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                           JOBS  NTERVI  *REQUEST*     M*JOBS*IN
                           *  BS*I    VIEW       T*S STE       I
                           M  OB  INTE  IE  REQUE  *SY  EM*JOBS*
                           E  J  S*INTE  I  *REQUE  *  ST
                           T  *  BS*INT  V  W*REQ  ST*  STEM*
                   QUES    S  M  OBS*IN  R       QUEST*S    M*J
                   E  E    Y  E  JOBS*I  E  IEW*R  UEST*SYST  *J
                   R  UE  *S  T  *JOBS*  T  VIEW*R  UEST*SYST  *
                   *R  UEST  YST  *JOB  IN  RVIEW  EQUEST*SY  EM
                    *RE    T*SYSTE    BS*I       W*RE       YST
      M  O  *  T  V        E       E      *INT  VIEW*  Q  S       M  O    N  R
      E  J  S* N  RVIE  REQU  T*SYST  *JOB  IN  RVIEW  E  E  *SYSTE  J    I  E
      T  *   S*I  ERVI  *REQ  ST*SYS  M*JOB  I  ERVIE  R  U  T*SYST  *    *  T
      S  M    S*  TERV  W*RE  EST*SY  EM*J  S*  TERVI  *  Q  ST*SYS  M*JOBS  N
      Y  E  J  S  NTER  EW*R      *S      JOBS  NTERV  W  E      SY  EM  OB  I
      S  T  *J    INTE  IEW*  QUEST*  ST  *JOBS  NTE  IE  R  UEST*S  T    O  *
      *  S  M*J   *INT  VIEW  EQUEST  YST  *JOBS  N  RVI  *  QUEST*    EM    S
      S  S  TEM*  BS*I  ERVI       E  *SYST  *JOBS INTER  E       S  SYSTEM  O
      U      STEM         ERV    REQU  T*SYS  M         ERVI      U          *
      *      T*SY       BS  NTERVI  *  QUEST  Y       BS*INT   IEW*REQU  T
      V  W*REQ  S         JOB  IN  RVIEW   QUES         J      TERVIEW*  Q
         IEW       T  YSTEM*  BS*       E          S          *  TERVIEW*  Q
         TER    *REQUEST  YSTEM*J    INTERVIE  REQUE       EM*J  S*    RV  W
        B       VIEW*REQ  ST*S       OBS*INTE  IEW*R          T  *JOBS*IN  R

                           JOBS Interview Request System

                                  Donald E. Barth


JOBS, the  interview  request  system  described  in  this  manual,  was
developed  at the Yale School of Management for the automatic allocation
of open job interviews to students in the  Master's  Degree  Program  in
Public  and  Private  Management  (MPPM).   This  manual  describes  the
administrative procedures needed to  prepare  for  and  to  process  the
requests  for  job  interviews.   Appendices  to this manual contain the
instructions for the computer program which is used by the school  staff
to  enter the recruiting schedules and for the computer program which is
used by the students to request the interviews.

                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                 ----- -- --------

            Introduction  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1

            The Interview Allocation Process   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1

            The Programs  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  5

            The Computer Accounts  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6

            The Files  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  7

            Preparation for Student Use  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10

            Processing a Set of Requests .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12

            Evaluation of Allocation of Interviews and Times  .  .  . 17

            What Takes Place During Processing .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19

            Maximum Sizes of the Cases Handled by the Programs   .  . 22

            Descriptions of the Files .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 23

               Contents of the Account Validation File  .  .  .  .  . 23
               Contents of the Password File   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 28
               Contents of the Current Stage file .  .  .  .  .  .  . 29
               Contents of the Starting Time Profile File  .  .  .  . 33
               Contents of the Firm Schedule File .  .  .  .  .  .  . 35
               Contents of the Interview Request File   .  .  .  .  . 39

            Using the RSMPSW Program to Assign Passwords   .  .  .  . 45

            Machine Dependence  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 48

            Differences Between DECsystem10 and DECsystem20 Versions  50

            Appendix A: Instructions for Using the JOBS Program  .  . 53

            Appendix B: Instructions for Using the JOBADM Program   . 57

            Appendix C: Files Included in this Package  .  .  .  .  . 67

            Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files   .  .  .  .  . 73


      JOBS is an interview request system which can be used  at  a  school  to
      allocate job interviews among the students and to assign times for these
      interviews.  Various bidding schemes can be used to allocate  interviews
      with  firms  for  which  there  is excess demand.  The system includes a
      program which the school staff uses to enter the recruiting schedules, a
      program  which  the  students  use to request interviews with particular
      firms and to assign priorities  to  these  requests,  and  a  series  of
      programs  which  allocate  the  interviews  and  which  produce  printed
      schedules for the recruiters and for the students.

      All of the firms which are interviewing and the  numbers  of  interviews
      which  they  will  hold  must  be  known before the students can run the
      program.  This means that the students  must  use  the  program  several
      times   during  the  interview  season.   In  practice,  allocating  the
      interviews for a month at a time  seems  to  work  well.   If  there  is
      sufficient  lead time, and if some firms are still undersubscribed after
      the students make their initial requests for the coming month, then  the
      students  can  be  allowed to bid again for the remaining interviews and
      for interviews with additional firms added to the pool in the meantime.

      The interview request system handles only  open  interviews,  those  for
      which  the  school  specifies  which  students will be interviewed.  The
      system does not handle closed  interviews,  those  to  which  the  firms
      invite  the students, since the firms usually furnish the lists of these
      students to the school with too little lead  time  for  the  use  of  an
      automated system.

      The interview request system was developed  on  a  DECsystem20  computer
      and, in various versions, has been used during 2 interview seasons.  The
      system is written entirely in FORTRAN and, excluding the comment  lines,
      consists  of  9000  FORTRAN  statements.   A version for the DECsystem10
      computer is included.

                          THE INTERVIEW ALLOCATION PROCESS
                          --- --------- ---------- -------

      The interview season is divided into several  sections,  called  rounds.
      The  students  can  only request interviews with firms which are holding
      interviews during  the  current  round.   Several  academic  classes  of
      students can use the program at different times or concurrently and each
      class can be entering  requests  for  a  different  round.   The  school
      calendar  must  allow enough time before the start of each round for all
      of the students in the class to use the computer to make their requests,
      for  these  requests  to  be  processed, and for the lists of successful
      students to be  sent  to  the  firms.   The  length  of  each  round  is
      determined  only by how far into the future it is known which firms will
      be interviewing and how many interviews they will be holding  and  when.
      All  of  the  students in a class who want to request interviews for the
      current round must have finished using the program before interviews can
      be allocated to any of them.  However, until the deadline for completing
      their requests has been reached, the students can each run  the  program
2                                          JOBS Interview Request System

as  many times as desired to enter or change their requests.  Typically,
the students would have to complete their  requests  at  least  2  weeks
before  the  start  of  the  round  and  each  round  would  consist  of
approximately a month.

If there is enough lead time before the start of  the  round,  then  the
students  can  be  allowed  to  run the program again to make additional
requests after their initial requests have been processed.  Firms can be
added to the list or can be cancelled from the list, but the list should
essentially remain unchanged.  Each of the times that the students in  a
particular  class  are  allowed to run the program to request interviews
with the same set of firms is called a stage of the same  round.   There
can  be  as  many stages as desired in each round.  The positions on the
lists of the students  who  requested  interviews  during  the  previous
stages of the current round remain fixed.  The new requests are only for
interviews with the  undersubscribed  firms  or  for  positions  on  the
waiting  lists  for  fully subscribed firms.  The students can, however,
cancel requests which they made in earlier stages and this would release
the interviews so that someone else could get them.

The system does not contain any information for rounds  other  than  the
current  round for each class.  The description of the schedules for the
recruiters and the requests for interviews  made  by  the  students  are
stored  in an account which is separate from those which are used by the
administrator and by the  students.   The  account  which  is  used  for
storing  the  schedules  and requests is also used for storing the files
which validate accounts to run the  programs  and  which  establish  the
passwords which are used by the students to gain access to the program.

The member of the placement office staff who acts as  the  administrator
uses  the JOBADM program to establish which firms are holding interviews
and  when  these  interviews  will  be  held.   All  of  the  scheduling
information  for  the  firms  which  will  be interviewing students in a
particular class is held in a  separate  file.   The  administrator  has
control over how many interviews any one student can request during each
stage, during each round and during the entire  interview  season.   The
type of bidding which will be used for the allocation of over subscribed
firms is set before the start of the season  by  the  computer  services
staff  at the direction of the administrator, but the administrator can,
before any new stage begins, change the limitations  on  the  number  of
high  priority  requests which can be made or the total amount which can
be bid.

For each firm, the administrator specifies the name  of  the  firm,  its
department  name  and its address.  The type of position being filled is
not specified, but this could be entered instead of the department  name
or  address  if  desired.  The administrator specifies the length of the
interviews and the total number of schedules which will be held.  All of
the  interviews  which are held by a particular firm must be of the same
length.  A profile of the times during the day when interviews  of  this
length  start  must  already have been established.  If the firm is only
interviewing on a single day, then the number of  schedules  will  equal
the  number of recruiters.  If the firm is interviewing on several days,
then the number of schedules is the sum of the number of recruiters each
day.   The  administrator  specifies the date when each schedule will be
      The Interview Allocation Process                                       3

      held.  If there is more than 1 profile of starting times for  interviews
      of  the  selected length, then the administrator must select the profile
      for each schedule.  Finally, the administrator selects the time  of  the
      first  and  final  interviews  for  each  schedule,  and  which, if any,
      interviews in each schedule will not be held.

      There is a profile of starting times for interviews which are 30 minutes
      long,  another for interviews which are 45 minutes long, and a third for
      interviews which are 60 minutes long.  If it is really desired to use  a
      new set of starting times for interviews of some particular length, then
      the administrator can have the computer services staff establish  a  new
      profile of starting times.  This is easily done and only requires adding
      a new line to the file which defines these profiles.   The  new  profile
      can  be  for  interviews  of  the  same  length  as  one of the original
      profiles, or can be for a different length.  If the new profile  is  for
      interviews  of  the  same  length  as  an  existing  profile,  then  the
      administrator will have to select between these whenever a newly entered
      firm  is holding interviews of that length.  The program which allocates
      interviews makes sure that the  students  have  time  to  get  from  one
      interview to another, so it is not necessary for the profiles to include
      any more time between successive interviews  than  is  required  by  the

      If the students have their own individual accounts, and if these can  be
      related in some way to their classes, then they can run the program from
      these individual accounts.  Otherwise, a common account will have to  be
      established  for  each  class.   If common accounts are used, then it is
      suggested that the computer services staff assign  a  password  to  each
      student  which  can  be  used to gain access to the program.  It is also
      possible to have each student select a password which will  be  used  to
      gain  access  to  that student's requests, but this scheme is subject to
      possible abuse in that a single student  could  enter  several  sets  of
      requests  and  thus  have an unfair advantage over other students in the

      The students run a program named JOBS to request interviews.   The  JOBS
      program  tells  the  student the dates when the firm is interviewing and
      how many interviews will be  held.   If  the  firm  is  interviewing  on
      several  days,  then the student can select on which day he or she would
      prefer to have the interview be held.  The student also selects which of
      the  possible  starting times during the day he or she most prefers.  If
      the student selects more than 1 time, then the second is assumed  to  be
      desired  less than the first, the third less than the second, and so on.
      It is not necessary that the student select either a date or times.   If
      both  a  date  and times are selected, then the times apply only to that
      date.  If an interview cannot be scheduled on that date, or if no  times
      were selected, then all times on the date when the interview is actually
      scheduled will be equally likely.  If the student is  running  the  JOBS
      program  in  the  second  or  a  subsequent stage, then the program will
      report the status of each request made by the student in earlier  stages
      including  the  date  and  time  when each interview is scheduled or the
      position on the waiting list.
4                                          JOBS Interview Request System

Once all of the students have finished making  their  requests  for  the
stage  of  the  round,  the member of the computer services staff who is
managing the running of the program closes the JOBS program  to  further
use  by  students  in the class.  The firm schedule file produced by the
JOBADM program is copied to a separate account where the  requests  will
be processed.  The interview request files are appended together and the
resulting composite file is moved to the same account.  Several programs
are  then  run  which  process  the  requests.   The following steps are
performed during the allocation of the interviews.

1.  For each firm, all of the requests which have the  highest  priority
    (are  most wanted) or which have the highest bid are placed onto the
    end of the list of students who have requested interviews with  that
    firm  in  the  previous stages.  Then all of the requests which have
    the next highest priority or bid are placed  onto  the  end  of  the
    list,  and  so  on.   Each  group  of  requests  which have the same
    priority or bid are arranged in random order.

2.  Interviews are allocated to the students, starting with the students
    who  were  placed  on  the  list  first.  If more students requested
    interviews with the firm than the firm is willing to interview, then
    the  students who were placed onto the list last will be placed onto
    the waiting list.  The students at the top of the waiting list might
    get  interviews if the firm decides to conduct more interviews or if
    some of the students who were allocated interviews decide to  cancel
    their interviews instead.

3.  Among the students who have been allocated interviews, actual  dates
    and  times  for these interviews are assigned first for the students
    who specified the times of day when they would prefer  to  have  the
    interviews  be  held.  The remaining interview times are assigned to
    the students  who  did  not  specify  any  preferred  times  or  who
    specified preferred times which had already been assigned to someone

4.  Schedules are printed which can be given to each student and to each

5.  The final version of the composite interview request file  is  split
    into  separate  files  which  are  written into the original central
    storage account.  These individual interview request  files  reflect
    the action taken on each request.

6.  The final version of the firm  schedule  file  is  copied  into  the
    central  storage  account.   This  version of the firm schedule file
    contains the number of students who requested interviews  with  each

7.  After verifying that the results appear to be correct, the member of
    the  computer  services  staff  who  is  managing the running of the
    program opens the JOBS program to the  students  so  that  they  can
    review  their results, or advances the stage number so that they can
    make  requests  for  interviews  with  any  firms  which  are  still
      The Programs                                                           5

                                    THE PROGRAMS
                                    --- --------

      The interactive programs listed below are the only ones which  are  used
      by  anyone other than the computer services staff member who is managing
      the running of the job interview request system.  As far as the students
      and placement office staff are concerned, these form the entire system.

      JOBS    The program which the students use to make  their  requests  for
              job interviews.

      JOBADM  The program used by the staff of the placement office  to  enter
              the schedules of the firms which are conducting interviews.

      Once the students  have  made  all  of  their  interview  requests,  the
      following  programs are run by the computer services staff member in the
      order listed to  allocate  the  actual  job  interviews.   The  first  2
      programs  in  the  list  perform  similar  functions and only 1 of these
      should be used.

      JOBSLO  A small but slow version of the first stage of  the  processing.
              This  program  sorts  the  interview  requests  for each firm by
              priority and randomizes the order of the requests which have the
              same  priority.   The  entire interview request file is read and
              rewritten for each firm which is to be processed so the requests
              for  all  students  for  all  firms  do not have to be stored in
              random access memory at the same time.  The JOBBIG  program  can
              be  used  instead  of  the  JOBSLO  program  if relatively large
              programs can be run.

      JOBBIG  A fast but large version of the first stage of  the  processing.
              This  program  sorts  the  interview  requests  for each firm by
              priority and randomizes the order of the requests which have the
              same  priority.   The  entire interview request file is read and
              rewritten only once.  All of the requests for all  students  for
              all  firms  are  stored in random access memory so the arrays in
              the program must be large.

      JOBTIM  The second stage of the processing.  This program assigns actual
              times for the requests.  This program also produces the listings
              of the interview schedule for each recruiter.  JOBTIM and JOBSCH
              do  not  have  to be run if for some reason actual times are not
              being assigned yet.

      JOBSCH  A program which is run after JOBTIM to produce the  listings  of
              the interview schedules for each student.

      JOBPUT  The final stage of the  processing.   This  program  splits  the
              composite  interview  request file into the individual interview
              request files and writes them  back  into  the  central  storage
6                                          JOBS Interview Request System

The following programs are used by the computer  services  staff  member
but are not needed during the regular processing of the requests.

JOBGRF  A program used to check what  proportion  of  the  requests  for
        interviews  were filled, and what proportion of the requests for
        specific times were filled.

JOBMOD  A program used to modify individual interview request  files  in
        the  central  storage account.  This program should be used with
        care, since if used incorrectly it  could  destroy  the  ranking
        already  established  in  a  previous  stage.   The  program can
        perform the following operations.

         1 = Place request for firm on closed schedule
         2 = Place request on open schedule, not requested by firm
         3 = Place request on open schedule, requested by firm
         4 = Reject request, firm does not want to talk to student
         5 = Delete request from file
         6 = Change firm in request, put on open list of new firm
         7 = Restore high priority vote or bid immediately
         8 = Restore high priority vote or bid next round
         9 = Unsubmit requests if student typed SUBMIT in JOBS program
        10 = Block further requests but process requests already made
        11 = Block further requests and ignore requests already made

JOBSRT  A program used to sort the list of  student  numbers  and  names
        which  was  produced by the JOBSLO or JOBBIG program.  This list
        is used to  locate  the  individual  students  in  the  listings
        produced  by  the  JOBSCH  program.   This program is a slightly
        modified version of  a  program  which  was  developed  for  the
        student resume system.

JOBTST  A program which can be used to change  the  type  of  priorities
        used  in  the  test  case  which  is supplied with the interview
        request system.

RSMPSW  A program which merges passwords selected from any text file and
        a list of student names into an annotated password file.

                         THE COMPUTER ACCOUNTS
                         --- -------- --------

The following types of accounts must be established in order to use  the
interview request system.

1.  The central storage account in which  the  requests  for  interviews
    made  by  all of the students in all of the classes are stored.  The
    requests made by students in different classes are kept separate  by
    the use of the class numbers as part of the names of the files.  The
    requests made by the students in different classes cannot be  stored
    in separate accounts.
      The Computer Accounts                                                  7

      2.  The account to be used by the staff of the  placement  office.   The
          JOBADM  program  is  run  from  this account to enter the recruiting
          schedules for the firms which are going to be conducting interviews.
          If 1 person is responsible for entering the schedules for all of the
          classes, then a single account should be used.   If  several  people
          are entering the schedules and if each is responsible for a separate
          class, then each should use a separate account  and  each  of  these
          accounts should be validated for use by the administrator for only 1
          class.   Instructions  for  validating  accounts  for  use  by   the
          administrator are given later in this manual.

      3.  The account to be used by the member of the computer services  staff
          who  is managing the running of interview request system.  The files
          will be moved into this account for processing.  This  account  does
          not  have  to  be  specially  validated  in  any of the files in the
          central storage account.

      4.  The account from which all of the students in a particular class can
          run  the  JOBS  program.  There should be 1 of these shared accounts
          for each class.  Alternatively,  if  the  students  have  their  own
          individual  accounts,  then  they  can  run  the  program from their
          separate accounts.

                                     THE FILES
                                     --- -----

      The following files must be prepared  by  the  member  of  the  computer
      services  staff  who  is  managing  the running of the interview request
      system before the students are allowed to use the JOBS  program.   These
      files  should  all be in the central storage account into which the JOBS
      program will write the files containing the interview requests which are
      made by the students.

      ACOUNT.JOB  specifies which accounts can  be  used  for  which  classes.
                  This file is prepared using the system text editor.

      CURENT.JOB  specifies the current round and stage for  each  class,  the
                  type of bidding scheme, and whether the JOBS program is open
                  for use by the students.  This file is  prepared  using  the
                  system text editor.

      FRMXXX.JOB  where XXX is the 3 digit class number.  This file identifies
                  the  firms,  and  specifies when the firm will be conducting
                  interviews.  It  is  written  by  the  JOBADM  program.   An
                  updated  version  is  created  when  the  requests have been
                  processed, but this must be copied back  manually  into  the
                  central storage account.

      PSWXXX.JOB  where XXX is the 3 digit class number.  This file  specifies
                  the  passwords and the numbers which can be used to identify
                  the students if all of the students in a class run the  JOBS
                  program  from  the  same account.  This file can be prepared
                  either using the system text  editor  or  using  the  RSMPSW
                  program which is described later in this manual.
8                                          JOBS Interview Request System

TIMES.JOB   specifies the starting  times  of  the  interviews  of  each
            possible  length.   This  file  is prepared using the system
            text editor.

The following files are produced when the JOBS program  is  run  by  the
students.   These  files  do  not  have to be prepared in advance by the
computer services staff.

