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title zerovr - module to set floating point error results to 0
comment %
WARNING: This routine uses KL instructions
This routine is designed to be called at interrupt level to clear out
the result of an operation that overflowed, underflowed, etc. It
sets the result to zero. The easiest way to use it is:
This will result in all arithmetic errors turning into zero. If you
want to print messages, count errors, etc., you should write your
own interrupt handler, which would then call this one to zero out the
result. Note that your procedure should accept at least 5 parameters,
and pass them on to this when it calls it. If you only want to worry
about floating point errors, consider just activating channel 7.
If the overhead involved in Pascal interrupt handling is too much for
you (e.g. you expect problems in an inner loop), you should instead
explicitly test for errors and do your own recovery in the program.
x := x/y;
if aritherr then x := 0;
Aritherr can be defined as follows:
twoseg 400000
entry arithe
arithe: setzm 1(p) ;assume no error
jfcl 17,.+2 ;test for any error
popj p, ;none
aos 1(p) ;error - return true
popj p,
The jfcl 17, tests for all error bits. You can of course choose to
test for only certain ones. If use this method you should obviously
disable the usual Pascal arithmetic error trap. Either run with
/NOCHECK or (*$C-*), which will disable all checking, or if you
prefer to get the usual bounds checking, etc., just do
psidisable(6); psidisable(7)
to turn off the arithmetic traps.
When you call psidefine to set up zerovr, zerovr will replace the
default Pascal arithmetic trap, so you do not need to (indeed should
not) disable channels 6 and 7 when you use zerovr.
For the ultimate in arithmetic error processing, see the module
CALFOR, which will allow you to call the Fortran arithmetic error
entry zerovr
twoseg 400000
;where called by the interrupt procedure, arguments are set up:
; c - old PC
; e - where the saved old PC is
; f - where the saved AC's are
zerovr: move a,-1(c) ;interrupted instruction
move b,(c) ;next instruction
ldb d,[point 9,b,8] ;op code
cain d,(<jfcl>_-9) ;unless next instruction is jfcl
jrst isjfcl ;in which case we may not want to do anything
jfclOK: hrrzs (e) ;clear error bits from PC if not jfcl
;the place we have to clear depends upon the operation that blew up
;so the following code uses a table with one entry for each opcode,
;specifying a routine to use.
ldb b,[point 9,a,8] ;op code of one that blew
cail b,110 ;if not 110-377
caile b,377
popj p, ;also ignore
subi b,110 ;get offset into dispatch table
adjbp b,[point 6,zertab,5] ;get pointer to routine code
ldb c,b ;c _ routine code
jrst @zerdis(c) ;go to routine
;this code is called when the next instruction after the one that
;blew up is a jfcl. The idea is that if the user is about to test
;for an error bit, we should let him handle it himself. But we first
;check to be sure the error is one of the ones he is testing for.
isjfcl: ldb d,[point 4,b,12] ;look at the ac field of the jfcl - bits to test
lsh d,^D32 ;align with bits in PC
tdnn d,c ;do we have any of the bits the jfcl is going to test?
jrst jfclOK ;no - ignore the jfcl
and c,d ;clear out the other bits
hllm c,(e) ;in saved PC, so he doesn't get any he can't handle
popj p, ;yes - let the user handle it
;This is a dispatch table of routines to go to for various kinds of
zerdis: clrn ;noop
clra ;clear one AC
clra2 ;clear two AC's
clra4 ;clear four AC's
clrm ;clear memory
clrm2 ;clear two memory loc's
clram ;clear AC and memory
clra2m ;clear two AC's and memory
clrn: popj p,
;clear one AC
clra: ldb b,[point 4,a,12] ;ac field
add b,f ;where it is stored
setzm (b) ;clear ac
popj p,
;clear AC and AC+1
clra2: ldb b,[point 4,a,12] ;ac
move c,b
add c,f ;relocate to where stored
setzm (c)
addi b,1 ;next ac
andi b,17
add b,f
setzm (b)
popj p,
;clear AC to AC+3, handling wraparounds
clra4: ldb a,[point 4,a,12] ;ac
move b,a
add b,f
setzm (b)
movei c,3 ;three more ac's
clra4l: addi a,1
move b,a
andi b,17
add b,f
setzm (b)
sojg c,clra4l
popj p,
;clear effective address
clrm: ldb b,[point 4,a,17] ;index reg
tlz a,777757 ;now clear op code,ac, and index from instruction
caie b,0 ;unless no index reg
tlo a,c ;modify to use index c
tlo a,(movei b,);movei
add b,f ;relocate to addr of index reg used
move c,(b) ;and get contents
xct a ;do it - c now has addr of thing to be changed
caig b,17
jrst clrac ;if it is an ac, it is special
setzm (b) ;no - just do it
popj p,
clrac: move c,b ;can't garbage b
add c,f ;relocate into user ac's
setzm (c) ;clear it
popj p,
;clear effective address and E+1
clrm2: pushj p,clrm ;do first one
hrri b,1(b) ;now go to next
caig b,17 ;and do it
jrst clrac
setzm (b)
popj p,
;clear AC and E
clram: pushj p,clra
pushj p,clrm
popj p,
;clear AC, AC+1, and E
clra2m: pushj p,clra2
pushj p,clrm
popj p,
;The following codes are used in the table of opcode data. They are
;offsets in the dispatch table above.
;here we have a table of what to clear for each instruction
; that can cause overflow/underflow, etc. It simply indicates where
; the results of that instruction go. This table was made up when I
; was half asleep, so please report any errors in it. Its accuracy
; is obviously crucial to the behavior of this code.
zertab: byte (6)a2,a2,a2,a2,a2,a2 ;110-115
byte (6)a4,a4,n,a2,a,n ;116-123
byte (6)n,m2,a,a,a2,am ;124-131
byte (6)a,n,n,n,n,n ;132-137
byte (6)a,a2,m,am,a,a ;140-145
byte (6)m,am,a,a2,m,am ;146-153
byte (6)a,a,m,am,a,a2 ;154-161
byte (6)m,am,a,a,m,am ;162-167
byte (6)a,a2,m,am,a,a ;170-175
byte (6)m,am,n,n,n,n ;176-203
byte (6)n,n,n,n,a,a ;204-211
byte (6)m,m,n,n,n,n ;212-217
byte (6)a,a,m,am,a2,a2 ;220-225
byte (6)m,a2m,a2,a2,m,a2m ;226-233
byte (6)a2,a2,m,a2m,n,n ;234-241
z ;242-247
z ;250-255
z ;256-263
byte (6)n,n,n,n,a,a ;264-271
byte (6)m,am,a,a,m,am ;272-277
z ;300-305
z ;306-313
z ;314-321
z ;322-327
z ;330-335
byte (6)n,n,a,a,a,a ;336-343
byte (6)a,a,a,a,m,m ;344-351
byte (6)m,m,m,m,m,m ;352-357
byte (6)a,a,a,a,a,a ;360-365
byte (6)a,a,m,m,m,m ;366-373
byte (6)m,m,m,m,n,n ;374-377