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WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor
Version 3.0
November 1983
Written by:
Douglas Bigelow
Wesleyan Computing Center
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT 06457
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 2
1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.0 BASIC DOCUMENT CREATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1 Terminals Supported By WPSIM . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2 Creating A Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.3 Editing A Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.4 Using WPSIM As Your Primary Editor . . . . . . . . 4
3.5 Using Pre-defined Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.6 Control Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.7 Numeric Command Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.0 BASIC TEXT MANIPULATION COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.1 String Search And Replacement Commands . . . . . . 6
4.2 Cursor Positioning Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.3 Text Deletion Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4 Insertion Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.5 Special Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.6 Moving Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.7 Double Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.8 Evening Out The Text Lines . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.9 Pagination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.10 Setting And Removing Tab Positions . . . . . . . 12
4.11 Changing Margin Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.12 Dynamically Adjusting Margin Settings . . . . . 13
4.13 Showing Current Tab And Margin Settings . . . . 13
4.14 Changing Scrolling Value . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.15 Centering Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.16 Making Text Flush Right . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.17 Joining Two Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.18 Interactive Program Help . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.19 Inserting A New Input File . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1 WPSIM INI Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2 Special Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.3 Special Print Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.0 DISASTER RECOVERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7.0 OUTPUT FILE OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
9.0 COMMAND SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 3
WPSIM is a program designed to provide the basic facilities of a word
processor while running on a DECSYSTEM-20. WPSIM is designed for the person
who wants to produce a document, memo or letter quickly, easily and without
fuss, while producing output that is neat and well formatted. WPSIM requires
little knowledge of computers, text editors or formatting programs -- just
type your material. You don't even have to bother with carriage returns,
since the program will automatically insert them at the proper breaking point
on the line.
The primary design goal of WPSIM was a product that could quickly and
easily produce well formatted documents. WPSIM is not suited for applications
that require printed tables, footnotes or any number of complex options.
Users who need such capability may turn to RUNOFF, a more sophisticated (and
more complicated) document preparation program.
3.1 Terminals Supported By WPSIM
WPSIM runs only upon properly supported CRT terminals, and cannot run on
a hardcopy terminal. At present only the major types of WCC CRT terminals are
o Viewpoint terminal.
o Datamedia terminal.
o VT100 (alias DT80) terminal.
o VT52 terminal.
The terminals have different operating characteristics, but all have the
same basic control keys -- the arrows and the HOME key. Adding a new terminal
type is usually not difficult.
3.2 Creating A Document
Log in and type "WPSIM<cr>" in response to the "@" prompt. The program
will ask you to enter a file name. Type SAMPLE followed by a carriage return.
After a message from WPSIM saying that it is creating the new file
SAMPLE.WPS, you will be looking at a blank screen with the cursor in the upper
left-hand corner. This is called the "home" position. From now on anything
that you type is becoming part of your file, and what you see on the screen is
what your finished product will look like. Use the cursor keys to move
anywhere you want, or push the home key to return to the home position.
Anything that you type over is gone, replaced by the new text.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 4
If you try typing a sentence that is longer than one line, note what
happens as you approach the right margin -- the sentence is automatically
split at the most convenient space break.
As you approach the bottom of the screen, the terminal will scroll in the
normal fashion. Just keep typing.
When you've finished your document, type a ^E (control-E). The program
will clear the screen and type out the name SAMPLE.WPS for your approval.
Type a carriage return to use that name, or you could change the name by
typing in something else. The program will now exit and you have a new file
in your area.
3.3 Editing A Document
Suppose you'd like to make some changes to an existing document. Just
run WPSIM again. This time, when the program asks for the name of your file,
give the name of the file you wish to change.
Now instead of looking at a blank screen, you're looking at the first
page of your document. What you type changes the current text. Note that the
screen behaves differently if you move the cursor down past the bottom of the
screen - if there is more text to be displayed you will see the next eight
lines scrolled in.
Again, type the ^E when you've finished, and select a new name (or use
the old one) for the output text. If you wish to maintain the same name for
the edited file, just type a carriage return and WPSIM will use the old name,
which was printed at the top of the screen for your information.
3.4 Using WPSIM As Your Primary Editor
If you wish to use WPSIM as your primary editor, you would put the
following line in your LOGIN.CMD or COMAND.CMD file, or issue the command
while in EXEC mode:
Then you may use the standard EDIT command to create a new file or edit
an existing one: EDIT FILENAME.EXT.