JOBS.DOC    (if the student is not using a password)
YYYYYY.DOC  (if the student is using a password)
            contains a list of the interviews requested by the  student.
            YYYYYY  is based upon the password or the account being used
            or is a number assigned to the student.  If this  number  is
            less  than 100000, then extra zeros are inserted at the left
            to obtain 6  digits.   These  files  are  written  into  the
            account  being used by the students when the students select
            the PAPER command in the JOBS program.

YYYYYY.XXX  where YYYYYY is the 6 digit number identifying  the  student
            and  XXX  is  the 3 digit class number.  Each of these files
            contains the interview requests made by  a  single  student.
            These files are written by the JOBS program into the central
            storage account.  After the requests  have  been  processed,
            these  files  also specify the rankings of the requests, and
            the times when the interviews have been scheduled.   Whether
            or  not  the students get particular interviews depends upon
            the rankings stored in these files  versus  the  numbers  of
            interviews available stored in the firm schedule file.

The following data and listing files are used or  generated  during  the
processing  of  the  requests.  The names of these files are selected by
the member of the computer services staff who is managing the running of
the interview request system.

            The firm schedule file.  This is written  into  the  central
            storage  account  by the JOBADM program.  It is rewritten in
            the processing account by the JOBSLO or JOBBIG  program  and
            by the JOBTIM program.

            The composite interview request file.  This  is  constructed
            using  an APPEND command.  It is rewritten in the processing
            account by the JOBSLO or JOBBIG program and  by  the  JOBTIM

            The list of student numbers and names.  This is  written  by
            the  JOBSLO or JOBBIG program.  This file can be sorted into
            alphabetical order based upon the student  names  using  the
            JOBSRT  program.  This is essentially a listing file.  It is
            not needed for processing.

            The list of students requesting each firm.  The students are
            arranged  by  whether  they  have  gotten interviews, and by
            their order on the waiting list  if  they  have  not.   This
            listing file is written by the JOBSLO or JOBBIG program.
      The Files                                                              9

                  The list of students scheduled  for  each  recruiter.   This
                  listing file is written by the JOBTIM program.

                  The list of interviews gotten by each student.  This listing
                  file is written by the JOBSCH program.

      The files which are read  and  written  during  the  processing  of  the
      requests  can  be  given  any  names desired.  However, use of regularly
      constructed names will make them easier to identify.  A scheme which has
      been  found to work well is to assign a basic name such as R1S284 to the
      files for round 1, stage 2, class of 84, and to use a regular pattern of
      numbers for the 3 letter file name suffixes.  The various programs which
      are necessary for the processing prompt using these numbers.   The  file
      name  R1S284.001  could  be  used  for  the  initial firm schedule file,
      R1S284.002  for  the  initial  composite  interview  request  file,  and
      R1S284.003 for the file containing the profiles of starting times.  Each
      of the requests for the name of a new output file would then be answered
      with  the same base name but with the suffix .004 for the file logically
      next in the series, then .005, and so on.  The file names  which  result
      when these conventions are used are listed below.

      R1S284.001 is the initial firm schedule file
      R1S284.002 is the initial composite interview request file
      R1S284.003 is the file which defines the profiles of starting times
      R1S284.004 is the listing of students requesting each firm
      R1S284.005 is the final firm schedule file
      R1S284.006 is the intermediate interview request file
      R1S284.007 is the list of student numbers and passwords
      R1S284.008 is the final interview request file
      R1S284.009 is the listing of all recruiter schedules
      R1S284.010 is the listing of all student schedules
      R1S284.011 is the list of student numbers and passwords sorted by name

      After the processing of the  requests  has  been  completed,  the  final
      versions  of the firm schedule file and the interview request files must
      be moved back into the central storage account.  These files  must  once
      again have the following names which are expected by the JOBADM and JOBS

      FRMXXX.JOB  The final version of the firm schedule file produced  during
                  the  processing  of  the  requests  is  copied back into the
                  central storage account by issuing a COPY command.

      YYYYYY.XXX  The final versions of the individual interview request files
                  in  the composite file produced during the processing of the
                  requests are written back to the central storage account  by
                  the JOBPUT program.
10                                         JOBS Interview Request System

                      PREPARATION FOR STUDENT USE
                      ----------- --- ------- ---

Preparation for the use of the interview request system on a DECsystem20
computer is described below.

 1.  Build the central storage account in which the  interview  requests
     will   be   stored.    This   account  should  have  the  following

     A.  Disk storage allocation of about 2 pages per student.  Each  of
         the interview request files requires just 1 page, but there has
         to be room for a modest set of deleted  former  versions  which
         have  not  yet been expunged.  There should also be enough disk
         allocation for a duplicate set of interview request  files  for
         any class.  This is necessary since the JOBPUT program produces
         a new copy of each interview request file each  time  that  the
         requests have been processed.

     B.  Default  file  protection  of  776400.   This  prevents   other
         accounts  from  using  the  directory commands to find out what
         files are in the account.  The files can be overwritten by  new

     C.  Directory protection of 774400.  This allows  accounts  in  the
         proper  user  group to write new files into the central storage

     D.  Directory groups the same as the user  group  of  the  accounts
         which  the  students  will  use to run the JOBS program and the
         same as the user group of the account which  the  administrator
         will  use  to  run the JOBADM program.  If this cannot be done,
         then  make  sure  that  the  right  2  digits  of  the  various
         protection  codes  are  all  the  same  as  the middle 2 digits
         instead of 00.

     E.  The central storage account must contain  the  following  files
         which  are  to  be read from the accounts used by the students,
         but these files should not be able to be rewritten  from  these
         accounts.  These files should have 775200 protection.

         ACOUNT.JOB  required to validate accounts
         CURENT.JOB  defines current round and stage for each class
         PSWXXX.JOB  optional passwords for class XXX
         TIMES.JOB   starting times  for  interviews  of  each  possible

         The contents of these files are  described  elsewhere  in  this
      Preparation for Student Use                                           11

           F.  The following file should be stored in an account  which  is  a
               parent of the central storage account.

               JOBS.CTL    The  file  which  controls  the  batch  job   which
                           expunges   the  central  account,  and  which  then
                           submits itself to be run again later.

       2.  Insert the name of the account where the  interview  request  files
           will  be  stored  into  the DATA statement which defines the NUMDIR
           character string in the BLOCK DATA routine.  This character  string
           must  contain exactly 40 characters.  Fill out the right end of the
           string beyond the end of the name with spaces.  Do not include  the
           less than and greater than signs in the name.

       3.  If the central storage account already exists, delete the interview
           request  files  from the previous year.  These are the files having
           names of the form YYYYYY.XXX where YYYYYY is the  6  digit  student
           number  and  XXX is the 3 digit class number.  If this is not done,
           then a student who only entered requests in stage 1 of round  1  in
           the  previous year would attempt to add to the old decisions in the
           current interview season rather than  starting  fresh.   Also,  the
           running  totals  of bids and of the numbers of interviews requested
           might continue those from the previous year unless  the  old  files
           are deleted.

       4.  If the central storage account  already  exists,  delete  the  firm
           schedule  files from the previous year.  These are the files having
           names of the form FRMXXX.JOB where XXX is the 3 digit class number.

       5.  In the file named CURENT.JOB which defines the  current  round  and
           stage  for  each  class,  set  the current round and stage for each
           class to 1.  Add new lines for any new class numbers which will  be
           in use this year and remove those that are no longer active.  It is
           suggested that each class be identified to the program by the right
           2 digits of the year of its graduation.  See the description of the
           contents of the current stage file for further information.

       6.  Validate an account or accounts to  act  as  the  administrator  by
           inserting   their   account   names   into   the  ACOUNT.JOB  file.
           Instructions for validating these accounts are given  elsewhere  in
           this manual.

       7.  If this is the first year that these particular students  have  run
           the  JOBS  program,  validate  their  accounts  by inserting a line
           describing their accounts into the ACOUNT.JOB file.

       8.  If the students are all to use a single account  to  run  the  JOBS
           program,  set up this account.  It should be in the same user group
           as the directory group of the central storage account.  Insert this
           account  name  into  the  ACOUNT.JOB  file  and  indicate  that the
           students must use  passwords  to  run  the  JOBS  program.   It  is
           recommended that passwords be assigned to them, rather than letting
           them select their own.
12                                         JOBS Interview Request System

 9.  If the passwords are to be assigned to the  students,  rather  than
     selected  by  the students, then construct a file named PSWXXX.JOB,
     where XXX is the class number,  in  the  central  storage  account.
     This  should  have 775200 protection.  This file can be constructed
     using the RSMPSW program, or by hand  using  a  text  editor.   The
     contents  of  this  file  and  the  use  of  the RSMPSW program are
     described elsewhere in this manual.

10.  Replace the account named in the JOBS.CTL file by the current  name
     of  the  central  storage  account.   Either in the central storage
     account, or preferably from an  account  higher  in  the  directory
     tree,  submit  the  JOBS.CTL to run a batch job.  This expunges the
     central storage account, and resubmits itself to run  again  later.
     The  time  until the next run of the batch job must be short enough
     that the central storage account will not run  out  of  disk  space
     until then.  A half hour interval is suggested.

11.  Compile, load and save the JOBS program  and  the  JOBADM  program.
     Rename  or  copy  the  resulting .EXE files into the system library
     account.  If the central storage account  is  unchanged,  then  the
     versions of these files from the previous year can still be used.

12.  If the students will be running the  JOBS  program  from  a  single
     account and if the students are selecting their own passwords, then
     some students will probably type the login password when  the  JOBS
     program  itself  asks  for  a password.  The only problem with this
     would be that if 2 or more students select the same password,  then
     they  will destroy each other's requests.  To protect against this,
     log into the shared account, run the JOBS program using  the  login
     password  and  then exit without having made any decisions.  Do not
     make any requests using this password.  After you have exited  from
     the  JOBS program, use the JOBMOD program to block further requests
     and to ignore any requests already made by this fictitious student.
     This  will  change  the  value  of  ISUBMT, the first number in the
     second line of the resulting file, to 4.  This causes the  students
     selecting  this  password  inside  the  program to be told that the
     password is not meant to be used at that point, and  they  will  be
     asked to select another password.

                      PROCESSING A SET OF REQUESTS
                      ---------- - --- -- --------

The procedures described below are performed to allocate the  interviews
once  the  time  period allowed for the submission of interview requests
has expired.

 1.  Log into  the  account  which  will  be  used  for  processing  the
     interview  requests,  and  connect  to  the central storage account
     where the requests are stored.

 2.  Type the file named FRMXXX.JOB where XXX  represents  the  3  digit
     class  number.   If  the left number in the first line in this file
     has the value 2 indicating that the JOBADM  program  has  not  been
     run,  then either use the text editor to change this number to 1 or
      Processing a Set of Requests                                          13

           log into an account which is validated to run  the  JOBADM  program
           and  then use the JOBADM program to read and write a new version of
           this file.  If you have logged into another area to run the  JOBADM
           program,  then  log  back  into the account from which the requests
           will be processed and again connect to the central storage account.

       3.  Change the fifth number to -1 in the line  for  the  class  in  the
           CURENT.JOB  file  in  the  central  storage account.  This prevents
           anyone else in the class from running the JOBS program and prevents
           the  administrator  from  running  the JOBADM program.  If they are
           already running the programs, however, this does not force them  to
           exit  since  this  information  is  only read when the programs are

       4.  Check that none of the students are still running the JOBS program.
           If  they are, try to get them to complete their selections and exit
           from the program.

       5.  Check that the administrator is not running the JOBADM program.  If
           the  administrator  is still running the JOBADM program, try to get
           him or her to finish and exit from the program.

       6.  Wait until all of the students in the class have  finished  running
           the  JOBS  program and until the administrator has finished running
           the JOBADM program.

       7.  While still connected to the central storage account, copy the firm
           schedule file FRMXXX.JOB into the processing account.  The original
           version of this file should remain in the central storage  account.
           The  copy  of  this file in the processing account can be given any
           name which is convenient.  Since it is likely that  there  will  be
           several  versions  of  these files in the processing account, it is
           suggested that the files in the processing account be  given  names
           which  incorporate the round number, the stage number and the class
           number.  For round 1, stage 2, class of '84, the copy of  the  firm
           schedule file might be named R1S284.001.

       8.  While still  connected  to  the  central  storage  account,  append
           together  all of the interview request files for the class which is
           to be processed.  It is suggested that the composite file should be
           given  a  name  similar to R1S284.002 to reflect the current round,
           stage and class.

           On the DECsystem10 computer, the command which would be  issued  to
           append together the files for round 1, stage 2 for the class of '84
           would be

                COPY R1S284.002=*.084

           On the DECsystem20 computer, the commands which would be issued  to
           append together the files would instead be

                DELETE R1S284.002
                APPEND *.084 R1S284.002
14                                         JOBS Interview Request System

     On the DECsystem20 computer, it is necessary to make sure that  the
     new  file  does  not  already exist since, if it did exist when the
     APPEND command was issued,  then  the  contents  of  the  interview
     request files would merely be appended to whatever already happened
     to be in the file.  It should also be noted that the  positions  of
     the  source  and  destination  files  are  reversed  between  the 2
     computers,  and  that  a  COPY  command  cannot  be  used  on   the
     DECsystem20 computer to append files together.

 9.  While still connected to  the  central  storage  account,  copy  or
     rename the composite file into the processing account.

10.  While still connected to the central storage account, copy the time
     profile  file  TIMES.JOB into the processing account.  The original
     version of this file should remain in the central storage  account.
     It  is  suggested  that  the file should be given a name similar to
     R1S284.003 to reflect the current round, stage and class.

11.  Connect to the processing account.  Run either the  JOBBIG  program
     or the JOBSLO program to place the students on the ranked lists for
     the firms which they have requested.  If bidding scheme 1 is  being
     used,  in which the failure of a request boosts the priority of all
     lower priority requests made by the same student, then  the  JOBBIG
     program   must   be   used.    Otherwise,   either   can   be  used
     interchangeably.  The JOBBIG program only has to read and write the
     data  files  once since it stores all of the requests made by every
     student for every firm in arrays.  The JOBBIG program is fast,  but
     large.   The  JOBSLO program only stores in its internal arrays the
     information for the firm which is presently being processed.  Since
     any  student can request any firm, the JOBSLO program must read and
     then write the entire student request  file  for  each  firm.   The
     JOBSLO program is small, but it takes a long time to process all of
     the requests since it has to read and copy  all  of  the  interview
     requests in order to process a single firm.

     Both the JOBBIG program and the JOBSLO program  will  ask  for  the
     kernel  for  the  random  number generator.  This number is used to
     select what sequence of pseudo-random numbers is used to  randomize
     the  order of the requests for a particular firm which all have the
     same priority or bid.  A value such as 1000 or 2000 or the  current
     year  is appropriate for the kernel.  Use of the same kernel if the
     program has to be  run  again  with  the  same  data  allows  these
     programs to duplicate the same results.  Of course, if so much as 1
     request is added or deleted or given a different  priority  between
     the  runs,  then  the  results  will  be different even if the same
     kernel is used.  The kernel which was used is reported on the first
     page of the listing of the students requesting interviews with each

     A negative kernel should not be used.  Any kernel which  is  -1  or
     less causes the value 0.5 to be used each time that a random number
     in  the  range  0.0  to  1.0  is  needed.   This  would  produce  a
     predictable  shuffling  of the requests for a particular firm which
     all have the same priority or bid, but  does  not  randomize  their
     order.   Such  a  negative kernel could be used when preparing test
      Processing a Set of Requests                                          15

           cases to verify the working of the interview request system when it
           is  being moved to another computer or when the operating system is
           being changed, since the resulting order is not dependent upon  the
           particular random number generator employed.

           The JOBSLO program will also ask for the number of  the  first  and
           last  firms  to be processed, but, unless there is some problem, -1
           can be typed to allow all of the firms to be processed.  The JOBBIG
           program always processes all firms.

           Shown below are the times which were required for the  sequence  of
           programs  which  are  run  in turn to process a typical set of 1008
           total interview requests which were made by  108  students.   These
           times  are  for  a  lightly loaded DECsystem2060.  The sizes of the
           programs are also indicated.

                                JOBBIG   JOBSLO   JOBTIM   JOBSCH   JOBPUT

            Computation time    30 sec   16 min   14 min   18 sec   15 sec
                Elapsed time   108 sec   32 min   29 min   36 sec   30 sec
           Total array space     70600    15422    42750    21641      115

           The long times required by the JOBSLO and JOBTIM programs  are  due
           to   these  programs  reading  and  writing  the  entire  composite
           interview request file for  each  firm  which  is  processed.   The
           JOBSLO  program also reads and writes the entire firm schedule file
           for each firm, and the JOBTIM program reads the firm schedule  file
           from the start through the entry for the next firm being processed,
           but the firm schedule file  is  much  shorter  than  the  composite
           interview  request  file  and requires much less time to be read or

           The sizes of these programs  depend  upon  the  maximum  number  of
           firms,  available  interviews,  interview  schedules,  students and
           total requests which  these  programs  are  configured  to  handle.
           These  limits  are described elsewhere in this manual.  The size of
           the JOBBIG program is largely proportional to the maximum number of
           requests  which can be made by all students for interviews with all
           firms, this being set to 5000 in the supplied version.  The size of
           the  JOBTIM  program  is  essentially  proportional  to the maximum
           number of students who can get interviews with a single firm,  this
           being set to 350 in the supplied version.

      12.  If the students are to be allowed to request undersubscribed firms,
           but actual time assignments are to be made later, but not now, then
           proceed to the running of the JOBPUT program.  After  the  students
           have  finished making further requests, the interview request files
           must be collected together again and either the  JOBBIG  or  JOBSLO
           program must be run again.

      13.  If the time assignments are to be made now,  then  run  the  JOBTIM
           program.   The  JOBTIM  program  is slow, since it, like the JOBSLO
           program, makes one pass through the data for each firm.  The JOBTIM
           program will ask for the minimum number of minutes to allow between
           interviews for each student.  The scheduling algorithm works  quite
16                                         JOBS Interview Request System

     well  with a break between interviews of 30 minutes and this should
     allow the students ample time to get  from  one  interview  to  the
     next.   The longer the interval allowed, the more likely it is that
     the interviews for which a  particular  student  already  has  been
     assigned times will start to interfere with the assignment of times
     for the rest of the interviews for the same  student  on  the  same
     days.  The JOBTIM program will also ask for the number of the first
     and last firms to be processed, but, unless there is some  problem,
     -1 can be typed to allow all of the firms to be processed.

14.  If the JOBTIM program has been run to make  the  time  assignments,
     then  run the JOBSCH program to produce the schedules which will be
     given to the students.

15.  Run the JOBPUT program  to  write  new  copies  of  the  individual
     interview request files back into the central storage account.

16.  Copy the final version of the firm schedule file  produced  by  the
     JOBBIG  or  JOBSLO  program  back  into the central storage account
     where it must  have  a  name  of  the  form  FRMXXX.JOB  where  XXX
     represents the 3 digit class number.

17.  Set the fifth number to  1  in  the  line  for  the  class  in  the
     CURENT.JOB  file  in  the central storage account.  This allows the
     students to use the JOBS program to review the actions  which  were
     taken  for  their  requests but does not allow them to make any new
     requests yet.  This also allows the administrator to run the JOBADM
     program again.

18.  If some students forgot to request interviews before the  deadline,
     but  they are to be allowed to request interviews after the running
     of the JOBPUT program, then set the fifth number to 2 in  the  line
     for  the  class  in  the  CURENT.JOB  file  in  the central storage
     account.  Do not change the stage number.  This allows students who
     have  not  run  the JOBS program yet during the current stage to do
     so, but those who did run the  program  before  the  requests  were
     processed will only be able to get reports.  When the late students
     have finished, process the requests again.  The requests which were
     made  before  the  first  processing  will not be changed.  The new
     requests will merely be added to the bottoms of the lists and  will
     only be allocated interviews in firms which were undersubscribed.

19.  If all of the students are allowed to bid for undersubscribed firms
     in  the  current  round, increment the third number by 1 and change
     the fifth number to 2 in the line for the class in  the  CURENT.JOB
     file  in  the  central  storage  account.   This advances the stage
     number and allows the students to use the JOBS program  to  request
     additional  interviews.  Run the JOBADM program and exit from it to
     merge the new stage number into the firm schedule file.

