PDP-10 Archives
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LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 1
Produced by LINK version 4A(1247) on 4-Sep-81 at 16:42:39
Low segment starts at 0 ends at 75074 length 75075 = 62P
451 words free in Low segment
188 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 209
Start address is 25050, located in program MAIN.
Zero length module
.COMM. 140 Common length 10622.
MAIN. from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 24736 ends at 25047 length 112 (octal), 74. (decimal)
High segment starts at 25050 ends at 25320 length 251 (octal), 169. (decimal)
MAIN. 25050 Entry Relocatable
NDT01 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 25321 ends at 25336 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
High segment starts at 25337 ends at 26235 length 677 (octal), 447. (decimal)
NDT01 25340 Entry Relocatable
NDT02 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 26236 ends at 27305 length 1050 (octal), 552. (decimal)
High segment starts at 27306 ends at 30275 length 770 (octal), 504. (decimal)
NDT02 27307 Entry Relocatable
NDT03 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 30276 ends at 32561 length 2264 (octal), 1204. (decimal)
High segment starts at 32562 ends at 32765 length 204 (octal), 132. (decimal)
NDT03 32563 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 2
NDT04 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 32766 ends at 33075 length 110 (octal), 72. (decimal)
High segment starts at 33076 ends at 33736 length 641 (octal), 417. (decimal)
NDT04 33077 Entry Relocatable
NDT05 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 33737 ends at 34127 length 171 (octal), 121. (decimal)
High segment starts at 34130 ends at 34506 length 357 (octal), 239. (decimal)
NDT05 34131 Entry Relocatable
NDT06 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 34507 ends at 34524 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
High segment starts at 34525 ends at 34570 length 44 (octal), 36. (decimal)
NDT06 34526 Entry Relocatable
NDT07 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 34571 ends at 34754 length 164 (octal), 116. (decimal)
High segment starts at 34755 ends at 35214 length 240 (octal), 160. (decimal)
NDT07 34756 Entry Relocatable
NDT08 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 35215 ends at 35231 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
High segment starts at 35232 ends at 35551 length 320 (octal), 208. (decimal)
NDT08 35233 Entry Relocatable
NDT09 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 35552 ends at 35576 length 25 (octal), 21. (decimal)
High segment starts at 35577 ends at 35763 length 165 (octal), 117. (decimal)
NDT09 35600 Entry Relocatable
NDT10 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 35764 ends at 35767 length 4 (octal), 4. (decimal)
High segment starts at 35770 ends at 36045 length 56 (octal), 46. (decimal)
NDT10 35771 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 3
NDT11 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 36046 ends at 36106 length 41 (octal), 33. (decimal)
High segment starts at 36107 ends at 36345 length 237 (octal), 159. (decimal)
NDT11 36110 Entry Relocatable
NDT12 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 36346 ends at 36355 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
High segment starts at 36356 ends at 36404 length 27 (octal), 23. (decimal)
NDT12 36357 Entry Relocatable
NDT13 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 36405 ends at 36412 length 6 (octal), 6. (decimal)
High segment starts at 36413 ends at 36445 length 33 (octal), 27. (decimal)
NDT13 36414 Entry Relocatable
NDT14 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 36446 ends at 36453 length 6 (octal), 6. (decimal)
High segment starts at 36454 ends at 36531 length 56 (octal), 46. (decimal)
NDT14 36455 Entry Relocatable
NDT15 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 36532 ends at 36553 length 22 (octal), 18. (decimal)
High segment starts at 36554 ends at 36756 length 203 (octal), 131. (decimal)
NDT15 36555 Entry Relocatable
NDT16 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 36757 ends at 37244 length 266 (octal), 182. (decimal)
High segment starts at 37245 ends at 40214 length 750 (octal), 488. (decimal)
NDT16 37246 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 4