Alternately, you may edit or create a file just by typing:
This will act just like the EDIT command would, above.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 5
3.5 Using Pre-defined Forms
Pre-defined forms are useful for typing standard documents. For example,
you could design a memo form which contains the standard heading for your
department and has "TO:", "FROM:" and "SUBJECT:" already in place. Then call
in the standard form when you start your memo creation and just fill in the
3.6 Control Characters
All of the special commands are handled by control characters. In this
document these are indicated by a "^" before a letter. Most of the special
commands are described in the next section, but here are two you'll always
o ^E -- Exit. This command asks you to name a file to hold the text
you've created, and terminates the program.
o ^L -- This command refreshes the screen by clearing it and re-typing
all the current text. This is very useful if a system message has
appeared on your screen somewhere (such as an "Operator off duty"
message.) You should type the ^L immediately to make sure you're
looking only at text that you inserted.
3.7 Numeric Command Arguments
A number of WPSIM commands will accept a numeric argument that specifies
how many times to repeat the command. A numeric argument is given by typing
<escape> (the ESCAPE or ALTMODE key) followed by a number, right before giving
a WPSIM command. The <escape> and the number will not show on the screen.
This feature is particularly useful with cursor movement -- if you type
<escape>15<up-arrow>, your cursor will move up 15 lines.
If the command that follows the numeric argument does not use a repeat
count, the number you typed will be ignored and discarded.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 6
4.1 String Search And Replacement Commands
There are three commands for manipulating strings, one to search for a
string, one to replace a string, and one to repeat the last search or replace
command. These are:
o ^W -- Search or Replace command. WPSIM asks for a string at the
bottom of the screen. If you type a character string followed by a
carriage return, WPSIM positions the cursor to the next available
incidence of that string. If you type a character string, an escape
($), another string, and then a carriage return, WPSIM will search
for the first string and then replace it by the second string.
If you wish to search backwards in the file, you may precede the
^W command by an $-1 (escape, minus one). This will search backwards
towards the beginning of the file.
o ^X -- Repeat previous search or replace. Re-executes the last ^W
command exactly as it was given.
The ^X command is initialized upon startup to look for a "@", so
this character is very useful in pre-defined memo forms. You can put
the at-sign where you will want the date, names, etc and then move
from field to field with one keystroke.
4.2 Cursor Positioning Commands
A number of special commands are available to move the cursor more
quickly than is practical with the arrow keys. These are the ^P (Position)
commands. Each command takes two keystrokes, as follows:
o ^PL - Position to beginning of current Line.
o ^PA - Position to Append to current line.
o ^PW - Position to beginning of next Word.
o ^PB - Position to Beginning of file.
o ^PE - Position to End of file.
o ^PN - Position to Next page of file.
o ^PP - Position to Previous page of file.
o ^PC - Position to Center of screen. This refreshes the screen and
centers it around the current line. The cursor position stays the
Any other character following a ^P will not echo and will be ignored.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 7
A repeat count (see section 3.7) can be given before the commands ^PN and
^PP to move multiple pages forward or backward. If a repeat count is given
before the commands ^PC and ^PL, the behavior of these commands is altered to
mean change cursor position forward or backward by some number of lines (L) or
characters (C). The repeat count given before ^PC and ^PL may be negative or
4.3 Text Deletion Commands
There exist several ways to delete text. Ordinarily the typist corrects
a mistake by backspacing over the misspelling and re-typing it.
The DELETE or RUBOUT key is also available but has a different effect.
This key deletes the character which is at the cursor, and shifts the
remainder of the line one place to the left. If there is no character at or
following the cursor, the program backs up one character and deletes that one.
For more complex deletions, the ^D command is available. Like the
positioning commands, two keystrokes are necessary. The options are as
o ^DC - Delete Character. This command functions the same as the
rubout key, removing the character the cursor is on and moving the
remainder of the line one space to the left.
o ^DW - Delete Word. This moves to the beginning of the word currently
overlapping the cursor position or to the next word on the line if
the cursor is on a space, and deletes it and its trailing spaces.
The remainder of the text on the line is shifted right the
appropriate number of spaces. If no word follows the cursor, delete
the previous word.
o ^DR - Delete Remainder. This deletes the remainder of the text on
the current line, from the cursor position onward. (On a Datamedia,
there is a special key marked DEL EOL for this function.)
o ^DB - Delete Beginning. This deletes from the beginning of the
current line to the current cursor position. The rest of the line is
shifted over to start in the first column.
o ^DL - Delete Line. This deletes the entire current line, and moves
all remaining lines in the file back by one. In other words, the
line is deleted without leaving blanks in its place.
o ^DE - Delete to End of file. This removes all text after the cursor.
