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                               SECTION 9

                         THE INTERLISP EDITOR

The  INTERLISP  editor  allows rapid,  convenient  modification  of list
structures.  Most often it is used to edit function  definitions, (often
while  the function  itself is  running) via  the function  editf, e.g.,
EDITF(FOO).  However, the editor can also be used to edit the value of a
variable, via editv, to edit a  property list, via editp, or to  edit an
arbitrary  expression,  via edite.   It  is an  important  feature which
allows good on-line interaction in the INTERLISP system.

This chapter  begins with  a lengthy introduction  intended for  the new
user.  The reference portion begins on page 9.11.

9.1 Introduction

Let us introduce  some of the basic  editor commands, and give  a flavor
for  the editor's  language structure  by guiding  the reader  through a
hypothetical  editing session.   Suppose  we are  editing  the following
incorrect definition of append:

              [LAMBDA (X)
                  ((NUL X)
                  (T (CONS (CAR)
                           (APPEND (CDR X Y]

We call the editor via the function editf:


The editor responds by typing EDIT followed by *, which is  the editor's
prompt character, i.e., it signifies that the editor is ready  to accept

    The editor was written by and is the responsibility of W. Teitelman.



At  any  given  moment,  the  editor's  attention  is  centered  on some
substructure  of  the  expression being  edited.   This  substructure is
called the  current expression,  and it is  what the  user sees  when he
gives  the editor  the  command P,  for print.   Initially,  the current
expression  is the  top  level one,  i.e., the  entire  expression being
edited.  Thus:

              (LAMBDA (X) Y (COND & &))

Note that the editor prints the current expression as  though printlevel
were set to 2, i.e., sublists of sublists are printed as &.  The command
? will print the current expression as though printlevel were 1000.


and the command PP will prettyprint the current expression.

A positive integer is interpreted by the editor as a command  to descend
into  the correspondingly  numbered element  of the  current expression.


A negative integer  has a similar effect,  but counting begins  from the
end of the current expression and proceeds backward, i.e., -1  refers to
the last  element in the  current expression, -2  the next to  the last,
etc.  For either  positive integer or negative  integer, if there  is no
such  element, an  error occurs,   the editor  types the  faulty command

    In other words, all lines  beginning with * were typed by  the user,
    the rest by the editor.

    'Editor errors' are not of the flavor described in Section 16, i.e.,
    they never cause breaks or  even go through the error  machinery but
    are direct calls to error! indicating that a command is in  some way
    faulty.  What  happens next  depends  on the  context  in  which the
    command  was  being  executed. For  example,  there  are conditional
    commands  which branch  on errors.  In most  situations,  though, an
    error will cause the editor to type the faulty command followed by a
    ?  and wait  for  more input.  Note  that typing  control-E  while a
    command is being  executed aborts the  command exactly as  though it
    had caused an error.


followed by a  ?, and then another  *.  The current expression  is never
changed when a command causes an error.  Thus:


                   2 ?

A phrase of the form "the current expression is changed" or 'the current
expression becomes' refers to a shift in the editor's attention,  not to
a modification of the structure being edited.

When the user changes the current expression by descending into  it, the
old  current  expression  is not  lost.   Instead,  the  editor actually
operates by maintaining  a chain of  expressions leading to  the current
one.  The current  expression  is simply  the  last link  in  the chain.
Descending adds the indicated  subexpression onto the end of  the chain,
thereby making it be the  current expression.  The command 0 is  used to
ascend the chain; it removes the last link of the chain,  thereby making
the previous link be the current expression.  Thus:

              *0 P
              *0 -1 P
              (COND (& Z) (T &))

Note  the use  of several  commands  on a  single line  in  the previous
output.   The editor  operates  in a  line  buffered mode,  the  same as
evalqt.  Thus no  command is actually seen  by the editor,  or executed,
until the line is terminated, either by a carriage return, or a matching
right parenthesis.  The  user can thus  use control-A and  control-Q for
line-editing edit commands, the same as he does for inputs to evalqt.

In  our  editing session,  we  will make  the  following  corrections to
append: delete Y from where it appears, add Y to the end of the argument
list,  change NUL to NULL, change Z to Y, add Z after CAR, and  insert a
right parenthesis following CDR X.

    These two operations could be though of as one operation, i.e., MOVE
    Y from its current position to a new position, and in fact  there is
    a MOVE  command in  the editor.  However, for  the purposes  of this
    introduction,  we  will  confine  ourselves  to  the   simpler  edit


First we will delete  Y.  By now we have  forgotten where we are  in the
function  definition, but  we want  to be  at the  "top" so  we  use the
command ^, which ascends through the entire chain of expressions  to the
top level expression, which then becomes the current expression, i.e., ^
removes all links except the first one.

              *^ P
              (LAMBDA (X) Y (COND & &))

Note that if we are already at  the top, ^ has no effect, i.e., it  is a
NOP.  However, 0 would generate an error. In other words, ^ means "go to
the top," while 0 means "ascend one link."

The basic structure modification commands in the editor are:

    (n)                 n > 1 deletes the corresponding
                        element from the current expression.

    (n e1 ... em)       n,m > 1 replaces the nth element in  the current
                        expression with e1 ... em.

    (-n e1 ... em)      n,m > 1 inserts e1 ... em before the nth element
                        in the current expression.


              (LAMBDA (X) Y (COND & &))
              *(2 (X Y))
              (LAMBDA (X Y) (COND & &))

All structure modification done by the editor is destructive,  i.e., the
editor uses rplaca and rplacd to physically change the structure  it was

Note that all three of  the above commands perform their  operation with
respect to the nth element from the front of the current expression; the
sign of  n is used  to specify whether  the operation is  replacement or
insertion.  Thus, there is no way to specify deletion or  replacement of
the nth  element from the  end of the  current expression,  or insertion
before the nth element from the end without counting out  that element's
position  from the  front  of the  list.  Similarly,  because  we cannot
specify insertion after a particular element, we cannot attach something
at the end of the current expression using the above commands.  Instead,
we use  the command  N (for nconc).   Thus we  could have  performed the
above changes instead by:


              (LAMBDA (X) Y (COND & &))
              *2 (N Y)
              (X Y)
              *^ P
              *(LAMBDA (X Y) (COND & &))

Now  we  are ready  to  change NUL  to  NULL.  Rather  than  specify the
sequence of descent commands necessary to reach NUL, and then replace it
with NULL, e.g.,  3 2 1 (1  NULL), we will use  F, the find  command, to
find NUL:

              (LAMBDA (X Y) (COND & &))
              *F NUL
              (NUL X)
              *(1 NULL)
              *0 P
              ((NULL X) Z)

Note that F is special in  that it corresponds to two inputs.   In other
words, F says to the  editor, "treat your next command as  an expression
to be searched for." The search is carried out in printout order  in the
current  expression.  If  the target  expression is  not found  there, F
automatically  ascends  and  searches  those  portions  of   the  higher
expressions  that  would  appear  after  (in  a  printout)  the  current
expression.  If  the search  is successful,  the new  current expression
will be  the structure where  the expression was  found,  and  the chain
will  be the  same as  one resulting  from the  appropriate  sequence of
ascent and descent commands.  If the search is not successful,  an error
occurs, and neither the current expression nor the chain is changed:

    If the search  is for an atom,  e.g., F NUL, the  current expression
    will be the structure containing the atom.

    F is never a NOP, i.e., if successful, the current  expression after
    the search will never be  the same as the current  expression before
    the search. Thus F  expr repeated without intervening  commands that
    change the edit  chain can be used  to find successive  instances of


              ((NULL X) Z)
              *F COND P

              COND ?
              *((NULL X) Z)

Here the search failed to find a cond following the  current expression,
although of course  a cond does appear  earlier in the  structure.  This
last example illustrates another facet of the error  recovery mechanism:
to avoid  further confusion when  an error occurs,  all commands  on the
line beyond the  one which caused the  error (and all commands  that may
have been typed ahead while the editor was computing) are forgotten.

We could also  have used the  R command (for  replace) to change  NUL to
NULL.  A command of the  form (R e1 e2) will replace all  occurrences of
e1 in the  current expression by  e2.  There must  be at least  one such
occurrence or the R  command will generate an  error.  Let us use  the R
command to change all Z's (even  though there is only one) in  append to

              *^ (R Z Y)
              *F Z

              Z ?
                [LAMBDA (X Y)
                    ((NULL X)
                    (T (CONS (CAR)
                        (APPEND (CDR X Y]

The  next task  is to  change (CAR)  to (CAR  X).  We  could do  this by
(R (CAR) (CAR X)), or by:

              *F CAR
              *(N X)
              (CAR X)

The expression we  now want to change  is the next expression  after the
current expression, i.e., we are  currently looking at (CAR X)  in (CONS
(CAR X) (APPEND (CDR X Y))).   We could get to the append  expression by

    i.e.,  the  input  buffer  is  cleared  (and  saved)  (see clearbuf,
    Section 14). It  can be restored,  and the type-ahead  recovered via
    the command $BUFS (alt-mode BUFS), described in Section 22.


typing 0 and then 3 or -1, or we can use the command NX, which does both

              (CAR X)
              *NX P
              (APPEND (CDR X Y))

Finally, to change (APPEND  (CDR X Y)) to  (APPEND (CDR X) Y),  we could
perform (2 (CDR X) Y), or (2 (CDR X)) and (N Y), or 2 and  (3), deleting
the Y, and then  0 (N Y).  However, if  Y were a complex  expression, we
would not want to  have to retype it.   Instead, we could use  a command
which  effectively inserts  and/or removes  left and  right parentheses.
There are six  of these commands: BI,BO,LI,LO,RI,  and RO, for  both in,
both out, left  in, left out,  right in, and  right out.  Of  course, we
will  always  have  the  same  number  of  left  parentheses   as  right
parentheses,  because the  parentheses are  just a  notational  guide to
structure that is  provided by our print  program.  Thus, left  in, left
out, right in, and right out  actually do not insert or remove  just one
parenthesis, but this is very suggestive of what actually happens.

In this case, we would like a right parenthesis to appear following X in
(CDR X Y).  Therefore, we use the command (RI 2 2), which means insert a
right parentheses after the second element in the second element (of the
current expression):

              (APPEND (CDR X Y))
              *(RI 2 2)
              (APPEND (CDR X) Y)

We have now finished our editing, and can exit from the editor,  to test
append, or we could test it  while still inside of the editor,  by using
the E command:

              *E APPEND((A B) (C D E))
              (A B C D E)

The E command causes the next input to be given to evalqt.  If  there is
another input following it, as  in the above example, the first  will be
applied  (apply)  to  the second.   Otherwise,  the  input  is evaluated

We prettyprint append, and leave the editor.

    Herein  lies one  of  the principal  advantages of  a  LISP oriented
    editor over  a text  editor: unbalanced  parentheses errors  are not


                [LAMBDA (X Y)
                    ((NULL X)
                    (T (CONS (CAR X)
                        (APPEND (CDR X) Y]

9.2 Commands for the New User

As mentioned earlier,  the INTERLISP manual  is intended primarily  as a
reference manual,  and the  remainder of this  chapter is  organized and
presented accordingly.   While the commands  introduced in  the previous
scenario constitute a complete set, i.e., the user could perform any and
all  editing  operations  using  just  those  commands,  there  are many
situations  in which  knowing  the right  command(s) can  save  the user
considerable effort.  We include here as part of the introduction a list
of those commands which are not only frequently applicable but also easy
to use.   They are not  presented in any  particular order, and  are all
discussed in detail in the reference portion of the chapter.

UNDO                    undoes  the last  modification to  the structure
                        being  edited,  e.g., if  the  user  deletes the
                        wrong  element,  UNDO  will  restore   it.   The
                        availability  of  UNDO  should  give   the  user
                        confidence  to  experiment  with  any   and  all
                        editing commands, no matter how complex, because
                        he can always reverse the effect of the command.

BK                      like NX, except makes the expression immediately
                        before the current expression become current.

BF                      backwards   find.   Like   F,   except  searches
                        backwards, i.e., in inverse print order.

\                       Restores   the   current   expression   to   the
                        expression before the  last "big jump",  e.g., a
                        find command, an ^, or another \.   For example,
                        if  the user  types  F COND, and  then  F CAR, \
                        would  take him  back  to the  COND.   Another \
                        would take him back to the CAR.

\P                      like \ except it restores the edit chain  to its
                        state as of the  last print, either by P,  ?, or
                        PP.   If the  edit  chain has  not  been changed
                        since  the last  print,  \P restores  it  to its
                        state as of the printing before that  one, i.e.,
                        two chains are always saved.


Thus if the user types P followed by  3 2 1 P, \P will take him  back to
the first P, i.e., would be equivalent to 0 0 0.  Another \P  would then
take him back to  the second P.  Thus the  user can use \P to  flip back
and forth between two current expressions.

&,--                    The  search  expression  given to  the  F  or BF
                        command  need  not  be  a  literal S-expression.
                        Instead, it can be a pattern.  The symbol  & can
                        be used  anywhere within  this pattern  to match
                        with any single element of a list, and -- can be
                        used to match with any segment of a list.  Thus,
                        in  the  incorrect  definition  of  append  used
                        earlier, F (NUL &) could have been used  to find
                        (NUL X), and F (CDR --) or F (CDR & &),  but not
                        F (CDR &), to find (CDR X Y).

Note that & and -- can be nested arbitrarily deeply in the pattern.  For
example, if there are  many places where the  variable X is set,  F SETQ
may not find  the desired expression, nor  may F (SETQ X &).  It  may be
necessary to use F (SETQ X (LIST --)).  However, the usual  technique in
such a  case is  to pick  out a unique  atom which  occurs prior  to the
desired  expression,  and  perform two  F  commands.   This  "homing in"
process seems to be more convenient than ultra-precise  specification of
the pattern.

$ (alt-mode)            $ is  equivalent to --  at the  character level,
                        e.g., VER$ will match with VERYLONGATOM, as will
                        $ATOM, $LONG$, (but  not $LONG) and  $V$N$M$.  $
                        can   be  nested   inside   of  a pattern, e.g.,
                        F (SETQ VER$ (CONS --)).

                        If  the search  is successful,  the  editor will
                        print = followed by the atom which  matched with
                        the $-atom, e.g.,
                        *F (SETQ VER$ &)

Frequently the user will want to replace the entire  current expression,
or insert something before it.  In  order to do this using a  command of
the form  (n e1 ... em) or  (-n e1 ... em), the  user must be  above the
current  expression.  In  other  words, he  would  have to  perform  a 0
followed by a command with  the appropriate number.  However, if  he has
reached the current  expression via an F  command, he may not  know what
that  number is.   In this  case, the  user would  like a  command whose
effect would be to modify the edit chain so that the  current expression
became the first element in  a new, higher current expression.   Then he
could perform the desired operation via (1 e1 ... em) or (-1 e1 ... em).
UP is provided for this purpose.