NDT17 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 40215 ends at 40273 length 57 (octal), 47. (decimal)
High segment starts at 40274 ends at 40421 length 126 (octal), 86. (decimal)
NDT17 40275 Entry Relocatable
NDT18 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 40422 ends at 40427 length 6 (octal), 6. (decimal)
High segment starts at 40430 ends at 40511 length 62 (octal), 50. (decimal)
NDT18 40431 Entry Relocatable
NDT19 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 40512 ends at 40562 length 51 (octal), 41. (decimal)
High segment starts at 40563 ends at 41104 length 322 (octal), 210. (decimal)
NDT19 40564 Entry Relocatable
NDT20 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 41105 ends at 41116 length 12 (octal), 10. (decimal)
High segment starts at 41117 ends at 41222 length 104 (octal), 68. (decimal)
NDT20 41120 Entry Relocatable
NDT21 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 41223 ends at 41225 length 3 (octal), 3. (decimal)
High segment starts at 41226 ends at 41264 length 37 (octal), 31. (decimal)
NDT21 41227 Entry Relocatable
NDT22 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 41265 ends at 41345 length 61 (octal), 49. (decimal)
High segment starts at 41346 ends at 42115 length 550 (octal), 360. (decimal)
NDT22 41347 Entry Relocatable
NDT23 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 42116 ends at 42121 length 4 (octal), 4. (decimal)
High segment starts at 42122 ends at 42150 length 27 (octal), 23. (decimal)
NDT23 42123 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 5
NDT24 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 42151 ends at 42172 length 22 (octal), 18. (decimal)
High segment starts at 42173 ends at 42325 length 133 (octal), 91. (decimal)
NDT24 42174 Entry Relocatable
NDT25 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 42326 ends at 42347 length 22 (octal), 18. (decimal)
High segment starts at 42350 ends at 42457 length 110 (octal), 72. (decimal)
NDT25 42351 Entry Relocatable
NDT26 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 42460 ends at 42475 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
High segment starts at 42476 ends at 42625 length 130 (octal), 88. (decimal)
NDT26 42477 Entry Relocatable
NDT27 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 42626 ends at 42641 length 14 (octal), 12. (decimal)
High segment starts at 42642 ends at 42724 length 63 (octal), 51. (decimal)
NDT27 42643 Entry Relocatable
NDT28 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 42725 ends at 42736 length 12 (octal), 10. (decimal)
High segment starts at 42737 ends at 43001 length 43 (octal), 35. (decimal)
NDT28 42740 Entry Relocatable
NDT29 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 43002 ends at 43016 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
High segment starts at 43017 ends at 43114 length 76 (octal), 62. (decimal)
NDT29 43020 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 6
NDT30 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 43115 ends at 43150 length 34 (octal), 28. (decimal)
High segment starts at 43151 ends at 43644 length 474 (octal), 316. (decimal)
NDT30 43152 Entry Relocatable
NDT31 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 43645 ends at 43654 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
High segment starts at 43655 ends at 43720 length 44 (octal), 36. (decimal)
NDT31 43656 Entry Relocatable
NDT32 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 43721 ends at 43735 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
High segment starts at 43736 ends at 44033 length 76 (octal), 62. (decimal)
NDT32 43737 Entry Relocatable
NDT33 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 44034 ends at 44050 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
High segment starts at 44051 ends at 44220 length 150 (octal), 104. (decimal)
NDT33 44052 Entry Relocatable
NDT34 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 44221 ends at 44237 length 17 (octal), 15. (decimal)
High segment starts at 44240 ends at 44361 length 122 (octal), 82. (decimal)
NDT34 44241 Entry Relocatable
NDT35 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 44362 ends at 44366 length 5 (octal), 5. (decimal)
High segment starts at 44367 ends at 44410 length 22 (octal), 18. (decimal)
