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.variable wes a b
.center;Table of Contents
.skip 1
.tab stop 65
.indent 54
.blank 1
.skip 1
.skip 1
####4.1##The H#(Help) Command 3
####4.2##The E#(Exit) Command 4
####4.3##The N#(Name) Command 4
####4.4##The I#(Insert) Command 4
####4.5##The A#(Append) Command 5
####4.6##The T#(Type) Command 6
####4.7##The P#(Page) Command 6
####4.8##The B#(Begin) Command 7
####4.9##The F#(Find) Command 7
####4.10#The S#(Search) Command 9
####4.11#The D#(Dump) Command 10
####4.12#The K#(Kill) Command 10
####4.13#The R#(Replace) Command 10
.skip 1
####5.1#Internal format of BIBLIO data files 12
####5.2#Editing Precautions 13
.title User Guide to BIBLIO
.center;User Guide to BIBLIO
.skip 1
.hl1 Introduction
BIBLIO is a program which creates and/or searches through bibliographical
references in a data file on the computer. Its capabilities include:
.skip 1
.indent -3
-#Creating a data file
-#Appending bibliographical references to an old data file
-#Finding the next match of a search string in a data
-#Finding all matches of a search string in a data file
-#Editing the data file
.lm 10
.skip 1
BIBLIO was written by Mike Rubin of the Wesleyan Computing Center
in June, 1979.
.hl1 Typographical Conventions
The (CR) notation represents the carriage return key (RETURN or NEW LINE)
on the terminal keyboard.
.skip 1
The notation CTRL-<character> represents a control character typed by holding
down the CONTROL or CTRL key on the terminal keyboard and typing the character.
.hl 1 Running BIBLIO
To run BIBLIO, type
.if wes;&.L
.else wes;&.RUN
.endif wes
BIBLIO(CR)#. BIBLIO will respond with:
Data file name:
The user should type in the name of the data file he wishes
to create and/or use followed by a (CR).
BIBLIO will then ask for a command, and the user should type in one of
the commands listed below.
.hl1 Commands
.hl 2 The H#(Help) Command
The form of the Help command is:
.skip 1
This command will type out a short help text on the terminal and then return
to BIBLIO command mode.
.hl 2 The E#(Exit) Command
The form of the Exit command is:
.skip 1
This command will return the user to monitor command mode. The user may also
type CTRL-C at any time to exit BIBLIO. If CTRL-C is typed while the user
is inserting an entry, that entry will not be inserted in the data file.
.hl 2 The N#(Name) Command
The form of the Name command is:
.skip 1
This command will prompt BIBLIO to again ask for a data file name,
and subsequent commands will apply to the file named.
.hl 2 The I#(Insert) Command
The form of the Insert command is:
.skip 1
This command has two purposes.
.blank 1
1.#If the data file named does not exist, the Insert command will create the
file and insert the first entry into it.
.blank 1
2.#If the data file named does exist, the Insert command will insert a new entry
before the current entry.
The current entry is defined as the entry last displayed or edited.
.skip 1
This command will clear the screen and ask for text to fill each of
four fields:#(1)title, (2)author, (3)publication and page references,
and (4)summary/abstract.
The information placed in each field consists of one or more
lines of characters terminated by a CTRL-Z. After all fields have been filled,
BIBLIO will return to command mode. It is not necessary to type
(CR) after the last line of a field has been inserted.
.hl 2 The A#(Append) Command
The form of the Append command is:
.skip 1
This command will prompt BIBLIO to ask the same series of questions as for
the Insert command. (See section 4.4.) It will append this
new entry to the end of the data file.
.hl 2 The T#(Type) Command
The form of the Type command is:
.skip 1
This command will type out the current entry on the terminal.
.hl 2 The P#(Page) Command
The form of the Page command is:
.skip 1
This command will type out the next entry, i.e., the entry following the current entry,
on the terminal.
Typing successive Page commands will page through the file.
.hl 2 The B#(Begin) Command
The form of the Begin command is:
.skip 1
This command defines the current entry as the first entry in the data file.
.hl 2 The F#(Find) Command
The form of the Find command is:
F[<fields to search>][:<search string>](CR)
where <search string> can be any series of words,
square brackets [] indicate an optional part of the command,
and <fields to search> can be one or more of the following codes:
.skip 1
A###Author fields
R###Reference fields
S###Summary/abstract fields
T###Title fields
.skip 1
If no field codes are given, all fields will be searched.
This command will find the first match of the search
string in the data file and type out the entry in which the match was made
on the terminal. A match is defined as the presence of every word in the search string
in any order within a single field. The upper and lower cases of the same
letter are treated as the same character.
To find the next match of the search string, type:
For example:
.tab stop 45
.indent -37
.blank 1
^&Command:\&#F:FORTRAN programming(CR) Find the first match of "FORTRAN
programming," and type the entry in which the match was made on the terminal.
.indent -37
^&Command:\&#F(CR) Find the next match of "FORTRAN programming," and
type the entry in which the match was made on the terminal.
.indent -37
^&Command:\&#FTS(CR) Search in just the Title and##Summary##/##abstract fields for
the next match of "FORTRAN programming."