Since this command can be dangerous if given accidentally, it always
requires confirmation -- the terminal bell beeps and ** you must type
a ^G ** (a bell) to carry out the action.
o ^DF - Delete File. This deletes the whole file. To prevent
accidental use, this command ** must be confirmed by a ^G. **
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 8
A repeat count may be specified before the commands ^DC and ^DL, to
delete a number of lines or characters with one command.
An alternate method of deleting text is to use the <escape> -
<angle-bracket> commands. To delete a block of text that spans several lines
but does not start or end on line boundaries, you can use the $< ... $>D
command, described in section 4.6.
4.4 Insertion Commands
Ordinary insertion is done by simply typing, but adding new text in the
middle of old text without wiping out previous work is more involved. There
are several insertion commands, double keystroke commands that start with a
o ^NL - iNsert Line. This command creates a blank line in place of the
line where the cursor is, by moving that and all succeeding lines
down by one. The cursor is then positioned at the beginning of the
new line.
o ^NS - iNsert, Splitting line. This command creates a blank line
following the line where the cursor is. It then moves all text on
the current line following the cursor down into the new blank space.
The cursor is left on the original line in its starting position,
followed by the newly created gap. This is the main way to insert
new text in the middle of a line rather than between two lines.
o ^NI - enter Insert mode. This command acts like the ^NS command,
except that whenever the cursor is advanced to the next line a blank
line is inserted in the text to write over. This command is like a
toggle switch - typing ^NI again will end insert mode and even out
the text in the current paragraph.
o ^NC - iNsert Character. This command inserts a blank at the cursor
and moves the remainder of the line one place to the right.
Characters shifted past the right margin are lost.
o ^NF - iNsert Function. This command asks for the function name and
text of the function. Please see section 5.2 for a discussion of
A repeat count may be specified before the commands ^NL and ^NC, to
insert a number of lines or characters with one command.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 9
4.5 Special Tabs
There are three types of tabs available. The ordinary tab is generated
by the TAB key or by a ^I. This tab is destructive; if you tab over existing
text you replace it by spaces. The other types of tabs are:
o ^T - Transparent tab. This tab moves over text without affecting it,
but otherwise acts like an ordinary tab.
o ^R - Reverse tab. This backs up the cursor to the previous tab stop
without affecting text passed over.
All of the tabs can pass line boundaries -- tabbing past the last column
on a line will put the cursor on the next line, and reverse tabbing past the
first column will put the cursor on the previous line.
The number of spaces per tab is variable -- by default it is eight
spaces, but you can use the /TABS:n switch to set "n" spaces per tab. (See
section 5.0 for more information on switch settings.)
4.6 Moving Text
It is sometimes useful to be able to move text from one place in the file
to another. Two commands exist for doing this:
o ^G - Get text into buffer. This command picks up some number of
lines of text and puts them into a text buffer for later use. There
are 99 lines of storage available in the buffer. The command can be
preceeded by a repeat count given by the <escape>number method unless
you wish to pick up only one line. It should be followed by one of:
o C - Copy text (don't delete it.)
o M - Move text (delete from current location.)
o ^O - retrieve Old text. Take the current contents of the storage
buffer and copy them into the file at the current line. New lines
are created and the existing text is not overlaid. The storage
buffer is not affected and you can use the ^O command repeatedly.
An alternate method of moving text eliminates the need for line
boundaries - the <escape><angle-bracket> method. By this method you can flag
the beginning and end of a string of text such as a sentence, a paragraph, or
more, and pick it up for later use. The commands are:
o $< - Mark beginning of text. This command does not echo, and marks
the current line and column as being the start of a text string.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 10
o $> - Mark ending of text. This command must be given at a cursor
position that is further along in the file than the place where the
$< command was given. This command must be immediately followed by a
code specifying what to do with the text:
o C -Copy the text without deleting it.
o M - Move the text into text buffer, delete it from current
o D - Delete the text without affecting the current text buffer
o R - Return cursor to position of beginning marker.
When you remove text from the file with the $< ... $>M command, the
current paragraph is evened out. (See section 4.8)
The text is again retrieved with the ^O command, described above.
However, the text will be inserted at the current cursor position when the ^O
command is given, and the paragraph will be evened out after the insertion
takes place.
Evening out the text will not take place if /PROGRAM mode has been
specified (see section 5).