20.  If a new round is to be started, rather than a new stage,  increase
     the  second  number  by  1,  set the third number to 1, and set the
     fifth number to 0 in the line for the class in the CURENT.JOB  file
     in  the  central storage account.  This allows the administrator to
     enter a new set of firms for the first stage of the next round  and
      Processing a Set of Requests                                          17

           locks  the  students  out.   Finally,  when  the students are to be
           allowed to request interviews for the firms in the new  round,  set
           the  fifth  number to 2 in the line for the class in the CURENT.JOB
           file in the central storage account.

                  ---------- -- ---------- -- ---------- --- -----

      The JOBGRF program can be run  after  either  of  the  ranking  programs
      JOBBIG  or JOBSLO have been run to check what proportion of the students
      have gotten most of the interviews which they requested,  or  after  the
      time  assignment program JOBTIM has been run to check what proportion of
      the students got the times which they requested.

      The performance of the interview allocation process is  indicated  by  a
      chart which is similar to that shown below.

                       0  0  0  0  0  0  0
                G  5   0  0  0  0  0 34  0
                o  4   0  0  0  0  3 33  0
                t  3   0  0  0  0  2 19  0
                t  2   0  0  3  2  0 10  0
                e  1   0  2  0  1  0  0  0
                n  0   0  0  0  0  0  0  0

                       0  1  2  3  4  5

      In this chart, the horizontal axis indicates the  number  of  interviews
      requested  in  the  current  round,  and the vertical axis indicates the
      number actually gotten.  The values in the  chart  are  the  numbers  of
      students  asking  for  the  number  indicated by the column and actually
      getting the number indicated by the  line.   For  example,  10  students
      requested  5  interviews  but  only  got  2, and 19 students requested 5
      interviews but only got 3.

      The unnumbered right column would indicate the  students  who  requested
      more interviews than can be represented by the numbered columns, and the
      unnumbered top line would indicate the students who got more  interviews
      than  can  be  represented  by  the  numbered  lines.   The  chart  will
      automatically expand to represent up to 20 interviews requests,  so  the
      unnumbered  column  and  line  would  only  be  used if the students can
      request more than 20 interviews in a single round.  It is, however, only
      the smaller numbered columns and lines which are important.

      The JOBGRF program should be run after the JOBBIG or JOBSLO program  has
      been  run  to  check  that  no students have been completely shut out of
      getting any interviews.  If students who requested a  reasonable  number
      of interviews are shown as having gotten only 0 or 1 interview, then the
      ranking program should probably be run again with a different kernel for
      the  random number generator to see if a better allocation of interviews
      can be obtained.
18                                         JOBS Interview Request System

The JOBGRF program can also be run after the JOBTIM program has assigned
times  for  the interviews, but this is really only useful for verifying
the operation of the JOBTIM program if it is changed.   The  assignments
are summarized by a chart similar to that shown below.

          Summary of students getting time preferences

          Did not ask for either date or time

          Asked for date but not for time
            Got  Got
           None Date
              4    0

          Asked for time but not for date
            Got       Got  ...
           None         1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
             49       220   46   18   12    5    3    0    1

          Asked for both times and date
            Got  Got  Got  ...
           None Date    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
              6    0   23    1    5    1    1    1    0    1

The upper left number in the chart is the number of interviews for which
the  students  did  not  indicate any preference for date or time.  This
number appears under the caption "Got None" since, of course,  the  date
and  time  which were actually assigned could not match a date or a time
which was requested by the student.  The remaining captions do not  just
restate the obvious.

The numbers which appear below the series of numbers 1, 2, 3 and  so  on
indicate the number of interviews which were able to be scheduled at the
most preferred time  specified  by  the  student,  at  the  second  most
preferred time, at the third most preferred time, and so on.
      What Takes Place During Processing                                    19

                         ---- ----- ----- ------ ----------


      The interviews are allocated to the students by  either  the  JOBBIG  or
      JOBSLO  programs.   The  interview  requests are sorted by the following
      criteria in turn.

      1.  By firm being requested.
      2.  By whether the request has been processed in a previous stage.
          If previously processed, then lowest rank comes first.
          If new request, then this comes after those previously processed.
      3.  By the priority which the student assigned to this request.
          If requests are ranked 1 to N then low numbers come first.
          If requests are given high or low priority, then high comes first.
          If requests are bid in an auction, then high bid comes first.

      The order of the new requests having the same values for the priority or
      bid  is  then randomized.  It is known how many interviews will actually
      be held by each firm, so the students who happen  to  fall  within  this
      distance  from  the  start of the list get interviews, and the remaining
      students appear on the waiting list.

      The JOBSLO program only has available the requests for 1 firm at  any  1
      time.   As  each  firm is processed, the JOBSLO program reads the entire
      file containing the requests made by all of the students, gathers  those
      for  the  current  firm,  allocates  the interviews, then reads the file
      again and writes an updated copy of the requests made  by  each  student
      into a new version of the file.  The interview request file is thus read
      twice and written once for each firm, and the firm schedule file is read
      once and written once for each firm.  Since the JOBSLO program processes
      each firm in turn, it cannot attempt to adjust a student's  chances  for
      the  lesser  wanted requests based upon what happens for the more wanted

      The JOBBIG program has available all requests for  all  firms  at  once.
      The JOBBIG program reads and writes the composite interview request file
      only once and reads and writes the firm schedule file  only  once.   The
      JOBBIG  program  allocates  the  interview requests in the same order as
      that used by the JOBSLO program unless it is attempting to increase  the
      chances  of  a  particular  student  getting lesser wanted requests when
      those which the student more wanted cannot be assigned.  In  the  latter
      case,  the  JOBBIG program allocates all the most wanted requests across
      all firms first, then the second most wanted requests across all  firms,
      and  so  on.   If a particular student misses out on a request, then the
      JOBBIG program can adjust the lesser wanted  requests  to  be  processed
      earlier  than  would  have been the case otherwise.  This adjustment can
      only be done if the students assigned values  to  the  requests  ranging
      from  1  for  the  most  wanted to N for the least wanted where N is the
      maximum number of requests  which  can  be  made  by  1  student.   This
      adjustment is performed by subtracting 0.6 from values which the student
      assigned to the remaining requests.  Thus if a student misses out on the
      second  most  wanted request, then the third most wanted request made by
      that student becomes a 2.4  instead,  the  fourth  most  wanted  request
20                                         JOBS Interview Request System

becomes  a  3.4  and so on.  The request which was third most wanted but
which is now assigned a 2.4 will be  processed  before  the  third  most
wanted  requests made by students who have so far gotten their requests.
If the same student then misses out on the  third  most  wanted  request
which has become a 2.4, then the fourth most wanted request made by that
same student becomes a 2.8 (i.e., 4.0-0.6-0.6), and so on.


Interview times are assigned by the JOBTIM program.  The JOBTIM  program
reads  the interview request file once for each firm which is processed.
A list sorted by rank is kept which identifies each student who gets  an
interview  with  the  present firm.  As the information for a student is
read, the times and dates of all interviews which could block a  request
for  the  present  firm by that student are placed into the first unused
location on the list or at the top of the list  since  it  will  not  be
known  whether  the  student requested the current firm until the end of
the requests made by  the  student  is  reached.   The  information  for
possible  blocking  interviews  with  other  firms  is  discarded if the
student does not request the current firm, or is moved into the  correct
spot if the student does request the current firm.

The date and time assignments are then made in the following steps.

1.  A matrix is prepared which has 1  line  for  each  recruiter  and  1
    column  for each possible interview held by that recruiter.  A value
    in the matrix is zero if it corresponds to an interview which can be
    held,  -1  if  it is in a schedule which is not necessary due to too
    few students having requested interviews with the firm, and -2 if it
    is in the line for a recruiter but corresponds to an interview which
    is not being held due to its being too early, too late or skipped.

2.  In the first pass,  the  numbers  of  all  students  who  have  been
    previously  assigned  interview  times are inserted into the matrix.
    If an interview which was previously assigned  is  no  longer  being
    held,  then the recruiter number for the student previously assigned
    that time is set to -1 so that a new time can  be  assigned  in  the
    next steps.

3.  In the second pass, all students who have requested  specific  times
    are  given  these  times  if  possible.   If  they  also requested a
    specific date, then only interviews being  held  on  that  date  are
    considered.   Starting with the first student in the ranked list, an
    attempt is made to give each student the most  desired  time  trying
    each  recruiter schedule in turn.  For those who could not get their
    most desired time, then an attempt is made to give them  the  second
    most  desired  time.   This  process  continues  until  all  of  the
    requested times have been tried.  In each case, the student is given
    the  requested  time  if  it  is  still available and if it does not
    overlap with an interview previously assigned to the  same  student.
    An interview is reserved for a student by placing the student number
    into the matrix and by inserting the recruiter number, date and time
    into the appropriate arrays.
      What Takes Place During Processing                                    21

      4.  In the third pass, students who requested a  specific  date  but  no
          times,  or  who specified a list of times on a specific date but who
          were blocked from getting any of the times which they requested  are
          assigned interviews which are still available on the requested dates
          which are not blocked  by  interviews  previously  assigned  to  the

      5.  In the fourth pass, all students who  have  not  yet  been  assigned
          interviews,  either  because  they  did not specify either a date or
          times, or who were blocked from  getting  their  requested  date  or
          times, are assigned the remaining interviews if they are not blocked
          from getting them.

      6.  In the fifth and final pass, students who  were  assigned  interview
          times are shifted to the still open times to make room for those who
          could not be assigned interview times.  For each student  who  could
          not  be  assigned an interview time, each of the times which are not
          blocked by other interviews previously assigned to that student  are
          tried  in  turn.   The only positions which are considered are those
          which are occupied by students for whom  an  open  position  is  not
          blocked by other interviews previously assigned to the student being
          moved into the open  position.   If  several  times  could  be  made
          available in this manner, then the student who is moved to make room
          is the student for  whom  the  open  position  is  highest  on  that
          student's list of preferred times.
22                                         JOBS Interview Request System

           ------- ----- -- --- ----- ------- -- --- --------

The variables which store the sizes of the arrays used in the  interview
request  system have the same names in all programs.  Unique but logical
values  have  been  chosen  for  each  of  these   variables   to   make
identification  of  the arrays to which they apply easier.  In the table
listed below, the appropriate limits are shown only under  the  programs
which are limited in the respect described.


LMTFRM = firms interviewing during round
            200      200
LMTINT = blocks of contiguous interviews for 1 firm (schedules+breaks)
                                       150      150
LMTLIN = schedules for 1 firm
LMTMJR = requests by all students for all firms in round
LMTONE = requests by all students for 1 firm in round
LMTPRF = time preferences for single request
                      13       13       13       13                13
LMTRCT = blocks of contiguous interviews all firms (schedules+breaks)
           1000     1000     1000
LMTREQ = firms any 1 student can talk to on same days as are being
         used for interviews by 1 firm requested by that student
LMTSCH = students one recruiter can speak to in 1 day.
             16       16*                        16
LMTSIN = requests made by single student in round
LMTSLT = profiles of possible starting times of interviews
             50       50                         50
LMTSTD = students in class who have made requests in round
LMTTIM = all starting times in all profiles of starting times
            500      500                        500
LMTTLK = 1 more than students which single firm can interview

* no array size in JOBS program actually depends upon LMTSCH
      Descriptions of the Files                                             23

                             DESCRIPTIONS OF THE FILES
                             ------------ -- --- -----

      The following sections of this manual describe each of the types of data
      files  which  are  stored  in the central storage account.  The computer
      services staff member who is managing the use of the  interview  request
      system  must  be  familiar  with  the contents of the account validation
      file, the current stage file and the file which specifies  the  profiles
      of  starting times since these files are maintained using a text editor.
      Descriptions are also included  for  the  firm  schedule  file  and  the
      interview  request  files  since  the  contents  of  these files must be
      referred to if the results of  the  allocation  process  must  be  sight
      verified.  Instructions are also given for the use of the RSMPSW program
      which is used to generate the initial versions of the password files.

                      -------- -- --- ------- ---------- ----

      The JOBS and JOBADM programs can only be run  from  accounts  which  are
      specified  in  a  file  named ACOUNT.JOB in the central storage account.
      The items in this file are changed using a  text  editor.   The  account
      validation  file  contains 1 line for each account, or for each group of
      accounts, from which the programs can be run.  Lines are read  from  the
      account  validation  file  until a line is found which exactly specifies
      the account from which the program is being run  or  which  specifies  a
      group  of  accounts  of  which  the  current  account  is a member.  The
      subsequent lines in the account validation file are ignored even if they
      also  specify  the  current account.  It is thus possible to treat a few
      members of a group of accounts differently than the rest of the  members
      of the group by inserting lines which specify the accounts to be treated
      specially before the line which specifies  the  rest  of  the  group  of

      A typical account validation file is shown below.

      -1 84 85  2  A.A.PLACEMENT     !ADMINISTRATOR
      85  2  0  2  A.JOBS.85         !CLASS OF 1985
      84  2  0  2  A.JOBS.84         !CLASS OF 1984

      The general form of an entry in the ACOUNT.JOB file is





      NUMBER1 = -1, enables administrative functions
              = 0 through 999, places account into class having this value
              = 1000 or greater, prevents use of the JOBS program
24                                         JOBS Interview Request System

NUMBER2 = for administrator, is lowest class which can be processed
        = 0 for students, indicates each student has own account
        = 1 for students, indicates all students use  same  account  and
          select their own passwords
        = 2 for students, indicates all students use  same  account  and
          supply both numbers and passwords assigned to them

NUMBER3 = for administrator, is highest class which can be processed
        = for students, ignored

NUMBER4 = 0, any terminal which  does  not  fit  one  of  the  following
        = 1, video terminal which scrolls
        = 2, video terminal which scrolls and on which form feeds  clear
          the screen

Anything which appears to the right of an exclamation point  is  treated
as  a  comment  and is ignored.  The end of the file is marked by a line
which starts with an equal sign.  The line which starts  with  an  equal
sign and all lines which follow the line which starts with an equal sign
are ignored.  It is not necessary however that the end of  the  file  be
marked by a line which starts with an equal sign.

The numbers which can appear on each line are described in  more  detail

NUMBER1 = specifies the class number  which  will  be  assigned  to  the
          accounts  matching  the  specification  on  the  current line.
          NUMBER1 can also be used to grant administrator privileges  to
          the account.

        = -1, the account can be used by the administrator.  NUMBER2 and
          NUMBER3  are taken as the lowest and highest class numbers for
          which firm schedules can be entered using the JOBADM program.

          For example, if the file contained the lines

          -1 999 999 2 <F.STAFF>       !COMPUTER SERVICES STAFF
          -1 1 4 2 <S.STAFF>           !COMPUTER SERVICES STAFF

          then the account <F.STAFF> could enter the schedules for firms
          interviewing  students  in class 999 and the account <S.STAFF>
          could enter the firm schedules for classes 1 through 4.

        = 0 through 999, allows the account to be used to run  the  JOBS
          program  to  request  interviews.   The administrative program
          cannot be run.  NUMBER1 is taken to be the class number.   The
          JOBS  program  works  identically  for all classes.  The class
          number appears in the name of the file in which the  interview
          requests  are  stored  so  that the interview requests for the
          various classes can be kept separate.

        = 1000 or greater, prevents running of the  programs  from  this
          account.   The programs also cannot be run from accounts which
          do not match any  of  the  accounts  specified  in  the  file.
      Contents of the Account Validation File                               25

                However,  putting  in  a line with NUMBER1=1000 can be used to
                block use of the programs by a subset of a group  of  accounts
                validated by a later line.

                For example, if the file contained the lines

                1000 0 0 2 <S.O.SMITH>
                   2 0 0 2 <S.O.*>

                then accounts such as <S.O.JONES> and <S.O.JOHNSON> which  are
                validated  by  the  second  line would be able to run the JOBS
                program, and would be taken to be in class 2, but the  account
                <S.O.SMITH> would not be able to run the program.

      NUMBER2 = if NUMBER1 is -1 so that the administrator can run the  JOBADM
                program  from  this account, then NUMBER2 specifies the lowest
                class number for which the firm schedules can be entered.

              = if NUMBER1 is  in  the  range  0  through  999,  then  NUMBER2
                specifies  whether each student will use a separate account or
                whether the students will run the JOBS program from  a  shared
                account.   If  the  students  run  the  program  from a shared
                account,  then  NUMBER2  also  specifies  whether   they   use
                passwords  which are assigned to them or will choose their own

                All of the accounts which are used by the students in the same
                class  must have identical values for NUMBER2.  The reason for
                this is that the names of  the  interview  request  files  are
                based  only  on the value of NUMBER1 and a second number which
                represents either the password, the student  or  the  account.
                The  program  protects  against ambiguity in the conversion of
                the password to a number, and the account numbers are  unique,
                but   there  is  no  protection  against  the  password  being
                converted to  a  number  which  happens  to  identify  another
                student or another account.

                For example, a student running from  a  shared  account  might
                choose  the  single  letter  Z  as  a  password which would be
                converted to the number 26.  If some of the  students  in  the
                same  class  were  allowed  to run the program from individual
                accounts without stating passwords, then a student running the
                program  later  from  such an individual account for which the
                account number also happened to be 26 would gain access to the
                interview   requests  started  by  the  first  student.   This
                ambiguity could be avoided very  easily  by  just  having  the
                students  who are using individual accounts also use passwords
                to gain access to the JOBS program.

              = 0, and if NUMBER1 is in the range 0 through 999,  then  it  is
                expected  that each student has a separate account.  There can
                only be 1 interview request file associated with each of these
                accounts.   The student will not be asked to supply a password
                to identify  which  interview  request  file  belongs  to  the
26                                         JOBS Interview Request System

        = 1, and if NUMBER1 is in the range 0 through 999, then  several
          students can use the same account.  The student can access any
          interview request file for the current  class  for  which  the
          password  is  known.   To create a new interview request file,
          the student merely enters a password which is not  already  in
          use.   It is not necessary that a interview request file which
          is to be modified have been created  from  the  same  account,
          only  that it have been created using a password chosen by the
          student from an account having the same class  number.   There
          might,  for  example, be 5 accounts any of which could be used
          by any of the students at any time, but all of these  accounts
          would need to have the same value of NUMBER2.

        = 2, similar to NUMBER2=1, except that the student  must  supply
          both a number and a password which the computer services staff
          has  assigned  to  the  student.   This  number  and  password
          combination  must  appear  together  on a line in a file named
          PSWXXX.JOB, where XXX is the  class  number,  in  the  central
          storage  account.   The  contents  of  this file are described
          elsewhere in this manual.

NUMBER3 = if NUMBER1 is -1 so that the administrator can run the  JOBADM
          program  from this account, then NUMBER3 specifies the highest
          class number for which the firm schedules can be entered.

        = if NUMBER1 is in the range 0  through  999,  then  NUMBER3  is

NUMBER4 = specifies the type of terminal which will be used by  most  of
          the  students  using this account.  This specifies the general
          type  of  display,  not  the  particular  brand  or  model  of
          terminal.   If some students use a different type of terminal,
          then these students will have to specify the type of  terminal
          which they are using each time that they run the JOBS program.
          The terminal type can be changed either when the JOBS  program
          asks  if  the  student's  name is correct or any time that the
          program asks the "WHAT NEXT?" question.

        = 0, the terminal produces paper output or does not match any of
          the other terminal types supported by the JOBS program.

        = 1, the terminal is a video terminal which  scrolls  the  lines
          currently  being displayed upwards to display the new lines at
          the bottom and to discard the oldest lines at  the  top.   The
          terminal cannot clear the screen when a form feed character is
          issued.  The screen can display 24 lines of 80  columns  each.
          The  JOBS  program  will  scroll  short  dialogs but will stop
          whenever the screen fills and wait for the  student  to  press
          the  RETURN key when displaying the list of firms, the list of
          interviews  which  have  been  requested,  or   lengthy   help
          messages.   The program will scroll the next page of text onto
          the screen after the student presses the RETURN key.
      Contents of the Account Validation File                               27

              = 2, same as NUMBER4=1 except that the screen can be cleared  by
                issuing  a  form feed character.  The JOBS program will scroll
                short dialogs, but will clear the screen before displaying the
                list  of  firms,  the  list  of  interviews  which  have  been
                requested, or lengthy  help  messages.   Whenever  the  screen
                fills  when  these  lists  or  long  help  messages  are being
                displayed, the program will stop and wait for the  student  to
                press the RETURN key before clearing the screen again and then
                displaying the next page of text.