NDT35 44370 Entry Relocatable
NDT36 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 44411 ends at 44425 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
High segment starts at 44426 ends at 44553 length 126 (octal), 86. (decimal)
NDT36 44427 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 7
NDT37 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 44554 ends at 44564 length 11 (octal), 9. (decimal)
High segment starts at 44565 ends at 44702 length 116 (octal), 78. (decimal)
NDT37 44566 Entry Relocatable
NDT38 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 44703 ends at 44723 length 21 (octal), 17. (decimal)
High segment starts at 44724 ends at 45223 length 300 (octal), 192. (decimal)
NDT38 44725 Entry Relocatable
NDT39 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 45224 ends at 45311 length 66 (octal), 54. (decimal)
High segment starts at 45312 ends at 46206 length 675 (octal), 445. (decimal)
NDT39 45313 Entry Relocatable
NDT40 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 46207 ends at 46211 length 3 (octal), 3. (decimal)
High segment starts at 46212 ends at 46274 length 63 (octal), 51. (decimal)
NDT40 46213 Entry Relocatable
NDT41 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 46275 ends at 46320 length 24 (octal), 20. (decimal)
High segment starts at 46321 ends at 46450 length 130 (octal), 88. (decimal)
NDT41 46322 Entry Relocatable
NDT42 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 46451 ends at 46465 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
High segment starts at 46466 ends at 46547 length 62 (octal), 50. (decimal)
NDT42 46467 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 8
NDT43 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 46550 ends at 46600 length 31 (octal), 25. (decimal)
High segment starts at 46601 ends at 46774 length 174 (octal), 124. (decimal)
NDT43 46602 Entry Relocatable
NDT44 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 46775 ends at 47051 length 55 (octal), 45. (decimal)
High segment starts at 47052 ends at 47350 length 277 (octal), 191. (decimal)
NDT44 47053 Entry Relocatable
NDT45 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 47351 ends at 47370 length 20 (octal), 16. (decimal)
High segment starts at 47371 ends at 47460 length 70 (octal), 56. (decimal)
NDT45 47372 Entry Relocatable
NDT46 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 47461 ends at 47465 length 5 (octal), 5. (decimal)
High segment starts at 47466 ends at 47514 length 27 (octal), 23. (decimal)
NDT46 47467 Entry Relocatable
NDT47 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 47515 ends at 47547 length 33 (octal), 27. (decimal)
High segment starts at 47550 ends at 47736 length 167 (octal), 119. (decimal)
NDT47 47551 Entry Relocatable
NDT48 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 47737 ends at 50052 length 114 (octal), 76. (decimal)
High segment starts at 50053 ends at 50402 length 330 (octal), 216. (decimal)
NDT48 50054 Entry Relocatable
NDT49 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 50403 ends at 50407 length 5 (octal), 5. (decimal)
High segment starts at 50410 ends at 50435 length 26 (octal), 22. (decimal)
NDT49 50411 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 9
NDT50 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 50436 ends at 50447 length 12 (octal), 10. (decimal)
High segment starts at 50450 ends at 50606 length 137 (octal), 95. (decimal)
NDT50 50451 Entry Relocatable
NDT51 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 50607 ends at 50624 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
High segment starts at 50625 ends at 51012 length 166 (octal), 118. (decimal)
NDT51 50626 Entry Relocatable
NDT52 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 51013 ends at 51025 length 13 (octal), 11. (decimal)
High segment starts at 51026 ends at 51300 length 253 (octal), 171. (decimal)
NDT52 51027 Entry Relocatable
NDT53 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 51301 ends at 51314 length 14 (octal), 12. (decimal)
High segment starts at 51315 ends at 51412 length 76 (octal), 62. (decimal)
NDT53 51316 Entry Relocatable
NDT54 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 51413 ends at 51431 length 17 (octal), 15. (decimal)
High segment starts at 51432 ends at 51557 length 126 (octal), 86. (decimal)
