
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-03 - decus/20-0078/sys/simddt.hlp
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SIMDDT is an interactive program that is used to debug SIMULA programs.
SIMDDT allows the user to:

a) set up to 20 breakpoints in the program    [STOP] AT [module:] nn ...
b) continue from a breakpoint                 PROCEED
c) display the current breakpoint settings    [STOP] BREAKS
d) remove a breakpoint setting                REMOVE [AT n]
e) change the contents of a variable          INPUT x:= ...
f) display the contents of a variable         OUTPUT x, ...
g) display all variables in the storage pool  VARIABLES [/switches]
h) display the dynamic operating chain        CHAIN
i) display all scheduled processes            SCHEDULED
k) switch output to a disk file e.g.  a.bug   USE a.bug
l) display the source program                 DISPLAY [module:] mm[-nn]
m) move SIMDDT viewpoint :  to object x       INSPECT x
      to SIMDDT interrupt point               INSPECT/START
      to CLASS or PROCEDURE generation point  INSPECT/RETURN
      to viewpoint before last RETURN         INSPECT/RESET
      to statically enclosing block           INSPECT/UP
n) close open files                           [STOP] CLOSE
o) read SIMDDT control file e.g.  x.cmd       @x.cmd
p) terminate execution                        EXIT


The SIMDDT program is self-relocating and it is read from disk by a
SIMRTS routine when requested.  The SIMULA compiler switches I
(IDENTIFICATION, produces a line number table) and D (DEBUGS, produces a
symbol table) must have been set during compilation if the program is to
be debugged with SIMDDT.  The switches are set by default but if they
were set off, SIMDDT will give incomplete information to the user.


     If the source file has extension SIM or the /SIMULA switch is used,
     the DEBUG monitor command will ensure that SIMDDT is read into low
     segment core and started before the SIMULA program execution
     Command example:



     The monitor commands LOAD plus SAVE will save the user program not
     including SIMDDT on disk.  If issued directly after LOAD (+SAVE) or
     GET, the REENTER command will cause SIMDDT to be read into low
     segment core and started.  The START monitor command will start
     user program execution directly.
     Command example:


1.3 ^C - REENTER

     After the SIMULA program has started to execute without the
     debugging system it is usually possible to invoke SIMDDT.  One or
     two ^C commands will stop execution and return the terminal to
     monitor mode.  The REENTER monitor command will load and start
     SIMDDT, which will give the number of the source program line which
     corresponds to the statement which was interrupted by ^C.  This is
     very useful when the program is looping.  ^C can also be used if
     SIMDDT is already loaded.
     Command example:


1.4 Program errors

     SIMDDT will be called to write the error message and information on
     where the error occurred.

1.5 CONTINUE after program exit

     The CONTINUE monitor command can be used to start SIMDDT after a
     normal program exit.  The variables in the storage pool can be
     displayed with the VARIABLES command.

1.6 REENTER after program exit

     The REENTER command should be used to restart the program and
     SIMDDT after program exit.  Note that all breakpoint settings will
     be removed.  If SIMDDT was not loaded at execution start, the START
     command will restart the program without invoking SIMDDT.


SIMDDT operates in two modes, debug and error mode.  SIMDDT is in error
mode when entered after a program error, otherwise it is in debug mode.

2.1 Command syntax

     SIMDDT will translate all lower case letters to upper case.  The
     reserved words in the commands can be truncated to any number of
     characters as long as they are unique.  The keywords INPUT and STOP
     have also been given short forms namely I and ST.  A command may
     not occupy more than one line.

     A line starting with the character ; will be treated as a comment
     and ignored.

     The user identifies a breakpoint with a source program line number.
     In the command descriptions below the notation <LINE> is used.
     <LINE> has the form [<MODULE>:] <NNNNN>.

