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title PASCAL interface to Ultimate command scanner
subttl By Bill Westfield Sept 16,1980
internal CLREOL
extern SUBCMD,getcmd,tPUTCH
entry PASULT
search UTILS
comment ~
This inteface allows the Ultamate command scanner (ULTCMD) to
be called from Pascal, as in :
program test;
var I : integer;
CEOL : packed array[0..1] of char;
function PASULT(num_of_strings : integer ; CLREOL,PROMPT : string ;
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l : string ) : integer; extern;
CEOL[0] := chr(16);
CEOL[1] := chr(28); { gp-100 Clear to EOL codes }
while TRUE do begin
I := PASULT (11,CEOL,'% ','read','rename','renumber','request',
writeln(tty,'Index : ',I:0)
The value returned is the relative command number eg an integer
between 1 and num_of_strings.
PASULT: move 13,[point 7,STRSTG] ;string storage area
movei 7,3 ;where to start getting strings
movnm 2,TABLE ;put the -arg count into the table
addi 2,1 ;get all strings + prompt
setz 14,
call GETSTR ;get CLREOL string
hrlm 1,TABLE(14) ;returns address of string in ac1
caige 14,-1(2)
aoja 14,ARGLP
movei 1,TABLE ;standard calling sequence for ULTCMD
call GETCMD ;call command subroutine
subi 1,TABLE ;compute the relative command Number
movem 1,1(P) ;and return it to Pascal
getstr: caig 7,20 ;are we past acs yet ?
caig 7,6 ;have we exceeded ac6 ?
jrst OK
movei 7,1(P) ;set up adlress so we get the rest
addi 2,(2) ;of the arguments from the satck
sub 7,2
idivi 2,2 ;put 2 back where it was
OK: hrli 10,(point 7,0) ;make a byte pointer
hrr 10,(7) ;to the string
movei 1,(13) ;and to a temporary storage area
move 11,1(7) ;get the length
STRLP: ildb 12,10 ;and copy it all, since we can't
idpb 12,13 ;count on Pascal giving us ASCIZ
sojg 11,STRLP
setz 12, ;make sure we create asciz
idpb 12,13
addi 13,1 ;ready for next word
hrli 13,(point 7,)
addi 7,2
TABLE: block 30 ;up to 29 commands, easilly changeable
CLREOL: ;clreol string is the first item in
STRSTG: block 200 ;the string storage area. size variable
glop: tputch