NDT54 51433 Entry Relocatable
NDT55 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 51560 ends at 51572 length 13 (octal), 11. (decimal)
High segment starts at 51573 ends at 51633 length 41 (octal), 33. (decimal)
NDT55 51574 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 10
NDT56 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 51634 ends at 51663 length 30 (octal), 24. (decimal)
High segment starts at 51664 ends at 52060 length 175 (octal), 125. (decimal)
NDT56 51665 Entry Relocatable
NDT57 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 52061 ends at 52104 length 24 (octal), 20. (decimal)
High segment starts at 52105 ends at 52205 length 101 (octal), 65. (decimal)
NDT57 52106 Entry Relocatable
NDT58 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 52206 ends at 52216 length 11 (octal), 9. (decimal)
High segment starts at 52217 ends at 52427 length 211 (octal), 137. (decimal)
NDT58 52220 Entry Relocatable
NDT59 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 52430 ends at 52454 length 25 (octal), 21. (decimal)
High segment starts at 52455 ends at 52530 length 54 (octal), 44. (decimal)
NDT59 52456 Entry Relocatable
NDT60 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 52531 ends at 52721 length 171 (octal), 121. (decimal)
High segment starts at 52722 ends at 53133 length 212 (octal), 138. (decimal)
NDT60 52723 Entry Relocatable
NDT61 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 53134 ends at 53145 length 12 (octal), 10. (decimal)
High segment starts at 53146 ends at 53335 length 170 (octal), 120. (decimal)
NDT61 53147 Entry Relocatable
NDT62 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 53336 ends at 53620 length 263 (octal), 179. (decimal)
High segment starts at 53621 ends at 54655 length 1035 (octal), 541. (decimal)
NDT62 53622 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 11
NDT63 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 54656 ends at 54725 length 50 (octal), 40. (decimal)
High segment starts at 54726 ends at 55236 length 311 (octal), 201. (decimal)
NDT63 54727 Entry Relocatable
NDT64 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 55237 ends at 55631 length 373 (octal), 251. (decimal)
High segment starts at 55632 ends at 60452 length 2621 (octal), 1425. (decimal)
NDT64 55633 Entry Relocatable
NDT65 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 60453 ends at 60634 length 162 (octal), 114. (decimal)
High segment starts at 60635 ends at 62650 length 2014 (octal), 1036. (decimal)
NDT65 60636 Entry Relocatable
NDT66 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 62651 ends at 63243 length 373 (octal), 251. (decimal)
High segment starts at 63244 ends at 64075 length 632 (octal), 410. (decimal)
NDT66 63245 Entry Relocatable
NDT67 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 64076 ends at 64235 length 140 (octal), 96. (decimal)
High segment starts at 64236 ends at 64407 length 152 (octal), 106. (decimal)
NDT67 64237 Entry Relocatable
NDT68 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 64410 ends at 64471 length 62 (octal), 50. (decimal)
High segment starts at 64472 ends at 65012 length 321 (octal), 209. (decimal)
NDT68 64473 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 12
NDT69 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 65013 ends at 65027 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
High segment starts at 65030 ends at 65051 length 22 (octal), 18. (decimal)
NDT69 65031 Entry Relocatable
NDT70 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 65052 ends at 65100 length 27 (octal), 23. (decimal)
High segment starts at 65101 ends at 65453 length 353 (octal), 235. (decimal)
NDT70 65102 Entry Relocatable
NDT71 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 65454 ends at 65510 length 35 (octal), 29. (decimal)
High segment starts at 65511 ends at 66000 length 270 (octal), 184. (decimal)
NDT71 65512 Entry Relocatable
NDT72 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 66001 ends at 66020 length 20 (octal), 16. (decimal)
High segment starts at 66021 ends at 66145 length 125 (octal), 85. (decimal)
NDT72 66022 Entry Relocatable
NDT73 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 66146 ends at 66204 length 37 (octal), 31. (decimal)
High segment starts at 66205 ends at 66544 length 340 (octal), 224. (decimal)
NDT73 66206 Entry Relocatable
