST.
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         DEB.LST:  In the debug version of the SIMULA compiler, I1 opens
                 channel  QCHDEB  in buffered binary mode (.IOBIN).  The
                 SP module of pass 1 calls P1INIT of the  P1DUMP  module
                 to  enter  the  file  nnnDEB.TMP  (calling OUTOP).  The
                 information which is  output  depends  on  the  special
                 debug  symbols  edited  into the source code.  See [1].
                 The end part of nnnDEB.LST may be a  readable  dump  of
                 DF1 and IC1.  These files are read if not core resident
                 on channel QCHIC2 in binary buffered mode (.IOBIN)  via
                 DFDUMP,  ICDUMP  called  from  P1DUMP,  called from T1.
                 P1DUMP closes the file nnnDEB.LST via OUTCL (no  output
                 if nothing written).

         DEB.TMP:   After  closing   nnnDEB.LST,   P1DUMP   will   enter
                 nnnDEB.TMP  on  the  same  channel (QCHDEB) via O1DBOP.
                 Finally, pass 1 outputs the symbol table to this  file,
                 enabling  output from pass 2 to be edited into symbolic
                 form.  [1] shows the format of records in  the  DEB.TMP
                 file and how to create a record in the file.

                 The utility program SUTEDB edits the debug output  from
                 pass  2  into  a  readable  symbolic  format.  See [2].
                 SUTEDB starts by asking for source file and job  number
                 (nnn)  of  the  nnnDEB.TMP file.  If the source file is
                 given,  it  will  be  copied  as  the  first  part   of
                 DBLIST.LST.   Then SUTEDB asks if nnnDEB.LST is present
                 and copies also that file to DBLIST.LST if  the  answer
                 is  affirmative  and the file actually exists.  Finally
                 SUTEDB reads nnnDEB.TMP and edits the information  into
                 the output file DBLIST.LST.  See [1] and [2].

                               CHAPTER II.5

           SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER

SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-1

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 II.5.1  Introduction

         All  error  messages  are  documented  in  DECsystem-10  SIMULA
         Language  Handbook,  part  II,  appendix C, which also contains
         information on the behaviour of the compiler and suggested user
         actions when errors occur.  The RUNOFF source file for appendix
         C is used as input to the  SUTERR  program  which  creates  the
         error  message  file  SIMERR.ERR.   That file and a table (ZDM)
         produced during compilation are used by  the  routine  E3EM  of
         pass 3 to create the final messages.  See VI.3.

         The RUNOFF file must be updated when  compiler  error  messages
         are changed, replaced or added.

 II.5.2  Output of diagnostics

         Each diagnostic message is output on the user terminal together
         with  the source code line(s) to which the message refers.  The
         message is also edited into the list file in the  corresponding
         place (after the last line of the offending statement).
         A  maximum  of  50  messages  will  be  output,  the  first  50
         encountered.    Warning  messages  (except  for  the  first  10
         warnings) may however be replaced by error  messages  that  are
         occur  later, when 50 messages have already been issued.  Error
         statistics (number of messages of each type) are output at  the
         end  of  the  compiler  listing  and  on  the terminal.  If the
         compiler was  called  via  the  CCL  entry  (COMPILE  etc),  no
         information is output for programs without diagnostics.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-2

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         The error statistics look like this:

             nn TYPE W MESSAGES
             nn TYPE E MESSAGES

         nn is the total number of errors and may exceed 50.

 II.5.3  Error message format

         The general format is:

         SIMddd   t  LINE   nnnnnn:mm    text

         ddd is the message number in octal format
         t   is the message type:
                 T termination error
                 E non-terminating error
                 W warning message
         nnnnnn  line number
         mm      number of semicolons before faulty  statement  on  line
                 :mm is omitted if mm = 0
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-3

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 II.5.4  Number of and types of messages

         The number is in octal format and belongs to certain  intervals
         depending on error type and pass number of detecting pass.
         The intervals are defined by assembly constants in SIMMAC.MAC.
         Message number = mn

         Q1.WAR <= mn < Q1.ERR   Warning message pass 1
         Q1.ERR <= mn < Q1.TER   Error message pass 1
         Q1.TER <= mn < Q2.WAR   Terminating message pass 1
         Q2.WAR <= mn < Q2.ERR   Warning message pass 2
         Q2.ERR <= mn < Q2.TER   Error message pass 2
         Q2.TER <= mn < Q3.WAR   Terminating message pass 2
         Q3.WAR <= mn < Q3.ERR   Warning message pass 3
         Q3.ERR <= mn < Q3.TER   Error message pass 3
         Q3.TER <= mn < Q.WAR    Terminating message pass 3
         Q.TER  <= mn < 577      Error messages, identical in all
                                 three passes. The pass number is
                                 often part of the text.

 II.5.5  Insertion of an error message in the compiler

         When an error is detected  in  the  course  of  a  compilation,
         current  error  information is saved in the ZDM table, which is
         used by pass 3 to create the text of the  error  message.   The
         error  information  is  reported  via  a set of UUO's which are
         trapped by the DM module present in each pass.

         Format: UUOcode t,n

         UUOcode:There are 6 different UUO codes  depending  on  message
                 ERR, ERRI1, ERRI2, ERRI3, ERRT, ERRLI

         ERR:    This message is fixed, i.e. no variable information  is
                 edited into the message by pass 3.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-4

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         ERRIx:  x = 1, 2 or 3.  These  UUO  codes  are  used  when  the
                 message  should  contain  the  name of an identifier, a
                 symbol specified by  the  SIMMAC  macro  SYMBOL,  or  a
                 number.   The  UUO  name  indicates how many insertions
                 should be made.  The first argument is taken  from  AC1
                 (X1),  the  second  from  X2,  the  third from X3.  The
                 arguments are:
                 * identifier number >= 1024
                 * value of current symbol as defined in SIMMAC
                 * binary number <= 4095 (last 12 bits if greater)

         ERRT:   This message contains text or a file name to be  edited
                 into the message.
                 The lookup/enter block address is placed in X1  if  the
                 message contains a file name.  The ASCII text can be at
                 most 5 characters left justified in X1.

         ERRLI:  This UUO must be used to give the last line  number  of
                 the erroneous statement, unless it was given at once.

