
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-12 - 43,50554/3/podtyp.mac
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	title	podtyp
;program to output a file to a terminal in even parity 8-bit characters
	search	uuosym,scnmac,macten
	.request	rel:scan,rel:helper
;for information regarding this program contact:
;	Dr. Edmund West
;	University of Toronto Computing Services
;	255 Huron St.
;	Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
;	(416-978-4085)
;version parameters
podedt==1			;first release, 9-Jun-82
;edit history
podedt==2	;general clean up, symbol renames
podedt==3	;add terminal types 1641 and 1620
podedt==4	;make DIABLO be a 1620
podedt==5	;fix reset escape sequences at FINISH
podedt==6	;add <crlf> to error message macro EMSGCR
podedt==7	;add dummy characters (bell) to reset sequence
		;to force a possible active escape sequences to terminate
podedt==10	;use terminating bell to let 1641 reset function complete
;end edit history
	loc	137
	byte	(3)podwho(9)podver(6)podmin(18)podedt
	reloc	0
;conditional assembly parameters
nd	ftdeb,0
if2<ifn ftdeb,<printx	[debug version]>>
if2<ife ftdeb,<printx	[production version]>>
;ac definitions
s==0				;status bits
cc==10				;character cache (double word)
cchigh==cc			;high order
cclow==cc+1			;low order
mm==12				;mask (double word)
mmhigh==mm			;high order
mmlow==mm+1			;low order
; Define terminals, character strings and appropriate processors
; To add a terminal and its parameters insert a new term macro.
; The format of the term macro is as follows:
;	term	(name,code,<pcl>)
; where
;	name	=name of terminal
;	code	=unique 2-letter code for terminal type
;	pcl	=processor/character list (any number)
;		=<proc1,chr1,<gcs1>>,<proc2,chr2,<gcs2>>,.....
; where
;	proc	=processing routine to be executed when a match occurs
;	chr	=character to trigger the test for a match
;	gcs	=groups of character strings to be tested (any number)
;		=<cs1>,<cs2>,<cs3>,.....
; where
;	cs	=character string to be tested (up to eight characters)
;		=c0,c1,c2,.....
; notes:
; (1)	See the term macros under the ftdeb conditional for examples.
; (2)	The angle brackets are required as shown (unless their contents
;	are null). Thus, the characters in the test strings are nested
;	four deep. It is very important to get them right.
; (3)	Character strings are specified in reverse order. Thus, in example
;	'yy' below processor 'chk4' is executed when character string
;	'210' (ie, octal 62, 61, 60) is encountered.
; (4)	Characters may be specified symbolically or as 7- or 8-bit ascii.
;	They are automatically converted internally to 8-bit ascii with parity.
; (5)	Omitted positions in "cs" indicate any character is a match.
; (6)	Scanning occurs from left to right. This will effect searches of
;	strings under the same character, but for different processors.
; (7)	If it exists, a routine named FIN<code> will be executed when terminal
;	output is finished on terminal <code> (eg, routine FINDB will be
;	executed when output to a DIABLO is finished).
; (8)	The first entry under 'define trminl' will be the default terminal.