.indent -37
^&Command:\&#FA:PASCAL(CR) Find the first match of "PASCAL" in an
Author field.
^&COMMAND:\&#F(CR) Find the next match of "PASCAL" in an
Author field.
.lm 10
.hl 2 The S#(Search) Command
The basic form of the Search command is:
S[<fields to search>][:<search string>](CR)
.skip 1
This command will write all entries containing matches of the search string
to a file whose name is of the form Q??.LPT, where the question marks will be
letters and/or numbers.
Field codes may be given with the Search commands as for the Find
command. (See section 4.9.)
If no search string is given, and if the last command was a successful Find
command (i.e., The match was made.), the Search command will use the same search
string that the Find command used.
.skip 1
For example:
.tab stop 45
.indent -37
.blank 1
^&Command:\&#F:ALGOL Find the first match of "ALGOL," and type out the
entry in which it occurs on the terminal.
.indent -37
^&Command:\&#SST Search for all matches of "ALGOL" in just Title
and Summary field, and write all entries in which matches are made to a
file of the form Q??.LPT.
.lm 10
.hl 2 The D#(Dump) Command
The form of the Dump command is:
This command will create a file of the form Q??.LPT consisting of a
complete listing in report form of the data file.
.hl 2 The K#(Kill) Command
The form of the Kill command is:
.skip 1
This command will delete the current entry.
.hl 2 The R#(Replace) Command
The form of the Replace command is:
R[<list of fields to replace>](CR)
.skip 1
This command will replace fields in the current entry specified by the
field codes. The field codes are the same as for the Find and Search commands.
(See sections 4.9 and 4.10.)
BIBLIO prompts for each field as for the Insert and Append commands.
(See sections 4.4 and 4.5.)
If no field codes are given, all fields will be replaced.
.skip 1
For example:
.tab stop 45
.indent -37
.blank 1
^&Command:\&RAT(CR) Replace the Author and Title fields in the current entry.
.indent -37
^&Command:\&R(CR) Replace the current entry in its entirety.
.lm 10
.hl 1 Advanced Editing
This section requires knowledge of one of the text editors on
.if wes;the Wesleyan DECsystem-10.
See the SOS or TECO manuals located in the terminal room
or in the Academic Programmer/Consultants' Office, Room 511.
.else wes;your computer.
.endif wes
If the user
wishes to edit his data file(s), he should familiarize himself with one
of these editors before continuing.
.hl 2 Internal Format of BIBLIO Data Files
The data file is divided into pages terminated by formfeeds. Each page
contains one bibliographical entry consisting of four fields.
Each field begins with a decimal point. The decimal point is followed by the
code for the field. (See section 4.9.) This code preceeds a colon which,
in turn, preceeds the field string.
.TS 16
.LM 16
.blank 1
e.g., .A:John Smith
Harry Jones
_.T:A User's Guide
_.R:Wesleyan University Press
Pages 100-567
_.S:Tells the user how, why, what, and where to do it.
Includes a special appendix suggesting with whom to do it.
Keys = instructional, vague
.LM 10
.hl 2 Editing Precautions
The user may edit a BIBLIO data file with any editor, but he must take the
following precautions:
.skip 1
.lm 13
1.#If using
.if wes;the SOS
.else wes;a line-oriented
.endif wes
editor, line-numbers must be stripped
.if wes;by exiting with the ES command.
.else wes;before exiting.
.endif wes
.blank 1
2.#Page-marks (formfeeds) must not be stripped except when an entire page
is deleted. In this special case, the page mark at the end of the deleted
page must also be deleted.
.blank 1
3.#Data files should be printed only when absolutely necessary to avoid
wasting paper as a result of the many form feeds in the file. If the user
wants a listing of all entries in the file, he should use the Dump command. (See section 4.11.)
.blank 1
4.#A file whose extension is .DAT must be printed with the following command
.skip 1
to avoid carriage-control functions.
.c;Summary of BIBLIO Commands
.skip 2
.lm 45
.tab stop 45
.indent -45
A Append an entry to the data file
.indent -45
.blank 1
B Position at Beginning of data file
.indent -45
.blank 1
D Dump all entries to a disk file
.indent -45
.blank 1
E Exit
.indent -45
.blank 1
F[<list of field codes>][:<search string>] Find the next match and
type out the entry on the terminal
.indent -45
.blank 1
H Type this Help text on the terminal
.indent -45
.blank 1
I Insert a new entry before the current entry
.indent -45
.blank 1
K Kill the current entry
.indent -45
.blank 1
N Name a different data file
.indent -45
.blank 1
P Page to next entry
.indent -45
.blank 1
R[<list of field codes>] Replace fields in the current entry
.indent -45
.blank 1
S[<list of field codes>][:<search string>] Search for all matches in the data
file and write entries to a disk file
.indent -45
.blank 1
T Type the current entry on the terminal
.skip 2
.lm 5
.indent -5
Optional field codes are:
.blank 1
.tab stop 45
A Author fields
T Title fields
R Reference fields
S Summary fields