         Apart from the information given via the UUO and  the  3  ac's,
         some global information is used:

                 YELIN1  number of first line of faulty statement
                 YELIN2  number of last faulty line or 0 if line  number
                         not known
                 YESEM   number of  semicolons  preceding  statement  on
                         first line.

                 t       type of message:
                           QE    error
                           QT    termination error
                           QW    warning

                 n       error number in octal radix

                 YELIN1 = 7, YELIN2 = 7, YESEM = 0
                 L       X1, idno(A)
                 ERRI1   QE,362

         would give the message after line 7:
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-5

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 II.5.6  Error messages in RUNOFF source file

         The SIMULA Handbook part II is created from one or more  RUNOFF
         source  files.   The  distributed  version  is SIMLH2.RNM which
         gives SIMLH2.MAN when processed by RUNOFF.  The essential  part
         in this context is appendix C, which exists at QZ as SLH2C.RNO.
         SUTERR assumes that its input file is called SIMLH2.RNO, thus a
         copy  has  to be made with that name or one of the files has to
         be renamed temporarily.  SUTERR could also be changed to expect
         another  file,  but  existing  documentation assumes SIMLH2.RNO
         throughout.  SUTERR ignores RUNOFF control  information  (first
         character of a line is a dot '.').  The interesting part of the
         file is delimited by two headers:


         These lines must not be changed.  SUTERR expects a certain file
         format and complains if violations are found.  In practice, the
         format accepted is less definite.  The essential information is
         found  in the error messages, which must contain the characters
         SIM at the very start of  a  line.   Except  for  these  lines,
         SUTERR expects horisontal tab (HT, Char(9)) or dot at the start
         of each line.  Complaints about faulty line formats may however
         be disregarded.

 II.5.7  Format of error message lines

         SIMddd t ... text

         ddd is an octal message number.
         t   is the message type.
         text is the message.

         SIMddd followed by one space and the type character must be  in
         the  first  8 characters of a line.  Error messages must appear
         in increasing order by error number  and  be  confined  to  the
         intervals documented in II.5.4.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-6

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         If there are no numbers available in the  applicable  interval,
         one  of  the  interval limits must be changed.  This change may
         mean that messages in another interval must be renumbered, etc,
         but  enough  free  numbers  are  left  so  that this should not
         If  the  error  message  extends  over  more  than  one   line,
         continuation lines must start with HT (Char(9)).  The text must
         not contain more than 15 words and no word may be  longer  than
         15 characters.
         Certain code  words  in  the  message  will  be  replaced  with
         information  pertaining to the current occurrence of the error.
         The possible code words are:  XXXX, AAAA and NNNN.  There  must
         be  no  more  than three code words XXXX or NNNN or at most one
         instance of AAAA.  Code word interpretation:

              1.  XXXX - name of identifier.

              2.  XXXX - Special SYMBOL defined in SIMMAC.MAC.
                 Ex.  SIM130 E MISSING XXXX
                 where XXXX is ) or ] .

              3.  AAAA - ASCII text.
                 The text must be 5 characters or less.

              4.  NNNN - binary number.
                 A small integer (<4096) may be edited into the message.

         SUTERR  processes  only  the  lines  starting  with   SIM   and
         continuations  of  these  lines.  Example of a segment from the
         input file:

         .p -9,2,5
         .skip 1
         <HT>EXPLANATION:  AAAA is a switch name.
         .skip 1
         <HT>COMPILER ACTION:  Switch is processed  according  to  first
         .p -9,2,5
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-7

740718    780302      6                           Elisabeth Engstrom

         <HT>EXPLANATION:  AAAA is a switch name.  See chapter 3.5.
         .p -9,2,5

II.5.8  Creation of SIMERR.ERR

        A new version of SIMERR.ERR is created  by  the  SUTERR  program
        from  an updated RUNOFF file containing the error messages.  The
        input file must be named (renamed) SIMLH2.RNO.
        If SUTERR finds any error message of an incorrect  format,  this
        will  be  reported  on  the  terminal  and  the  message will be
        If SUTERR reports that either of the tables YE3D or YE3M must be
        extended, the following actions should be taken:
        *  Change  QE3D  and/or  QE3M  in  SIMMAC.MAC   and   reassemble
        * Recompile LOWSEG.MAC.
        * Recompile debug version of O3.MAC if used.
        * Change the constants QE3M and QE3D and the sizes of the tables
        Y3ED and Y3EM in SUTERR.CBL.

        SUTERR exits after typing END OF SUTERR on the terminal.
        For further information see V.6.

        SIMERR.ERR consists of 4 tables preceded by  4  counters.   YE3M
        and  YE3MI  both  start at a buffer and disk block boundary, any
        leftover space in the  preceding  disk  block  being  padded  by
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-8

740718    780302      6                           Elisabeth Engstrom

        !              ! Number of words in YE3DL
        !              ! Number of words in YE3D
        !              ! Number of words in YE3M
        !              ! Number of words in YE3MI
        !              ! YE3DL
        !              !
        +--------------+ The tables are described in II.C.3
        !              !
        !              ! YE3D
        !              !
        !              !
        !              ! YE3M
        !              !
        !              !
        !              ! YE3MI
        !              !
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.5-9

740718    780302      6                           Elisabeth Engstrom


        When inserting a new message in the compiler, the following must
        be done:

        * An error UUO must be issued by the compiler.  See II.5.5.
        * Insert the error message  text  in  appendix  C  of  SIMLH2  -
        * Create SIMERR.ERR by running  the  utility  program  SUTERR  -
        * Correct message if necessary and rerun SUTERR.