;continued on next page
;continued from previous page
	define	trminl<
term	(diablo,db,<<ochr,c.ff,<<c.esc>,<c.ff,c.esc>,<,c.esc>,<c.vt,c.esc>,<,c.esc>,<,c.esc>>>,<ffpro,c.ff>>)
term	(1620,d2,<<ochr,c.ff,<<c.esc>,<c.ff,c.esc>,<,c.esc>,<c.vt,c.esc>,<,c.esc>,<,c.esc>>>,<ffpro,c.ff>>)
term	(1641,d4,<<ochr,c.ff,<<c.esc>,<c.ff,c.esc>,<,c.esc>,<c.vt,c.esc>,<,c.esc>,<,c.esc>>>,<ffpro,c.ff>>)
term	(tty,tt,<<pause,>,<ffpro,c.ff>>)
ifn ftdeb,<
term	(v,vv)
term	(w,ww,<<chk1,40>>)
term	(x,xx,<<chk2,101,<<101,101>,<101,141>,<141,101>,<141,141>>>>)
term	(y,yy,<<chk3,60,<<60>>>,<chk4,60,<<61,62>>>,<chk5,62,<<62,62,62,,,63,63,63>>>>)
term	(z,zz,<<chk2,101,<<101,101>,<101,141>,<141,101>,<141,141>>>,<chk3,60,<<60>>>,<chk4,61,<<61,61>>>,<chk5,62,<<62,62,62,,,63,63,63>>>>)
>;end inf ftdeb
>;end define trminl
;define scan switches and values
	define	swtchs<
	sn	pause,psflg,fs.nos!fs.vrq!fs.nfs
	sp	start,strflg,.decnw##,str,fs.nfs
	sl	terminal,trmflg,trmk,pd.trm,fs.nfs
;see doscan, dm and trminl macros in high segment data area
;character processing dispatch and translation table macros
	define	chrs<
repeat	nasc,<
	zx	zz,ochr			;;character,,standard processing routine
>;end repeat
	purge	zz
>;end define chrs
;define macro to remove brackets from a set of arguments
;and pass them to another macro
	define	mpass2(m,a,b)<
	m	a,b
>;end define mpass2
;define macro to generate an 8-bit character with even parity
	define	ascii8(pn,n)<
za==zn&177				;;use 7 bits only
zc==<zb&1>*200				;;make a parity bit (1 if zb is odd)
pn==za!zc				;;full odd parity ascii character
	purge	za,zb,zc,zn
>;end define ascii8
;define message macros
	define	msg(a),<
	movei	t1,[asciz\a\]
	pushj	p,.tstrg##
	define	msgcr	(a),<
	msg	<a>
	pushj	p,.tcrlf##
;define error message macros
	define	emsg(a,b),<
	msg	<?POD'a >
	msg	<b>
	define	emsgcr	(a,b),<
	pushj	p,.tcrlf##
	emsg	(<a>,<b>)
	pushj	p,.tcrlf##
;define error message subroutine macro
	define	errmsg	(a,b),<
	pushj	p,[emsgcr(<a>,<b>)
		popj	p,]
;parameter definitions
;status bits
s.ccl==1			;ccl entry			;input file seen
s.inx==20			;input file seen two or more times
s.out==100			;output file seen
s.outx==200			;output file seen two or more times
s.filb==s.inx!s.outx		;bad bits from file spec processing			;pause bit (1=pause, 0=nopause)
s.ttyo==2000			;controlling TTY same as output device
s.pgby==4000			;page bypass in effect (waiting for start page)
s.term==10000			;command and output terminal are same
s.keep==s.ccl			;bits to keep from one command to the next
s.clr==s.pgby!s.ttyo!!!s.out	;bits to clear during .tscan init
s.tscn==s.filb			;bits to test after .tscan call
;value definitions
pdll==100			;length of push down list
di==1				;disk input channel
to==2				;terminal output channel
sblkl==.fxlen			;length of scan block
oblkl==4			;length of open block
lblkl==.rbsiz+1			;length of lookup/enter block
nasc==200			;number of ascii characters
mskofs==2			;mask offset in string group table
chcnt0==^d50			;characters output before checking for input
mn.str==1			;minimum value for start switch
cc.shf==^d9			;character cache shift count
;character codes
;7-bit definitions
;8-bit even parity definitions
ascii8,		;control-c
ascii8	c.bel,c7.bel		;bell
ascii8,11			;horizontal tab (control-I)
ascii8	c.lf,12			;line feed
ascii8	c.vt,13			;vertical tab (control-K)
ascii8	c.ff,14			;form feed
ascii8,15			;return
ascii8,31			;control-y
ascii8,32			;control-z
ascii8	c.esc,33		;escape
ascii8,36			;record separator (control-hat)
ascii8,37			;unit separator (control-underline)
ascii8	c.spc,40		;space
