PDP-10 Archives
There is 1 other file named pascnv.mac in the archive. Click here to see a list.
title PASCNV - random type conversion routines
search pasunv,monsym
entry to6,from6,curjfn,setjfn
extern relf.
reloc 400000
to6: ;b,c - alfa
;d - output
movei a,6
move e,[point 7,b]
move f,[point 6,d]
to6l: ildb t,e
caige t,40 ;treat ctl char's as blank
movei t,40
cail t,140 ;treat lower case as upper
subi t,40
subi t,40
idpb t,f
sojg a,to6l
movem d,1(p)
popj p,
from6: ;b - integer
;c - addr. of output
movei a,6
move d,[point 6,b]
hrli c,440700
move t,[ascii / /]
movem t,1(c)
from6l: ildb t,d
addi t,40
idpb t,c
sojg a,from6l
popj p,
curjfn: move a,filjfn(b)
movem a,1(p)
popj p,
setjfn: move t,filtst(b) ;if file not yet initialized
caie t,314157
pushj p,initb.## ;do so
pushj p,relf.
movem c,filjfn(b)
popj p,