                               CHAPTER II.6

           SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER

SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.6-1

741116    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg


         The declaration structure consists of 4 record types, ZQU, ZHE,
         ZHB and ZQQ.  6 states are defined:

                 1. System component list (SYS1) (II.A.2)
                 2. Pass 1 intermediate list     (II.A.3)
                 3. DF1 intermediate file        (II.4.6)
                 4. Pass 2 declaration stack     (II.B.3)
                 5. ATR intermediate file        (II.4.9)
                 6. External attribute file      (II.4.3)

         The modules which perform the transformations are:

                       !  +--------------------------------------+
                       v  v                                      !
         +----+       +----+  +----+       +----+       +----+   !
         ! SD !->(2)->! DP !->!CARL!->(4)->! EX !->(5)->! M3 !->(6)
         +----+       +----+  +----+       +----+       +----+

         All fields named here are declared in the universal SIMMAC.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.6-2

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 II.6.1  ZQU record

         The ZQU record holds  information  about  declared  quantities.
         The size is:
           4 words in states 3 and 4
           3 words in state 2
           4 or 6 words in state 1
           6 words in states 5 and 6


         ZDETYP  0       <0:2>   3       ALL     ZQU%V
         ZQUGLO  0       <3>     1       234     Global  CLASS/PROCEDURE
         ZQUEXT  0       <4>     1       23456   External CLASS or
         ZQULEN  0       <5>     1       2       ZQUIND contains length
                                                 of object
         ZQUIS   0       <5>     1       4       Inspected class
         ZQUIB   0       <6>     1       4       Function whose body is
                                                 being compiled
         ZQUTPT  0       <6>     1       256     Temporary storing of
         ZQUSYS  0       <7>     1       ALL     System component
         ZQUTYP  0       <8:11>  4       ALL     TYPE code
         ZQUHID  0       <12:13> 2       23456   HIDDEN specification
         ZQUNOT  0       <14>    1       23456   The HIDDEN PROTECTED
                                                 specification has the
                                                 NOT form
         ZQUMOD  0       <12:14> 3       ALL     MODE code
         ZQUKND  0       <15:17> 3       ALL     KIND code
         ZQUTMK  0       <8:17>  10      4       TYPE+MODE+KIND
         ZQUSTMK 0       <7:17>  11      4       SYS+TYPE+MODE+KIND
         ZQUZHE  0       <18:35> 18      4       Enclosing block header
         ZQUTEM  0       <18:35> 18      12      Temporary storing of
                                                 3<0:17> if system
                                                 element, otherwise of
         ZQUFIX  1       <0:17>  18      1       Link next ZQU at same
         ZQUIVA  1       <0>     1       23456   Invalid access
         ZQUNSB  1       <1:5>   5       23456   Number of subscripts or
                                                 virtual match
         ZQULID  1       <6:17>  12      234     Lexical identifier
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.6-3

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         ZQUIND  1       <18:35> 18      2       Length
                                         ALL     Offset or virtual index
                                         1234    Fixup or HISEG address
                                         5       Code address of
                                                 prototype or label
         ZQUUSE  2       <0>     1       4       Used when resolving
                                                 HIDDEN  specifications
         ZQUZQU  2       <0:17>  18      4       Pointer to qualifying
         ZQUQID  2       <0:17>  18      23      Identifier number of
                                                 qualifying class
         ZQUZB   2       <18:35> 18      4       Parameter and attribute
                                                 list header
         ZDELNK  2       <18:35> 18      2       Link in pass 1

         ZQUNAC  3       <0:2>   3       34      Number of accumulator
                                                 to be reserved
         ZQUPR   3       <3>     1       34      Proper procedure
         ZQUGB   3       <4>     1       34      Can cause garbage
         ZQUIO   3       <5>     1       34      I/O editing
         ZQULO   3       <6>     1       34      Identifier more than 6
         ZQUQIK  3       <7>     1       4       QUICK procedure
         ZQUPTD  3       <8>     1       34      Protected attribute
         ZQUDD   3       <9>     1       4       Doubly declared
         ZQUSNR  3       <10:17> 8       34      System  routine number
         ZQULNE  3       <18:35> 18      34      Line number of
         ZQU1ID  2:3             72      16      ZQULID in SIXBIT
         ZQUUNR  4               36      6       Unique number if label
         ZQU2ID  4:5             72      16      ZQUQID in SIXBIT
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.6-4

741116    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg

 II.6.2  ZHE record

         The ZHE record holds information about  declaration  scopes  of
         blocks and for-statements.  The size is:
           3 words in state 2
           2 words in states 3 and 4
           4 words in states 5 and 6


         ZDETYP  0       <0:2>   3       ALL     ZHE%V (ZHB%V if used as
         ZHETYP  0       <3:5>   3       ALL     Type code

         If ZHETYP is not QQUACH:

         ZHENOI  0       <11>    1       4       No INNER in this class
         ZHESOL  0       <12:17> 6       ALL     Source level, block
                                                 stack index
         ZHEDLV  0       <18:35> 18      23456   Offset to access
                                                 display element for
                                                 this block

         ZHEEBL  1       <0:4>   5       ALL     Effective block level
         ZHELEN  1       <5:14>  10      ALL     Size of block instance
         ZHEBNM  1       <15:23> 9       23456   No of reduced subblocks
         ZHEFIX  1       <24:35> 12      1234    Base fixup for this

         ZDELNK  2       <18:35> 18      2       Link in pass 1

         If ZHETYP =     QQUACH:

         ZHEOID  0       <6:17>  12      23      Own identifier number
         ZHELID  0       <18:35> 18      23      Lexical identifier
                                                 number of referenced
         ZHEUNR  1               36      2356    Unique number of
                                                 referenced external
         ZDELNK  2       <18:35> 18      2       Link in pass 1
         ZHEID   2:3             72      6       ZHELID in SIXBIT
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.6-5

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 II.6.3  ZHB record

         The ZHB record  holds  information  of  declaration  scopes  of
         procedures, classes, prefixed blocks and connection blocks.  It
         is a subrecord to the ZHE record.  The size is:
           3 words in state 1
           4 or 5 words in state 2
           5 words in states 3, 4, 5 and 6


                 0:1                             Same as ZHE

         ZHBZQU  2       <0:17>  18      34      Link to corresp. ZQU
         ZHBXID  2       <0:17>  18      2       External identifier
         ZHBZHB  2       <18:35> 18      4       Prefix link
         ZHBZE   2       <18:35> 18      4       Link to local var. list
                                                 from param. list header
         ZDELNK  2       <18:35> 18      2       Link in pass 1

         ZHBDEV  3       <0:11>  12      2       Device of ATR file
         ZHBNRP  3       <0:7>   8       ALL     Number of parameters
         ZHBVRT  3       <8:15>  8       ALL     Number of virtuals
         ZHBSBL  3       <16:20> 5       234     EBL of statically
                                                 enclosing complete
         ZHBSTD  3       <21:25> 5       23456   Display level
         ZHBSZD  3       <26:30> 5       456     Max value of STD
         ZHBUPF  3       <31>    1       ALL     Class used as block
         ZHBMFO  3       <31:33> 3       23456   Non-zero for MACRO-10
                                                 or FORTRAN procedure.
                                                 Type codes:
                                                 QEXMAC (1):
                                                 QEXMQI (2):
                                                 QEXFOR (4): 
                                                 QEXF40 (5): 
                                                   FORTRAN/E:F40 (old)
         ZHBLOC  3       <33>    1       ALL     Local object (if class)
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER               II.6-6

