
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-02 - decus/20-0074/gnosis.mic
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![MIC] Enabling CTRL-S and CTRL-Q commands
![MIC] Command Format:  "DO GNOSIS <lessonname WITHOUT extension>"
![MIC] Since the ".GNO" extension is ASSUMED, none should
![MIC] be supplied by the user.
![MIC] Type a CTRL-Q to continue, CTRL-Cs to cancel
![MIC] Submitting 'A.GNO to the GNOSIS translator
![MIC] Type a CTRL-Q to continue, CTRL-Cs to cancel
![MIC] Submitting the translated program, 'A.ALG to the
![MIC] ALGOL compiler with NOSYMBOLS, PRODUCTION switches
![MIC] Type a CTRL-Q to continue, CTRL-Cs to cancel
![MIC] Loading with GNOLIB.REL
![MIC] Type a CTRL-Q to continue, CTRL-Cs to cancel
![MIC] Saving lesson as 'A.SAV
![MIC] "RUN 'A" will now run the lesson.
![MIC] Deleting the garbage files 'A.REL, 'A.ALG
![MIC] Finished...exiting to monitor