
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-05 - decus/20-0151/exerciser.mcf
There is 1 other file named exerciser.mcf in the archive. Click here to see a list.
;Type This file exercises the features of SETUP
;Type job name is "<job-name>", job identifier is "<job-id>"

;Option monday/;type Today is Monday
;Option tuesday/;type Today is Tuesday
;Option wednesday/;type Today is Wednesday
;Option thursday/;type Today is Thursday
;Option friday/;type Today is Friday
;Option saturday/;type Today is Saturday
;Option sunday/;type Today is Sunday
;No-option monday/;no-option tuesday/;no-option wednesday/;no-option thursday/;no-option friday/;no-option saturday/;no-option sunday/;type pre-defined day-of-week option is broken

;Error error-statement-1//error-statement-2//error-statement-3
;Error second try

;Option restart/;Type job is being restarted
;No-option restart	/;Type job is not being restarted
;Option restart/;Type all terminal activity will now stop

;Include included
;Perform included <var1>=("first","second") <var2>=("value","try")
;Perform included <var1>=("last")	    <var2>=("time")
;Type your MCF files are:
;Perform included <var1>,<var2>,<var3>=*.mcf

;Ask Enter any line of text//that you desire

;Define option defyes yes
;Define option defno no
;No-option defyes/;Type ;define option ... yes doesn't work
;Option defno/;Type ;define option ... no doesn't work
;No-option defyes/;Option defno/;Select option selno If this prompt appears, then automatic ;Sel opt doesn't work
;Option selno	/;typ automatic ;sel opt doesn't work
;Define constant <defcons> test value

;If "<defcons>" not = "TEST VALUE"/;typ ;def cons or ;if broken
;Define variable <defvar> Enter something like "test"
;If "<defvar>" = "test"	/;typ Thank you
;If "<defvar>" not = "test" /;typ You didn't type "test"
;If "<defvar>" < "test" /;typ "<defvar>" is less than "test"
;If "<defvar>" > "test" /;typ "<defvar>" is greater than "test"
;If "<defvar>" not < "test"	/;typ "<defvar>" is greater than or equal to "test"
;If "<defvar>" not> "test"	/;typ "<defvar>" is less than or equal to "test"
;If "<defvar>" numeric		/;typ "<defvar>" is numeric - ;IF NUMERIC broken
;If "<defvar>" not numeric	/;typ "<defvar>" is not numeric
;Define variable <numerics> Type a number
;If "<numerics>" numeric	/;typ "<numerics>" is numeric
;If "<numerics>" not numeric	/;typ ;IF NOT NUMERIC broken

;Define/allow variable <allowed> Defaulting is allowed here
;Type Value was <allowed>
;Define/save variable <saved> The value you enter will be saved
;Type You entered <saved>
;Define/verify variable <verified> You will be asked to verify this value
;Type You verified <verified>
;Define/allow/save variable <Allowed-saved> Defaulting to last value entered
;Type Value is <allowed-saved>
;Define/allow/save/verify variable <allowed-saved-verified> All possible switches
;Type Value is <allowed-saved-verified>

;Select option selopt Enter this option
;Option selopt/;typ You answered "yes"
;No-option selopt/;typ You answered "no"
;Select/allow option allowed Defaulting is allowed
;Option allowed /;typ The value is "yes"
;No-option allowed /;typ The value is "no"
;Select/save option saved New value will be saved
;Op saved	/;typ The value is "yes"
;No-op saved	/;typ The value is "no"
;Sel/verify opt verified Value will be verified
;Op verified	/;typ The value is "yes"
;No-op verified	/;typ The value is "no"
;Sel/allow/save/verify opt all All switches given
;Op all	/;typ The value is "yes"
;No all	/;typ The value is "no"
;Op allowed/;op saved/;op verified/;op all/;typ all options were answered "yes"

;Select/allow/save/verify variable <choice> ("first item","second item", "third item" ,"fourth item" , "fifth item") Choose one of the following:
;Type You chose <choice>

;File exerciser.mcf not-found/;typ ;file ... not-found is broken
;File exerciser.ctl found/;typ ;file ... found is broken