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         ZHBNCK  3       <34>    1       23456   Separately compiled
                                                 MACRO-10 procedure
                                                 with NOCHECK
         ZHBKDP  3       <34>    1       ALL     Class with class
         ZHBEXT  3       <35>    1       23456   Separately compiled
                                                 class or procedure

         ZHBPPN  4               36      2       PPN of ATR file
         ZHBUNR  4               36      2346    Unique number if

 II.6.4  ZQQ record

         The  ZQQ  record  holds  information  about  entry  points   of
         separately  compiled  modules.   ZQQ records are output last in
         the intermediate declaration file.  The size is:
           2 words in states 2 and 3


         ZQQLNK  0       <0:17>  18      2       Link next ZQQ
         ZQQFIX  0       <18:35> 18      23      Fixup
         ZQQUNR  1               36      23      Unique number

                              APPENDIX A

        SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1

SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-1

741025    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg/LE

 II.A    PASS 1

 II.A.1  Pass description

         The first pass of the SIMULA compiler executes in three phases.
         In phase 1,  the  low  segment  is  initialised  and  the  file
         specifications are read.
         In phase 2, the source file is read and lexical and syntactical
         analysis are performed.
         In phase 3, the declarations found in phase 2 are  merged  with
         external  attributes  (if  any)  and  sorted to be suitable for
         reading in pass 2.

 II.A.1.1 Important algorithms used

         MODULE SH (Symbol Hash)
         The symbol table is organised to be searched by  a  combination
         of  hash-coding  and  binary search.  The hashing function maps
         all identifiers on 128 binary trees by  multiplication  of  the
         first  six  characters  with a constant and taking the middle 7
         bits as a hash code.

         MODULE LS (Lexical Scanner)
         The lexical scanner inputs characters one by one and recognises
         the  basic  entities  of  the  language.   Each basic entity is
         output as one  or  more  symbols  to  the  caller  (the  syntax
         recogniser).   The  following  functions  are  performed by the
         *  Skips all comments, blanks and special control characters.
         *  Outputs text constants to the rel file.
         *  Converts arithmetic constants to internal format.
         ;*  Converts  delimiters  and  reserved   words   to   internal
         *  Converts identifiers to integer code numbers.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-2

741025    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg/LE

         MODULE SR (Syntax Recognition)
         The syntax recogniser controls the process of  recognising  and
         checking  the  structure of the source text.  A top-down method
         for syntax recognition (recursive descent) is  employed.   Each
         syntactic definition (production rule) is recognised by its own
         recognition routine, which  calls  other  recognition  routines
         recursively, until the analysed sentence is reduced to terminal
         symbols.  A recognition routine attempts to find an instance of
         the  syntactic class defined by the production.  The right hand
         side  is  transcribed  into  a  sequence  of   calls   on   the
         corresponding   recognition  routines  for  syntactic  classes,
         interspersed with  direct  comparisons  for  terminal  symbols.
         Comparisons are followed by reading the next symbol.
         *  Error recovery:
         If a recognition routine discovers an error in the source  text
         it will normally be able to go on by recovering from the error,
         usually by ignoring some of  the  following  symbols  from  the
         source  text.   The  general principle is that if a recognition
         routine can identify an error, it will recover from that error.
         *  Rearrangement of syntactic definitions:
         The syntax as published in the  Common  Base  document  is  not
         directly  suitable  as  basis  for  recognition  routines.  The
         definitions  are  therefore  rearranged,   which   serves   two
         1) Some changes are essential to  make  the  analyser  function
         correctly  in  a  top-down fashion, e.g. left recursion must be
         2) Other changes make the recognition process more efficient.
         Some modifications  are:   Removal  of  redundant  definitions,
         reduction  of  self-recursion  to  iteration,  factorisation of
         definitions and alternatives to avoid back-tracking.   To  that
         end a one symbol look-ahead is also employed.
         *  Implementation language:
         To  ensure  standardisation  and   simplify   development   the
         recognition   routines  are  written  in  a  high  level  macro
         Among the powerful facilities available we may mention:
         Optimised  operand  evaaluation  -  the   macro   system   will
         automatically  choose  the correct instruction depending on the
         operand being a constant, in an  accumulator  or  in  a  memory
         Optimised predicate evaluation - the macro system  will  choose
         the instructions needed to evaluate a Boolean expression.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-3

741025    780302      6                           Claes Wihlborg/LE

         MODULE SD (Syntax Dispatch)
         This  module  is  called  from  SR  and  takes  care   of   the
         declarations, creating the DC1 list.  By using an advanced list
         structure, SD makes it possible for the DP module to  read  the
         DC1  list  in a straightforward manner.  A stack with 64 levels
         is employed in the list-manipulation code.   Each  stack  level
         keeps track of 5 linear lists of declarations.

         MODULE DP (Declaration Processing)
         This module transforms the DC1 list  and  merges  it  with  any
         external   attributes   creating  the  DF1  file.   Only  those
         attributes which are used (i.e. mentioned in the compiled code,
         not  only  in the external attribute file), are merged in, thus
         minimising the file.
         *** Problem:
         Unfortunately, this can lead to a virtual procedure  definition
         being  "lost"  in  certain  rare cases.  A modification of this
         algorithm would thus seem to be necessary, but not urgent.

         This module performs the I/O operations necessary  in  Pass  1.
         The   operations   are  normally  straightforward,  except  for
         attribute file handling,  which  is  done  by  O1EX.O,  O1EXBU,

         * Chain of ZQU records for externals:
         When  an  EXTERNAL  declaration  is  encountered,  SDEXT  makes
         skeleton  ZQU,  ZHB  and  ZHE(QQUACH)  records and puts the ZQU
         record on the chain starting at YEXZQU.  In older  versions  of
         SIMULA,  the  ATR file would be read at that stage.  Reading is
         now deferred until the DP module has merged  system  components
         with declarations from the source program.