ascii8	c.xp,120		;upper case p
;data storage
pdl:	block	pdll		;push down list
scnflg:				;scan flags (keep together)
psflg:	block	1		;pause flag (for scan)
strflg:	block	1		;start flag
trmflg:	block	1		;terminal flag
scnval:				;scan switch values (keep together)
psval:	block	1		;pause value
strval:	block	1		;start value (first page to be output)
trmval:	block	1		;terminal value (index)
if2< ifn scnfll-scnvll,<printx ?flag and value block sizes not equal>>
optval:	block	scnfll		;space to remember options file values
pagcnt:	block	1		;page counter (page in progress)
chrcnt:	block	1		;character counter (triggers input check)
udxcom:	block	1		;udx of command terminal
udxout:	block	1		;udx of output device
iblk:	block	6		;iscan data
tblk:	block	11		;tscan data
oblk:	block	5		;oscan data
sblki:	block	sblkl		;scan block for input file
oblki:	block	4		;open block for input file
bcbdi:	block	3		;disk input buffer control block
lblki:	block	lblkl		;lookup block for input file
pblki:	block	.ptmax		;path block for input file
sblko:	block	sblkl		;scan block for output file
oblko:	block	4		;open block for output file
bcbto:	block	3		;terminal output buffer control block
bcbti:	block	3		;terminal input buffer control block
lblko:	block	lblkl		;enter block for output file
pblko:	block	.ptmax		;path block for output file
chrtab:	block	nasc		;character translation/dispatch table
	reloc	400000
	tdza	s,s			;clear status
	movei	s,s.ccl			;ccl entry
	move	p,[iowd pdll,pdl]	;set up push down list
	outstr	[asciz\[PODTYP, /H for help]\]
ifn ftdeb,<
	outstr	[asciz\ [DEBUG version]\]
>;end ftdeb
	pushj	p,.tcrlf##
	movsi	t1,'tty'		;get udx of controlling terminal
	iondx.	t1,
	 jrst	[emsgcr	EUT,<Error getting UDX of TTY>
		exit	1,]
	movem	t1,udxcom		;save it
	move	p,[iowd pdll,pdl]	;set up push down list
;set up blocks for .iscan
	move	t1,[xwd iblkl,iblk]	;set up for scanning
	pushj	p,.iscan##
;initialize all switch values to default values
	movei	t1,ad.str		;start switch
	movem	t1,strval
	movei	t1,ad.trm		;terminal switch
	movem	t1,trmval
	movei	t1,		;pause switch
	movem	t1,psval
;set up blocks for .oscan
	pushj	p,iniflg		;initialize switch flags
	move	t1,[iowd swt..l,swt..n]	;set up for oscan switchs
	movem	t1,oblk
	move	t1,[xwd swt..d,swt..m]
	movem	t1,oblk+1
	move	t1,[xwd 0,swt..p]
	movem	t1,oblk+2
	move	t1,[sixbit\podtyp\]	;set help file and option name
	movem	t1,oblk+3
	movem	t1,oblk+4
	move	t1,[xwd oblkl,oblk]	;scan options file
	pushj	p,.oscan##
	pushj	p,setswt		;process these switches
	move	t1,[xwd scnval,optval]	;remember values from options file
	blt	t1,optval+scnvll-1
; main program loop
	reset				;clear everything again
	move	p,[iowd pdll,pdl]	;set up push down list again
	move	t1,[xwd optval,scnval]	;set up options values again
	blt	t1,scnval+scnvll-1
	movei	t1,		;output a carraige return
	pushj	p,.tchar##
;set up blocks for .tscan
	move	t1,[iowd swt..l,swt..n]	;set up for scan switchs
	movem	t1,tblk
	move	t1,[xwd swt..d,swt..m]
	movem	t1,tblk+1
	move	t1,[xwd 0,swt..p]
	movem	t1,tblk+2
	move	t1,[sixbit\podtyp\]	;help file name
	movem	t1,tblk+3
	move	t1,[xwd clra,0]		;clear all answers
	movem	t1,tblk+4
	move	t1,[xwd alli,allo]	;scan block allocation routines
	movem	t1,tblk+5
	movei	t1,fs.mot		;allow multiple output file specs
	hrrm	t1,tblk+7		;(to cause error if no equal sign)
	move	t1,[xwd tblkl,tblk]	;scan command line
	pushj	p,.tscan##
	trne	s,s.tscn		;was an error detected?
	 jrst	[trne	s,s.inx			;extra input files?
		errmsg	XIF,Extra input files
		trne	s,s.outx		;extra output files?