      The accounts which can be used to run the programs are specified by name
      on  the  DECsystem20.   Accounts  are  arranged in a tree structure with
      periods separating the list of nodes.  The account names which appear to
      the  right  of  the  numbers  in  the  account validation file should be
      preceded by a less than  sign  and  followed  by  a  greater  than  sign
      although any sequence of printing characters which does not start with a
      left square bracket is also taken to be an account name.  There must not
      be  any blanks either between the leading less than sign and the name of
      the account or within the name of the account.  The alphabetic letters A
      through Z in the account names can appear in either upper or lower case.
      An asterisk can be included at the right end of the account name if  any
      sequence of nodes is to be allowed starting at that point.  A period can
      appear between the names of the nodes to the left and the  asterisk  but
      is  not required.  In order to be matched, the name of the account being
      used must include a node at the location of the  asterisk.   An  account
      name  consisting  only  of  nodes  to  the  left  of the location of the
      asterisk will not be matched.

      For example,

      1 0 0 0 <*>         !allows any account

      1 0 0 0 <S.O>       !allows <S.O> but not <S.O.SMITH> or <S.O.JONES>

      1 0 0 0 <S.O.*>     !allows <S.O.SMITH> and <S.O.JONES> but not <S.O>

      1 0 0 0 <S.O*>      !same as the above

      1 0 0 0 <S.O.SMITH> !allows <S.O.SMITH> but not <S.O> or <S.O.JONES>

      The accounts which can be used to  run  the  program  are  specified  by
      numbers  on the DECsystem10.  Each purpose for which the computer can be
      used is assigned a project number and these project numbers  are  paired
      with  a  programmer  number  which identifies a particular person who is
      allowed to use the computer.  The project  and  programmer  numbers  are
      octal  numbers,  and  never include either of the decimal digits 8 or 9.
      Accounts are specified in the account validation file by a  left  square
      bracket,  followed by the project number, a comma, the programmer number
      and a right square bracket.  Spaces can appear on  either  side  of  the
      numbers  and  can  replace  the  separating  comma.  A question mark can
      appear anywhere in either number where any digit is to be  allowed.   An
      asterisk  can appear instead of a number if any number is to be allowed.
      A comma can separate the asterisk from  the  other  number  but  is  not
28                                         JOBS Interview Request System

For example,

1 0 0 0 [201,3556]  !allows programmer 3556 to use project 201

1 0 0 0 [*,3556]    !allows programmer 3556 to use any project

1 0 0 0 [*3556]     !same as the above

1 0 0 0 [201,*]     !allows any programmer to use project 201

1 0 0 0 [?01,*]     !allows any programmer to use project 1 or 101
                    !or 201 or 301 or 401 or 501 or 601 or 701
1 0 0 0 [?01*]      !same as the above

                     CONTENTS OF THE PASSWORD FILE
                     -------- -- --- -------- ----

The students must supply both a number and a password to gain access  to
the  JOBS  program  if  they are running the program from an account for
which, in the line for that account in the account validation file,  the
second  number  has  the  value  2.  These numbers and passwords must be
assigned by the computer services staff.  The numbers and passwords  are
stored  in  files  having names similar to PSWXXX.JOB where XXX is the 3
digit class number.  There must be 1  of  these  files  in  the  central
storage account for each class which is using assigned passwords to gain
access to the JOBS program.  The password files can be constructed using
a  text  editor, or can be generated automatically by the RSMPSW program
described elsewhere in this manual.

It should be noted that, although the interview request system  and  the
student  resume  system  use different central areas and different names
for their password files, the formats of the password files accepted  by
these systems are identical.  If both of these systems are in use at the
school, then the same set of passwords and numbers  should  probably  be
used to gain access to both systems.

Each line in the password file starts with a number  followed  by  1  or
more  spaces  and  then by a password to be associated with this number.
The space between the number and password is required.   An  exclamation
mark  followed  by  a comment or by the student's name can appear to the
right of the password.  The file can  be  terminated  by  a  line  which
starts  with or contains only an equal sign, although such a line is not
necessary.  Any lines following the line which  starts  with  the  equal
sign will not be read and will be ignored.

The number at the start of the line must  be  in  the  range  0  through
999999  and must be composed only of the digits 0 through 9.  There must
not be any duplication of the numbers within a  particular  class  since
these  numbers are used in the construction of the names of the files in
which the requests made by the students are stored.  It  is  recommended
that  there also should not be any duplication of the passwords within a
class, but such duplication of the passwords will  not  cause  the  JOBS
program any difficulty.
      Contents of the Password File                                         29

      The password can consist of 1 or more words.  Spaces between  the  words
      merely mark word boundaries.  It does not matter if just 1 or if several
      spaces appear between the words.  The password  can  contain  up  to  20
      characters,  counting the separations between words as 1 character each.
      The passwords can be constructed from any printing characters other than
      the  exclamation  point.   The  capital  and  lower  case  forms  of the
      alphabetic letters A through Z are considered to be equivalent.

      The student can type both the number and the password  together  on  the
      same  line  when  the  JOBS program asks for these, or can type just the
      number in which case the program will ask again for  the  password.   If
      both the number and password are typed together on the same line, then a
      space or spaces can separate the number and the first character  of  the
      password, but the separating spaces are not required unless the password
      itself starts with one of the digits  0  through  9.   If  the  password
      consists of more than a single word, then the student must type at least
      1 space between pairs of words, and at least 1 space must appear between
      the  words  in  the  password  file,  but  the exact number of spaces is
      ignored.  It does not matter if the student types the alphabetic letters
      A through Z in the password as capitals or as small letters.

      A typical password file is shown below.

      2164 sticks and stones!John Doe
      3729 STORM            !JANE SMITH
      1000 mighty
      12 789                !DICK JONES

                         CONTENTS OF THE CURRENT STAGE FILE
                         -------- -- --- ------- ----- ----

      The file named CURENT.JOB in the central  storage  account  defines  the
      current  round and stage, the type of bidding priority scheme being used
      by each class, and whether the JOBS program  is  open  or  closed.   The
      items  in  this file are changed using a text editor.  This file is read
      by both the JOBADM program and the JOBS program.  It is  not  used  when
      the requests are processed.

      The following is a typical CURENT.JOB file

      84 1 1 11  1 !GRADUATING CLASS
      85 1 1 11  2 !FIRST YEAR CLASS
      3 1 2  1  2 !TEST CLASS

      The file can be terminated by a line which starts with  an  equal  sign.
      Any  lines  which  appear after the line which starts with an equal sign
      are ignored.

      Each line in the CURENT.JOB file has the form

30                                         JOBS Interview Request System


NUMBER1 = Class
NUMBER2 = Round
NUMBER3 = Stage within the round
NUMBER4 = Priority type
   1 ranked requests. If request fails, boost lower priority
   2 ranked requests. No boosting of lower priority requests
  11 high/low priority bids.  Total of high bids fixed during season
  12 high/low priority bids.  Total of high bids fixed during round
  13 high/low priority bids.  Total of high bids fixed for each stage
  21 auction.  Total of all bids fixed for entire season
  22 auction.  Total of all bids fixed for single round
  23 auction.  Total of all bids fixed for each stage
NUMBER5 = Whether JOBS and JOBADM programs can be used
  -1 neither the JOBS nor the JOBADM programs can be used
   0 JOBS program cannot be used
   1 JOBS program can be run only to obtain reports
   2 JOBS program can be run to request interviews

The contents of the CURENT.JOB file are described in more detail below.

NUMBER1 = the class number.  This must be in the range  0  through  999.
          The class number is determined by matching the account used to
          run the JOBS program with the line validating this account  in
          the account validation file, then the first line starting with
          this class number in the current stage file is used to set the
          current round and stage.

NUMBER2 = the round number.  The first round is number 1, the second  2,
          etc.   During  each  round,  the  students  can  sign  up  for
          interviews with a particular batch of firms.  There can  be  1
          or  more  stages in each round.  If there is more than 1 stage
          in the round, then the ranking of the requests made during the
          second  stage starts after the ranking already assigned to the
          requests made in the first stage.  Firms can be added from one
          stage  to  the  next  in the same round, but the list of firms
          should remain largely the same.  At the start of the following
          round, the entire list of firms is cancelled and a new list is

NUMBER3 = the stage within the round.  The first stage  of  a  round  is
          number  1,  the  second 2, etc.  There are usually only 1 or 2
          stages to each  round.   If  there  are  2  stages,  then  the
          students  can  sign up in the second stage for any firms which
          are not fully subscribed, or can ask for  their  names  to  be
          added to the waiting list.  See the description of NUMBER2.

NUMBER4 = indicates how interviews are allocated when  there  is  excess
          demand,  i.e.,  when more students request interviews than the
          firm can  handle.   Each  student  uses  the  priority  scheme
          selected  by  NUMBER4  to  indicate  which  of  the  requested
          interviews are considered to be  the  most  important  to  the
          student.   NUMBER4  selects whether the interview requests are
      Contents of the Current Stage File                                    31

                ranked, whether a few  are  assigned  a  higher  priority,  or
                whether the interviews are auctioned using pretend money.  For
                the latter 2 schemes, NUMBER4  also  selects  the  time  frame
                across which the bids are totalled.

              = 1 or 2, requests are ranked by the student.

                The request for each interview must be  assigned  a  different
                value.   These  values  range from 1 through and including the
                number of interview requests allowed.  A priority value  of  1
                is  the  most  likely  to  be honored.  Larger values are less
                likely to be honored.

              = 1, all 1 priority requests are  assigned  first,  then  all  2
                priority, and so on.  When an interview cannot be granted, all
                of the student's lower  priority  requests  are  given  higher
                priority than those made by other students whose requests were
                granted.  Requests made using this scheme must be processed by
                the JOBBIG program.

                In practice, the priority  values  which  are  stored  in  the
                student's file are 10 times those selected by the student.  If
                the student can make 6 requests, then  the  values  which  are
                stored  for  these  to indicate the priorities selected by the
                student are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60.  If  the  student  does
                not  get  a  particular  request, then all those having higher
                values are reduced by 6.  If the  student  does  not  get  the
                first  choice  (value  10), then the second choice priority 20
                becomes a 14, the third choice priority 30 becomes a 24,  etc.
                The  modified  second  choice  priority  of  14  would then be
                processed  before  anyone  else's  unmodified  second   choice
                priority of 20.  If the student does not get the second choice
                either, then the third choice priority which was originally 30
                becomes 18, the 40 becomes 28, etc.

              = 2, all 1 priority requests are  assigned  first,  then  all  2
                priority  requests,  and so on.  There is no adjustment of the
                lower priority requests when an interview cannot  be  granted.
                Requests made using this scheme can be processed by either the
                JOBSLO or the JOBBIG program.

              = 11, 12 or 13, requests are assigned high or low priorities.

                Each student is allowed to indicate that some requests are  to
                be  given higher priority than requests made by other students
                without this priority.   The  maximum  number  of  these  high
                priority  requests  which can be made by each student during a
                particular period is specified in the firm schedule  file  and
                is  set when the administrator runs the JOBADM program.  There
                are only 2 classes of priorities.  These are called priority A
                for  the high priority or most desired requests and priority B
                for the low priority or lesser  desired  requests.   Once  the
                requests  have  been  processed,  the high priority bids which
                have been used are lost regardless of whether the student gets
                the  interviews.   High  priority  bids  for  interviews which
32                                         JOBS Interview Request System

          cannot be allocated are not returned to the students.

        = 11, the total number of high priority bids  placed  throughout
          the interview season cannot exceed the maximum.

        = 12, the total number of high priority bids in all stages of  a
          single round cannot exceed the maximum.  All bids are restored
          for the following round.

        = 13, the total number of high priority bids in a  single  stage
          cannot  exceed  the  maximum.   All  bids are restored for the
          following stage of the same or the next round.

        = 21 or 22 or 23, the interviews are auctioned.

          Each student is allowed to  make  bids  for  interviews.   The
          maximum amount of any one bid, and the maximum sum of the bids
          which the student can make during a  particular  time  period,
          are  stored in the firm schedule file and are set when the the
          administrator runs the JOBADM program.  The administrator  can
          select  any maximum amount up to 9,999,999.  Once the requests
          have been processed, the amount  bid  is  lost  regardless  of
          whether  the student gets the interviews.  Bids for interviews
          which cannot be allocated are not returned to the students.

          This scheme can be similar to a cash auction  if  the  maximum
          amounts  allowed  are large, or can be a multi-tiered priority
          scheme if the amounts allowed are small.  For example, if  the
          total amount bid is set to 10 and the maximum amount which can
          be bid for any firm is 2, then the  students  in  reality  can
          make high (2), moderate (1) and low (0) priority requests, but
          the number of high priority requests made reduces  the  number
          of moderate priority requests which can be made.

        = 21, the sum of the bids placed throughout the interview season
          cannot exceed the maximum.

        = 22, the sum of the bids in all stages of a single round cannot
          exceed  the  maximum.  All bids are restored for the following

        = 23, the sum of the bids in a single stage  cannot  exceed  the
          maximum.  All bids are restored for the following stage of the
          same or the next round.

NUMBER5 = specifies whether the JOBS program and JOBADM program  can  be

        = -1, neither the JOBS program nor the  JOBADM  program  can  be
          run.  This probably indicates that the deadline for submission
          has passed, and the requests are being processed.

        = 0 or 1 or 2, the JOBADM program can be run.
      Contents of the Current Stage File                                    33

              = 0, the JOBS program cannot be run.

              = 1, the JOBS program can be used only to  obtain  a  report  of
                which  interview requests were successful.  This might be used
                if the requests have all been processed, but requests are  not
                yet being accepted for the following stage.

              = 2,  the  students  can  use  the  JOBS  program   to   request
                interviews.   However,  if  the  students  have  already  made
                requests in the current stage and  these  requests  have  been
                processed,  then  the  students  can  only  get reports of the
                results unless the stage or round number is advanced.  Setting
                NUMBER5  to  2,  but  not advancing the stage or round number,
                might be used to  let  students  who  forget  to  enter  their
                requests  use  the  JOBS program while effectively locking out
                the other students.

                     -------- -- --- -------- ---- ------- ----

      The file named TIMES.JOB in the central storage  account  specifies  the
      profiles  of  starting  times for the interviews of each of the possible
      lengths.  The items in this file are changed using a text editor.   Each
      line  in the file specifies the times which are in a particular profile.
      Each line can be at most 80 characters wide.  Anything appearing to  the
      right  of  an exclamation point in the line is ignored.  The file can be
      terminated by a line starting with an equal sign, although this  is  not
      necessary.   Any  lines  appearing after the line staring with the equal
      sign are ignored.

      The contents of each line in the profile file have the form

      NUMBER1 NUMBER2 TIME 1 through TIME N !Comment


      NUMBER1 = is the length of each interview in minutes.  There can be more
                than  one  profile  for interviews of a particular length, but
                NUMBER2 must be different for each of these.  If  NUMBER1  and
                NUMBER2  have the same values as those appearing in a previous
                line, then  the  times  specified  in  the  current  line  are
                appended  to  the  profile started by the previous line having
                the same values of NUMBER1 and NUMBER2.  This allows a profile
                to  contain  more interviews than can be specified by a single
                line of 80 characters.

      NUMBER2 = is a number which uniquely identifies each of the profiles for
                interviews  having  the  same length.  If there is more than a
                single profile for interviews of  a  particular  length,  then
                NUMBER2  must  be  different  for  each  of  these.  It is not
                necessary that the lines  in  the  TIMES.JOB  file  be  sorted
                either  based  upon NUMBER1 or upon NUMBER2.  NUMBER2 does not
                have to  be  unique  among  the  profiles  for  interviews  of
                different  lengths.  For example, NUMBER2 might have the value
34                                         JOBS Interview Request System

          0 for a profile of starting times for half hour interviews and
          might  also  have  the value 0 for a profile of starting times
          for full hour interviews.

TIME 1 through TIME N = are  the  starting  times  for  the  interviews.
          Consecutive  times  in  this  list  can be separated by either
          spaces or commas.  Each time can be expressed either in the 12
          hour system, or in the 24 hour system.  If an interview starts
          at midnight or noon, then the 24 hour system should be used to
          prevent   ambiguity.    It   should  be  noted  that  12am  is
          interpreted as midnight at the start of the day, 12m  as  noon
          and  12pm as midnight at the end of the day.  The abbreviation
          am stands for ante meridiem or before noon and pm  stands  for
          post  meridiem  or  after noon, and, of course, noon itself is
          neither.  If an interview does start at or near midnight, then
          the  conflict  checking in the JOBTIM program will not be able
          to protect against overlapping  interviews  in  the  adjoining

          Each time in the list  is  expressed  as  the  hour,  followed
          immediately  by  a  colon and the minutes.  The starting times
          for interviews held in the morning, if  expressed  in  the  12
          hour  system, can be followed by the abbreviation AM, but this
          is not necessary except for times between  midnight  and  1am.
          If  the starting times of interviews held in the afternoon are
          expressed in the 12 hour system, then each of these times must
          be followed by the abbreviation PM.  Spaces can appear between
          the numbers and the abbreviations AM, M or  PM,  but  are  not
          required.   A  period can appear immediately after each of the
          letters in the abbreviations AM, M or PM but is not necessary,
          and  the  letters can be either capitals or lower case.  If an
          interview starts on the hour, then the  minutes  need  not  be
          expressed.   For  example, an interview starting at noon could
          be represented as 12m, 12:00m, 12m., 12:00m., 12 or 12:00.  An
          interview  starting at 2 in the afternoon could be represented
          as 2pm, 2:00pm, 2p.m., 2:00p.m., 14 or 14:00.

          Each profile of interview starting times does not need  to  be
          sorted  into  order  of increasing times, but the file will be
          easier to maintain if the lists are  sorted  in  this  manner.
          Regardless  of whether the times in each profile are sorted in
          the file, they will be sorted by the programs using them,  and
          any  duplicate  times  will  be  discarded.   Each profile can
          contain up to 16 starting times.  This  means  that  a  single
          recruiter  can  interview no more than 16 students in a single
      Contents of the Starting Time Profile File                            35

      The contents of a typical profile file are shown below.

      30 0  9:00  9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:45 13:15
      45 0  8:45  9:30 10:15 11:00 13:00 13:45 14:30 15:15 16:00
      60 1  9:30 10:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30
      30 0 13:45 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 !rest of 30 minute profile
      60 0  9:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00
      60 2  8:45  9:45 10:45 12:45 13:45 14:45 15:45

                         CONTENTS OF THE FIRM SCHEDULE FILE
                         -------- -- --- ---- -------- ----

      The file named FRMXXX.JOB, where XXX is the class number, in the central
      storage  account  specifies  which firms are interviewing, when they are
      interviewing, and how many interviews they  will  hold.   This  file  is
      first written by the JOBADM program.  The file is changed to reflect the
      number of interviews which  have  been  allocated  each  time  that  the
      interview requests are processed.  This file should not exist before the
      first round is started.  Only the information contained in the  first  2
      records in this file is retained from one round to the next.

      The first 2 records in the file describe the current  round  and  stage.
      These  initial 2 records are followed by the records which describe each
      firm.  The description of each firm consists of 4 records, the  first  3
      contain  the name of the firm, department and address, respectively, and
      the fourth record contains numeric information about the firm.   If  the
      firm  is  conducting interviews, then an additional line describing each
      contiguous group of  interviews  in  each  schedule  appears  after  the
      description of the firm.

      The variables in each type of record are listed below.  The names  shown
      here are the same as those which are used in the various program.

      at the start of the file:
      for each firm:
      for each contiguous block of interviews for the firm:

      The contents of each of these types of records are described below.
36                                         JOBS Interview Request System

First record in file


     IAUTHR = identifies which program last wrote this file.

            = 1, the firm schedule file was last written by  the  JOBADM

            = 2, the firm schedule file was last written by  the  JOBSLO
              or JOBBIG program during the processing of the requests.

     ICLASS = the class number.

     IMOVE  = the current round number.  The first round is number 1.

     IPASS  = the current stage within the  current  round.   The  first
              stage of each round is number 1.

     IVERSN = the number of times this file has been  rewritten  by  the
              administrator  program  or  processed  by  the  assignment

     NUMWHO = the number identifying the account which last  wrote  this

Second record in file


     KNTINC = the total number of firms specified by this file.

     MAXNUM = the number identifying the final firm in this file.