4.7 Double Spacing
Text may be entered double spaced by using the ^KD (Double spacing)
command. When in double spaced mode, any movement up or down in the file
moves you by two lines instead of one. Typing text automatically leaves blank
lines between lines of text. This format is useful for most academic papers.
Double and single spacing mode may be mixed, as for example when you wish
to embed a single spaced indented quotation within double spaced text. Just
use ^KD to toggle between the two modes.
Evening out your text needs special handling when you're dealing with
double spaced text. See the next section for details.
4.8 Evening Out The Text Lines
After several delete operations or some insertions, your file may not
have the nice evenly-spaced lines it started with. The ^V (eVen) command has
several variations:
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 11
o ^VP - eVen Paragraph. Starting at the current line, even out the
text lines by filling in each line up to the margin with words from
succeeding lines. Stop the process when a paragraph break is
reached. (A paragraph break is defined as a blank line, a line whose
first word starts off the left margin, or a line beginning with a dot
in column one.)
o ^VD - eVen Double-spaced paragraph. Starting at the current line,
even out double spaced input text. The paragraph is broken when a
double spaced line is blank, starts with the first word off the left
margin, or begins with a dot in column one.
o ^VF - eVen File. Even out the whole file, and leave the cursor
positioned at the beginning. Starts on the current line. Works only
with single spaced text.
o ^VA - eVen All. Even out entire file like ^VF, but accepts text in
double spaced input mode only.
These commands work only with neatly formatted lines. If you need to
even lines that are mixed spacing modes or which start at different
indentations, you may preface the ^VP or ^VD command with a number of lines to
even. (Using the escape-number convention.) This will define the paragraph as
exactly that number of lines and ignore any conventional paragraph break
The formatted lines are written out in the prevailing spacing mode --
i.e. a paragraph may be changed from single to double spacing simply by using
^VP on it while the double spacing toggle (^KD) is set to double spacing.
All ^V commands are disabled if /PROGRAM mode has been specified.
4.9 Pagination
WPSIM has automatic pagination available, obtained by using the /PAGINATE
switch. In this mode, (which is always turned off when you're in /PROGRAM
mode) your input text will have page markers set automatically every PAGESIZE
lines, which is set to 52 by default. You will know a page break by seeing a
"P" in the last column of the screen, in reverse video on any terminal but a
DATAMEDIA. The line the "P" appears on is the first line of the next page.
When the file is output to disk, each page break will be turned into a
formal page header with a page number at the top followed by three blank lines
before the text resumes.
There are two styles of header: the default is a "- (number) -" centered
in the middle of the page. The alternate style is a special header string on
the left hand side of the page and the words "Page (number)" on the right hand
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 12
The header string can be specified by using the ^KH command. This causes
WPSIM to ask for a 1-50 character line to be output at the top of each page.
If you don't use the ^KH command, the centered page number will be used
There are times when you wish to manually insert a page break. You may
do this by typing the ^KB (pageBreak) command on the line where you wish to
insert a break. This causes a permanent page marker to be inserted, for
example at a chapter start. These permanent page breaks will remain even
across several editing sessions, leaving and re-entering WPSIM.
The automatic page breaks, indicated by the highlighted "P", are "soft"
page markers and go away when you read a paginated file back into WPSIM.
Reading in a paginated file causes the entire page header to be removed.
Hard (or "manual") page marks are indicated by a "~" symbol (a tilda) in
column one of an otherwise blank line. These symbols are converted to a ^L
character (a hardware form feed) whenever you exit from WPSIM, then converted
back when you reenter.
When in /PROGRAM mode, and in some other cases, you may need to leave ^L
symbols alone and not convert them to page headers. This would be true of
most cases where you aren't working on a document, but on some type of program
or data. In this case the /NOPAGINATE switch will tell WPSIM to leave page
break symbols alone when either entering or exiting.
The default is /NOPAGINATE when editing any normal file. The exception
to this is a previously paginated file -- WPSIM can detect a file paginated by
WPSIM version 3.0 or later, and will automatically go into pagination mode
when reading such a file in. For page headers created by older versions of
WPSIM, version 2.7 or earlier, you must specifically use the /PAGINATE switch
to strip off the old page headers. (Note: you can tell what version of WPSIM
you're working with simply by typing WPSIM followed by a carriage return in
EXEC mode. The first line of printing tells the version. Version 3.0 was
implemented September 1, 1983.)
When reading in a previously paginated file, WPSIM will take note of any
page header that you created with the ^KH command. This old header will be
stored for later use when you again exit from the program.
