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CALC Ver. 1 was never released.
This release replaces Ver. 2 (DECUS No. 20-7).
CALC Ver. 3 is functionally identical to Ver. 2, with the exception
of the following fix and the improvement to MCR20 detailed below.
- CALC Ver. 2 would print an error when trying to calculate
SQRT(.1)-2. It was found that the precedence of stack
operations were not proper, causing this error. It has
been fixed.
- Ver. 2 required that the user be CONNECTed to the directory
containing CALC.EXE in order to use CALC. This has been
rectified by a rewrite of MCR20 and minor changes to
CALC.FOR (the main program). MCR20 is a MACRO-20 subroutine
which obtains the command line from TOPS-20. It checks the
line and decides if the run is a one-shot or a continuous
session. If it's a one-shot, MCR20 returns the argument
(CALC expression hopefully) to the calling program.
The following examples will cause CALC to evaluate the
given expression and exit immediately:
@CALC 2+2
@CALC SQRT(3*3+4*4)
@CALC (-8+SQRT(8*8-4*1*16))/(2*1)
The following examples will cause CALC to enter continuous
mode, prompting with CALC>
@CALC (no argument)
MCR20 uses the TOPS-20 COMND JSYS and parses for a file
name. Thus CALC may be renamed and/or MCR20 could be utilized
by other programs.
It should be noted that the syntax:
@RUN CALC expression
is disallowed by TOPS-20 (Ver. 3 at this writing) and thus
by extension, disallowed by CALC.