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Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
In a regression problem the researcher postulates a certain relation-
ship between a random variable y (the realizations of which are subject to
some form of disturbance) on the one side and a number of variables
x1,...,xp (which are without or at least almost without disturbances) on
the other side. This relationship is expressed by a mathematical formula,
which is called the (linear) regression model, for instance:
y = a0 + a1 * x1 + ... + ap * xp + e (1)
in which a0,...,ap represent unknown regression coefficients (parameters)
which are to be estimated and e represents the disturbance. If a constant
term is present in the model formula (in (1) the a0), the model is said to
be an 'intercept model', if no constant term is present, the model is
called a 'no-intercept model'.
The variables x1,...,xp and the variable y can also represent (other)
transformed variables. The researcher might have reasons to believe (from
background information concerning the experiment) that transformations are
necessary, for instance:
1) to obtain normally distributed disturbances,
2) to obtain a greater homogeneity of the variances of the disturbances,
3) to linearize non-linear regression models (if possible).
The transformed regression model can be written as:
G(y) = a0 + a1 * F1(x1,...,xm) + ... + ap * Fp(x1,...,xm) + e (2)
in which G, F1,...,Fp represent the transformations,
a0,...,ap represent the parameters to be estimated,
y represents the dependent variable,
x1,...,xm represent the independent variables,
e represents the disturbance.
The choice of a transformation by means of 'trial and error' is rather
time consuming and costly. The importance of the location parameter makes
for the difficulty. It is not unusual that Log (x) yields no improvement,
but that Log (c+x) gives better results for a particular choice of c.
Because this holds for almost any transformation of some importance, we
must actually solve in each case a nonlinear adjustment problem. Often
though, a simple form of the transformation is suggested by the researcher
who is better acquainted with the peculiarities of the experiment.
Regression analysis consists in fact of the adjustment of a hyperplane
of the required dimension to the data. The fitting is done with the method
of least squares, which means that the sum of the squares of the
differences between the observed values for y and the estimated values for
the expectation of y, are minimized. This sum of squares is also called
the residual sum of squares.
In matrix notation the regression model can be written as:
Y = Xa + e (3)
in which Y is a (n*1) random vector of observations,
X is a (n*p) matrix of known (fixed) values,
a is a (p*1) vector of (unknown) parameters,
and e is a (n*1) random vector of disturbances.
It is supposed that E(e) = 0 and var(e) = Isigma^2, in which I is the unit
matrix, thus:
E(Y) = Xa (4)
The sum of squares of the differences between the observed values of Y
and the estimated values for the expectation of Y thus equals:
(Y-Xa)'(Y-Xa) = Y'Y - 2a'X'Y + a'X'Xa (5)
(for a'X'Y is a scalar and therefore equal to Y'Xa).
Choosing as least squares estimator b that value of a which minimizes
(5), involves differentiating with respect to the elements of a and
equating the result to zero:
-2X'Y + 2X'Xb = 0, thus: X'Y = X'Xb (6)
This system is called the normal equations. If the rank of X equals p, X'X
is nonsingular and the inverse of X'X exists. In that case the solution of
the normal equations can be written as:
b = inv(X'X)X'Y (7)
Observe that p <= n must hold, in order that the rank of X can be p at all.
Therefore at least as many observations must be made, as there are
parameters in the model. Also observe that E(b) = inv(X'X)X'E(Y) = a, thus
b is an unbiased estimator of a.
The least squares estimator has the following properties:
1. It is an estimator which minimizes the sum of squares of deviations,
irrespective of any distribution properties of the disturbances. The
assumption that the disturbances are normally distributed is, of course,
necessary for tests which depend on this assumption, such as t- or F-
tests, or for obtaining confidence intervals based on t- or F-
2. According to the Gauss-Markov theorem, the elements of b are unbiased
estimators, which have minimum variance (of any linear function of the
Y's which provides unbiased estimators), again irrespective of the
distribution properties of the disturbances.
3. If the disturbances are mutually independent and normally distributed
(with E(e) = 0 and var(e) = Isigma^2), then b is also the maximum
likelihood estimator.
The variance-covariance matrix of b is:
var(b) = inv(X'X)sigma^2 (8)
The variances are the diagonal and the covariances the off-diagonal
An unbiased estimator for sigma^2 is given by:
s^2 = (Y'Y - b'X'Y) / (n-p) (9)
The square root of this estimator is frequently called 'standard error of
estimate'. In the printed output of the program it is indicated more
properly as 'standard deviation of the error term'.