NDT74 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 66545 ends at 66606 length 42 (octal), 34. (decimal)
High segment starts at 66607 ends at 67141 length 333 (octal), 219. (decimal)
NDT74 66610 Entry Relocatable
NDT75 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 67142 ends at 67225 length 64 (octal), 52. (decimal)
High segment starts at 67226 ends at 70163 length 736 (octal), 478. (decimal)
NDT75 67227 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 13
NDT76 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 70164 ends at 70207 length 24 (octal), 20. (decimal)
High segment starts at 70210 ends at 70335 length 126 (octal), 86. (decimal)
NDT76 70211 Entry Relocatable
NDT77 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 70336 ends at 70353 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
High segment starts at 70354 ends at 70441 length 66 (octal), 54. (decimal)
NDT77 70355 Entry Relocatable
NDT78 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 70442 ends at 70642 length 201 (octal), 129. (decimal)
High segment starts at 70643 ends at 71314 length 452 (octal), 298. (decimal)
NDT78 70644 Entry Relocatable
NDT79 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 71315 ends at 71332 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
High segment starts at 71333 ends at 71444 length 112 (octal), 74. (decimal)
NDT79 71334 Entry Relocatable
NDT80 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 71445 ends at 71465 length 21 (octal), 17. (decimal)
High segment starts at 71466 ends at 71612 length 125 (octal), 85. (decimal)
NDT80 71467 Entry Relocatable
NDT81 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 71613 ends at 71616 length 4 (octal), 4. (decimal)
High segment starts at 71617 ends at 71635 length 17 (octal), 15. (decimal)
NDT81 71620 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 14
NDT82 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 71636 ends at 71650 length 13 (octal), 11. (decimal)
High segment starts at 71651 ends at 71734 length 64 (octal), 52. (decimal)
NDT82 71652 Entry Relocatable
NDT83 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 71735 ends at 71766 length 32 (octal), 26. (decimal)
High segment starts at 71767 ends at 72120 length 132 (octal), 90. (decimal)
NDT83 71770 Entry Relocatable
NDT84 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 72121 ends at 72246 length 126 (octal), 86. (decimal)
High segment starts at 72247 ends at 72427 length 161 (octal), 113. (decimal)
NDT84 72250 Entry Relocatable
NDT85 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 72430 ends at 72434 length 5 (octal), 5. (decimal)
High segment starts at 72435 ends at 72510 length 54 (octal), 44. (decimal)
NDT85 72436 Entry Relocatable
NDT86 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 72511 ends at 72641 length 131 (octal), 89. (decimal)
High segment starts at 72642 ends at 72705 length 44 (octal), 36. (decimal)
NDT86 72643 Entry Relocatable
NDT87 from DSK:STNDRD.REL[4,34] created by FORTRAN /KI on 4-Sep-81 at 16:37:00
Low segment starts at 72706 ends at 72707 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 72710 ends at 72713 length 4 (octal), 4. (decimal)
NDT87 72711 Entry Relocatable FOROT% 400010 Global Absolute
FORINI from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 72714 ends at 72770 length 55 (octal), 45. (decimal)
ALCHN. 400034 Global Absolute ALCOR. 400032 Global Absolute
CLOSE. 400013 Global Absolute DBMS. 400040 Global Absolute
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 15
DEC. 400022 Global Absolute DECHN. 400035 Global Absolute
DECOR. 400033 Global Absolute ENC. 400021 Global Absolute
EXIT. 400031 Global Absolute FIN. 400026 Global Absolute
FIND. 400030 Global Absolute FORER. 72757 Global Relocatable
FUNCT. 400037 Global Absolute IN. 400015 Global Absolute
IOLST. 400025 Global Absolute MTOP. 400027 Global Absolute
NLI. 400023 Global Absolute NLO. 400024 Global Absolute
OPEN. 400012 Global Absolute OUT. 400016 Global Absolute
RELEA. 400014 Global Absolute RESET. 72714 Entry Relocatable
RTB. 400017 Global Absolute TRACE. 400036 Global Absolute
WTB. 400020 Global Absolute
FORPSE from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 72771 ends at 73237 length 247 (octal), 167. (decimal)
PAUS. 72772 Entry Relocatable PAUSE. 73025 Entry Relocatable