		errmsg	XOF,Extra output files
		jrst	go]
;no error, fall through to process the command
;process the command
	setzb	cclow,cchigh		;clear character cache
	pushj	p,setswt		;set up switch values
	skipe	psval			;is pause in effect (ie, psval=1)?
	 tro	s,			;yes, set pause bit
;set up the page counter
	setzm	pagcnt			;initialize page counter
	tro	s,s.pgby		;and page bypass bit
	movei	t1,chcnt0		;initialize character counter
	movem	t1,chrcnt
;set up dispatch table according to this terminal's special character list
	move	t1,[xwd xchrtb,chrtab]	;initialize dispatch table
	blt	t1,chrtab+nasc-1
	movei	t4,chrpro		;address of special handling routine
	move	t3,trmval		;terminal type
	move	t2,trmlst-1(t3)		;pointer to special character table
	aobjp	t2,chrlpx		;if not last, point to next entry
	ldb	t1,[point 7,(t2),17]	;get 7-bits of special character
	add	t2,[xwd 1,1]		;adjust pointer to special characters
	hrrm	t4,chrtab(t1)		;change dispatch for special characters
	jrst	chrlp			;get next entry
;get input file spec
	trne	s,			;did alli get called?
	skipn	sblki+.fxnam		;yes, did user specify input file?
	 jrst	[emsgcr	IFR,Input file required
		jrst	go]
	move	t2,[xwd 'pod',-1]	;default extension and mask
	hrrz	t1,sblki+.fxext		;get input extension
	skipn	t1			;was it specified by user?
	 movem	t2,sblki+.fxext		;no, use default
	move	t1,[xwd sblkl,sblki]	;set up input blocks
	movei	t2,oblki
	move	t3,[xwd .rbsiz,lblki]
	movei	t4,pblki
	pushj	p,.stopb##
	 jrst	[emsgcr	IIF,Illegal input file specification
		jrst	go]
;get output file spec
	trne	s,s.out			;did allo get called?
	skipn	sblko+.fxdev		;yes, was device specified?
	 jrst	[movsi	t1,'tty'	;no, use default device
		movem	t1,sblko+.fxdev
		setzm	t1,sblko+.fxnam	;use blank name
		setom	sblko+.fxnmm	;use full mask
		movei	t1,-1		;use blank extension, full mask
		movem	t1,sblko+.fxext
		jrst	.+1]
	move	t1,[xwd sblkl,sblko]	;set up output blocks
	movei	t2,oblko
	move	t3,[xwd .rbsiz,lblko]
	movei	t4,pblko
	pushj	p,.stopb##
	 jrst	[emsgcr	IOF,Illegal output file specification
		jrst	go]
;initialize input file
	movei	t1,bcbdi		;disk input buffer control block
	hrrm	t1,oblki+.opbuf
	movei	t1,.ioasc		;ascii mode input
	movem	t1,oblki+.opmod
	open	di,oblki		;open device
	 jrst	[emsg	IOE,<Input open error for >
		jrst	inerr]
	movei	t1,.rbsiz		;last word of lookup block
	movem	t1,lblki
	lookup	di,lblki		;lookup file
	 jrst	[emsg	ILE,<Input lookup error (>
		hrrz	t1,lblki+.rbext
		pushj	p,.toctw##
		msg	<) for >
		jrst	inerr]
;check output device capabilities
	move	t1,oblko+.opdev		;get udx of output device
	iondx.	t1,
	 jrst	[emsg	CGU,<Cannot Get UDX for >
		jrst	outerr]
	movem	t1,udxout		;remember it
	camn	t1,udxcom		;is it same as controlling tty?
	 tro	s,s.ttyo		;yes, set bit
	devchr	t1,
	jumpe	t1,[emsg	IOD,<Illegal Output Device for >
		jrst	outerr]		;illegal device
	trnn	t1,dv.m2		;can device do PIM i/o?
	 jrst	[emsg	IOM,<Illegal Output Mode for >
		jrst	outerr]
;if debugging, tell user what's happening
ifn ftdeb,<
	msg	<[>
	movei	t1,oblko
	movei	t2,lblko
	pushj	p,.toleb##
	msg	<=>
	movei	t1,oblki
	movei	t2,lblki
	pushj	p,.toleb##
	movei	t1,[asciz ./NOPAUSE.]