;Type <defined-value> must be in SETUP.BIN for next test
;Get/def var <defined-value> <old-defined-value>
;Type -
;+	<defined-value> read as <old-defined-value> -
;+	Next ;Get should not echo

;Get/noecho var <defined-value>
;Type This one will

;Type option get-print should be Yes in SETUP.BIN for next test
;Get/def opt get-print old-option
;Opt old-option/;Type old-option was defined to be yes

;Type Next ;Get will not echo
;Get/noecho opt get-print
;Op get-print/;typ gotten value is <defined-value>

;op restart	/;Type All terminal activity is now resuming
;Define/default:"default value" variable <default-test> Type <CR> here
;Type I saw "<default-test>"

;Select/default:"yes" option defaulted-option Type <CR> here
;Option defaulted-option/;Type Defaults OK for ;Select option
;No-option defaulted-option/;Type Defaults broken for ;Select option

;Select/default:"second" variable <default-var> ("first","second","third") Type <CR> here
;Type I saw "<default-var>"

;Perform block Block-1 <B1-var> = ("one","two","three")
	;Type Inside block Block-1
	;Type "<b1-var>"
	;If "<b1-var>" = "two"/;Define option block-1 yes
	;End block-1
;Option block-1/;Type Named in-line value-list blocks OK
;No-option block-1/;Type Named in-line value-list blocks broken

;Perform block Block-2 <B2-var> = *.mcf
	;Type Inside block-2
	;Type "<b2-var>"
	;If "<b2-var>" = "exerciser.mcf"/;Define option block-2 yes
	;End block-2
;Option block-2/;Type Named in-line file-name blocks work
;No-option block-2/;Type Named in-line file-name blocks broken

;Option dummy/;No-option dummy/;Begin Unexecuted
	;Type Conditional blocks are broken

;Option block-2/;Begin Executed
	;Type Conditional blocks are OK
	;End Executed

;Option block-2/;Begin
	;Option dummy/;Begin
		;Type Nested conditional blocks broken
	;Type Nested conditional blocks OK

;Perform block <B1-var> = ("one","two","three")
	;Type Inside un-named Block 1
	;Type "<b1-var>"
	;If "<b1-var>" = "two"/;Define option un-named-1 yes
;Option un-named-1/;Type Un-named in-line value-list blocks OK
;No-option un-named-1/;Type Un-named in-line value-list blocks broken

;Perform block <B2-var> = *.mcf
	;Type Inside un-named block 2
	;Type "<b2-var>"
	;If "<b2-var>" = "exerciser.mcf"/;Define option un-named-2 yes
;Option un-named-2/;Type Un-named in-line file-name blocks work
;No-option un-named-2/;Type Un-named in-line file-name blocks broken

;Perform block Nested-1 <n1-var> = ("nested-1.1","nested-1.2")
	;Type <n1-var>
	;Perform block Nested-2 <n2-var> = ("nested-2.1","nested-2.2")
		;Type <n2-var>
		;If "<n1-var>" = "nested-1.2"/;If "<n2-var>" = "nested-2.2"/;Define option nested-ok yes
		;End Nested-2
	;End Nested-1
;Option nested-ok/;Type Nested in-line blocks ok
;No-option nested-ok/;Type Nested in-line blocks broken

;Perform block leave-1 <l1-var> = ("first","second")
	;Perform block leave-2 <l2-var> = ("one","two")
		;Leave Leave-2
		;Define option leave-2 yes
		;End Leave-2
	;Leave Leave-1
	;Define option leave-1 yes
	;End Leave-1
;No-option leave-2/;Type Leave from nested block OK
;Option leave-2/;Type Leave from nested block brOKen
;No-option leave-1/;Type Leave from in-line block OK
;Option leave-1/;Type Leave from in-line block broken

;Perform left <left-file> = *.mcf
;Option left-opt/;Type ;Leave from ;Performed file broken
;No-option left-opt/;Type ;Leave from ;Performed file OK

;Error block
	@Execute this command
	@And this one too
	;Type Inside ;Error block
	@Last command of block

;Select option abort Do you want to abort here?
;Option abort/;Abort User aborted