         * Lookup of ATR files:
         DPEXFA (find all ATR modules) is  called  to  scan  the  YEXZQU
         chain  and  input all the necessary information form ATR files.
         Looking for ATR files proceeds in two phases:

      1) Looking up separate ATR files:
         Each ATR file is first looked up as a separate file  on  device
         DSK:   (assuming  the  simplest  form of external declaration).
         O1EX.O opens channel QCHEXT if necessary.  A  lookup  operation
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-4

740805    780302      6                           Lars Enderin

         tries to find the relevant ATR file (O1EXLU).
         * Reading the first block of the file (O1EXTB):
         If the file is found, the ZQU is removed from the chain and the
         first  block  of  the  ATR  info is read by O1EXTB (which calls
         O1EXBU to allocate buffers).
         * Updating the request block chain:
         O1EXRQ places a request block on the YEXZRQ chain  (see  SEARCH
         list handling below).
         * Processing the ATR file:
         DPEXT is then called and will call O1EXT to read info from  the
         ATR module.
         * O1EXCL will close the ATR file.

         Variations on this scheme exist:
         * Compiling an external module:
         If a global module is being compiled and the module found is an
         earlier  version  of  the  global  module, O1EXNP takes note of
         where the ATR module was found (file spec,  word  within  file)
         for  the  benefit  of  pass  3  which will later read the file.
         O1EXRQ and DPEXT are not called.

         * Specific ATR file requested:
         If the external declaration requested a specific  file  (device
         and/or  path  explicitly  given,  or  '=' used in declaration),
         O1EXFM (findmodules) is called after  a  successful  lookup  to
         check  if  the  file  is  a  library (started by a LOADER index
         block) or a separate ATR file.  If the file is not  a  library,
         the  file  is  read  directly, otherwise the relevant module is
         hopefully found in the library.  In both  cases,  O1EXRM  reads
         the  header info up to the actual ATR info, then calls DPEXT to
         process the atr info, using O1EXT to read words from the file.

         At the end of phase 1, all ZQU records have been scanned  once.
         If  some  external references have not been found then, phase 2

      2) Looking for ATR modules which were not found as separate files:
         If any ZQU records remain unresolved on  the  chain  after  the
         first phase, the SEARCH list of ATR libraries is tried next.

         * Definition of the SEARCH list:
         The SEARCH list for ATR files is defined as follows:
         When compilation starts, SP sets up a DEFAULT  search  list  by
         calling  I1SRCH.   I1SRCH  uses  the  table YI1SRC to set up an
         initial chain of ZRQ records, containing:
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-5

740805    780302      6                           Lars Enderin

                 ZRQDEV - Device name (sixbit)
                 ZRQFIL - File name (sixbit)
                 ZRQPPN - ppn (or full SFD path pointer)

         The chain is handled by O1EXRQ.  YRQHEAD  points  to  the  LAST
         inserted  ZRQ  record,  which points to its predecessor via its
         ZRQZRQ field, etc, until ZRQZRQ = 0 is found.  New ZRQ  records
         are put on the chain if an identical file spec (YRQDEV, YRQFIL,
         YRQPPN compared to ZRQ....) cannot be found.  The ZRQSRC switch
         shows if a file belongs to the search list.  See request blocks

         The search list is modified by /SEARCH switches.

         /SEARCH:"spec" puts a ZRQ block corresponding to "spec" at  the
         front  end  of the chain (pointed to by YRQHEAD).  No duplicate
         entries are created, however, which means  that  a  ZRQ  record
         stays in the same place in the chain once it is put there.

         If the /SEARCH switch has the form
         /-SEARCH:"spec", however, it means that the  corresponding  ZRQ
         record  should  be  removed from the chain.  This is not really
         done by taking the ZRQ record away, but by resetting the ZRQSRC
         flag (one bit).

         If the /SEARCH switch is given without a file spec, the DEFAULT
         search list is reinstated, while any additional files remain.

         A negated switch without file spec (/-SEARCH) removes ALL files
         from the search list by turning off the ZRQSRC bits.

         See also TD II-4.3.

         * Request blocks in REL file:
         The ZRQ chain described  above  is  also  used  to  define  the
         request  blocks  which  are  written  to the REL file.  Request
         blocks are loader blocks of type 17 containing the  information
         ZRQFIL,  ZRQPPN, ZRQDEV copied from YRQFIL, YRQPPN, YRQDEV when
         the ZRQ block was defined  (by  O1EXRQ).   The  linking  loader
         (LINK-10)  will  scan  the  corresponding  file  (extension REL
         assumed) in library search mode,  before  scanning  SIMLIB.REL.
         When  O1EX  determines  that  a file - dev:x.ATR[p,pn] - is the
         correct ATR file to use for resolving an external reference  to
         a class or procedure, the file spec (YRQDEV, YRQFIL, YRQPPN) is
         checked against all records on the  ZRQ  chain,  starting  with
         YRQHEAD.  O1EXRQ does this.  If the file is not on the chain, a
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-6

740805    780302      6                           Lars Enderin

         new ZRQ record is created (via SDALLOC) and chained via YRQHEAD
         and  ZRQZRQ.   When  returning to O1EXLU, the ZRQOUT bit is set
         for  the  record  (also  in  YRQHEAD  to  show  that  there  is
         information available for at least one request block).

         * Output of request blocks or command strings in REL file:
         At the end of PASS 1 processing,  O1RLRQ  is  called,  provided
         YRQHEAD  is  non-zero,  to output any request blocks defined by
         ZRQ records with the ZRQOUT bit set.  Only device, ppn and file
         name  without  extension  are  specified.  The extension REL is
         assumed.  Thus  no  SFD  can  be  defined.   For  SFD's,  ASCIZ
         commands  are  instead  put  into the REL file by O1RLOA called
         from O1RLRQ:  "dev:atrfil[path]/SEARCH".   Only  ASCIZ  strings
         are output in the TOPS-20 version.

