
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-09 - decus/20-183/ansimt.hlp
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				 ANSIMT Utility

ANSIMT is a TOPS-20 tape utility whose function is to transfer 7-bit ascii
files between disk storage and 9-track magnetic tape.  ANSIMT supports fixed
formatted tape files on 800/1600/6250 bpi ANSI labelled tapes.  It is invoked
by giving the ANSIMT command when you see the "@" prompt at TOPS-20 executive
command level.  ANSIMT will prompt for a command, which will have the fol-
lowing format:

    ANSIMT>command arguments

				ANSIMT Commands

    DEFAULT option [argument]
	Sets user default for the given option.  The options for this
	DEFAULT command are actually switches for other commands.  Once the
	default is set for an option, it is assumed to be the value of its
	corresponding command switch unless the default is reset or a switch
	is added to the command.  For example


	will set the default record length to be 76


	will store FILEA.PAS to the defined tape device with a record length
	of 76, but


	will override the default setting of 76 and store FILEA.PAS to the
	defined	tape device with a record length of 20, while still keeping
	the default as 76.

	Options for the DEFAULT command are:

	    BLOCKING-FACTOR n  --  sets the default blocking factor to n.
	    The blocking factor is the number of records per block.  The
	    block size (blocking factor X record length) limit for ANSIMT
	    is 32760.  This affects only the STORE command.

	    [NO] PAD-TABS [n]  --  sets the default to pad (or don't pad if
	    you type NO) tab characters	with blanks while storing to tape.
	    Each tab position is a multiple of n, so if n is 4, the tab
	    positions are 4, 8, 12, etc.  The default for n is 8 and if you
	    type NO, n is not expected.  This option only effects the STORE

	    [NO] STRIP-BLANKS  --  sets the default to strip (or don't strip
	    if you type NO) blanks off the end of the record while restoring
	    from tape to disk.  Alot of space is save when the STRIP-BLANKS
	    option is used and are how ascii records are usually stored on
	    the	DEC-20.  This option only affects only the RESTORE command.

	    [NO] WARNING-MESSAGES  --  sets the default to print (or don't
	    print if you type NO) warning messages.

	    RECORD-LENGTH n  --  sets the default record length to n.  The
	    record length is the number of bytes per record and is only
	    significant for the STORE command.	ANSIMT supports records with
	    record lengths between 18 and 2048 inclusively.

	The initial defaults are:

	    PAD-TABS 8

    DIRECTORY (OF TAPE) [switch]
	Prints to your terminal a directory listing of your tape.  This
	command must be preceded by the TAPE command to first define your
	tape.  This command automatically rewinds to the beginning of tape
	and list each file with its information until an end of tape is
	reached.  After the directory is listed, the tape is left at the
	end of tape mark.

	Switches for the DIRECTORY command are:

	    /FULL  --  gives the same information as the short form (/SHORT)
	    except this switch lists the number of records in each file and
	    the estimated number of pages it will take up on the disk.  Be
	    aware that listing the number of records uses up a considerable
	    amount of CPU time and should be used only when necessary.

	    /SHORT  --  each file on tape will list the following information:
	    the sequence number, the filename, the volume ID, the format it
	    was written, the record length, the blocking factor,  the date it
	    was created, and the date it expires.

	This command positions the tape to the EOT (end of tape) position.
	This command must be preceded by the TAPE command to first define
	your tape.  Issuing this command when the tape is already at EOT will
	give this warning

	    %Already at EOT

	Exits immediately to TOPS-20 command level.

	Prints this help message to your terminal.

    RESTORE (TAPE FILES) source (TO) destination [switches]
	Restores the magnetic tape source file(s) from your tape to disk, the
	given destination specification.  This command must be preceded
	by the TAPE command to first define your tape which will be the
	assumed tape device for the source.  If you do not type a destination
	specification, ANSIMT assumes it is the same as the source speci-
	fication.  When ANSIMT begins restoring a file to a directory, it
	prints the message

	    source  =>  destination

	and ends with the confirming message

	      [n records]

	where n is the number of records transferred.

	    If you are restoring a file to a directory other than your own,
	you must specify that directory in the destination file specifi-

	    If the source contains wildcards in it, you must specify a
	directory as the destination where the files will be restored
	(the current directory is the default).

	Switches for the RESTORE command are:

	    /NO-STRIP-BLANKS  --  restores records exactly how they are
	    from tape to disk.

	    /STRIP-BLANKS  --  strips the trailing blanks off the records
	    from tape before being written to disk.

	    *	Restoring a file with more than one period ('.') in its
		filename may be done by typing a control V (^V) before
		periods succeeding the first.

	    *	While restoring files off EBCDIC tape, certain filenames
		may not be recognized by ANSIMT.  The cause of this
		problem has not been determined.  There may be ways to
		get around this problem, which are not currently

	This command positions the tape to the BOT (beginning of tape) position.
	This command must be preceded by the TAPE command to first define
	your tape.  Issuing this command when the tape is already at BOT will
	give this warning

	    %Already at beginning of tape

	Positions the tape past n logical files.  A negative value for n
	backspaces over n logical files, and a value of zero does nothing.
	This command must be preceded by the TAPE command to first define
	your tape.  A skip past the end of tape mark will give the error

	    ?Logical end of tape encountered

	and a skip past the beginning of tape mark will give the error

	    ?Beginning of tape encountered

    STORE (DISK FILES) source [(AS) destination] [switches]
	Stores the disk source file(s) onto your magnetic tape.  This command
	must be preceded by the TAPE command to first define your tape
	which will be the tape device to store to.  If the destination file
	specification is not given, ANSIMT will try to fit as many charac-
	ters as possible from the source specification into the 17 charac-
	ter tape file limit.

	    When ANSIMT begins storing a file to tape, it prints the

	    source  =>  destination

	and ends with the confirming message

	      [n records]

	where n is the number of records transferred.

	    If the source contains wildcards, the destination is not
	necessary (the tape specified by the TAPE command is assumed).

	Switches for the STORE command are:

	    /BLOCKING-FACTOR:n  --  sets the blocking factor to n.  The
	    blocking factor is the number of records per block.	 The
	    maximum block size (blocking factor X record length) ANSIMT
	    supports is 32760.

	    /NO-PAD-TABS  --  does not pad tab characters with blanks
	    while storing to tape.

	    /PAD-TABS:n  --  pads tab characters with blanks while storing
	    to tape.  Each tab position is a multiple of n, so if n is 4,
	    the tab positions are 4, 8, 12, etc.  The default for n is 8.

	    /RECORD-LENGTH:n  --  sets the default record length to n.
	    The	record length is the number of bytes per record.  ANSIMT
	    supports records with record lengths between 18 and 2048

    TAPE (DEVICE) tapespec
	Defines the tape device to be used for file transfers.  This command
	must be done prior to any reading or writing to tape.  The tapespec
	is either a physical tape drive (MTAn:), a logical tape device
	(MTn:), or a logical name of a tape device.  The tape must be an ANSI
	labelled tape or this error will be printed

    	    ?Tape must be ANSI labelled

	If the device is not a tape device, ANSIMT prints the error

	    ?Not a magtape device

	and if the device not available to your job, ANSIMT prints this

	    ?Device already assigned to another job


See also HELP for the following:


[End of HLP:ANSIMT.HLP 21-MAY-85]