UP                      after UP operates, the old current expression is
                        the first element of the new current expression.
                        Note that if  the current expression  happens to
                        be  the  first   element  in  the   next  higher
                        expression, then  UP is exactly  the same  as 0.
                        Otherwise, UP  modifies the  edit chain  so that
                        the  new current  expression is  a tail   of the
                        next higher expression:

                        *F APPEND P
                        (APPEND (CDR X) Y)
                        *UP P
                        ... (APPEND & Y))
                        *0 P
                        (CONS (CAR X) (APPEND & Y))

                        The ... is used  by the editor to  indicate that
                        the  current expression  is a  tail of  the next
                        higher expression as opposed to being an element
                        (i.e., a member) of the next  higher expression.
                        Note:  if the  current expression  is  already a
                        tail, UP has no effect.

(B e1 ... em)           inserts e1 ... em before the current expression,
                        i.e., does an UP and then a -1.

(A e1 ... em)           inserts e1 ... em after the  current expression,
                        i.e.,  does   an  UP  and   then  either   a  (-
                        2 e1 ... em) or an (N e1 ... em), if the current
                        expression is  the last one  in the  next higher

(: e1 ... em)           replaces current expression by  e1 ... em, i.e.,
                        does an UP and then a (1 e1 ... em).

DELETE                  deletes current expression; equivalent to (:).

Earlier, we introduced the RI  command in the append example.   The rest
of the commands in this family: BI, BO, LI, LO, and RO,  perform similar
functions  and  are  useful in  certain  situations.   In  addition, the
commands  MBD and  XTR can  be used  to combine  the effects  of several
commands  of  the  BI-BO  family.  MBD  is  used  to  embed  the current
expression  in  a  larger  expression.   For  example,  if  the  current
expression is (PRINT bigexpression), and the user wants to replace it by
(COND (FLG (PRINT bigexpression))), he could accomplish this  by (LI 1),
(-1 FLG), (LI 1), and (-1 COND), or by a single MBD command, page 9.35.

    Throughout this chapter "tail" means "proper tail" (see Section 5).


XTR is used to extract  an expression from the current  expression.  For
example, extracting the  PRINT expression from  the above COND  could be
accomplished by (1), (LO 1), (1), and (LO 1) or by a single XTR command.
The new user is encouraged to  include XTR and MBD in his  repertoire as
soon as he is familiar with the more basic commands.

This ends the introductory material.

9.3 Attention Changing Commands

Commands to the editor fall into three classes: commands that change the
current expression (i.e., change  the edit chain) thereby  "shifting the
editor's attention,"  commands that modify  the structure  being edited,
and  miscellaneous commands,  e.g., exiting  from the  editor, printing,
evaluating expressions, etc.

Within the context of commands that shift the editor's attention, we can
distinguish among (1) those commands whose operation depends only on the
structure of the edit chain, e.g., 0, UP, NX; (2) those which  depend on
the contents of the structure, i.e., commands that search; and (3) those
commands which  simply restore  the edit chain  to some  previous state,
e.g., \, \P.  (1) and (2)  can also be thought of as local,  small steps
versus open  ended, big jumps.   Commands of type  (1) are  discussed on
page  9.11-16,  type  (2)  on  page  9.16-25,  and  type  (3)   on  page

9.3.1 Local Attention-Changing Commands

UP                      (1) If  a P  command would  cause the  editor to
                        type ...  before typing the  current expression,
                        ie.., the  current expression is  a tail  of the
                        next  higher  expression,  UP  has   no  effect;
                        (2) UP modifies the  edit chain so that  the old
                        current expression (i.e., the one at the time UP
                        was  called) is  the  first element  in  the new
                        current expression.

    If the current  expression is the first  element in the  next higher
    expression UP simply does  a 0. Otherwise UP adds  the corresponding
    tail to the edit chain.


Examples: The current expression in each case is (COND ((NULL X) (RETURN

              1.   *1 P
                   *UP P
                   (COND (& &))

              2.   *-1 P
                   ((NULL X) (RETURN Y))
                   *UP P
                   ... ((NULL X) (RETURN Y))
                   *UP P
                   ... ((NULL X) (RETURN Y)))

              3.   *F NULL P
                   (NULL X)
                   *UP P
                   ((NULL X) (RETURN Y))
                   *UP P
                   ... ((NULL X) (RETURN Y)))

The execution of UP is straightforward, except in those cases  where the
current expression appears more than once in the next higher expression.
For example, if the  current expression is (A NIL  B NIL C NIL)  and the
user  performs 4  followed  by UP,  the current  expression  should then
be ... NIL C NIL).   UP  can determine  which  tail is  the  correct one
because the  commands that  descend save  the last  tail on  an internal
editor variable, lastail.  Thus after the 4 command is executed, lastail
is (NIL C NIL).  When UP is  called, it first determines if  the current
expression is a  tail of the  next higher expression.   If it is,  UP is
finished.  Otherwise, UP computes
memb[current-expression;next-higher-expression]   to   obtain   a   tail
beginning with the current expression.   If there are no other instances
of the current  expression in the next  higher expression, this  tail is
the  correct  one.  Otherwise  UP  uses lastail  to  select  the correct

    The current expression should always be either a tail or  an element
    of the  next higher expression.  If it is  neither, for  example the
    user has directly (and  incorrectly) manipulated the edit  chain, UP
    generates an error.



n (n > 1)               adds the nth  element of the  current expression
                        to the front  of the edit chain,  thereby making
                        it be the new current expression.   Sets lastail
                        for  use  by  UP.   Generates  an  error  if the
                        current expression is  not a list  that contains
                        at least n elements.

-n (n > 1)              adds the nth element from the end of the current
                        expression  to  the  front  of  the  edit chain,
                        thereby making it be the new current expression.
                        Sets lastail for use by UP.  Generates  an error
                        if  the current  expression is  not a  list that
                        contains at least n elements.

0                       Sets edit  chain to cdr  of edit  chain, thereby
                        making  the next  higher expression  be  the new
                        current expression.  Generates an error if there
                        is no higher expression, i.e., cdr of edit chain
                        is NIL.

Note that 0  usually corresponds to going  back to the next  higher left
parenthesis, but not always.  For example, if the current  expression is
(A B C D E F B), and the user performs:

              *3 UP P
              ... C D E F G)
              *3 UP P
              ... E F G)
              *0 P
              ... C D E F G)

If the  intention is  to go back  to the  next higher  left parenthesis,
regardless of any intervening tails, the command !0 can be used.

    Occasionally the  user can  get the  edit chain  into a  state where
    lastail cannot resolve the ambiguity, for example if there  were two
    non-atomic structures in the  same expression that were eq,  and the
    user descended more than one  level into one of them and  then tried
    to  come  back  out  using UP.  In  this  case,  UP  prints LOCATION
    UNCERTAIN and generates  an error. Of  course, we could  have solved
    this  problem completely  in our  implementation by  saving  at each
    descent both  elements and  tails. However, this  would be  a costly
    solution to a situation that arises infrequently, and when  it does,
    has  no  detrimental  effects. The  lastail  solution  is  cheap and
    resolves 99% of the ambiguities.

    !0 is pronounced bang-zero.


!0                      does repeated 0's until it reaches a point where
                        the current expression is not a tail of the next
                        higher expression, i.e., always goes back to the
                        next higher left parenthesis.

^                       sets edit chain  to last of edit  chain, thereby
                        making the top  level expression be  the current
                        expression.  Never generates an error.

NX                      effectively  does  an  UP  followed  by  a  2,
                        thereby  making  the current  expression  be the
                        next  expression.   Generates  an  error  if the
                        current expression  is the last  one in  a list.
                        (However, !NX  described below will  handle this

BK                      makes  the  current expression  be  the previous
                        expression  in   the  next   higher  expression.
                        Generates an error if the current  expression is
                        the first expression in a list.

For example, if the current expression is (COND ((NULL X) (RETURN Y))):

              *F RETURN P
              (RETURN Y)
              *BK P
              (NULL X)

(NX n) n > 1            equivalent to n NX commands, except if  an error
                        occurs, the edit chain is not changed.

(BK n) n > 1            equivalent to n BK commands, except if  an error
                        occurs, the edit chain is not changed.

Note:    (NX -n) is equivalent to (BK n), and vice versa.

!NX                     makes current expression be the  next expression
                        at a higher level, i.e., goes through any number
                        of  right  parentheses   to  get  to   the  next

    Both NX and BK operate by performing a !0 followed by an appropriate
    number, i.e.,  there won't be  an extra tail  above the  new current
    expression, as  there would be  if NX operated  by performing  an UP
    followed by a 2.


For example:

                (PROG ((L L)
                        (UF L))
                  LP  (COND
                        ((NULL (SETQ L (CDR L)))
                        ([NULL (CDR (FMEMB (CAR L)
                                       (CADR L]
                          (GO LP)))
                      (EDITCOM (QUOTE NX))
                      (SETQ UNFIND UF)
                      (RETURN L))
              *F CDR P
              (CDR L)

              NX   ?
              *!NX P
              *!NX P
              ((NULL &) (GO LP))
              *!NX P
              (EDITCOM (QUOTE NX))

!NX operates  by doing 0's  until it reaches  a stage where  the current
expression is not the last expression in the next higher expression, and
then does  a NX.  Thus  !NX always goes  through at least  one unmatched
right  parenthesis,  and  the  new current  expression  is  always  on a
different level, i.e., !NX and NX always produce different results.  For
example using the previous current expression:

              *F CAR P
              (CAR L)
              *!NX P
              (GO LP)
              *\P P
              (CAR L)
              *NX P
              (CADR L)

(NTH n) n ~= 0         equivalent to n followed by UP, i.e., causes the
                        list  starting  with  the  nth  element  of  the
                        current  expression  (or  nth  from  the  end if
                        n < 0)  to  become  the   current  expression.
                        Causes an error  if current expression  does not
                        have at least n elements.

    (NTH  1) is  a NOP,  as is  (NTH -n) where  n is  the length  of the
    current expression.


A generalized form of NTH using location specifications is  described on
page 9.24.

9.3.2 Commands That Search

All of  the editor commands  that search use  the same  pattern matching
routine.    We  will  therefore begin  our  discussion  of  searching by
describing the pattern  match mechanism.  A  pattern pat matches  with x

         1.   pat is eq to x.

         2.   pat is &.

         3.   pat is a number and eqp to x.

         4.   pat is a string and strequal[pat;x] is true.

         5.   If  car[pat] is  the  atom *ANY*,  cdr[pat] is  a  list of
              patterns  and pat  matches x  if and  only if  one  of the
              patterns on cdr[pat] matches x.

         6a.  If pat is a literal atom or string containing one  or more
              alt-modes,    each  $  can  match  an   indefinite  number
              (including 0) of  contiguous characters in a  literal atom
              or  string,  e.g.,  VER$  matches  both  VERYLONGATOM  and
              "VERYLONGSTRING"  as  do  $LONG$  (but  not   $LONG),  and

         6b.  If pat  is a  literal atom  or string  ending in  two alt-
              modes, pat matches with  the first atom or string  that is
              "close"  to  pat,  in  the  sense  used  by  the  spelling
              corrector (Section 17).   E.g. CONSS$$ matches  with CONS,
              CNONC$$ with NCONC or NCONC1.
              The pattern matching routine always types a message of the
              form =x  to inform  the user  of the  object matched  by a
              pattern of type 6a or 6b,   e.g. =VERYLONGATOM.

         7.   If car[pat] is the atom --, pat matches x if
              a.   cdr[pat]=NIL, i.e., pat=(--), e.g.
                   (A --) matches (A) (A B C) and (A . B)

    This routine is available to the user directly, and is  described on
    page 9.68.

    except that the atom $ (alt-mode) matches only with itself.

    unless editquietflg=T.


                   In other words, -- can match any tail of a list.
              b.   cdr[pat] matches with some tail of x,
                   e.g., (A -- (&)) will match with (A B C (D)),
                   but not (A B C D), or (A B C (D) E).  However,
                   note that (A -- (&) --) will match with
                   (A B C (D) E).
                   In other words, -- can match any interior  segment of
                   a list.

         8.   If car[pat] is the atom  ==, pat matches x if and  only if
              cdr[pat] is eq to x.

         9.   Otherwise if x is a list, pat matches x if car[pat]
              matches car[x], and cdr[pat] matches cdr[x].

When the editor is searching, the pattern matching routine is  called to
match with  elements in  the structure, unless  the pattern  begins with
..., in which case cdr of the pattern is matched against proper tails in
the structure.  Thus if the current expression is (A B C (B C)),

               *F (B --)
               *P (B C)
               *0 F (... B --)
               ... B C (B C))

Matching is also attempted with atomic tails (except for NIL).  Thus

               (A (B . C))
               *F C
               ... . C)

Although the current expression is  the atom C after the  final command,
it is  printed as ... . C) to  alert the user  to the fact  that C  is a
tail, not an  element.  Note that the  pattern C will match  with either
instance of C  in (A C (B . C)), whereas  (... . C) will match  only the
second C.  The pattern NIL will only match with NIL as an element, i.e.,
it will not match in (A B), even though cddr of (A B) is  NIL.  However,
(... . NIL) (or equivalently (...)) may be  used to specify a  NIL tail,
e.g.,  (... . NIL) will  match with  cdr of  the third  subexpression of
((A . B) (C . D) (E)).

Search Algorithm

Searching  begins  with the  current  expression and  proceeds  in print

    Pattern  8  is  for  use  by programs  that  call  the  editor  as a
    subroutine, since any non-atomic expression in a command typed in by
    the user obviously cannot be eq to already existing structure.


order.  Searching usually means find the next instance of  this pattern,
and consequently  a match  is not  attempted that  would leave  the edit
chain unchanged.   At each step, the pattern is matched against the next
element in the expression  currently being searched, unless  the pattern
begins with ... in which case it is matched against the next tail of the

If the match is not successful, the search operation is  recursive first
in the car direction and then in the cdr direction, i.e., if the element
under examination is a list,  the search descends into that  list before
attempting to match with other elements (or tails) at the same level.

However, at no point is the total recursive depth of the search  (sum of
number of cars and cdrs  descended into) allowed to exceed the  value of
the variable  maxlevel.  At that  point, the search  of that  element or
tail  is abandoned,  exactly  as though  the  element or  tail  had been
completely searched  without finding a  match, and the  search continues
with  the  element  or  tail for  which  the  recursive  depth  is below
maxlevel.   This  feature  is  designed to  enable  the  user  to search
circular  list  structures  (by  setting  maxlevel  small),  as  well as
protecting him from accidentally encountering a circular  list structure
in the course of normal editing.  maxlevel is initially set to 300.

If a successful match is not found in the current expression, the search
automatically  ascends to  the next  higher expression,    and continues
searching  there on  the next  expression after  the expression  it just
finished  searching.  If  there is  none, it  ascends again,  etc.  This
process  continues until  the entire  edit chain  has been  searched, at
which point the search fails, and an error is generated.  If  the search
fails (or, what is equivalent, is aborted by control-E), the  edit chain
is not changed (nor are any conses performed).

If  the search  is successful,  i.e., an  expression is  found  that the
pattern matches, the edit  chain is set to  the value it would  have had
had the user reached that expression via a sequence of integer commands.