If you are creating a new file and remember only after you entered WPSIM
that you wish to paginate it, you don't have to exit and re-enter using the
/PAGINATE switch. Simply use the ^KP command (Paginate) while in WPSIM and it
will toggle the /PAGINATE switch on or off -- on if it was off before, off if
it was on.
4.10 Setting And Removing Tab Positions
If you aren't happy with the default tab stops being set every "n" spaces
(where "n" defaults to eight unless you change it), you may manually set tab
stops wherever you wish them, and remove them where you don't.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 13
The ^KS command sets a tab stop, and the ^KR command removes one. Just
position the cursor via the arrow keys to where you'd like a tab and type ^KS.
Nothing will show up on the screen. To remove one, tab or reverse tab to the
tab stop you wish to delete, then type ^KR. Again, nothing will show up on
the screen.
4.11 Changing Margin Settings
You can dynamically adjust the current margins of your file without
exiting by using the ^KI and ^KM commands. ^KI sets the default indentation
to be to the column where the cursor is currently located. ^KM sets the
maximum right margin in the same way. It's just like setting tab stops. For
more information on margin setting, please refer to section 5.
4.12 Dynamically Adjusting Margin Settings
The ^KA (Adjust) command is used to adjust margin settings in or out on
both sides of the page. Typing ^KA will cause both margins to be indented 15
spaces, suitable for indented notes or quotations. Typing ^KA again will
return to the previous margins.
Use the /SHRINK:n switch on entry to WPSIM to specify the amount to
shrink or expand the margins when ^KA is used. The default is 15.
4.13 Showing Current Tab And Margin Settings
The ^KW (What) command is used to show the current tab and margin
settings at the bottom of the screen. The display is cleared when you type a
space. It also shows several other parameters.
4.14 Changing Scrolling Value
When you switch display pages by using the arrow keys to move off the
screen, the screen moves eight lines up or down by default. You can switch
the number of lines scrolled to any value between 1 and 24 by using the ^KV
command. Just type <ESCAPE> followed by the number desired; then followed by
the ^KV command.
4.15 Centering Text
The ^KC command automatically centers text for you. Type the text to be
centered on a blank line, starting at the normal left margin. At the end of
the text, use the ^KC command. The text will be centered between the right
and the left margins. Type no spaces between the end of the text and the
command, or the centering will be incorrect. Any text on the line following
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 14
the ^KC command will be lost.
4.16 Making Text Flush Right
The ^KF command causes text to be placed flush against the right margin.
It works like the center command -- type the text on a blank line starting at
the normal left margin, then type ^KF. The text will then be shifted on the
line so that column where the cursor had been when you typed the command is
now against the right hand margin. Any text that may have been on the line
beyond the cursor position where you typed ^KF is lost.
4.17 Joining Two Lines
The ^KJ command deletes from the current cursor position to the end of
the current line, and appends as much of the following line as will fit. The
remainder of the following line is deleted. Leading spaces on the second line
are discarded.
4.18 Interactive Program Help
The ^K? command will put page one of a two-page command summary on the
screen. Typing a space will toggle between the two help pages, and a
carriage-return will return to your original text. This provides a quick and
easy reference for any commands you may have forgotten.
4.19 Inserting A New Input File
The ^KN command will load a new input file. If you wish to discard the
contents of your current editing buffer without saving the work you've done,
you can replace your text with the contents of a new input file. Type ^KN and
the terminal will beep. If you wish to confirm the command, type a ^G. The
program will then ask you for the name of the new file You cannot specify any
switches and /TYPE checking will not be done.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 15
Several special parameters which affect the appearance of the text can be
changed when starting up the program. These parameters are changed by
switches on the input file command line when you first start the program. If
the switch name is followed by ":N", it means that N is a number you specify
for the switch value. These parameters are:
o /AUTOSAVE:N -- this switch will cause your file to be automatically
backed up every n characters. See section 6 for more information.
o /BACKUP:N -- this value, currently set at 15, is the maximum number
of characters that the program will back up looking for a space. If
the overlapping word is more than 15 characters long, it is broken at
the right margin,and will be hyphenated at that point.
o /CIPHER:N -- Reads in a file previously encrypted by the use of the
/CIPHER:N switch on output. N is any non-zero integer, and must be
the same cipher key as the one used to encrypt the output file.
Beware: if you forget what the encryption key was for a particular
ciphered file, you may as well just throw the file away.
o /[NO] EXPAND -- Allow current maximum margin setting to be expanded
if you are editing a document which was created with larger margins.