         * Scanning the search list:
         The ATR files on the search list are scanned in turn.  In order
         to   reduce  the  necessary  file  positionings,  however,  the
         remaining ATR files are matched against  the  index  blocks  by
         scanning  the  index  blocks  in  order  and  checking the list
         against each module name in the index block before going on  to
         the  next  index  block  and eventually to the next ATR file if
         necessary.  As modules are found in the index  block  currently
         active, the ATR module is read from one of the following blocks
         avoiding unnecessary i/o operations by taking advantage of  the
         fact  that  each module is placed in the file in the same order
         as the index block entries and following the index block.
         DPEXFA contains the main loop over the ZQU list  and  over  the
         search  list, O1EXFM finds all modules matching the ZQU list in
         the current library.  Each matched ZQU is taken off the list by
         DPEXRM and processed by DPEXT which uses O1EXT for I/O.  O1EXSO
         skips overhead information  (entry  and  name  blocks),  O1EXTB
         allocates  buffers and reads the first block off each new file.
         At the end of the search list, if  there  are  still  unmatched
         ZQU's, a compilation error will be issued.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-7

740805    780302      6                           Lars Enderin

         * Possible future modification:
         The algorithm described above  will  have  to  be  modified  if
         INDIRECT  external references are to be included in the program
         without explicit declaration.  It may possibly be  advantageous
         to  read the directories (UFD, SFD files) corresponding to DSK:
         saving the ATR file names in order to avoid unnecessary  lookup
         operations,  since  most  ATR  modules tend to be placed in the
         libraries anyway.  It will perhaps also be  necessary  to  keep
         all   index   blocks   in  core  to  handle  indirect  external
         references, if excessive i/o operations should be avoided.
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-8

740805    780302      6                           Lars Enderin

 II.A.2  Pass decomposition

 II.A.2.1 Components.

         Pass 1 consists of the following modules:

         D1      Miscellaneous tables
         DM      Diagnostic messages handling
         DP      Create intermediate declaration file
         I1      Set up low segment and read commands
         LC      Input one line of source code
         LS      Lexical scanner
         O1      Input/Output routines
         SD      Semantic processing of declarations
         SH      Symbol table handling
         SM      Miscellaneous semantic routines used by SR
         SP      Perform first pass main scan
         SR      Syntax recognition routines
         SYS1    Table of SIMULA system components
         T1      Termination routines

         The following modules are only present in the debug version  of
         the compiler:

         P1DUMP  Miscellaneous debug routines
         TRACE   Tracing code (traces each instruction)
         TRACEI  Tracing code initialisation
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1         II.A-9

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 II.A.2.2 Main flow.

 +----------------+      +----------------+      +----------------+
 !       I1       !----->!       SP       !----->!       T1       !
 ! Initialisation !      ! Syntax parser  !      !  Termination   !
 +----------------+      +----------------+      +----------------+
                                 !                       !
                                 v                       v
                         +----------------+      +----------------+
                         !       SR       !      !       DP       !
                 +-------! Syntax recogn. !-+    ! Decl. process. !
                 !       +----------------+ !    +----------------+
                 !               !          !
                 !               !          !
 +----------------+      +----------------+ !    +----------------+
 !       SM       !      !       LS       ! +----!       SD       !
 ! Syntax, misc.  !      !  Lexical scan  !      ! Syntax dispatch!
 +----------------+      +----------------+      +----------------+
                         !       LC       !
                         !  Line control  !
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1        II.A-10

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 II.A.2.3 Module contents

         The following list should serve as an index into  the  compiler
         listings,  which  must  be  consulted for any detailed study of
         pass 1 functions.

         MODULE D1

         Tables, no executable code.

         MODULE DP

         DP      Output DC1  list  to  DF1  after  modifications.   Call
                 DPEXFA  to  find  all  external attribute files needed.
                 Check for conflicting unique id's in external modules.
         DPEXT   Read an attribute module (separate ATR file or part  of
                 a library).  If compiling a main program, generate code
                 for prototypes and symbol tables of  external  MACRO-10
                 and FORTRAN procedures.
         DPEXTC  Append external attributes  to  the  DC1  list.   Calls
                 itself recursively.
         DPEXCR  Create external symbol request  loader  block  for  REL
         DPEXDF  Define external name corresponding to a fixup number.
         DPSYS   Append system elements to the DC1 list.
         DPEXFA  (findemall).  Finds  ATR  files  corresponding  to  ZQU
                 records  for  external  declarations.   Tries  separate
                 files first, then libraries on search list.
         DPEXER  Issue error message for external file error.
         DPEXGD  Get device name from current ZHB (id or 'DSK').
         DPEXFS  File spec for ATR:  YRQFIL:=name, YRQPPN:=ppn.
         DPEXRM  Remove ZQU record from YEXZQU chain.
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         MODULE I1

         I1CHAR  Get next command character.
         I1CM    Read a command line (TMPCOR, TMP file or TTY).
         I1TTYC  Read a command line from the TTY.
         I1DIR   Parse a directory specification.
         I1FN    Parse a file specification.
         I1MOVE  Move a line from command buffer to command line buffer.
         I1PC    Put a character in command line buffer (PUTCHAR).
         I1NAME  Scan a name (identifier) from command.
         I1PPN   Parse and convert an octal number from command file.
         I1REN   Enter Pass 3 after REENTER command.
         I1RX50  Conversion SIXBIT -> RADIX50.
         I1SC    Create OPEN and LOOKUP blocks for next source file.
         I1SRBP  Check compiler switches that  must  appear  before  the
                 start of the program text proper.
         I1SRTx  A set of routines, each of  which  handles  a  compiler
                 switch,  e.g.  I1SRTA  handles  the  ARRAY switch.  The
                 initial letter of the switch name is substituted for  x
                 to  get the name of the routine.  See SIMCOM.HLP or the
                 SIMULA Language  Handbook  part  II,  Sect  3.5.1,  for
                 available switches.
         I1SW    Recognise compiler switches.
         I1SWIT  Process compiler switches.
         I1RECO  Recover from switch error.
         I1SWER  Switch error handler.
         I1SRCH  Set up standard search list.
         SIMULA  Primary entry point to compiler (pass 1).
         I1OVFL  Stack overflow handler.
         I1UNFL  Stack underflow handler.