    However, there is  a version of the  find command which  can succeed
    and leave the current expression unchanged (see page 9.19).

    There is also  a version of the  find command (see page  9.20) which
    only attempts matches  at the top  level of the  current expression,
    i.e.,  does  not  descend   into  elements,  or  ascend   to  higher

    maxlevel can also be set to NIL, which is equivalent to infinity.

    See footnote on page 9.18.


If the expression that matched was a list, it will be the final  link in
the edit  chain, i.e.,  the new current  expression.  If  the expression
that matched  is not a  list, e.g., is  an atom, the  current expression
will be the tail beginning with that atom,   i.e., that atom will be the
first element in the new current expression.  In other words, the search
effectively does an UP.  

Search Commands

All of the commands below set lastail for use by UP, set unfind  for use
by  \ (page  9.25), and  do not  change the  edit chain  or  perform any
conses if they are unsuccessful or aborted.

F pattern               i.e.,  two commands:  the F  informs  the editor
                        that the next command is to be interpreted  as a
                        pattern.   This is  the most  common  and useful
                        form of  the find  command.  If  successful, the
                        edit chain always changes, i.e., F pattern means
                        find the next instance of pattern.

                        If  memb[pattern;current-expression] is  true, F
                        does not proceed  with a full  recursive search.
                        If the value of  the memb is NIL, F  invokes the
                        search algorithm described earlier.

Thus if the current expression is (PROG NIL LP (COND (-- (GO LP1)))  ...
LP1 ...), F LP1 will find the  prog label, not the LP1 inside of  the GO
expression, even though the latter appears first (in print order) in the
current expression.  Note  that 1 (making the  atom PROG be  the current
expression), followed by F LP1 would find the first LP1.

(F pattern N)           same as F pattern, i.e., finds the next instance
                        of pattern, except  the memb check of  F pattern
                        is not performed.

(F pattern T)           Similar to F pattern, except may succeed without
                        changing edit  chain, and  does not  perform the
                        memb check.

Thus if the  current expression is (COND ..),  F COND will look  for the
next COND, but (F COND T) will "stay here".

    Unless the atom  is a tail, e.g.,  B in (A .  B). In this  case, the
    current expression will be B, but will print as ... . B).

    Unless upfindflg=NIL (initially set to T). For discussion,  see page


(F pattern n) n > 1     Finds  the  nth  place  that   pattern  matches.
                        Equivalent   to  (F   pattern  T)   followed  by
                        (F pattern N)  repeated  n-1  times.   Each time
                        pattern successfully  matches, n  is decremented
                        by 1, and the search continues, until  n reaches
                        0.  Note that the pattern does not have to match
                        with  n identical  expressions; it  just  has to
                        match n times.   Thus if the  current expression
                        is (FOO1 FOO2 FOO3), (F FOO$ 3) will find FOO3.
                        If  the pattern  does not  match  successfully n
                        times, an error is generated and the  edit chain
                        is unchanged  (even if  the pattern  matched n-1

(F pattern) or          only matches with elements at the
(F pattern NIL)         top level of  the current expression,  i.e., the
                        search  will   not  descend  into   the  current
                        expression,  nor  will  it  go  outside  of  the
                        current   expression.    May   succeed   without
                        changing edit chain.

For example, if the current expression is
(PROG NIL (SETQ X (COND & &))  (COND &) ...), F COND will find  the COND
inside the  SETQ, whereas (F  (COND --)) will  find the top  level COND,
i.e., the second one.

(FS pattern1 ... patternn)
                        equivalent   to   F  pattern1   followed   by  F
                        pattern2 ... followed by F patternn, so  that if
                        F patternm  fails, edit chain  is left  at place
                        patternm-1 matched.

(F= expression x)       equivalent  to (F  (== .  expression)  x), i.e.,
                        searches for a  structure eq to  expression, see
                        page 9.17.

(ORF pattern1 ... patternn)
                        equivalent                                    to
                        (F (*ANY* pattern1 ... patternn) N),       i.e.,
                        searches for  an expression  that is  matched by
                        either pattern1, pattern2, ... or patternn.  See
                        page 9.16.

BF pattern              backwards  find.   Searches  in   reverse  print
                        order,  beginning  with  expression  immediately
                        before  the   current  expression   (unless  the
                        current expression is the top  level expression,
                        in which case BF searches the entire expression,
                        in reverse order).

                        BF uses the same pattern match routine as F, and
                        maxlevel and upfindflg have the same effect, but
                        the searching  begins at the  end of  each list,


                        and descends into each element before attempting
                        to  match  that element.   If  unsuccessful, the
                        search continues with the next previous element,
                        etc., until the front of the list is reached, at
                        which point BF ascends and backs up, etc.

For example, if the current expression is
(PROG NIL (SETQ X (SETQ Y (LIST Z))) (COND ((SETQ W --) --)) --), F LIST
followed by BF SETQ will  leave the current expression as (SETQ  Y (LIST
Z)), as will F COND followed by BF SETQ.

(BF pattern T)          search always includes current expression, i.e.,
                        starts  at  the end  of  current  expression and
                        works backward, then ascends and backs up, etc.

Thus in  the previous example,  where F COND  followed by BF  SETQ found
(SETQ Y (LIST Z)),  F  COND  followed  by (BF  SETQ  T)  would  find the
(SETQ W --) expression.

(BF pattern)            same as BF pattern.
(BF pattern NIL)

Location Specification

Many of the more sophisticated commands described later in  this chapter
use  a more  general  method of  specifying position  called  a location
specification. A location specification is a list of edit  commands that
are  executed in  the normal  fashion with  two exceptions.   First, all
commands not recognized by the editor are interpreted as though they had
been preceded by F.   For example, the location specification (COND 2 3)
specifies the 3rd element in the first clause of the next COND.

Secondly, if an error occurs while evaluating one of the commands in the
location specification, and the  edit chain had been changed,  i.e., was
not  the same  as  it was  at the  beginning  of that  execution  of the
location specification, the location operation will continue.   In other
words,  the location  operation keeps  going unless  it reaches  a state
where  it detects  that it  is "looping",  at which  point it  gives up.
Thus, if (COND 2 3) is being  located, and the first clause of  the next
COND contained only two elements,  the execution of the command  3 would
cause an error.  The search would then continue by looking for  the next
COND.  However,  if a  point were  reached where  there were  no further
CONDs, then  the first command,  COND, would cause  the error;  the edit

    Normally such commands would cause errors.

    Note that the user could always write F COND followed by 2 and 3 for
    (COND 2 3) if he were not sure  whether or not COND was the  name of
    an atomic command.


chain would not have been changed, and so the entire  location operation
would fail, and cause an error.

The IF  command in  conjunction with the  ## function  provide a  way of
using  arbitrary   predicates  applied  to   elements  in   the  current
expression.  IF and ## will be described in detail later in the chapter,
along with examples illustrating their use in location specifications.

Throughout this chapter, the meta-symbol @ is used to denote  a location
specification. Thus  @ is  a list of  commands interpreted  as described
above.   @  can also  be  atomic, in  which  case it  is  interpreted as

(LC . @)                provides  a  way  of  explicitly   invoking  the
                        location  operation,  e.g.,  (LC COND 2 3)  will
                        perform the the search described above.

(LCL . @)               Same as LC except the search is confined  to the
                        current  expression,  i.e.,  the  edit  chain is
                        rebound during  the search so  that it  looks as
                        though  the  editor  were  called  on  just  the
                        current expression.  For example, to find a COND
                        containing a RETURN, one might use  the location
                        specification (COND (LCL RETURN) \) where  the \
                        would reverse  the effects  of the  LCL command,
                        and  make the  final current  expression  be the

(2ND . @)               Same  as (LC . @)  followed by  another (LC . @)
                        except  that if  the first  succeeds  and second
                        fails, no change is made to the edit chain.

(3RD . @)               Similar to 2ND.

(_ pattern)             ascends the edit chain looking for a  link which
                        matches pattern.  In other words, it keeps doing
                        0's  until it  gets  to a  specified  point.  If
                        pattern is atomic, it is matched with  the first
                        element of each link, otherwise with  the entire

    If pattern is of  the form (IF expression), expression  is evaluated
    at each link, and if its  value is NIL, or the evaluation  causes an
    error, the ascent continues.


For example:

                [PROG NIL
                        [(NULL (SETQ L (CDR L)))
                            (FLG (RETURN L]
                        ([NULL (CDR (FMEMB (CAR L)
                                       (CADR L]]
              *F CADR
              *(_ COND)
              (COND (& &) (& &))

Note that this command differs from BF in that it does not search inside
of each  link, it  simply ascends.   Thus in  the above  example, F CADR
followed by BF COND  would find (COND (FLG (RETURN L))), not  the higher

                        If no match is found, an error is generated, and
                        the edit chain is unchanged.

(BELOW com x)           ascends  the  edit  chain  looking  for  a  link
                        specified  by  com, and  stops  x    links below
                        that,    i.e.  BELOW  keeps doing  0's  until it
                        gets to a specified point, and then backs  off x

(BELOW com)             same as (BELOW com 1).

For  example, (BELOW  COND) will  cause the  cond clause  containing the
current expression to  become the new  current expression.  Thus  if the
current expression  is as shown  above, F CADR followed  by (BELOW COND)
will         make         the         new          expression         be
([NULL (CDR (FMEMB (CAR L) (CADR L] (GO LP)),    and     is    therefore
equivalent to 0 0 0 0.

The BELOW command  is useful for  locating a substructure  by specifying
something it contains.  For example, suppose the user is editing  a list
of  lists, and  wants to  find a  sublist that  contains a  FOO  (at any
depth).  He simply executes F FOO (BELOW \).

    x is evaluated, e.g., (BELOW com (IPLUS X Y)).

    Only links that are elements are counted, not tails.


(NEX x)                 same as (BELOW x) followed by NX.

For example,  if the user  is deep  inside of a  SELECTQ clause,  he can
advance to the next clause with (NEX SELECTQ).

NEX                     same as (NEX _).

The atomic form of NEX is useful if the user will be performing repeated
executions of  (NEX x).   By simply  MARKing (see  page 9.25)  the chain
corresponding to x, he can use NEX to step through the sublists.

(NTH x)                 generalized  NTH  command.  Effectively performs
                        (LCL . x),  followed by  (BELOW \),  followed by

In other words, NTH locates x, using a search restricted to  the current
expression,  and then  backs  up to  the  current level,  where  the new
current expression  is the  tail whose  first element  contains, however
deeply, the expression that was the terminus of the  location operation.
For example:


                        If the search is unsuccessful, NTH  generates an
                        error and the edit chain is not changed.

Note that (NTH  n) is just a  special case of (NTH  x), and in  fact, no
special  check  is made  for  x  a number;  both  commands  are executed

(pattern .. @)          e.g.,  (COND .. RETURN).   Finds  a   cond  that
                        contains a return, at any depth.   Equivalent to
                        (but   more   efficient   than)   (F pattern N),
                        (LCL . @) followed by (_ pattern).

For example, if the current expression is
(PROG   NIL   [COND  ((NULL   L)   (COND  (FLG   (RETURN   L] --),  then
(COND .. RETURN)  will  make  (COND (FLG (RETURN L)))  be   the  current
expression.  Note that it is  the innermost COND that is  found, because
this is the first COND  encountered when ascending from the  RETURN.  In
other words, (pattern .. @)  is not always equivalent to (F  pattern N),
followed by (LCL . @) followed by \.

    An infix command, ".." is not  a meta-symbol, it is the name  of the
    command. @ is cddr of the command.


Note  that @  is a  location specification,  not just  a  pattern.  Thus
(RETURN .. COND 2 3)  can be  used to find  the RETURN which  contains a
COND whose first clause  contains (at least) three elements.   Note also
that since @  permits any edit command,  the user can write  commands of
the form  (COND .. (RETURN .. COND)), which will  locate the  first COND
that contains a RETURN that contains a COND.

9.3.3 Commands That Save and Restore the Edit Chain

Several facilities are available  for saving the current edit  chain and
later  retrieving it:  MARK, which  marks the  current chain  for future
reference, _,   which  returns to the  last mark without  destroying it,
and __, which returns to the last mark and also erases it.

MARK                    adds the current edit chain to the front  of the
                        list marklst.

_                       makes  the  new  edit  chain  be  (CAR MARKLST).
                        Generates an error  if marklst is NIL,  i.e., no
                        MARKs  have  been performed,  or  all  have been

__                      similar  to _  but also  erases the  MARK, i.e.,
                        performs (SETQ MARKLST (CDR MARKLST)).

Note that if the user has two chains marked, and wishes to return to the
first chain, he must perform __, which removes the second mark, and then
_.  However, the second mark is then no longer accessible.  If  the user
wants to be able to return to either of two (or more) chains, he can use
the following generalized MARK:

(MARK atom)             sets atom to the current edit chain,

(\ atom)                makes the current edit chain become the value of

If the  user did not  prepare in advance  for returning to  a particular
edit chain, he may still be  able to return to that chain with  a single
command by using \ or \P.

\                       makes  the edit  chain be  the value  of unfind.
                        Generates an error if unfind=NIL.

    An  atomic  command;  do  not  confuse  _  with  the   list  command
    (_ pattern).


unfind is set  to the current  edit chain by  each command that  makes a
"big jump",  i.e., a command  that usually performs  more than  a single
ascent or  descent, namely ^,  _, __, !NX,  all commands that  involve a
search, e.g., F, LC, .., BELOW, et al and \ and \P themselves.

For example, if the user types F COND, and then F CAR, \ would  take him
back to the COND.  Another \ would take him back to the CAR, etc.

\P                      restores the edit chain  to its state as  of the
                        last print operation, i.e., P, ?, or PP.  If the
                        edit  chain  has  not  changed  since  the  last
                        printing, \P restores it to its state as  of the
                        printing before that  one, i.e., two  chains are
                        always saved.

For example, if the user types P followed by 3 2 1 P, \P will  return to
the first P, i.e., would be equivalent to 0 0 0.   Another \P would then
take him back to the second P, i.e., the user could use \P to  flip back
and forth between the two edit chains.

(S var . @)             Sets var (using setq) to the  current expression
                        after  performing (LC . @).   Edit chain  is not

Thus (S FOO) will set  foo to the current expression,  (S FOO -1 1) will
set  foo  to  the first  element  in  the last  element  of  the current

This ends the section on "Attention Changing Commands."

    Except that unfind is not  reset when the current edit chain  is the
    top level expression, since this could always be returned to via the
    ^ command.

    Note that if the user had  typed P followed by F COND, he  could use
    either \ or \P to return to the P, i.e., the action of \ and  \P are


9.4 Commands That Modify Structure

The basic structure modification commands in the editor are:

(n)                     n > 1 deletes the corresponding element from the
                        current expression.

(n e1 ... em)           n,m > 1 replaces the nth element in  the current
                        expression with e1 ... em.

(-n e1 ... em)          n,m > 1 inserts e1 ... em before the nth element
                        in the current expression.

(N e1 ... em)           m > 1  attaches  e1 ... em  at  the  end  of the
                        current expression.