     <MODULE> is MAIN or the SIMULA name of a separately compiled
     procedure or class.  MAIN indicates the main program.  If <MODULE>:
     is omitted, the current module is used by SIMDDT, that is MAIN at
     program start and later the module in which the current breakpoint
     is placed.

     <NNNNN> is a line number in the source program.  The line should
     contain the beginning of an executable statement.  If not found the
     first higher numbered line on which a statement starts will be

     In the commands the user references a source variable with the

                          [QUA <CLASS IDENTIFIER>] !

                           THIS <CLASS IDENTIFIER>!
                           <ARRAY IDENTIFIER>(<SUBSCRIPT LIST>)

     <SUBSCRIPT LIST> ::= [-] <INTEGER> !
                          [-] <INTEGER>,<SUBSCRIPT LIST>

                          [<IDENTIFICATION>.]<ARRAY IDENTIFIER> !

     The <IDENTIFIER> must be a simple variable of type INTEGER, REAL,
     LONG REAL, BOOLEAN or CHARACTER or a simple object reference or
     TEXT type variable.  When the <IDENTIFIER> is a formal parameter
     called by name it is not handled by SIMDDT.  A formal parameter
     with transmission mode by value or by reference will be treated
     like a declared variable.  The standard procedures SYSIN, SYSOUT,
     accepted by SIMDDT.

     The brackets ( ) around the <SUBSCRIPT LIST> can be replaced by a
     pair of square brackets, e.g.  A[1,2].

     In the commands below the notation <STRING> is used.  <STRING> is a
     string of characters enclosed in " .  The first 5 characters in the
     string are part of the message that SIMDDT outputs at the

2.2 Commands

     [STOP] AT <LINE> [,<N>] [<STRING>]

     SIMDDT ACTION:  Identifies a breakpoint and outputs a message every
     n:th time the referenced statement is executed.  If STOP is given
     execution is halted and new SIMDDT commands are accepted.  <N>, the
     loop counter, is an integer number.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Identifies a breakpoint.  If IFCHANGED is specified
     SIMDDT will output only changed variable values, otherwise the
     values are always given.  If IFCHANGED is specified the first time
     the breakpoint is reached, the value is compared to 0, FALSE,
     NOTEXT, NONE or CHAR(0), depending on its type.  * the complete
     block indicator and <ARRAY IDENTIFIER> are not allowed when
     IFCHANGED used.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Identifies a breakpoint.  SIMDDT will output the
     variable value if the relation is TRUE.
     The <RELATION OPERATOR> can be one of > >= < <= = \= == =/= GT GE
     TRUE, FALSE, NOTEXT, NONE, arithmetic constant, character constant,
     text value constant or CLASS identifier.

     REMOVE [ AT <LINE> ]

     SIMDDT ACTION:  Remove all breakpoint commands for a specific line
     or remove all breakpoints.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  List all breakpoint commands.  The input order is
     not kept.  If STOP is specified, SIMDDT will halt after each
     breakpoint command and give the user the possibility to remove it.
     When all breakpoint commands for a line are removed the breakpoint
     is removed.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Output the values of the variables.  See VARIABLES
     for explanation of the switches.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Changes the value of the referenced variable to the
     value given in the command.  The operators are := and :-.  See
     above for explanation of <VALUE>.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Output the indicated source program lines.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  The point in the program, from which SIMDDT sees
     the variables, is moved.  This makes it possible to input and
     output variables, which are not visible from the block in which the
     program execution was interrupted.

     SIMDDT will now see inside the CLASS object, to which the variable
     refers.  It must be an object reference (not NONE).

     SIMDDT will again see from the place, where program execution was
     originally interrupted and SIMDDT entered.

     SIMDDT should be looking inside a procedure or an active CLASS.
     /RETURN will make SIMDDT see from the point where the procedure was
     called or where the class was generated or called.