Without this switch, WPSIM will automatically wrap any words beyond
the margin onto the following line.
o /[NO] EXPERT -- Inhibits typing of most error messages. Error
messages in WPSIM are displayed on the bottom two lines of the screen
in reverse video, and are displayed for 1.5 seconds. This switch
keeps such messages from appearing, and errors are signaled by the
failure of an expected action to occur.
o /[NO] FILETAB -- Converts multiple spaces to tabs on output.
o /FUNCTION:code "function text" -- Allows the use of special command
combinations as pre-defined functions. Code is either 1-6 or A-J,
and "function text" is any string of characters or control characters
that you can legitimately type to WPSIM. See section 5.2 for
o /INDENT:N -- Lines can be automatically indented to any column you
wish when you type a carriage return or when your text is
automatically split at end of line. Auto indentation does not affect
the use of the arrow keys or any other functions. The default
indentation is zero.
o /LETTERHEAD:N -- when paginating a document, you usually want the
first page to contain less lines than the rest to allow room for a
letterhead or just a large top margin. The letterhead:n switch
allows you to specify how many lines should be subtracted from the
standard pagesize for the first page only. The default is 0 lines.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 16
o /MAXIMUM:N --if the text reaches column 65 without a space break, the
program searches back to the last space seen and re-writes the
current word onto the next line. Starting four spaces before the
maximum, WPSIM looks for a space on which to break the line.
o /MODEL2 -- Used only if you are on Viewpoint terminal model 2, and
are using the special function keys in the top right corner.
(Viewpoint model one terminals have a white dot below the power
light, model two terminals don't.) See section 5.2.
o /NOHYPHEN -- Prevents the hyphenation that takes place when a word at
the end of a line is too long to move. (See /BACKUP). The word gets
split at the margin with no continuation character.
o /NUMBER:N -- Starts file page numbering at page N.
o /PAGESIZE:N -- by default, the number of lines per page is 52. This
is only used when you paginate the file. You can set this value to
whatever you wish.
o /[NO] PAGINATE -- this switch causes your input file, should you have
one, to have soft page headings stripped. It also puts WPSIM into
auto pagination mode and causes page headers to be created upon
o /[NO] PROGRAM -- Sets WPSIM into programming mode, which tends to be
different from text preparation mode. This sets the screen width to
the maximum, prevents word wrap, prevents automatic justification of
text, and prevents pagination.
o /RECOVER -- this switch enables you to recover input lost due to a
system crash, if you used the /AUTOSAVE switch. See section 6 for
more information.
o /SETTABS:n,n,n.. -- Sets tab stops at all the positions given in the
list. The list may contain column numbers from 1 to 78 and may be of
any length.
o /SHRINK:N -- Sets margin adjustment value to N characters, for use
with the ^KA (Adjust) command.
o /SCROLL:N -- Sets default scrolling size to N. N must be between one
and 24.
o /TABS:N -- tabs are set by default to every eight spaces. You may
reset that to have tabs every "n" spaces.
o /TYPE:filetype -- Specifies the type of file you are editing or
creating. The significance of the file type is explained in the next
o /[NO] VT102 -- Tells WPSIM that a VT100 terminal has VT102-style
advanced line and character insertion and deletion functions
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 17
You can reset any of these parameters when starting the program by
appending switches after the file name you are asked for.
Note that it is not necessary to type out the full name of the switch as
long as you have enough characters to make the switch unique. Typing
/I:5/MA:60/BA:20 would be quite sufficient for WPSIM.
5.1 WPSIM INI Files
It is possible to customize your WPSIM parameters, if you always reset
the switch defaults to some standard value. You can create a WPSIM.INI file
in your login directory which contains the switch settings you would normally
use, and these settings will become the default.
The first line of the INI file will always be executed. Subsequent lines
are optional, but must start with an option selection keyword if used. This
keyword is initially assumed to be the extension of the file that you are
editing, such as WPS, PAS, RNO, etc. Alternately, you may specify the keyword
by using the /TYPE: switch followed by the proper option selection code.
If the option selection keyword is matched in the INI file, the switches
on that line will be executed. This allows you to specify different switches
for editing different types of files. An example WPSIM.INI file might
Thus, you would have five-space tabs when editing FILE.WPS, but have
eight-space tabs when editing FILE.RNO.
The WPSIM.INI file is executed from the directory you are connected to
when you run WPSIM. If the file is not found there, your login directory will
also be searched before the program decides that no INI file exists.