As mentioned earlier:

all structure modification done by the editor is destructive,  i.e., the
editor uses rplaca and rplacd to physically change the structure  it was

However, all structure modification is undoable, see UNDO page 9.59.

All of the above commands  generate errors if the current  expression is
not a  list, or in  the case of  the first three  commands, if  the list
contains fewer  than n  elements.  In addition,  the command  (1), i.e.,
delete  the first  element, will  cause an  error if  there is  only one
element, since deleting the first  element must be done by  replacing it
with the second element, and  then deleting the second element.   Or, to
look at it  another way, deleting the  first element when there  is only
one element  would require  changing a list  to an  atom (i.e.,  to NIL)
which cannot be done.

If the value of changesarray is  a hash array, the editor will  mark all
structures that are changed by doing puthash[structure;fn;changesarray],
where fn is the name of the function.  The algorithm used for marking is
as follows:

(1) If the expression is inside of another expression already  marked as
    being changed, do nothing.

    However, the  command DELETE  will work  even if  there is  only one
    element in the current expression,  since it will ascend to  a point
    where it can do the deletion.


(2) If the change  is an insertion of  or replacement with a  list, mark
    the list as changed.

(3) If the change is an insertion  of or replacement with an atom,  or a
    deletion, mark the parent as changed.

changesarray is primarily for use by prettyprint (Section 14).  When the
value of changechar is not NIL, prettyprint, when printing to a  file or
display terminal, prints changechar  in the right margin  while printing
an expression marked as having been changed. changechar is initially |.

9.4.1 Implementation of Structure Modification Commands

Note:  Since  all  commands  that  insert,  replace,  delete  or  attach
structure use the same low level editor functions, the remarks made here
are valid for all structure changing commands.

For all  replacement, insertion,  and attaching  at the  end of  a list,
unless the command was typed in directly to the editor,   copies  of the
corresponding structure  are used, because  of the possibility  that the
exact same  command, (i.e.,  same list structure)  might be  used again.
Thus  if  a  program  constructs  the  command  (1 (A B C))   e.g.,  via
(LIST 1 FOO), and gives this command to the editor, the (A B C) used for
the replacement will not be eq to foo.

The rest of this section is included for applications wherein the editor
is  used  to  modify  a data  structure,  and  pointers  into  that data
structure are stored elsewhere.  In these cases, the actual mechanics of
structure modification must be known in order to predict the effect that
various commands may  have on these  outside pointers.  For  example, if
the  value  of foo  is  cdr of  the  current expression,  what  will the
commands (2), (3), (2 X Y Z), (-2 X Y Z), etc. do to foo?

Deletion of the first element in the current expression is  performed by
replacing it with the second element and deleting the second  element by
patching around it.  Deletion of  any other element is done  by patching
around it, i.e., the previous tail is altered.  Thus if foo is eq to the

    Some  editor commands  take as  arguments a  list of  edit commands,
    e.g., (LP F FOO (1 (CAR FOO))).  In this case,  the command  (1 (CAR
    FOO)) is not considered to  have been "typed in" even though  the LP
    command  itself  may   have  been  typed  in.   Similarly,  commands
    originating  from  macros,  or  commands  given  to  the  editor  as
    arguments to editf, editv, et al, e.g., EDITF(FOO F COND (N --)) are
    not considered typed in.

    The user can circumvent this by using the I command,  which computes
    the structure  to be  used. In the  above example,  the form  of the
    command would be  (I 1 FOO), which  would replace the  first element
    with the value of foo itself. See page 9.47.


current expression  which is  (A B C D), and  fie is  cdr of  foo, after
executing the command (1), foo  will be (B C D) (which is equal  but not
eq to fie).  However, under the same initial conditions, after executing
(2) fie will be unchanged,  i.e., fie will still be (B C D)  even though
the current expression and foo are now (A C D).

Both replacement and insertion are accomplished by smashing both car and
cdr of  the corresponding  tail.  Thus, if  foo were  eq to  the current
expression,  (A B C D),  after (1 X Y Z),  foo  would  be (X Y Z B C D).
Similarly, if  foo were  eq to the  current expression,  (A B C D), then
after (-1 X Y Z), foo would be (X Y Z A B C D).

The N command  is accomplished by smashing  the last cdr of  the current
expression a la nconc.  Thus if  foo were eq to any tail of  the current
expression, after executing an N command, the  corresponding expressions
would also appear at the end of foo.

In  summary, the  only situation  in which  an edit  operation  will not
change an  external pointer  occurs when  the external  pointer is  to a
proper tail  of the data  structure, i.e.,  to cdr of  some node  in the
structure, and the operation is deletion.  If all external  pointers are
to elements  of the structure,  i.e., to  car of some  node, or  if only
insertions,  replacements,  or  attachments  are  performed,   the  edit
operation will always have the same effect on an external pointer  as it
does on the current expression.

9.4.2 The A, B, and : Commands

In the (n), (n e1 ... em), and (-n e1 ...  em) commands, the sign of the
integer is  used to indicate  the operation.  As  a result, there  is no
direct way to express  insertion after a particular element,  (hence the
necessity for a separate N command).  Similarly, the user cannot specify
deletion  or replacement  of the  nth  element from  the end  of  a list
without  first  converting  n  to  the  corresponding  positive integer.
Accordingly, we have:

(B e1 ... em)           inserts e1 ... em before the current expression.
                        Equivalent to UP followed by (-1 e1 ... em).

For  example, to  insert  FOO before  the  last element  in  the current
expression, perform -1 and then (B FOO).

    A general solution of the  problem just isn't possible, as  it would
    require being  able to  make two lists  eq to  each other  that were
    originally different. Thus if fie is cdr of the  current expression,
    and fum is cddr of the current expression, performing (2) would have
    to make fie be eq to fum if all subsequent operations were to update
    both fie and fum correctly. Think about it.


(A e1 ... em)           inserts e1 ... em after the  current expression.
                        Equivalent to  UP followed by  (-2 e1 ... em) or
                        (N e1 ... em) whichever is appropriate.

(: e1 ... em)           replaces  the current  expression  by e1 ... em.
                        Equivalent to UP followed by (1 e1 ... em).

DELETE or (:)           deletes the current expression.

DELETE first tries to delete the current expression by performing  an UP
and then a (1).  This works in most cases.  However, if after performing
UP, the new  current expression contains  only one element,  the command
(1) will  not work.  Therefore,  DELETE starts over  and performs  a BK,
followed by UP, followed by (2).  For example, if the current expression
is (COND ((MEMB X Y)) (T Y)), and the user performs -1, and then DELETE,
the BK-UP-(2) method is used, and the new current expression will be ...
((MEMB X Y)))

However, if  the next  higher expression contains  only one  element, BK
will not  work.  So  in this case,  DELETE performs  UP, followed  by (:
NIL), i.e., it replaces the  higher expression by NIL.  For  example, if
the  current  expression  is  (COND ((MEMB X Y)) (T Y))  and   the  user
performs F MEMB and then DELETE, the new current expression will  be ...
NIL (T Y)) and  the original expression  would now  be (COND NIL (T Y)).
The rationale behind this is that deleting (MEMB X Y)  from ((MEMB X Y))
changes a list of one element to a list of no elements, i.e., () or NIL.

If the current expression is a  tail, then B, A, :, and DELETE  all work
exactly the same as though the current expression were the first element
in    that    tail.     Thus   if    the    current    expression   were
... (PRINT Y) (PRINT Z)), (B (PRINT X))  would  insert  (PRINT X) before
(PRINT Y),         leaving         the         current        expression

The following forms of the  A, B, and : commands incorporate  a location

                             39                       40
(INSERT e1 ... em BEFORE . @)     Similar  to (LC  .@)   followed  by (B
                        e1 ... em).

    i.e., @ is cdr[member[BEFORE;command]]

    except that  if @  causes an  error, the  location process  does not
    continue as described  on page 9.21. For  example if @=(COND  3) and
    the next COND does not have a 3rd element, the search stops  and the
    INSERT fails. Note that the user can always write (LC COND 3)  if he
    intends the search to continue.


(PROG (& & X) **COMMENT** (SELECTQ ATM & NIL) (OR & &) (PRIN1 & T)
(PRIN1 & T) (SETQ X & 

(PRIN1 & T) (

                        Current edit chain is not changed, but unfind is
                        set to the edit chain after the B was performed,
                        i.e.,\ will  make the edit  chain be  that chain
                        where the insertion was performed.

(INSERT e1 ... em AFTER . @)
                        Similar to INSERT  BEFORE except uses  A instead
                        of B.

(INSERT e1 ... em FOR . @)
                        similar to INSERT BEFORE except uses : for B.

(REPLACE @ WITH e1 ... em)
                        Here @   is  the segment of the  command between
                        REPLACE       and      WITH.        Same      as
                        (INSERT e1 ... em FOR . @).


(CHANGE @ TO e1 ... em) Same as REPLACE WITH.

(DELETE . @)            does a  (LC . @)   followed by  DELETE.  Current

    Sudden  termination  of  output  followed  by  a  blank  line return
    indicates printing was aborted by control-E.

    BY can be used for WITH.

    See footnote on page 9.30.

    See footnote on page 9.30.


                        edit chain is  not changed,   but unfind  is set
                        to  the   edit  chain   after  the   DELETE  was

Example: (DELETE -1), (DELETE COND 3)

Note:  if  @  is  NIL  (i.e., empty),  the  corresponding  operation  is
performed here (on the current edit chain).

For example, (REPLACE WITH (CAR X))  is equivalent to  (: (CAR X)).  For
added     readability,     HERE     is     also     permitted,     e.g.,
(INSERT (PRINT X) BEFORE HERE)  will   insert  (PRINT X).    before  the
current expression (but not change the edit chain).

Note:  @  does  not  have  to  specify  a  location  within  the current
expression, i.e., it is perfectly legal to ascend to INSERT, REPLACE, or

For example, (INSERT (RETURN) AFTER ^ PROG -1) will go to the  top, find
the first PROG,  and insert a  (RETURN) at its  end, and not  change the
current edit chain.

The A, B, and  : commands, commands, (and consequently  INSERT, REPLACE,
and CHANGE), all  make special checks in  e1 thru em for  expressions of
the form (## . coms).  In  this case, the expression used  for inserting
or replacing is a copy of the current expression after executing coms, a
list of edit  commands.   For example, (INSERT  (## F COND -1  -1) AFTER
3)   will make a  copy of the last form  in the last clause of  the next
cond, and insert it after the third element of the current expression.

    Unless the current expression is no longer a part of  the expression
    being edited, e.g., if the current expression is ... C) and the user
    performs  (DELETE  1),  the  tail,  (C),  will  have  been  cut off.
    Similarly,  if  the  current  expression is  (CDR  Y)  and  the user
    performs (REPLACE WITH (CAR X)).

    The execution of coms does not change the current edit chain.

    Not (INSERT F COND -1 (## -1) AFTER 3), which inserts  four elements
    after the third element, namely F, COND, -1, and a copy of  the last
    element in the current expression.


9.4.3 Form Oriented Editing and the Role of UP

The  UP that  is performed  before A,  B, and  : commands    makes these
operations form-oriented.  For  example, if the  user types F  SETQ, and
then DELETE,  or simply (DELETE  SETQ), he will  delete the  entire SETQ
expression, whereas  (DELETE X)  if X  is a  variable, deletes  just the
variable  X.   In  both  cases,  the  operation  is  performed   on  the
corresponding  form,  and  in  both  cases  is  probably  what  the user
intended.  Similarly, if the user types (INSERT (RETURN Y) BEFORE SETQ),
he  means before  the SETQ  expression, not  before the  atom  SETQ.   A
consequent of this procedure is that  a pattern of the form (SETQ  Y --)
can be  viewed as simply  an elaboration and  further refinement  of the
pattern   SETQ.    Thus   (INSERT   (RETURN   Y)   BEFORE    SETQ)   and
(INSERT (RETURN Y) BEFORE (SETQ Y --)) perform the same operation   and,
in  fact, this  is  one of  the  motivations behind  making  the current
expression after F SETQ, and F (SETQ Y --) be the same.

Occasionally, however,  a user  may have  a data  structure in  which no
special significance or meaning is  attached to the position of  an atom
in a list, as INTERLISP attaches to atoms that appear as car of  a list,
versus those appearing  elsewhere in a list.   In general, the  user may
not even know whether a particular atom is at the head of a list or not.
Thus, when he writes (INSERT expression BEFORE FOO), he means before the
atom FOO, whether or not it  is car of a list.  By setting  the variable
upfindflg to NIL,   the user  can suppress the implicit UP  that follows
searches  for  atoms,  and  thus  achieve  the  desired   effect.   With
upfindflg=NIL, following F FOO, for example, the current expression will
be the atom FOO.  In this case, the A, B, and : operations  will operate
with respect  to the  atom FOO.  If  the user  intends the  operation to
refer to the  list which FOO heads,  he simply uses instead  the pattern
(FOO --).

    and therefore in INSERT, CHANGE, REPLACE, and DELETE  commands after
    the location portion of the operation has been performed.

    There is some ambiguity in (INSERT expr AFTER functionname),  as the
    user  might  mean  make  expr  be  the  function's  first  argument.
    Similarly, the user cannot  write (REPLACE SETQ WITH  SETQQ) meaning
    change the name of the function. The user must in these  cases write
    (INSERT expr AFTER functioname 1), and (REPLACE SETQ 1 WITH SETQQ).

    assuming the next SETQ is of the form (SETQ Y --).

    Initially, and usually, set to T.


9.4.4 Extract and Embed

Extraction involves  replacing the  current expression  with one  of its
subexpressions (from any depth).

(XTR . @)               replaces  the original  current  expression with
                        the expression that is current  after performing
                        (LCL . @).

For example, if  the current expression  is (COND ((NULL X) (PRINT Y))),
(XTR PRINT), or (XTR 2 2) will replace the cond by the print.

                        If the current  expression after (LCL . @)  is a
                        tail of a  higher expression, its  first element
                        is used.

For  example, if  the current  expression  is (COND ((NULL X) Y) (T Z)),
then  (XTR Y) will  replace the  cond with  Y, even  though  the current
expression after performing (LCL Y) is ... Y).

                        If  the  extracted expression  is  a  list, then
                        after XTR  has finished, the  current expression
                        will be that list.

Thus, in the first example,  the current expression after the  XTR would
be (PRINT Y).

                        If the extracted  expression is not a  list, the
                        new  current  expression will  be  a  tail whose
                        first element is that non-list.

Thus, in the second example, the current expression after the  XTR would
be ... Y followed by whatever followed the COND.

If the current expression initially is a tail, extraction  works exactly
the same as though the current expression were the first element in that
tail.       Thus       if      the      current       expression      is
... (COND ((NULL X) (PRINT Y))) (RETURN Z)),   then   (XTR PRINT)   will
replace  the  cond  by  the print,  leaving  (PRINT  Y)  as  the current

The extract command can also incorporate a location specification:

    See footnote on page 9.30.