     MANNER = the number which identifies the  type  of  bidding  scheme
              which  the  students  will  use to obtain the most desired
              interviews.  See the  description  of  the  current  stage

     MAXSTG = the maximum number  of  interviews  which  a  student  can
              request in this stage of this round.

     MAXRND = the maximum number  of  interviews  which  a  student  can
              request in all stages of this round.

     MAXALL = the maximum number  of  interviews  which  a  student  can
              request during the entire interview season.

     MAXBID = the maximum amount which  each  student  can  bid  for  an
              interview  with  a single firm if the interviews are being

     MAXPAY = the maximum total amount which each student  can  bid  for
              all  highly  desired  interviews  during  the  time period
      Contents of the Firm Schedule File                                    37

                    specified by MANNER.

      First 3 records for each firm

      LTRINC,LTRDPT,LTRADR (in consecutive records)

           LTRINC = the firm name.

           LTRDPT = the department name.

           LTRADR = the address.

      Fourth record for each firm


           NUMBER = the firm number.

           LENGTH = the length of each interview.

           KNTOPN = the total number of open interviews which this  firm  will

           IUSDUP = the total number of students who have requested interviews
                    with this firm.

           INCLSD = the total number of students who requested interviews with
                    this firm but who have been moved off the open schedule to
                    the closed schedule.  The  interviews  that  these  people
                    might have used are therefore available to others.  INCLSD
                    does not  include  those  students  who  might  have  been
                    invited to closed interviews but for some reason are still
                    being scheduled on the open list.   The  total  number  of
                    interviews    which    have    been   assigned   is   thus
                    KNTOPN-IUSDUP+INCLSD.  If this number  is  negative,  then
                    its absolute value is the length of the waiting list.

           JNCLSD = the total number of students who requested interviews with
                    this  firm and who are above the cut-off line but who have
                    been moved off the open schedule to the  closed  schedule.
                    To  determine  whether  a  particular  student  is  on the
                    waiting list, it is necessary to compare the  position  of
                    the person on the list with KNTOPN+JNCLSD.

      Record for each contiguous block of interviews for each firm


           JDATE  = -1, these interviews are  an  extension  of  the  previous
                    schedule.   Those  between  the  previous schedule and the
                    current schedule will not be held.
38                                         JOBS Interview Request System

            = if positive, these interviews start a new  schedule.   The
              value of JDATE is the Smithsonian date when the interviews
              in this schedule will be held.  The  Smithsonian  date  is
              the number of days since 18 November 1858 taking that base
              date as day 1.

     JFIRST = -1, this schedule has been cancelled.  JFINAL will also be
              -1.  JDATE will still contain the Smithsonian date for the
              interviews which were previously in this schedule.

            = 0 or greater, the time in minutes from midnight  when  the
              first interview will be held.

     JFINAL = -1, this schedule has been cancelled.  JFIRST will also be
              -1.  JDATE will still contain the Smithsonian date for the
              interviews which were previously in this schedule.

            = 0 or greater, the time in minutes from midnight  when  the
              final interview will be held.

     JSCHDL = the number which identifies the profile of starting  times
              from  among all of the profiles for interviews of the same
              length.   This  matches   the   second   number   in   the
              corresponding   line  in  the  file  which  specifies  the
              profiles of the starting times.

A short firm file specifying 2 firms is listed below.

     1     4     1     1     3    255
     2     2    21    10    15    20     5    30
Yellow Pencil Manufacturers
     1    30    31     5     0     0     0
 45734   600   990     0
 45734   540   630     0
    -1   795   870     0
    -1   930   990     0
 45735   540   900     0
Roaring Rocket Engines Inc.
     2    60    12     5     0     0     0
 45732    -1    -1     1
 45732    -1    -1     1
 45732    -1    -1     1
 45732   570   990     1
 45732   570   990     1
      Contents of the Firm Schedule File                                    39

      The listing file which would be produced by  the  JOBADM  program  based
      upon  the  above  firm  schedule file is shown below.  The lines in this
      listing have been shortened slightly to fit into this manual.

      Interviewer Schedules for Class   4, Round   1, Stage   1

       5-Jan-84 14:25

      Students bid for interviews in an auction.
      Total amount bid during entire season is fixed.

      Each student can request  10 interviews in this stage of this round
      Each student can request  15 interviews in all stages of this round
      Each student can request  20 interviews during entire interview season
      Each student can bid up to     5 for a single firm
      Each student can bid a total of    30 during entire season

            Number:     1
              Name: Yellow Pencil Manufacturers
          Division: Marketing
          Location: NY
            Length:  30 minutes
         Schedules:   3
             Total:  31 interviews
      Schedule   1:  11 Interviews Sat 4-Feb-84 10:00am to  4:30pm (Profile 0)
      Schedule   2:  10 Interviews Sat 4-Feb-84  9:00am to  4:30pm (Profile 0)
                                           skip 11:00am to 12:45pm
                                           skip  3:00pm
      Schedule   3:  10 Interviews Sun 5-Feb-84  9:00am to  3:00pm (Profile 0)

            Number:   2
              Name: Roaring Rocket Engines Inc.
          Division: Production
          Location: CA
            Length:  60 minutes
         Schedules:   5
             Total:  12 interviews
          1 to   3:3* 0 Cancelled  Thu 2-Feb-84                    (Profile 1)
          4 to   5:2* 6 Interviews Thu 2-Feb-84  9:30am to  4:30pm (Profile 1)

                       -------- -- --- --------- ------- ----

      The files with names similar to YYYYYY.XXX, where  YYYYYY  is  a  number
      identifying  a  particular  student  and XXX is the class number, in the
      central storage account specify which interviews have been requested  by
      each  student.   These files are first written by the JOBS program.  All
      of the files for the class are collected together  into  a  single  file
      before  the  requests  are  processed.  These files are changed when the
      requests are processed to reflect the positions of the requests  on  the
      lists  for  the  various firms and the times at which the interviews are
      scheduled.   The  composite  interview  request  file  is   split   into
      individual  interview  request  files  which  are  written back into the
      central storage account by the JOBPUT program after the  processing  has
40                                         JOBS Interview Request System

been completed.

The first 4 records in the interview request file identify  the  current
round  and  stage,  the  number  of  requests  and bids made in previous
rounds, the account being used  and  the  name  of  the  student.   This
general  information  is then followed by either 1 or 2 records for each
of the requests made by the student during the current round.  The first
of  these  2  records  is always present and describes the request.  The
second record contains the times at which the student  would  prefer  to
have  the  interview  be  held  and  is  present only if the student has
specified 1 or more such times.

The file is always terminated by a record which contains a single  minus

The variables in each type of record are listed below.  The names  shown
here are the same as those which are used in the various programs.

at the start of the file:
for each firm:
   MDATE,MRECRT,ISOURC (continuation of the above record)
if times are requested for the firm:
at the end of the file:

The contents of each of these types of records are described below.

First record in file


     IAUTHR = identifies which program last wrote this file.

            = 11, the file  is  an  individual  interview  request  file
              written by the JOBS program.

            = 12, the file is a  composite  interview  request  file  in
              which  the  requests  have  been sorted by priority and in
              which the order of requests having the same priority  have
              been randomized.

            = 13, the file is a  composite  interview  request  file  in
              which times have been assigned by the JOBTIM program.

            = 14, the file is an individual interview request file which
              the  JOBPUT  program  has  extracted  from  the  composite
              interview request file.
      Contents of the Interview Request File                                41

                  = 15, the file is an individual interview request file which
                    has been modified by the JOBMOD program.

           ICLASS = the class number.

           IMOVE  = the round during which  these  requests  were  made.   The
                    first round is number 1.

           IPASS  = the stage during which  these  requests  were  made.   The
                    first stage of each round is number 1.

           IVERSN = the version number of the file containing these  requests.
                    This  is incremented by 1 each time a new copy of the file
                    is written by the JOBS program.

           NUMWHO = the number by which this program identifies  this  student
                    from all others in the same class.

           LTRPSW = the password used by the student to  gain  access  to  the
                    program.   If the student does not have to use a password,
                    then this will be blank.  The alphabetic letters A through
                    Z  in  this password will always be capitals or upper case
                    regardless of whether the student typed the password using
                    capitals or lower case letters.

      Second record in file


           ISUBMT = 0, the student has not  submitted  the  final  version  of
                    these requests yet.

                  = 1, the student typed the word SUBMIT in response the "WHAT
                    NEXT?"  question  to  submit  the  final  version of these
                    requests.  The student will not be able to modify this set
                    of requests until the next round or the next stage of this
                    round.  It is not necessary  that  a  student  submit  the
                    requests.   They are acted upon regardless of whether they
                    have been submitted.

                  = 2, this set of requests has been processed.   The  student
                    is prevented from doing anything other than just getting a
                    report until the  round  or  the  stage  number  has  been

                  = 3, further access by the  JOBS  program  to  this  set  of
                    requests  is  blocked,  both  in  the current stage and in
                    subsequent stages and rounds.  Any requests already  made,
                    however,  will  be  treated  like  those made by any other

                  = 4, further access by the  JOBS  program  to  this  set  of
                    requests  is  blocked,  both  in  the current stage and in
                    subsequent stages and rounds.  Any requests  already  made
42                                         JOBS Interview Request System

              will  be  ignored  when the requests are processed and any
              interviews already allocated in the previous stage of  the
              current  round will be reassigned to other students.  This
              effectively cancels these requests.  This  would  be  used
              mainly  to  block a particular password, such as that used
              to log into a jointly used account, from being used as the
              password to gain access to the JOBS program.

     IUSED  = the number of high priority requests or auction bids which
              have  been  placed  so  far by the student during the time
              period in which these are limited.  If a new allocation is
              made every stage, then IUSED is zeroed every stage, etc.

     KNTSIN = the number of requests which the student has placed so far
              this round.

     LOCKUP = the number of requests which the  student  placed  in  the
              earlier  stages  of  the  current round.  Requests made in
              earlier stages are kept in the list if they are cancelled.
              Requests  made  during  the current stage are removed from
              the list if they are cancelled.

     MANNER = identifies the type  of  bidding  scheme  used.   See  the
              description of the current stage file.

     KNTALL = the number of requests which the student made  in  earlier

     IGVBAK = the number of high priority  requests  or  the  amount  of
              auction bids to be returned to the student at the start of
              the next round  if  the  total  number  of  high  priority
              requests  or  the  total bidding allocation is limited for
              the  entire  season.   This  adjustment  to  the   bidding
              allocation  is  made  using  the  JOBMOD  program  at  the
              direction of the administrator.  The  JOBMOD  program  can
              also  be  used  to decrease the value of IUSED in order to
              restore the use of the high priority requests  or  auction
              bids immediately.

Third record in file

     LTRWHO = the name of the account which was used by the  student  to
              enter these requests.

Fourth record in file

     LTRNAM = the name of the student.
      Contents of the Interview Request File                                43

      First record for each interview request


           NUMVOT = the identification code of the firm.

           KNDVOT = priority assigned by the student to this request.

                  = if the students rank their requests, then KNDVOT is 10 for
                    most  wanted  interview,  and  10  larger  for each lesser
                    wanted interview.

                  = if the students assign high  or  low  priorities  to  each
                    request, then KNDVOT is 1 for high priority requests and 2
                    for low priority requests.

                  = if the students bid in an  auction  for  interviews,  then
                    KNDVOT is the amount of the bid placed upon this request.

           KNTPRF = the number of preferred times which were specified by  the
                    student.  If KNTPRF is not zero, then an additional record
                    will follow specifying these times.

           IDATE  = the date when this  student  would  prefer  to  have  this
                    interview be held.

                  = 0, either the student was asked to specify a date but  did
                    not  choose to do so, or else the student was not asked to
                    specify a date since the interviews are only being held on
                    a single date.

           KLOSED = 0, if this interview is a open interview requested by  the

                  = 1, if the student has been moved to the closed list.   The
                    interview  is not being automatically scheduled.  Instead,
                    the student will have to sign up by hand at the  placement

                  = 2, if the request was cancelled by the firm.  This request
                    must be kept in the list since otherwise the student might
                    cancel the request and then make it once more.

                  = 3, if the request was cancelled by the student.   Although
                    the  student  can  cancel  requests  made  in the previous
                    stages in the current round, these requests must  be  kept
                    in the list.

           IRANK  = the position of this request in the list of  all  requests
                    made  for  this  firm.  This ranking is assigned by either
                    the  JOBBIG  or  JOBSLO  program  when  the  requests  are
44                                         JOBS Interview Request System

            = 0, this request has not yet been processed.

            = greater than 0, is the position of  this  request  on  the
              list.  The lowest numbers get interviews, and the rest are
              on the waiting list.

     JRANK  = the number of  students  in  the  ranked  list  above  and
              including  the  current  student who are actually eligible
              for open interviews.  JRANK excludes those for whom KLOSED
              is  not zero.  The students who are excluded are those who
              have been moved to the closed list, who have cancelled  an
              interview  after  the allocation process, or who have been
              rejected by the firm.  JRANK minus  KNTOPN  (in  the  firm
              schedule file) is thus the position of this request on the
              waiting list.

     KLOCK  = the  length  of  the  interview  if   this   request   was

            = 0, no interview has been scheduled for this request.

     MTIME  = time at which the interview is scheduled.

     MDATE  = date when the interview is scheduled.

     MRECRT = schedule number if the interview is scheduled.

            = -1, an interview was scheduled in a previous stage of  the
              current  round, but the schedule containing this interview
              was cancelled.

            = 0, no interview has been scheduled.

            = if KLOCK is not zero, but MRECRT is zero, then the student
              should  get  an  interview  if  a  human  can resolve some
              scheduling conflict  which  the  time  assignment  program
              JOBTIM could not resolve.

     ISOURC = 0, an interview  with  this  firm  was  requested  by  the
              student only.

            = 1, both the  student  and  the  firm  requested  that  the
              student have an interview with this firm.

            = 2, the firm requested that the student have an  interview,
              but the student did not request such an interview.

Second record for each interview request if times are requested

     IPREFR = a list containing KNTPRF times which the student selected.
              These  times  are  stored  as  the number of minutes since
              midnight.   The  first  time  in  the  list  is  the  most
              preferred.  The final time is the least preferred.
      Contents of the Interview Request File                                45

      The final record contains only a single minus sign.

                    ----- --- ------ ------- -- ------ ---------

      The students can be required to use a number and a password assigned  to
      them  by  the computer services staff to identify themselves to the JOBS
      program.  This feature is enabled by setting NUMBER2 to have the value 2
      in  the  entry  in the ACOUNT.JOB file for the account or accounts being
      used by the students.  The instructions for validating  accounts  should
      be consulted for additional information.

      The numbers and the passwords by which the students identify  themselves
      to  the JOBS program must be specified by a file named PSWXXX.JOB, where
      XXX is the class number.  There must  be  one  of  these  files  in  the
      central  storage  account  for  each class for which passwords are being
      assigned.  Each line in this file contains  a  number  followed  by  the
      associated  password.   An  exclamation  point followed by a comment can
      appear to the right of the password.  The comment might consist  of  the
      name  of the student to aid a visual search of the file, but the comment
      is ignored by the password checker in the JOBS program.  The file can be
      terminated  by a line starting with an equal sign and containing nothing

      Although the password file could be constructed by  hand,  selection  of
      hundreds  of  such  passwords  soon  becomes  a  mental word association
      exercise.  Provided that a file which contains a  list  of  the  student
      names  and  any arbitrary text file containing at least several pages of
      text are available, the RSMPSW program can be used to  select  words  at
      random from the text file and assign these as passwords to the students.
      Each line in the resulting  file  contains  a  number,  a  password,  an
      exclamation point and the student's name.

      The RSMPSW program also produces a second file  which  can  be  used  to
      insert  the  student's  name,  number  and  password  into a form letter
      telling the student how to gain access to the JOBS program.   This  file
      contains  2  lines for each student.  The student's name is on the first
      line and the number and password are on the second line.  This  file  is
      meant  to be processed, along with a file which describes the basic form
      letter, by the FROFF word processor.   An  example  of  the  file  which
      describes the basic form letter is shown below.
46                                         JOBS Interview Request System

.open splice.loop;To:
.splice 1.skip
You will use the following number and password to identify
yourself when you run the JOBS program.
.skip.indent 5.splice 1.skip
This password was chosen at random from a list of common
short words.  You can type the number and the password on
the same line, or you can type the number on the first line,
and the password on the next line.
If you have any difficulties with the program, please
contact the computer services staff.
.reset.end loop

The .OPEN SPLICE and .LOOP commands at the start of  the  file  and  the
.RESET  and  .END LOOP  commands  at  the  end  merely  prepare  for and
terminate each form letter respectively.  The .SPLICE  1  commands  each
insert  the  contents  of the next line from the second file produced by
the RSMPSW program at that point into the letter.

The file of student names which is processed by the RSMPSW program  must
contain only 1 name per line.  The maximum length of a single name is 40
characters, counting each of the separations  between  the  words  as  1
character  each.   The  names are copied into the resulting files in the
order in which they appear in the original file.  It is  suggested  that
these  names  should  have been sorted in alphabetical order before they
are processed by the RSMPSW program so that a visual search can be  used
to locate the entry belonging to a particular student.

The RSMPSW program can  extract  passwords  from  any  text  file  which
contains  enough  words  so  that  the same password does not have to be
assigned to many students.  The RSMPSW program would  operate  correctly
even  if  this  file  only  contained  a  single word, but the resulting
duplication of passwords wouldn't really  be  acceptable.   However,  it
doesn't matter if a few of the students have the same password, since it
is only the number which must be unique.  The lines in the file can each
contain  up to 80 characters.  Only words containing from 4 to 8 letters
each are used as passwords.  The passwords can also be  based  upon  the
file  named  RSMPSW.DAT  which  is  supplied  with  this  package.   The
RSMPSW.DAT file contains 5000 different words 4 to 8 letters  in  length
sorted by the frequency of the appearance of these words in a variety of
text files which originally contained over 7.5 million words.

The RSMPSW program is able to skip over any number of initial  words  in
the  file  from  which  the  passwords  are being extracted.  The RSMPSW
program stores 250 words read from the file in a hopper.  The  passwords
are  selected from this hopper at random and are then discarded from the
hopper.  If only a fraction of the words in the file are being  used  as
passwords,  then the words which are to be discarded without having been
used are also selected at random from the hopper.  When  the  hopper  is
empty,  the  next  group of words read from the file are placed into the
hopper.  Once all of the words in the original file have been processed,
the  hopper  is  filled  with  words from the start of the original file
again.  Duplicates are discarded each time the hopper is filled,  but  a
password  assigned  in  1 filling of the hopper might have appeared in a
      Using the RSMPSW Program to Assign Passwords                          47

      previous filling of the hopper.

      The RSMPSW program asks the following questions.


      These questions merely establish the names of the various files.  On the
      DECsystem10  and DECsystem20 computers, these file names must consist of
      1 to 6 letters or digits, a period which must be typed, and an  optional
      1 to 3 letters or digits.


      Either zero or a positive integer should be typed in  response  to  this
      question.   The  number  is used to select the sequence of numbers which
      are returned by the random number generator.


      Discarding the initial passwords is really useful only if a single large
      file  containing  many possible passwords is being used repeatedly.  The
      number typed here would then be the number of  passwords  processed  the
      last  time  that  passwords were selected from the file.  If a different
      file is being used, or if a different sampling interval selected by  the
      next  question  is being used, or if the file was scanned more than once
      the last time, then 0 should be typed here.


      If the same large file containing many possible passwords is being  used
      repeatedly,  and  if  the  contents  of  this file might be known by the
      students, then a portion of the possible passwords can  be  rejected  to
      make  guessing  the  passwords  based  upon  the  known  contents of the
      original file more difficult.  If either 0 or 1 is typed here, then  all
      of  the  passwords  in  the  file  will  be  used until enough have been
      obtained.  If a number greater than 1 is typed here, then  this  is  the
      number  of  possible  passwords which are discarded each time 1 is used.
      If 10 is typed here, then only 1 out of 10 possible passwords is used.


      The answers to these questions are used to obtain the numbers which  are
      assigned to the students.  If the initial number is 10 and the increment
      is 5, then the students would be assigned the numbers 10,  15,  20,  25,
      etc.   It  is  suggested  that the increment should be greater than 1 so
      that there are gaps for the manual insertion of additional students into
      the list.
48                                         JOBS Interview Request System

                           MACHINE DEPENDENCE
                           ------- ----------

The students who use the interview request system have no way of knowing
the  language  in which it is written.  All of the logic in the programs
in the interview request system is written in  FORTRAN.   Together,  the
programs  contain  9000  FORTRAN  statements.   Most  of  this  code  is
completely machine independent.  However, a few of the things which  the
programs do must be performed differently on different computers.  In so
far as possible, these machine dependent aspects of  the  programs  have
been isolated into routines which perform no other functions.