STOP. 72777 Entry Relocatable
EXP1 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 73240 ends at 73341 length 102 (octal), 66. (decimal)
EXP1. 73241 Entry Relocatable EXP1.0 73267 Entry Relocatable
EXP1.2 73261 Entry Relocatable EXP1.4 73253 Entry Relocatable
EXP1.6 73245 Entry Relocatable
EXP2 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 73342 ends at 73504 length 143 (octal), 99. (decimal)
EXP2. 73343 Entry Relocatable EXP2.. 73371 Entry Relocatable
EXP2.0 73371 Entry Relocatable EXP2.2 73363 Entry Relocatable
EXP2.4 73355 Entry Relocatable EXP2.6 73347 Entry Relocatable
EXP. from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 73505 ends at 73600 length 74 (octal), 60. (decimal)
EXP. 73506 Entry Relocatable
ALOG. from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 73601 ends at 73730 length 130 (octal), 88. (decimal)
ALG10. 73602 Entry Relocatable ALOG. 73620 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 16
DEXP.2 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 73731 ends at 74024 length 74 (octal), 60. (decimal)
DEX2.. 73736 Entry Relocatable DEXP.2 73736 Entry Relocatable
DEXP2. 73732 Entry Relocatable
DEXP. from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74025 ends at 74213 length 167 (octal), 119. (decimal)
DEXP. 74105 Entry Relocatable
DLOG. from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74214 ends at 74420 length 205 (octal), 133. (decimal)
DLG10. 74302 Entry Relocatable DLOG. 74315 Entry Relocatable
DSQRT. from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74421 ends at 74521 length 101 (octal), 65. (decimal)
DSQRT. 74443 Entry Relocatable
DSIN. from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74522 ends at 74732 length 211 (octal), 137. (decimal)
DCOS. 74611 Entry Relocatable DSIN. 74621 Entry Relocatable
DFL.2 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74733 ends at 74742 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
DFL.2 74734 Entry Relocatable
DFL.4 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74743 ends at 74752 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
DFL.4 74744 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 17
DFL.6 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74753 ends at 74762 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
DFL.6 74754 Entry Relocatable
DFL.10 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74763 ends at 74772 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
DFL.10 74764 Entry Relocatable
IDF.2 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 74773 ends at 75007 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
IDF.2 74774 Entry Relocatable
IDF.4 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 75010 ends at 75024 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
IDF.4 75011 Entry Relocatable
IDF.6 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 75025 ends at 75041 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
IDF.6 75026 Entry Relocatable
SNG.2 from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 75042 ends at 75066 length 25 (octal), 21. (decimal)
SNG.2 75043 Entry Relocatable
CFRXIT from SYS:FORLIB.REL[1,4] created by MACRO on 22-Sep-78 at 4:38:00
Low segment starts at 75067 ends at 75074 length 6 (octal), 6. (decimal)
CEXIT. 75067 Entry Relocatable
Index to LINK symbol map of STNDRD /KI page 18
Name Page Name Page Name Page Name Page
ALOG. 15 NDT08 2 NDT35 6 NDT62 10
CFRXIT 17 NDT09 2 NDT36 6 NDT63 11
DEXP. 16 NDT10 2 NDT37 7 NDT64 11
DEXP.2 16 NDT11 3 NDT38 7 NDT65 11
DFL.10 17 NDT12 3 NDT39 7 NDT66 11
DFL.2 16 NDT13 3 NDT40 7 NDT67 11
DFL.4 16 NDT14 3 NDT41 7 NDT68 11
DFL.6 17 NDT15 3 NDT42 7 NDT69 12
DLOG. 16 NDT16 3 NDT43 8 NDT70 12
DSIN. 16 NDT17 4 NDT44 8 NDT71 12
DSQRT. 16 NDT18 4 NDT45 8 NDT72 12
EXP. 15 NDT19 4 NDT46 8 NDT73 12
EXP1 15 NDT20 4 NDT47 8 NDT74 12
EXP2 15 NDT21 4 NDT48 8 NDT75 12
FORINI 14 NDT22 4 NDT49 8 NDT76 13
FORPSE 15 NDT23 4 NDT50 9 NDT77 13
IDF.2 17 NDT24 5 NDT51 9 NDT78 13
IDF.4 17 NDT25 5 NDT52 9 NDT79 13
IDF.6 17 NDT26 5 NDT53 9 NDT80 13
MAIN. 1 NDT27 5 NDT54 9 NDT81 13
NDT01 1 NDT28 5 NDT55 9 NDT82 14
NDT02 1 NDT29 5 NDT56 10 NDT83 14
NDT03 1 NDT30 6 NDT57 10 NDT84 14
NDT04 2 NDT31 6 NDT58 10 NDT85 14
NDT05 2 NDT32 6 NDT59 10 NDT86 14
NDT06 2 NDT33 6 NDT60 10 NDT87 14
NDT07 2 NDT34 6 NDT61 10 SNG.2 17
[End of LINK map of STNDRD]