
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-05 - decus/20-0149/reduce.pri
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"MODEL"  Y  =  A3 * X3  +  A2 * X2  +  A1 * X1;

"INPUT"  5 * [Y, X1, X2, X3];

"OPTIONS"  1, 2, 5, 8;
Transformed data matrix
=======================      A3          A2          A1          dep.var.

     1          4.000       1.000       2.000       8.000
     2          1.000       2.000      -1.000      10.000
     3          4.000      -3.000       1.000       9.000
     4          2.000       1.000       2.000       6.000
     5          6.000       4.000       1.000      12.000
Control information

transformed variable
denoted by parameter          mean           standard deviation                minimum                  maximum

 A3                         3.400000                 1.949359                 1.000000                 6.000000
 A2                         1.000000                 2.549510                -3.000000                 4.000000
 A1                         1.000000                 1.224745                -1.000000                 2.000000
 dep.var.                   9.000000                 2.236068                 6.000000                12.000000

Number of observations :    5

There is no constant independent variable in the transformed (sub)model    (message)

Correlation matrix of the variables

             A3          A2          A1          dep.var.

 A3          1.000000
 A2          0.150908    1.000000
 A1          0.418854   -0.160128    1.000000
 dep.var.    0.516185    0.438529   -0.547723    1.000000

Multiple correlation coefficient     0.936662    (adjusted   0.832670)

Proportion of variation explained    0.877336    (adjusted   0.693339)

Standard deviation of the error term              5.105507
Regression parameters
                                                                                                    right  tail
parameter                 estimate           standard deviation              F - ratio              probability

 A3                     2.5446171560             0.9982125895                 6.498286                 0.125553

 A2                     0.2665515256             1.0423373169                 0.065395                 0.822061

 A1                    -1.3851468048             2.3646149361                 0.343140                 0.617320

Correlation matrix of the estimates

             A3          A2          A1

 A3          1.000000
 A2         -0.452873    1.000000
 A1         -0.751471    0.244757    1.000000

Analysis of variance

source of                                                                                           right  tail
variation          df          sum of squares           mean square             F - ratio           probability


total               5              425.000000


regression          3              372.867588            124.289196              4.768212              0.178233
residual            2               52.132412             26.066206


regression null hypothesis :  A3 = A2 = A1 = 0
Control information  -  submodel  1

transformed variable
denoted by parameter          mean           standard deviation                minimum                  maximum

 A1          omitted

 A3                         3.400000                 1.949359                 1.000000                 6.000000
 A2                         1.000000                 2.549510                -3.000000                 4.000000
 dep.var.                   9.000000                 2.236068                 6.000000                12.000000

Number of observations :    5

There is no constant independent variable in the transformed (sub)model    (message)

Multiple correlation coefficient     0.925359    (adjusted   0.872057)

Proportion of variation explained    0.856290    (adjusted   0.760483)

Standard deviation of the error term              4.512086
Regression parameters
                                                                                                    right  tail
parameter                 estimate           standard deviation              F - ratio              probability

 A3                     2.1052066559             0.5820385900                13.082354                 0.036325

 A2                     0.4159957059             0.8931663715                 0.216927                 0.673122

Analysis of variance

source of                                                                                           right  tail
variation          df          sum of squares           mean square             F - ratio           probability


total               5              425.000000


regression          2              363.923242            181.961621              8.937686              0.054479
residual            3               61.076758             20.358919


 reduction          1                8.944346              8.944346              0.343140              0.617320


regression null hypothesis :  A3 = A2 = 0  (in the reduced model)

 reduction null hypothesis :  A1 = 0  (in the original model)
Control information  -  submodel  2

transformed variable
denoted by parameter          mean           standard deviation                minimum                  maximum

 A2          omitted
 A1          omitted

 A3                         3.400000                 1.949359                 1.000000                 6.000000
 dep.var.                   9.000000                 2.236068                 6.000000                12.000000

Number of observations :    5

There is no constant independent variable in the transformed (sub)model    (message)

Multiple correlation coefficient     0.919727    (adjusted   0.898539)

Proportion of variation explained    0.845898    (adjusted   0.807373)

Standard deviation of the error term              4.046392
Regression parameters
                                                                                                    right  tail
parameter                 estimate           standard deviation              F - ratio              probability

 A3                     2.2191780822             0.4735943538                21.956913                 0.009407

Analysis of variance

source of                                                                                           right  tail
variation          df          sum of squares           mean square             F - ratio           probability


total               5              425.000000


regression          1              359.506849            359.506849             21.956913              0.009407
residual            4               65.493151             16.373288


 reduction          2               13.360738              6.680369              0.256285              0.795998


regression null hypothesis :  A3 = 0  (in the reduced model)

 reduction null hypothesis :  A2 = A1 = 0  (in the original model)

End of job :  1

"MODEL"  Y - 4 * X1  =  B2 * (X1 + X2) + B3 * X3;

"INPUT"  5 * [Y, X1, X2, X3];

"OPTIONS"  1, 2, 9;
Transformed data matrix
=======================      B2          B3          dep.var.

     1          3.000       4.000       0.000
     2          1.000       1.000      14.000
     3         -2.000       4.000       5.000
     4          3.000       2.000      -2.000
     5          5.000       6.000       8.000
Control information

transformed variable
denoted by parameter          mean           standard deviation                minimum                  maximum

 B2                         2.000000                 2.645751                -2.000000                 5.000000
 B3                         3.400000                 1.949359                 1.000000                 6.000000
 dep.var.                   5.000000                 6.403124                -2.000000                14.000000

Number of observations :    5

There is no constant independent variable in the transformed (sub)model    (message)

Correlation matrix of the variables

             B2          B3          dep.var.

 B2          1.000000
 B3          0.339310    1.000000
 dep.var.   -0.177084   -0.140202    1.000000

Proportion of variation explained    0.293057    (adjusted  -0.178239)

Standard deviation of the error term              8.252406
Regression parameters
                                                                                                    right  tail
parameter                 estimate           standard deviation              F - ratio              probability

 B2                    -0.2325836533             1.6513864104                 0.019836                 0.896920

 B3                     1.1991223258             1.3390842284                 0.801883                 0.436516

Correlation matrix of the estimates

             B2          B3

 B2          1.000000
 B3         -0.692631    1.000000

Analysis of variance

source of                                                                                           right  tail
variation          df          sum of squares           mean square             F - ratio           probability


total               5              289.000000


regression          2               84.693363             42.346681              0.621811              0.594397
residual            3              204.306637             68.102212


 reduction          1              152.174225            152.174225              5.837989              0.136963


regression null hypothesis :  B2 = B3 = 0

End of job :  2