	trne	s,
	 movei	t1,[asciz ./PAUSE.]
	pushj	p,.tstrg##
	movei	t1,[asciz ./START:.]
	pushj	p,.tstrg##
	move	t1,strval
	pushj	p,.tdecw##
	movei	t1,[asciz ./TERMINAL:.]
	pushj	p,.tstrg##
	move	t1,trmval
	move	t1,trmk.t-1(t1)
	pushj	p,.tsixn##
	msgcr	<]>
>;end ftdeb
;initialize output file
	pushj	p,owait			;wait for device to finish output
	hrli	t1,bcbto		;terminal i/o buffer control blocks
	movem	t1,oblko+.opbuf
	movei	t1,.iopim		;packed image mode output
	movem	t1,oblko+.opmod
	open	to,oblko		;open device
	 jrst	[emsg	OOE,<Output open error for >
		jrst	outerr]
	movei	t1,.rbsiz		;last word of enter block
	movem	t1,lblko+.rbcnt
	enter	to,lblko		;enter file
	 jrst	[emsg	OEE,<Output enter error (>
		hrrz	t1,lblko+.rbext
		pushj	p,.toctw##
		msg	<) for >
		jrst	outerr]
;check terminals
	move	t1,udxcom		;commmand terminal
	camn	t1,udxout		;same as output terminal?
	 tro	s,s.term		;yes, remember
;clear PIM break set to force character mode input
	move	t2,[xwd 3,t3]
	movei	t3,.toset+.topbs
	move	t4,udxout
	setz	t5,
	trmop.	t2,
	 jrst	[emsgcr	CSP,<Cannot Set PIM break set>
		jrst	go]
;prepare for data transmission
	pushj	p,newpag		;prepare for first page
	pushj	p,fpause		;force an initial pause
;main i/o loop
	sosl	t1,chrcnt		;count character, check for input?
	 jrst	loop1			;no, proceed
	movei	t1,chcnt0		;yes, reset counter
	movem	t1,chrcnt
	pushj	p,gtinp			;any input?
	 jrst	loop1			;no, proceed
	cain	t1,			;yes, was it control-c?
	 jrst	quit			;yes, abort
	pushj	p,ichr			;get next character
	 jrst	indone			;reached end of file
	move	t2,chrtab(t1)		;get dispatch word
	ldb	t1,[point 8,t2,17]	;get even parity version of character
	push	p,t1			;save character
	pushj	p,(t2)			;dispatch to character processor
; do character processing (including output), finish with normal return
	pop	p,t1			;retrieve character
	lshc	cc,cc.shf		;shift cache
	iorm	t1,cclow		;insert most recent character
	jrst	loop			;now get next character
;here when i/o is completed
;data transfer is complete
	pushj	p,fpause		;force a finishing pause
	pushj	p,finish		;do normal finish stuff
	jrst	go			;set up to do it all again
;routine to read input file
	sosge	bcbdi+.bfctr		;anything in buffer?
	 jrst	filbuf			;no, fill it up
	ildb	t1,bcbdi+.bfptr		;yes, get next character
	jrst	cpopj1			;skip return to caller
	in	di,			;fill the buffer
	 jrst	ichr			;and try again
	stato	di,io.err		;skip if a real error
	popj	p,			;non-skip return on end of file
;here on i/o error
	emsg	IER,<Input Error for >
	jrst	inerr
;routine to write output device
	trne	s,s.pgby		;page bypass on?
	 popj	p,			;yes, no output
fochr:					;here to force output into the buffer
	sosge	bcbto+.bfctr		;room in buffer?
	 jrst	bufful			;no, empty it
	idpb	t1,bcbto+.bfptr		;yes, output next character
	popj	p,			;return to caller
	out	to,			;output the buffer
	 jrst	fochr			;and try again
;here on i/o error
	emsg	OER,<Output Error for >
	jrst	outerr
;routine to process special characters
	move	t6,trmval		;terminal type
	move	t6,trmlst-1(t6)		;point to character/processor table
	aobjp	t6,ochr			;if end of list, process normally
	hlrz	t2,(t6)			;get next possible character
	add	t6,[xwd 1,1]		;adjust counter
	came	t2,t1			;characters match?