 1.  The BLOCK DATA routine  specifies  the  locations  of  the  central
     storage account.  This is specified by octal project and programmer
     numbers in the DECsystem10 version and by the  account  name  in  a
     character string in the DECsystem20 version.

 2.  The JOBHLP routine which issues the help messages  has  been  built
     assuming  that  the  JOBS  program will be run from video terminals
     which can display 24 lines on the screen.  The .PAGE LENGTH command
     in  the  rough  form of these messages specifies a value which is 2
     lines less than the maximum number of lines which can be  shown  on
     the  screen,  so  that  there  is room at the bottom for the "PRESS
     RETURN TO CONTINUE" message.  The .PAGE LENGTH command will have to
     be  changed  correspondingly  if  the program is run from terminals
     which cannot show a full 24 lines on the  screen,  and  the  FORMAT
     program  will  have to be run again to produce a new version of the
     JOBHLP routine.  The JOBHLP routine does not have to be rebuilt  if
     the program is being run from a hardcopy terminal instead.

 3.  The GETLIN routine which reads in a line from the terminal discards
     control  characters  on  the DECsystem10 and DECsystem20 computers.
     Any character read by a multiple of an A1 format which has a  value
     between  0 (integer zero, not '0') and ' ' (the space character) is
     discarded.  The 2 statements which perform these tests will have to
     be removed for use on any other computer.

 4.  The OPEN statements in the RSMOPN and LCLOPN routines and the CLOSE
     statements  in  the  RSMCLS  and  LCLCLS  routines  will have to be
     changed for use  on  other  computers.   The  RSMPSW  program  also
     contains simple OPEN and CLOSE statements.

 5.  A few simple assembly language routines are  used  to  control  the
     manner   in  which  the  computer  system  manages  the  typing  of
     characters onto the terminal, to identify the account being used to
     run  the  program,  to expunge deleted files and to exit gracefully
     without the usual time usage messages.  The following is a complete
     list of these assembly language routines.

     EXPUNG expunges deleted file from the account in which it is run on
     the  DECsystem20  computer.  This is necessary during processing of
     the requests to prevent the accumulation of former versions of  the
     updated files.  The former versions of files are always expunged on
     the DECsystem10 computer, so the version of this  routine  for  the
     DECsystem10 computer returns directly to the calling program.
      Machine Dependence                                                    49

           JOBINF returns information about the account from which the program
           is  being run.  The information which is returned includes the name
           of the account, the  corresponding  project  number  which  on  the
           DECsystem20   always   has  the  value  4,  and  the  corresponding
           programmer number.  The DECsystem10  version  of  this  routine  is
           called PPNU which stands for Project Programmer NUmber.

           LEAVE exits from the program without the time  statistics  produced
           by the FORTRAN STOP statement.

           TTYSET sets the characteristics of the controlling  terminal.   The
           most  important  of these is the turning off of the pausing after a
           certain number of lines have been displayed  on  the  screen.   The
           JOBS program does its own parcelling out of lines to the screen.

       6.  The RSMWIP routine clears the screen of a video terminal by  typing
           a  form  feed.   This  may  have  to  be  done differently on other
           computer systems.

       7.  The NEWDAT routine returns the current date as the  numeric  month,
           day  and  year.   These are obtained by decoding a double precision
           word containing the date in a form similar to  '10-Oct-83'.   Since
           FORTRAN has no standardized date routine, this also will have to be
           done differently on other computer systems.

       8.  The DAVERB routine which is used to identify  words  typed  by  the
           user  contains  an  array  of the lower case alphabetic letters 'A'
           through 'Z' sorted in numerical  order.   On  the  DECsystem10  and
           DECsystem20,  this  order  also  happens  to  be  the  same  as the
           alphabetic sort.  If the numeric values of 'a' through 'z' sort  in
           some  other  order,  then  the  array  containing  the  lower  case
           characters will have to be changed, and the  array  containing  the
           upper case characters will have to be changed to remain parallel to
           the new ordering.

       9.  The JOBSRT program  sorts  the  student  names  assuming  that  the
           numerical  sort  of  the  upper case letters 'A' through 'Z' is the
           same as the alphabetic sort of these same characters.  The  sorting
           procedure will have to be changed if this is not the case.

      10.  The RSMWHO routine calls the JOBINF routine to obtain the  name  of
           the current account and the programmer number of this account.  The
           RSMWHO routine then converts these into a form which can be used by
           the rest of the program.  This conversion is machine dependent.

      11.  The DAHEFT and DAVERB routines are general routines which interpret
           a  line of text read from the terminal.  These routines all treat a
           horizontal tabulation or tab character as equivalent  to  a  space.
           In  order  to  identify the tab character, a variable named ITAB is
           defined as the octal value "045004020100 in each of these routines.
           This  definition will have to be changed on other computers, either
           to the actual numeric value of 'tab' or 1Htab, or else  to  'space'
           or  1Hspace,  where  the words tab and space are meant to represent
           the nonprinting characters tab and space respectively.
50                                         JOBS Interview Request System

12.  The RSMPSW program contains code for accepting file names from  the
     user,  and OPEN and CLOSE statements.  This FORTRAN code is simple,
     but will have to be changed for use on other computers.

13.  The JOBBIG, JOBSLO and RSMPSW programs contain calls to the  SETRAN
     routine  which  initializes  the  RAN  random number function.  The
     corresponding routine on other systems may have  a  different  name
     and may require different calling arguments.

        ----------- ------- ----------- --- ----------- --------

The  job  interview  request  system  was  developed  on  a  DECsystem20
computer.   The  programs have been modified for the DECsystem10.  These
computers have basically the same hardware.  Only the operating  systems
are  different.   The  main  differences  between the versions for the 2
computers result from the differences in the account structures.

The following is a list of the differences between the  DECsystem10  and
the DECsystem20 versions.

 1.  In the BLOCK DATA routine in the DECsystem10 version,  the  account
     in  which  files  are stored is specified by project and programmer
     numbers.  This account is specified by an integer array dimensioned
     at  3.  The project number is in the first location, the programmer
     number is in the second  location  and  a  zero  is  in  the  third
     location.  In the DECsystem20 version, the location of this account
     is specified by name in a character string which is dimensioned for
     40 characters.

 2.  In  the  RSMOPN  routine  in  the  DECsystem10  version,  the  OPEN
     statements  which  open  the files which are to be written into the
     central storage account specify a protection  code  of  octal  100.
     This  allows  subsequent  versions of the same files to replace the
     current versions.  In the DECsystem20  version,  the  default  file
     protection  for  the account into which the files are being written
     can be set so as to allow overwriting by subsequent versions so  it
     is  not  necessary  that the OPEN statements specify the protection

 3.  In the RSMWHO routine in the DECsystem10 version, the name  of  the
     account  is  assumed  to  just  be the octal project and programmer
     numbers converted so that these can be written with a 40A1  format.
     The unique number which is returned for the account is actually the
     programmer number so  that  the  programmer  can  access  the  same
     interview requests from any project for which the programmer has an
     account if passwords are not being used to gain access to the  JOBS
     program.   In the DECsystem20 version, the actual account names are
     used.  All accounts have the same project number.   The  programmer
     number  is  unique  to  the  particular account so only the account
     which was used to make the interview requests can be used to modify
     them if passwords are not being used.
      Differences Between DECsystem10 and DECsystem20 Versions              51

       4.  In the assembly language routines in the DECsystem10 version, UUO's
           are  used.  The routine which sets terminal characteristics is just
           a dummy entry point.  In the DECsystem20 version, JSYS's  are  used
           instead  of  UUO's.   UUO's  and  JSYS's are the names given to the
           monitor calls for the 2 operating systems.

      When  setting  up  the  accounts  on  the  DECsystem10,  the  user  file
      directories  or  UFD's of the account into which files are to be written
      from other accounts should be given  a  protection  code  of  777.   The
      procedure for this would be to log into the account, and then to run the
      PIP program to rename the UFD for each disk structure.  For example, the
      following  dialog  could be used to change the protection of the account
      on the DSKB: structure.

      R PIP

      It must be noted that the UFD for a structure will  disappear  when  the
      job  is  logged off unless there is at least one file in the UFD on that
      structure.  Therefore, a dummy file, perhaps named A. to force it to  be
      first in the sorted directory, should be created on each structure.

      The batch control file which is used on  the  DECsystem20  expunges  the
      central  storage account.  The expunging is necessary since the students
      could be blocked from  running  the  program  by  old  versions  of  the
      requests  if  the  disk  quota  were  to  be exceeded.  Files are always
      expunged immediately on  the  DECsystem10,  so  the  batch  job  is  not

      The RSMCHK routine which determines whether the account  being  used  is
      allowed  to  run these programs is able to handle either the DECsystem10
      account numbers or the DECsystem20 account names.  The contents  of  the
      entries   in   the   ACOUNT.JOB  file  control  which  type  of  account
      specification is matched.  If the file contains numbers enclosed between
      square  brackets,  then the DECsystem10 account numbers are matched.  If
      the file contains account names enclosed between less than  and  greater
      than signs, then the DECsystem20 account names are matched.

                                     APPENDIX A

                      ------------ --- ----- --- ---- -------

      You will be using a program named JOBS on the  DECsystem20  computer  to
      indicate your preferences for job interviews with any of the firms which
      are conducting open interviews in the near future.   This  program  will
      allow  you  to request interviews with particular firms, to indicate how
      serious you are about the request, to indicate the times  at  which  you
      would prefer to have the interviews be held, and to modify or cancel any
      request which you have made.

      You can run the JOBS program several times.  Each  time  that  you  exit
      from the program, the program will save the list of interviews which you
      have requested so far.  You can then run the  program  later  to  change
      your requests.  The next time that you run the program, the program will
      start with the list of interviews that you have just requested.   It  is
      not  necessary  that  you run the program more than once during a single
      round of the interview season, since you can make all of your selections
      at the same time if you prefer.

      Before you run the program, you must first log into the computer account
      named  A.B.C  for  which XYZZYX is the password.  Please do not use this
      account for anything other than requesting job interviews.   You  cannot
      use  your  own  individual account to request job interviews.  After you
      have successfully logged in, you can start the JOBS  program  merely  by
      typing its name.  Up to this point, the dialog would look something like
      the following:

           Password: XYZZYX       (the password will be invisible)

      The program will respond by asking you to specify a number  and  another
      password.  This combination of number and password identifies you to the
      program, and prevents anyone else from gaining access to your  requests.
      A  sheet of paper telling you this number and password will be placed in
      your mailbox shortly before you are scheduled to first use the  program.
      This number and password have no relationship to the name of the account
      A.B.C from which you are running the program nor to the XYZZYX  password
      which you used to gain access to this account.

                             HOW TO CONTROL THE PROGRAM
                             --- -- ------- --- -------

      The program will always tell you what it expects  that  you  will  type.
      You  must  press  the  RETURN key after having typed in the answer.  You
      should press the ? key and then the RETURN key if you do not  understand
      a question and want further instructions.  If you see that you have made
      a mistake and have not yet pressed the RETURN key, press the key  marked
      on  various  terminals  as  DEL,  DELETE  or RUBOUT as many times as are
      necessary to back up past the character in error, then type the  correct
54                                         JOBS Interview Request System

character  and  the  rest  of the line.  DO NOT use the keys marked with
arrows to correct anything.

In general, the cases  of  the  alphabetic  letters,  whether  they  are
capitals  or  small  letters,  do  not matter.  The only place where the
cases of the letters are preserved is when you specify your name.   Most
of  the words which the program accepts can be abbreviated by discarding
the rightmost letters as long as you type enough letters to  distinguish
the response from all others which would be valid.

                          SPECIFYING YOUR NAME
                          ---------- ---- ----

If this is the first time that you have run the program, then the  first
thing  that  the  program  will  ask you to type will be your name.  You
should type your name exactly as you want it  to  appear  on  the  lists
which  are  given  to  the recruiters.  Use the SHIFT key to get capital
letters where you expect them.  Press the  RETURN  key  after  you  have
finished  typing  in  your  name.   Pressing  the  RETURN  key,  here as
elsewhere, indicates to the program that you are done typing this line.

The program will type your name back to you and ask if this is  how  you
want  your  name  to  appear.  Make sure that it is right.  If it is not
correct, then type NO and  press  the  RETURN  key.   If  your  name  is
correct, then type YES and press the return key.

                       THE "WHAT NEXT?" QUESTION
                       ---  ---- ----   --------

After you have specified your name, or, if you are running  the  program
the  second time, after you have verified that the spelling of your name
as you specified it before is correct, then you will be asked


You will be asked this question again each time  that  the  program  has
completed  processing  your  previous  command.   You  should respond by
typing one of the following words:

CANCEL   to cancel a request for an interview.
EXIT     to save what you have done and exit.  You can continue later.
LIST     to list the firm names together with their codes.
NAME     to check or change how your name is shown to recruiters.
PAPER    to obtain a file describing your requests.
PRIORITY to change the priority or bid you set with the REQUEST option.
REPORT   to see the interview requests you have made so far.
REQUEST  to request an interview with a particular firm.
SAVE     to save what you have done, then continue to run the program.
TIME     to change date or times you selected with the REQUEST option.

The CANCEL,  PRIORITY,  REQUEST  and  TIME  commands  require  that  you
identify  the  firm, and the particular division if the firm has several
divisions which are recruiting.  Each firm, or each division if  several
      Appendix A: Instructions for Using the JOBS Program                   55

      divisions  are  recruiting, is identified by a single number.  If you do
      not know the number, you can type the word LIST in response to the "WHAT
      NEXT?" question to view the list of firms.  The number which is required
      appears at the upper left corner of the description of the firm.  If you
      do  not type a number to the right of the word CANCEL, PRIORITY, REQUEST
      or TIME on the same line, then you will be asked to type the  number  on
      the  next  line.  Since you might type the wrong number, the name of the
      firm and division corresponding to the number will be shown to  you  and
      you will be asked to type YES to verify that this is the firm you want.

      The commands are described in more detail below.

      CANCEL   followed by a firm number to cancel a request for an  interview
               with  the  firm.  If this request was made in a previous stage,
               then you will not receive back the high priority or auction bid
               you placed upon this request.

      EXIT     to save the requests which you have made so far and  then  exit
               from  this  program.   You can run this program later to change
               your requests.  The PAPER command likewise saves your  requests
               and  then  exits,  but  also  produces  a  file describing your
               requests which you can print on the line printer.

      LIST     to list the numbers identifying  the  firms  on  the  terminal.
               These  numbers are needed for the CANCEL, PRIORITY, REQUEST and
               TIME commands.

      NAME     to check how your name will be shown to the recruiters, and  to
               change  it  if  it  is  not correct.  You should type your name
               using both capital letters and small letters.  If you  use  all
               capital  letters or all small letters, then the first letter in
               each part of your name will be capitalized and the rest will be
               small letters.

      PAPER    to obtain a file describing your requests which  you  can  then
               print  on  the line printer.  The descriptions will be the same
               as are produced by the REPORT command.  The program  will  save
               your current requests, tell you the name of the file containing
               the descriptions of your requests, and then exit.  The name  of
               the  file  will  consist  of  the number which you used to gain
               access to the program, with leading zeros to get 6 digits,  and
               with  .DOC following the number.  If the program tells you that
               the name of the file is  012345.DOC,  then  after  the  program
               exits you would type
                    PRINT 012345.DOC
               to obtain a paper copy of your  requests.   Leading  zeros,  if
               shown to you in the name of the file, must be typed.

      PRIORITY followed by a firm number to change the priority which you have
               assigned  to  your  request for an interview with the firm.  If
               you have given this request  high  priority,  then  it  can  be
               changed to low priority, and vice versa.  You can assign a high
               priority to a limited number of requests.  If you assign a high
               priority to a request, then that request will be honored before
               a low priority request for an interview with that firm made  by
56                                         JOBS Interview Request System

         anyone else in the current stage of the current round.

REPORT   to display to you on the terminal the firms with which you have
         requested  interviews  so far.  You can issue the PAPER command
         instead to produce a file describing your  requests  which  you
         can  then  print  on  the line printer.  The PAPER command also
         saves your requests and then exits from the program.

REQUEST  followed by a firm number to request  an  interview  with  that
         firm.   You  will be asked to specify the priority and the time
         of day when you would prefer to have your  interview  with  the
         firm be held.  Please note that you are not required to specify
         times, and that whether you specify times  will  not  influence
         whether you are given an interview.

SAVE     to save the requests which  you  have  made  so  far.   If  the
         computer  were  to  stop  after  this,  then these would be the
         requests which would be in effect when you run this program the
         next  time  or  when  your  requests  are  processed.  The SAVE
         command does not remove you from the program.  You can continue
         to modify your requests now.

TIME     followed by a firm number to change the date on  which  or  the
         times at which you would prefer to have your interview with the
         firm be held.  You will be asked to specify the date  when  you
         would  most  prefer  to  have the interview be held only if the
         firm is holding interviews on more than 1 date.  You will  then
         be  asked to specify the time at which you would most prefer to
         have the interview be held.  You can  then  specify  additional
         times  in  decreasing order of preference.  It is not necessary
         that the times  be  specified  on  separate  lines.   They  can
         instead  be  specified  in  decreasing order of preference from
         left to right on the same line separated by commas  or  spaces.
         If  you  have specified a date, then the times you specify will
         only apply on that date.  Please note that you are not required
         to specify a date or times, and that whether you specify a date
         or times will not influence whether you are given an interview.

         You would type 10:30 to select an interview  at  10:30  in  the
         morning.   You  would type 3 to select an interview at 3 in the
         afternoon.  The suffixes am and pm are not necessary,  but  can
         be  included  either  attached to the numbers or separated from
         the numbers by spaces.  After you have specified as many  times
         as  you  want, merely press the RETURN key an extra time to get
         back to the "WHAT NEXT?" question.

If you have used the EXIT command or the  PAPER  command  to  save  your
requests  and  to  exit from the JOBS program, and if you are done using
the computer for now, then please be sure to terminate your use  of  the
computer by typing


in response to the at sign.

                                     APPENDIX B

                     ------------ --- ----- --- ------ -------

      The students use a program named JOBS to request interviews  with  firms
      which  will  be  interviewing  in  the near future.  However, before the
      students are able to request interviews with these firms, the  staff  of
      the  placement  office  must  enter  into the computer information about
      which firms will be interviewing, how many interviews each firm will  be
      conducting,  and  when these interviews will be held.  The program which
      the staff of the placement office uses to enter  this  information  into
      the computer is named JOBADM.

      The computer services staff will provide and maintain the  programs  and
      accounts  necessary  for  the students to be able to use the computer to
      request  job  interviews,  and  will  perform  the  behind  the   scenes
      operations  necessary  to  allocate  interviews  and to assign times for
      them.  In these instructions, "the administrator" will be taken to  mean
      the  member  or members of the staff of the placement office who will be
      entering the firm schedules into the computer, and "the programmer" will
      be  taken  to  mean the member or members of the computer services staff
      who will be working with the administrator.

      During the use of the interview  request  system,  the  programmer  will
      provide the services which are listed below.

       1.  Establishing the account which will be used  by  the  administrator
           and validating this account to run the JOBADM program.

       2.  Making sure that the students can use the JOBS program.   This  may
           involve  establishing  accounts  for them to use, letting them know
           what passwords are needed to access these accounts and to  run  the
           JOBS  program,  and  validating  these  accounts  to  run  the JOBS

       3.  Establishing the  account  in  which  the  files  produced  by  the
           administrator and those produced by the students will be stored.

       4.  Checking the programs, loading them onto the computer, and creating
           the data files needed by these programs.

       5.  Coordinating the use of the JOBADM program by the administrator and
           the use of the JOBS program by the students.  This requires setting
           the proper round and stage numbers before  the  administrator  uses
           the  JOBADM  program,  and  later,  during  processing, closing the
           JOBADM program to the administrator and the  JOBS  program  to  the
           students so that files are not accidentally overwritten.