     Go back to where SIMDDT was looking before the last INSPECT /RETURN

     Look directly at the statically enclosing block.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  SIMDDT will either start program execution or
     continue processing at the point where it was interrupted.  PROCEED
     is not valid after an error from which it is not possible to
     continue or after a NOPROCEED command.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  SIMDDT output will be written on the file specified
     in the command.  All output that signals a user action is also
     output on TTY e.g.  the message "STOP AT MAIN:17 " will be output
     both at the TTY and the file at the breakpoint stop.  The file is
     not closed until a new USE command is given or at the end of
     execution.  The format of the <FILE SPECIFICATION> is the same as
     the one used for the other user files, see chapter 8.2.  USE TTY:
     will reset SIMDDT output to the terminal.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Writes the dynamic operating chain starting with
     the current block.  Only procedures, class instances and inspected
     class instances are given.  The name of the block and its
     activation line are listed.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  The complete storage pool is scanned and all
     variables that are of a type treated by SIMDDT are listed together
     with the name of the dynamic block in which the variables are
     declared.  If possible the garbage collector routine (G.C.) will be
     called before the storage pool is investigated if not /-GC was
     specified.  When /-ARRAY is specified all array elements are
     skipped in the output.  When /-TEXT is specified all text
     characters are skipped in the output.  To reduce output only
     variables which do not have their initial values are given.  The
     amount of data is often very large, and the USE command can be used
     to direct the output to a disk or LPT file.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  For each scheduled process the following will be
     EVTIME= scheduled time
     Class name
     Octal address of dynamic area DETACHED <LINE>

     ALL [/-ARRAY] [/-TEXT] [/-GC]

     SIMDDT ACTION:  Produces the same information as if the commands
     CHAIN, VARIABLES and SCHEDULED had been given.  


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Lists and closes all open files except SYSIN and
     SYSOUT.  If STOP specified SIMDDT will halt and give the user the
     possibility to close the file.  Answer CLOSE or carriage return.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Inhibits the use of the PROCEED command.  After
     this command it will be possible to use a critical command such as
     USE or DISPLAY.  Not necessary when stopping at preset breakpoints.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  SIMDDT input will be read from the file specified
     in the command.  The command will be output on the TTY before it is
     processed.  When end of file found SIMDDT will request input from
     the TTY.


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Returns control to SIMRTS which closes the SYSIN
     and SYSOUT files and then returns to the monitor.  


     SIMDDT ACTION:  Lists part of the SIMDDT.HLP file.

     2.3 Command examples

     STOP AT 55 ,3

     EXPLANATION:  Set a breakpoint at first statement on line 55 and
     stop processing every third time the statement is executed so that
     the user can communicate with SIMDDT.


     EXPLANATION:  Output the values of the variables VINT[1,3] and
     VREF.VBOOL each time the first statement on line 30 in the main
     program is to be executed.  The message will contain the letters


     EXPLANATION:  Output the variable value if any of the variables
     were changed since the last time the statement at line 10 was to be

     STOP AT 80 IF VREAL>=1.5

     EXPLANATION:  Stop execution at the statement on line 80 if the
     variable VREAL>=1.5


     EXPLANATION:  Change the value of the text variable.  Note that
     only the characters may be changed, but not the length.


     EXPLANATION:  SIMDDT output will be written on file DEBFIL.LPT.
     Output in connection with a breakpoint stop will also appear on the
     user TTY.

     DISPLAY 1-10

     EXPLANATION:  Output the source program lines 1 to 10.

2.4 SIMDDT input and output

     The user TTY is normally used for input to SIMDDT .  A "*" on the
     terminal signals that SIMDDT is expecting a user command.  The @
     command will cause SIMDDT to read its input from the indicated

     The user TTY is used for output from SIMDDT when it is in debug
     mode and no USE command has been given.

     Both the user TTY and the SYSOUT file are used for output from
     SIMDDT when it is in error mode.The output from the ALL command is
     only written to SYSOUT but all other output is written on both
     If an output file is specified with the USE command it replaces the
     SYSOUT file.

                          [END OF SIMDDT.HLP]