	 jrst	chrchk			;no, try next
;here to test strings
	skipl	t5,(t6)			;load/check string group pointer
	 jrst	match			;match, if no strings specified
	aobjp	t5,chrchk		;if no more strings, try next character
	dmove	t3,(t5)			;(t3,t4)=possible string
	dmove	mm,mskofs(t5)		;string mask
	add	t5,[xwd 3,3]		;adjust counter
	and	mmlow,cclow		;retain interesting low characters
	came	t4,mmlow		;same as actual?
	 jrst	strchk			;no, try next string
	and	mmhigh,cchigh		;yes, retain interesting high characters
	came	t3,mmhigh		;same as actual?
	 jrst	strchk			;no, try next string
;here if found a full match
	hrrz	t6,-1(t6)		;address of actual processor
	pushj	p,(t6)			;do special processing
	 popj	p,			;return without storing character
	pjrst	ochr			;store character and return
;routine to do final clean up
	move	t1,trmval		;get terminal number
	pushj	p,@fintab-1(t1)		;execute terminal-dependent code
	releas	di,			;release input
	releas	to,			;release output
	popj	p,
;routine to quit program
	pushj	p,clrout		;clear output buffers
	pushj	p,finish		;do special finishing things
	pushj	p,.tcrlf##		;extra CRLF
	emsgcr	PEA,<Program Execution Aborted>
	jrst	go			;and accept next command
;routine to handle form feeds
	trnn	s,			;pause on?
	 pushj	p,ochr			;no, send form feed (if ochr allows)
	pushj	p,pause			;wait for user (if pause allows)
					;fall through to count new page
;routine to count up new pages
	aos	t2,pagcnt		;count next page
	camn	t2,strval		;at start value?
	 trz	s,s.pgby		;yes, clear page bypass bit
	popj	p,
;routine to pause until user types a bell on one of the terminals
	trne	s,			;pause off?
	trne	s,s.pgby		;no, page bypass on?
	 popj	p,			;yes, do not pause
fpause:					;here to force a pause
	pushj	p,belsnd		;send bell to signal waiting
	pushj	p,belwat		;wait for user to type bell
	popj	p,
;routine to send bell to user's terminal (both terminals, if different)
	movei	t1,c.bel		;get bell
	pushj	p,fochr			;force it into the output buffer
	out	to,			;send it
	trnn	s,s.term		;are terminals the same?
	 outchr	t1		;no, send it to command terminal also
	popj	p,
;routine to wait for user input from either terminal
;a bell is the signal to continue
;a control-C is the signal to quit
;all other characters are ignored
;(but echoed if they came from the output device)
	pushj	p,clrinp		;clear input buffers
	movsi	t1,(hb.rtc)		;wait for input from either terminal
	hiber	t1,
	pushj	p,gtinp			;any input?
	 jrst	belhib			;no, wait some more
	cain	t1,			;yes, control-c?
	 jrst	quit			;yes, abort
	came	t3,udxout		;did this come from output device?
	 jrst	belwt2			;no, skip echoing
	pushj	p,ochr			;yes, echo the character
	out	to,			;do it now
	cain	t1,c.bel		;bell?
	 popj	p,			;yes, return
	jrst	belwt1			;no, see if any more
;routine to read a character from either the output device or command terminal
;non-skip return if nothing typed
;skip return with t1 = 8-bit character, t3 = udx of active device
	movei	t2,.tosip		;check input in progress
	move	t3,udxout		;for output terminal
	move	t1,[xwd 2,t2]
	trmop.	t1,			;is it?
	 jrst	gtinp1			;no, try command terminal
	movei	t2,.toisc		;yes, read character from output device
	trmop.	t1,
	 halt				;should never happen
	jrst	gtinp2			;process character
gtinp1:					;here to check command terminal
	trnn	s,s.term		;are the terminals different?
	 inchrs	t1			;yes, was a character typed?