                      53                    54
(EXTRACT @1 FROM . @2)  Performs   (LC . @2)     and   then  (XTR . @1).
                        Current edit chain is not changed, but unfind is
                        set  to  the  edit  chain  after  the   XTR  was

Example: If the current expression is  (PRINT (COND ((NULL X) Y) (T Z)))
then  following (EXTRACT Y FROM COND),  the current  expression  will be
(PRINT Y).                 (EXTRACT 2 -1 FROM COND), (EXTRACT Y FROM 2),
(EXTRACT 2 -1 FROM 2) will all produce the same result.

While  extracting replaces  the current  expression by  a subexpression,
embedding replaces the  current expression with  one containing it  as a

(MBD e1 ... em)         MBD substitutes   the current expression for all
                        instances  of  the  atom  *  in  e1 ... em,  and
                        replaces the current expression with  the result
                        of that substitution.

Examples: If the current expression is (PRINT Y),
(MBD (COND ((NULL X) *) ((NULL (CAR Y)) * (GO LP))))    would    replace
(PRINT Y)                                                           with

If  the  current expression  is  (RETURN X), (MBD (PRINT Y) (AND FLG *))
would   replace   it   with   the   two   expressions    (PRINT Y)   and
(AND FLG (RETURN X)) i.e., if the (RETURN X) appeared in the cond clause
(T (RETURN X)),    after    the    MBD,    the    clause     would    be

                        If *  does not appear  in e1 ... em, the  MBD is
                        interpreted as (MBD (e1 ... em *)).

Examples: If the current expression is (PRINT Y), then (MBD SETQ X) will
replace  it  with  (SETQ X (PRINT Y)).   If  the  current  expression is
(PRINT Y), (MBD RETURN) will replace it with (RETURN (PRINT Y)).

MBD  leaves the  edit chain  so that  the larger  expression is  the new
current expression.

If the current expression  initially is a tail, embedding  works exactly
the same as though the current expression were the first element in that
tail.  Thus  if the  current expression  were ...  (PRINT Y) (PRINT Z)),
(MBD SETQ X) would replace (PRINT Y) with (SETQ X (PRINT Y)).

    @1 is the segment between EXTRACT and FROM.

    See footnote on page 9.30.

    as with subst, a fresh copy is used for each substitution.


The embed command can also incorporate a location specification:

                56                        57
(EMBED @ IN . x)             does (LC . @)    and then  (MBD . x).  Edit
                        chain is not changed,  but unfind is set  to the
                        edit chain after the MBD was performed.

(EMBED COND 3 1 IN (OR * (NULL X))).

WITH can  be used  for IN,  and SURROUND  can be  used for  EMBED, e.g.,

9.4.5 The MOVE Command

The MOVE  command allows the  user to specify  (1) the expression  to be
moved, (2) the place it is to  be moved to, and (3) the operation  to be
performed there, e.g., insert it before, insert it after, replace, etc.

(MOVE @1 TO com . @2)   where com  is BEFORE,  AFTER, or  the name  of a
                        list   command,  e.g.,   :,  N,   etc.  performs
                        (LC . @1),   and obtains the  current expression
                        there (or its first  element, if it is  a tail),
                        which we will call expr; MOVE then goes  back to
                        the  original  edit  chain,  performs  (LC . @2)
                        followed by (com expr),    then goes back  to @1
                        and deletes  expr.  Edit  chain is  not changed.
                        Unfind is set to edit chain after (com expr) was

For example, if the current expression is (A B C D), (MOVE 2 TO AFTER 4)
will make  the new  current expression  be (A C D B).   Note that  4 was
executed as of the original edit chain, and that the second  element had

    @ is the segment between EMBED and IN.

    See footnote on page 9.30.

    @1 is the segment between MOVE and TO.

    see footnote on page 9.30.

    Setting an internal flag so expr is not copied.


not yet been removed.

As the following examples taken from actual editing will show,  the MOVE
command is an extremely versatile and powerful feature of the editor.

*(MOVE 3 TO : CAR)

... (SELECTQ OBJPR & &) (RETURN &) LP2 (COND & &))
*(MOVE 2 TO N 1)
... (SELECTQ OBJPR & & &) LP2 (COND & &))

(OR (EQ X LASTAIL) (NOT &) (AND & & &))
*\ P
... (& &) (AND & & &) (T & &))

((NULL X) **COMMENT** (COND & &))
*(-3 (GO NXT]
*(MOVE 4 TO N (_ PROG))
*\ P
(PROG (&) **COMMENT** (COND & & &) (COND & & &) (COND & &))
(PROG (&) **COMMENT** (COND & & &) (COND & & &) NXT (COND & &))

Note that in the last example, the user could have added the  prog label
NXT   and   moved   the   cond   in   one   operation    by   performing
(MOVE 4 TO N (_ PROG) (N NXT)).  Similarly, in the next example,  in the
course of  specifying @2, the  location where the  expression was  to be
moved to, the user also performs a structure modification, via  (N (T)),
thus  creating  the structure  that  will receive  the  expression being

    If @2 specifies a location  inside of the expression to be  moved, a
    message   is   printed   and   an   error   is    generated,   e.g.,
    (MOVE 2 TO AFTER X),  where  X  is contained  inside  of  the second


*MOVE 4 TO N 0 (N (T)) -1]
((CDR &) **COMMENT** (SETQ CL &))
*\ P

If  @2 is  NIL,  or (HERE),  the  current position  specifies  where the
operation is to take  place.  In this case,  unfind is set to  where the
expression that was moved was originally located, i.e., @1. For example:


(PROG (& & & ATM IND VAL) (OR & &)   **COMMENT**   (OR & &)
(PRIN1 & T) (

(PROG (& & & ATM IND VAL) (OR & &) (OR & &) (PRIN1 &

(T (PRIN1 C-EXP T) (PRIN1 & T))

Finally, if @1 is NIL, the MOVE command allows the user to specify where
the current expression is to be moved to.  In this case, the  edit chain
is changed, and is the chain where the current expression was  moved to;
unfind is set to where it was.


    Sudden  termination of  output followed  by a  blank  line indicates
    printing was aborted by control-E.


9.4.6 Commands That "Move Parentheses"

The commands presented in  this section permit modification of  the list
structure  itself, as  opposed to  modifying components  thereof.  Their
effect can be described as inserting or removing a single left  or right
parenthesis, or pair  of left and  right parentheses.  Of  course, there
will always be the same number of left parentheses as  right parentheses
in any list structure, since the parentheses are just a notational guide
to the  structure provided  by print.   Thus, no  command can  insert or
remove just  one parenthesis,  but this is  suggestive of  what actually

In all six commands, n and m  are used to specify an element of  a list,
usually of  the current expression.   In practice, n  and m  are usually
positive or negative integers with the obvious interpretation.  However,
all six  commands use the  generalized NTH command,  page 9.24,  to find
their element(s),  so that nth  element means the  first element  of the
tail  found by  performing  (NTH n).   In  other words,  if  the current
expression  is  (LIST (CAR X) (SETQ Y (CONS W Z))),   then  (BI 2 CONS),
(BI X -1), and (BI X Z) all specify the exact same operation.

All six commands  generate an error if  the element is not  found, i.e.,
the NTH fails.  All are undoable.

(BI n m)                both in, inserts  a left parentheses  before the
                        nth  element and  after the  mth element  in the
                        current expression.   Generates an error  if the
                        mth element  is not contained  in the  nth tail,
                        i.e., the mth element must be "to the  right" of
                        the nth element.

Example: If the  current expression is (A B (C D E) F G),  then (BI 2 4)
will modify it to be (A (B (C D E) F) G).

(BI n)                  same as (BI n n).

Example: If  the current expression  is (A B (C D E) F G),  then (BI -2)
will modify it to be (A B (C D E) (F) G).

(BO n)                  both out.  Removes both parentheses from the nth
                        element.  Generates an  error if nth  element is
                        not a list.

Example:  If the  current expression  is (A B (C D E) F G),  then (BO D)
will modify it to be (A B C D E F G).

(LI n)                  left in, inserts  a left parenthesis  before the
                        nth element (and a matching right parenthesis at
                        the  end   of  the  current   expression),  i.e.
                        equivalent to (BI n -1).

Example:  if the  current expression  is (A B (C D E) F G),  then (LI 2)
will modify it to be (A (B (C D E) F G)).


(LO n)                  left out,  removes a  left parenthesis  from the
                        nth  element.   All elements  following  the nth
                        element are deleted.  Generates an error  if nth
                        element is not a list.

Example:  If the  current expression  is (A B (C D E) F G),  then (LO 3)
will modify it to be (A B C D E).

(RI n m)                right in, inserts a right parenthesis  after the
                        mth element of the nth element.  The rest of the
                        nth element  is brought up  to the level  of the
                        current expression.

Example: If the  current expression is (A (B C D E) F G),  (RI 2 2) will
modify it to be (A (B C) D E F G).  Another way of thinking about  RI is
to read it as "move the right parenthesis at the end of the  nth element
in to after its mth element."

(RO n)                  right  out, removes  the right  parenthesis from
                        the nth  element, moving  it to  the end  of the
                        current expression.  All elements  following the
                        nth element are moved inside of the nth element.
                        Generates an error if nth element is not a list.

Example: If the  current expression is (A  B (C D E)  F G), (RO  3) will
modify it to be (A B (C D E F G)).  Another way of thinking about  RO is
to read it as "move the right parenthesis at the end of the  nth element
out to the end of the current expression."

9.4.7 TO and THRU

EXTRACT, EMBED,  DELETE, REPLACE,  and MOVE  can be  made to  operate on
several contiguous  elements, i.e.,  a segment  of a  list, by  using in
their respective location specifications the TO or THRU command.

(@1 THRU @2)            does a (LC . @1), followed by an UP, and  then a
                        (BI 1 @2), thereby  grouping the segment  into a
                        single element, and finally does a 1, making the
                        final current expression be that element.

For example, if the current expression is  (A (B (C D) (E) (F G H)  I) J
K),   following   (C THRU G),    the   current   expression    will   be
((C D) (E) (F G H)).

(@1 TO @2)              Same as THRU  except last element  not included,
                        i.e., after the BI, an (RI 1 -2) is performed.

If both @1 and @2 are numbers, and @2 is greater than @1, then @2 counts
from the beginning of the current expression, the same as @1.   In other
words, if  the current expression  is (A B C D E F G),  (3 THRU 5) means
(C THRU E) not (C THRU G).  In  this case, the corresponding  BI command
is (BI 1 @2-@1+1).


THRU  and  TO are  not  very  useful commands  by  themselves;  they are
intended to be used in conjunction with EXTRACT, EMBED, DELETE, REPLACE,
and MOVE.  After THRU and TO have operated, they set an  internal editor
flag informing the above commands that the element they are operating on
is actually a segment, and that the extra pair of parentheses  should be
removed when the operation is complete.  Thus:


(PROG (& & ATM IND VAL WORD) (SETQ IND &) (SETQ VAL &)      (PRIN1 & T) 




... LP (SELECTO & & & & NIL) (SETQ Y &) OUT (SETQ FLG &) (RETURN Y))
... OUT (SETQ FLG &) (RETURN Y) LP (SELECTQ & & & & NIL) (SETQ Y &))

            (SETQ TEMP2 (CADR TEMP1))
            (GO SKIP))
           (T    **COMMENT**
            (SETQ TEMP1 REMARG)))
           ((NOT (SETQ TEMP2 (SASSOC




TO and THRU can also be  used directly with XTR.   Thus in  the previous
example, if the current expression had been the COND, e.g., the user had
first  performed F COND,  he could  have used  (XTR (SETQ THRU CADR)) to
perform the extraction.

(@1 TO), (@1 THRU)           both  same as  (@1 THRU -1), i.e.,  from @1
                        through the end of the list.


*(MOVE (2 TO) TO N (_ PROG))
*(N (GO VAR))

*(-3 (GO REPLACE))
*\ P
(PROG (&) **COMMENT** (COND & & &) (COND & & &) DELETE (COND & &)

    Because XTR involves a location specification while A, B, :, and MBD
    do not.


    (PROG (A D)
          (SETQ A CLAUSALA)
      LP  (COND
            ((NULL A)
          (SERCH X A)
          (RUMARK (CDR A))
          (NOTICECL (CAR A))
          (SETQ A (CDR A))
          (GO LP]
              (SERCH X A)
              (RUMARK (CDR A))
              (NOTICECL (CAR A]

9.4.8 The R Command

(R x y)                 replaces all instances of x by y in  the current
                        expression, e.g., (R CAADR CADAR).  Generates an
                        error if there is not at least one instance.

The R command operates in  conjunction with the search mechanism  of the
editor.  The  search proceeds as  described on page  9.17-19, and  x can
employ any  of the  patterns on page  9.16-17.  Each  time x  matches an
element of the structure, the element is replaced by (a copy of) y; each
time x matches a tail of the structure, the tail is replaced by  (a copy
of) y.

For example, if the current expression is (A (B C) (B . C)),
(R C D) will change it to (A (B D) (B . D)),
(R (... . C) D) to (A (B C) (B . D)),
(R C (D E)) to (A (B (D E)) (B D E)), and
(R (... . NIL) D) to (A (B C . D) (B . C) . D).

If x is an atom or string containing alt-modes, alt-modes appearing in y
stand for the characters matched by the corresponding alt-mode in x. For
example, (R FOO$ FIE$) means  for all atoms  or strings that  begin with


FOO,  replace  the characters  "FOO"  by "FIE".    Applied  to  the list
(FOO FOO2 XFOO1), (R FOO$ FIE$)  would  produce   (FIE FIE2 XFOO1),  and
(R $FOO$ $FIE$) would produce (FIE FIE2 XFIE1).   Similarly, (R $D$ $A$)
will change (LIST (CADR X) (CADDR Y)) to (LIST (CAAR X) (CAADR)).

The user will be informed of all such alt-mode replacements by a message
of the form x->y, e.g., CADR->CAAR.

Note that the $ feature can be used to delete or add characters, as well
as replace them.  For example, (R $1 $) will delete the  terminating 1's
from all literal atoms and strings.  Similarly, if an alt-mode in x does
not have a mate  in y, the characters  matched by the $  are effectively
deleted. For example, (R $/$ $) will change AND/OR to AND.   y  can also
be a list containing alt-modes, e.g., (R $1 (CAR $)) will change FOO1 to

If x does not contain alt-modes,  $ appearing in y refers to  the entire
expression  matched  by  x, e.g.,  (R LONGATOM '$)  changes  LONGATOM to
'LONGATOM,   (R (SETQ X &) (PRINT $))   changes   every   (SETQ X &)  to

Since  (R  $x$  $y$)  is  a  frequently  used  operation  for  replacing
characters, the following command is provided:

(RC x y)                equivalent to (R $x$ $y$)

    If x matches a string, it will be replaced by a string. Note that it
    does  not  matter  whether  x  or  y  themselves  are  strings, i.e.
    (R $D$ $A$), (R "$D$" $A$), (R $D$ "$A$"),  and (R "$D$" "$A$")  are
    equivalent. Note also that x  will never match with a  number, i.e.,
    (R $1 $2) will not change 11 to 12.