         MODULE LC

         LC      Input next source line.
         LCEOF   End of file in source.
         LCLINE  Update source line number.
         LCLS1   Output record to LS1.
         LCNEXT  Move source line to line buffer from file buffer
         LCPLIN  Create LS1 records.
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         MODULE LS

         LS      Get next symbol from source line.
         LSC     Scan character constant.
         LSCHBL  Scan past blank characters.
         LSCHGR  Handle line control characters.
         LSCHIG  Skip ignorable characters.
         LSCHNP  Error messages for non-printable characters.
         LSEND   Scan end comment.
         LSI     Handle identifiers and reserved words.
         LSIOSC  Scan characters from OPTIONS statement.
         LSIPAG  Scan PAGE switch.
         LSIS    Scan identifiers and reserved words.
         LSLNSM  Prepare line number for error message.
         LSN     Scan numeric constant.
         LSNCO   Convert INTEGER -> LONG REAL.
         LSNDL   Check decimal point not last char of number.
         LSNEXP  Scan exponent part of number.
         LSNKEX  Look-ahead for keyword.
         LSNRDS  Scan number in non-decimal radix.
         LSNSCE  Scale number.
         LSSEM   Update semicolon count.
         LST     Handle debug symbols in source code.
         LSX     Handle TEXT constant.
         LSXTXT  Scan TEXT constant.

         MODULE O1

         O1DBOP  Open file nnnDEB.TMP (only in debug mode).
         O1DB6   Output 3 words to nnnDEB.TMP (debug only).
         O1DFOP  Allocate space for file DF1.
         O1OPDF  Open file nnnDF1.TMP and output the data  which  is  in
         O1DF1   Open nnnDF1.TMP unless already open.  Output a buffer.
         O1DFCL  Close nnnDF1.TMP if open.
         O1EXBU  Set up buffers for ATR file.
         O1EXFM  Find ATR modules in ATR library file.
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         O1EXFW  Find first word of an index block (ATR library).
         O1EXMP  (TOPS-20 only) Make sure wanted page  of  ATR  file  is
                 mapped in core.
         O1EXMA  (TOPS-20) Map ATR file pages on core area.
         O1EXNP  Note position of the old ATR module (file and  word  in
         O1EXRM  Prepare for DPEXT to read ATR module (position to first
                 word).  Call DPEXT for processing.
         O1EXSO  Skip ATR module overhead (position  to  first  word  of
                 attr.  list).
         O1EXLU  LOOKUP ATR file.
         O1JFNI  (TOPS-20) Get input JFN for  file  defined  by  TOPS-10
                 lookup block.  Open the file for input (O1OJFI).
         O1OJFI  (TOPS-20) Perform OPENF JSYS.  Records file size (SIZEF
         O1JFN   (TOPS-10) Get a JFN for input or output.   Use  TOPS-10
                 lookup block for file spec.
         O16TO7  Translation ASCII -> SIXBIT.
         O1EXRQ  Define request block information.
         O1SFDC  Copy SFD record.  Used e.g.  by  O1EXRQ  when  SFD  was
         O1EX.O  Perform OPEN UUO for channel QCHEXT.  (TOPS-20  version
                 just records device name).
         O1EXTB  Allocate ATR file buffers, then fall into O1EXT code.
         O1EXT   Read a buffer from the current ATR file.
         O1EXCL  Close ATR file.  (TOPS-20 version first unmaps file).
         O1ICOP  Allocate space for IC1 file.
         O1OPIC  Open file nnnIC1.TMP and  transfer  pending  data  from
                 core to file.
         O1IC1   Output a  buffer  to  nnnIC1.TMP,  if  necessary  after
                 opening the file.
         O1ICCL  Close nnnIC1.TMP if open.
         O1LSOP  Allocate space for LS1 file.
         O1OPLS  Open file nnnLS1.TMP and  transfer  pending  data  from
                 core to file.
         O1LS1   Output a  buffer  to  nnnLS1.TMP,  if  necessary  after
                 opening the file.
         O1LSCL  Close nnnLS1.TMP if open.
         O1RLOP  Open rel file and output entry block  and  name  block,
                 also source file identification (lookup info).
         O1RL    Output an unrelocated word to REL file.
         O1RLR   Output a relocated word to REL file.
         O1RLS   Output a symbol item to REL file (part of type 2 loader
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         O1RLC   Output a relocation word to REL file.
         O1RLD   Close current code item.
         O1RLNB  Start new rel code buffer.
         O1RLIC  Start new code item (type 1 loader block).
         O1REL   Write a buffer to REL file.
         O1RLRQ  Output request info to REL file for all REL files to be
                 searched  by  the  linking loader for matching external
                 references corresponding to ATR files which were  used.
                 The info is either type 17 blocks or ASCIZ strings.
         O1RLOA  Output     ASCIZ     string      to      REL      file:
         O16BIT  Convert  SIXBIT  ->  ASCII  calling  O1RLOA  for   each
         O1OCT   As O16BIT, but converts binary integer to  octal  ASCII
         O1RLUN  Output comment record (type  0  block)  containing  all
                 external   references,   also   any   type   17   block
                 corresponding to ATR files.
         O1SCOP  Look up source file.
         O1SC    Read a buffer from source file.
         O1SCCL  Close source file.
         O1XROP  Allocate space for XRF file in core.
         O1OPXR  Open file nnnXRF.TMP.  Output currents contents of core
                 file area.
         O1XRF   Output a buffer to nnnXRF.TMP, having opened  the  file
                 if not open before.
         O1XRCL  Close nnnXRF.TMP if open.
         O1ZSOP  Open file nnnZSE.TMP.
         O1ZSE   Output buffer to nnnZSE.TMP.
         O1ZSCL  Close nnnZSE.TMP.
         O1ZS    Write symbol table.
         O1ERR   Error message output:  ?  FILE xxx NOT FOUND
         O1PACK  Pack core files in core file area.
         O1SETB  Set up buffer rings.

         MODULE SD

         SDBEG   Start of block, procedure, inspection etc.
         SDEND   End of block, procedure, inspection etc.
         SDZQU   Declared quantity.
         SDEXT   External declaration.
         SDSPEC  Parameter specification.
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         SDESPE  End of parameter specifications.
         SDABEG  Start of array segment.
         SDAEND  End of array segment.
         SDPEND  Program end.
         SDPPN   Reevaluates proj or progr no as octal.
         SDALLO  Allocate space in DC1 list.
         SDHID   HIDDEN PROTECTED specification.
         SDPRO   Protect attributes at classend.

         MODULE SH

         SH      Transform identifier from SIXBIT to internal identifier
         SHNEW   Append a new identifier to symbol table.

         MODULE SM

         SMERR   Generate error message for syntax error.
         SMLIND  Output line symbol preceding declaration.
         SMLINE  Output line symbol preceding executable statement.
         SMUID   Output referenced identifier to IC1 and XRF.