5.2 Special Functions
WPSIM can execute special user-defined functions, if you define such
functions in your WPSIM.INI file or define them when you start the program. A
function is loaded by using the /FUNCTION switch, specifying a function code
of 1-6 or A-J, and giving a string of quoted characters that represent some
sequence of WPSIM commands. You may also load functions using the ^KF command
(see section 4.4).
Functions are executed in two ways -- on the Viewpoint terminal, the
special keys F1, F2 and F3 give you functions 1-3, and shifted they give
functions 4-6. Functions A-J are executed by using the ^B command -- type ^B
and follow it by a letter between A and J to execute the corresponding
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 18
Executing a function is exactly like typing in the characters that are
specified in the function string. Control characters in function strings are
represented in the up-arrow--character format, and escapes are represented as
dollar signs. Function strings can be up to 119 characters long.
For an example, if you wished to use a function that jumped to the
beginning of the current line and then centered the word "MEMO", you could
give the following function definition in your WPSIM.INI file:
You would execute this function by typing ^BA while you were in WPSIM.
There are also three pre-defined functions available (which you can
re-define if desired), which give you job-style information. Function U will
print your user name, function C will print your connected directory name, and
function D will print the date and time.
The command ^KL will list your custom functions while you are in WPSIM.
The display will return to the original state when you type a space to clear
the function list, just as with the ^KW command.
5.3 Special Print Options
When your output is going to be printed on an Anderson-Jacobson (AJ)
terminal or on the lineprinter, two special features are available:
underlining and boldfacing.
Boldfacing portions of your text is done by preceding the text by a "`"
(accent) character. Place another "`" character immediately after the text
that should be boldfaced.
Underlining a phrase is done by preceding the phrase with a "_"
(underline) character, and ending the phrase with the same character.
While you are are creating it, your text will look like this:
`This is in bold characters`, and _this is underlined_.
To transform these special characters into the proper output codes for
the device selected, you must use the WPFORMAT program. Please see section 8
for more information.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 19
WPSIM has an AUTOSAVE feature similar to the one in the EDIT program
which can protect you from losing data in the event of a system crash. When
using the /AUTOSAVE:n switch, the state of your file will be automatically
stored every n characters you type. The value n must be at least 100, and the
auto-store operation will occur no more then once per minute in any case.
This option causes the creation of a WPSIM-BACKUP.WPS file.
The default value of /AUTOSAVE is 200, so autosaving is always set and
you need not specify the switch unless you wish to change the value. To turn
off the autosaving feature, use the switch /AUTOSAVE:0.
If the system crashes during an editing session, you can recover most of
your work. Enter WPSIM and respond NEWFILENAME.WPS/RECOVER to the input file
prompt. Recovery information is stored in the file WPSIM-BACKUP.WPS. This
file may be deleted except when you need to recover lost information from it.
Note that this file is written in WPSIM internal format and won't make sense
unless you use the /RECOVER option.
The recovery feature is of most use when a system crash causes you to
lose a file that you've been typing in. However, it can also help if you've
made an editing mistake. If you delete your file by mistake, for example, you
should immediately exit from WPSIM. Then start WPSIM again and use the
/RECOVER switch when it prompts for a filename. In most circumstances, you
will then get your original file back, minus the last line or two that you
typed. You must type a non-existing filename before the switch.
Note that there is only one backup copy available, the most recent. It
is important that you use the /RECOVER option as soon as possible after you've
lost something. In the example above, if you delete your file, type three
more lines, and then exit and recover you'll probably have overwritten your
backup file with your last input.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 20
Special switches allow you to specify special options for your output
file. When you type a ^E, the system shows you your default name but allows
you to select an alternate output file. Either type in a name or use escape
to fill in the name above, then follow it by one or more of the following
o /CIPHER:N - Encrypt the output using cipher key "n", where n is any
non-zero integer. This renders the file unreadable except via WPSIM.
To read in a ciphered file, use the /CIPHER:n switch on input with
the same value of n.
o /FILETAB - Convert multiple spaces to tabs on output. This feature
allows you to save storage space by compressing the number of
characters in your file on disk. However, tabs may interfere with
the use of RUNOFF or some compilers.
o /NOFILETAB - Don't convert multiple spaces to tabs on output.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 21
The WPFormat program is a post-processor to the WPSIM editor. WPFormat
was designed to allow underlining and boldfacing in a document created by
WPSIM to be printed on the lineprinter. WPFormat also allows you to go from
WPSIM format (underscore, accent) to a format compatible with the Anderson
Jacobsen (AJ) letter-quality printer. WPFormat is simple to use, and
alleviates the problem of having to use RUNOFF commands in WPSIM to underline
and boldface.