       6.  Processing the requests made by the students.   This  can  only  be
           done  after  the deadline for all students to complete making their
           requests.  This deadline is established by the administrator.
58                                         JOBS Interview Request System

 7.  After  the  processing  has  been  completed,   preparing   printed
     schedules  for  each  recruiter, for each student, and lists of the
     students who requested each firm.  These schedules  and  lists  are
     given  to  the  administrator.   It  is  the  responsibility of the
     administrator to distribute the schedules to the recruiters and  to
     the students as appropriate.

 8.  At the request of the administrator, returning to selected students
     bidding allocations or the ability to make additional high priority

 9.  At the request of the administrator,  removing  students  from  the
     open  schedules  if they have been given closed schedule interviews
     or if their requests are rejected by the firms.

10.  Correcting errors in the programs when  problems  arise.   Any  new
     computer  system  will include errors, but as the programs are used
     from year to year, these should arise less and less often.

11.  Adding features to the program as these become  necessary  for  the
     operation   of  the  placement  office.   This  is  generally  time
     consuming and the programmer should be given several months  notice
     when changes are needed.

Before the administrator can enter interviews for the first  round,  the
administrator  must  supply  the programmer with the following pieces of

 1.  The schedule of when the  students  will  be  allowed  to  use  the
     computer to make their requests for job interviews.

 2.  The times of the day at which interviews will start.  If interviews
     can  be of different lengths, then there must be at least 1 profile
     of starting times for interviews of each  of  these  lengths.   For
     example, half hour length interviews might start at 9, 9:30, 10 and
     so on with the final  interview  starting  at  4:30.   Hour  length
     interviews  might  start  at  9,  10,  11  and so on with the final
     interview starting at 4.

 3.  The  type  of  bidding  scheme  which  will  be  used  to  allocate
     interviews with highly sought after firms.

Different types of bidding schemes can be used for different classes  of
students, but the same bidding scheme must be used throughout the entire
interview season for any particular class.  The types of bidding schemes
which are available are described below.

 1.  Each student ranks requests from  1  to  N  where  1  is  the  most
     desired,  2 would be slightly less desired, and N is both the least
     desired and the maximum number of requests which can be made.   All
     of  the priority 1 requests will be allocated interviews before any
     of the priority 2 requests, and so on.  The failure to get  a  more
     desired interview increases the chances of that student getting the
     interviews which are less desired by that student.
      Appendix B: Instructions for Using the JOBADM Program                 59

       2.  Same as the above, except that the failure  to  get  any  interview
           does   not  change  the  chances  of  that  student  getting  other

       3.  Each student can specify that some requests are to be given  higher
           priority  than  those  made  by  the  other  students  without this
           priority.  The administrator will use the JOBADM program to specify
           the maximum number of high priority requests which each student can
           make during the entire interview season.

       4.  Same as the above, except  that  the  administrator  specifies  the
           maximum  number  of  high  priority requests which each student can
           make during each round.

       5.  Same as the above, except  that  the  administrator  specifies  the
           maximum  number  of  high  priority requests which each student can
           make during each stage of each round.

       6.  Each student can place a bid upon each request.   The  amount  bid,
           however,  is  not  returned  to  the student if a request cannot be
           filled.  The administrator will use the JOBADM program  to  specify
           the  maximum  amount  which  each  student  can  bid  for  a single
           interview and the maximum total of all bids placed by each  student
           during the entire interview season.

           This scheme can be similar to a cash auction if the maximum amounts
           allowed  are large, or can be a multi-tiered priority scheme if the
           amounts allowed are small.  For example, if the total amount bid is
           set  to  10 and the maximum amount which can be bid for any firm is
           2, then the students in reality can make high (2), moderate (1) and
           low (0) priority requests, but the number of high priority requests
           made reduces the number of moderate priority requests which can  be

       7.  Same as the above, except  that  the  administrator  specifies  the
           maximum total of all bids placed by each student during each round.

       8.  Same as the above, except  that  the  administrator  specifies  the
           maximum  total of all bids placed by each student during each stage
           of each round.

      The  administrator  runs  the  JOBADM  program  by  logging   into   the
      administrator account, and then typing


      The program will respond by identifying itself.   If  the  account  from
      which  the administrator is running the program can be used to enter the
      schedules for more than just 1 class, then the program will ask for  the
      administrator  to  identify  the class.  The question will be similar to
      that shown below.  The range of allowed class numbers will be  displayed
      enclosed within parentheses.

           Set recruiter schedule for which class ( 84 thru 86)?
60                                         JOBS Interview Request System

The program will then describe the type of bidding which is allowed.  If
this  is  the first time that the JOBADM program has been used this year
for  the  class  which  the  administrator  has   selected,   then   the
administrator  will  be  asked to specify the total number of interviews
and the total number of high priority  requests  or  the  maximum  total
bidding  allocation.   If  the  JOBADM program has already been run this
year for this class, then the administrator will  be  shown  the  values
which  were  last specified for these limits and will be asked to verify
that these numbers are correct.  If  the  administrator  indicates  that
these  numbers  are not correct, then the administrator will be asked to
specify each number in turn.  If the previous value is correct  for  any
particular  item,  then  the administrator can just press the RETURN key
when the program asks for the new  value.   The  administrator  will  be
asked to specify the following items.

   Number of interviews each student can request during entire season
   Number of interviews each student can request during this round
   Number of interviews each student can request during this stage
if students make high or low priority requests:
   Number of high priority requests which each student can make
   during stage, round or year, whichever scheme was selected
if students bid for interviews in an auction:
   Maximum amount each student can bid for a single interview
   Total amount each student can bid during stage, round or year

After the administrator has been  shown  the  values  which  are  listed
above,   and   has   confirmed   that  these  values  are  correct,  the
administrator will be asked the following question.


The program will ask this question again each time that the program  has
finished  whatever  the  administrator  last instructed that it do.  The
administrator can press the question mark key and then the RETURN key to
obtain  instructions  when  the  program asks this question or any other
question.  The administrator should respond to the WHAT  NEXT?  question
by typing one of the following commands.

ENTER   to enter the schedule for another firm.
EXIT    to  save  the  schedules  entered  so   far   and   exit.    The
        administrator   can   run  the  program  again  later  to  enter
        additional schedules and modify existing schedules.
LIST    to list on the terminal the numbers identifying the firms.
MODIFY  and a firm number to modify the schedule for that firm.
PRINT   to  produce  a  disk  file  containing  all  of  the  scheduling
        information for every firm.
SAVE    to save the schedules entered so  far.   The  administrator  can
        continue  to  enter  additional  schedules  and  modify existing
SHOW    and a firm number to display on the  terminal  all  of  the  the
        scheduling information for that firm.
      Appendix B: Instructions for Using the JOBADM Program                 61

      The MODIFY and SHOW commands require that the administrator identify the
      firm,  and  the  particular  division  if the firm has several divisions
      which are recruiting.  Each firm, or each division if several  divisions
      are  recruiting, is identified by a single number.  If the administrator
      does not know the number, then the word LIST can be typed in response to
      the  "WHAT  NEXT?"  question  to  display the list of firms.  The number
      which is required appears at the upper left corner of the description of
      the  firm.   If the administrator does not type a number to the right of
      the word MODIFY or SHOW on the same line, then the program will ask  for
      the number on the next line.

      The commands which can be typed in response to the "WHAT NEXT?" question
      are described in more detail below.

      ENTER   to enter the schedules for a new firm.   The  number  which  the
              program  will  assign  to  the  new firm will be the next number
              which has not yet been used.  In transferring from one round  to
              the  next,  the  firm  numbers  are  not  reused but continue to
              increase so there is no ambiguity about which  firm  corresponds
              to  a particular number.  The administrator can cancel the entry
              of the new firm and get back to the  "WHAT  NEXT?"  question  by
              merely  pressing the RETURN key when asked for the firm name, or
              by typing 0 (zero) when asked for the number of schedules.

              The entry of a new firm is described in detail  later  in  these

      EXIT    to save the schedules entered so far  and  then  to  exit.   The
              administrator   can   run  the  program  again  later  to  enter
              additional schedules or to  modify  schedules  already  entered.
              The changes to the schedules do not become known to the students
              until and unless the administrator issues  the  EXIT,  PRINT  or
              SAVE  commands.   The schedules can continue to be updated until
              the deadline by which all of the students  must  have  submitted
              their  requests.   The  administrator and the students must exit
              from the programs before processing can begin.  If the  students
              are  to  be allowed a second chance or stage in which to request
              undersubscribed  firms,  then,   after   processing   has   been
              completed,  the  administrator can resume entering new firms and
              modifying  firms  already  entered  as  additional   information
              becomes known.

      LIST    to type a short summary for each firm on  the  terminal.   These
              summaries include the code number for the firm at the upper left
              corner.  An example of one of these summaries is shown below.

              Code:  40, Open slots:  26, Date:  2-Feb-84
              Vampire Exterminators, Stake Driver, Transylvania

      MODIFY  and a firm number to modify the schedules for  that  firm.   The
              administrator will be shown the general information for the firm
              and will be asked if this  is  correct.   If  the  administrator
              confirms  that  the  general  information  is  correct, then the
              administrator will be asked for the number of any schedule which
              is  to  be  modified.   When modifying the information about the
62                                         JOBS Interview Request System

        firm or about the schedules, it is not necessary to  retype  the
        values  which are already correct.  Just pressing the RETURN key
        will retain the former value which is always shown  enclosed  in
        parentheses  in  the request for the new value.  The description
        of the entry of a new firm later in these instructions  contains
        additional  information  about the items which can be changed by
        using the MODIFY command.

        If the length of the interviews is  changed,  then  the  profile
        numbers  and  starting and ending times of each of the schedules
        will have to be specified again.  If the number of schedules  is
        increased,  then  the  information for each of the new schedules
        will also have to be entered.

PRINT   to produce a disk file containing the  same  information  as  is
        given by the SHOW command for all firms.  This file can be typed
        on a hard copy terminal or printed on the line printer.

SAVE    to save the schedules entered so  far.   The  administrator  can
        continue  to  enter  additional schedules and to modify existing

SHOW    and a firm number to display all of the  scheduling  information
        for  that  firm on the terminal.  An example of such a report is
        shown below.

           Number:   40
             Name: Vampire Exterminators
         Division: Stake Driver
         Location: Transylvania
           Length:   30 minutes
        Schedules:    2
            Total:   26 interviews
         1 to   2: 2*13 Interviews 2-Feb-84 9:00am to 4:15pm (Profile 1)

        The bottom line in the example indicates that schedules 1 and  2
        are  identical,  and that each contains 13 interviews being held
        on February 2, 1984 with the first interviews  starting  at  9am
        and the final interviews starting at 4:15pm.  The starting times
        of the interviews between these times are the  times  which  are
        defined  by  profile  1 for 30 minute interviews.  The 2* before
        the number 13 indicates that there  are  2  identical  schedules
        being described in the bottom line.

        ----- -- - --- ---- -- ------------ -- -- -------- ----

When the administrator is entering a new firm, the  program  will  first
ask the administrator to specify general information about the firm, and
then will ask  the  administrator  to  specify  the  schedule  for  each
recruiter  on each day.  After the administrator has entered the general
information and again after the administrator has entered each schedule,
the  information  which  the  administrator  has  just  entered  will be
displayed on the terminal and the program will ask for confirmation that
      Appendix B: Instructions for Using the JOBADM Program                 63

      this  information  is correct.  If any item in the information is wrong,
      then the administrator will be asked to specify each item again, but the
      administrator can just press the RETURN key to retain any value which is
      correct and to advance to the next item.

      If the administrator is modifying the information for a firm  which  was
      entered   previously,   then   the  program  will  display  the  general
      information for the firm and ask  for  confirmation  that  this  general
      information  is correct.  After the administrator has confirmed that the
      general information is correct, then the program will ask for the number
      of  any  schedule  which  is  not  correct.  If all of the schedules are
      correct, or when the administrator has completed changing the schedules,
      then  just  the  RETURN  key  can  be  pressed  to  display  all  of the
      information for this firm.  The program will ask for  confirmation  that
      all of this information is correct.  If it is not, then the program will
      again  display  the  general  information  for  the  firm  and  ask  for
      confirmation that this general information is correct, and so on.

      The general information for each firm which the  administrator  will  be
      asked to specify includes the following items.

           The firm name
           The division name
           A short address
           The length of each interview
           The number of schedules of interviews

      The firm name must be specified, but the division name and  the  address
      are  not  required.   If  the  administrator  does  not  want to enter a
      division name or an address, then just the RETURN  key  can  be  pressed
      without  anything  else  having  been typed.  When modifying the general
      information for the firm, a single asterisk can be typed in response  to
      the  request  for  the  division name or address to discard the previous
      division name or address.

      The length of the interviews must be one of those for which one or  more
      profiles  of possible starting times has been made known to the program.
      These profiles are easily  changed  but  this  should  be  done  by  the
      programmer.  The administrator can press the question mark key to obtain
      a list of the possible lengths.

      The number of schedules is equal to the number of recruiter days.  If  a
      firm is sending 3 recruiters and they all are conducting interviews on 2
      days, then the number of schedules would be 6.  If 0 (zero) is typed  in
      response  to the request for the number of recruiters, and if a new firm
      is being entered, then the schedule for the new firm will  be  cancelled
      and the firm number will be available for use by the next ENTER command.
      If the information for a firm is being modified, and a smaller number of
      schedules  is  typed  than  was originally specified, then the schedules
      being abandoned are retained but are marked as being cancelled.
64                                         JOBS Interview Request System

The program will ask for the following information for each schedule.

     The profile if there are several for interviews of this length
     The date the interviews will be held
     The starting time of the first interview
     The starting time of the final interview
     The starting time of any interviews which will not be held

If more than one profile  of  starting  times  is  available,  then  the
program   will  ask  which  of  these  profiles  is  to  be  used.   The
administrator can press the question mark key for a list of the starting
times represented by each profile.  For the first schedule, the question
will include enclosed in parentheses the number of the first profile  of
the proper length in the file which defines these profiles and this will
be the profile which will be selected if the administrator just  presses
the  RETURN  key  in  response  to  the  question.   For  the second and
subsequent schedules, the number which will  be  displayed  enclosed  in
parentheses and which will be used if the administrator just presses the
RETURN key will be the profile number chosen for the previous  schedule.
The  profile which is selected by the administrator will determine which
starting  times  are  available.   If  the  profile  selected   by   the
administrator  has interviews starting on the hour at 9, 10, 11, 1, 2, 3
and 4, then the first interview would normally be held at 9, but if  the
particular  recruiter  is  known  to  be  arriving  late, then the first
interview might be held at 10 or 11 or later.  With  this  profile,  the
final  interview  would  normally  be  held  at 4, but if the particular
recruiter is known be be leaving early, then the final  interview  might
be  held  at  3  or  2  or earlier.  If a particular recruiter has other
commitments which conflict with interviews around the noon  break,  then
the interviews at 11 or at 1 or both might not be held.

The date when the interviews are to be held  can  be  expressed  in  any
conventional notation.  All of the following forms are accepted.

     12 February 84
     February 12, 84

When entering the information for the second and following schedules for
a  new  firm,  the  question  about  the  date  will include enclosed in
parentheses the date of the previous schedule and this will be the  date
which  will be selected if the administrator just presses the RETURN key
in response to the question.

The starting times of the first interview, of the final  interview,  and
of  any  interviews  between  these  which  are  not  to be held, can be
expressed in either the 12 hour system or the 24 hour system.  If the 12
hour  system  is  used, then the starting times of the interviews can be
followed by either am or pm as appropriate, but the following am  or  pm
is  not necessary.  If an interview starts on the hour, then the minutes
need not be included either.  For example, if an interview starts  at  2
in  the  afternoon,  then its starting time could be specified in the 12
      Appendix B: Instructions for Using the JOBADM Program                 65

      hour system as 2, 2:00, 2 pm, 2:00 pm, 2 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. or in the  24
      hour  system  as  14 or 14:00.  If an interview starts at noon, then its
      starting time would be specified as 12, 12:00, 12 m, 12:00 m, 12  m.  or
      12:00 m., since noon is neither am nor pm.

      When entering the information for a new firm, the  questions  about  the
      starting  times for the first interview and for the final interview will
      include enclosed in parentheses the first possible  interview  time  and
      the  final possible interview time respectively.  The times displayed in
      parentheses  will  be  the  times  which  will  be   selected   if   the
      administrator   just  presses  the  RETURN  key  in  response  to  these

      If several interviews are not to be held, then  the  starting  times  of
      these  interviews can either be specified on separate lines, or together
      on a single line separated either by commas or spaces or  both.   If  an
      interview  has  been  specified as being skipped but it is later decided
      that this interview will be held instead, then its starting time can  be
      specified  again as a skipped interview and this duplication will remove
      it from the list of skipped interviews.  If the  starting  time  of  the
      first  interview is indicated as being skipped, then the first interview
      will start at the next available later starting time which is not  being
      skipped.   If  the  starting time of the final interview is indicated as
      being skipped, then the final interview will start at the next available
      earlier  starting  time  which  is  not  being  skipped.   If all of the
      interviews between and including the  first  and  final  interviews  are
      indicated  as  being  skipped,  then the schedule will be abandoned, but
      will be retained and will be marked as cancelled.  The administrator can
      press  the  question  mark key for a list of the possible starting times
      and  of  those  which  have  been  indicated  as  being  skipped.    The
      administrator  must  press  the RETURN key an extra time when all of the
      skipped interviews have been specified.

                                     APPENDIX C

                           FILES INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE
                           ----- -------- -- ---- -------

      The distributed version of the interview  request  system  contains  the
      following program and text files.  Versions of the programs are included
      for use on both the DECsystem10 computer and the DECsystem20 computer.

      ADMHLP.FOR  The FORTRAN source code which  produces  the  help  messages
                  which  can  be  typed  by  the JOBADM program.  This file is
                  produced  by  using  the  FORMAT  program  to  process   the
                  unformatted version of the messages in the ADMHLP.RNO file.

      ADMHLP.RNO  The unformatted version of the help messages  which  can  be
                  typed by the JOBADM program.  This file must be processed by
                  the FORMAT program to produce the FORTRAN source code  which
                  can be loaded with the JOBADM program.

      BLKD10.FOR  The BLOCK DATA routine which must be loaded with the various
                  programs  which  read  from  or write to the central storage
                  account on the DECsystem10.

      BLKD20.FOR  The BLOCK DATA routine which must be loaded with the various
                  programs  which  read  from  or write to the central storage
                  account on the DECsystem20.

      FORMAT.FOR  The version of the FORMAT program which is needed to convert
                  the  unformatted  versions  of  the  help  messages  in  the
                  JOBHLP.RNO and ADMHLP.RNO files into FORTRAN source code.

      JOBADM.FOR  The interactive program which is used by the  staff  of  the
                  placement office to enter the firm schedules.

      JOBBIG.FOR  The fast but large version  of  the  first  program  in  the
                  series  of  programs which process the requests.  The JOBBIG
                  program must be used if the students rank their requests and
                  the failure of any request is to increase the probability of
                  getting the remaining  interviews  which  are  less  wanted.
                  Otherwise, the JOBSLO program can be used instead.

      JOBGRF.FOR  A program which can be used to examine the proportion of the
                  students making various numbers of requests who actually get
                  interviews, and the proportion of the students  who  specify
                  time preferences who actually get interviews at these times.

      JOBHLP.FOR  The FORTRAN source code which  produces  the  help  messages
                  which  can  be  typed  by  the  JOBS  program.  This file is
                  produced  by  using  the  FORMAT  program  to  process   the
                  unformatted version of the messages in the JOBHLP.RNO file.

      JOBHLP.RNO  The unformatted version of the help messages  which  can  be
                  typed  by  the JOBS program.  This file must be processed by
                  the FORMAT program to produce the FORTRAN source code  which
68                                         JOBS Interview Request System

            can be loaded with the JOBS program.

JOBMOD.FOR  The program which is used by the computer services staff  to
            change  the  state  of interview requests made by particular

JOBPSW.RNO  A file which can be processed by the FROFF  word  processor,
            together  with  one  of  the  files  produced  by the RSMPSW
            program, to produce form letters which can be given  to  the
            students  telling  them  what  their passwords will be.  The
            description in this file of the account to be used will have
            to be changed.

JOBPUT.FOR  The program which splits up the composite interview  request
            file  after  processing  has  been  completed  and  puts the
            individual files back into the central storage account.

JOBS.CTL    The batch control file for the  DECsystem20  computer.   The
            batch job isn't necessary on the DECsystem10 computer.