	 popj	p,			;same terminal or no input
	ldb	t1,[point 8,chrtab(t1),17]	;convert to 8-bit even parity
	jrst	cpopj1			;skip return
;routine to clear terminal input buffers
	move	t1,[xwd 2,t2]
	movei	t2,.tocib		;clear input buffer
	move	t3,udxout		;for output device
	trmop.	t1,
	trne	s,s.term		;same terminal as output?
	 popj	p,			;yes, done
	move	t3,udxcom		;no, now for commmand terminal
	trmop.	t1,
	popj	p,
;routine to clear terminal output buffers
	move	t1,[xwd 2,t2]
	movei	t2,.tocob		;clear output buffer
	move	t3,udxout		;for output device
	trmop.	t1,
	trne	s,s.term		;same terminal as output?
	 popj	p,			;yes, done
	move	t3,udxcom		;no, now for commmand terminal
	trmop.	t1,
	popj	p,
;routine to do diablo-dependent finish stuff
	skipa	t2,[point 8,clrd2]	;pointer to clean up string
	move	t2,[point 8,clrd4]
	ildb	t1,t2			;get character
	jumpe	t1,cpopj		;if null, quit
	pushj	p,ochr			;output it
	jrst	findb1			;get next one
clrd4:	byte	(8)c.bel,c.bel,c.esc,,c.xp,c.bel,0
clrd2:	byte	(8)c.bel,c.bel,c.esc,,,c.esc,,,0
;routine to let output device complete any pending i/o
;so data is not affected by changing the output mode
	move	t3,udxout		;udx of output device
	movei	t2,.tooip
owait1:	move	t1,[xwd 2,t2]		;is output still in progress?
	trmop.	t1,
	 jrst	[emsgcr	TUE,<TRMOP. UUO Error>
		jrst	go]
	jumpe	t1,cpopj		;done if bit zero
	movei	t1,1			;sleep a while
	sleep	t1,
	jrst	owait1			;try again
;allocate space for input file specification
	troe	s,			;seen before?
	 tro	s,s.inx			;yes, remember
	setzm	sblki			;no, clear input scan block
	move	t1,[xwd sblki,sblki+1]
	blt	t1,sblki+sblkl-1
	movei	t1,sblki		;scan block for input file
	movei	t2,sblkl
	popj	p,
;allocate space for output file specification
	troe	s,s.out			;seen before?
	 tro	s,s.outx		;yes, remember
	setzm	sblko			;no, clear output scan block
	move	t1,[xwd sblko,sblko+1]
	blt	t1,sblko+sblkl-1
	movei	t1,sblko		;no, get scan block for output file
	movei	t2,sblkl
	popj	p,
;clear all answers
	andi	s,s.ccl			;clear most status bits
	pushj	p,iniflg		;initialize switch flags
;clear scan blocks for .tscan and .stopb processing
	setzm	sblki			;clear input scan block
	move	t1,[xwd sblki,sblki+1]
	blt	t1,sblki+sblkl-1
	setzm	sblko			;clear output scan block
	move	t1,[xwd sblko,sblko+1]
	blt	t1,sblko+sblkl-1
	popj	p,
;routine to initialize switch flags
	setom	scnflg			;initialize all scan flags
	move	t1,[xwd scnflg,scnflg+1]
	blt	t1,scnflg+scnfll-1
	popj	p,
;routine to process switches if specified by user
;start switch
	skipge	t1,strflg		;was starting value specified?
	 jrst	setsw1			;no, ignore it
	caig	t1,mx.str		;yes, is value too large?
	caige	t1,mn.str		;no, is it too small?
	 jrst	[emsgcr	IVS,<Illegal Value for START switch, ignored>
		jrst	setsw1]
	movem	t1,strval		;use it
;terminal switch
	skiple	t1,trmflg		;was terminal specified by user?
	 movem	t1,trmval		;yes, use it
;pause switch
	skipl	t1,psflg		;was pause switch specified?