    Note that CADDR was not changed to CAAAR, i.e., (R $D$ $A$) does not
    mean replace every D with A,  but replace the first D in  every atom
    or string by A. If the user wanted to replace every D by A, he could
    perform (LP (R $D$ $A$)).

    However, there is  no similar operation  for changing AND/OR  to OR,
    since the first $ in y  always corresponds to the first $ in  x, the
    second $ in y to the second in x, etc.

    If x is  a pattern containing  an alt-mode pattern  somewhere within
    it, the characters matched  by the alt-modes are not  available, and
    for the purposes of replacement, the effect is the same as  though x
    did  not  contain any  alt-modes.  For example,  if  the  user types
    (R (CAR F$) (PRINT $)),  the  second  $  will  refer  to  the entire
    expression matched by (CAR F$).


R and RC change  all instances of x to  y.  The commands R1 and  RC1 are
available for changing just one, (i.e., the first) instance of x to y.

(R1 x y)                find the first instance  of x and replace  it by

(RC1 x y)               (R1 $x$ $y$).

In addition, while R and RC only operate within the  current expression,
R1 and RC1 will continue searching, a la the F command, until  they find
an instance  of x, even  if the search  carries them beyond  the current

(SW n m)                switches the nth and mth elements of the current

For example, if the current expression is
(SW 2 3) will modify it to be
(LIST (CONS (CDR X) (CDR Y)) (CONS (CAR X) (CAR Y))).     The   relative
order  of n  and m  is not  important, i.e.,  (SW 3 2) and  (SW 2 3) are

                        SW uses the generalized NTH command to  find the
                        nth and mth elements, a la the BI-BO commands.

Thus  in the  previous  example, (SW  CAR  CDR) would  produce  the same

9.5 Commands That Print

PP                      prettyprints the current expression.

P                       prints   the   current   expression   as  though
                        printlevel were set to 2.

(P m)                   prints  mth  element  of  current  expression as
                        though printlevel were set to 2.

(P 0)                   same as P

(P m n)                 prints  mth  element  of  current  expression as
                        though printlevel were set to n.

(P 0 n)                 prints current  expression as  though printlevel
                        were set to n.

?                       same as (P 0 100)


Both (P m)  and (P m n) use  the generalized NTH  command to  obtain the
corresponding element,  so that m  does not have  to be a  number, e.g.,
(P COND 3)  will  work.   PP  causes  all  comments  to  be  printed  as
**COMMENT** (see Section 14).  P  and ? print as **COMMENT**  only those
comments that are (top level) elements of the current expression.

PP*                     prettyprints   current   expression,   including

PP* is equivalent  to PP except that  it first resets  **comment**flg to
NIL (see Section 14). In fact, it is defined as (RESETVAR **COMMENT**FLG
NIL PP), see page 9.58.

PPV                     prettyprints current  expression as  a variable,
                        i.e.,  no  special treatment  for  LAMBDA, COND,
                        SETQ, etc., or for CLISP.

PPT                     prettyprints current expression,  printing CLISP
                        translations, if any.

?=                      prints  the  argument  names  and  corresponding
                        values for current expression.  Analagous  to ?=
                        break command (Section 15).

For  example, if  the current  expression  is (STRPOS "AO???" X N (QUOTE
?) T), ?= prints

     X = "AO???"
     Y = X
     START = N
     SKIP = (QUOTE ?)
     ANCHOR = T
     TAIL =

All printing functions print to the terminal, regardless of  the primary
output  file.   All use  the  readtable T.   No  printing  function ever
changes the edit  chain.  All record the  current edit chain for  use by
\P, page 9.26.  All can be aborted with control-E.

    Lower expressions are  not really seen  by the editor;  the printing
    command simply sets printlevel and calls print.


9.6 Commands That Evaluate

E                       only when typed in,   causes the editor  to call
                        lispx giving it the next input as argument.

Example: *E BREAK(FIE FUM)
         (FIE FUM)
         *E (FOO)

              (FIE BROKEN)

(E x)                   evaluates x, i.e., performs eval[x],  and prints
                        the result on the terminal.

(E x T)                 same as (E x) but does not print.

The (E x) and (E x T) commands are mainly intended for use by macros and
subroutine calls to the editor;  the user would probably type in  a form
for  evaluation  using the  more  convenient format  of  the  (atomic) E

(I c x1 ... xn)         same as (C y1 ... yn) where y1=eval[xi].

Example: (I 3 (GETD (QUOTE FOO)))  will replace the  3rd element  of the
current expression  with the definition  of foo.   (I  N FOO  (CAR FIE))
will attach the value of foo and  car of the value of fie to the  end of
the current expression.  (I F= FOO T)  will search for an  expression eq
to the value of foo.

                        If c is not an atom, c is evaluated also.

    e.g, (INSERT D BEFORE E) will  treat E as a pattern, and  search for

    lispx is used by evalqt and break for processing terminal inputs. If
    nothing  else  is  typed  on  the  same  line,  lispx  evaluates its
    argument. Otherwise,  lispx applies  it to the  next input.  In both
    cases, lispx prints  the result. See  above example, and  Sections 2
    and 22.

    The I  command sets an  internal flag to  indicate to  the structure
    modification  commands  not to  copy  expression(s)  when inserting,
    replacing, or attaching.


Example:  (I (COND ((NULL FLG) (QUOTE -1)) (T 1)) FOO), if  flg  is NIL,
inserts  the  value of  foo  before  the first  element  of  the current
expression, otherwise replaces the first element by the value of foo.

##[com1;com2; ... ;comn]is   an  NLAMBDA,   NOSPREAD  function   (not  a
                        command).   Its   value  is  what   the  current
                        expression  would  be after  executing  the edit
                        commands com1 ... comn starting from the present
                        edit chain.  Generates  an error if any  of com1
                        thru comn cause errors.  The current  edit chain
                        is never changed.

Example:  (I R (QUOTE X) (## (CONS .. Z)))  replaces  all  X's   in  the
current expression by the first cons containing a Z.

The  I command  is  not very  convenient  for computing  an  entire edit
command  for  execution, since  it  computes the  command  name  and its
arguments separately.  Also, the I command cannot be used to  compute an
atomic command.  The following two commands provide more general ways of
computing commands.

(COMS x1 ... xn)        Each xi is  evaluated and its value  is executed
                        as a command.

For example, (COMS (COND (X (LIST 1 X)))) will replace the first element
of the current expression with  the value of x if non-NIL,  otherwise do

(COMSQ com1 ... comn)   executes com1 ... comn.

COMSQ  is  mainly useful  in  conjunction with  the  COMS  command.  For
example, suppose the user wishes  to compute an entire list  of commands
for evaluation, as  opposed to computing each  command one at a  time as
does the COMS  command.  He would then  write (COMS (CONS  (QUOTE COMSQ)
x))    where    x    computed    the    list    of    commands,    e.g.,

    Recall that A, B, :, INSERT, REPLACE, and CHANGE make special checks
    for ## forms in the expressions used for inserting or replacing, and
    use  a  copy of  ##  form  instead (see  page  9.32).  Thus, (INSERT
    (## 3 2) AFTER 1)            is             equivalent            to
    (I INSERT (COPY (## 3 2)) (QUOTE AFTER) 1).

    because NIL as a command is a NOP, see page 9.53.


9.7 Commands That Test

(IF x)                  generates an error  unless the value  of eval[x]
                        is  true, i.e.,  if eval[x]  causes an  error or
                        eval[x]=NIL, IF will cause an error.

For some editor commands, the occurrence of an error has a  well defined
meaning, i.e., they use errors to  branch on, as cond uses NIL  and non-
NIL.  For example,  an error condition  in a location  specification may
simply  mean  "not   this  one,  try   the  next."  Thus   the  location
(IPLUS (E (OR (NUMBERP (##  3)) (ERROR!)) T)) specifies the  first IPLUS
whose second argument is a  number.  The IF command, by equating  NIL to
error, provides  a more  natural way of  accomplishing the  same result.
Thus, an  equivalent location specification  is (IPLUS (IF  (NUMBERP (##

The IF command can also be used to select between two alternate lists of
commands for execution.

(IF x coms1 coms2)      If eval[x]  is true,  execute coms1;  if eval[x]
                        causes  an error  or  is equal  to  NIL, execute

For example, the command (IF  (READP T) NIL (P)) will print  the current
expression provided the input buffer is empty.

(IF x coms1)            if  eval[x]  is true,  execute  coms1; otherwise
                        generate an error.

(LP . coms)             repeatedly  executes coms,  a list  of commands,
                        until an error occurs.

For example,  (LP F PRINT  (N T)) will  attach a T  at the end  of every
print expression.  (LP F PRINT (IF (## 3) NIL ((N T)))) will attach  a T
at the end of each print expression which does not already have a second

                        When an error  occurs, LP prints  n OCCURRENCES.

    Thus IF is equivalent to (COMS (CONS (QUOTE COMSQ) (COND
                    ((CAR (NLSETQ (EVAL X))) COMS1)
                    (T COMS2)))).

    i.e., the  form (## 3)  will cause  an error if  the edit  command 3
    causes an error, thereby  selecting ((N T)) as the list  of commands
    to   be    executed.   The   IF    could   also   be    written   as
    (IF (CDDR (##)) NIL ((N T))).


                        where  n  is  the  number  of  times   coms  was
                        successfully executed.   The edit chain  is left
                        as of the last complete successful  execution of

(LPQ . coms)            same  as  LP  but  does  not  print  the message
                        n OCCURRENCES.

In order  to prevent  non-terminating loops, both  LP and  LPQ terminate
when the number  of iterations reaches  maxloop, initially set  to 30.  
Since the edit chain is left as of the last successful completion of the
loop, the  user can simply  continue the LP  command with  REDO (Section

(SHOW . x)              x  is  a  list of  patterns.   SHOW  does  a LPQ
                        printing   all   instances   of   the  indicated
                        expression(s), e.g. (SHOW FOO (SETQ FIE &)) will
                        print   all   FOO's   and   all  (SETQ FIE &)'s.
                        Generates an error if there aren't any instances
                        of the expression(s).

(EXAM . x)              like  SHOW except  calls the  editor recursively
                        (via the TTY:  command described  on  page 9.53)
                        on each instance of the  indicated espression(s)
                        so that the user can examine and/or change them.

(ORR coms1 ... comsn)   ORR  begins  by  executing  coms1,  a   list  of
                        commands.  If no error occurs, ORR  is finished.
                        Otherwise, ORR  restores the  edit chain  to its
                        original  value,  and  continues   by  executing
                        coms2,  etc.   If  none  of  the  command  lists
                        execute without errors, i.e., the ORR "drops off
                        the  end", ORR  generates an  error.  Otherwise,
                        the edit chain is  left as of the  completion of
                        the first command list which executes without an

For  example,  (ORR (NX) (!NX) NIL)  will  perform  a  NX,  if possible,

    maxloop can also be set to NIL, which is equivalent to infinity.

    NIL as a  command list is perfectly  legal, and will  always execute
    successfully. Thus, making  the last "argument"  to ORR be  NIL will
    insure that the ORR never causes an error. Any other atom is treated
    as (atom), i.e.,  the above example could  be written as (OR  NX !NX


otherwise  a  !NX,  if  possible,  otherwise  do   nothing.   Similarly,
DELETE could be written as (ORR (UP (1)) (BK UP (2)) (UP (: NIL))).

9.8 Macros

Many of the more sophisticated branching commands in the editor, such as
ORR, IF, etc., are most often used in conjunction with edit macros.  The
macro feature permits the user to define new commands and thereby expand
the editor's repertoire.   Macros are defined by using the M command.

(M c . coms)            For  c  an  atom,  M  defines  c  as  an  atomic
                        command.    Executing  c  is  then  the  same as
                        executing the list of commands coms.

For example, (M BP  BK UP P) will define  BP as an atomic  command which
does three  things, a  BK, and  UP, and  a P.   Macros can  use commands
defined by  macros as well  as built in  commands in  their definitions.
For example,  suppose Z  is defined  by (M Z -1 (IF (READP T) NIL (P))),
i.e., Z does a -1, and then if nothing has been typed, a P.  Now  we can
define ZZ by (M ZZ -1 Z), and ZZZ by (M ZZZ -1 -1 Z) or (M ZZZ -1 ZZ).

Macros  can  also  define  list  commands,  i.e.,  commands   that  take

(M (c) (arg1 ... argn) . coms)
                        c  an  atom.  M  defines  c as  a  list command.
                        Executing  (c e1 ... en)  is  then  performed by
                        substituting  e1   for  arg1, ... en   for  argn
                        throughout coms, and then executing coms.

For    example,   we    could   define    a   more    general    BP   by
(M (BP) (N) (BK N) UP P).  Thus, (BP  3) would perform (BK  3), followed
by an UP, followed by a P.

A list  command can  be defined via  a macro  so as to  take a  fixed or
indefinite number of "arguments", as with spread vs. nospread functions.
The form given above specified a macro with a fixed number of arguments,
as indicated by  its argument list.  If  the "argument list"  is atomic,
the command takes an indefinite number of arguments.

    However built in commands always take precedence over  macros, i.e.,
    the editor's repertoire can be expanded, but not redefined.

    If a macro is redefined, its new definition replaces its old.

    Note parallelism to EXPR's and EXPR*'s.


(M (c) arg . coms)      c, arg both atoms, defines c as a  list command.
                        Executing   (c e1 ... en)   is    performed   by
                        substituting  (e1 ... en),  i.e.,  cdr   of  the
                        command,  for  arg  throughout  coms,  and  then
                        executing coms.

For example, the command  2ND, page 9.22, can  be defined as a  macro by
(M (2ND) X (ORR ((LC . X) (LC . X)))).

Note  that for  all  editor commands,  "built  in" commands  as  well as
commands defined by macros, atomic definitions and list  definitions are
completely  independent.  In  other words,  the existence  of  an atomic
definition for c in no way affects the treatment of c when it appears as
car of a list command, and  the existence of a list definition for  c in
no  way affects  the treatment  of c  when it  appears as  an  atom.  In
particular, c can be used as the name of either an atomic command,  or a
list  command, or  both.   In the  latter case,  two  entirely different
definitions can be used.

Note  also that  once c  is defined  as an  atomic command  via  a macro
definition,  it  will  not  be searched  for  when  used  in  a location
specification, unless it  is preceded by an  F.  Thus (INSERT  -- BEFORE
BP) would not search for BP, but instead perform a BK, and UP, and  a P,
and then do the insertion.   The corresponding also holds true  for list

Occasionally, the user will want to  employ the S command in a  macro to
save  some  temporary result.   For  example, the  SW  command  could be
defined as:

         (M (SW) (N M) (NTH N) (S FOO 1) MARK 0 (NTH M) (S FIE 1)
                        (I 1 FOO) __ (I 1 FIE))

Since this version of SW sets foo and fie, using SW may have undesirable
side  effects, especially  when the  editor was  called from  deep  in a
computation, we  would have to  be careful to  make up unique  names for
dummy variables used in edit macros, which is  bothersome.  Furthermore,
it  would  be  impossible  to  define  a  command  that   called  itself
recursively while setting free variables.  The BIND command  solves both

(BIND . coms)           binds   three  dummy   variables  #1,   #2,  #3,
                        (initialized to NIL), and then executes the edit
                        commands  coms.   Note that  these  bindings are
                        only  in  effect while  the  commands  are being

    A more elegant definition would be:
    (M (SW) (N M) (NTH N) MARK 0 (NTH M) (S FIE 1) (I 1 (## _ 1))  __ (I
    1 FIE)),
    but this would still use one free variable.