JOBS.DOC    This instruction manual.  This  is  produced  by  using  the
            FROFF  word  processor to process the unformatted version of
            the manual in the JOBS.RNO file.

JOBS.FOR    The interactive program which is used  by  the  students  to
            make their requests for job interviews.

JOBS.RNO    The unformatted version of this instruction manual.  This is
            meant to be processed by the FROFF word processor.

JOBSCH.FOR  The third program in the series of  programs  which  process
            the  requests.   This program produces the printed schedules
            which are given to the students.

JOBSLO.FOR  The small but slow version  of  the  first  program  in  the
            series  of  programs which process the requests.  The JOBBIG
            program can be used instead of the JOBSLO program.

JOBSRT.FOR  The program which can be used to sort the list  of  students
            produced   by   the   JOBBIG  or  JOBSLO  program  into  the
            alphabetical order of the students' last names.

JOBTIM.FOR  The second program in the series of programs  which  process
            the requests.  This program assigns times for the interviews
            and produces the printed schedules which are  given  to  the

JOBTST.FOR  A program which can be used to change the priorities of  the
            requests  in  the  test  file R2S199.002 to different values
            chosen at random, or to change the scheme used for assigning
            these priorities as well.

LIBALL.FOR  Routines which are needed by  more  than  just  one  of  the
            programs   in   this   package,  but  which  are  relatively
            independent of the particular computer being used.
      Appendix C: Files Included in this Package                            69

      LIBD10.FOR  Versions of routines which are specific for the  DECsystem10

      LIBD20.FOR  Versions of routines which are specific for the  DECsystem20

      MACD10.MAC  Assembly language routines for the DECsystem10 computer.

      MACD20.MAC  Assembly language routines for the DECsystem20 computer.

      RSMPSW.DAT  A file containing  5000  possible  passwords  which  can  be
                  assigned to the students using the RSMPSW program.

      RSMPSW.FOR  The program which can be used to assign  passwords  selected
                  from  any  arbitrary  text file.  This program was developed
                  for the student resume system which uses the  same  password
                  checking  subroutines  as the interview request system.  The
                  RSMPSW program consists only of a main program and does  not
                  use  any  subroutines.   It  contains  simple OPEN and CLOSE
                  statements which will have to be changed for  use  on  other
                  computer systems.

      The following files can be used to test the programs  in  this  package.
      The  account numbers or account name of the central storage account must
      also be inserted into the BLOCK DATA routine before the programs can  be

      ACOUNT.JOB  An example of the account  validation  file.   This  version
                  allows  all  accounts to be used for the demonstration class
                  999.  This file contains 1 line which validates all accounts
                  for  use by the administrator and 1 line which validates all
                  accounts for use by  the  students.   Whichever  line  comes
                  first  determines  how the accounts can be used.  Of course,
                  the lines which do this must be  replaced  before  the  JOBS
                  program is actually used by real students.

      CURENT.JOB  An example of the file which specifies the current round and
                  stage  for each class.  This version sets the round to 2 and
                  the stage to 1 for the demonstration class 999.

      PSW999.JOB  An example of a password file.   This  version  is  for  the
                  demonstration  class  999  and  corresponds to the passwords
                  embedded in the R2S199.002 composite interview request file.
                  The  number  for  the first student is 1 and the password is
                  TEST 1, for the second student  the  number  is  2  and  the
                  password is TEST 2, and so on.

      R2S199.001  An example of the file which  specifies  the  schedules  for
                  several fictitious firms which are interviewing the students
                  in the demonstration class 999.  This file should be renamed
                  FRM999.JOB  when  it  is  copied  into  the  central storage
70                                         JOBS Interview Request System

R2S199.002  An  example  of  the  composite  file  which  contains   the
            interview  requests  made  by several fictitious students in
            the demonstration class 999.  The JOBTST program can be used
            to change the type of priority bidding specified within this
            file and in the R2S199.001 file.  The JOBPUT program can  be
            used  to  split  the  composite  file  into several separate
            interview request files  in  the  central  storage  account.
            Each of these separate interview request files should have a
            name similar to YYYYYY.999  where  YYYYYY  is  the  6  digit
            student number.  Alternatively, a text editor can be used to
            split up the composite file.

R2S199.003  An example of the file which specifies the profiles  of  the
            starting  times  for  interviews  in  each  of  the possible
            schedules.  This version specifies several profiles each  30
            minutes  long,  several  each 45 minutes long and several 60
            minutes long.  This file should be renamed TIMES.JOB when it
            is copied into the central storage account.

R2S199.004 through R2S199.010
            Files resulting from the processing of the files R2S199.001,
            R2S199.002  and  R2S199.003  which  can be compared with the
            results obtained on any computer to verify  the  working  of
            the processing programs in the interview request system.  To
            produce new versions  of  these  files  which  can  then  be
            compared with the original files which are included with the
            interview request system, the value  -1  must  be  specified
            when  the  JOBBIG  or JOBSLO programs ask for the kernel for
            the random number generator.  A negative kernel  causes  the
            processing  to be performed without randomizing the order of
            the requests for a  particular  firm  which  have  the  same
            priority  or  bid.   A  30  minute  minimum interval between
            interviews should be selected in the JOBTIM program.

R2S299.000 through R2S299.010
            The data and listing files for a second stage based upon the
            first  stage  of  the  same  round which is described in the
            various R2S199  files.   These  files  test  the  reduction,
            modification  and  adding of schedules by the firms, and the
            cancelling and making of  requests  by  the  students  in  a
            second  stage.   The changes between stage 1 and stage 2 are
            described in the R2S299.000 file.

The following command files are included for loading the programs in the
interview  request  system  on  both  the  DECsystem10  and  DECsystem20
computers.  The versions of these command files for the DECsystem10  and
DECsystem20  are identical except that the letters "D10" in the one have
been replaced by "D20" in the other.

ADMD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBADM program on the
            DECsystem10 computer.
ADMD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.
      Appendix C: Files Included in this Package                            71

      BIGD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBBIG program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      BIGD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      GRFD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBGRF program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      GRFD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      JOBD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBS program on the DECsystem10
      JOBD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      MODD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBMOD program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      MODD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      PUTD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBPUT program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      PUTD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      SCHD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBSCH program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      SCHD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      SLOD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBSLO program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      SLOD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      SRTD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBSRT program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      SRTD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      TIMD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBTIM program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      TIMD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      TSTD10.CMD  Command file for loading the JOBTST program on the
                  DECsystem10 computer.
      TSTD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      There is no command file for loading the RSMPSW program since the RSMPSW
      program does not use any subroutines.

                                     APPENDIX D

                           EXAMPLES OF THE LISTING FILES
                           -------- -- --- ------- -----

      Examples of the listings which are produced during the processing of the
      requests  are  shown  in  this  section.  The JOBBIG and JOBSLO programs
      produce a listing of all of the students who have  requested  interviews
      with each firm, and a listing of all of the student names, passwords and
      identifying numbers.  The JOBSRT program can be used to sort the listing
      of  student names, passwords and identifying numbers into alphabetically
      increasing order based upon  the  student  names.   The  JOBTIM  program
      produces  a  listing  for each recruiter of what students that recruiter
      will be talking to at what times during each day.   The  JOBSCH  program
      produces  a  listing  for  each student of the dates and times when that
      student will be talking to the various firms.

      Examples of the listings of student names,  numbers  and  passwords  are
      shown  on  the  next  2  pages.   The first page shows an example of the
      listing of the names, numbers and passwords of the students which can be
      written  either  by  the  JOBBIG  program or by the JOBSLO program.  The
      students appear in this listing in the order  in  which  their  requests
      appear in the composite interview request file.

      The second page shows an example of the listing of  the  names,  numbers
      and  passwords  of  the  students sorted alphabetically according to the
      names of the students.  The JOBSRT  program  produced  this  listing  by
      sorting  the  file  shown on the first page which was produced by either
      the JOBBIG or JOBSLO program and which contains  this  same  information
      for  the  students  in  the  order in which their requests appear in the
      composite interview request file.
74                                         JOBS Interview Request System

Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 28-Jan-84 18:20)

     2 Robert Smith                  TEST 2
     3 William Johnson               TEST 3
     4 Jane Kim                      TEST 4
     5 Richard Brown                 TEST 5
     7 Nancy Jones                   TEST 7
     8 Edward Anderson               TEST 8
     9 Thomas Williams               TEST 9
    10 Charles Cohen                 TEST 10
    11 Peter Harris                  TEST 11
    12 Ann Wilson                    TEST 12
    13 George Moore                  TEST 13
    14 Joseph White                  TEST 14
    15 Susan Kelly                   TEST 15
    16 Mark King                     TEST 16
    17 Mary Evans                    TEST 17
    18 Martha Jackson                TEST 18
    19 Daniel Sullivan               TEST 19
    20 Frank Lewis                   TEST 20
      Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files                             75

      Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 28-Jan-84 18:20)

           8 EDWARD ANDERSON               TEST 8
           5 RICHARD BROWN                 TEST 5
          10 CHARLES COHEN                 TEST 10
          17 MARY EVANS                    TEST 17
          11 PETER HARRIS                  TEST 11
          18 MARTHA JACKSON                TEST 18
           3 WILLIAM JOHNSON               TEST 3
           7 NANCY JONES                   TEST 7
          15 SUSAN KELLY                   TEST 15
           4 JANE KIM                      TEST 4
          16 MARK KING                     TEST 16
          20 FRANK LEWIS                   TEST 20
          13 GEORGE MOORE                  TEST 13
           2 ROBERT SMITH                  TEST 2
          19 DANIEL SULLIVAN               TEST 19
          14 JOSEPH WHITE                  TEST 14
           9 THOMAS WILLIAMS               TEST 9
          12 ANN WILSON                    TEST 12
76                                         JOBS Interview Request System

Examples of the listings of the students requesting particular firms are
shown  on  the next pages.  In the first set of 2 examples, the students
ranked their requests from 1 through N where N is the number of requests
which  are allowed in each round.  The value of this ranking is shown in
the second column with 1 digit to the right of the decimal point.  If  a
type  1  priority assignment scheme were being used, then the fractional
portion of each ranking value would represent the adjustment made to the
higher  valued (less wanted) requests for each request which the student
making that request did not get.

In the second set of 2 examples, the students could indicate that up  to
a  certain  number  of  their requests were to have higher priority than
those made by other  students  without  similar  high  priorities.   The
letter  A  appearing  in  the  second  column indicates that the student
placed a high priority on the request.  The letter B indicates that  the
student did not place a high priority on the request.

In the third set of 2 examples, the students could bid for interviews in
an auction.  The amount bid is shown in the second column.

The ruled line on each page indicates the division of the  list  between
those  getting  interviews  and  those  on  the waiting list.  The first
person below the line would be the first to be offered an  interview  if
anyone  cancels above the line.  Blank lines appear above the ruled line
if the firm's interviews are undersubscribed.
      Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files                             77

      Code:        28 Firm: Castle Remodeling
      Date:  1-Feb-84 Dept: Color Coordination
                      Adrs: Germany

          1  1.0  Susan Kelly
          2  2.0  Thomas Williams
          3  2.0  William Johnson
          4  2.0  Joseph White
          5  3.0  Martha Jackson
          6  4.0  Ann Wilson
          7  6.0  Nancy Jones
          8  7.0  Daniel Sullivan
          9  8.0  Robert Smith
         10  8.0  Richard Brown
         11  9.0  Peter Harris
         12 10.0  Mary Evans
         13 10.0  George Moore
            10.0  Frank Lewis

      * by name indicates student was invited to closed schedule
      - by name indicates student was invited, but is shown on open schedule
      Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 28-Jan-84 18:20)
78                                         JOBS Interview Request System

Code:        35 Firm: Fast Buck Surplus
Date:  6-Feb-84 Dept: Purchasing
  to:  7-Feb-84 Adrs:

    1  1.0  Mark King
    2  2.0  Nancy Jones
    3  4.0  Richard Brown
    4  5.0  Frank Lewis
    5  5.0  Joseph White
    6  7.0  George Moore
    7  7.0  Jane Kim
    8  7.0  Robert Smith
    9  8.0  William Johnson
   10  9.0  Peter Harris

* by name indicates student was invited to closed schedule
- by name indicates student was invited, but is shown on open schedule
Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 28-Jan-84 18:20)
      Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files                             79

      Code:        28 Firm: Castle Remodeling
      Date:  1-Feb-84 Dept: Color Coordination
                      Adrs: Germany

          1  A  Susan Kelly
          2  A  Thomas Williams
          3  A  William Johnson
          4  A  Joseph White
          5  A  Martha Jackson
          6  A  Ann Wilson
          7  B  Nancy Jones
          8  B  Daniel Sullivan
          9  B  Robert Smith
         10  B  Richard Brown
         11  B  Peter Harris
         12  B  Mary Evans
         13  B  George Moore
             B  Frank Lewis

      * by name indicates student was invited to closed schedule
      - by name indicates student was invited, but is shown on open schedule
      Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 28-Jan-84 18:20)
80                                         JOBS Interview Request System

Code:        35 Firm: Fast Buck Surplus
Date:  6-Feb-84 Dept: Purchasing
  to:  7-Feb-84 Adrs:

    1  A  Mark King
    2  A  Nancy Jones
    3  B  Richard Brown
    4  B  Frank Lewis
    5  B  Joseph White
    6  B  George Moore
    7  B  Jane Kim
    8  B  Robert Smith
    9  B  William Johnson
   10  B  Peter Harris

* by name indicates student was invited to closed schedule
- by name indicates student was invited, but is shown on open schedule
Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 28-Jan-84 18:20)
      Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files                             81

      Code:        28 Firm: Castle Remodeling
      Date:  1-Feb-84 Dept: Color Coordination
                      Adrs: Germany

          1      2000  Susan Kelly
          2      1000  Thomas Williams
          3      1000  William Johnson
          4      1000  Joseph White
          5       800  Martha Jackson
          6       300  Ann Wilson
          7       200  Nancy Jones
          8       100  Daniel Sullivan
          9       100  Robert Smith
         10       100  Richard Brown
         11        80  Peter Harris
         12        80  Mary Evans
         13        80  George Moore
                   70  Frank Lewis

      * by name indicates student was invited to closed schedule
      - by name indicates student was invited, but is shown on open schedule
      Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 28-Jan-84 18:20)
82                                         JOBS Interview Request System

Code:        35 Firm: Fast Buck Surplus
Date:  6-Feb-84 Dept: Purchasing
  to:  7-Feb-84 Adrs:

    1      2000  Mark King
    2      1000  Nancy Jones
    3       300  Richard Brown
    4       300  Frank Lewis
    5       200  Joseph White
    6       200  George Moore
    7       100  Jane Kim
    8       100  Robert Smith
    9       100  William Johnson
   10        70  Peter Harris

* by name indicates student was invited to closed schedule
- by name indicates student was invited, but is shown on open schedule
Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 28-Jan-84 18:20)
      Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files                             83

      The listings on the next 4 pages were produced by the JOBTIM program and
      show  the  schedules  for  the  recruiters  for  each  of  2 firms.  The
      interviews for the first firm were completely subscribed,  so  no  blank
      lines  appear  in the schedules.  Although the second firm is willing to
      speak to enough students to fill 2 schedules, the  second  schedule  was
      not  necessary.   When  fewer  than  the offered number of schedules are
      needed, no students are assigned to the excess schedules so  that  these
      excess schedules can be cancelled easily.
84                                         JOBS Interview Request System

Code:        28 Firm: Castle Remodeling
Date:  1-Feb-84 Dept: Color Coordination
                Adrs: Germany

Open schedule  1 of  2

 9:00 am  Joseph White

10:00 am  Ann Wilson

11:00 am  William Johnson

 1:00 pm  Susan Kelly

 2:00 pm  Peter Harris

 3:00 pm  Thomas Williams

 4:00 pm  Mary Evans

Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 27-Jan-84 22:27)
      Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files                             85

      Code:        28 Firm: Castle Remodeling
      Date:  1-Feb-84 Dept: Color Coordination
                      Adrs: Germany

      Open schedule  2 of  2

       9:00 am  Nancy Jones

      10:00 am  George Moore

      11:00 am  Martha Jackson

       1:00 pm  Robert Smith

       2:00 pm  Richard Brown

       3:00 pm  Daniel Sullivan

      Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 27-Jan-84 22:27)
86                                         JOBS Interview Request System

Code:        35 Firm: Fast Buck Surplus
Date:  6-Feb-84 Dept: Purchasing

Open schedule  1 of  2

 9:00 am  Robert Smith

 9:30 am  Mark King

10:00 am  Richard Brown

10:30 am  Jane Kim

11:00 am  Nancy Jones

12:45 pm  Frank Lewis

 1:15 pm  George Moore

 1:45 pm  William Johnson

 2:15 pm  Joseph White

 2:45 pm  Peter Harris

 3:15 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

 3:45 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

 4:15 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 27-Jan-84 22:27)
      Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files                             87

      Code:        35 Firm: Fast Buck Surplus
      Date:  7-Feb-84 Dept: Purchasing

      Open schedule  2 of  2

       9:15 am  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

       9:45 am  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

      10:15 am  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

      10:45 am  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

       1:00 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

       1:30 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

       2:00 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

       2:30 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

       3:00 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

       3:30 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

       4:00 pm  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

      Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 27-Jan-84 22:27)
88                                         JOBS Interview Request System

The listings on the next 2 pages were produced by the JOBSCH program and
show the individual schedules for 2 students.  Even when the student has
several schedules on the same day,  the  JOBTIM  program  which  assigns
times  for the interviews leaves enough time for the student to get from
1 interview to the next.  If,  because  of  an  irresolvable  scheduling
conflict,  a  time cannot be assigned for an interview, then the listing
would instruct the student to contact the staff of the placement  office
to  schedule that particular interview.  In practice, such conflicts are
extremely unlikely, however.
      Appendix D: Examples of the Listing Files                             89

      Name: Richard Brown

      Open interview schedule

        31  Thumscrews Collection Agency, Enforcement, NYC
            Wed  1-Feb-84   9:00 am to 10:00 am  Schedule:  1

        32  Pauper Bank and Trust, Loans, Boston
            Wed  1-Feb-84  10:30 am to 11:00 am  Schedule:  1

        28  Castle Remodeling, Color Coordination, Germany
            Wed  1-Feb-84   2:00 pm to  2:30 pm  Schedule:  2

        25  U-Wreck-Em Rent-A-Car, Fender Smoothing
            Wed  1-Feb-84   3:00 pm to  3:30 pm  Schedule:  2

        36  Smugglers Imports, Bribery
            Fri  3-Feb-84   9:15 am to  9:45 am  Schedule:  1

        35  Fast Buck Surplus, Purchasing
            Mon  6-Feb-84  10:00 am to 10:30 am  Schedule:  1

        30  Honest Don's Used Cars, Sales
            Mon  6-Feb-84   2:00 pm to  2:30 pm  Schedule:  1

        24  Sticky Floor Theaters, Popcorn sales, Hartford
            Mon  6-Feb-84   3:30 pm to  4:00 pm  Schedule:  1

      Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 27-Jan-84 22:29)
90                                         JOBS Interview Request System

Name: George Moore

Open interview schedule

  28  Castle Remodeling, Color Coordination, Germany
      Wed  1-Feb-84  10:00 am to 10:30 am  Schedule:  2

  32  Pauper Bank and Trust, Loans, Boston
      Wed  1-Feb-84  11:00 am to 11:30 am  Schedule:  1

  25  U-Wreck-Em Rent-A-Car, Fender Smoothing
      Wed  1-Feb-84   2:00 pm to  2:30 pm  Schedule:  2

  38  Monophonic HiFi, Advertising
      Fri  3-Feb-84  10:00 am to 10:30 am  Schedule:  1

  37  Rat Race Jogging Apparel, Product Testing
      Fri  3-Feb-84   3:30 pm to  4:30 pm  Schedule:  2

  30  Honest Don's Used Cars, Sales
      Mon  6-Feb-84   9:00 am to  9:30 am  Schedule:  1

  26  Yellow Brick Pavers, Midwest
      Mon  6-Feb-84  10:15 am to 10:45 am  Schedule:  1

  35  Fast Buck Surplus, Purchasing
      Mon  6-Feb-84   1:15 pm to  1:45 pm  Schedule:  1

  24  Sticky Floor Theaters, Popcorn sales, Hartford
      Mon  6-Feb-84   3:00 pm to  3:30 pm  Schedule:  1

Class  999, Round  2, Stage  1 (printed 27-Jan-84 22:29)