	 movem	t1,psval		;yes, use it
	popj	p,
;type file error message and restart program
	movei	t1,oblki		;open block for input file
	movei	t2,lblki		;lookup block for input file
	jrst	filerr
	movei	t1,oblko		;open block for output file
	movei	t2,lblko		;lookup block for output file
	pushj	p,.toleb##
	pushj	p,.tcrlf##
	jrst	go
;special locations
store:				;special handling routine to store
cpopj1:	aos	(p)
ignore:				;special handling routine to ignore character
cpopj:	popj	p,
ifn ftdeb,<
chk1:	jrst	cpopj1
chk2:	jrst	cpopj1
chk3:	jrst	cpopj1
chk4:	jrst	cpopj1
chk5:	jrst	cpopj1
chk6:	jrst	cpopj1
chk7:	jrst	cpopj1
chk8:	jrst	cpopj1
chk9:	jrst	cpopj1
>;end ifn ftdeb
;generate prototype translation and dispatch table
;(copied to low segment and adjusted at time of command execution)
	define	zx(n,addr)<
	ascii8	zpc,n
	byte	(10)0(8)zpc(18)addr	;;bits, character, dispatch address
	purge	zpc
>;end define zx
xchrtb:	chrs
;set up for scan switch processing
	doscan	(swt..)
;define terminal types
;generate keyword table for terminal types
;(this is a substitute for scan's "keys" macro)
	define	term(nm,cd,pl)<
	sixbit	\nm\
>;end define term
trmk.t:	trminl
;define check values
	dm	trm,trmk.l,1,1
	dm	str,^d9999,1,1
	dm	ps,1,1,1
;generate pointers to special processor tables
	define	term(nm,cd,pl)<
	iowd	prl%'cd,pra%'cd
>;end define term
trmlst:	trminl
;generate pointers to terminal-dependent finishing routines
	define	term(nm,cd,pl)<
if2<ifndef fin'cd,<fin'cd==cpopj>>
	xwd	0,fin'cd
>;end define term
fintab:	trminl
;generate character list with pointer to processor and string groups
	define	term(nm,cd,pl)<
	irp	pl,<
	define	item(in,ipr,ich,ics)<
if2<ifb <ich>,<printx ?Missing character for code cd and processor ipr>>
	ascii8	ipch,ich
	byte	(10)0(8)ipch(18)ipr
	iowd	gl'cd''in,g%'cd''in
>;end define item
	mpass2	item,\zz,pl
>;end irp pl
>;end define term
;character string tables for the various processor/character combinations
	define	term(nm,cd,pl)<
	irp	pl,<
	define	item(in,ipr,ich,ics)<
	define	tstr(ch0,ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4,ch5,ch6,ch7,chx)<
if2<ifnb <chx>,<printx ?Character string too long for terminal nm, processor ipr, character ich>>
	ifb	<ch0>,<mk0==0>
	ifnb	<ch0>,<mk0==-1>
	ifb	<ch1>,<mk1==0>
	ifnb	<ch1>,<mk1==-1>
	ifb	<ch2>,<mk2==0>
	ifnb	<ch2>,<mk2==-1>
	ifb	<ch3>,<mk3==0>
	ifnb	<ch3>,<mk3==-1>
	ifb	<ch4>,<mk4==0>
	ifnb	<ch4>,<mk4==-1>
	ifb	<ch5>,<mk5==0>
	ifnb	<ch5>,<mk5==-1>
	ifb	<ch6>,<mk6==0>
	ifnb	<ch6>,<mk6==-1>
	ifb	<ch7>,<mk7==0>
	ifnb	<ch7>,<mk7==-1>
	ascii8	pch0,ch0
	ascii8	pch1,ch1
	ascii8	pch2,ch2
	ascii8	pch3,ch3
	ascii8	pch4,ch4
	ascii8	pch5,ch5
	ascii8	pch6,ch6
	ascii8	pch7,ch7
	byte	(9)pch7,pch6,pch5,pch4,pch3,pch2,pch1,pch0
	byte	(9)mk7,mk6,mk5,mk4,mk3,mk2,mk1,mk0
	purge	pch0,pch1,pch2,pch3,pch4,pch5,pch6,pch7
	purge	mk0,mk1,mk2,mk3,mk4,mk5,mk6,mk7
>;end define tstr
	irp	ics,<
	define	tx(txcl)<
	tstr	txcl
>;end define tx
	tx	ics
>;end irp ics
>;end define item
	mpass2	item,\zz,pl
>;end irp pl
	purge	zz
>;end define term
	end	podtyp