Let vij be the element in the i-th row and j-th column of inv(X'X),
then sdi = s * Sqrt(vii) estimates the standard deviation of bi, and cij =
vij / Sqrt(vii * vjj) gives the correlation coefficient between bi and bj
for i = 1,...,p and j = 1,...,p. Thus:
vii = (sdi / s)^2 (10)
vij = cij * Sqrt(vii * vjj) = cij * (sdi * sdj) / s (11)
A frequently used statistical measure for evaluating regression models
is the multiple correlation coefficient R which is defined in the intercept
model as the square root of the proportion of the corrected total sum of
squares accounted for by the model. If the correction for means is denoted
by nu^2, with u = Sum(i,1,n,yi)/n, then R can be defined as:
R^2 = (b'X'Y-nu^2)/(Y'Y-nu^2) = 1 - (Y'Y-b'X'Y)/(Y'Y-nu^2) (12)
However, we must divide Y'Y-b'X'Y by n-p, not by n, to obtain an unbiased
estimator of sigma^2, moreover it is customary to divide Y'Y-nu^2 by n-1,
not by n. If we adopt both modifications we obtain the adjusted multiple
correlation coefficient, which can thus be defined as:
adj(R)^2 = 1 - (n-1)/(n-p) * (Y'Y-b'X'Y)/(Y'Y-nu^2) (13)
In the no-intercept model the correction for means is ignored, giving
as definition of R^2: b'X'Y/Y'Y = 1 - (Y'Y-b'X'Y)/Y'Y, while the adj(R)^2
is defined correspondingly as: 1 - n/(n-p) * (Y'Y-b'X'Y)/Y'Y. R^2 itself
is often called the 'proportion of variation explained'.
It sometimes happens that some of the observations for the dependent
variable are 'less reliable' than others. This usually means that the
variances of the observations are not all equal; in other words the matrix
V = var(e) is not of the form Isigma^2, but is diagonal with unequal
diagonal elements. The basic idea to solve this problem is, to transform Y
to other variables, which do appear to satisfy the usual tentative model
assumptions, and then apply the usual (unweighted) analysis to the
variables so obtained. The estimates can then be re-expressed in terms of
the original variables Y.
Let the original regression model be: Y = Xa + e, with E(e) = 0 and
var(e) = Vsigma^2, with V diagonal with unequal diagonal elements, and let
P = inv(V). Premultiplying the original regression model with Q = Sqrt(P)
gives as transformed regression model:
QY = QXa + Qe (14)
with E(Qe) = 0 and var(Qe) = Isigma^2. The normal equations then become:
(QX)'QY = (QX)'QXa (15)
giving as solution if the indicated inverse matrix exists:
b = inv((QX)'QX)(QX)'QY = inv(X'PX)X'PY (16)
with variance-covariance matrix:
var(b) = inv(X'PX)sigma^2 (17)
In practical situations it is often difficult to obtain specific
information on the form of V at first. For this reason it is sometimes
necessary to make the (known to be erroneous) assumption V = I and then
attempt to discover something about the form of V by examining the
residuals from the regression analysis.
The vector of residuals D is defined as the difference between the
vector of observations Y and the vector of fitted values Z, obtained by
using the regression equation Z = Xb. So D = Y - Z or di = yi - zi for
i = 1,...,n. If the model is correct, the residual mean square MSE = s^2
estimates sigma^2, and the estimated standard deviation of the fitted value
zi at xi = (xi1,...,xip)' is:
sd(zi) = s * Sqrt(xi'inv(X'X)xi) (18)
which can be used to construct a confidence interval for the expected value
of yi: E(yi) at xi = (xi1,...,xip)', or to construct a prediction interval
for the mean of h new observations at this point. In the first case the
confidence interval is:
zi +- t(n-p-1,1-alpha/2) * s * Sqrt(xi'inv(X'X)xi) (19)
and in the second case the prediction interval is:
zi +- t(n-p-1,1-alpha/2) * s * Sqrt(1/h + xi'inv(X'X)xi) (20)
Researchers often divide the residuals di by s, resulting in the
standardized residuals, which can be examined to see if they make it appear
that the assumption ei/sigma ~ N(0,1) is violated. It might be expected
that roughly 95% of the di/s were between the limits (-2,2).
However, the variances of the residuals are not constant but a
function of the X matrix (see (18)), which suggests as standardization:
ti = di / s / Sqrt(1 - xi'inv(X'X)xi) (21)
giving the studentized residual. The maximum studentized residual can be
used in a test for detecting outliers, as follows: let t^2 = max(ti^2),
then min(1, n * (1-Fisher(1, n-p-1, t^2*(n-p-1)/(n-p-t^2)))) is an 'upper
bound for the right tail probability of the largest absolute studentized