                        executed, and that BIND can be used recursively;
                        it will rebind  #1, #2, and  #3 each time  it is

Thus we could now write SW safely as:

         (M (SW (N M) (BIND (NTH N) (S #1 1) MARK 0 (NTH M) (S #2 1)
                            (I 1 #1) __ (I 1 #2)))).

User  macros are  stored on  a list  usermacros.  The  prettydef command
USERMACROS (Section 14), is  available for dumping all or  selected user

9.9 Miscellaneous Commands

NIL                     unless preceded  by F  or BF,  is always  a NOP.
                        Thus extra right parentheses or  square brackets
                        at the ends of commands are ignored.

TTY:                    calls the editor recursively.  The user can then
                        type in commands,  and have them  executed.  The
                        TTY: command  is completed  when the  user exits
                        from the lower editor.  (see OK and STOP below).

The TTY: command is extremely useful.   It enables the user to set  up a
complex operation,  and perform interactive  attention-changing commands
part way through it.  For example the command (MOVE 3 TO AFTER COND  3 P
TTY:) allows the user to  interact, in effect, within the  MOVE command.
Thus he can verify for himself that the correct location has been found,
or complete the specification "by hand." In effect, TTY: says "I'll tell
you what you should do when you get there."

The TTY: command operates by printing TTY: and then calling  the editor.
The initial edit chain  in the lower editor  is the one that  existed in
the higher editor at the  time the TTY: command was entered.   Until the
user exits  from the  lower editor, any  attention changing  commands he
executes  only affect  the lower  editor's edit  chain.   When  the TTY:
command finishes, the lower  editor's edit chain becomes the  edit chain
of the higher editor.

OK                      exits from the editor

    BIND is implemented by  (PROG (#1 #2 #3) (EDITCOMS (CDR COM))) where
    com corresponds  to the  BIND command, and  editcoms is  an internal
    editor function which executes a list of commands.

    Of course, if the user performs any structure  modification commands
    while under a TTY: command, these will modify the structure  in both
    editors, since it is the same structure.


STOP                    exits from the editor with an error.  Mainly for
                        use in conjunction  with TTY: commands  that the
                        user wants to abort.

Since all of the commands in the editor are errorset protected, the user
must  exit from  the editor  via  a command.    STOP provides  a  way of
distinguishing between  a successful and  unsuccessful (from  the user's
standpoint)  editing session.   For example,  if the  user  is executing
(MOVE 3 TO AFTER COND TTY:), and he exits from the lower editor  with an
OK, the  MOVE command  will then  complete its  operation.  If  the user
wants to abort the MOVE command, he must make the TTY:  command generate
an error.  He  does this by  exiting from the  lower editor with  a STOP
command.   In this  case, the  higher editor's  edit chain  will  not be
changed by the TTY: command.

SAVE                    exits from  the editor and  saves the  "state of
                        the edit" on  the property list of  the function
                        or  variable  being  edited  under  the property
                        EDIT-SAVE.  If the editor is called again on the
                        same  structure,  the  editing   is  effectively
                        "continued,"  i.e., the  edit chain,  mark list,
                        value of unfind and undolst are restored.

For example:

               (NULL X)
               *F COND P
               (COND (& &) (T &))
               (COND (& &) (T &))
               *\ P
               (NULL X)

SAVE  is  necessary  only   if  the  user  is  editing   many  different
expressions; an exit  from the editor via  OK always saves the  state of

    Or by  typing a  control-D. STOP is  preferred even  if the  user is
    editing  at  the evalqt  level,  as it  will  perform  the necessary
    "wrapup"  to insure  that  the changes  made while  editing  will be
    undoable (see Section 22).


the edit of that call  to the editor.   Whenever the editor  is entered,
it checks to see  if it is editing the  same expression as the  last one
edited.  In this case, it restores the mark list, the undolst,  and sets
unfind to be  the edit chain  as of the  previous exit from  the editor.
For example:

               (LAMBDA (X) (PROG & & LP & & & &))
               (COND & &)
                   .                   any number of lispx inputs
                   .                   except for calls to the editor
               (LAMBDA (X) (PROG & & LP & & & &))
               *\ P
               (COND & &)

Furthermore, as  a result of  the history feature  (section 22),  if the
editor is called on the same expression within a certain number of lispx
inputs,    the  state  of  the  edit  of  that  expression  is restored,
regardless of  how many other  expressions may have  been edited  in the

    on  the property  list of  the atom  EDIT, under  the  property name
    LASTVALUE. OK also remprops EDIT-SAVE from the property list  of the
    function or variable being edited.

    Namely, the size  of the history list,  initially 30, but it  can be
    increased by the user.


For example:

               (COND (& &) (& &) (&) (T &))
               _   .              less than  30 lispx  inputs, including
               *\ P
               (COND (& &) (& &) (&) (T &))

Thus the  user can  always continue  editing, including  undoing changes
from a previous editing session, if

         (1)  No  other   expressions  have   been  edited   since  that
              session;   or

         (2)  That session was "sufficiently" recent; or

         (3)  It was ended with a SAVE command.

RAISE                   is  an  edit  macro defined  as  UP  followed by
                        (I 1 (U-CASE (## 1))), i.e., it raises to upper-
                        case the current  expression, or if a  tail, the
                        first element of the current expression.

LOWER                   Similar to RAISE, except uses l-case.

CAP                     First does a RAISE, and then lowers all  but the
                        first  character, i.e.,  the first  character is
                        left capitalized.

Note: RAISE, LOWER,  and CAP are all  NOPs if the corresponding  atom or
string is already in that state.

    Since saving takes place  at exit time, intervening calls  that were
    aborted  via  control-D  or  exited via  STOP  will  not  affect the
    editor's memory of this last session.


(RAISE x)               equivalent to (I R (L-CASE x) x),  i.e., changes
                        every lower-case x to upper-case in  the current

(LOWER x)               similar  to  RAISE,  except  performs (I R x (L-
                        CASE x)).

Note in both (RAISE x) and (LOWER x), x is typed in in upper case.

REPACK                  Permits the "editing" of an atom or string.

For example:

               ... "THIS IS A LOGN STRING")
               (T H I S %  I S %  A %  L O G N %  S T R I N G)
               *(SW G N)
               "THIS IS A LONG STRING"

REPACK  operates by  calling  the editor  recursively on  unpack  of the
current expression, or if it is a list, on unpack of its  first element.
If the lower editor is  exited successfully, i.e., via OK as  opposed to
STOP, the  list of atoms  is made  into a single  atom or  string, which
replaces the atom or string being 'repacked.' The new atom or  string is
always printed.

(REPACK @)              does  (LC   .  @)   followed  by   REPACK,  e.g.
                        (REPACK THIS$).

(; . x)                 x is the text of a comment.  ; ascends  the edit
                        chain looking for  a "safe" place to  insert the
                        comment, e.g.,  in a cond  clause, after  a prog
                        statement, etc., and inserts (* . x)  after that
                        point,  if  possible,  otherwise   before.   For
                        example,   if   the   current    expression   is
                        (FACT (SUB1 N)) in
                                  ((ZEROP N) 1)
                                  (T (ITIMES N (FACT (SUB1 N]

                        (; CALL FACT RECURSIVELY) would insert

    Note that this could also have been accomplished by (R $GN$ $NG$) or
    simply (RC GN NG).


                        (* CALL FACT RECURSIVELY)   before   the  itimes

                        ; does not change the edit chain, but  unfind is
                        set to where the comment was actually inserted.

JOINC                   is used to join two neighboring COND's together,
                        e.g. (COND clause1 clause2)      followed     by
                        (COND clause3 clause4)                   becomes
                        (COND clause1 clause2 clause3 clause4).    JOINC
                        does an (F COND T) first so that you  don't have
                        to be at the first COND.

(SPLITC x)              splits one COND into two.  x specifies  the last
                        clause in the first COND, e.g. (SPLITC 3) splits
                        (COND clause1 clause2 clause3 clause4)      into
                        (COND clause1 clause2)   (COND clause3 clause4).
                        Uses generalized NTH command, so that x does not
                        have  to  be  a number,  e.g.,the  user  can say
                        (SPLITC RETURN), meaning split after  the clause
                        containing   RETURN.    SPLITC   also   does  an
                        (F COND T) first.

CL                      Clispifies current expression.  See Section 23.

DW                      Dwimifies  current expression.   See  Section 17
                        and 23.

(RESETVAR var form . coms)
                        executes coms while var is reset to the value of
                        form, and  then restores var,  i.e.  effectively
                        calls the function resetvar (Section 5).

GET*                    If  the current  expression is  a  comment "map"
                        (see Section 14), reads in the full text  of the
                        comment and  replaces the current  expression by

    If  inserted   after  the   itimes,  the   comment  would   then  be
    (incorrectly) returned  as the  value of the  cond. However,  if the
    cond was itself a prog statement, and hence its value was  not being
    used, the comment could be (and would be) inserted after  the itimes


9.10 UNDO

Each command  that causes structure  modification automatically  adds an
entry to the front of undolst that contains the information  required to
restore all pointers that were changed by that command.

UNDO                    undoes  the last,  i.e., most  recent, structure
                        modification  command  that  has  not  yet  been
                        undone,   and prints  the name of  that command,
                        e.g.,  MBD  UNDONE.   The  edit  chain  is  then
                        exactly what it was before the  "undone" command
                        had been performed.    If there are  no commands
                        to undo, UNDO types NOTHING SAVED.

!UNDO                   undoes all  modifications performed  during this
                        editing session, i.e.  this call to  the editor.
                        As each command is undone, its name is printed a
                        la  UNDO.  If  there  is nothing  to  be undone,
                        !UNDO prints NOTHING SAVED.

Whenever  the user  continues an  editing session  as described  on page
9.54-56, the undo  information of the  previous session is  protected by
inserting a special blip, called an undo-block, on the front of undolst.
This  undo-block  will  terminate  the  operation  of  a  !UNDO, thereby
confining its effect to the current session, and will  similarly prevent
an  UNDO command  from operating  on commands  executed in  the previous

Thus,  if  the  user  enters  the  editor  continuing  a   session,  and
immediately  executes an  UNDO or  !UNDO, the  editor will  type BLOCKED

    Since UNDO and !UNDO cause structure modification, they also  add an
    entry to  undolst. However,  UNDO and !UNDO  entries are  skipped by
    UNDO, e.g.,  if the user  performs an INSERT,  and then an  MBD, the
    first UNDO will undo the  MBD, and the second will undo  the INSERT.
    However, the user can also specify precisely which commands he wants
    undone by identifying the corresponding entry on the history list as
    described in Section 22. In this case, he can undo an  UNDO command,
    e.g.,  by typing  UNDO UNDO,  or  undo a  !UNDO command,  or  undo a
    command other than that most recently performed.

    Undoing an event containing an I, E, or S command will also undo the
    side effects of  the evaluation(s), e.g.,  undoing (I 3  (/NCONC FOO
    FIE)) will not  only restore the 3rd  element but also  restore FOO.
    Similarly, undoing an S command will undo the set. See discussion of
    UNDO in Section 22. (Note  that if the I command was  typed directly
    to the editor, /NCONC  would automatically be substituted  for NCONC
    as described in Section 22.)


instead  of  NOTHING SAVED.   Similarly, if  the  user  executes several
commands and then undoes them all, another UNDO or !UNDO will also cause
BLOCKED to be typed.

UNBLOCK                 removes an  undo-block.  If  executed at  a non-
                        blocked  state,  i.e., if  UNDO  or  !UNDO could
                        operate, types NOT BLOCKED.

TEST                    adds an undo-block at the front of undolst.

Note  that  TEST together  with  !UNDO provide  a  "tentative"  mode for
editing, i.e., the user can  perform a number of changes, and  then undo
all of them with a single !UNDO command.

9.11 Editdefault

Whenever a command is not recognized, i.e., is not "built in" or defined
as  a macro,  the  editor calls  an internal  function,  editdefault, to
determine what action  to take.   If  a location specification  is being
executed, an internal flag  informs editdefault to treat the  command as
though it had been preceded by an F.

If  the  command is  a  list, an  attempt  is made  to  perform spelling
correction on car of the  command   using editcomsl, a list of  all list

    Since editdefault is part of the edit block, the user  cannot advise
    or redefine  it as a  means of augmenting  or extending  the editor.
    However, the user can  accomplish this via edituserfn. If  the value
    of  the variable  edituserfn is  T, editdefault  calls  the function
    edituserfn  giving  it the  command  as an  argument.  If edituserfn
    returns  a  non-NIL value,  its  value is  interpreted  as  a single
    command  and  executed. Otherwise,  the  error  correction procedure
    described below is performed.

    unless  dwimflg=NIL.  See  Section  17  for  discussion  of spelling


               94                                        95
edit  commands.   If  spelling correction  is successful,    the correct
command name is rplacaed into  the command, and the editor  continues by
executing      the      command.       In other words, if the user types
(LP F PRINT (MBBD AND (NULL FLG))), only one spelling correction will be
necessary  to  change  MBBD  to  MBD.   If  spelling  correction  is not
successful, an error is generated.

If  the command  is  atomic, the  procedure  followed is  a  little more

1)  If  the command  is one  of  the list  commands, i.e.,  a  member of
    editcomsl, and there is additional input on the same  terminal line,
    treat the entire line as a single list command.   Thus, the user may
    omit parentheses  for any  list command  typed in  at the  top level
    (provided the command is not also an atomic command, e.g.   NX, BK).
    For example,

               (COND (& &) (T &))
               *XTR 3 2]
               *MOVE TO AFTER LP

    If the command is on  the list editcomsl but no additional  input is
    on the terminal line, an error is generated, e.g.

               (COND (& &) (T &))

               MOVE ?

    If the command is on editcomsl, and not typed in directly,  e.g., it
    appears as  one of the  commands in a  LP command, the  procedure is
    similar, with  the rest of  the command stream  at that  level being
    treated as "the terminal line", e.g.

    When a macro is defined via the M command, the command name is added
    to editcomsa or editcomsl, depending  on whether it is an  atomic or
    list  command. The  prettydef  command USERMACROS  (Section  14), is
    aware of this, and provides for restoring editcomsa and editcomsl.

    Throughout  this  discussion,  if  the  command  was  not  typed  in
    directly, the user will be asked to approve the spelling correction.
    See Section 17.

    The line is read using  readline (Section 14). Thus the line  can be
    terminated by a square bracket, or by a carriage return not preceded
    by a space.


              (LP F (COND (T &)) XTR 2 2).