         MODULE SP

         SP      Initialise low segment and start syntax parsing.
         SPDCIN  Initialise DC1 area.

         MODULE SYS1

         Contains no executable code.
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         MODULE SR

         Labels in  this  procedure  are  formed  from  the  recognition
         routine names prefixed by SR.  The recognition routines are:

         APAR    Actual parameter part.
         ARY     Array declarations.
         ARYS    Array subscripts.
         BLK     Block.
         CLAS    Class declaration.
         ECLA    Check switches for external class.
         ELST    IF-statement.
         EPRO    Check switches for external procedure.
         EXPR    Expression.
         EXT     External declaration.
         FLST    FOR list element.
         FPAR    Formal parameter part.
         LAB     Labels.
         LST     Specification identifier list.
         MAIN    Check switches for main program.
         PBLK    Prefixed block.
         PRG     Program starting with current symbol.
         PROC    Procedure declaration.
         PROG    SIMULA program.
         SEXP    Simple expression.
         SIST    FOR, INSPECT or WHILE statement.
         SPEC    Procedure specification.
         STAT    Statement.
         TYPE    Type.
         UNST    Unconditional statement.
         VIRT    Virtual specification.

         MODULE T1

         T1      Terminate pass 1 and enter pass 2.
         T1AB    Termination error encountered.  Enter pass 3 directly.
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         MODULE P1DUMP

         OUTOP   Open file nnnDEB.LST.
         .OUT    Output a buffer to nnnDEB.LST.
         OUTCL   Close nnnDEB.LST.
         .IN     Read a buffer from temporary file.
         .NEWPA  Output new page and page header to nnnDEB.LST.
         .NEWLI  New line.
         .PUTT   Text output.
         .PUTTAR Text array output.
         .PUTID  Identifier output.
         .PUTSIX Sixbit text output.
         .PUTOCT Octal number output.
         .PUTDEC Decimal number output.
         .PUTN   Number output.
         .ZH     Output fields common to ZHE and ZHB.
         .ZQU    Output ZQU record.
         .ZHE    Output ZHE record.
         .ZHB    Output ZHB record.
         DFDUMP  Output symbolic dump of DF1 file.
         ICDUMP  Output symbolic dump of IC1 file.
         LSTRAC  Output trace of symbols from LS.
         P1INIT  Initialise debug output.
         P1DUMP  Dump of intermediate files.   Symbol  table  output  to

 II.A.3  Low segment organisation

         The low segment of pass 1 consists of three parts:

         1)  A global part (see II.3).
         2)  A fixed pass 1  specific  part.   See  LOWSEG.MAC  and  the
             modules that refer to the data for layout descriptions.
         A dynamic part containing the DC1 structure (see II.6).
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         The sizes of the parts are:

             Part 1:      4 K
             Part 2:     10 K
             Part 3:     .5 K (initially)

 II.A.4  Pass 1 interface

 II.A.4.1 Pass initialisation

         Pass 1 has five entry points:
             SIMULA      Entered via .R SIMULA or .START
             SIMULA+1    Via COMPIL/SIMULA
             I1START-1   Entered from pass 3.
             I1START     Entered when STARTed after first start.
             I1REN       Entered via REENTER.
         The entry points are located in the I1 module.

 II.A.4.2 Pass 1 termination

         Pass 1 enters  pass 3  if  an  error  has  occurred,  otherwise
         pass 2.

 II.A.4.3 Job data area

         The following locations are set specially in pass 1:

             .JBSA(RH)   SIMULA
             .JBREN      I1REN
             .JBAPR      I1OVFL
             .JB41       PUSHJ 17,DM
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 II.A.4.4 UUO's used

         The following user defined UUO's are used in pass 1:
         ERR, ERRLI, ERRT, ERRI1, ERRI2.
         They are defined in SIMMAC.MAC (universal file).

 II.A.4.5 Input/Output in pass 1

        +----------+   --------------     ----------------------
        !nnnSIM.TMP!   ) Source code )    ) External attributes )
        +-----+----+   --------------     ----------------------
     Pass 1 - ! - - - - - - - -!- - - - - - - - ! - - - -
    !         V                V                V         !
        +----------+     +----------+     +-----------+
    !   ! Phase  1 !====>! Phase  2 !====>! Phase  3  !===!=> Next pass
        +----------+     +----------+     +-----------+
    !         !          !!!!                !!!          !
     - - - - -!- -- - - -!!!!  - - - - - - - !!! - - - - -
              !          !!!!                !!!
              !          !!!!  ------------  !!!     ------------
              !          !!!-> ) nnnIC1.TMP) !!+---> ) nnnDF1.TMP)
              !          !!!   ------------  !!      ------------
              !          !!!   ------------  !!      ------------
              !          !!+-> ) nnnLS1.TMP) !+----> ) nnnZSE.TMP)
              !          !!    ------------  !       ------------
              !          !!    ------------  !
              !          !+--> ) nnnXRF.TMP) !
              !          !     ------------  !
              !          !                   +-----> ------------
              !          +-------------------------> ) nnnREL.TMP)
              +------------------------------------> ------------
SIMULA FOR DEC SYSTEM 10             TD, COMPILER PASS 1        II.A-20

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 II.A.5  Common macro file

         Pass 1 code refers  to  the  universal  file  SIMMC1.UNV  which
         defines  macros, fields, switches and constants used in pass 1.
         SIMMAC.UNV  is  also  used.   See  listing  of  SIMMC1.MAC  for

 II.A.6  Testing

         The debug version of pass 1 contains some built-in features for
         testing.   The  special features are controlled by insertion in
         the   source   code   of   the    special    debug    character
         (control-uparrow,  octal 036) followed by a code sequence.  The
         code sequences are:

         LS1     Start trace of lexical scanner output.
         LS0     Stop trace of lexical scanner output.
         DF1     Create symbolic dump of DF1.
         IC1     Create symbolic dump of IC1.

         Examples of test output are given in VIII.7.  In the  trace  of
         LS1 output and in the dump of IC1 all internal compiler symbols
         start with percent (%) and any values are given in octal radix.
         Identifiers  are written as in the source (only 12 characters).
         The optional second value for the %LINE symbol is the semicolon

         The DF1 dump contains one line per  record.   The  line  starts
         with  the  offset  of  this  record  in the current declaration
         segment and is followed by the record type.  The  rest  of  the
         line contains the field values of the record.