Using WPSIM to prepare your document for the post-processor:
o Create your document with WPSIM.
o Wherever you want to underline, place an underscore character at each
end of the text to be underlined.
o Wherever you want to boldface, place an accent character at each end
of the text to be boldfaced.
o Exit WPSIM in the normal fashion.
Using the WPFormat program:
o Run WPFormat by typing "wpformat" at the EXEC prompt (@).
o WPFormat will prompt you for an input file; enter the name of the
document you created using WPSIM.
o WPFormat will prompt you for an output file; enter a filename
different from the document you created with WPSIM. If you do not
enter a different file name, WPFormat will write over your original
o WPFormat will prompt you for the number of spaces to indent the left
margin. (Note: documents created to eventually be printed on the AJ
letter-quality printer should have a left margin of 0. If you enter
"5" to this WPFormat prompt and have your document printed on the
lineprinter, your document will look the same as it will when it is
printed on the AJ).
o WPFormat will prompt you for the output format. This can be one of
WPSIM, AJ, or GENERAL. However, the program will only convert in the
following ways:
wpsim => aj
wpsim => general
aj => wpsim
This means that you will, in general, always want to keep a copy
of the original file which you created with WPSIM. The "wpsim"
format is the format of a file which can be edited with wpsim; the
underscore and accent characters are in the file. The "aj" format
consists of character strings which are meaningful to the
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor Page 22
Anderson-Jacobsen letter-quality printer. The "general" format
contains the control characters which force boldfacing and
underscoring on the lineprinter.
o When you see the EXEC prompt, submit the OUTPUT file to be printed,
using whatever switches you want.
This is an example of a document created with WPSIM for use with the
WPFormat post-processor (test.wps) :
_This is a test of underlining_
`This is a test of boldfacing`
This is a test of _underlining which
overlaps_ to the next line
This is a sample run using WPFormat:
Input file: TEST.WPS
Output file: TEST.LPT
Indentation: 5
Output format: GENERAL
o If you use the WPFormat output format option "general", you cannot
return the new file to a WPSIM compatible file.
o If you move the left margin of your document farther right with the
WPFormat "indentation" option, WPSIM cannot move it back for you.
o In general, you should always keep the original WPSIM- created
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor
Primary Secondary
Command Command Function
^L Refresh the screen
^E Exit from program. Allows you to
specify output file.
^C ** Abort all editing, quit without saving file.
^P B Position to Beginning of file.
E Position to End of file.
L Position to start of current Line.
A Position to Append to current line.
W Position to start of next Word.
N * Position to Next page (screen).
P * Position to Previous page (screen).
C Position to Center (alternate refresh).
^D C * Delete Character.
W Delete Word.
L * Delete Line.
R Delete Remainder of line.
B Delete to Beginning of line.
E ** Delete to End of file.
F ** Delete File.
^N C * iNsert Character.
L * iNsert Line.
S iNsert, Splitting line at cursor.
I Insert mode - toggle on or off.
F iNsert Function.
^W * Search for and optionally replace string.
^X Repeat last search or replace operation.
^G C * Copy lines into text buffer.
M * Move lines into text buffer, deleting.
$< Set beginning of text string.
$> C Set end of string, copy into buffer.
M Set end of string, move into buffer.
D Set end of string, delete string.
R Return to beginning of string.
^O Retrieve contents of move buffer.
* Indicates that command can accept a numeric argument.
** Indicates that command must be confirmed by ^G.
WPSIM - A Word Processor Simulation Editor
Primary Secondary
Command Command Function
^T ; ^R Tab and Reverse tab.
^B code Execute function code, code is A-J.
U Insert user name into file at cursor.
C Insert connected directory at cursor.
D Insert date and time at cursor.
^V P * eVen out text lines in Paragraph.
D * eVen out Double spaced lines.
F eVen out text lines in File.
A eVen out All text lines, double spaced.
^K A Adjust margins.
B set page Break.
C Center text.
D Double spacing mode toggle.
F make current line Flush right.
H specify a pagination Header.
I set new value for /INDENT.
J Join two lines together.
L List user-defined functions.
M set new value for /MAXIMUM.
N ** load New file into memory
P toggle Pagination mode.
R Remove a tab stop.
S Set a tab stop.
U Unpaginate - remove perm. page markers.
V * set new scrolling Value.
W show What tab and margin settings are.
? show a command summary.
* Indicates that command can accept a numeric argument.
** Indicates that command must be confirmed by ^G.