2)  If the command was typed  in and the first character in  the command
    is an 8,  treat the 8  as a mistyped  left parenthesis, and  and the
    rest of the line as the arguments to the command, e.g.,

               (COND (& &) (T &))
               *8-2 (Y (RETURN Z)))
               (COND (Y &) (& &) (T &))

3)  If the  command was  typed in,  is the  name of  a function,  and is
    followed by  NIL or  a list  car of  which is  not an  edit command,
    assume the user forgot to type E and means to apply the  function to
    its  arguments,  type =E  and  the function  name,  and  perform the
    indicated computation, e.g.

               =E BREAK

4)  If  the  last character  in  the command  is  P, and  the  first n-1
    characters  comprise a  number, assume  that the  user  intended two
    commands, e.g.,

               (COND (& &) (T &))
               =0 P
               (SETQ X (COND & &))

5)  Attempt spelling  correction using  editcomsa, and  if successful,
    execute the corrected command.

6)  Otherwise, if there is additional input on the same line, or command
    stream, spelling correct using editcomsl as a spelling list, e.g.,

    Note  that if  the command  is being  executed in  location context,
    editdefault does not get this far, e.g., (MOVE TO AFTER COND  XTR 3)
    will    search    for     XTR,    not    execute     it.    However,
    (MOVE TO AFTER COND (XTR 3)) will work.

    See footnote on page 9.62.


               *MBBD SETQ X

7)  Otherwise, generate an error.

9.12 Editor Functions

edite[expr;coms;atm]    edits  an  expression.  Its  value  is  the last
                        element      of      editl[list[expr];coms;atm].
                        Generates an error if expr is not a list.

editl[l;coms;atm;mess]  editl   is  the editor.   Its first  argument is
                        the edit chain, and its value is an  edit chain,
                        namely  the  value of  l  at the  time  editl is

                        coms  is  an  optional  list  of  commands.  For
                        interactive editing, coms is NIL.  In this case,
                        editl types EDIT  and then waits for  input from
                        terminal.    All input is done with editrdtbl as
                        a readtable.  Exit occurs only via an  OK, STOP,
                        or SAVE command.

                        If coms  is not  NIL, no  message is  typed, and
                        each member of coms is treated as a  command and
                        executed.  If an  error occurs in  the execution
                        of  one of  the  commands, no  error  message is
                        printed, the rest  of the commands  are ignored,
                        and editl exits with an error, i.e.,  the effect
                        is the  same as though  a STOP command  had been
                        executed.  If all commands execute successfully,
                        editl returns the current value of l.

                        atm is optional.  On calls from editf, it is the
                        name of the function being edited; on calls from

    edit-ell, not edit-one.

    l is a specvar, and so can be examined or set by edit  commands. For
    example, ^  is equivalent  to (E (SETQ L (LAST L)) T).  However, the
    user should only manipulate or examine l directly as a  last resort,
    and then with caution.

    If mess is not NIL, editl types it instead of EDIT. For example, the
    TTY: command is essentially (SETQ L (EDITL L NIL NIL (QUOTE TTY:))).


                        editv, the name of the variable, and  calls from
                        editp,  the atom  whose property  list  is being
                        edited.  The property list of atm is used by the
                        SAVE command for  saving the state of  the edit.
                        Thus  SAVE will  not save  anything  if atm=NIL,
                        i.e.,  when  editing  arbitrary  expressions via
                        edite or editl directly.

editl0[l;coms;mess;editlflg]      like editl  except does not  rebind or
                        initialize the editor's various state variables,
                        such as lastail, unfind, undolst, marklst, etc.

editf[x]                nlambda,   nospread  function   for   editing  a
                        function.    car[x]   is   the   name   of   the
                        function,cdr[x]  an optional  list  of commands.
                        For the  rest of the  discussion, fn  is car[x],
                        and coms is cdr[x].

                        The value of editf is fn.

(1) In the most  common case, fn is  an expr, and editf  simply performs
    putd[fn;edite[getd[fn];coms;fn]].   However,  if fn  is  an  expr by
    virtue of its being broken or advised, and

    (1a) the   original   definition   is  also   an   expr,   then  the
         broken/advised definition is given to edite to be edited (since
         any  changes there  will  also affect  the  original definition
         because  all  changes  are  destructive).   However,  a warning
         message  is  printed  to  alert the  user  that  he  must first
         position himself correctly before he can begin  typing commands
         such as (-3 --), (N --), etc.

    (1b) the original definition  is not an expr,  and there is  no EXPR
         property,  and  the  file  package  "knows"  which  file  fn is
         contained in, then the expr definition of fn is loaded onto its
         property list as described in (3) below, and proceeds  to (1c),
         otherwise a warning message is printed, and the  edit proceeds,
         e.g., the user may have called the editor to examine the advice
         on a subr.

    (1c) the original definition  is not an expr,  and there is  an EXPR
         property, then the function is unbroken/unadvised  (latter only
         with user's approval,  since the user  may really want  to edit
         the advice) and proceed as in (2).

(2) If fn is not an expr,  but has an EXPR property, editf  prints PROP,
    and performs edite[getp[fn;EXPR];coms;fn].  If edite  returns (i.e.,

    editlflg=T is for internal use by the editor.


    if the editing is not  terminated by a STOP), and some  changes were
    made, editf  performs unsavedef[fn], prints  UNSAVED, and  then does

(3) if fn  is neither an  expr nor  has an EXPR  property, and  the file
    package (see section 14) "knows" which file fn is contained  in, the
    expr definition of fn  is automatically loaded (using  loadfns) onto
    its property list, and proceed  to (2) above.    In addition,  if fn
    is a  member of a  block (see  section 18), the  user will  be asked
    whether  he wishes  the rest  of the  functions in  the block  to be
    loaded at the same time.

(4) If fn is neither an expr nor has an EXPR property, but it  does have
    a definition, editf generates an fn NOT EDITABLE error.

(5) If fn  is neither  defined, nor has  an EXPR  property, but  its top
    level value is a list,  editf assumes the user meant to  call editv,
    prints =EDITV, calls editv and returns.  Similarly, if fn has a non-
    NIL property list, editf prints =EDITP, calls editp and returns.

(6) If fn is  neither a function,  nor has an  EXPR property, nor  a top
    level  value that  is a  list, nor  a non-NIL  property  list, editf
    attempts spelling correction  using the spelling  list userwords,
    and if successful, goes back to (1).

    Otherwise, editf generates an fn NOT EDITABLE error.

    Because of  the existence  of the  file map  (see section  14), this
    operation is extremely fast, essentially requiring only the  time to
    perform the READ to obtain the actual definition.

    The editor's  behaviour in case  (3) is controlled  by the  value of
    editloadfnsflg, which is  a dotted pair of  two flags, the  first of
    which  (i.e., car  of editloadfnsflg)  controls the  loading  of the
    function, and the  second the loading of  the block. A value  of NIL
    for  either flag  means "load  but ask  first," a  value of  T means
    "don't ask, just do it" and anything else means "don't ask, don't do
    it." The initial  value of editloadfnsflg  is (T), meaning  load the
    function without asking, ask about loading the block.

    Unless  dwimflg=NIL.  Spelling  correction  is  performed  using the
    function misspelled?. If fn=NIL, misspelled? returns the last "word"
    referenced, e.g.,  by defineq, editf,  prettyprint etc. Thus  if the
    user defines foo and then  types editf[], the editor will  assume he
    meant foo, type =FOO, and then type EDIT. See Section 17.


If editf ultimately succeeds in  finding a function to edit,  i.e., does
not exit by  calling editv or editp,  editf calls the  function addspell
after editing has been  completed.    Addspell "notices" fn,  i.e., sets
lastword to fn, and adds  fn to the appropriate spelling lists.   If any
changes  were  made, editf  also  calls  the file  package  to  mark the
function as being changed, as described in section 14.

editv[editvx]           nlambda,  nospread function,  similar  to editf,
                        for editing  values.  car[editvx]  specifies the
                        value,  cdr[editvx]  is  an  optional   list  of

If car[editvx] is a list, it is evaluated and its value given  to edite,
e.g., EDITV((CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE FOO) DICTIONARY)))).   In this  case, the
value of editv is T.

However, for  most applications, car[editvx]  is a variable  name, i.e.,
atomic, as  in EDITV(FOO).   If the  value of  this variable  is NOBIND,
editv checks to see if it is the name of a function, and if  so, assumes
the user meant  to call editf,  prints =EDITF, calls editf  and returns.
Otherwise,   editv   attempts  spelling   correction   using   the  list
userwords.    Then editv will call edite on the value of car[editvx] (or
the corrected spelling thereof).  Thus, if the value of foo is  NIL, and
the user performs (EDITV FOO), no spelling correction will  occur, since
foo is  the name  of a  variable in the  user's system,  i.e., it  has a
value.  However, edite will generate an error, since foo's value  is not
a list,  and hence  not editable.   If the  user performs  (EDITV FOOO),
where the value  of fooo is  NOBIND, and foo  is on the  user's spelling
list, the spelling corrector will correct FOOO to FOO.  Then  edite will
be called on the  value of foo.  Note that  this may still result  in an
error if the value of foo is not a list.

When (if) edite returns, editv sets the variable to the  value returned,
and calls addspell. If any changes were made, editv also calls  the file
package to mark the variable as being changed.

The value of editv is the name of the variable whose value was edited.

    Unless dwimflg=NIL. addspell is described in Section 17.

    Even though  the call  to newfile?  does not  occur until  after the
    editing  is  completed,  nevertheless  the  function  is effectively
    marked as changed as soon as the first change is performed,  so that
    even if the  edit is aborted via  control-D, newfile? will  still be

    Unless  dwimflg=NIL. Misspelled?  is also  called if  car[editvx] is
    NIL, so that EDITV() will edit lastword.


editp[x]                nlambda, nospread function, similar to editf for
                        editing property lists.  If the property list of
                        car[x]   is   NIL,   editp   attempts   spelling
                        correction  using userwords.   Then  editp calls
                        edite on  the property list  of car[x],  (or the
                        corrected  spelling thereof).   When  (if) edite
                        returns,  editp rplacd's  car[x] with  the value
                        returned, and calls addspell.

                        The value  of editp is  the atom  whose property
                        list was edited.

editfns[x]              nlambda, nospread function, used to  perform the
                        same  editing operations  on  several functions.
                        car[x]  is  evaluated   to  obtain  a   list  of
                        functions.    cdr[x] is a list of edit commands.
                        editfns maps down the list of  functions, prints
                        the name of each function, and calls  the editor
                        (via editf) on that function.

For example, EDITFNS(FOOFNS (R FIE FUM)) will change every FIE to FUM in
each of the functions on foofns.

                        The call to the editor is errorset protected, so
                        that if  the editing of  one function  causes an
                        error,   editfns  will   proceed  to   the  next

Thus in the  above example, if  one of the  functions did not  contain a
FIE, the R command would cause an error, but editing would continue with
the next function.

                        The value of editfns is NIL.

    If car[x] is atomic, and its value is not a list, and it is the name
    of a file, filefnslst[car[x]] will be used as the list  of functions
    to be edited.

    i.e., the definition of editfns might be:
               (APPLY (QUOTE EDITF)
                      (CONS (PRINT Y T) (CDR X]

    In particular, if an error occurred while editing a function via its
    EXPR property, the function would not be unsaved. In other words, in
    the above example, only those functions which contained a FIE, i.e.,
    only those actually changed, would be unsaved.


edit4e[pat;x;changeflg] is the pattern match routine. Its value is  T if
                        pat-matches x.  See page 9.16-17  for definition
                        of "match".

Note:  before each  search operation  in the  editor begins,  the entire
pattern is scanned for atoms or strings containing alt-modes.  These are
replaced by  patterns of the  form (CONS (QUOTE $) (UNPACK atom/string))
for                                6a,                               and
(CONS (QUOTE $$) (CONS (NCHARS atom/string) (UNPACK atom/string))),  for
6b.    Thus from the standpoint of edit4e, pattern type 6a  is indicated
by car[pat]  being the atom  $ ($  is alt-mode) and  pattern type  6b by
car[pat] being the atom $$ (double alt-mode).

Therefore, if  the user wishes  to call edit4e  directly, he  must first
convert any patterns which contain atoms or strings ending  in alt-modes
to  the form  recognized  by edit4e.   This  is done  with  the function

editfpat[pat;flg]       makes a copy of pat with all patterns of  type 6
                        converted to the form expected by edit4e.

editfindp[x;pat;flg]    allows a program to use the edit find command as
                        a pure predicate  from outside the editor.  x is
                        an  expression,  pat a  pattern.   The  value of
                        editfindp  is  T  if  the  command  F pat  would
                        succeed,   NIL   otherwise.    editfindp   calls
                        editfpat to convert pat to the form  expected by
                        edit4e, unless flg=T.   Thus, if the  program is
                        applying   editfindp   to    several   different
                        expressions using the  same pattern, it  will be
                        more efficient to  call editfpat once,  and then
                        call  editfindp with  the converted  pattern and

    changeflg is for internal use by the editor.

    In latter case, atom/string corresponds to the atom or string  up to
    but not including the final two-alt-modes. In both cases, dunpack is
    used wherever possible.

    flg=T is used for internal use by the editor.


esubst[x;y;z;errorflg;charflg]    equivalent  to  performing  (R y x)
                        with  z  as the  current  expression,  i.e., the
                        order  of arguments  is the  same as  for subst.
                        Note that y and/or x can employ  alt-modes.  The
                        value of esubst is the modified z.  Generates an
                        error    if  y not found  in z.   If errorflg=T,
                        also prints an error message of the form y ?.

                        esubst is always undoable.

changename[fn;from;to]  replaces all  occurrences of from  by to  in the
                        definition of fn.  If fn is an  expr, changename
                        performs  nlsetq[esubst[to;from;getd[fn]]].   If
                        fn  is   compiled,    changename   searches  the
                        literals  of  fn   (and  all  of   its  compiler
                        generated    subfunctions),    replacing    each
                        occurrence of from with to.

                        The value  of changename is  fn if at  least one
                        instance of from was found, otherwise NIL.

changename is  used by  break and advise  for changing  calls to  fn1 to
calls to fn1-IN-fn2.

editracefn[com]         is available to help the user debug complex edit
                        macros, or subroutine  calls to the  editor.  If
                        editracefn is set to T, the  function editracefn
                        is called whenever a command that was  not typed
                        in by the user  is about to be  executed, giving
                        it that command  as its argument.   However, the
                        TRACE  and  BREAK  options  described  below are
                        probably sufficient for most applications.

                        If editracefn is set  to TRACE, the name  of the
                        command and the current expression  are printed.
                        If  editracefn=BREAK,  the  same  information is
                        printed, and the editor goes into a  break.  The
                        user can then examine the state of the editor.

                        editracefn is initially NIL.

    unless charflg=T, in which  case it is equivalent to  (RC y x).  See
    page 9.44.

    of the type that never causes a break.

    Will succeed even if  from is called from  fn via a linked  call. In
    this case, the call will also be relinked to call to instead.
